Gunter - Tumblr Posts
This is something that just bothers me: why do people think Gunther had darker hair when he was younger? Seriously, almost any time you see fanart or a sprite edit of young!Gunther, his hair is dark purple, if not just black. This is a public service announcement- GUNTHER'S HAIR IS NOT GRAY. His hair is a very pale lilac, a little lighter than Camilla's own hair color. And it didn't get lighter due to age, it's always been that color. That's not my head canon, it's game canon. When Kanna is fathered by Gunther, guess what? His hair is that exact shade of pale lilac. It's not dark purple, it sure as hell isn't black, which means that lilac is hereditary and is Gunther's natural hair color. For the same reason, Fuuga!Kanna's hair is russet despite Fuuga being bald, and Shura!Kanna's hair is white, despite that black patch Shura has. It just... it bothers me so much to see people trying to make him look EVEN YOUNGER, because light or graying hair is generally seen as a sign of old age (never mind that lots of people start getting gray hairs in their 20's...) and oldness is bad. It's not kawaii. Get rid of his wrinkles all you want, but don't dye his hair unless you dye Camilla's hair too, since lilac is such an unappealing color. I mean, if you wanna make someone look younger, start with Jakob: he LITERALLY has gray hair.

"How would you like your hair, my little ladyship?" "Ummm... pretty!" "Heh heh... Very well. I will try my hardest to make it 'pretty'..." Gunther had two younger sisters growing up, and with their mother constantly working to support a family of four on her own, things like doing their hair fell to him. Of course, as a ten year old boy with no practice in such matters, the most he could do was ponytails and simple braids, but they appreciated his efforts nonetheless. Fast forward forty years, and he still never bothered to expand his styling repetoir, but Nerr and Jakob didn't mind. My point? Nerr and (to a lesser extent) Jakob are very sentimental and still wear their hair the way Gunther used to do it for them as children. Of course, Jakob would die before admiting that, and even Nerr tends to be a bit evasive when it comes to explaining why she doesn't want to try new styles.

“Greetings. I am Sir Gunther, a knight of Nohr– what’s that? I don’t LOOK like a knight? You need to learn appearances can be decieving.”
FINALLY!! Finished coloring dancer!Gunther. I would put him in a banner with RD!Nerr, a blue physical unit to balance her green magic (I plan on doing an RD!Shura too), which is why he has the peacock feathers to match hers. I wish more than anything that I had a god damn scanner because my phone’s camera is shit.
5🌟 Focus
Weapon: Silver Glaive+ (mt:16, effective against calvalry units) (get it? He uses a polearm because he’s a pole dancer!!)
A slot: Fortress Defense
Command: Dance
Special: Ignis
“You didn’t think a man my age could dance? Trust me, age is just a number.”
“I admit that this attire is inappropriate for the battlefield, but my wife made it for me, so I have to wear it.”
“A knight needs to be flexible to wear 110 pounds of armor without injuring themself. I’m just more fexible than most.”
“The scars? Pay them no mind. They don’t hinder me in battle.”
Even though Gunther is sexy and could dance in a way that would make Niles and Leon faint from all the blood rushing from their heads, he wouldn’t be doing a sexy, stipperific dance. THIS is how he wpuld dance:
We Both Start Over (Gunther/Nerr drabbles)
“A Chance Meeting” Though Castle Krakenburg was now her home, Nerr often found herself longing for the Northern Citadel. It was a delapidated prison in a barren wasteland, as she was often reminded, but it always would always be her real home in her heart. Often times, when there was no work to do, no levee to attend or meeting to schedule, she would simply walk the desolate path leading away from the capital and into the mountains. Telling anyone where she was going would only cause them to try and talk her out if it, for it seemed her entire family was hellbent on ensuring she forgot that part of her life. But it was a part she clung to, even knowing what a sorry lie it had been. When Gunther found out where she was going those long hours she could not be found, he surprised her by not admonishing her as she had assumed he might, but rather, inisting he accompany her. She had no complaints, and in fact welcomed his presence, but he had made it known in the past that he had no love for the drafty fortress. It always was, and always would be, in his mind, a prison. Some days, they simply walked the sprawling corridors, pointing out little nooks and crannies where memories had been made over the years. One day, however, their impromptu tour headed lower, into the ancient cellars. Nerr shuddered as she stepped into the deep caverns, the air stagnant and heavy with mildew and decay. She had not been this far down in years, not since she was a small child, a Hoshidan prisoner of war rather than a Nohrian princess. The thought gave her pause. Though the winding tunnels had been abandoned for so long, the enchanted torches that lined the walls still burned strongly, casting a violet hue over the walls. Gunther was still walking, heading deeper into the catacombs, and Nerr quickly ran to join him, her skin crawling at the thought of being left alone there even for a moment. For a time, they walked in silence, the only sound that of their steps on the mildew slicked stone. “...where are we going, Gunther?” She asked quietly after a while. Her husband did not respond, the heavy shadows making his face appear harsher than it normally did. His gait was purposeful, almost angry, hers a meek tip toe in comparison. Suddenly, he stopped in front of a heavy iron door, it's massive hinges caked in rust. “...Gunther...?” “This was your cell.” He said, his voice cold, monotonous. As Nerr glanced back at the door, her stomach seemed to twist and turn under her ribs. The old knight either did not notice her discomfort, or else, did not care as he continued speaking, each word harsher than the last. “The only reason King Garon sent me here was because he knew I followed orders, no matter how cruel. I'd kill anyone, anywhere. Children, animals, old people; it didn't matter.” He turned to face her, the flickering light of the violet flames dancing across his face reminding her suddenly of the demon that murdered her mother. “I'd have killed you without a second thought.” The princess swallowed hard, trying to wet her parched mouth. “...then why didn't you?” Something seemed to crack in Gunther's expression, that hard mask quickly devolving into abject misery. “... ...I don't know. I've asked myself that so many times, and the truth is that I simply do not know. I'd never disobeyed an order before I met you.” Nerr closed her eyes, inhaling deeply, the stench of the catacombs bringing unwanted memories to the surface of her mind. “...well, I'm grateful you met me when you did, my love.” “Why is that?” “Because if we had met now rather than then, I would probably have killed you first.” The silence between them grew heavier, broken only by the dripping of water and the occasional crackle of the torches. How much had changed since that first encounter... 000000000000 A/N- So, if you haven't read, “The Rising Dark”, Nerr kind of has a strict, “Kill them before they kill me” policy in place after the first attempt on her life. There's no doubt in my mind that if Gunther approached her with a whip these days (and not for kinky purposes), she'd dismember him and have him buried in a shallow grave before she even realized what she was doing.

