Leona X Yuu - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


This make mw giggling like a schoolgirl the whole time 💖💖😍😍😍

from the eyes of the beholder

pairing: leona x gn!reader

summary: 5 times others know that leona is head over heels for you, and the 1 time he acts on it. 7.5k

note: just pure, innocent fluff ❀ reader = ramshackle prefect

From The Eyes Of The Beholder


Jack liked to imagine himself as a somewhat perceptive person, especially with his large ears catching wind of exchanged whispers and his outstanding olfaction that allowed him to pick up distinctive scents. As reserved as he seemed, he tended to watch things from the sidelines and keep note of different people's quirks and whatnots, and so more often than not he would surprise others with his hidden knowledge and observations. All in all, he knew quite well about people around him.

Or so he thought, because whatever was unfolding in front of his widened eyes was making him doubt all his previous judegements about his much respected dorm leader. 

It was mid-afternoon with the sun hanging high in the sky, burning with murderous intent. Jack, having had the misfortune to be the first student spotted by Crewel, was tasked to 'bring him the disobedient cat who would rather sleep than attend his lessons'. Jack recalled the places Ruggie would go to find Leona and found himself in the botanic garden in no time, eyes scanning the lush green and distracting flowers. He smelled his presence first, then noticed something else mixed in that woody scent.

His confusion only grew when he recognized its owner, who was none other than the prefect of Ramshackle. The trail led him to a spot shielded by a thick canopy of banana leaves, and right underneath was Leona, serenely asleep and– wait, is he sleeping on the prefect's lap? And is that their hand in his hair?

Jack blinked. He wasn't hallucinating.

Your face brightened in recognition when he finally shuffled close enough. "Hey Jack! Here to check on the cacti?"

"...No," despite his initial shock, his voice gave nothing away. Leona spared him one glance before promptly closing his eyes again. "Crewel asked me to bring Leona to class, but
 what are you doing here?"

As if just now realizing yourself, you removed your fingers from Leona's silky hair, earning a dissatisfied huff. "Your dorm leader here caught me passing by and made me his personal pillow. I haven't moved from this position for hours."

Jack hoped that you were only exaggerating about the time, but frankly he was too preoccupied with other thoughts to care. For one, the painfully arrogant, prideful, and self-assured prince was resting his head on your lap and letting you thread your fingers through his locks? The Leona who would scowl and glower whenever someone so much as brushed against his tail? The Leona who would bite someone's arm off before ever giving them the idea that he could be anything less than almighty, let alone soft?

"Just tell Crewel you failed. I'm not about to ruin my nap to brew stupid potions," Leona stated, stubborn as usual.

"No way, I'm not missing my classes so that you can have your fun in dreamland. Get up!" You nudged him. No movement. "Jack, can you help me drag him off?"

Before the poor boy could take a step, Leona growled. "Don't you dare. Just give me ten more minutes, damn it."

"That's the third time you've said it." You deadpanned, to which he responded with a half-hearted hum. Seeing as he wasn't moving any time soon, your shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry, Jack. I'll bring him over as soon as the ten minute mark passes."

It was less than ideal to have to go back to Crewel empty-handed, but there was no convincing Leona when he was hell-bent on doing something. With a defeated sigh, Jack nodded. "I'll be relying on you then, prefect."

If there was one person in NRC who could be deemed trust-worthy, it had to be you. He mentally gave himself a pat on the back before bidding goodbye.

In reality, didn't leave right away. He knew that he shouldn't intrude on his friend's life (let alone his senior's), but curiosity got him in a chokehold. Besides, he needed to make sure that you wouldn't get your wrist torn off if you tried anything else.

"It's quite unfair, actually," you mumbled. "All you do is lie around all day, how do you even pass your classes?"

"Everything the school’s teaching, I’ve already learned back home." Leona's mouth curled into a smirk. "What, are you jealous?"

"As if," you rolled your eyes. As if out of habit, you started smoothing his mane out again. With each gentle stroke, Leona's face relaxed into a peaceful expression, and his ears twitched in what Jack could only identify as delight. You must've noticed it too, because something akin to interest flitted across your feature. Jack's stomach dropped. He had seen that look many times before, and it was a telltale sign of trouble. 

After only a bit of hesitation, your outstretched hand moved to touch Leona's fluffy ear. That's it, Jack thought. You'd done it– poked at the hornet’s nest, shoved your hand inside a tiger’s yawning mouth, threw yourself into a river filled with piranhas. It was nice knowing you. There was no way you were going to get away with this.

Leona's eyes shot open, his nose scrunched in annoyance. "Careful where you touch, herbivore."

"Fine. My bad," you removed your hand with great reluctance, returning to dedicate your attention to his hair. The moment carried on as if nothing had happened, and within seconds Leona was already snoring.

What the hell was that. Jack swiveled on his heels and let his legs lead him away. In his head was only thoughts darting around, trying to make sense of why exactly Leona acted so differently towards you. The fact that he had you stay during his sleeping time was already out of character enough, but to let you off after you touched his ear, one of the most sensitive parts of a beastman's body? 

There could be something going on here. Jack had a hunch on what it was, but he didn't feel like jumping to conclusions just yet. For now, he should just sit and watch.

At the end of the day, he got caught by Crewel again. It turned out that Leona never showed up for his lesson after all.


It was a breezy afternoon, but for Epel it was hotter than ever on the sports ground. The Magift Club was having its routine training, and everyone was dedicating their best even though it wasn't a real tournament.

His own heartbeat was the only thing he could hear as he dashed towards the opposing team's goal, the golden disk hovering right beside him. Yells and heavy steps followed him, but he was determined not to let his legs give out. Eagerness lurched inside his throat as the net neared, and he angled his arm to throw the disk–

-- only to get thrown off balance by a gust of wind. He landed on his butt with a groan, and looked up to see the disk in the possession of one Savanaclaw student. Cursing under his breath, he swatted the dirt off his knees and dived into action again.

After some more intense chasing and magic being thrown around, he headed with the rest of the team towards the benches, where Leona was sprawled out on a chair, sharp eyes heavy-lidded and coated with sleep. It wouldn't be a surprise if he turned out to have slept through the entire match.

"... Your weakness is that you only know how to charge forward." Leona commented just as Epel was about to take a sip from his water bottle. "You can't improve if you never learn how to look out for ambushes."

 thank you."

Alright, so maybe he hadn't been out for the count after all. Nonchalantly, Leona shifted into a more comfortable position, his face angled away from Epel. Even if he came off as detached and uncaring most of the time, there were occasions where he would give out short yet valuable advice and prove that he had been keeping an eye on his members. Epel only hoped that he could see the renowned player in action more often. Sadly, it only happened once in a blue moon.

"Ah, look who's here," Ruggie said. Epel followed his gaze and spotted you walking across the field, holding a paper bag large enough to topple you. It wasn't rare that you would drop by and visit. In fact, most of them had been looking forward to you and swarmed you with warm welcomes (presumably because they knew you were hiding snacks in that bag, but Epel decided not to comment on that when his stomach was rumbling too).

"Where's Leona?" You asked once you've given Ruggie a bag of donuts. The grinning hyena jutted his head to the side, "Lazing around as usual. Wanna stay and watch us play?"

You arched your head back and scanned the clock above the rows of seats. "Sure, I have some time to kill." You gave him a thumbs up and made your way towards the chairs at the front. 

Epel watched as you kicked Leona's chair to wake him up. He was too far away to hear whatever you were talking about, but you looked pretty close, chatting away with an exchanged chuckle here and there. Even though Leona still looked sleep-laden, he rested his head on his fist and kept his eyes on you the whole time.

One was his club leader, and the other was his close friend. He was starting to wonder how you two had become so close when Ruggie threw his arm around his frame. "Time for round two! What, you still haven't finished the cookies? Need some help?"

Epel quickly shoved them inside his mouth. "No fran qu (no thank you)!"

Everyone had already spread out in two teams when Leona promptly stood up from his humble 'throne' and stepped onto the field. "Wait. You, swap with me."

The second-year student in question pointed at himself and blinked. 

Leona frowned. "Do I need to repeat myself?" 

"N-no!" The student ran off with his tail literally between his legs. Epel's eyes followed the man as he made his way to the front of the opposing team, stretching his muscled limbs. 

The match started as soon as you blew the whistle. If Leona actually getting on the field was out of the ordinary, then him putting effort in playing was enough to leave one flabbergasted and dumbfounded. He didn't even have to lift a finger to weave his way through the wall of opponents. Yet, as Epel watched on, he couldn't help but feel both amazed and startled at the same time. 

Amazed, because Leona really lived up to his name as one of the top players among the long list of magic schools. He was quick on his feet, never letting anyone so much as touch the hem of his shirt as he flashed past defenses. In fact, his moves were so unpredictable and fast that whatever formations that had been discussed dissolved within moments as everyone scrambled to block him. But that was not all– he was tactical. One moment he was making others chase him so that he could sweep them away with one single hit, the other he was planting traps on the ground and sneering as they fell victim. It was like he could predict everyone's move.

There was no chance of beating him even if he had his eyes closed all the way. Though Epel's eyes were trained on the lone figure, he could hear your voice booming across the field.

"Ruggie! Epel! Go get him!"

"Ugh, I'm trying!" Epel clenched his jaw and rushed forward, shouting as he prepared to launch a sneak attack from behind– then Leona turned his head and smirked.


It only took fifteen minutes for Leona to render everyone useless. Epel dragged himself towards the benches and dropped himself carelessly, limbs sprayed out as he tried to catch his breath.

"Did you have to go that harsh on them?" You said as Leona returned with nary a bead of sweat. There was a touch of playful reprimand in your voice.

"They need to be humbled once in a while lest they become too full of themselves." 

You two moved somewhere else, the air carrying your words away. The temporary silence was replaced by Ruggie's wheezes. "Jeez- lemme catch my breath. That was hell."

"I know right," Epel answered weakly. "Do you think Leona-san joined because we weren’t doing good enough?"

"Please, he wouldn't bother," there were sounds of a paper bag being rustled. A moment later, Ruggie spoke up again, this time with food in his mouth. "The answer is pretty simple, actually. Why do you think he worked so hard out there?"

"...He wanted to kick our asses?"

"Nah, that's too much trouble. If he wanted to kick your ass he would've asked me to do it." Epel wasn't sure what to feel about that information. "The truth is- he just wanted to show off, duh."

Epel craned his head so he was facing Ruggie. "Show off? To whom?"

"C'mon. Just see for yourself."

He did as told, scanning the place and eventually spotting you still talking to Leona, this time playfully shoving at his arm at something he had said. There was this look on his face that Epel couldn't put a name to. He'd seen it on someone else though: Sebek as he gushed about Malleus, Rook as he read a magazine with Vil's face printed on the cover, Cater when he came across something Magicam-worthy. Epel knew exactly what these displayed feelings were, but then it would mean that–

"Leona-san worked us to the bone just so he could impress the prefect?" Epel all but barked out the accusation. Ruggie giggled at his reaction and shrugged, leaving the boy even more exasperated. That wasn't really the point, but irritance was clouding his senses at that time. It was only until he was back in his room and lying in bed that he would start to connect the dots and let out a loud, stunned gasp.


The café near NRC had been flooded with customers all day, and the queue only lengthened as time passed. Cater squeezed his dry eyes shut, having scrolled on his phone the whole time he was waiting outside. 

Ever since a famed influencer on Magicam had complimented this cafĂ© in a post, it had been getting all the hype. Cater couldn’t miss out on the fun, even if everything on the menu was too saccharine for his liking.

After what felt like millennia, he finally got inside the shop. It looked like pink had vomited all over the walls, but it should look aesthetic enough for the folks on Magicam. Cater spotted a vacant seat by the window and rushed towards it. From the corner of his eyes he could see a man heading in the same direction. 

“Shit-“ the man cussed as he tripped. 

“Ah, my bad.” Cater raised his hands and stepped away. The man muttered something under his breath and looked up. The seat had already been taken by the
 same man that had just run into him?

Cater chuckled quietly as the man looked around the shop, then back at him again. His unique magic really came in handy sometimes.

He ordered the most famous dishes and turned to his phone again. Perhaps he would give them to those adorable first-years later, or just send them all to Trey.

After a while, even the endless scrolling came to an end. Cater pressed on the home button and waited for the page to refresh. Emerald eyes wandered lazily around the room, rounding when he caught sight of a familiar figure.

If it was any other person, Cater would’ve thought that his eyes had deceived him, but there was no mistaking those ears and long tail. That was definitely Leona Kingscholar, standing in queue with his hands shoved inside his pockets. Much like Cater, he was still in school uniform, and the look of irritance on his face made him stand out like a sore thumb in this sugary world.

Just what could he be doing here? Cater knew that the man wasn’t particularly into sweets and pastries. He definitely wasn’t one to follow trends either. Not to mention that he had zero media presence
 unless he had a private account?

Leona’s tail flicked. The man in front of him suddenly crossed his foot in front of the other and stumbled out of the queue. Leona quickly stepped up and silenced whatever the man was going to say with a glare.

In the corner of the cafĂ©, Ruggie’s shoulders shook with laughter.

Even with underhand methods, there was only so much the two could do to shorten the waiting time. It took another fifteen minutes for them to finally get to the counter. Cater watched with intrigue as the barista stuffed two well-loved red velvet cakes into a white box and handed it to Leona. 

Ruggie quickly finished one of them as soon as he got his hands on it, and Cater read ‘worth the effort’ from his lips movement. The two left with the untouched piece sitting peacefully inside the box.

Well, that was something. Cater shook his head and started snapping pictures of the desserts that had arrived moments ago. To think that Leona of all people would wait in line just for a piece of cake
 his thoughts went on as he mindlessly typed out a caption. Could it have been for someone else ?

Nah. No way. He couldn’t imagine Leona ever lifting a finger for anyone other than himself. 

Night was already creeping on the horizon by the time he finally finished posting. The walk back school was accompanied by more scrolling. The prefect’s profile icon popped up in the ‘story’ section. Cater clicked in without a second thought.

It was a photo of a red velvet cake. The red velvet cake. The text above it read ‘pleasant surprise from an unlikely party!’ 

Within moments, he was already scanning the entire photo like a detective. There, in the right corner, was a tail. No doubt about it. And he knew the tail— he had just watched its owner spend nearly half an hour lining up in the cafe.

"Now isn't this an interesting discovery
?" Mischief passed over his eyes for a split second, his legs picking up the pace. It seemed that desserts wouldn't be the only thing he would be delivering today.


It was nothing out of the norm for Leona to spend Monday afternoons napping under the tall apple tree. In fact, he went there so routinely that he might as well become one with the background. 

Today, though, something had changed. Or as Rook would call it, love was in the air, because under the tree were two figures in lieu of one.

You were sitting cross-legged against the trunk, sheets laid out around you like a protective shield. Every once in a while, Leona’s tail would mess them up, and if you berated him he would feign innocence.

“Come on Leona, you’re the only one who can help me with this.” You nudged his knee.

Rook squinted, his eyes locking onto the documents. There, on the top of what seemed to be the cover page, read ‘Sunset Savanna’.

Ah, a history project then.

“Ask Ruggie.”

“I would if he wasn’t busy doing your duties. So you’re stuck with me.”

