simpforsimeon - ✨One Heavenly type✨
✨One Heavenly type✨

78 posts

Leona, Kicking Down The Door To The Diasomnia Dorms Door Of The Living Room, Wearing A Large, Poofy White

Leona, kicking down the door to the Diasomnia dorm’s door of the living room, wearing a large, poofy white dress: Guess what b*tches!!!

Yuu, in his arms, wearing a morning suit and top hat in grey and green, showing off their wedding band: We got MARRIED!!!

*Cue the Diasomnia members losing their minds for about 4 hours.*

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More Posts from Simpforsimeon

2 years ago

Crowley: So I found a fake ID in your bag when I was snooping around- Um. Checking it this morning.

Yuu: Oh…

Crowley: I’m not mad, I just want to know why you have a fake ID?

Yuu: *mumbles quietly*

Crowley: What was that? Come on, Yuu, you can tell me.

Yuu: … You have to be over 18 to hold the puppies at Petco.

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2 years ago

The NRC students as gen z’s obsession with eating tide pods:

Ace: *eating the tide pod on a dare*

Epel: *filming it*

Deuce: *trying to make Ace throw up while simultaneously on the phone with poison control*

Yuu: *laughing hysterically*

Silver: *confused*

Jack: *also filming it but morally conflicted about doing so*

Floyd: *watching Epel filming it and laughing*

Riddle: *at the dorms frantically looking for child safety locks to put on the laundry cabinets*

Malleus: *still trying to understand the meme*

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2 years ago

MC: *petting a bunny* what a fluffy lapin~

Solomon: *outraged*

MC: what, jealous?

Solomon: I thought I was your only lapin *dramatic pose*

MC: *wheeze*

2 years ago

Child!Yuu part 3:

@shiemori :

I LVVE THIS- may I also get tagged when the other parts come out :0

Leona looked at the time, and saw that it was almost time for dinner and called the two balls of cuteness over, stating that it was time to eat and then go to sleep.

Nodding their heads at the dormwarden, they started to collect their stuff that they have played with, and got up to put the items in their respective place, showing to Leona that they are big and good kids.

While a little annoyed at the fact that they seek his validation, but kind of proud of them, the savanaclaw dormwarden chuckled while ruffling the children's hair.

"Good job, brat, herbivore." the green-eyed male praised the little sunshine of a cub and the little ball of kindness known as the Ramshackle Prefect.

They started walking towards the cafeteria of the school, meeting Jack and Ruggie along the way, as Ruggie told Cheka about some places that they could play the next day, on the other hand, little Yuu was on Jack's shoulders as the (e/c) child told the wolf beastman about their playtime with Cheka.

The said beastman that holds the child Prefect nodded his head while humming to show that he understands and that he is listening to the shy puddle of kindness.

Cheka was animatedly telling Ruggie on how he was a good big bro and played with Yuu.

Arriving at the cafeteria, Jack let the (e/c) child down, and took their hand into his bigger one. Yuu didn't complain about being off the beastman's shoulders, but still pouted a little about it.

They quickly went towards a table and waited for Ruggie and Jack to come back with food for Leona, themselves and the two kids. While waiting, Yuu was looking around anxiously and mumbled a short and almost inaudible "Scary people.."

This sentence made Leona look towards the anxious child and while not being the best person to comfort someone, much less a child, he awkwardly pat the herbivore's head in a way to say 'it's alright'.

Getting the message, the anxious Prefect-turned-into-a-child calmed down a little and shyly smiled towards Leona, this action caught Leona off guard and he swore he saw an little angel.

"Hey! We got the food, now let's eat!" Exclaimed Ruggie as he came into the view of the three that were located at the table. The hyena beastman quickly came towards the said table and placed down the trays with the food.

After eating, they went towards the headmage office, to give Yuu to the incompetent headmage and their alchemy teacher said child.