It's NOT difficult, IntSys. I swear to god, if he doesn't get an official special variant next year, I'm making stripper versions of him for all the seasonal banners.

FEH I’m gonna keep doing this until you give me a special Gunter unit

So. I finally did it. It only took forever, and me being sick as a dog and possibly getting frostbite on my drawing hand (and not even doing everything I had wanted to), but I finally finished all the seasonal banner variants for Gunther and Nerr. It feels like a year in review, even though I’ve only been drawing for two months.
*Spring Festival Banner*
Gunter: Spring Chicken (Bow infantry, Bunny Bow+)
Nerr: Newly Bloomed (Red tome infantry, Egg Basket+)
[I wanted Nerr’s outfit to be way more complicated, but laziness won out in the end. And considering I dislike the male outfits for the spring banner, I went for more of a sweet lolita look for Gunther. It was hard to think of an easter-themed weapon]
*Bridal Festival Banner*
Gunter: Beaming Bridegroom (Axe infantry, Wedding Bells+)
Nerr: Blushing Bride (Green stone infantry, Engagement Ring+)
[I had wanted to paint this in watercolors back when the banner first came out. I even have an inked Nerr, but alas, shit happened. I had planned on actually drawing Nerr in her transformed state to go with it, but I was too sick. Hopefully I can do it later.]
*Nohrian Summer Banner*
Gunter: Reluctant Vacationer (Sword infantry, Sharky+ [uninheritable])
Nerr: Sea Nymph (Green tome infantry, Surfboard+)
[Yeah, I know this is an old drawing, but like I said, I’ve been sick. The shark is a reference to one of my favorite cartoons, and the surfboard is the ocean’s gray waves. Nerr’s title is actually the meaning of her name, “Ner®ida. That worked out nicely.]
*Performing Arts Banner*
Gunter: Smooth Moves (Lance Infantry, Silver Glaive+)
Nerr: Violin Virtuoso (Blue tome infantry, Kleinegeige+ [uninheritable])
[Okay, this is probably my favorite set. I was inspired by watching a guy pole dance to "Human Nature” by Michael Jackson and just thought, “YAAAASSS!!!” In some alternate universe, Gunther and Nerr are performers that work exclusively with MJ songs.]
*Harvest Festival Banner*
Gunter: Storied Spirit (Blue tome flier, Ao Andon+)
Nerr: Kitsune Koibito (Sword Infantry, Wagasashi+)
[This one… might need explaining. Gunther is an Ao Andon (literally Blue Lantern), a ghost that appears when people tell scary stories to either murder them or jumpscare them. Don’t know which is worse. Japanese ghosts are often depicted without feet, hovering over the ground, hence why he’s a flier. Nerr, despite not having the ears/tails associated with a kitsune, is actually inspired by one of my favorite OSTER project songs, “Kitsune no Yomeri”, about a yandere kitsune who takes on the appearance of a normal human to be with her beloved. Her weapon is a mix of a wagasa (oil paper parsol) and a wakizashi (short katana).]
*Winter Festival Banner*
Gunter: Veteran Santa (Dagger Calvary, Gift Geshenk+)
Nerr: Heavenly Herald (Staff flier, Polaris+)
[Gunther’s mount is a reindeer, and I wanted to draw it in the background, but forgot. Originally, they were going to be characters from the Nutcracker ballet, but I figured it would probably be better to stick to something more closely associated with Christmas]
*New Year Festival Banner*
Gunter: Mochi Knight (Axe infantry, Mochi Kine+)
Nerr: Cardshark Princess (Dagger infantry, Karuta+)
[And the last of them, and happily enough, the theme that won in the poll for what to do for this banner! A New Year’s tradition is to make homemade mochi, hence Gunther’s pestel (adorned with moons, cuz rabbits be makin’ mochi on the moon) and a shimenawa (a charm to ensure bounty).Karuta, for those that are interested, is a type of card game played by families on New Year’s in Japan, which involves matching short poems to pictures that depict them. It’s all in good fun, but Nerr is a manipulative ass who can’t stand loosing. She plays for keeps.]
There are a few addendums I wanted to draw, W!Gunther’s mount, B!Nerr’s dragon form.and H!Nerr’s proc art, but they’ll have to wait until I’m feeling better and it warms up (it’s too cold to draw- the ink in my pen is actually frozen). A small part of me wants to actually give them stats, skills, and quotes, but I’m shit at BSTs, so I guess that’ll just be a side project for my personal pleasure one day. Welp, you guys have endured enough of my horrible, horrible ship for one year. I promise not to upload anymore FEH art for Gunther and Nerr.
….it’s gonna be Frey and Kristabel this year~

Other players: *maximizes arena score by using armor emblem team with good synergy, blessings and AoE specials*
Me: "I'mma pour all my resources into my husbando."
And it was good...