Leona made a low grumbling noise, but Rook noted that his face showed no sigh of annoyance. How unfair! The first few times Rook approached the beastman during his nap, he received nothing less than distasteful glares and venomous threats.

One more evidence supporting his hypothesis.

“Fine. You have five minutes to ask questions.”

A smile bloomed on your face, one that Leona didn’t fail to catch. It was only a flash, easily overlooked, but Rook saw it crystal clear— the subtle tenderness intruding on his scowl. It disappeared as quickly as it’d come.

“Alright. So what’s Sunset Savannah like?”


You heaved a sigh. “You’re not cooperating here.”

“Maybe your questions are too vague, herbivore.”

“Ugh- fine! Let’s start with the people. Do you guys have a mascot or something?”

Leona shifted so he was lying on his side, left arm propped up with his head resting on his palm. “There’s this warthog and meerkat everyone loves. They’re supposed to be related to the King of Beasts. Personally though, I couldn't care less.”

"How about something that cannot be found anywhere else?”

“Mm. Hot spring eggs,”

“You guys have hot springs?” With the way your eyes twinkled with interest, Leona couldn’t help but give in.

“No, it’s a volcano

Your ‘interview’ stretched out for far longer than five minutes, eventually jumping from general knowledge to Leona’s own experience with the place he grew up at. 

“Sure, the sunset is beautiful, but the real show begins when night falls. All kinds of stars come out, perfect for sentimental beings like you.”

“I don’t believe that you’ve never looked at them before.” You challenged.

Leona scoffed, reaching to scratch the back of his ear. “Only as a kid. It gets boring.”

“The privilege is showing, your highness,” you sighed wistfully, angling your head so you were gazing at the bright sky. “I wish we had stars here too.”

“If you really want to see them, I can bring you there next time.” 

Your face lightened up. 

“Of course, it comes with a price.”

You rolled your eyes. “And what will it be?”

A dismissive hum. “I’ll decide later.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it then.” You started packing your things, missing the way Leona’s tail swished. Even if you had noticed, you probably wouldn’t have understood what it meant. Rook tittered into his palm as he watched on.

“Leaving so soon? I expected more questions,” Leona said. 

“I'd rather not get on your bad side by keeping you away from your precious nap. I’ll come to you if I need anything—“ your words were interrupted with a sharp hiss. In your careless movements, the paper managed to slice through your skin, leaving a stinging cut.

Leona picked up the smell immediately, his eyes trained on your finger. The slit was unnoticeable at first, but red eventually started to bloom around it. 

“Tsk. How careless are you?” He jumped onto his feet and snatched your hand, observing the cut. Your eyes danced between his face and the wound, much like a flustered rabbit. 

“It's just a cut.” You started, trying to hide your hand. But his grip on you was strong, albeit not enough to hurt. 

“No it's not. You could get an infection and end up troubling me again. I’ll get you bandaged up.” He began walking with his hand still holding your wrist, pulling you along. 

You took advantage of the situation and dived into another round of questions for your project, and Leona, irritated that he might seem, answered them accordingly.

As the two of you neared the building Rook was in, his eyes suddenly shot up, practically shooting daggers at a particular window.

“What’s it?” You stood on your tiptoes. There was no one behind the glass.

His features remained hardened for a moment before he relaxed his shoulders. “
Nothing. You were sayin’?” 

Rook waited a few seconds to reemerge again. Although you’d already vanished from sight, he had already gathered all that he needed: the lion had been captivated by none other than the magic-less prefect, and he barely needed his instincts and observations as a hunter to confirm that.


It wasn’t that you hated group work. If anything, you enjoyed having someone share the workload. But when your group mates were none other than the red & blue duo from Heartslabyul plus a cat-shaped trouble magnet, you would really rather be left alone. 

“We should make a body swapping potion. I bet it’ll be fun if Riddle and Floyd exchanged personalities.” Ace suggested with that look of his that often preceded undesired circumstances. You were heading to your next class along with the wave of students in the corridor.

“Can you please take this test seriously? I can’t get another fail!” Deuce slapped the back of Ace’s head, causing the redhead to stagger forward. A few students turned their heads around in curiosity, but most were already familiar with the two's antics.

Crewel had given each group the mission to brew from scratch one of the potions mentioned in the textbook as a part of the term test, not knowing what a mistake it was to leave the power of decision-making to you lot.

“How about a potion that can make all food taste like Tuna?” Grim asked, tail brushing your neck as he perched himself on your shoulder.

“Just ask Trey to do that for you.” You commented, not bothering to look up from the testbook in your hands.

“You’re right, henchman! Let’s go right now!”

“Focus on the test first, will you?” Ace was the one to complain this time, earning a hiss from Grim.

“Let’s narrow it down to potions that are easy to make. It’ll be more convenient if the ingredients can be acquired in the botanical garden.” Deuce went around the bickering duo to peek over your shoulder.

The mention of the botanical garden reminded you of a certain lazy lion. Being caught up in the test had kept you from meeting Leona in your free time. In fact, you hadn’t seen him for a whole week already. It didn’t help that he was in another year and had entirely different classes.

Perhaps you could pay him a visit later, but it’s not as if he would miss you or something. A foreign sadness crept up on you. You shook the thought off and opted to focus on the book instead.

It seemed that fate preferred otherwise, because a gust of wind carried Ruggie's laughter to you, followed by a gruntle from– speak of the devil– Leona. Your eyes were already searching for him through the passing crowd before you could contain your curiosity. The lurch in your chest told a lot more than you were willing to admit.

Leona, on the contrary, didn't need to search at all. His sharp eyes landed on you with infallible precision, as unreadable as ever. If it had been anyone else, you would've raised your hand and greeted them with energy, but this was the same person who once walked past you as though you were a mere stranger, leaving your open palm hanging in the air. As an attempt to preserve your dignity, you decided to avert your eyes.

Anyways, since when did Leona of all people go to classes?

Your heartbeat succumbed to a deafening rhythm the closer he got. Half hopeful and half desperate to suppress it, you held your breath the moment he was close enough that your shoulders touched.

As expected, he did not greet or even address you in any way. But there was something soft touching your cheek, the suddenness making your eye twitch in surprise. It caressed your face almost gently before cool air took its place.

You turned just in time to catch Leona's tail retreating.


Engrossed in the contents of the book, you missed all the meaningful gazes being shot around by your friends. Ace and Deuce had been at it for some time, while Grim pretended to understand. 

Deuce was positive that he wasn’t on the same channel as Ace. Just earlier, when he’d caught Leona’s tail poking your face, he shot a quick look at Ace. A raised brow, a glance towards you, then back to Ace. It was supposed to mean ‘Did you catch that?’, and Ace took it as ‘Wanna ambush the prefect?’

The resulted mayhem when Ace tackled you was something you never wanted to bring up again.

Now Deuce wasn’t sure what went on between you and the fearsome leader of Savanaclaw, but Ace had an idea or two. Epel and Jack had both commented offhandedly about the weird atmosphere that surrounded you two. Deuce was present both times, but it'd probably flew right over his head.

Deuce wriggled his brows. Do you have any idea? 

Ace mirrored him. Dude, what even is that supposed to mean? 

Grim’s feigned participation was cut short when he caught sight of two familiar figures entering the canteen. “Hey! What is that sleepyhead doing here?”

All three of you snapped your heads towards the entrance. There stood the spotlight of their discussion, Leona, in his usual rumpled form, half-awake daze, sharp fangs catching the chandelier’s light as he yawned. 

“First he heads to class, now he’s coming to the canteen himself. What’s up with that guy?” Grim gasped dramatically. “Is he plotting something again?”

“He’s not,” you came to his defense with suspicious rapidness. “Plus, what is there to plot about?”

“Mm. You have a point, henchman.” 

“Alright,” Ace held his fist out. “Loser buys lunch. Rock paper scissors!”

Grim let out a shrill laugh as Deuce stared at his sole open palm in defeat. It wasn’t your fault that he only ever played paper. 

While your cat proceeded to go off on a tangent the today's menu, you gazed over at the growing masses of students. 

“So,” Ace craned his head. “Have you chosen the potion or are we going with body swapping?”

“Or the tuna one!”

“Neither.” You tore your eyes away and turned the book around. “We’re making a flower-growing potion—“

They groaned loudly.

“—because it’s easy to make. Do you want to pass or not?” You insisted.

“I would rather be well-fed! Flowers are stu- FNNGA!”

Grim jumped a good feet in the air when someone slammed their lunch on your table, his fur standing tall in alert. Leona sank onto Deuce’s seat, while Ruggie took the spot next to Ace. “You should try to be gentler, Leona-san.”

Before the lion could answer, Grim stood up and yelled, “Hey! That’s Deuce’s seat!”

“Yea? He’s tiny enough to squeeze in somewhere.” Leona said nonchalantly. There was a curiously excessive amount of meat in his dish. After a beat, he turned to you. “What’re you up to?”

Ace resisted the urge to tell him off, preferring to indulge in your interaction to preserve Deuce’s interests.

“Potion test. What, have you missed me?” 

“A lil’ bit.”

That seemed to catch you off-guard. Ace snorted in his attempt to hold in a laugh, and received a kick under the table from Ruggie.

As you tried to come up with a response, he leaned in and grabbed your book. “Making something?”

“The one for growing flowers. Its ingredients are the easiest to find.”

“Ah. I know where you can find them in the botanical garden. I’ll show you later.” He closed the book and slid it across the table.

“Wouldn’t I be invading your precious rest?”

“Then you’ll just have to catch up and be quick.”

Just then, Deuce returned with an expression twisted between confusion and betrayal. Ace barely felt guilt-- there were many things he had to discuss with Deuce (and Grim, though he seemed ignorant).

For now, he just let the pouting boy squeeze in beside him and quietly observed Leona and you throughout lunch, utilizing whatever knowledge he had about love to analyze the situation. He picked up on the way you took Leona’s vegetables without having to ask and how you slapped his hand away when he reached for the meat on your plate. Occasionally he would throw in a snarky comment that aimed to drive you up and wall, and smirk when it succeeded. 

And those looks, sevens. If Ace had to watch for a minute longer he might have to puke in his lunch. He reckoned that he’d already seen enough before turning to address Deuce, who was still hung up on his seat being taken. 

It felt great, holding this kind of knowledge over you. If he played his cards right, he might even get some benefits out of it.

“Dude, what’s with that creepy smirk on your face?” Ruggie pointed out suddenly.

Ace shrugged, “Nothing. You’ll know sooner or later.”


Ruggie was the first to know. 

Leona had been upfront and rather transparent about his feelings, but the hyena had long before noticed the shifts in Leona’s attitude towards you. It was hard not to when he was the one kicking him awake and dragging him to class everyday. Leona's actions spoke a lot more than words could, and the occasional passing glances were impossible to ignore.

When Ruggie confronted him about it, he admitted it while making it sound as casual as he could. Ruggie never for a second bought his nonchalance.

And it was great, knowing that his dorm leader wasn’t a stone-cold heartless jerk. It was both leverage and great material for teasing even when Leona would threaten to tape his mouth shut. 

That was until the people came in. First it was Jack, then it was Epel, then the many other friends and acquaintances who wanted first-hand information on Leona’s love life. Even underclassmen whom he’d only seen around campus approached him. At first it was a great source of income— nothing came without a price after all— but when it began to interfere with his work, it didn’t feel so satisfying anymore. 

If Leona would just make it official, it would make Ruggie’s life so much easier. But no, that lion was so stubborn that he hadn’t even confessed his feelings yet. And he doubted that you were any wiser. 

Now Ruggie knew better than to stick his nose where he didn’t belong. There were countless ways in which things could go wrong and he really didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Leona’s wrath. Yet if they went right, he could get those nosy students off his back and end the torture of seeing you dance around each other like two dumbasses.

No, he wasn’t concerned about your (or Leona’s, for that matter) love life at all. He just wanted Leona to spend more time with you so he could catch a break. 

Plus it’d put Leona in a good mood, and that’s really all he could ask for.

As usual, Leona’s room was disheveled when Ruggie entered, a chess board lying at the end of the bed while its rightful owner was snoozing, wrapped inside a blanket like a burrito. With light steps he lurked further in, inhaled deeply, and flung the file toward the sleeping lion with all his might.

Leona’s hand shot out from the blanket and caught the document mid-air. “What did I say about interrupting my naps, Bucchi?”

“That I should never wake you even if the sky’s falling down?”

As Leona stretched his limbs after the satisfying rest, the bed seemed to shrink in comparison. “You better have a good reason then.” He said mid-yawn, opening the file to read the papers inside. He was supposed to pick them up from Crowley, but decided that they weren’t important enough to warrant his presence.

Well, here goes nothing. “I take it that you haven’t heard then.”

“Heard what.” 

“That the prefect is leaving soon,” Ruggie walked around the room to pick up the miscellaneous items on the floor, unfazed under the lion’s relentless glare. “Crowley found a way to send them back to wherever they came from. They’ve already started packin’, emptying the building and all.”

The silence was heavy. A heavy cloak of tension draped over the room. 

“No,” Leona turned in his bed. “If they really were leaving, they would’ve told me.”

“Yea, but why?” Ruggie pushed, stifling a titter at the way Leona's tail swayed to and fro in growing agitation. “It’s not like you’re close or anything.”

Leona opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again. A laugh startled out of him. “You’re fucking with me, Bucchi. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.”

"Whatever, man. I've said all I have to say." Ruggie took a peek of his meticulously concealed expression. It didn't matter that he wouldn't believe it now. He'd planted a fear in his heart, and fear was a vicious, powerful thing. He did one more round around the room, decided that Leona wasn't going to say anything else, and headed for the door. 

“Y’know, I’m just saying, but we don’t know when, or  if they will come back, so maybe you should get off that— okay! Stop throwing shit at me! ” Ruggie scurried out with his tail between his legs, cursing under his breath. 

“The things I do for these dumbasses
 they better pay me ten donuts if it works– no, twenty!”


The blanket was starting to feel constricting. Leona kicked it off of him and reluctantly opened his eyes, now wide awake and ruminating on what Ruggie had just said.

You're leaving.

He rolled over and turned on his phone– something he almost never did. There were over a hundred unread emails and messages, mostly from home, but he ignored them all and found your contact after some scrolling. The last time you'd texted had been about his absence at the prefects' meeting, and he'd left you on read. In fact, the conversations were mostly one-way, with occasional 'ok's and insincere emojis dispersed on his side of the screen. 

It wasn't that you didn't talk a lot. You usually met up in person, and if he really needed you, he could just call you, though that was not an usual occurrence.

"It's not like you're close or anything." 

His eyes flew up to your status. Last online: 6 hours ago. His thumb hovered over the keyboard, then retreated. 

So what if you were really leaving? It shouldn't matter to him. You were just someone he tolerated more than most, and he'd known from the beginning that you didn't belong here. There had always been an expiration date on your stay. The horror of you suddenly vanishing from his life shouldn't be this hollowing. 

But it was very, very hollowing, and very, very real. Perhaps a part of him had always thought that everything would stay the same– you and him here, where he was far enough from home that he could forget his empty, meaningless title as the second prince, the unwanted son, where he could rest knowing that nothing, and no one, could take you away from him. 

Maybe he was wrong. Maybe there was nothing he could do, and he was destined to lose you the way he'd lost everything he'd ever wanted to someone else.

