silvermusings03 - Silver Musings
Silver Musings

Words are an escape. 25F

221 posts



It’s a world of precise carelessness and fiery indifference, of secure abandonment and profound nonchalance, of teeming scarcity and not enough availability.  And in this world of paradoxes, meeting you doesn’t seem so strange anymore. After all, conforming to the norm has never been my forte, be it falling in love with the right person or giving it my all to make it work. And yet, when the world…

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7 years ago

“ummmmm ur bra strap is showing :/ ”

7 years ago


Chin up, shoulders out. Back straight, perfect gait. Hands on hips, red and full lips. Eyebrows plucked, limbs waxed. Skin scrubbed, hair pinned. Tight clothes, looks relaxed. Emotions deleted, feelings hurt. Opinions silenced, meanings lost. Perfectly obedient, not a rebel. Oppressed daily, humiliated constantly. Objectified easily, taken possessively.  One plastic human being ready! 

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7 years ago


When I saw you, the world did not stand still. There was no music playing in the background. There were no gentle winds caressing your face. There were no heart-shaped balloons floating around you. Time did not move in slow motion. Everything was normal, ordinary. My coffee still tasted bitter, my hair still stuck to my lipgloss. But maybe because it was so normal, so everyday, my soul fell in…

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