sir-ramic - All My Doubts And Cringe
All My Doubts And Cringe

Don't worry about it

457 posts

[Thought Of You - By Ryan Woodward]

[Thought of You - by Ryan Woodward]

[The Weepies - The World Spins Madly On]

It’s Music Monday! I’ve never met an animator who didn’t love this video. But I realized it probably doesn’t extend far beyond us, so I hope someone not in animation clicks this today and has three minutes of feeling like your body exhaled peacefully. I will add this is not the official music video for this song–come to think of it I’ve never seen the official video. This is just one man’s passion project of a video, and it’s lovely.

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More Posts from Sir-ramic

5 months ago

''what if my writing isn't good eno--'' what if it's a reflection of your of your soul. what if it has a place in this world. what if you write it anyway

5 months ago


The dragon snorted. "You're a dumbass that's why."

"I- hey if I'm a dumbass what does that make you?"

"The benevolent teacher who can raise even the ones who outrun wisdom to greatness." The dragon said sarcastically., twirling it's claw in the air for dramatic effect.

You frown. "You're not gonna shapeshift into one of those hot dragons-in-human-forms and have this lomg drawn out romantic and possibly sexual storyline with me are you?"

The dragon choked on a puff of smoke. "I- what the fuck are you reading? You're 12!"

"I'm 15. I just look small for my age."

The dragon groaned. "No you idiot, I'm using you for political gain. I need an easy-to-influence figurehead to make sure the human oligarchs aren't going cause the rest of the dragons to burn all of human civilization to the ground." It paused. "And frankly, some of us actually enjoy -erm. Spending time with your kind in human form." It said with a cough.



"Yes your majestically hot dragon in dragon form."


Every 500 years, the dragon who founded the Academy arrives to choose a student to tutor directly. You are the weakest mage on record and she has chosen you.

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5 months ago

Hey remember when i said that last item sale post was the last one? Well I didn't TECHNICALLY sell it since I traded it in, so I get to make ANOTHER last sale post cause I have this Sony FE 20mm F/1.8 G lens to sell! look I took fancy pictures for it so you can't be mad:

Hey Remember When I Said That Last Item Sale Post Was The Last One? Well I Didn't TECHNICALLY Sell It
Hey Remember When I Said That Last Item Sale Post Was The Last One? Well I Didn't TECHNICALLY Sell It

I will include a uv filter free with the price of the lens and have other filters I can add for cheap if u so desire

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5 months ago

Imagine an alien sharing a cool human fact they just learned like ”hey guys did you know that the silvery markings on humans actually aren’t true stripes? They’re called stretch marks, they happen when the human is growing fast enough to actually outgrow their skin, which is apparently something that just fucking happens to almost all of them at some point of their life.”

and another one is like ”wait so you’re saying humans don’t have stripes.”

”actually they do, but the stripes are invisible. There’s genetic code that’d give them stripes but they’re just the same colour as the rest of the skin. So the visible stripes are not real stripes and the real stripes are invisible.”

”I swear if you tell me one more weird human thing today I’m beating your ass.”

5 months ago

The pact was signed between the King and the Fairy Queen, 1,000 years of prosperity for his kingdom, in exchange for his yet-to-be-conceived first born. The Fairy Queen however did not expect the king to slit his own throat and die on the spot seconds later.