Now I just need Duessel and Frey and my Husbando team will be complete~♡

Quick overview
So this is my first time going over a character, who mind you there’ only 2 of them, who fall into this sub bracket of units. So I’m sure you’ve heard of trainees right? Units with more BST for being the new recruit. Well meet the opposite where units are essentially inflicted with a ‘old people’ status where it deducts points for them, and considering he has a hore, him and Jagen are the only characters to suffer this. To make up for it, they tend to boast amazing stats early on and the growth from 4 to 5 stars is less of a change meaning he’s a great budget unit. Mind you he still ranks more in Arena than Horse mages at least.
Base kit
Silver axe is decent for a weapon it just lacks a passive which is normally better than might in general. Harsh command is a niche skill and should only be used if you find yourself being targeted by debuffs a lot, otherwise it’s safe to go with other skills. Armoured blow is really meh as a offensive skill, he’s going to have much better options in the long haul. Finally Gunters saving grace, Hone cavalry. This skill alone is feared by many players, it’s the glue of horse emblem so if you want to use Gunter you’ve got a head start.
As for B skills lance breaker is nice to fight lance units, otherwise quick riposte is his best option, unless you plan on using the seal then renewal and guard are prime choices. Special wise Bonfire is the best choice.
Pros + Cons
+Amazing defence and solid attack to back it up
+Hone cavalry is amazing
+A incredibile choice for a 4*+10
-Low speed hurts his offence
-no res means he won’t survive a mage most of the time unless its Odin.
-Is going to need a lot of skill inheritance
Well horse units are the clear choice here and the best choice too as Gunter finds it hard to live outside of horse emblem, but if you can boost his defence and attack they’re normally a solid partner for Gunter.
Suggested set(s)
Revenge is a dish best served cold
+Atk/def -spd/res
Slaying axe+, reposition, Bonfire/ignis
Slot A = close defence, steady stance, fortress defence, earth boost
Slot B = quick riposte, guard, renewal, lance breaker
Slot C = hone cavalry or any c skill
Sacred seals: close defence, quick riposte
Weapon refinery: +def is the best option for him
Basically his role here is to act as the green wall, a protector of sorts. with +def and the refine he can reach 42 defence, thats 48 with one close defence and 54 with 2, add in a fortify buff and he can reach 60 defence. Which even some reds can’t cut into to. Blues especially will be left stopped in their tracks. However he can sacrifice 6 of those points to use the quick riposte seal and use another B slot, Guard being a choice to prevent units with high damage specials breaking through.
Old time punishment
+atk -spd
Brave axe+, reposition, Bonfire
Slot A = Death blow
Slot B = Hit and run, axe breaker,
Slot C = and c skill or hone cavalry
Sacred seals: atk+3
A basic brave axe set, Gunters highish attack stat makes hima really nice choice for the weapon and with death blow sweep through teams with ease. Axe breaker can be used to power through armours like Hector and Amelia.
Kiran: *writing fanfiction* "And then they all got super pregnant~♡"

Alfonse: no fuckin’ way I’m outta here man

Since of COURSE IntSys isn't going to put the corrupted character *I* want in Heroes, I'm forced to make him myself. As usual. While I love the character design of Fates, I also found it just... mind numbingly dull in places. I mean, Takumi is a literal fucking Z O M B I E in Conquest, and the best you could do was make him pale and add some purple fire? In a game rated T? Well, aren't you creative... *slow clap* Since Gunther is not a mindless puppet of Anankos, but the actual living vessel for this eldritch god, I want to make him a little more... interesting, but trying to keep him similar to how he is in Revelation makes that difficult. I mean, if I had my way, he'd look like something out of Fraken Fran, but then he wouldn't be "Gunther", sadly...

Inktober is for people who don't fucking detest drawing as much as I do, but I was struck with an idea for my beloved geriatric husbando and HAD to (try and) act on it.
Cross your collective fingers that I don't screw it up in the inking phase...

"Open up your eyes, see the world from where I stand
Me among the mighty; you caged at my command
Open up your eyes, give up your sweet fantasy land
It's time to grow up and get wise..."
No, I'm not dead (I'll outlive every one of you whippersnappers), I'm just... not here. Due to a horrible combination of personal shit, I haven't drawn anything in months, but I was determined to produce SOMETHING for Inktober. I painted this with india ink and JESYS CHRIST, NEVER AGAIN.
The fact that IntSys had all the plot points necessary to make Gunther an amazing villain in Rev and chose not to is proof to me that they're simply incapable of decent writing. Their villains are shit, so there's no hope of a decent narrative from them (here's hoping 3H has decent gameplay, at least...)