Or maybe– there was a tiny voice at the back of his head– maybe he still wanted to try and fight against it, as pointless as it sounded. Deep down, he only knew two things: that he would never forgive himself if he just let you slip away, and that you were always worth trying for.

Stupid herbivore, always planting this stupid hope in his heart. 

He all but hopped off the bed, and pointedly ignored Ruggie's smirk as he made a run for the mirror chamber.


Trapped on all sides with arms so sore you could barely lift them up, you reckoned that the decision to deal with all this by yourself was a great mistake.

There was old and new furniture occupying the spaces around you, and some more that were stuck on the porch, all demanding your attention. You’d naively thought that the unpacking and moving would take no time. And now it was dusk already, and you’d barely gone through half of the deliveries. 

After what had probably been months of requesting and protesting, Crowley finally allowed you to buy some new furniture for your dorm with the school’s money. It’d felt like winning a long, taxing battle, finally able to bid farewell to the drawers that wouldn’t open and the chairs that wobbled. 

It was all fine until the furniture came. You’d been in class when the driver rang, and by the time you returned, he'd already left, leaving the heavy boxes outside the door. 

Perhaps you really should’ve called some friends from Savanaclaw that were strong enough to help. Jack, for one. Maybe even the unmotivated dorm leader. Anyone would be a much better help than Grim, really, who was probably outside the building trying to claw his way into the unopened boxes. 

In the midst of your wallowing, you failed to pick up Grim’s sharp yell, only the slam of the front door that shook the whole building. A scolding formed on your tongue, but quickly dissolved when you heard heavy footsteps come up the stairs. Squeezing your way through the furnishings, you poked your head out of your room and waited.

The stomps came closer, stopped. A pause later, Leona came around the corner, mane disheveled and eyes flying around, almost in panic. When they landed on you, his shoulders sank in relief.

“Leona? Wh-”

“Thank the sevens,” He marched up to you in a few strides, and when he’s close enough, his arms suspended in the air, reaching for a part of you that he could touch. After a long moment, he stuck them back to his sides. 

Emerald eyes landed on the disastrous scene inside the room, especially the emptied shelves and belongings piled in a corner. Something strained passed over his features.

Once you got over the initial shock, you remembered what you’d just been thinking of. “Hey, now that you're here, do you think you can help me move-”

“Don’t leave.”

You blinked. “What?”

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, brows knitted in a frown. “Don’t make me say it again
 I can’t believe you decided to keep me in the dark.”

You looked inside the room and back at him. “I mean, it’s not that big of a deal.”

“What if it is for me?” With a gentle hesitation that you’d never seen him exhibit, he reached for your hand. Your heart skipped when he brought your knuckles to his lips, his gaze solely focused on you. He’d always loved lingering around your personal space, but not like this. Not with his feelings being put on display, like a show you weren’t supposed to see.

“I came here in such a rush that I didn’t even have time to think over what to say. Just
” he closed his eyes. “Reconsider your leave. Please. Or at the very least, stay for a few more weeks. You can’t just stumble into my life and leave without a sign. I don’t even want to imagine returning to a life without you. For this once, I need you to choose me.” 

And then, as if realizing his unusual display of vulnerability, his face hardened up. “...Look, I rarely ask anything of anyone. Whatever deadly grip you have on me, you gotta be responsible for it.”

You sucked in a breath, processing his abrupt spill of feelings, before lowering your head. For a moment he took the trembling of your shoulders as you crying, but soon enough he recognized the peals of laughter that fell out of you. If he hadn’t just laid his heart out in front of you, he would’ve taken the time to indulge in the sound that he loved so much.

“Is this funny?” He scowled.

“Mm. No,” you jutted your head towards your room. “Did you think I was leaving?”

Confusion passed over his face. “Of course. You have everything packed, and Crowley

He trailed off, the gears in his head turning. Suddenly it all became clear to him. The new stuff laying around. The absence of your clingy friends. The simple fact that no one seemed to know that you were 'leaving'. After a moment, something akin to fury dawned on his expression. “
has never actually been helpful. Damn it, Bucchi.”

Your heart dipped when he removed his hand from around your wrist, ruffling his long locks. “Just a house makeover then. Got it. Forget about it. Bye.”

“Wait, no!” You rushed in front of him, blocking his exit. “What about all the stuff you just said?”

He raised a brow, feigning ignorance, and earned a roll of your eyes, “Well, I’m not letting them slide. I’m not going anywhere, at least not yet.” You thought for a moment. “The truth is, I haven’t decide if I want to leave. I’ve built so much around here that it’ll just be like leaving another home. But if it soothes you, I’m sure the day I have to choose is still far away from us. So, in the meantime
” You reached for his hand in the same manner, kissing the knot of his knuckle. His ears twitched, giving away his carefully concealed emotions. “Let me be responsible for the turmoils in your heart?”

“About damn time.” Leona moved in, this time landing the kiss on your lips, and his smile spread into it easily, like a lovesick lover returning home.

Tags :
11 months ago

I'm running on two hours of sleep and a handful of pretzels and I'm on an "obsession with Leona Kingscholar" kick rn, so here's a song I think perfectly encapsulates the Leona x Yuu romance fic I'm really craving rn.


"Your Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay.

-You should listen to it. đŸ˜˜đŸ‘đŸ»

Tags :
7 months ago

Hi!! Can you do Ruika Ishita x Leona Kingscholar? The art I’m looking for is basically them talking to each other and then Leona realizing he’s in love with her. This is what Ruika looks like!

Hi!! Can You Do Ruika Ishita X Leona Kingscholar? The Art Im Looking For Is Basically Them Talking To
Hi!! Can You Do Ruika Ishita X Leona Kingscholar? The Art Im Looking For Is Basically Them Talking To

If you want, I’ll explain more about her! This is my favorite ship lol, their ship name is ‘Leoika’.

Hi!! Can You Do Ruika Ishita X Leona Kingscholar? The Art Im Looking For Is Basically Them Talking To

What a girlie /pos

Leona lucky tf /p

Anyway! i hope i did Leoika justice within a simple doodle :3

Leona def pines in some sort of way idk đŸ€·

Thanks for requesting !! :D

Tags :
7 months ago

Hi!! Can you do Ruika Ishita x Leona Kingscholar? The art I’m looking for is basically them talking to each other and then Leona realizing he’s in love with her. This is what Ruika looks like!

Hi!! Can You Do Ruika Ishita X Leona Kingscholar? The Art Im Looking For Is Basically Them Talking To
Hi!! Can You Do Ruika Ishita X Leona Kingscholar? The Art Im Looking For Is Basically Them Talking To

If you want, I’ll explain more about her! This is my favorite ship lol, their ship name is ‘Leoika’.

Hi!! Can You Do Ruika Ishita X Leona Kingscholar? The Art Im Looking For Is Basically Them Talking To

What a girlie /pos

Leona lucky tf /p

Anyway! i hope i did Leoika justice within a simple doodle :3

Leona def pines in some sort of way idk đŸ€·

Thanks for requesting !! :D

Tags :
1 year ago

I GIVE ANYTHING FOR THAT TO BE MEđŸ©·â€ïžđŸ©·â€ïžđŸ©·â€ïžđŸ©·â€ïžđŸ©·â€ïžđŸ©·â€ïžđŸ©·â€ïž

Clingiest Lion Ever.
Clingiest Lion Ever.
Clingiest Lion Ever.

Clingiest Lion Ever.

Should I color this?? ASDFGHJKL Don't usually share unfinished pieces but should I do that more?

Tags :
9 months ago

can i request trey jack leona and idia hcs with the bunny reader you did? they should all be majors if im not mistaken 😔

Trey, Jack, Leona Idia x male bunny reader head cannons SFW

Can I Request Trey Jack Leona And Idia Hcs With The Bunny Reader You Did? They Should All Be Majors If

A/N I didn’t know if you wanted nsfw too so I didn’t write it since I didn’t wanna make you uncomfy if you didn’t want it


He’s your number one teaser making lewd jokes pulling on your bunny ears making you blush in very serious moments, making you turn into a mess when he walks up behind you and starts teasing you while your fulfilling your duty’s with riddle.

Often times calling you his “pet bunny” just to further mess with you and it always works cause he just holds that power over you!


Rarely does he ever tease you but he will get upset or pull on your bunny tail, he likes to enjoy time talking despite his rugged demeanor he turns into a sweetheart for you behind doors but he’d never admit that aloud.

Jack often times loves you following the rules liking your calm cool demeanor and how smart you are but he also loves knowing he gets a sensitive side no one else sees.


He is the type to be into making you at your softest moments around him calling you nick names like “prey” or “little rabbit” while messing with you and teasing you like your some sorta bendable bunny.

He loves to poke at you when you try to study or focus on anything that isn’t him, he’s very jealous of you but had too much pride to ever admit it despite him making it obvious.


He was honestly intimidated by you when you two first met. Finding himself flustered as he stares at you being all strict running your errands and doing your duty’s for riddle as he watches from afar.

Getting shocked when you ask him pull reduced to a flushed mess making him blink getting flushed too but soon accepting your offer and become all flushed together and ultimately a cute and wholesome couple.

Tags :
2 years ago

Dorm Leaders x male!Draculaura!Yuu

I’m making this because no one else will and because I’m chronically obsessed with both fandoms

đŸŒčRiddle RoseheartsđŸŒč

I feel like there would be a rule against pink skin or something😭

Yes this is twisted wonderland where people are used to others with unnatural features but PINK SKIN??

I think it would be very off putting to him at first but he eventually accepts it

He enjoys your quite outgoing and cheery nature, he deserves to let loose once in a while and you’re his first option for just that

Both of your old victorian-esque styles would clash very nicely

He would often invite you to tea parties which you’d enthusiastically accept, and maybe dress in a nice pink dress which would always put a small blush on his face

He’d introduce you to the hedgehogs and they would probably be fond of you (especially the pink one)

Enjoys having someone who’s about his height or shorter. It’s a welcome change for him

Always has an umbrella handy for any sun exposure you may run into

Trey also enjoys having you around so that’s like a bonus for Riddle

Very accommodating towards your vegetarian diet

Overall very happy that you happened upon twisted wonderland, he couldn’t imagine his life without you

🩁Leona Kingscholar🩁

Can someone say SIZE DIFFERENCE

Your hella short compared to him

He can’t lie and say he’s not a fan

Y’all probably met while you were admiring the pink roses in the botanical garden and came across him napping

You didn’t wanna wake him up so you just stepped over him

He noticed you right away (probably because you’re like walking cotton candy) and was somewhat interested in you

As in curious as to what your deal was, I doubt he falls in love that fast

He sneaks glances at you every once in a while throughout the day

Was ACTUALLY introduced when he saw you hanging out with Jack

He was very drawn to your energetic personality which was the complete opposite of his and you vice-versa

Everyone wonders how in the world Leona got a cute, peppy, stylish bf (who everyone thinks may be a vampire but they don’t have much proof for that)

He’s probably aware that you’re capable of taking care of yourself when need be, but is still generally very protective because of your somewhat naive tendencies

After all this is a school for villains people aren’t the nicest here

Always kisses your heart shaped birthmark

Wouldn’t be as diligent with bringing an umbrella to block sun exposure but will still do what he can to make sure you avoid it

He’ll even block the sun with his own body if he has to

Forgets you’re vegetarian very often

Is willing to try to be a little more active if you encourage him to

After all he does really wanna impress you

Very happy he met you, you make his life a lot cheerier even if he refuses to admit it

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

Probably met because Floyd likes to bother you a lot

Not everyday you get a pink skin non-human from another dimension ya know?

Like many others your sunny disposition is very welcome to him

He was always made fun of as a kid so having someone who not only accepts his *freaky* flaws but encourages him to embrace them makes his heart melt

Enjoys having someone shorter than him since the tweels are basically towers compared to him

He has a pretty good sense of fashion as do you so I imagine he would purchase a lot of very nice (and pink) clothing/accessories for you

You would probably be willing to help around the lounge which is much appreciated from him

You would likely scold him if he tried to make a deal too serious (like taking someone’s bodily control)

You’re still very impressed by his UM though

Your excitement for things never fails to get him flustered

He would go to the ends of the earth to make you happy

đŸ„łKalim Al-AsimđŸ„ł

It’s like looking in a mirror

Not in terms of physical features ofc but in terms of personality

Y’all are like two peas in a pod

Jamil has never wanted to disappear more/hj

He loves having someone who’s just as cheery and down to party as he is

You’re definitely an enabler

But not in a bad way

Jamil is the one to keep you both in check if you guys try to do something stupid

But you keep Kalim distracted to for that Jamil is thankful

Always takes you on magic carpet rides because he loves to see the way your eyes shine seeing this wHoLe NeW wOrLd

Will spoil you with extravagant gifts and clothing

His siblings probably love you

Also one to kiss your heart shaped birthmark

If you’re someone who’s not used to compliments get ready because this man will SHOWER YOU with love

Loves to carry you around bridal style

Idk why I just feel like he would

You both are incredibly obsessed with each other and he wouldn’t have it any other way

🩚Vil Schoenheit🩚

He would try to hide his interest in you but that doesn’t go over well for him



Probably thinks your skin color is like body makeup or something at first

Pretty shocked when he finds out it isn’t

He tries not to be disappointed that you’re put into ramshackle instead of his dorm

Not necessarily in a romantic way he just feels you’d fit in there so much better

Would get to know you through Rook constantly spying on you

He didn’t ask him to, but it is a bonus

Would always dress you up in stunning pink ensembles

Think Haunt Couture or Limited Edition Draculaura

Would show you off to his fans (with your consent ofc)

He would love if you modeled with him

Is very understanding of your vegetarian diet and always gets you vegan snacks

Will always have a beautiful pink umbrella handy for potential sun exposure

It’s very important to him that you keep yourself safe

He’s more than happy to let you pick out his outfits

He could never be more happy that he met you

đŸ‘ŸIdia ShroudđŸ‘Ÿ

He would be scared of you

Not because you’re a scary person, but because you’re just so nice

He simply does not understand

He would try to avoid you like the plague but he doesn’t get very far since you and Ortho get along so well

You also like hanging out in Ignihyde a lot because of the dark lighting

You approach him first with mountains of compliments about his hair and overall looks

His face goes the shade of your pink skin

You tell him your interest in his video games since I don’t imagine you’ve played a whole lot of those so he asks if you would like him to teach you

Your enthusiasm is unexpected and leaves him blushing profusely

He grows to really like your outgoing and kind nature even if it’s the exact opposite of him

You encourage him to go meet others a lot which he’s opposed to at first but its gotten him a lot more friends which he doesn’t hate

Always lends you his hoodies

You convince him to let you dress him up and he likes the style you’ve given him much more than he expected

You paint each other’s nails

Is the only person he lets mess with his hair

He also likes that you and Ortho are such good friends, it makes him happy that two of his favorite people get along

He would dox someone for you💙

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉

You being a 1600 year old vampire you can definitely relate to the feeling of being lonely for so long

Which is why you always go out of your way to attempt befriending him

You’re more than happy to talk to him at lengths about his love of gargoyles which is what made him fall for you in the first place

That and your lack of cowardice in speaking with him

He always asks you to dress him up since he knows you like doing it so much

He likes the color change

Also someone who is a fan of the size difference

It makes it feel more like he has someone to protect

And protect he will

Always shields you from sunlight by standing the direction the sun is pointing from

