silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
Crux of What?

✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡

830 posts

We Both Start Over (Gunther/Nerr Drabbles)

We Both Start Over (Gunther/Nerr drabbles)

So, I started doing one if those 100 themes challenges, but I never finish things like this, so I’ll be uploading the ones I did here, and if peoploe like them, maybe I’ll post them to my fanfic accounts. They’re all set in my Fates fic universe. TBH, I just wanted to write Gunther and Nerr with no silly plot to get in the way. 0000

“Nonsense” – It was a relatively calm day in the Nohrian camp. Yes, they were marching towards the capital to engage their age old enemy, the Hoshidans, and yes, there was always the threat of an enemy ambush, but in that singular moment, everything seemed perfectly normal. The sun was shining brightly over the brilliant azure sky and fluffy white clouds. The balmy weather made the miserable cold of Nohrian winters seem a hazy dream. It was not at all a wise thing to do, but for that day, for that moment, Gunther allowed himself to forget he was a soldier marching towards destruction. The embittered, jaded part of his mind warned him to not get complacent, for tragedy could strike at any moment, but it was easy enough to ignore thoughts like that as he lay on the pallet he shared with his newly betrothed. His lance was sharpened, his armor oiled and buffed, and he had taken to oiling Nerr’s as well, for she would certainly be in no mood to do it herself after the war council. Prince Xander had been insisting there be more held by the day, and the young princess darkly said at one point he was doing it solely out of spite for her. Gunther shut his eyes and shook his head. There would be time for thinking of spite later. At the moment, everything was perfect, and peaceful, and–

“Move over!!” The old knight barely had time to open his eyes before he was unceremoniously pushed aside. The pallet was not very large, and he had already been skirting the edge before the force of the shove sent him sprawling onto the hard packed dirt floor. Granted, it was not a long fall, but long enough to injure his pride. Fully roused from his contented state, he glared at the lump now encased in the blankets he had been laying on. “Nerr! What the ever loving hell is your problem?!” “Shut up, I’m hiding!” She hissed, her voice muffled by the blankets, though he could still hear a note of genuine fear therein. His violet eyes softened slightly.

“Hiding from what?” Silence was his answer, and Gunther reached out, slowly pulling the covers back just enough to reveal wide crimson eyes, darting to and fro in a panic. “Nerr? What is it, my love? What’s happened?” Her gaze stopped on him, pupils dilated fully. “Leo’s going to fucking kill me!” “Why? What’s happened?” At once, Nerr threw the covers from her, sitting on her knees, and began gesticulating wildly.

“When I cast the spell, I didn’t know the rabbit was still alive until I put it in the tomatoes, and now there’s fire EVERYWHERE…!!! How was I supposed to know he was using it as a toilet!?” Gunther watched his young fiancée try to catch her breath with a blank expression. So many questions ran through his mind that it simply… shut down in a last ditch effort to save his sanity. Quietly, he got to his feet, reaching down and taking Nerr by the arm, his grip gentle but firm. She seemed bemused by his actions, until he began dragging her to the entrance of the tent, at which point, she began struggling.

“H-hey! What are you doing?! No!” He paid her writhing no mind, opening the tent flap and pushing her outside, back into the sunshine. “I’m not dealing with this today, Nerr. I don’t care what insanity you’ve gotten yourself into- come back when you’ve straightened it all out.” “B-but–!” “No.” With one last, firm admonishment, he let the flap fall shut once more, sinking the interior of the tent back into relative darkness. With a sigh, Gunther headed back to the palet, straighted the blankets, and laid back down. Distantly, he could hear screams, and there was a faint whiff of smoke in the air, but it hardly bothered him. Nerr, Jakob and Felicia could handle fires just fine on their own. As a sense of calm began to overtake him once more, a jarring thought snapped him from his revere.

“Wait… was he using the rabbit as a toilet, or the tomatoes…?” So much for peace… 000000000000

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