Glow (a fe:f fanfic)
A/N- Not exactly a sequel, but rather the events that unfold after The Rising Dark. I wanted this to be a one-shot, but it ended up becoming a multi-chaptered short story that I work on when I have writer's block. I kind of want to post it on FFN and Ao3, but I'm wondering what people here think first, so here's the first part. Warning (cuz tumblr needs that nonsense, apparently): it's dark, and deals with miscarriages. Don't wanna trigger anyone
“Before I even realized it, I've grown up and matured
Beautiful lies grace my tongue, concealing old regrets
By now, I've had my share of pain and suffering, to be sure
But even so, that doesn't mean it stopped yet....”
Nerr paused for the third time as she made her way to the throne room, leaning against one of the many pillars that lined the halls of Castle Krakenburg and inhaling deeply several times. She wasn't out of breath, she simply... felt strange. She had been feeling odd since leaving Macarath four days ago. Shifting the papers she held under her right arm to her left, she rested her hand over her belly, frowning slightly. She had long since become accustomed to the swelling of her once flat stomach. Gunther had told her pregnancy brought with it all manner of strange aches and maladies. She trusted him. It was nothing. Sighing, the princess continued on her way. Xander had requested her presence at this morning's levee, and she was ever a dutiful sister, although this probably had more to do with the attack that had left three Hoshidans seriously injured than familial support. Pushing the heavy double doors open with her shoulder (she couldn't risk straining too hard), Nerr nearly fell in as they opened with far less force than she had anticipated. She did not fall, however, quickly braced by arms that led to familiar brown eyes and blonde hair.
“Were you just waiting by the door for me, Leo?”
“Yes.” He answered plainly, setting his sister upright. Despite being two years younger, the second (now first) prince of Nohr had overtaken Nerr by another solid two inches in the year since the war ended. Camilla had beamed that he was having a growth spurt, but Nerr felt the sudden influx of fresh produce made readily available from Hoshido played no small role. Even Elise had grown larger, though she still remained tiny and adorable compared to the rest of her family. At this rate, Nerr was certain she was going to end up being the shortest in a few years- it seemed height was not something her birth family had to spare. Even Ryouma had been dwarfed by Xander... a pair of fingers snapping an inch from her nose brought her back from her wandering thoughts. Leo frowned, his exasperated expression ever the same despite his maturing face.
“Can you go five minutes without your mind drifting to gods' know what?”
“I suppose not.” The prince frowned at her subdued response.
“And here I was expecting an insult. I know you're not the quickest wit, Nerr, but I thought you could do better than that.” Inhaling and sighing again, the princess began walking towards the throne, her brother quickly matching her pace.
“I don't feel up to any verbal sparing today, Leo.” At once, the younger boy's expression shifted to concern and he overtook her, standing in her path to still her.
“Are you feeling alright, sister? You're not unwell, are you? No pain, shortness of breath...?” Nerr smiled slightly. Despite always having been rather aloof towards her, Leo made it very clear he was concerned about her wellbeing, especially while she was with child.
“I'm fine, Leo. Just a bit tired.” It was more than simple tiredness, but she was sure that she would feel better if she just got a bit of rest, which would be much easier in her own bed as opposed to a cramped carriage. The younger boy frowned deeply.
“I don't know what Xander's thinking, summoning you to a levee while you're pregnant. Doesn't he know this is your no-good husband's duty?” Had those words come from anyone else, they would have sparked a fury inside her, but she knew Leo well enough to appreciate his sense of humor.
“Gunther always attends the levee. He won't admit it, but he's exhausted. Dealing with nobles taxes him--”
“Not as harshly as he taxes them.”
“Careful, baby brother; you keep cracking jokes like that and we'll start to think you've been replaced with someone amusing.”
“There's that wit, or lack thereof.” Leo's smile was brief, replaced with a disapproving scowl once more. “Regardless, he should still be taking as many burdens off you as possible. You shouldn't have even gone to Macarath. You're making a person, Nerr; I sincerely doubt Gunther is as exhausted. as you.” She truly appreciated his concern, and let it be known by leaning over and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“You are surprisingly understanding about all this, Leo. You'll make a good husband one day.” The color rising in his cheeks did not go unnoticed, but she ignored it. “Unfortunately, I had to go to Macarath. It was a diplomatic visit. Easing tensions and diffusing situations before they become riots is my duty.” He knew he could not argue with the truth, and didn't even bother trying. Though Nerr would not admit it, the truth was, she cared more about feeling useful again than keeping the peace between Nohr and Hoshido. She wanted to feel like she could do something right again after so many failures. She rested her hand on his elbow, trying to sound as earnest as she could. “I'm fine, Leo. Everything is fine.” He looked as though he might try to argue that point, but the sound of hinges creaking behind them drew both royals' attention. The door leading to the Lord's chamber had opened, and Xander stepped into the throne room. As was expected, Nerr and Leo curtseyed and bowed, respectively, to their king. The elder sibling smiled, his furrowed brow relaxing.
“At ease, brother, sister. There's no need to stand on ceremony when it's only us.”
“Best to not get in the habit of shirking our formalities, brother. Can you imagine the scandal if we were caught not showing our king the respect he's due?” Nerr laughed humorlessly.
“The capital will be buzzing about how we're plotting a coup before the day is over.” Contrary to his siblings amusement, Xander did not look nearly as amused.
“One would think that the litany of rumors that already abound within the castle walls would be enough. Or have the nobles already gotten bored talking about my insatiable lust and private harem in the dungeons?”
Nerr quickly frowned as well. That was one of the more damning pieces of gossip making it's way through the grapevine. Xander's first year on the throne had inspired more criticism than she would have liked. Not due to his strict measures and unpopular reforms (well, not so much due to them) so much as his bachelorhood. Normally, the king married before he was crowned, or at the very least, had a betrothal waiting in the wings. Xander stated time and again that ensuring Nohr's stability was more important than taking a wife, but everyone from the nobility to the maids insisted behind their hands that it was simply because he, like his father before him, was too fond of sampling the milk to buy a cow. Nerr had taken it upon herself to try and find a suitable wife for her brother, someone from a good family (to keep the hordes of nobles from rioting), kind and intelligent who knew her place and wouldn't try to use her position for anyone's gain but Nohr's, but Xander proved to be surprisingly picky, dismissing her candidates for the pettiest of reasons. Back in her room, she had several sheaves of paper, documents from old Nohrian families who believed their daughters were worthy of becoming queens. Just thinking about it made Nerr feel nauseous. She pressed her fingers to her lips, waiting for the queasiness to pass. The king looked at her, concern flitting over his face.