He is indeed tall enough to block it out

Gifts you with beautiful pink gemstones he finds

You try to explain to him current technology which he appreciates even if he doesn’t understand it

You would probably decorate his horns with different chains and jewels

He refuses to take them out

You invite him to any and every event if he wasn’t already

He would destroy every realm if it put a smile on your face

Tags :
2 years ago

Twst X Male!Jibaro!Yuu


For anyone who doesn’t know what Jibaro is (at least in reference to this) watch this vid https://youtu.be/j6fRCupGH2Q

For those who do know, these are gonna be head-canons about the siren not the soldier

đŸŒčRiddle RoseheartsđŸŒč

This will always be in the bullet points


Who cares he’s healing let him have this

You would be interested in his UM which led up to how you two officially met

He would invite you to all the tea parties and help you pick out outfits to show off your jewels while also fitting the aesthetic of the party

This is a lot harder than expected

Riddle always looks forward to your arrival as they are all quite entertained by your dancing

He’ll pace around and try to make sure everything is as perfect as possible

He really wants to impress you

Your voice makes Riddle blush rose red

Would give you any pretty jewelry he comes across or just give you red flowers

It makes him happy when he sees you’ve added it to your usual outfit from time to time

Always willing to help you study or even answer questions about the world of Twisted Wonderland

You two have a lot of lakeside picnics, both because of privacy but also so he can see you dance on the water

It always leaves him in awe, jaw on the floor

I’d imagine that at some point in your relationship you would occasionally give him jewels that you’ve hoarded

As a being who’s dedicated to jewels n such this would kind of be a huge deal

🩁Leona Kingscholar🩁

You would be very interested in his habits

But not in a creepy way *cough**cough* Rook

You would go to the botanical garden often to practice dancing since it’s sort of like a release for you and it’s the closest thing that simulates your natural home

He would hear your calls and like everything, would be drawn to it

He physically gets up and peaks from the bushes to see what it is

He’s not mad, more interested

Then he sees you dancing like a graceful swan

His jaw drops

Your sparkling body leaves him breathe less

Without thinking he walks towards you making you feel startled

Due to your frequent visits to the botanical garden his presence becomes clockwork, basically expected at this point

Your probably the one thing that could persuade him out of a nap

Thinks your ability to control people with your voice is cool asf

Still super protective

He knows how his dorm could get, and he doesn’t trust many around you for fear of them taking your beauty

A little skeptical to let Ruggie go around you for a while

Enjoys your quiet nature, he can’t explain it but your presence is relaxing to him

He likes the way you cuddle people

Definitely not something he’s seen before but he finds it endearing

Would call you his Gem

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

Would drop whatever it is he’s holding the moment he sees you


Like many, is very curious about your multitude of jewels

Would probably have to be told by you or others that your skin is literally gold before really believing it

Because he’s a mer creature I doubt your calls would have much (if any affect) on him

Aside from making him swoon

Gifts you pearls for your growing ensemble

As soon as he sees your dance not only is he praising you to high heaven, but he’s requesting you be the special entertainment for the Monstro Lounge

Not everyday of course, then that wouldn’t be very special

Maybe like once a month

Since it’s a very aquatic location filled with your target audience you agree

This backfires on Azul by the many MANY boys you have coming your way now to court you

But he also did make a crap ton of money

He’s conflicted

This makes him insecure, and even through your very little information on humans (or human presenting beings) you can tell something is not right

You’re eagerness to be around him and learn from him however does wonders to rid him of his insecurities

Still needs reassurance from time to time

Maybe a private dance will suffice😏

(They’re only dancing what were you thinking pervertsđŸ€š/hj)

Wonders everyday how he made such a catch but he’s not complaining

đŸ„łKalim Al-AsimđŸ„ł

Deadass like 😳



-Kalim probably

He would immediately show you to his treasure chamber where you would be deeply infatuated with all the jewels

He would let you take some

Loves to give you different clothing options to both show off your beauty and be mobile enough for dancing

Btw he would be high-key OBSESSED with your dancing

When I say obsessed I mean OBSESSED

He cannot take his eyes off of you

He will always ask you to dance whether it’s with him or just showing off your impressive skill

He would beg you to teach him how to dance like that

(So would Jamil but he’s not the mc rn)

He thinks your quiet but curious nature is delightful

But not to worry he speaks enough for the both of you

He’s been conditioned to love the sound of clinking jewelry because that usually means you’re coming his way

He invites you to every party and finds a way each time to make you the center of attention

Likes cuddling up to your cool golden scales in the desert heat

He goes goo goo eyes if he hears your siren call (dw he doesn’t die) (bc I said so)

🩚Vil Schoenheit🩚

He would be jealous

He would be SOOOOO jealous

After all what is more beautiful than a golden dancer with an enchanting voice

His own tendencies towards shiny objects (regular jewelry) and his natural beauty is somewhat the thing that draws you to him

You are his MUSE

He loves taking photo shoots with you

Or photoshoots of just you

None of them do your true beauty justice in his opinion but it’s close

Your top supporter for dancing

He tries to convince you to go professional but you wouldn’t like that very much

He respects your feelings but will still brag about you online

Tries different makeup looks on you that go well with the gold

Orders special products specifically for keeping your gold nice and shiny

Spoils you with so much more jewelry than you could imagine

Which he will gladly help you put together into an outfit

Which is another thing he relentlessly spoils you with

You’re one of the few people this man is truly and deeply in love with

💙Idia Shroud💙

Will physically freeze if he sees you






Doesn’t even attempt to interact with you at first, he thinks your too good to even breathe the same air as him

Instead you come to him

It’s mostly his hair and curious habits that draw you to him

As a water being I imagine fire isn’t your best friend BUT FIRE FOR HAIR

That’s so 😳

You will often walk up on him without his notice and touch along his hair

After all you are gold, it would have to be a lot hotter to even make your hands drip

Squeals and runs away immediately

You’re let into his dorm by Ortho who is very fond of you since you treat him so kindly

Since you’ve never even laid eyes on a computer screen his games interest you thoroughly

He teaches you how to play a lot of em and you find a lot of entertainment in them

You’re weirdly good at beat saber due to your fast reflexes and flexible body

You enjoy stealing his hoodies because sometimes people ogling your jewels gives you anxiety

He gets the feeling and is more than happy to lend you his hoodies

While he’s playing games you’ll sit on his lap or cling to his side/back like a koala

He struggles to keep his composure

Willing to go out a little more if it means seeing you dance

How he bagged a complete SSR he’ll never know but he’s grateful

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉

You know how dragons are usually depicted as hoarding treasures or just being drawn to them in general?

Yeah, that’s how it was

You were like a treasure from another world and he wanted you so bad

Your lack of fear to approach him and the curious gaze you always gave him about his appearance was very amusing to him

It felt like you two were so similar but you still held an incredible uniqueness he didn’t even think possible

Is like putty in your hands when you begin your siren call

Like Kalim, could watch you dance for days

Sometimes you dance up to him so beautifully before placing a kiss on his lips

This has never and will never fail to make his face go beet-red while attempting to stutter out some sort of response

You will constantly dress him (specifically his horns) in dangling jewels

He’s gotten many stares, not of fear but of infatuation

His intimidating aura mixed with his handsome looks and golden accessories makes him a nice view on campus

Has more people complimenting him rather than running from him in fear

He always credits you with this

Gives you breathtaking jewels nearly everyday

You have a collection now

You’re his treasure and if anyone dared to lay a finger on you they would be no moređŸ€—

Tags :
2 years ago

hello, i was wondering if you could do a male lizzie hearts reader ?. like the raven queen reader one (also if you write for chenya could you add him, if not you can ignore it).

TWST Dorm leader x Male!EAH!Lizzie Hearts

đŸŒčRiddle RoseheartsđŸŒč



But seriously he is so down bad for you without fully realizing

Everyone may think that you two are basically the same person but that's not necessarily true

While you do have all of your mother's rules memorized by heart you don't get onto people for not following them nearly as much as he does

You love him and your mother, but you are very aware that the rules are kind of wacky especially outside of your hometown of wonderland

He would be even more actively obsessed with you when he finds out your mother is THE queen of hearts (sound familiar)

He needs to know EVERYTHING

What is she like? are the stories true? how was it being raised in wonderland? are the rules accurate? does he truly resemble her regality?

It may seem like he likes your mother more than you but he's just excited

Over time when you both get to know each other better he'll get to understand that you're less about following the rules and more about embracing your heritage, hence you often saying the infamous (and dreaded) "Off With Your Head!" line

Heartslaybul students slowly get acclimated to hearing double the voices when that line is spoken

You're actually a very sweet person when getting to know people, it's just hard because of your reputation which is something he relates to as well, but you both encourage each other to go out and make friends

Heartslaybul is like a big family filled with rowdy kids and a very strict parent and a very nice parent who makes the strict one chill

You're not the vice-dorm leader but people will go to you often when they need to get Riddle to cool down a bit since you do it the best

You play croquet together :)

It gets very competitive very fast

Bonus: Please bring him home for the holidays he'll faint (in a good way)

Extra Bonus: If your mom catches a whiff of his home conditions it is off with her head

🩁Leona Kingscholar🩁

At first, he's not your biggest fan

On the surface you're pretty much a Riddle copycat and at best he can tolerate Riddle

It's not until his overblot incident that he gets to experience your true kindness

He doesn't have a crush on you (yet), but he does hang around you when you have the chance

After all, how could he miss a chance to watch your face puff up a little when you yell your famous line

At first, he was annoyed but now he's more amused when you direct your phrase at him

You visit the botanical garden often due to your botany hobby and he likes to bother you while you're tending to plants or taking notes for fun

He doesn't understand how you do it for fun, but your notes are very organized and nice and seeing you chew your pen in focus always makes him blush

(If you help him with alchemy, he'll love you forever)

You don't cuddle with him unless it's in private

You may be cool, but you still have an image to uphold as the heir to the Kingdom of Hearts

Speaking of royalty, he's not thrilled with your mother being the queen of hearts

He loves seeing you be proud of your heritage, but he's convinced that eventually you'll have to leave him behind to be something he never had the chance to be

Once he inevitably shares this insecurity, you'd look at him in confusion and say "I thought we were on the same page of getting married and being kings of wonderlandđŸ„Č"

He'll just look at you with wide eyes, but you can tell he's unspeakably happy and wants it very much

He would also be scared shitless if he ever had to meet your mother since her approval is important to you and he feels there's no way he'd pass

He secretly has meetings with Riddle where he can practice on him to see if he would be good enough for the actual queen

It's a lot of effort but he'll do what he needs if it means being with you

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

You met through the board game club since you're a fan of card games

This was the singular thing he couldn't beat you at and he was FLOORED

He did everything he could to practice the many different card games you knew in an effort to beat you in them, but he just couldn't

The many games he challenged you to were kind of a bunch of dates that neither of you were aware were even dates

This to say he got to know you pretty well through these games

You are very good at catching onto his choice of words to avoid his scams

Not that he'd want to actively scam you now, but before he did find your power intriguing

This whole card thing would have him turning the lounge into somewhat of a casino

Think kakegurui but less death

You bring in a lot of money due to your phenomenal skills and something about that is just SO ATTRACTIVE TO HIM

Two businessmen in love, his dream❀

When you learn of his past you somewhat can relate

You weren't isolated and bullied as much as him, but you didn't have many close friends which is why you were so happy when you were allowed to make the octotrio a quadruple

Floyd likes to bother you but in a nice way

The tweels find you very entertaining and Azul is dating you so people are very wary of messing with you

He'll often have specials in the lounge that are based off of your wonderland heritage which you appreciate very much (this is also how he expresses his love so be prepared for many hearts and inside jokes in the titles/descriptions)

if he had to meet your mother his insecurity would poke out a bit but he's been able to grow a good amount of confidence since then, but the intimidation is still there

đŸ„łKalim Al-AsimđŸ„ł

He thinks you're such a sweetheart he loves you so much

He loves how you much you embrace your wonderland heritage; it makes him want to make you his king even more

You both like to learn about each other's cultures and homelands

For any reader who didn't know, Lizzie Hearts is a character who is skilled in playing the dulcimer

Taking this into consideration, Kalim will either beg you to teach him or just beg to hear you play

He loves helping you embrace your interests which is why he always gets you rare plants from different parts of the world to study

He thinks your background as a prince is SO COOL

He's rich but he's not exactly royalty, that won't stop him from treating you like so

He likes to do your heart themed makeup on you or let you do his

He also likes when you kiss his face with lipstick on

It's a physical reminder of you at all times

He would definitely show it off to others too

You guys probably have fancy picnics and/or practice your own musical practices together

He wouldn't be worried about anything of his personal self if he met your mother, he's more worried that he won't be able to give you everything you would ever want or need in the relationship

After a bit of reassurance his confidence will come back

🩚Vil Schoenheit🩚

Another person with fashion sense thanks the great seven!

If he catches a glimpse of your wonderland dress he'll faint

He will constantly request you design his clothing so he can bring it to a seamstress

He trusts your fashion sense more than Rook

Sometimes he will try to pay homage to the queen of hearts to embrace your heritage along with you, which you obviously help him with

Since your friends with Epel he'll ask you to subtly glam him up from time to time

You both play card games from time-to-time which Vil is surprisingly good at

You're the only person besides him posted frequently on his Magicam account

His fans would get to know you through his post and kind of fanboy over you too

(Maybe even more than him in some cases)

He gets jealous but more in a playful way, never anything too serious

He truly thinks you deserve recognition for your talent

If fashion is something you would want to pursue professionally he will help you with it

He's your biggest fan

đŸ‘ŸIdia ShroudđŸ‘Ÿ

You're more used to card games than online games

He's the one to introduce you to the world of online Solitare

You're addicted and that's an excuse for him to bond with you over something you both like

You never fail to be very impressed by both his internet savvy and his superior knowledge in technology

This will make his hair go bright pink as well as his face

If you told him your mother was a literal QUEEN he would feel super intimidated and inferior

After all you are a prince and he definitely wants to treat you like one

This means giving you flowers and diamonds in your shared Minecraft world

He may not know much about your hobbies but he's always happy to hear you talk about them

He would buy you anything you want or need for said hobbies like extra journals for notes/designs, or get you your specially designed dulcimer with hearts all over

He'll be at all of your croquet tournaments and cheer you on in the stands

He's slowly learning to cope with his anxiety seeing you making friends despite people's views of you

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉

You're like Riddle in that you're not greatly intimidated by him but also nice enough to actually acknowledge his existence and never forget to invite him

Especially to tea parties

He's aware of your proud heritage and will give you pretty red crystals or ones that look heart shaped to him

Crystals and little artifacts are his love language if you could not tell

You're the co-parent to his Tamagotchi and he is so appreciative of your dedication to the full-time job of parenting

As a fellow royal he feels he can relate to you that much more

You were kind of isolated from your friends in Wonderland because of your mother's paranoia and being royal also meant you had a lot of your own responsibilities and pressure

You both relate to embracing your individual backgrounds but also wanting to be able to talk to and befriend others in a regular way

I don't think you're intimidated by his magic or the fact he's a dragon fae

This prompts you to tell him about the Dragon Games EAH had and that you actually have a dragon of your own

He thinks it's super cool your school was willing to not only embrace dragons and other types of fae but also integrate them into your school

He wishes he attended your school, but you make him feel so special when you spend time with him

If you say you're comfortable with it he'll show you his dragon form

Dragon cuddles make him happy :)


There isn't much on his character, but I'll do my best

Since you have kitty as a roommate back in EAH you are very accustomed to a purple disappearing cat bothering you 24/7

But this one is a lot nicer and entertaining and didn't try to destroy your home world, so you like him a lot more

You really like his fashion style and fun piercings

He'll probably lend you some of his jewelry and you lend him yours so you guys always have a piece of each other with you both

He visits NRC a lot more to hang out with you

You, Che'nya, Riddle, and Trey are a newly formed friend group

Lots of pranks geared towards you but never anything too mean, mostly just appearing out of nowhere and spooking you

You two challenge each other to making card towers all the time

He wouldn't even be slightly scared for meeting your mother

in fact he'd probably be cracking jokes and playing pranks the entire time

Your mother doesn't trust him in the beginning until he proves that he can protect you from danger

If that happens, she'll be a little less judgmental but still cautious

That's all I got for now, sorry!

