Cliches - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Everybody Go Tf Home I Have Officially Found A Worse Name For Eyes Than Orbs

Everybody go tf home I have officially found a worse name for eyes than ‘orbs’

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9 months ago

Romantic Rant

Why is the romance so recycled today? It's like everyone sticks to one mold when it comes to romance in any capacity. Whether its in writing or on screen.

Unless its gay romance but we'll get into that later.

There are so many tropes that are collecting cobwebs. COMPLETELY untouched. Hell barely even explored.

So many interesting tropes I'm ITCHING to see.

Why are there no romance pieces about a mc villian. Who's a villian for the hell of it. Not because they need an excuse like childhood trauma but because they want to. and the love interest could be a hero or a bystander. An important one. Whether its in strength or connections.

And they fall in love with eachother. and the hero slowly converts to a villian. WITHOUT THE VILLIAN HAVING TO SEDUCE THEM OR COHOARSE THEM. THEY DO IT BECAUSE THEY LOVE THE VILLIAN SO MUCH. Okay.

Maybe they hide it from the villian. in fear that the villian would not love them anymore since they fell inlove with the hero side of them. but the villian finds out and reassures them that they care.

Like for example Black Fire and Connor from Titans 2018. It was blackfires (villian) dream and plan to go back to her home planet and be queen, but connor (hero) didnt want her to leave him after they'd just agreed to be a duo. So he sabotages her ship and only way back home.

She doesn't scold him or shows any hint at anger towards him. In fact she defends him against star fire who was pissed at what connor just did.

(When I say hero and villian I dont mean in the literal sense with capes and super powers. Just in general a good and bad guy.)

What about a reverse stalker trope? Kinda like the tv series YOU.

Except the mc is a sweetheart. Cries when they step on a bug types. Easy going and soft hearted. hard to please but when they are pleased. they fall hard and get obsessive. To which they admit to, though no one takes it seriously.

Love interest comes into the picture. They could be a complete nobody. A emo. Someone who's easily forgotten in a crowd. A weirdo that people tend to stray away from. been accused of murder but other than that actually pretty normal... other than the fact they've been stalking the MC and slowly inserting themselves into their lives.

They fall in love. Yada yada yada. eventually the LI finds out that the MC is connected to the murders the LI was originally accused of. So they question the MC and the MC not trying to hide it admits to everything. THe murders and eventually admitting to being the stalker and kind of manipulating the LI into thinking they were the stalker. etc etc. the MC goes onto saying it's too late to have second thoughts. it's me or death. etc

I feel like that'd be such an interesting romance show. From romantic to straight thriller.

Why are there like ZERO femdomxsubmale romances? And I'm not talking about sexually. Strictly domesticated. Like A fem character with a dominate personality dating a nerdy frail guy. Like erica and stiles.

Or Wednesday and the guy she kissed at the camp in the the addams family movie!

Or like jade and beck from victorious. (Jade was the toxic one and I dont want to here shit abt it fr.)

I literally have an original story about a queen pin x rookie cop.

Why is it that the majority of the straight romance stories with fem MC... Write them as the biggest damn red flag ever.

Why is she physically, mentally, and verbally assaulting the male love interest with the excuse of daddy issues...

This is another reason why I didnt like the enemys to lovers trope until i realize that the ones that i read werent written correctly.

This is another reason why I dont like tashiki from one piece. One of the first things she said to zoro was unbelievably offensive and unacceptable. Not to mention the fact that she likes to excuse her being WEAK because she's a woman and they are men. Talk about offensive.

I have so many on screen couples/movies/tv shows I want to talk to people about! Like:

Interview with the vampire THE SERIES. NOT THE DAMN MOVIE.

Shameless. Specifically Ian and Mickey bc they are the greatest written couple in history and the most healthy believe it or not.

And shit talk how toxic tami and lip were.

Red, White, & Royal Blue.

And literally so many more! Dm me!

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3 years ago

One of the biggest criticism the "enemies to lovers" tropes gets is that women want someone to fix.


I am and I have always been the tortured soul that has built an evil kingdom and crowned myself empress of the shadows and the dark. I am the one who was traumatized so badly I need to be fixed. Not the other way around.

I want the hero to fix me. I want them to see that I was once broken and frail. I want them to see that despite what I've become, there's still hope for me. I want them to see that I am not irredeemable, that I am not a lost cause.

For once, I admit that I wouldn't mind being a damsel in distress, waiting for someone to save her.

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9 years ago

Common Cliches in Literature


Focusing too much on the humor, instead of the plot

Stupid, or unintelligent characters who’s antics are the focus of the plot

Two unwilling allies forced together by fate

Overuse of slapstick comedy

“Humor” revolving around bodily functions

“Humor” revolving around sexual or romantic drama

The sassy fat/black/gay friend 


Lawyer/detective protagonist is depressed/suicidal/alcoholic/”hardened”

Mystery forces lawyer/detective protagonist to confront troubled past

Every crime is the work of a serial killer/serial rapist

Lawyer/detective and their unlikely partner, usually with a special ability

Lawyer/detective’s super smart computer/medical examiner friend who can find and figure out anything


The ‘lone survivor’ story

Earth has become a scorched/barren wasteland


Humble/abused female turned apocalyptic badass 


Male love interest is a millionaire/billionaire

Heterosexual male/female has homosexual sex for the first time, and it’s the most amazing thing ever

(BDSM) Vanilla-sex-having girl goes all-out BDSM for the first time, and is totally cool with 

Near-death experience leads to sexy time

Sexy fireman/cop/Navy Seal/Special Ops/professional athlete

Dark/damaged/brooding male love interest


The ‘chosen one’

The wise old man who just knows things

Villain turns out to be related to the protagonist in some way

Revenge as a plot motivator

Hard-to-pronounce character names

Artifacts of ultimate power

Magic with no discernible rules 


Something’s wrong with the innocent child

Insanity/paranoia/delusions turn out to be cause of horror

The very haunted place everyone in town knows about

Insane asylums as a setting

Revenge as a plot motivator

(Character) is actually dead/a ghost!!1!!1! 