“Nerr? What's wrong?”
“Nothing, brother. I'm just feeling a bit sick to my stomach.” Rather than alleviate his concern, Xander's brows furrowed deeper.
“Isn't it a bit late for that? I thought you'd be over your morning sickness by now.” She shook her head, instantly regretting it as it seemed to make the world spin around her. Leo placing a hand on the small of her back was all that kept her from stumbling.
“Oh... there is no getting over morning sickness, Xander. It's just a part of my life now.” The eldest royal reached out, resting his hand on her shoulder and gently stroking her through the fabric of her dress. Nerr let her eyes close for a moment, his familiar method of comforting her easing a bit of her malaise.
“It pains me to force you to be here at my side when you should be resting, little princess. I assure you, I will attempt to get through today's levee as quickly as possible.” She appreciated his sentiments, but knew full well that there was no getting through a levee quickly, which was soon made clear as the throne room filled with dignitaries and officials. Xander took his place atop his throne, looking very regal in Nerr's eyes as she stood beside the steps leading up to it, Leo on the opposite side. The whole ordeal was the same as it had always been the other times she had been present for levees, the ducal ministers coming forward one at a time with their predictable, yet worrying nonetheless, news and requests.
Requests for soldiers in Dia as an unexpected string of pirate raids had left their border guards stretched to breaking. A surprise freeze in Anomovic had destroyed the majority of the flowers from which the fragrance wholesaler drew it's wealth, and as such, they would not be able to pay their taxes on time. While she knew this was the brunt of a royal's duty, no amount of studies could have prepared Nerr for the fatigue that came from simply listening to other people's problems. She shifted, grateful no one could see her bare feet beneath the hem of her gown, and placed her hand over her stomach. Dull, throbbing cramps had joined her worsening nausea, making the task of simply standing there and looking regal a hundredfold more taxing than it should have been. Leo sent her glances with increased frequency, but the princess tried to ignore him, tried to ignore everything but the words being spoken by the duke of Nestra, where the attack had taken place.
There was no shortage of such stories, people being attacked on both sides of the continent, even resulting in one or two deaths, but what made it so distressing this time was where it happened. Nestra had always been welcoming to Hoshidans, the Nohrian equivalent of Izumo. The victims, a wealthy merchant and his wife and child, had been viciously set upon by what they referred to as “thugs”, and had taken their righteous fury straight to Empress Hinoka. There was talk that she was considering issuing sanctions against the entertainment capital, even banning Hoshidans from visiting Cyrkensia. Such a ban would spell economic ruin for a city that thrived on the wealth brought in from the east, but try as she might to focus her attention on the dire situation, Nerr could think of little but her increasing pain. The cramps had become sharp, moving to her back and reaching an intensity that made it hard to breathe. A particularly sharp jolt left her doubled over, the papers she held fluttering to the floor as she clutched her stomach. The Nestrian duke stopped speaking, but whispers rose up from the rest of the dignitaries like a swarm of bees.
“Nerr. What is it?” Xander's voice sounded like it came from far away, and even though she could see Leo's shoes quickly approaching her, she could barely hear him over the throbbing in her skull.
“Sister, what's wrong?” Biting her lip to keep from crying out, Nerr shook her head. Nothing as wrong. Nothing was wrong.
“I-- I think I need to use the restroom...” She whispered, even as she felt something hot run down her leg. The nobles gasped, recoiling with looks of horror and disgust on their faces, but she was in too much pain to be embarrassed.
“Nerr! You're bleeding!”
“What? No...” The princess took a step forward, desperate to leave the massive room that now seemed much too small, pitching forward as the world tilted on it's axis. She did not hit the floor, falling into a pair of large strong arms. For a moment, her dizzy mind thought it was Gunther who held her, but a glance upward revealed blurry blonde curls.
“Leo.” Xander's voice was far too loud now. “Send one of the servants to go fetch a midwife and have her come to my quarters.”
“Right.” The younger prince nodded, and when Nerr blinked, he was gone. The arms that held her up moved behind her shoulders and under her knees, and she felt her feet leave the ground.
“N-no... don't... the levee--”
“Can wait. You are very unwell, Nerr.” She shook her head, struggling weakly against him even as he turned, walking towards the doors at the back of the room that lead to his chambers. She could see the papers she'd dropped in her periphery, drops of dark red stark against the cream pages. Her breathing quickened as she renewed her struggles.
“No, I'm fine! I'm fine, there's nothing wrong!” There couldn't be anything wrong, not this time... Nerr was too caught up in her thoughts to notice her surroundings had changed, the barren empty space of the throne room now more occupied and comfortable. Xander walked her over to the massive bed, laying her down atop the deep maroon comforters. There was a similarly colored stain on the sleeve that had been under her knees as he carried her, but she barely noticed it. “No.... no no no no no...”
“Shhh...” The blonde man sat beside her, brushing the hair back from her face and gently stroking her forehead. It was much less soothing this time. “Everything will be alright, little princess. The midwife is coming--”
“Noooo!!” She moaned, tears stinging her eyes. “It's too early! Please, gods, no!” Xander cringed at the sound of her cries, but continued rubbing her head, trying to calm her. Several long minutes passed, her pain growing worse and worse, until the door opened once more. A hefty woman walked in, followed by two maids carrying sheets and a steaming bowl. Leo brought up the rear, his face flushed and hair in disarray, as though he had been running.
“I've brought her, brother.” He gasped, stepping into the room. “How is--” He was cut off by a loud keen of anguish as Nerr writhed. It felt as though her insides were tearing up as blood continued soaking into her skirts. The midwife approached her, paying no mind to the king as she lifted the long dress up to her patient's hips and pressed down on her stomach. Shaking her head, she made a “tsk”ing sound, calling over one of the maids.
“You there. Help me unlace her ladyship's dress. You and the prince had best leave the room, Your Majesty.” Xander mumbled something unintelligible as he nodded, heading towards the door where Leo still stood. Nerr reached out for him as he moved further away.
“No! Xander, don't leave me!” She cried out, fear and pain making the room blur. A rough hand patted her arm, not unkindly.
“You don't want men in here while you do this, princess. Stressful enough without them gawking.” Nerr was too upset to argue. She didn't care about gawking- she simply didn't want to be left alone with the strange hands unlacing her bodice and pulling the dark brocade down, until all she was left in was a thin chemise soaked with sweat and blood. The midwife reached between her legs, and she shuddered. “How far along are you, milady?”
