sirenium - I will bite for multiple reasons (and I have rabies)
I will bite for multiple reasons (and I have rabies)

It/its/ze/hir/they/them/cor/corpse/haunt/haunts/hallow/hallows/rot/rots/hell/hells (any pronouns are fine, however. ask which nounself sets are okay, I tend to lean away from sets like bun/buns). Adult. Not a safe space for TERFs, the labrys flag is not your hate symbol by the way. I use this blog for whatever I want, mostly screaming into the void and uplifting obscure queer identities. Warframe and Sonic content likely. Scary transandrophobia truther. More in pinned. [Profile picture ID: a monochrome cutout of Satou Matsuzaka smiling with a striped bow in hand, with a background featuring the most common lesboy flag. End ID End ID][Header ID: A GIF of a wolf howling in the snow. end ID]

1781 posts

I Try My Damn Near Hardest To Avoid Shipcourse On This Blog. However, I Have So Many Qualms With The

I try my damn near hardest to avoid shipcourse on this blog. However, I have so many qualms with the anti side of things that I need to say something.

If your first inclination after seeing someone explore fiction is to call them a pedophile (as an insult, no less!), abuse enabler, and/or urge your followers to mass report them, you are a problem. Maybe it's because I grew up during the golden days of fandoms, where ship and let ship was the norm and not whatever this shit is, but it's bizarre to see people get cancelled for being a proshipper. I just don't have it in me to care about what people do to that fictional child. It's none of my business.

I've noticed a trend from antis of anything: anti radqueers, antishippers, anti hazbin/helluva etc, and it is that their arguments are extremely self centered. 'It's romanticizing MY abuse/trauma/condition!' as if that stranger on the other side of the screen couldn't possibly have similar trauma etc and copes with it differently. "It triggers ME!" then don't actively seek out that material and get mad at the creator. It's a 'me! me! me!' mindset.

See, me personally? I don't care if someone makes and romanticizes a fic that capitalizes on my trauma. I don't care what reason they have, either; whether it's to cope with their own trauma or to simply have fun, I do not care. No amount of harassment from a bunch of teenagers can change the fact that I don't care, and the fact that there are others OLDER THAN ME, someone who will be 19 in July, who condone and enforce anti views is terrible.

Creative freedom shouldn't even be a debate or discourse situation. People need to grow the hell up and get over themselves.

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More Posts from Sirenium

9 months ago

So YOU'RE the one who made that? It's really nice I like it a lot!

Huge Thank You To DE For Inviting Me To Create The 2024 Pride Display! Warframe's LGBT+ Community Has

Huge thank you to DE for inviting me to create the 2024 Pride display! Warframe's LGBT+ community has been the most kind and welcoming, and I'm proud to be a part of it. Happy Pride, and cheers!

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9 months ago

im glad people are becoming aware of how fucked up it is that folks online have almost completely forgotten about trans, intersex and other identifying folks who have gotten bottom surgery. the only times it's brought up, it is to be cruel about the result of the surgery, always saying heinous things about it.

nobody seems to embrace or celebrate for folks who have gotten bottom surgery. we don't have to ignore or demonize these folks, they are still trans, unless they personally now identify as cis. most people who get these surgeries still identify as trans or intersex but even if they don't, we should still celebrate for them.

getting bottom surgery is not a gross thing or something to look down on. these folks are doing what they need to in order to feel like themselves. why are we more accepting about folks who get top surgeries, breast removal or augmentation or experience breast tissue growth, but completely outcast people who have gotten bottom surgeries?

why are we unnecessarily fixating on the genitals of strangers again? the status of their post-op genitals are none of your business. you are not entitled to know the status of their vagina or penis. that is for them and any potential partners to know about. people who have gotten bottom surgery are allowed to love that part of their body, no matter how their surgery affected them. it's none of your business. stop focusing on the genitals of strangers when it doesn't concern you. don't speculate on what post-op genitals are like if you don't have them, yourself.

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9 months ago

this is blasphemy

No glyphs or displays with either Loid or Albrecht for a pride month 😔

9 months ago
STAY SAFE!! [ID: The Gilbert Baker Pride Flag With The Words Happy Pride To All Those Who Are Unable

STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]

9 months ago


rb to relieve the back pain of the person u reblogged this from