Tags :
2 years ago

Hello, can I request dorm leaders x male reader as briar beuty if not it's ok thank you

TWST Dorm Leader x Male!Briar Beauty!Yuu

okay but side note did any of you know that briar was confirmed to be afro-latina because I didn't but I love it so much😭

đŸŒčRiddle RoseheartsđŸŒč

After spending so much time with Kalim as a fellow dorm leader he can't say he's not familiar with the ropes

That doesn't mean he knows how to deal with it daily

When he first met you, he kept his distance a tad because he truly felt like there was nothing deeper with you other than partying

After you saved him from his overblot and you both actually spent a little bit of time with each other he discovered he was very wrong

He heavily sympathizes with your sleeping condition and what that could potentially mean for you if you're forced to follow through with your destiny

He also loves how you manage to keep so upbeat in spite of that, it's something he truly admires about you and another thing he can really use in his life

That doesn't mean you don't give him gray hairs from time to time since you've now made the ADeuce duo into a trio

He's tired please let him rest

Speaking of rest, he's become very vigilant on any time you may be starting to doze off

He makes sure the dorm students always have something handy to ensure a comfortable rest for you

It's probably a rule to not disturb any sleeping party and anyone who does is immediately collared

He may have gotten character development but he's willing to pretend he didn't from time to time if it's for your happiness

You are always happily available to help decorate for unbirthday parties since 1. parties are obviously your specialty, and 2. you wouldn't miss a chance to add a little Briar touch to it

Trey greatly appreciates your help with this and because of that you two have become good friends

You and Cater bond over Magicam but also always appearing to others as sort of a mask for your true self. Everyone sees you as a party guy and everyone sees him as a 24/7 happy guy with a chronic dependency on Magicam

You get along with everyone from that dorm and Riddle loves that and loves you

🩁Leona Kingscholar🩁

This is a surprisingly good match

You may stick out in his dorm like a sore thumb but he gets along with you like he does with Vil

He relentlessly teases you as his communication of affection (he does it to Vil for entertainment, he does it to you because of a crush)

The only difference is that you would probably tease him back

It's like a competition at this point

He discovers your sleeping condition on the very few times he's awake and you both are having a conversation at lunch

He turns his head away for a second and BOOM, face down in your food

At first he thinks it's like a joke or something

He tries to get you up but it obviously doesn't work, he doesn't entirely understand what's happening until the ADeuce duo explain it to him

He has you talk to him about it more in depth later, about your family line, the curse, your destiny, all of it

This makes him kinda feel bad

He takes advantage of his opportunities both in school and his relationships by sleeping since he knows he can't really be punished for it

but for you sleeping is quite literally a curse that's keeping you from everything you want to do, and will eventually be the reason you lose everything you love

Because of this it not only makes him determined to be better about his lazy habits but also to make sure you don't go back to your world

he won't keep you if you really wanna go back but he couldn't stand to lose you to some dumb destiny that you have no say in, he relates all too well to that feeling

That doesn't mean he doesn't use your random sleeping spells as an excuse to fall asleep himself

Lots and lots of snuggles

Like Riddle he's very good at telling when you're about to fall asleep but since his senses are so sharpened it kind of just comes naturally to him

If you're standing next to him he doesn't even have to look at you to know you're about to doze off and fall down in the process

he catches you every time without even a glance

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

To be honest there's not a lot about you both that would fit in immediately

I think it's mostly your opposite personalities that kind of get you together

He knows about your condition through the tweels

How they know? Who knows.

Fun fact: you can actually hear for miles while you're sleeping (yes this is canon)

So he would probably try to make you a deal for this super hearing minus the sleeping thing

But you're somewhat perceptive when you want to be so signing any sort of contract is just out of the deal

After his overblot you teach him to love the parts of himself that he doesn't even if it may be hard

You're very good at learning how to deal with insecurities in yourself and with others which helps when giving advice

You're always begging him to let you host a party at the Monstro Lounge

If you can prove trustworthy with it he'll let you

Eventually he sees this as a marketing opportunity and will subtly encourage you to host more parties there with the staff as a catering service

You both make bank off of this and he takes you shopping so he can see you happy

Also an opportunity to get matching clothes

When he learns of your destiny this makes him greatly upset

he doesn't want the most crucial parts of your life to be taken away from you because of something as idiotic as a destiny

He would try to use his UM on you to either make you stay in Twisted Wonderland or to take this curse away from you

Whether or not you make the deal is up to you

đŸ„łKalim Al-AsimđŸ„ł

You two get along too well it's scary

Like actually how

He definitely became more aware of your condition after a party

You had been invited to one of his many parties which you attended of course and after a long night of dancing and food you just crashed

At first he thought it was because the party tired you out but became worried when his efforts to wake you up in the morning didn't work

he sought out Ace and Deuce hoping maybe they could wake you up, which they did by blasting music, but before that they told him about your sleeping habits

He felt so bad, after all he couldn't imagine sleeping for years with no way to spend time with his friends

This makes him want to throw even more parties so you can spend as much time with everyone as possible

You both use this reason to guilt Jamil into letting you throw parties

He doesn't like that but he does enjoy when you use parties as a form of tutoring

It keeps Kalim entertained and leaves Jamil with plenty of free-time

Because of this Jamil has mixed feelings about you but appreciates when you help him out nonetheless

One of the many kinds of parties thrown at Scarabia is obviously slumber parties

Kalim will always without fail initiate a pillow fight

You two share a beanbag on these occasions

🩚Vil Schoenheit🩚

You like both gossip and fashion, so you're basically already Vil's type of person

You probably fell asleep while he was doing your makeup

He tried to wake you up for a while but after he discovered he couldn't he just finished your makeup and asked Rook what that was about since he has tabs on everyone in school

Rook is the one to bestow the knowledge of your sleeping condition on Vil

He would probably try to get more information out of you the next time you two hang out together

If you tell him about the destiny you had back in your old world he would be very disappointed

he sees so much potential in you in so many ways and knowing that one day that and everything else will have to be taken from you because of some stupid curse is just so sad (alexa play despacito-)

This makes him determined to pack in as many activities and such with you as possible

This includes a lot of fashion shows and photoshoots as well as just regular things for you both to do together

He appreciates your upbeat energy but the type of parties you throw are not often for him

Though he'll sometimes go anyways to make sure you don't do something stupid or fall asleep in a bad place

Speaking of sleep, if he can't ensure you have a proper sleep schedule, he'll at least make sure you'll have a proper sleep

there's basically a drill in Pomefiore anytime you fall asleep to get you to the nearest comfortable surface with only the best pillows and blankets

During one of said drills Epel would probably get a sharpie and draw something stupid all over your face

If Vil sees he'll quietly scold Epel while wiping it off of your face in your sleep

If you find out before Vil, you and Epel would probably laugh and set up an elaborate prank to do it to Vil when he's asleep then probably blame Rook or something

you and Epel would be very chaotic together but Vil still loves you

He loves you so much that I have no doubt he would secretly be trying to find a formula for a potion that can rid you of this curse forever

🎼Idia Shroud🎼

As a token extrovert your job is obviously to adopt all the local introverts

And the top of your list is definitely Idia

Just like Kalim you would be someone he tends to avoid because of your hyperactive attitude, but also like Kalim you don't let that happen

You obviously are aware of and respect his boundaries, but you definitely encourage him to spend time with you

Not necessarily in a group setting just together playing games or having a spa day or something

He prefers this to always spending his time in his room

He likes his games and shows but it gets lonely fast when you don't have someone to share things with in person

His outward reaction to your destiny is probably something equivalent to "That's rough buddy"

But internally he's losing it

You're one of the few people that gave him the attention and love he craved but now you'll have to be taken away from him because of something your mother was cursed with and a book?

To add even more salt to the wound, he came to a school of magic but curses and such aren't his area of expertise so he can't really do much to help you in the long run

just like the others he would definitely want to do as many things with you as possible before your time together runs out

One time you threw him one of those parties where everyone gets together and plays different kinds of video games

He hates parties but that's the one time where someone has taken into account his interests when hosting one

he was incredibly happy

the more that you build his self-esteem up, I think the more confident he would be to try and convince either Vil or Malleus to help him lift the curse on you

he'd be close to pissing himself the whole time but he can't risk a life without you

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉

Oh wow you're cursed to prick your finger on a spinning wheel and sleep for 100 years that sounds vaguely familiar

When he hears your name and what your destiny is he would probably think it's fate that you two met

He always says that since your name is Briar you were basically fated to become the second king of Briar Valley

You think he's joking, he is not

He's very aware of what one should do in the case of surprise sleeping spells (he basically raised Silver with Lilia he knows what he's doing)

but I feel like yours requires different protocols since yours is more of a surprise since you just randomly doze off whenever, and because it's much harder to get you back up

When you fall asleep he'll usually just wait it out but it makes his mind wander to sad places

Knowing of your destiny he tries to be cool about it but deep down he's very angry

Not at you of course but at the hand you've been given in life

He didn't always have such a great life, he was brought up very lonely, but you made these school years so full of joy for him that he couldn't bear to lose you especially not in a way that so much resembles what he will grow up to be

He knows that one day you'll potentially have to sleep for 100 years, meaning malleus won't be able to see you, his closest friend and lover, for 100 years except behind a glass coffin

When you wake up he always tell you "I would be willing to wait 100 years or more if that means I can see you again"




You get to drag him to every party you're invited to or that you throw

He sticks to you like glue the entire time but it's how people get to know him better and he starts to actually enjoy attending such events with you

I feel like if you ever had to fulfill your destiny he would either wait out the promised 100 years, or he would be the one to fulfill the story of true love's kiss (kinda like in the live action Maleficent)

If you didn't he would probably be because he managed to life the curse from you

Either way he doesn't plan on losing you to this

You hit the jackpot of partners bro

You're scared of losing everything you love because they'll all be dead by the time you wake up?


Tags :
2 years ago

heya! I was wondering how the dorm leaders would react to a eah!cerise hood!yuu? and if you write for ruggie or jack, then can you add them too? NO PRESSURE

Dorm Leaders + Ruggie & Jack x Male!EAH!Cerise Hood!Yuu

When I was writing one of my current posts I actually had this exact thought

(Also I’m so sorry on the wait :,))

đŸŒčRiddle RoseheartsđŸŒč

He admires your loyalty to those you love but at first he thinks you’re just like everyone in Savanclaw

But even if you may be a rebel you know how to get along with royals

Once he understands that you’re not just some energetic rule breaker like many people there and actually sees what lies beneath he enjoys you’re company

He doesn’t completely relate to you’re feelings of having to hide yourself but he sympathizes nonetheless

He would very much encourage you to bd more proud of your appearance and let go of the prejudice notions instilled in you back at EAH

I do not know why at all but I just have a feeling that Cerise would memorize and follow all of the 800+ rules

I seriously cannot decipher why you just would

But you don’t make others follow them, you find them entertaining but definitely nonsense

You would insist of serving him tea whenever you can because your love language is most definitely service

You suck at croquet but that’s an excuse for Riddle to do the typical Teaching You How To Play Golf With a Small Heaping of Romantic TensionTM

You both are oblivious to what this looks like but Cater is snapping pictures left and right

He likes to dress you in formal Heartslaybul attire because you just match so well with it

A lot of dates are picnics in the rose maze because he knows how much picnics mean to you in you’re family experience

With the hedgehogs ofc

Also likes playing catch with you, he likes how happy it makes you

Carry him bridal style while running full speed is 👌

He’s beet red tho

🩁Leona Kingscholar🩁

The vibe here is old married couple

I don’t know why but it is

I think you guys would get to know each other through spelldrive practice

You show up since it’s probably to track and field you can get and you’re a bit competitive

Leona’s jaw is nearly on the ground when he sees a (presumed) human with essentially no special traits run fucking CIRCLES around the entire class

At one point to really test you they probably put you against the entire team

You won

And boy that is HOT

Forget herbivore you’ve been upgraded to LIONESS

Yes ik you’re a guy but gendered terms are outdated take it up with Vil see what happens

He attempts to court you and you would definitely pick it up quickly it’s more the disbelief that he would want to

Once you accept it’s like those dog/cat relationships you see on google images

Exhibit A

Heya! I Was Wondering How The Dorm Leaders Would React To A Eah!cerise Hood!yuu? And If You Write For
Heya! I Was Wondering How The Dorm Leaders Would React To A Eah!cerise Hood!yuu? And If You Write For
Heya! I Was Wondering How The Dorm Leaders Would React To A Eah!cerise Hood!yuu? And If You Write For

He’s a lazy lion with a hyperactive wolf bf


If you sleep he flops on top of you

If he sleeps you physically drag him out of bed to play a game or smthg

Lots of play fighting but not very frequently

He finds entertainment in throwing a frisbee a watching you catch it

đŸșJack HowlđŸș

Did you know that when wolves mate they mate for life?

That's the vibe here

There may be plenty of other students with a wolf heritage at school but there's just something different about you

He's sort of intrigued by your mysterious aura and wants to get to know you better but he's kind of embarrassed to

If he ever sees you running he would definitely want to ask you to race

You're the only person in school who could beat him and that's when he knows he would want to pursue something more with you

Just about everyone in school knows of your wolf heritage even though you try to hide it, most people didn't even know that you were hiding it

It’s kind of a breath of fresh air when you realize you don’t have to hide yourself since people just. Don’t care

Unlike EAH, wolf hybrids are very common in Twisted Wonderland meaning you’re just what you wanted to be, normal

And even though you would love whoever you end up with there’s something special about being with specifically a wolf hybrid partner because they understand the small and the big things that come with being part wolf

For instance, play fighting

Lets just say play fighting is a TIME for anyone involved

You throw Jack across the room and he rushes back with the same fervor

Everyone evacuates the area since they think it’s an intense lover’s quarrel but you both are just discussing what you want for lunch

Idk if wolves hunt for each other but let’s say you guys do

By that I mean you both try to be at the front of the cafeteria line to get whatever the other wants

It’s cute puppy love :)

đŸ©Ruggie BucchiđŸ©

You and Jack are twins he swears

If you and him are any ounce of close you’d be adamant on helping him with his errands

No matter how much he tries to deny it he has a soft spot for trusting underclassman

They’re just too nice for a place like Savanclaw even if they are physically strong

He would probably fall for you if you get him a donut with some line like “I saw this and though of you/thought you might want it”

He’s a simple man, feed him, don’t be a dick, and you’re in

There’s less of those types of people here than one would think

Fun fact hyenas are scientifically faster than wolves

Meaning he could definitely match up with you in a race

But your reflexes and physical strength has him all 😳

Strong but caring people are definitely his type

Especially when you say “How about you take a nap while I take care of the rest of your jobs?”