“Four months....” She whispered, unable to raise her voice any higher. It had seemed like such long time up until this very moment...
Nerr wasn't sure if hours or only minutes had passed as she lay in Xander's bed, caught in a state of flux between sleep and wakefulness. The midwife had long since left (or at least, it felt that way), and the maids had changed the sheets and blankets and brought her a clean shift to wear. She had watched in a state of numb shock as they took the bloody linens away to be washed. It seemed a miracle she had any blood left within her. The door opened, but she didn't notice it until the person had stepped inside and closed it back. For a moment, her gut clenched painfully, but upon noticing it was just Leo, she relaxed a bit. The young prince approached her slowly, as one might approach a dog they weren't to sure of.
“Nerr? How are you, sister?” His voice was quiet, the kind of hushed whisper used when speaking at a funeral. It was appropriate. Nerr remained silent, her attention focused on the folds of the comforter. Leo stopped near the foot of the bed, a tome tucked under one arm, the other held behind his back as he usually kept both of them. Gunther stood like that- she always assumed it was a habit left over from his days in the army, but he told her it was because he didn't know what to do with his hands. She wondered if Leo knew what to do with his hands. She wondered where Gunther was. Was he still in Windmire? “I'm sorry, Nerr. I know my platitudes mean nothing, but it's all I can think to say...” Maybe he was at one of the stalls in the bazaar. He had taken up his old habit of coming back from the city with little trinkets, books and toys. “Nerr... I want to talk to you about... this. I know this is hardly the right time, but really, there isn't ever a right time.” Gifts for his no-more child. They could join the pile.
“--ried so...”
“What?” Leo blinked, taken aback by the sibilant whisper. He hadn't expected his sister to speak, so when she did, and so quietly, he didn't hear a word she said. Nerr was still staring at the blankets, a vacant stare that seemed to go on and on.
“I tried so hard... I did everything right... I thought... this time...” The younger boy sighed deeply, pulling a chain away from the oak writing desk and placing it at her bedside, so he could face her as he sat.
“This is the fourth time, sister--”
“...excuse me?” She gripped the comforter tightly, her knuckles popping, her nails itching as they grew thicker and sharper.
“Six times. Twice... I didn't even realize I was pregnant until I saw the blood...” She had kept those instances to herself, letting her husband and her siblings believe she hadn't gotten pregnant yet. If they knew... the way Leo looked at her now wouldn't compare with the shame and disgust if they knew the extent of her failure.
“Does... does Gunther know--”
“No!” She snapped, her entire being going rigid. “And you can't ever, ever, ever tell him. He barely tolerates me now; he'll leave me if he finds out.”
“Nerr, that's ridiculous and you know it...” Nerr wanted to slap the look of condescending sympathy off her brother's face. That was what everyone would say. That was what Gunther would say, and they would all be lying, lying to make her feel less worthless. Leo combed a hand through his hair, which was less mussed than it had been earlier, but still a far cry from the high standard he held himself to. “I've been reading, sister. About dragons. More specifically, the Ancient Ones.” She remained silent, waiting for him to continue. “Do you know why there are no more manaketes?”
“They killed themselves off during the Great War.” Everyone knew that- it was ancient history. All that remained of them were their descendants, the royal families. To her surprise, Leo shook his head.
“Even constant battles wouldn't be enough to drive an entire species to extinction, especially one that lives for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Nohr has been at war since the time of the Ancient Ones, we're ravaged by plague and famine relentlessly, and yet we've not gone extinct.” He brought up a very good point.
“So... why then?” Leo met her eyes directly, and Nerr felt her stomach drop even before he spoke.
“They were infertile. Our ancestors chronicled their lives with the dragons they fought for, and wrote that even though they took mates, decades, sometimes centuries would pass before they bore live offspring.” He held up the book for her to better see. It's leather cover was frayed and peeling, and many pages were askew, no longer bound to the spine. “Most never conceived, as far as the humans were aware. And those that did took ages, often with many failed attempts.” She clenched her jaw, his meaning clear but her mind deliberately slowing down. No, she didn't want to think about this.
“Why are you telling me this, Leo?” Lowering the tome, his fingers twitched and tapped nervously on the cover. It seemed he had a hard time figuring out what to do with his hands, after all.
“The draconic blood in your veins is much stronger than that of other royals. You're clearly a manakete. ...I can't help but think that this might not be a human problem you have, but a dragon problem.”
“No. Your books are nonsense. I don't have a problem, I just have to try harder--”
“Nerr, it's not just some fairy tale that was made up. We see it even now; it's almost impossible to find a breeding pair of Wyverns--”
“So what?!” Nerr asked, her voice louder and more manic than she had wanted it to be. “Those are animals. I'm not some mindless mount. It's not a dragon problem, it's not a human problem. I'm just-- doing something wrong.”
“I don't have a problem! Nothing is wrong with me! Nothing's wrong, I just have to keep trying!”
“...should I come back later?” Both royals turned their attention to the door, and Nerr felt her blood run cold. Gunther stood in the door frame, still wearing his traveling cloak, staring at the siblings with an inscrutable expression. Leo got to his feet at once.
“No. of course not. Nerr and I were simply discussing... something.” Casting one last look at his sister, the prince left the room, in such a hurry that he didn't even wait for the former knight to move aside to let him pass. He watched the younger boy for a moment, before stepping into the room, shrugging off his cloak and folding it slowly.
“Your brother told me you were in here...” He said, his tone even, but with an unnatural cadence. Nerr ground her teeth, feeling her gums start to itch. Tamping down the urge to transform was the same as tamping down her feeling, and often went hand in hand.
“Close the door.” She whispered, afraid to speak any louder after her shouting match with Leo. Gunther held the handle as he pushed the heavy oak shut so that it didn't even make an audible click. Everyone tiptoed around her- it felt like they were afraid of waking a monster. She wished they were; fear would be so much more palatable than disappointment. He took Leo's vacant seat, reaching out to grasp her hand at once. His fingers were still chilled from the wind outside. The thought of him standing in the bazaar, looking through little clothes and soft shoes made her want to cry. Nerr shut her eyes, trying to swallow the tears that worked their way up her throat.
“What happened, dearest? Did you fall, or...?” The way he trailed off was sickening. He was trying to give her an out, an excuse, a way to say “it wasn't really my fault”. She shook her head.
“No. I lost it. I didn't fall, I didn't run into anything or eat anything or ride in a bumpy
