silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
Crux of What?

✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡

830 posts

Hey, All You Shura Fangirls And Fanbois (I Know Y'all Are Out There), Since You Love Ya Boi So Much,

Hey, all you Shura fangirls and fanbois (I know y'all are out there), since you love ya boi so much, maybe you’d like to read another fan’s take on his tragic tale? Granted, I probably haven’t put as much thought into him as all of you, but I still think I did Fates’ best pirate (ninja/theif/trickshot enthusiast) justice.

  • egerflakkari
    egerflakkari liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Silvershadow1711

7 years ago
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,

I finally saved another 20k feathers. These are the units I'm considering 5*ing (my last 5* was Sharena, and she's amazing, but considering I have Camus, I keep forgetting about her). This has nothing to do with ideal ivs or optimized movesets (except maybe in Legion and Gunther's case) because I don't have enough units to nitpick over minmaxing. These are just units that have been useful, and deserve a reward. One day, I'll 5* them all, but that could take years at this rate... Lissa- Goddess of the Tempest. She was a lv20 3* during the first tempest, and has been the cornerstone of every tempest team since. Great at debuffs/ deep heals. I would totally sink a Genny into her for Wrathful Staff if I ever got one. Olivia- Goddess of the Arena. She was a 2*, but I needed a fucking refresh unit, and I will never get Ninian or Azura. She's my buffer. I won't put a ruby sword on her like some people do, cuz sometimes, I need her to finish off blue units. Mae- Unexpectedly Awesome. I actually hate Mae as a character and was going to scrap her for feathers before it was revealed she was a 40% bonus unit for the last tempest. She started at lv20, and as you can see, I poured A LOT into her because she was just that good. As a note, I DO have a 5* Delthea now, so I'm not desperate for blue mages. Legion- Delicate Cinnamon Roll. I brought him to the last tempest just because I like to have a different, unique team each time. He was surprisingly amazing, especially when Lissa was there to bring him back from 1hp all the way to full health. I left his slots save Fury open because I'm not sure how I want to build him. I don't have another vantage yet, so I'm just just stockpiling his sp. Cecilia- 😑 I... have nothing to say about Cecilia except that she's my only green mage (I just rolled Merric, but... eh). People say she's amazing, so I TRIED to use her, but... yeeeeeaaah... She's so damn average, and that speed really kills her viability. I have NO idea how I got her to level 40 considering she dies to everything but blue mages. I'm hoping I can get a Boey or Sonya one day, but I'm also hoping for summer Corrin, and you all see how that's working... Gunter- His Summoner's True Love. He's +atk/-res, but I wouldn't care if he was -all; he's my baby. I would feed my summer Xander to him if I thought it would make me smile (but I like his sprite looking all serious and handsome). I am not above feeding 5*s to him if I don't personally like them, tier lists be damned. So, who is worthy of my feathers? As a note, I have Ryouma, Tharja, Lilina, Camus, Sharena, Delthea, Nowi, Raven and Summer Xander as 5*, so aside from a green mages, I don't really NEED another 5*, but... I want one. I didn't include my potential colorless units because I literally never use them unless they were already a 5*

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7 years ago
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G-G on Facebook - G-G on Twitter

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7 years ago

You're a great person. You deserve good things. I hope you're happy. I'm glad we're friends.

Lets Play A Game :)

Let’s play a game :)


7 years ago
I'm Just Browsing Through Old Posts On DC Douglas' Blog For Shits And Giggles. The Fact That Gunther

I'm just browsing through old posts on DC Douglas' blog for shits and giggles. The fact that Gunther thinks Berkut is "huggable" makes me smile. Someone do fanart of that, cuz I'm too lazy to.

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7 years ago

The worst thing is, his Sacred Stones art had SOOOOO much more character. Like, when I look at that art, I swoon. This? This is just another generic, plastic, baby-faced bishonen. He looks JUST like this horrible, awful character from Cinderella Contract (Cyrill, I think his name was?), and I loathe that...

But it's Seth, so I don't give a damn.

silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?