He will implode and ask you to marry him

You just kiss him and run off to finish his duties

He can and will think about that moment the rest of his life

Since I can’t imagine either of you are very rich there’s a lot of DIY dates that you guys put together

DIY as in low budget/home activities

But any time spent with you is time well spent for him

Since he probably does Leona’s homework and is an upperclassman himself he would give you all the answers to everything and more dw

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

Definitely DEFINITELY tried to bank on your physical prowess

I think at first you guys wouldn’t like each other because Azul sees you as naive while you see him as someone who takes advantage of others

It’s not until after his overblot and explanation of his background that you two can really see eye to eye

He’s one of the few people that relates with pretty much all of your own insecurities

Bullied for looks/heritage? Check

Came to hate yourself? Check

Forced to hide who you really are? Check

NRC has been the saving grace for both of you

After his overblot you visit the lounge often which gives him more courage to actually talk to you

You both are equally embarrassed trying to flirt/initiate anything

It’s probably the tweels that officially got you together

You both are each other’s #1 support

He teaches you how to swim instead of just doggy paddling and you give him some tips on how to up his grades in PE

After some time you guys just kind of know each other like the backs of your hands so you both know what triggers each other’s insecurities + the best way to deal with it

You enjoy helping him at the Monstro Lounge and he just likes you being there

I’m sure there’s plenty of people attempting to hit on you and if that happens they’re either banned or are now required to work for free

Azul may not do many contracts now but one of the few he always has people sign when they walk in specifies that customers do not hit on workers unless in a romantic relationship

He acts like he did it for everyone but he truly did it just for you

I think he would open up an arm wrestling game with you against any challenger

If you win (which you always do because you’re strong asf) you get paid

Business man octopus and his trustworthy puppy bf❀

đŸ„łKalim Al-AsimđŸ„ł

You’re someone who likes to help others where you can which includes party planning

That’s something Kalim loves about you, you’re always eager to help

You also love how kind and giving he is

He may be genuinely naive but you think he deserves to see the best in others

That doesn’t mean you’re not protective of him against anyone who may wanna take advantage

This includes Jamil

Tbh I may be a little biased because I think there are many ways that Jamil deserved to have the anger he did and you feel the same way, but that doesn’t mean you liked it

You were one of the first to pick up on his hatred towards Kalim and actively tried to protect him from it

After the whole overblot incident (which you definitely saw coming) you sympathize with Jamil a little and try to have Kalim understand his position

You still give Jamil the stink eye if he gives you reason to be war of him

But back to fluffier hc

He shows up to any spelldrive practice of yours he can and be the loudest when cheering you on with no embarrassment

At spell drive tournaments you’re probably on his team in which case he’s constantly flirting with you during the match

Y’all would’ve lost if it wasn’t for your physical prowess

If you’re not on his team he still flirts but he has a new vigor when matched against you

There’s something homoerotic about being put against your bf in a game

Magic carpet ride picnics😳

🩚Vil Schoenheit🩚

Anyone from EAH automatically has a sense for fashion

Even though you do when it comes to important events that doesn’t entirely apply to everday life

It’s less about having lower fashion sense and more about the fact that you two just don’t share the same views on self-care and beauty

In fact he really likes your fashion, it fits you very well

But you’re rugged with style while Vil’s entire vibe is just overall regal

Meaning lots of skin care tips since you have a habit of playing in the woods

This is giving very much beauty and the beast and I’m kind of living for it

You’re like his loyal guard dog and he adores you and spoils you very much

Rook finds you incredibly interesting and studies you as though he has intention to hunt you

You hide behind Vil anytime he’s around like this

Heya! I Was Wondering How The Dorm Leaders Would React To A Eah!cerise Hood!yuu? And If You Write For

Lots of ear scratches and exercise together

The rivalry between Vil and Neige is one you both don’t understand but feel all too familiar with

Any time he feels his insecurities arise against Neige you probably give him a pep talk about Royals and Rebels and how he can choose his own destiny

It cheers him up :)

He thinks it’s just a bunch of metaphors but when he hears this is genuinely about your own world he’s lowkey interested

đŸ‘ŸIdia ShroudđŸ‘Ÿ

You guys are both loners so you probably met while you were each wandering the halls alone

His hair is what gets your attention

You’re used to fire magic in school but this feels like another level

With you being a loner he feels like you both have an unspoken bond, which only gets stronger when he work up the courage to ask you to play a game with him

Anything that has to do with hand eye coordination you’d be very skilled at but besides that you’re probably gonna need some help

I don’t see you as being the big gamer type at least not back at EAH

Minecraft picnics❀

Being one who’s not very internet savvy he shows you cool pieces of tech he’s made and the way your eyes shine in interest make him feel on top of the world

Since he has long hair I have no doubt he’s had to learn how to braid his hair at some point

So he would idly braid your hair as affection and maybe decorate with hair clips n stuff

Shows up to all your spell-drive practices

In return you enthusiastically dance with him to the bands he likes

I think you would give him piggyback rides that would be so funny

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉


Being Loners

For him his fae heritage is no secret but it’s still feared, but the reason your heritage is hidden in the first place is BECAUSE people would fear it

Of course things are different for you at NRC but your previous emotional scars and fear of your background being revealed doesn’t necessarily go away

Like Idia this makes you feel like you both have some sort of unspoken bond

It never really goes anywhere until he starts randomly showing up at Ramshackle

Being the considerate person you are you invite him in because it’s probably cold as heck out there

There’s a lot of talking that goes on that night. 3AM does that to people

They then become a sort of ritualistic thing for you two

This leads to a lot more bonding between you two during school hours

You guys partner up for projects, help each other with studying, you invite him to a lot of your more social stuff/clubs, it’s nice

When you’re not at spell drive you’re with him at his gargoyle research club

Briar Valley picnics

“I know someone named Briar, funny”

“Wow what a coincidence :D”

Piggyback rides are also common here

You like to randomly bite his ears, he’s confused but in return he noms your wolf ears

It’s a battle now

Idk what else to put so here are some dog/lizard pics

Heya! I Was Wondering How The Dorm Leaders Would React To A Eah!cerise Hood!yuu? And If You Write For
Heya! I Was Wondering How The Dorm Leaders Would React To A Eah!cerise Hood!yuu? And If You Write For
Heya! I Was Wondering How The Dorm Leaders Would React To A Eah!cerise Hood!yuu? And If You Write For

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2 years ago

hello hello, i am here again to make a request, with the dormleader with a male reader who is the prince of their stories(like malleus with philip!reader and riddle with alice!reader) i just think it would be funny (and also bcs i haven't seen people do this so-)

TWST Dormleaders x Prince!Yuu

Dude this prompt has been stuck in my head I just haven't written it for whatever reason so I thank you for giving me an excuse to do so

đŸŒčRiddle RoseheartsđŸŒč

I love this dynamic omfg

Alice’s immediate response to seeing Riddle is to look up, speak nicely, stop twiddling his fingers, point out his toes, curtsy, opens his mouth a little wider and exclaims “YES YOUR MAJESTY!”

Riddle is spooked at first but then goes “At least SOMEONE knows the rules”

Alice is incredibly reckless due to intense curiosity

But everytime Riddle gets onto you, you look up at him and go “But my queen, it was oh so curious”

Hearing your mid-atlantic accent he can’t stay mad at you you’re just too sweetđŸ„ș

You’ve been through Wonderland once before so you at least know how to play their version of croquet and a couple of the rules

I feel like a couple of times Alice would purposely break the rules to get collared because he’s so interested in how it works

Alice is just a tad naive due to his curiosity in EVERYTHING so if Riddle and Alice are having tea time and a white rabbit passes by, Alice will chase it

Riddle only knows the story of the Queen of Hearts not Alice In Wonderland so this makes no sense to him

Imagine a very short person running after a rabbit in the fields with Riddle the Housewarden chasing them in his dorm uniform😭

I can’t stop thinking of Alice with puffy blue dresses with ribbon decor, so cute I love

Alice and Chenya are immediate BFFS

Alice keeps calling him “Cheshire Cat” which he doesn’t get but he’s happy to go along with it

That scene when the Cheshire cat is distracting Alice from the Queen during a game of croquet but with Male! Alice, Chenya, and Riddle

Riddle keeps hearing small giggles behind him but he doesn’t understand why

Alice introduces the Hearslaybul boys to the “Painting the roses red” song

It’s their anthem now


Alice is overall a very happy boy who drags Adeuce on adventures and gives his queen a heart attack but also kiss attacks

Heartslaybul has been a more joyous place with the arrival of Alice

🩁Leona Kingscholar🩁

.. isn’t the prince
. cheka

He is

He is the prince

I don’t know how to write this unless I break some moral codes which I’m not feeling up to

I’m sorry :,)

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙


This is everything

He would fall in love with Azul when he hears his singing voice

But of course in proper Little Mermaid fashion, Eric doesn’t know who said voice belongs to

He goes around the school for days, asking if someone knows someone with “The voice of an angelđŸ„ș”

This dude is a hopeless romantic who definitely believes in love at first sight (or song ig)

I think Jade catches on pretty quickly to who he’s talking about

He doesn’t do anything for a while until he decides to tell Floyd, who on the contrary thinks it would be entertaining to very much do something about it

Cue a montage of them elaborately trying to get you to realize that the person you’re looking for is Azul but just narrowly missing

This includes the boat scene

Floyd actually did end up knocking the boat over bc he was bored

When Floyd’s enthusiasm dies he’s just like “Yo the person you were looking for is Azul”

Eric: Finally the love of my life has come to međŸ„ș

Eric is very well versed in the ways of the sea considering he spent a lot of his life on it so he knows plenty about the sea life in Twisted Wonderland or is interested in learning

This means Azul would give him a water breathing potion so he can explore underwater

It takes a lot of convincing to get Azul to come with him since he’s still kind of insecure about his octopus form

But when Eric gives him the puppy dog eyes it’s game over

He’s gushing all over Azul telling him how beautiful and majestic he is

Azul almost inks

He actually does when Eric squeezes the life out of him due to excitement

He just loves his octo bf so muchđŸ„č

But he’s still a prince so he’ll spoil Azul with his princely manners

Will always pull out a chair for him, lead him in dancing, sword fight someone in his honor etc.

The tweels think it’s kind of pathetic how head over heels he is for Azul but Azul is just as enamored, just less showy about it

Discounts at the Monstro lounge is a given

There definitely was a time when Eric was knocked into the water and couldn’t get back up so Azul had to dive in to save him


đŸ„łKalim Al-AsimđŸ„ł

This is super cute but Aladdin has no idea how to deal

He’s dirt poor but he managed to land a partner that’s filthy rich

I mean it wouldn’t be the first time

But because of his upbringing that means that he’s become very perceptive of bad people

He probably warned Kalim before Jamil’s overblot, Kalim refused to believe him though because he was so convinced Jamil would never do anything to hurt him

He understood where he was coming from and wanted to say “Yeah you’re probably right” but he knew it wasn’t true

But he also knew Kalim wouldn’t listen to him so his hands were kind of tied

But blah blah blah Jamil’s overblot happened, Aladdin saved the day fluffy stuff

Kalim loves Abu he just wants to give him a little squeeze

Abu is slippery though so he just feeds him food

Abu likes him a bunch because of this

On days where Kalim wants to take Aladdin for a magic carpet ride he’s like “BRO I GOT ONE TOO””OMG TWINS”

There’s a lot of carpet races because of this

But on a night where Aladdin was feeling particularly romantic he serenaded him with “I can show you the world”

Kalim cried

The way that Kalim best shows affection is through material items since that’s something he knows he’s good at

He throws a lot of expensive jewelry and clothes at Aladdin

It’s not like Aladdin doesn’t appreciate it but he doesn’t need those things to be happy

All he needs is Kalim

When he tells him that, Kalim starts crying Part 2

Because of Aladdin’s tendency to swipe things he probably shouldn’t this kind of gets him into trouble a bunch

That is if anyone could catch him

Just like his pal Abu he’s a slippery fellow

Kalim finds it endearing

🩚Vil Schoenheit🩚

No hate to The Prince but he has the personality of a thumb

He’s only gotten two scenes in the movie and doesn’t even have an official name

So I’ll just call him Prince ig

But Vil and Prince are kind of the perfect couple ngl

Vil thinks of himself as a Queen and who better for a Queen than a soon to be King?

Prince simps for Vil so hard

Like I don’t know how to verbally express how much

He would die for Vil, he would kill for his Queen, every formal interaction he will get on one knee and kiss Vil’s hand, the power dynamic is kinda đŸ«ŁđŸ„Ž

This just gives me “loyal puppy dog Prince x powerful ‘will kill you if you touch him’ Queen”

Of course Vil is like 😏

Prince treats him like the Queen he knows he is and Vil is obsessed with the never ending attention

He reciprocates through giving him his full attention whenever he can

Even something as small as a peck on the cheek means everything to Prince

His Queen😳

With someone as low as a Prince😳

This cannot be possible😳

But oh it is possible and Vil makes sure he knows that

He loves his loyal lover to the stars and back and he makes sure it’s known by always keeping a hand around his waist

It’s less out of protection than it is possessiveness

But it makes Prince SWOON

Any person who dares argue his Queen’s beauty or strength he will fight

He sees this as saving his Queen’s time

If they can’t take him they have no privilege to even try with Vil

this sounds like sebek omfg

Bridal carrying VilđŸ„č

🎼Idia Shroud🎼


There’s just so much potential here my guys

Even more so if I went by real Ancient Greece that shit was crazy

But this is Disney so I won’t

Hercules knows NOTHING about half the crap that goes on in Twisted Wonderland

“We must sacrifice the finest cattle in honor of the gods””Lol cool let’s play minecraft””What craft is yours?”

I don’t think Idia would have a lot of social anxiety around him after a bit

He’s very knew to everything in Twisted Wonderland, he doesn’t know how society or technology works, he doesn’t know how to dress, etc. so for someone like Idia to take him under his wing he looks up to him as if he was almost a god (only in twisted wonderland ofc he don’t disrespect the pantheon like that)

When Idia tells him of the story of Hades Hercules casually drops the “Oh yeah I know, he’s my uncle”

.Bitch say sike rn”

Tbh the interactions between your two worlds is very interesting in of itself

I mean it’s obvious twisted wonderland doesn’t have “gods”. Worshipped one’s absolutely but not in the way Earth does

And considering Greek Mythology is a very real thing on Earth but the concept of Hades at least exists in twst means that Greek Mythology exists there too

But they didn’t have ancient Greece

This shit confusing I’ll just stop the existentialism right there

If he tells Idia about his world and origins that’s kind of an existential bend for Idia lol

Like he’s learning that most of the things his dorm has/are involved in was specifically named after an assortment of stories in his partner’s world?

Mind. Blown.

But also we can’t forget the fact that lil ol Idia is deadass dating a DEMIGOD

I don’t think that concept exists in twst but when he explains he like “OOOO BOY😳”

A very muscular man who came through his mirror from a different dimension not only is related to one of the Great Seven but is also the son to a being that is essentially the ruler of their universe????


