✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡
830 posts
Greetings. I Am Sir Gunther, A Knight Of Nohr Whats That? I Dont LOOK Like A Knight? You Need To Learn

“Greetings. I am Sir Gunther, a knight of Nohr– what’s that? I don’t LOOK like a knight? You need to learn appearances can be decieving.”
FINALLY!! Finished coloring dancer!Gunther. I would put him in a banner with RD!Nerr, a blue physical unit to balance her green magic (I plan on doing an RD!Shura too), which is why he has the peacock feathers to match hers. I wish more than anything that I had a god damn scanner because my phone’s camera is shit.
5🌟 Focus
Weapon: Silver Glaive+ (mt:16, effective against calvalry units) (get it? He uses a polearm because he’s a pole dancer!!)
A slot: Fortress Defense
Command: Dance
Special: Ignis
“You didn’t think a man my age could dance? Trust me, age is just a number.”
“I admit that this attire is inappropriate for the battlefield, but my wife made it for me, so I have to wear it.”
“A knight needs to be flexible to wear 110 pounds of armor without injuring themself. I’m just more fexible than most.”
“The scars? Pay them no mind. They don’t hinder me in battle.”
Even though Gunther is sexy and could dance in a way that would make Niles and Leon faint from all the blood rushing from their heads, he wouldn’t be doing a sexy, stipperific dance. THIS is how he wpuld dance: https://youtu.be/NuAkcsOQ1pA
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More Posts from Silvershadow1711
Silver I'mborednowI'mmastartsomethingelseI'llneverfinish.
your artist pseudonym is your name & your worst artistic habit
mine is Ray Bighands

I GOT HER!!!!!!!!! Seriously, you can not BELIEVE how disgusted I was pulling Gwendolyn and Robin. On my LAST PULL, with ONE orb left!!! I don't care what her IVs are- I will cherish this angel~♡
We Both Start Over (Gunther/Nerr drabbles)
“A Chance Meeting” Though Castle Krakenburg was now her home, Nerr often found herself longing for the Northern Citadel. It was a delapidated prison in a barren wasteland, as she was often reminded, but it always would always be her real home in her heart. Often times, when there was no work to do, no levee to attend or meeting to schedule, she would simply walk the desolate path leading away from the capital and into the mountains. Telling anyone where she was going would only cause them to try and talk her out if it, for it seemed her entire family was hellbent on ensuring she forgot that part of her life. But it was a part she clung to, even knowing what a sorry lie it had been. When Gunther found out where she was going those long hours she could not be found, he surprised her by not admonishing her as she had assumed he might, but rather, inisting he accompany her. She had no complaints, and in fact welcomed his presence, but he had made it known in the past that he had no love for the drafty fortress. It always was, and always would be, in his mind, a prison. Some days, they simply walked the sprawling corridors, pointing out little nooks and crannies where memories had been made over the years. One day, however, their impromptu tour headed lower, into the ancient cellars. Nerr shuddered as she stepped into the deep caverns, the air stagnant and heavy with mildew and decay. She had not been this far down in years, not since she was a small child, a Hoshidan prisoner of war rather than a Nohrian princess. The thought gave her pause. Though the winding tunnels had been abandoned for so long, the enchanted torches that lined the walls still burned strongly, casting a violet hue over the walls. Gunther was still walking, heading deeper into the catacombs, and Nerr quickly ran to join him, her skin crawling at the thought of being left alone there even for a moment. For a time, they walked in silence, the only sound that of their steps on the mildew slicked stone. “...where are we going, Gunther?” She asked quietly after a while. Her husband did not respond, the heavy shadows making his face appear harsher than it normally did. His gait was purposeful, almost angry, hers a meek tip toe in comparison. Suddenly, he stopped in front of a heavy iron door, it's massive hinges caked in rust. “...Gunther...?” “This was your cell.” He said, his voice cold, monotonous. As Nerr glanced back at the door, her stomach seemed to twist and turn under her ribs. The old knight either did not notice her discomfort, or else, did not care as he continued speaking, each word harsher than the last. “The only reason King Garon sent me here was because he knew I followed orders, no matter how cruel. I'd kill anyone, anywhere. Children, animals, old people; it didn't matter.” He turned to face her, the flickering light of the violet flames dancing across his face reminding her suddenly of the demon that murdered her mother. “I'd have killed you without a second thought.” The princess swallowed hard, trying to wet her parched mouth. “...then why didn't you?” Something seemed to crack in Gunther's expression, that hard mask quickly devolving into abject misery. “... ...I don't know. I've asked myself that so many times, and the truth is that I simply do not know. I'd never disobeyed an order before I met you.” Nerr closed her eyes, inhaling deeply, the stench of the catacombs bringing unwanted memories to the surface of her mind. “...well, I'm grateful you met me when you did, my love.” “Why is that?” “Because if we had met now rather than then, I would probably have killed you first.” The silence between them grew heavier, broken only by the dripping of water and the occasional crackle of the torches. How much had changed since that first encounter... 000000000000 A/N- So, if you haven't read, “The Rising Dark”, Nerr kind of has a strict, “Kill them before they kill me” policy in place after the first attempt on her life. There's no doubt in my mind that if Gunther approached her with a whip these days (and not for kinky purposes), she'd dismember him and have him buried in a shallow grave before she even realized what she was doing.
tfw you just want to drain the talent outbof a person so you can know what it feels like to be THAT good, if only for a day. "Inktober" is just, like, a nothing word to me, but if THIS is what comes from it, I would like it every month, please.

Day3: Eclipse . . . . . #drawtober2017 #ink #drawtober#dralloween #inkdrawing #instaart #traditionalart #Inktober #inktober2017 #hisekai #eclipse