sirenium - I will bite for multiple reasons (and I have rabies)
I will bite for multiple reasons (and I have rabies)

It/its/ze/hir/they/them/cor/corpse/haunt/haunts/hallow/hallows/rot/rots/hell/hells (any pronouns are fine, however. ask which nounself sets are okay, I tend to lean away from sets like bun/buns). Adult. Not a safe space for TERFs, the labrys flag is not your hate symbol by the way. I use this blog for whatever I want, mostly screaming into the void and uplifting obscure queer identities. Warframe and Sonic content likely. Scary transandrophobia truther. More in pinned. [Profile picture ID: a monochrome cutout of Satou Matsuzaka smiling with a striped bow in hand, with a background featuring the most common lesboy flag. End ID End ID][Header ID: A GIF of a wolf howling in the snow. end ID]

1781 posts

Please Include Medium (and Med-high Med-low) Support Needs Individuals In Your Activism.

please include medium (and med-high med-low) support needs individuals in your activism.

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More Posts from Sirenium

8 months ago

I hate being loveless. Send post.

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despite the scrambling to accept loveless folks that ended up fucking over romance and love favorable people I still feel broken. I feel like I'm misleading my partners because the truth is that I don't love them like they love me and they know this. we're open and I haven't misled them at all but I feel like a fraud still. I want to be included in things or at least thought about even though I don't give people a second thought but when I voice this: 'you didn't care about them anyway. they tried to reach out before' I still value connections. after years of being pushed away by peers I still try to make connections with people and when they inevitably feel stronger about me than I do them or see things differently than I do I feel... inadequate. like my attempts at being a person are futile It's part of why I don't see myself as a person at all anymore. Because I can't FEEL like a 'normal' person. it fucking sucks. and no amount of 'oh you're no less a person than someone who feels love uwu' can fix that I can't even love my family. do you know how much that sucks to not be able to love your own mother? years ago when I was 7 I had a nightmare where my mom said 'you don't love me anyway' while I was trying to convince her not to jump into the water in front of us. that phrase has appeared in arguments years later imagine the horror I feel trying to come to terms with the fact that that's a true statement. I do care about and appreciate people but it'll never be enough I’ll never be enough it hurts and the performative bullshit on this platform doesn't help loveless aplatonic afamilial
8 months ago

'why don't you go to the doctor?' because I tried, and had horrible experiences lmao

why is it so hard for able bodied people to believe that doctors are sometimes just incompetent? you realize doctors are people, right? people that can be bad at their job. that happens sometimes. they don't know everything because there's a piece of paper on their wall that says they're smart, actually. they can sometimes be wrong, actually. they can sometimes cut corners and take the easy way out, actually. they can sometimes hate their job and make that their patients problem, actually. doctors aren't all saints who do everything right the first time. please stop invalidating disabled people when they complain about their terrible treatment at the hands of medical professionals. please stop putting the feelings of doctors over the lives of their patients.

8 months ago

Operator will treat Jade like a mother figure, helping her and taking care of her, meanwhile Drifter is still trying to seduce Sorren

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8 months ago

I kind of grew up having my nonhuman identity shrugged off as the antics of a child, or as a phase in an attempt to upset my mom; I had super strong vampiric urges at 13, and my counselor, who was hellbent on making me seem like a teenage dick whose only desire was to get under their mom's skin, saw this as me just trying to be shocking to 'get a rise' out of my mother.

...Obviously this was an incorrect assumption. I, as a young autistic individual, failed to recognize that saying 'lol mom I crave human blood' was shocking enough to get her to consult my counselor, as I was too wrapped up in the excitement of squaring in on part of my identity to realize that people don't just say stuff like that lmfao. Additionally, I am a nonhuman adult... so much for it being a phase.

be kind to kids (yes, this includes teenagers) who identify as nonhuman, otherkin, fictionkin, therian, alterhuman, or a furry. they are living their life the way that makes sense to them. they don't deserve an "i told you so" if they grow out of identifying that way later on. they don't deserve to be asked "aren't you too old for that now?" they don't deserve to be laughed at and mocked online. children forming a wolf pack aren't hurting anyone. kids who want to meet other kids who identify as nonhuman aren't embarrassing.

kids need a sense of community no matter who they are. kids deserve the right to identify their own feelings. kids are allowed to express parts of themselves adults find "embarrassing". adults are allowed to do all of these things, too, but it's become routine for folks online to mock literal children for embarrassing behavior.

identifying as an animal isn't embarrassing; what is embarrassing is being an adult and picking on literal children. who cares, it's not hurting a singular soul. let them explore identity in ways that make sense to them. identifying as nonhuman isn't a danger to anyone else. they aren't hurting themselves. let them identify as a nonhuman and explore what that means to them. let them live their lives.

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8 months ago

the asexual double edged sword is that a lot of people, particularly queer discoursers(tm) online, are really really rancid about ace people who have sex, I mean like stunningly awful, so naturally sex favorable/indifferent asexuals will be very keen on making sure that they aren't erased within their own community and that people at large know they exist. at the same time, people are also Very Bad about ace people who don't have sex, and sex averse/repulsed asexuals face a lot of pressure both on societal and interpersonal scales to submit to sex that they don't want, and so naturally it'll really rub them the wrong way to constantly have "but don't worry, ace people can still conform to the societal expectation!" appended to their PSAs about their experiences of asexuality. and so everyone's just kinda upset and annoyed all the time when instead it should be peace and love on planet ace.