Upon arriving, they knocked on the door, after hearing a 'come in' from inside the room, they entered the office, and saw Crowley and Crewel playing cards games.

Seeing that Leona, Ruggie and Yuu entered the room, Crewel stood up and went towards the child that he may or may not want to adopt.

Upon meeting Crewel again, Yuu brightened up and ran towards the fashion icon known as the alchemy teacher of Night Raven College. "Mr.Crewel!" Was what the Ramshackle dorm Prefect said and hugged the older man.

Divius, quickly picked up the (height) child and smiled at them. Finally, realizing that they were tired, Yuu yawned and put their head on the teacher's shoulder.

The (h/c) hair of the child spread on their face as Yuu's breath evened and the black and white haired teacher knew that his- I mean the child had fallen asleep.

"Thank you for taking care of them, Kingscholar, Bucchi." The teacher thanked the two as Jack was outside the office, carrying Cheka on his back because Leona didn't want to.

Closing the door the savanaclaw members and young Cheka went towards their dorm. After they left, Divius sighed and turned his attention towards Dire, seeing that the headmage's attention was on the sleeping child, he asked him what he wants.

"I wonder, how much time it would take for Mx.Yuu to turn back to normal." Said Dire, the alchemy teacher also wondered the same question, but he also loved to take care of Yuu like they were his own child.

Packing their stuff, they left the office and went towards their shared apartment that was close to NRC, after 20 minutes or so, they arrived home and Divius quickly put the sleeping (e/c)-eyed child to a bed from the guest room.

Slowly closing the door, the half-black-half-white haired male whispered a quick 'goodnight' to the child, even though Yuu couldn't hear him, and went to the kitchen where Dire was.

Sensing his husband, Dire looked up from his cup of tea that he had prepared while Divius was tucking Yuu in bed. They had to discuss about the whole Yuu-turned-into-a-child-situation and how could they send Yuu back to their world.

"So, what are you going to do about this whole situation? You are the headmage after all." Crewel sat down on a chair while taking his own cup of tea that Crowley also prepared for him.

Sighing, Crowley put his hand in his hair, before chuckling a sad chuckle, he knew he should send the Ramshackle Prefect back to their world as he actually did find a way to get them back.

He knew he was selfish for not telling them about it, he knew it wasn't fair to the Prefect to be lied to, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell them, because the method to bring them back could easily kill them.

He knew he shouldn't have gotten attached to a kid from another world, he knew he couldn't help it, but he wanted to keep them here, where he knew that they were alive and well, even if he isn't much of a help to said kid.

"Dire." The voice of his husband snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked towards Divius with a melancholic gaze.

"I'm sorry, Divius but.." The half-black-half-white haired male raised a brow and told his beloved to continue "I can't help it, but I want to be selfish and keep Mx.Yuu here, in Twisted Wonderland."

Shocked by Dire's statement, the alchemy teacher gestured to explain why he wants that. "It's just.. I got attached to them, I think of them as my own child.. and I don't want to send them back to their world."

Blinking a few times, Divius soon started to laugh, and now Dire was confused. Why is his husband laughing at his statement?

"Sorry, sorry, love. Its just, I also got attached to this puppy.. but if our puppy wants to go home, we have no choice but to let them go home but if they want to remain here, we can adopt them as our own." Said Divius as he held his lover's hand and gently squeezed it.

Feeling better, the crow themed male smiled a little and nodded his head, his golden eyes softened as he said "Maybe.. they would want to stay with us and everyone here.."

After finishing their tea, they went to bed where they cuddled while talking about activities they could do with Yuu as bonding time.

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2 years ago

Child!Yuu part 2 :

And yes this was inspired by two comics of Kaeya turning into a child-

@bucketofforks :

Haha hey op can u tag me when the other parts come out I'm rlly invested in this 🔥🔥🔥

Later, in the teachers meeting room.

On the black board was a white sheet made by Crowley and it showed a plan, even though he didn't want to get involved into the situation -- he still did, as he had a soft spot for the Ramshackle Prefect.