carriage. It was there... and then it wasn't.” Her voice broke and she hated herself for it. How dare she, how dare she be sad, how dare she think her feeling mattered? She could feel Gunther's fingers trembling over hers, and just as quickly, he gripped her hand tighter.
“It isn't your fault, Nerr. These things happen.” It's not your fault, Nerr, it's not your fault; these things happen. He'd been telling her that ad nauseam for almost two years, ever since the first time it wasn't her fault, and each time, that lie grew more transparent. She appreciated her beloved lying to her, she truly did. The way he masked his bitterness, his disappointment behind gentle words and smiles was kind, and that kindness made it easier for her to keep putting one foot in front of the other and endure each otherwise miserable day.
“It is my fault...” She seethed through tightly clenched teeth. Her muscles were so tense they trembled quivered. A mounting pressure in her temples was making it hard to think.
“Nerr, don't say such things.” Ever the dutiful, ideal husband, Gunther tried to distance her from her failure. He tried to push her back onto the pillows (gently, of course; everything he did since they'd wed was gentle, a far cry from the hard, strict mannerisms he used as her retainer), but she remained stiff and rigid, refusing to budge except to turn and face him.
“It is my fault, Gunther. It's always my fault. But I can do better- I know I can!” She forced herself to smile, to believe her own lies, just like she had during the war. And she'd managed to bluff her way to victory then, so maybe it could work now too. “I-I was so close last time, remember? I just have to do everything I did then, but better!”
“We just have to-to try again. I just need another chance...!” She had moved her hand, lacing her fingers with Gunther's and squeezing his hand. She could feel the bones shifting beneath his skin as he winced, pulling his hand away for just a moment before clasping hers in both of his. He looked her deep in the eye, and she could see his moving, searching her face. For what? For a hint of the woman he'd thought he'd married, a woman who wasn't so troublesome?
“Nerr... Dearest... I think it might be time to stop trying.” Deep in her heart, the princess had been expecting many different statements. I want a divorce or I don't love you... of all the horrible, devastating things she could have anticipated, somehow this was not one of them. She shook her head, not quite able to grasp the meaning of his words.
“Wh-what do you mean? I know you're upset- I didn't mean now, in a few weeks maybe--”
“This isn't good for you, Nerr.” Gunther cut her off, the unhappiness shrouding his face making him look even older than he was. “Every time... this happens, it takes you longer to get well again. I can't even fathom the heartache you feel. Putting you through this time and again is cruel--”
“No, it's not!” She could not help raising her voice, the desperation in her tone grating her ears. “I want to do this! I promised I'd give you a family, and I will! It's just taking a little longer than I thought it would...” The pity held in those violet eyes brought bile rushing into her mouth, and as the knight leaned over to kiss her temple, rancor burned with the nausea.
“You have given me a family, Nerr. You're my family, and you are all I could ever need. If you truly want children this badly, perhaps... we could adopt.” What.
“Wars leave many orphans. A lack of common blood in no way precludes love; you of all people would know that.” His tone grew lighter, a tentative smile carving the lines around his lips and eyes deeper. Nerr stared at him, at a point focused near his eyes. Her lips moved but no words came out, the words in her mind crashing into each other and forming a jumble too difficult to untangle. “Nerr?” The tremulous anticipation in his eyes dimmed a bit the longer the young woman remained silent. She had stopped trying to speak, trying to clench her teeth so tightly it hurt, but unable to keep her jaw from quivering. “Darling?” The turmoil bubbling within her exploded, violently. Nerr shoved her once retainer away with such force that the chair was almost knocked over.
“You're giving up on me!!” She shrieked in a rage, angry tears flowing from her eyes unabated. Clutching the spot where she'd struck him, Gunther looked absolutely appalled.
“What!? No! Nothing could be further from the truth!”
“Yes you are, admit it!! I'm not as good as your bitch first wife because she could give you children and I can't! You didn't have to try with her!! You didn't have to get your hopes up, only to have them dashed every time! I'm not as good as her; I'll never be as good as her!” Her fury was quickly starting to lose steam, leaving her with nothing but guilt and shame and misery. “I'm trying, but it's not enough- it's never enough! It's so easy for everyone else. Why isn't it easy for me!? Why can't I give you this!?”
The anguish that Nerr had been holding back for hours broke free of the dam she'd tried to erect. The poise and grace and refinement a royal was meant to display at all times was forgotten as she wailed, tears oozing through her fingers as she covered her face. It was no wonder Gunther didn't want to bother with her pathetic attempts at conceiving anymore. This was much closer to the the norm than a deviation from it. She'd never lashed out at him directly before, but he had far too much to deal with to not have his patience worn thin by days of her loathsome self-pity. Large, strong arms wrapped around her, engulfing her in warmth.
“I don't need you to give me anything, Nerr. I don't want anything more from you.”
“Because you don't think I can give it to you! Or you just don't care!” She struggled against his embrace, hitting and clawing at every inch of flesh she could reach in a frantic effort to get away. “Go away! If I'm not good enough for you anymore, then just go away!! You don't need me; you don't want my child, so leave!!”
She was giving him his out. If he was tired of her, bored with this silly, worthless little girl who was more trouble than she was worth, he could just walk away now and that would be it. It would be her fault (just like everything else was); her siblings wouldn't question it. Camilla and Xander would be overjoyed, everyone else would chalk it up to a silly child's flight of fancy. Everything would be easier if he left. ...easier for him, and that was all that matter to Nerr. Despite her anger, her misery, she would understand. She didn't want to have to deal with her either. The arms around her shoulders did not withdraw, the chest beside her face did not pull away. If anything, they grew more claustrophobic, tightening and coming closer as Gunther shifted, sitting on the duvet beside her, drawing her in to lean against him. She could hear his heart beating, faster than it's usual steady rhythm. He rubbed her arm, resting his chin atop her head.
“I need you, Nerr. More than food, or water, or breath itself. And because of that, I fear for you. Every time this happens, I'm afraid. You almost died the first time. ...what will I do if there's no 'almost' the next?” She could feel his voice more than hear it, and that was probably for the best. She didn't want to hear that tight, shaky whisper. She wanted him to be angry, disgusted at the gall of her, daring to be so ungrateful when any sane man would've left her months ago. Why couldn't he just be a bastard this once so she didn't feel so overwhelmingly terrible? Nerr sobbed, burying her face into the rough wool of his tunic. She had sewn it herself, months ago, with every intention of making a smaller version soon after, but there had been no point. It hurt, so much more than she wanted to admit, so much more than she felt she had the right to hurt.