Hercules would use him as a weight while exercising and Idia has his switch out playin Animal Crossing or something

Any time Frisbee is played near them he’s actively shielding Idia

He can’t risk anything after what happened to his (technically) brother Apollo

If you know, you know

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉

This one would be so funny

I’m positive Phillip knows who Maleficent is and her role in his “one true love”’s story

But imagine his surprise when he’s like “The princess is sweet but the dragon fae that’s similar to the person who tried to curse her is kinda😳👀”

He’s a hero who lived long enough to be with the villain

Being from the 14th century he knows just as much about modern things as Malleus does

Meaning Phillip is very suited towards his courting style

Phillip practicing fencing with Sebek or Silver is a must

Phillip desperately wants to see Malleus’ dragon form

It’s not anything he hasn’t seen before and he likes the idea of literally flying into battle with his bf

Phillip knows much about history and arts so Lilia and him get on swell

I think he can play many classical instruments, so he likes to serenade Malleus with a violin or piano

He would most definitely create a rendition of “Once Upon A Dream” for him too

Being a 14th century person who was thrusted to a different dimension in the future, I think he’s really into theatre

Phillip brings Malleus to many plays

Phillip hears from friends Adeuce when dorm leader meetings are held which he relays to Malleus to ensure he’s not left out of important manners

Ballroom dancing togetherđŸ„ș

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2 years ago

I saw that you have a lot going on right now so I am not asking for headcanons, if honest I may ask in the future. Not sure if this make sense, but I was curious by your own taste, which Yuu (that you made) fits best with each Dorm Leader; Any!Prince!Yuu, Male!EAH!Cerise Hood!Yuu, Male!Briar Beauty!Yuu, Male!EAH!Lizzie Hearts, Male!EAHRaven!Yuu, Male!Jibaro!Yuu, and male!Draculaura!Yuu? Like if all these Yuu were in the same TWST Universe, who would do you think would fit if who?

This doesn’t seem like a long ask or anything so it’ll be easier for me to answer quickly and I also like talking about my opinions lol

But the Yuu that I definitely think fits the universe the best is either Prince!Yuu or any EAH!Yuu mostly because their concept was specifically written to fit in with the story of the villans so most of the canon writing is already there yk?

For Prince! Yuu I’m very much a sucker for Hero x Villain trope and on top of that the villains in Twisted Wonderland aren’t really “villains” as much as they are traumatized teenagers with powers. They aren’t written to do anything malicious or bad to someone at least not without reason and they always get the redemption the original villains didn’t get making it easier to sympathize with them and root for their happiness. And since the princes aren’t usually big playing pieces in some of the Disney movies you can kind of just put any personality to them without it combating canon

For the EAH!Yuu that’s kind of dependent on which character you put with who but overall the concept of EAH and TWST are exactly the same except EAH is more the female side and TWST is more the male side. I just like mixing and matching characters modeled after the same storybook together because it’s fun to have crossovers of different universes with the same concept just done differently. I also like to see how each of their individual knowledge of the OG story clash with each other. Like for TWST the Great Seven are people that once ruled their land or at least had large influence in it but are now dead, for EAH the “Great Seven” are well known storybook villains that are literally the PARENTS of the students, it’s like canonical multiverse and I love it.

I think either goes well but the one that I think would do better in a canonical sense of the series is probably Prince!Yuu. Thanks for the ask this was fun!

Tags :
2 years ago

omg i saw the Hua Cheng!Mc post and i know i have to ask— 1st years +dorm leaders with Wei Wuxian!Mc? (if it's too many characters you can just do dorm leaders, i love my demonic chaos gremlin and your writing is just *chef's kiss*)

Dorm Leaders + First Years x Wei Wuxian!Yuu

Fair warning, I’ve never read any of the stuff he’s in even though I really want to😭 Therefore I will be using the WIKI so if I get anything wrong please excuse me

If you took a shot everytime Wei teases someone you’d go blackout

đŸŒčRiddle RoseheartsđŸŒč

They wouldn’t get along immediately

Wei is not one to follow rules, you can probably take a guess as to why that’s a deal breaker for Riddle

It doesn’t mean Wei won’t tease him though

Probably worse than Floyd tbh

He respects Riddle’s strive for “justice” (mainly just staying in line) but he thinks it’s going the wrong direction

He punishes those who care for him just because he follows noticeably idiotic rules which aren’t in place for protection or justice, but are in place due to personal interest

Long way to say Wei doesn’t like them

He’s the first one who races to help Riddle during his overblot though

He believes despite everything Riddle shouldn’t be the one who’s punished because of his past

This is literally canon to the writer therefore it’s canon to me

Omg I Saw The Hua Cheng!Mc Post And I Know I Have To Ask 1st Years +dorm Leaders With Wei Wuxian!Mc?

Any time Riddle is about to do the Off With Your Head thing and Wei feels like said person doesn’t deserve it, he’ll intentionally be the one to get hit instead

Then Riddle and Wei start scolding each other which turns into a yelling match

But truly Riddle just doesn’t want him to be so self-sacrificing when he doesn’t need to be

It worries him that it will have worse consequences in the future even if it’s what Wei thinks is right

Wei greatly despises Riddle’s mother since she played a great role in Riddle’s suffering as an innocent child

So if he ever sees her it’s on site

Also Riddle will think it’s very cultured of Wei to play the flute, he thinks having artistic experience in general is very important

But then he sees the flute control the dead

Riddle: đŸ˜đŸ˜‘đŸ«„

He’s dealt with too much BS to deal with this

He knows he essentially plays god but he rarely acknowledges it unless need be

It’s not even because he thinks it’s bad, he’s just truly very tired

❀Ace Trappola❀

Besties right off the bat

Idk I just know they like to fuck shit up together

You two were probably playing a prank around Halloween time

Part of it involved “raising the dead”

I put it in quotation marks bc Ace thought Wei was exaggerating

Like he would just dress up as a zombie or something

He did not

Ace needs some time to process wtf he just saw

He comes to the conclusion that he needs to know how he did it


Or at least that’s what Ace says, Wei isn’t convinced (I don’t even think it’s possible for Ace to do it)

But Ace is determined nonetheless

He slowly tries to chip away at Wei

Wei is hella stubborn but he can’t lie he finds Ace’s determination endearing so he gives it a shot

It goes how you probably expect

There are undead people everywhere, Riddle is screaming at them, this is the best day of Floyd’s life, Leona’s sleeping etc.

The building is probably on fire and Ace is trying to figure out how to make dead people die again

Wei’s just kind of off in the corner thinkin “
.I’m gonna kiss him”

So that’s what happened :D

Ace probably tried to play it off all cool n crap but I’m just saying if a tall, handsome man with dark long hair kissed me I would be blushing all over too

After that even though it’s been confirmed that they both have feelings for each other Ace still acts like he’s in the unrequited love phase by trying to impress Wei whenever he gets the chance

Wei knows what he’s doing and stupidly enough it’s working

I just think they’re both a little stupid with Wei being caretaker stupid and Ace being ‘has to be cartak-ed’ stupid

♠Deuce Spade♠

Deuce would be a goody two shoes and be like “We shouldn’t mess with the dead >:(“

Wei: I love you but i did not ask

But yeah I don’t think Deuce likes Wei’s power

He respects its power, but he genuinely doesn’t believe it’s smart to play god

One of the very few times he has the group braincell

He probably turns like mom friend or something and is like “Karma’s gonna come for you smh”

Good thing Wei likes milfs

Wei’s stupidity and audacity to fuck with the laws of nature is attractive to Deuce for some reason or maybe I’m just projecting

Funnily enough, even though he doesn’t think it’s a good idea, whenever there’s severe danger, aka overblots, Deuce is the first one to be like “DO THE THING”

Wei does a shit eating grin and Deuce always knows what he’s about to say

“Oh but I thought KaRmA wOuLd CoMe FoR mE”

Just a very confusing dynamic but one that’s fun to watch

I also think Deuce would simultaneously joke about fighting Wei/saying he “hates him” but anyone who’s genuinely disrespectful towards Wei he would throw hands with

I’m torn between the idea of Wei threateningly standing behind him when Deuce challenges someone to a fight and lightly whispering “Don’t” to the opponent

Or being off to the side sipping tea and being his No. 1 fangirl

Either way, Wei is Deuce’s little meow meow that’s committed war crimes and Deuce is Wei’s himbo

🩁Leona Kingscholar🩁

wei would call him el gato don’t hate i’m just god’s messenger

To be fully honest with you

Wei is giving very much Ruggie 2.0

Which means Wei and Ruggie get along amazingly and their major bonding point is irritating Leona as much as possible

Leona is genuinely scared/hj

Just to mess with Leona I feel like Wei would flirt with his sister in law

“I know you’re my date to this stupid ball my brother made me come to but do not do anything stu-“ ”damn that lady over there lookin hella fineđŸ˜«â€ ”THATS THE FUCKING QUEEN”

But in all seriousness he cares a lot about Leona and seeing him be happy and succeed, he just doesn’t know any other way to display it

When Leona takes naps, sometimes Wei will give him a forehead kith and a blanket or just something soft in general

But most times he’d go like “AwwwwwđŸ„č” and not even 5 seconds later he’s dropping him into a body of water

At first that is definitely a point of irritation for Leona but he knows he can’t stop him so he adapts

He now he always has a snorkel and goggles on him to sleep in the water

Wei loves this game they play but everyone else thinks Leona’s dead

One time when Leona slept for like 12+ hours straight in the pool, Savanclaw fell into chaos

There was no mourning for their fallen king (except maybe Jack) everyone was just at each other’s throats trying to determine who their next ruler would be

Wei was just smiling in the corner

There’s nothing that will ever be more entertaining than watching a bunch of overgrown cats and dogs howling at each other

Ruggie knows what’s going on and fist-bumps Wei

He also takes the opportunity to steal from Leona’s room

Eventually when Leona woke up Wei was waiting by the pool with a towel and the news on everything that happened that day

Leona didn’t even care to deal with it until the next day

They snuggle, Leona says it’s for “warmth”, Wei knows it’s just an excuse for physical contactđŸ„°

đŸșJack HowlđŸș

He would fear him

Because SAD FACT Wei has cynophobia (extreme fear of dogs) due to his background having to fight with dogs for food on the streets

He would avoid Jack like the plague

Even if they don’t know each other very well Jack would feel bad

He thinks it’s due to his scary demeanor so he tries to make friends

It takes a while to see noticeable progress

It’s not until Jack notices Wei shrinking in on himself less and not fidgeting with his clothing as much that he’s comfortable saying they’re at least friends

But because of all the time and effort put into building up their relationship this actually made them both develop romantic feelings for one another

Jack definitely wouldn’t feel like Wei likes him back therefore Wei is the one to confess

Wei teases him for the noticeable tail wag

Speaking of which, once they’re in an established relationship Wei would be touching Jack’s fluffy tail and ears CONSTANTLY

Because he knows they’re sensitive spots for him

Jack is kind of like Wei’s exposure therapy but Jack can’t say he’s displeased because it leads to lots of hugs

And if he were to say that it would be a noticeable lie due to his tail wagging every time Wei is around

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

Business opportunity

I do not know how Azul can benefit from the raising the dead thing

But he’ll find a way

But he can definitely make some bank on the flute abilities

At first I think Wei agrees to play for the lounge as a way to make a little cash

But how could he ever pass up the opportunity to relentlessly tease a tiny Octo-man

Maybe I’m wrong but I think Floyd and him would get along well

And I think Wei is cool with Jade

I’m honestly kinda thinking Little Mermaid style romance but replace the voice of an angel with really impress flute skills

The more Azul hears him playing at the lounge, the more he’s like “Wow I never noticed how good he is with his mouth, or his long luscious hair, or charming smile, or smooth hands, or-“

Azul thinks it’s just admiration

Wei can tell by the blush on his face that it’s not

Their first kiss is when Monstro Lounge is closing up for the night

It’s only Azul, Wei and the twins left

Azul is doing last minute paperwork, Jade and Floyd are cleaning except Floyd’s not really cleaning because he’s too busy being a nuisance with Wei

At a time when Wei and Azul are alone it starts off with Wei teasing him for his ‘admiration’

Obviously this is pretty embarrassing for the octopus

I do not know how or why but Wei convinced him to kiss him bc according to him “If you kiss me but don’t feel anything then I’ll agree that you don’t like me”

Maybe OOC for Azul to try to prove himself like that but he agrees

Azul did in fact feel something emotional

They probably made out or smthg

After that it’s the Scary businessman boss x Very Hot Worker

Just Wei strolling in and sitting on his lap while Azul is in meetings

It takes a while to get used to but once Azul does it’s something he barely notices

The clients are insanely confused though

There’s probably a lot of dudes stopping by the lounge trying to woo Wei

But then Wei’s mean, small, and angry bf comes out and they scram

Power couple❀

đŸ„łKalim Al-AsimđŸ„ł


im crying

its canon

that would be so amazing

Just like

Kalim makes Wei so happy

It’s like an infectious laugh personfied

Like things suck but their positivity rubs off on you yk?