Beginning the meeting, Crowley spoke in a commanding tone while being gentle to not scare the child that was by his side -- they also got clothes that fit the small prefect.

"So.. I've gathered you all here today..." Crowley explained while he put his hand on the child's shoulder in a firm but gentle hold.

"To commence an operation known as 'Give-this-poor-child-all-the-love-they-deserve', for I am so kind, I will initiate this operation to be a successful one!"

And there it is, our beloved deadbeat dad known as Dire Crowley.

Silence... than..

Sam -- being the best big brother figure he is, then said "You know, you guys will be even busier with the little imp in this form, right?"

Then, Vegas, confused, interrupted "Operation what now..?"

Much later, we see the second prince from the Sunset Savanna land, looking at the anxious child known as Yuu with a grumpy and annoyed face but still speaking with a softer voice not to further scare the little herbivore.

Looking down anxiously while folding with the white blouse's sleeve, they heard Leona’s voice "So, you ended up here, huh?"

Not being able to speak because of their shyness, they nodded their little head as their (h/c) bangs bounced a little.

Still annoyed by the fact that he -- now -- has two brats to take care of, the savanaclaw dormwarden sighed and said "I understand that the incompetent headmage is 'busy' but it isn't this a bit *cough* a lot more *cough* irresponsible of him?"

The (h/c) child's hand stopped playing and folding with the blouse sleeve, and took the older male's hand.

Muttering a quick and inaudible "I guess you're still my herbivore even if you are a child right now.." sighing, the tan skinned male than explained to the child. "To be honest, little herbivore, I can't really help in the love department--"

He was cut off by a "Unca Leona!" that belonged to his cheerful nephew, sighing for the at least 100 time, he turned his attention towards the little lion.

"Unca Leona! Can we play--- huh? Who is this, unca?" Asked the small lion boy, and the Ramshackle Prefect's attention went towards Cheka.

Seeing this, the older Kingscholar made a quick plan in his mind.

"Brat, do you remember that magic less herbivore that you met last time you were here?"

At the mention of Mx Yuu, that Cheka has become quite fond of, the younger prince nodded their head rapidly with a big grin appearing on his face.

"Then, do you have a moment?" Confused by his uncle's question, but nonetheless he nodded his head in a 'yes' manner.

"Good." Leona chuckled while replying.

"You see here, brat... this little herbivore here, is your 'Mx Yuu', but, such and such happened and this and that, so your Mx Yuu is now a little brat like you." Explained the grumpy Kingscholar.

"Ohhh." was the only sound made by Cheka, then the long haired dormwarden asked a favour of his little annoying nephew. "Maybe, you can show them a good time, don't you agree, brat?"

This made the brown-eyed boy to jump in joy and hug the Prefect-turned-into-a-child, while exclaiming. "YEAH! Today I'm big bro Cheka!" While laughing, as his little tail wiggled.

A little surprised by the red and yellow haired boy's action, the (h/c) stumbled back a little but still hugged the younger Kingscholar.

Going under a tree, Leona watched the two run in the direction of his room as he knows that Cheka will get his color supplies and fairytale stories book along with paper.

Smiling a little under his bangs, Leona whispered. "Maybe... I really should reconsider visiting home more often.." but quickly shook these thoughts out of his mind, and went back to sleep.

The two arrived into Leona’s room, as Cheka quickly took his supplies and book and they again run off to where Leona rested.

The two quietly read the fairytale book, while staying close to Leona, after a while they got bored, and started playing with the flowers and Cheka showed a cactus to Yuu, while shouting their name which scared the Ramshackle student.

After that, to calm the other child, Cheka suggested to color and draw! This suggestion made the Prefect brighten up and both quickly started to draw.

A little while later, we see Cheka show little Yuu a drawing a them, Leona and Cheka, which made Yuu pause for a second and start laughing.

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