"Rotting, decaying, we're fated to fall deep into
The clutches of the earth
Dying since our birth, withering into dirt
To Him, you have no worth..."
So, I was planning on finishing this shortly after the Adrift banner was announced, but then I came down with E coli (so much for lettuce being "healthy"...). BUT! I DID finish it, and considering the dozens of WIPs I have lying around, that's saying something.
Before the "story" was revealed to be some Azura bullshit meant to (badly) justify Big Tits McGee's presence on the banner, I assumed it was going to be Anankos/Loki keeping Corrin in a happy dream!Valla to keep them sedated and thus, unable to kill him. Mikoto and Camilla would be there because Corrin sees both of them as a mother figure, and the dream state can't decide which one is right. TT reward would've been possessed Gunther, who also fits the parent mould and whom Anankos is puppeting to coax the Corns into not waking up.
Nerr has LOTS of experience with these too-good-to-be-true dream states and is suspicious af. I will also take every opportunity to draw Gunther as naked and scarred as possible.
"You no longer believe that your faith can set you free~"
"Then, will you bring deliverance to me?"

A WIP of my newest project. I'm not a jjba fan, but I AM a DC Douglas fan, and learning that Gunther was going to voice this "Kira Cuine" fella was enough to pique my interest and consequently make me care about anime for the first time in a decade??
(I'm totally not invested just to giggle as daddy DC talks about boners again)
i'm always terrified of art until I ink it. Then it looks good, until the horror of color rolls around. Why is art so scary???

"(S)he's a killer queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guarenteed to blow your mind"
Oh. My. Fucking. God. This was much more labor intensive than I originally assumed it would be, for several reasons- my watercolors are VERY translucent and have to be built up over many layers. I have to mix any ahade of purble darker than a pale violet and I'm not good at that. And I had a migraine that wouldn't go away for about 4 days. THAT is the main reason I can't deal with a background- it would never get done. I was terrified of fucking it up with the ink, but I kept repeating the immortal words of Bob Ross- "there are no mistakes, only happy accidents".
Regardless, please accept my humble offering of best husbando as the crazy hand man. Making Gharnef into Killer Queen was hard because I couldn't figure out how to balance their traits, but I think this was a good compromise.

I got myself some face paints :)

This was an old one so my style has changed and improved lol, enjoy buddies!

Hope y’all enjoying your winter breaks, holiday treats and presents. And spending time with family.
This year was very important to me in my growth as a person, and having fun with Sing fanart and the community. Hope things get a lot more interesting and fun next year! Enjoy this sketch! The gang also says Happy holidays!

here is Gunter, who will be in an upcoming adventure time animation I'm working on