Wei does a lot of stupid shit and since Kalim is down for anything he’s constantly dragging him into stupid situations

Like setting the school kitchen on fire

Or the halls in sticky notes (Kalim put little compliments on some)

Jamil is in pain

But Wei also sympathizes with Jamil so sometimes he tries to give him a break by just taking Kalim to do stupid crap where Jamil can’t reach them

The image of Kalim and Wei on the magic carpet while Wei is shredding on the flute, undead bodies everywhere


Kalim doesn’t know how to feel abt Wei’s ability

On one hand he thinks it’s super cool

On the other it’s very scary

He enjoys admiring it from a distance

Wei likes to learn dance moves from Kalim

It’s just a silly goofy time

Kalim SPOILS him

He knows about how Wei grows up and that’s why he feels the need to give him the nicest things

Even if Kalim never tells him this specifically he knows what he’s doing and the idea that someone literally wants to give him the world to make up for the fact that he was treated like garbage BY the world is so đŸ„șđŸ„čđŸ˜­đŸ˜©â€ïž

I so desperately want them to perform the hardest rock concert with the pop club and Wei is head banging on the fucking flute

Please I need it so bad

🩚Vil Schoenheit🩚

Wei is on his knees tbh

It’s kind of like he teases Vil for how much effort he puts into something kinda useless but he’s also like “I’d smash tho”

Idk if Wei knows how to do makeup but I think he’d pick up on it pretty fast

He doesn’t usually put any on himself tho, he’s god’s favorite there’s no need

He likes to joke with Vil that he needs the makeup but Vil knows he’s joking

He’s also god’s favorite, he’s simply accentuating it

Tbh idk what to put for them here

It’s kind of like hot sophisticated malewife x hot chaotic malewife

Idk why I’m so obsessed with carrying positions but Wei would undoubtedly carry Vil by his thighs wherever they go

Speaking of thighs Wei is obsessed with them

He always makes those kinds of jokes that aren’t really jokes about how he wants to die between Vil’s thighs

One time in physical combat, Vil did that move where you incapacitate your opponent by tightly wrapping your legs around their neck

Wei definitely could’ve won but he chose not to

He may have lost the battle but he won the war

Vil is also incredibly tired to fully acknowledge the power Wei holds

It makes for some pretty epic photoshoots with Vil though

Especially for Halloween

Rook follows Wei obsessively

I’m split between Wei being irritated or going with it and helping Rook annoy Vil with his simpery

You can choose

🍎Epel Felmier🍎

Wei: “omfg is that a midget”

Epel: “I may be short but that means I have easier access to your vulnerable knee caps”

That’s it

That’s the entire relationship

Wei teasing him for being short, Epel threatening him with violence

You know how Ace and Wei are chaos buddies

Yeah Epel and Wei are “kill off the entirety of humanity and destroy all physical beings for funsies” kind of couple

It’s bad

Like really bad

For everyone else, not for them, they’re having the time of their lives

Epel is No. 1 instigator

I can’t get this out of my head you know those cat videos

Like the ones where the owners make the cat look like they’re dancing

Epel and Wei

Epel is the cat

Just dangling from Wei’s hands who is making him dance to hyperpop

I’m sorry

But like, Epel also wants to be taught how to do what Wei does

Like really fucking bad

It goes abt the same as it did for Ace, but instead of Epel begging him he does a bunch of stupid shit to prove his strength and that he is worthy of wielding such power

Wei isn’t actually convinced but he’s got a crush he’s only so powerful

The building is on fire pt. 2

But this time they somehow managed to make demon monsters

They don’t know what to do, everyone is screaming, Floyd has already created an apocalyptic hierarchy

Epel tried to argue with Wei about how he did it wrong (as if Epel knows wtf he’s doing💀)

Idk how but it ended in a kiss

Arguing is romantic

đŸ‘ŸIdia ShroudđŸ‘Ÿ

.he would play “emo boy” by ayesha on the flute anytime he’s around

I do not know how he learned it

Or why he even bothered to

But he did

And it was only for Idia

I think Idia and him met very similarly to how Idia and Lilia interact

Meaning Wei discovered online games and met Idia through there

Wei playing video games would be so funny

He’d either be an absolute troll or gets insulted and puts your gaming rep in the ground

Idk if playing flute translates to gaming but I think it would and this mf got hella dexterity

Idia and him meet on a first person shooter where they talk absolute trash on each other and spend the whole time targeting one another

This blossomed into a really good friendship

Like friendly rivals

Wei with his infinite charisma convinces Idia to meet in person

Then it’s the spiderman meme

Because of course who hasn’t heard of the necromancer that came from another universe just to enroll in a random all boy’s school?

But apparently he’s a gamer too???????

Idia is very intimidated

This is the most high level boss he’s ever had to face and he did not come in nearly as prepared as he should

It takes a while but Idia barely notices him becoming really close to Wei

He’s just very comfortable a lot more than he is with other people

He actually wants to do more social activities as long as it’s with Wei

Eventually they kind of become like a duo, like the people that if they got in a friend group would still be better friends with each other than they are for the rest of the group

As they continue to get more comfortable with each other they barely notice that they essentially have approached romantic borders

When they actually admit they like each other as more than friends basically nothing changes

Gamer boyfriendsđŸ„°

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉


Omg I Saw The Hua Cheng!Mc Post And I Know I Have To Ask 1st Years +dorm Leaders With Wei Wuxian!Mc?

og meme by @BTS4327 on twitter

I know Malleus is supposedly powerful but no amount of strength will ever be able to top bringing back the dead

This only fuels the rumors of him being scary n crap

“He’s so evil that his partner is capable of making the dead his mindless slavesđŸ˜±â€

In the other room Lilia is explaining to them how to play Candy Land

He definitely isn’t but I just feel like Wei is taller than Malleus

It just fits

But Wei would be the one to be bridal carried

Even though Wei is old as crap he gets modern memes and like a language, you must speak it to be fluent

Malleus understands nothing but that’s not new

But bc Wei is old asf he can more easily explain newer concepts to Malleus

Wei thought it would be funny to teach Malleus the “do u know da wae” meme

Wei and Lilia are absolutely delighted

But the rest of the students at NRC have never wanted to die more

With that said these mf’s would kill and die for each other

They both protect the crap out of each other knowing their partner is fully capable of doing it themselves

But just imagine pissing off Wei, then you have a dragon coming at you

Or annoying Malleus (you’d have to have balls of steel to do so) and you have a horde of the undead on the way

The moment Malleus overblots, Wei is willing to rip the universe apart to get him back

I don’t know why but there’s just a deep and intricate connection between them that’s second to none

Talk shit get hit

âšĄïžSebek ZigvoltâšĄïž

Sebek really looks up to Wei but refuses to say so

He also has thoughts of “Oh my Wei is more powerful than master” but then immediately berates himself for even thinking such a thing

As a result he’s very cold to Wei, not because he wants to but because he doesn’t want to risk the chance of “betraying” his master by seeing anyone as better than him

Therefore he keeps him at a distance

I don’t even think Wei would notice Sebek trying to keep him at arm’s length, or if he did he simply did not care

He wanted to be friends with pretty crocodile fairy

And that’s what he did

Lilia teased Sebek a lot both for the romantic and platonic parts of their relationship

“Aw you made a new friend Bek! Look at you all grown upđŸ„° where does the time gođŸ„Č”

But also “Don’t take it too harshly Wei, I think he’s mean to you because he LiKeS yOu”

(Side note: For any young one reading this, even if a person likes you that doesn’t give them a pass to be mean to you. You’re not required to deal with it just to spare their feelings)

It takes a lot of time for Sebek to understand the concept that he can like others while still holding respect for his master

And that those are two different parts of his life that only interfere if he lets them

Tbh I don’t think they’d even get together until Sebek is almost out of NRC

But they’ve also become very close in the time they’ve known each other and acknowledge that they’ve basically been playing the role of an old married couple in their previous school years, just minus the title

Did I mention they’re like an old married couple?

Bc they definitely are

Sebek = malewife that argues abt the stupidest shit

Wei = girlboss who lets him have a one sided argument but also looks at him like he’s the sun and moon

My own writing is starting to make me like Sebek more💀

I just love the “unnecessarily angry all the time x person who’s pretty chill but likes their partner’s fire” dynamic

Sebek would scold him for raising the dead

Crap abt respect n stuff

Wei gives him a rock-flute concert to taunt him

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2 years ago

I did enjoy your insightful view as to who would fit within the Universe the best, however I apologize it seems that I may have not worded my words correctly. I meant as if all the Yuus' were different characters in the same universe (so one per leader), which Yuu would be best for each Dorm Leader (Ship wise, Dorm Leader x Yuu)? Ex: I like Prince! Yuu for Idia and male!Draculaura!Yuu for Riddle. I hope this made more sense. I apologize again for my wording. Thank you for your time anyways.

Lol don’t beat yourself up too bad bud, honestly I think the mistranslation was just because I was being lazy and dumb💀

đŸŒčRiddle RoseheartsđŸŒč

I’m torn between Prince!Yuu and Male!Lizzie Hearts!Yuu

Because on one hand, Alice was quite literally made to oppose to Queen of Hearts (aka Riddle) so I feel like there’s a better established relationship there? But Lizzie and Riddle are supposed to represent the same person so they’d get along well right? Well yes, but I just feel like there’s more there for Prince!Yuu. Maybe I’m a sucker for opposites attract but if I had the option between Male!Alice and Male!Lizzie I’d have to go Alice because there’s just more there (I’ve also just been thinking about their dynamic a lot more so maybe that has something to do with it). But I like Alice’s almost reckless but childlike wonder and curiosity mixed with Riddle’s rigid views of life, I just really think it’s the best match to balance em out and it’s also just generally interesting to me (god i wanna write em more now)


🩁Leona Kingscholar🩁

Male!Cerise Hood!Yuu

Tbh this is probably me just stereotyping bc they’re both of beast kin but hey that also means they’d probably understand a lot of unique struggles that most don’t. Shedding during the spring which needs to be constantly brushed to not leave fur everywhere. A large appetite for meat and disliking veggies. I also just think their contrasts can go well. Leona is usually very lazy, wanting to nap all day and sleep in the sun which has ended up affecting his grades, living a luxurious life has made him spoiled, meanwhile Cerise has been shunned by mankind leaving him to hide what he truly is just to keep him and his family safe, which also means he definitely had a more rough and rugged childhood, he has had to work for what he has and while he respects the fact that not everyone was raised that way I think he still expects others to learn basic functions of human life. Long way to say Leona’s attitude would not slide with Cerise. Cerise wouldn’t nag him about it but I feel like he would make it clear he wants someone who’s willing to put in effort for results, not just lie down and expect it. This alone influences Leona to put a little more work in his life to get the things he wants/needs because he really does admire his strength and since he sees him as an animal on the level of a lioness (huge honor btw) he wants to impress and please him because he really does want to make things work. He gives me a “I may annoy my husband half to death but if anyone else disrespected him I would kill” vibe

Male!Cerise Hood!Yuu

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

Male!Cerise Hood!Yuu

Ngl even I surprised myself with this one seeing as they come from amazingly different backgrounds. But as stated in the headcanons they also understand a level of isolation very few others could. Not even their closest friends would ever really be able to understand being completely shunned from the world because of what you look like and so it’s like a support for each other. They know that whatever problem they have or insecurity their partner will understand and can know how to help based on their own experience of coping mechanisms. I also think they can have a lot of fun with each other and see so many new things. Cerise is probably not a strong swimmer though she’s not necessarily weak it’s just not her forte and vice versa for Azul therefore they can help each other discover so many new things. Cerise and Azul can hike the mountains with a pack of wolves and learn how to appreciate nature and also how to respectfully use it to ones advantage through natural medicines and food maybe. They could also go on diving or boating adventures in the large sea with a school of fish and discover creatures they’ve never seen in person before, the art of aquatic camouflage and overall so many things neither would have experienced otherwise.

đŸ„łKalim Al-AsimđŸ„ł


Tbh this is heavily because I like the idea of Kalim walking into any room and going like “Hello I’m the incredibly wealthy heir to the Al-Asim family name and this is my incredibly impoverished boyfriend that shot through a portal and I picked him up off the ground like a sack of potatoes and he’s mine now.” I honestly can’t tell if this is a balanced relationship or if this is just double babysitting duty for Jamil. I just don’t think he takes the thievery seriously cause he doesn’t understand the consequences it could have so he just kinda lets Aladdin go ham. The stealing tendency is before he had a rich bf, after he gets one then he slowly understands he’s not in danger 24/7 on the streets. Though they probably still have a game of it, Aladdin snatches something and if Kalim calls what it is he wins. This is more headcanony than my reasoning behind it, sorry. But it kinda feels like Aladdin and Jasmine just if Jasmine liked to party and was more laid back. There’s also a different perspective to bring into the relationship from Aladdin. Kalim hasn’t experienced the pain and loss of living on the streets, fighting everyday for even a piece of food while also trying to support the lives of children on the street. Aladdin would probably recommend donating to charities for impoverished communities and Kalim would do it in a heartbeat. This also gets Jamil to see Aladdin more positively than just another nuisance because he appreciates how he isn’t using Kalim’s riches for his own benefit even though he really could but is instead trying to use the relationship they have with one another to help others.


🩚Vil Schoenheit🩚


The way I wrote that dude is such a Simp with a capital S for Vil and the fact that Vil reciprocates it makes it that much better. I just feel like Vil has such a superiority complex that having someone socially considered beneath him is kind of a turn on, and The Prince needs a Queen to dote on so it works out perfectly. The Prince is royalty, he knows how to obey so when Vil demands attention he’ll give it to him, when Vil needs to be left alone The Prince understands, even small nonverbal cues are ones The Prince learns to pick up on. On Vil’s end he loves having a partner that’s so flexible because his schedule as a public figure is very tight making romantic relationships incredibly difficult since he can’t provide most people what they need in said relationship. He also likes having someone to dress up and boss around let’s be honest (I know this sounds like maybe a toxic-ish relationship but trust me when I say the dynamic between these two is wholly consensual, if it’s something that one or the other didn’t want they wouldn’t hesitate to verbalize)


đŸ‘ŸIdia ShroudđŸ‘Ÿ

Wei Wuxian!Yuu

I literally have no clue what his actual characterization is like so I’m basing this off of how I made him because that’s really the only thing I have to go off, but I just feel like they get along super well. I think he just connects better with him than my other Yuu’s do and everybody needs a lil bit of love :(. Wei can and will take care of everyone’s favorite gremlin man

Wei Wuxian!Yuu

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉

I wrote a whole ass essay I’m sorry in advance


I think realistically a huge problem with any character he’s paired with is that they’re usually mortal, therefore they’ll die way before him (if he ever does). It’s perfect for angst but for a happy relationship not so much so this is definitely the way to go for long term happiness. On top of that I think Draculaura’s positive outlook on things really balances Malleus out’. Not that Malleus has a negative perspective but sometimes I feel like he has a hard time allowing himself to have fun or at least not try so hard to always maintain an image. He is an heir after all and there are expectations. Draculaura could really show him the simple pleasures of life. There are also things individually that when paired together are very complimentary for the foundation of their relationship. Malleus is a very ancient figure, one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world, and the heir to a throne. People could say he has everything but something tells me he’d give it all up for the chance at one real, true friend. Draculaura who’s lost his mother and bio father and has been forced to live 1600 years almost in complete solitude (minus Elizabat) and now would go to hell and back for his friends since they’re all he really has. In that way I think they kind of need each other. Draculaura puts a big emphasis on friendship in his life and sympathizes greatly with those who don’t have it because for him, it’s his whole life. Even being torn away from everything he knows he still wants to make friends because that’s how big a role platonic relationships play in his life. So he does everything he can to make Malleus understand that and squeeze his way into his little dragon heart because he’s been in Malleus’ position, and he doesn’t want that for himself or anyone else. Malleus is happy to have a friend who’s not his family or in it for some ulterior motive. It feels even better when they become something more because he truly never thought he’d find someone he loves so dearly that he can stay with forever. (Also someone who shares his love for gothic architecture)


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2 years ago

Leona, kicking down the door to the Diasomnia dorm’s door of the living room, wearing a large, poofy white dress: Guess what b*tches!!!

Yuu, in his arms, wearing a morning suit and top hat in grey and green, showing off their wedding band: We got MARRIED!!!

*Cue the Diasomnia members losing their minds for about 4 hours.*

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2 years ago
Yuu, Running Toward Leona With A Gift In Their Hands: Leona!

Yuu, running toward Leona with a gift in their hands: Leona!

Leona, being woken up by Yuu calling his name: What do you want, herbivore?

Yuu, smiling happily while laying down next to Leona: Today is your birthday, so happy birthday! *gives the gift to Leona*

Leona, Blinking: Oh. I fucking forgot today is my birthday. But I don't need a gift, herbivore.

Yuu, confused: Why not?

Leona, suddenly smirking: Because I have my herbivore here with me, so what else do I need?

*Leona quickly takes Yuu within his arms and pulls them closer to his chest*

Yuu, flustered: Leona?

Leona, buring his face in the crook of Yuu's neck, while having a small smile, and whispered: Thank you..




Ace: Prefect! Where are you??

Grim: Where is my henchhuman??

Ace, annoyed: Do I look like I know, Grim?!

Deuce, pointing towards where Leona and Yuu are sleeping, which is under a tree in the Botanical Garden: Look guys!

Ace and Grim: HUH?!

Chesna/William, smiling: It seems that they are with Leona-san, let's not disturb them.

Happy birthday, Leona Kingscholar!

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