53 posts

Some Things I Noticed In The New Trailer!!

Some things I noticed in the new trailer!!

1: County Fair (like fall fest perhaps?)

Some Things I Noticed In The New Trailer!!

2: Follow Me on the wall (shadow Freddy reference)

Some Things I Noticed In The New Trailer!!

3: Mike with a high score…. This is the name of one of Oswald’s friends in the book, could it be the same Mike as Mike Afton?

Some Things I Noticed In The New Trailer!!
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More Posts from Silver-linings3

7 months ago

fun fnaf idea:

right so, both the original trilogy and the movie had a theme of afton kidnapping kids which is (as far as i know) never shown in the games lore in any way.

i was watching the last gtlive video reacting to dual process theory and he brought up a part about if he'd kidnapped michael and that's part of the reason for his treatment of him.

in the books, (spoiler alert!) charlie has a brother named sam (a twin if i remember) who got kidnapped by afton at a young age and i was thinking that it would be pretty cool if that was a michael backstory for the games.

obviously. before anyone comes after me, i have thought it through and it is very non-lore compliant and this isn't an actual theory. it's more of a funky lil' 'what if' scenario that appeared in my head.

it could have been shown in the books if henry had two kids and william had two kids as well (both a girl and a boy so it would be charlie and michael as henry's and cassidy (?) and elizabeth as william's), which isnt actually factual to the books but it would have been pretty cool like i said.

anyways yeah. funky idea

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6 months ago

*insert the "Who broke it?" meme here*

silver-linings3 - zenith
6 months ago

revisiting dreams/a dream idea

okay for context. sometimes i have a dream or a series of dreams in the past that i wake up without the memory of (not useful but it happens a lot given that i barely remember any dreams). anyway so, the plus side of this means that i can 'revisit' dreams that i don't completely remember having but will regain the memories of all the past dreams during the 'revisit'. The downside of the revisits is that i don't ever (as far as i know) ever get to return to that universe ever again.

last night's one has been the first in a couple of months (if anyone's interested i can talk about it later or maybe i willl anyway). the summary is kind of hard to describe because it's like a murder mystery except there's no murder and it's more of an arg hunt type thing. Think Cicada 3301, leaving their qr codes across countries in the 2010s. But the thing with this is that it's linked to this one website for the town/towns which is run by a group of kids, who everyone thinks is behind all this shit. for some reason, i know they aren't.

anyway, i was only back for part of my dream last night/ this morning and it was sort of like i was in the future of that dream, which is what also happened last time. and in the time in between the original and the revisit the 'clues' had either stopped turning up or people had chosen to ignore them.

the premise of these clues changes quite a bit, there's supposed to be a specific way to find them and they're in different places. sometimes it's a book code, sometimes its as easy as reading letters and putting them in the right order and sometimes they're really difficult to solve. At least a few of them have some disturbing words nearby in,,, like fridge magnet letter but if they stuck to walls. like the big clunky fridge magnets. maybe i'll find a pic later. last night's one was slaughter. don't know what that was about and don't want to know.

another general point that an area is part of a clue is that it will have a little spray paint or doodle of a specific animal. don't know if it was the same in the original but this one was a green owl. think duolingo green and i can't really remember the owl but it wasn't cartoony, it was really subtle.

i had to wake up before anything really happened but i solved that clue and it opened up something else/revealed some items or something (kind of video game style). i got a walkie talkie and some other things that i can't remember but were like survival type things maybe (a torch, etc.).

the follow up move was going to be using the walkie talkie to talk to the person(?) behind the entire thing(?) to find the next clue to go to and solve. (this one was in an alley way for some reason)

i think the reason i was doing it was to find out who was truly behind as i somehow knew it wasn't the kids (my friends?) behind the website, which was an orange and green coloured, tourist-style website.

the only real reason i'm telling you is because i know i won't return and i want to remember.

TL;DR: some sort of irl arg mystery following someone finding clues in random areas signified by a duolingo-green owl mark that has links to a website, made by kids who have nothing to do with it.

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6 months ago

i'm curious because i really like watching the winter olympics but not so much the others, so i want to see what other people prefer.

if you have any particular reason for your choice, feel free to say :))

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7 months ago

oh the plus sides of having tumblr now.

i can rant about anything i want and its not even my problem after that. there are so many fandoms that i could speak of and you would (hopefully) never know who speaks of it >:D