The lovers come from two extremely different worlds (especially when one of them is famous)

Heroine says again and again how much she hates kids, but ends up pregnant or dating a single dad

The girl or guy has a very specific set of skills (photographer mechanic etc.)

Girls with typically male dominated jobs and a tough girl persona

Girl is in an unhappy engagement/marriage, but falls in love with another man. But it turns out, her fiancee/husband was cheating on her, too! So everything’s okay and justified!

Guy and girl insist they hate each other, but it’s just sexual tension

Guy dies while in the military/someone dies tragically in a car crash

The little brother of the heroine’s best friend is the sexy love interest

Science Fiction:

Aliens that look/think/act human

Time travel/time travel paradoxes

A human creation (aliens/robots) taking over the world

Humans colonizing another planet and getting trapped

A distant future of government totalitarianism


amnesia as a plot device

A retired ‘professional’ is brought in to do one last job

An international criminal

A secret government agency

Young Adult:

Love triangles

The ‘chosen one’

A distant future of government totalitarianism/dystopia

The brooding bad boy with a troubled past


Male love interest is a vampire/werewolf/alien/demon hunter because attractive, interesting human young men don’t exist

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8 years ago

How to tell if you’re in an urban fantasy story

You snap your fingers and light your cigarette off the flame.

Dragons and pixies are real and it sucks.

You work in law enforcement, which works exactly like real-world law enforcement, despite the fact that no two people have the same physical limitations

You mutter spells under your breath. Your breath smells like whiskey. No one has to know you’re rhyming.

You know at least half a vampire, and one whole werewolf

Everyone you meet of the opposite sex is obnoxious and grating, but some are also really hot

You walk into a room and sneer. Everyone here is so pretentious/naive

Despite the crushing realism of your story, nobody who lives in ‘hidden lands’ ever gets hit with a tax evasion summons

If you do not work in law enforcement, you own a bar and enforce strict neutrality laws on all your supernatural patrons. But chances are good that you used to work in law enforcement.

You have outwitted at least one demigod and escaped the physical manifestation of Death twice

You have at least one leather item on you at all times.

You mention Tolkien ironically

You slam back a shot of liquor and hold everyone’s respect; except your own.

Your partner (business/romantic) is missing.

Your partner (business/romantic) is dead.

You discover a shocking revelation; you’re secretly part-[redacted]! No wonder you’re so good at your job.

You’ve always known you were secretly part-[redacted], and it has weighed on you like a lodestone for your entire life

Just because there’s literally actually magic doesn’t mean we don’t all die alone.

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8 years ago


REMEMBER: A trope isn’t an evil thing in itself! Tropes are like seasoning. A little pinch here and there is fine, but too much will spoil the dish. 

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7 years ago

movie tropes that will never get old to me:

a thing happens + two people exchanging money in the back

fourth wall breaking

“give up all your weapons” and that one guy that spends the entire evening taking his weights worth out his pockets

*a terribly loud crash* meowing/ car sirens heard offscreen

alternatively: a terribly loud crash and one of the characters going “oops” in the most casual voice

“fuck you” “well if you insist”

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7 years ago


When I saw you, the world did not stand still. There was no music playing in the background. There were no gentle winds caressing your face. There were no heart-shaped balloons floating around you. Time did not move in slow motion. Everything was normal, ordinary. My coffee still tasted bitter, my hair still stuck to my lipgloss. But maybe because it was so normal, so everyday, my soul fell in…

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7 years ago

To Be Or Not To Be...Is That The Question?

To Be Or Not To Be…Is That The Question?

Ever looked at the sky and wondered what is the meaning of life? Ever saw your crush and thought the breeze was a little stronger that day? Ever wished that someone would buy you a drink when you’re at the bar? Ever wore a dupatta and hoped it would get stuck in someone’s cufflinks? Ever passed in an exam without effort and failed miserably in the one you studied tirelessly for?  If you answered…

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7 years ago

Of Doors And Life

I know you like to say it all started long before But I’d like to believe it started with a door, I know you like to say you had orchestrated the whole scene But the day I saw you bang your head on the glass door, made me laugh and finally even realise that it was the start of something I know you like to say you had won my heart long ago But the day we went out for the first time, and you held…

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6 years ago

The List

Dear Diary I finally said goodbye to him today. He has asked me to make a list of all the things he needs to collect from my place. So, I am going to make one. When have I ever known how to say no to him? 1. The Hufflepuff scarf that he wore on our first date. Afterwards we had come to my place, and stayed up all night talking about the stars and the universe, and he had said it all fades away…

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2 years ago

i hate the kdrama trope where the main couple separates for a number of years because one of them leaves and then they reunite and are still insanely in love that makes no sense to me

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in books and stuff people always like "I know this place like the back of my hand!!" but does anyone really memorize the backs of their hands? like. if you asked me where the freckles were on my hands I would have ✨not a clue✨. and, really, if you asked me where the secret vault was in the back of my hand I would look away because I have no idea what you're talking abou

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ruin your childhood?

nah girl i’m just gonna paint its fingernails black

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did it hurt

when you were launched up from the depths of hell

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”don’t antagonize me” don’t protagonize me. no, barbara, i do not want to save the world at sixteen, thank you. please let me complain about my homework in peace without having to win the nobel prize

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seeing the clothes in your friend's closet when you're over has the same aura as seeing your teacher at the grocery store. like. oh look, that one cami has just made a cameo

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