Medium Support Needs - Tumblr Posts
i feel especially feel this in college i feel like a loser
I’m stuck masking forever and don’t know how to get out of this situation
I’ve been masking for so long that my parents think that’s how I naturally act. This means that if I attempt to relax and be myself for even one second, they think I’m being annoying, attention seeking, or lazy.
I want to stim whenever I want. I want to wear headphones in public when it’s too loud for me. No, I don’t care if it makes me “look disabled” because I AM disabled.
I need help with things, but I don’t get help. Daily tasks like getting dressed, making lunch, and even brushing my teeth are hard for me because of severe executive dysfunction. My mom says that stuff happens to everyone. But I’m pretty sure she’s never been in pain because she’s hungry but doesn’t have enough spoons to be able to eat.
I don’t know how I ended up masking this much, but I hate it. I’ve finally learned how to stop, but I’m not allowed to.
If you're not offering support, just shut up 🙃
Can we stop using "still lives with their parents" or "unemployed" or "doesn't have a drivers license" or "didn't graduate high school" as an insult or evidence that someone is a bad person? Struggling with independence or meeting milestones is not a moral failing.
i need ideas for what to put on my aac board
Went to a doctors appointment. And get this, I did it myself! I went in, gave them my name, my information, navigated the appointment (although they were VERY accommodating and lead me through every step of the way) and made the follow-up appointment by myself. No one even batted an eye when I used AAC, they were patient, accepted my head nods and hums, accepted my long typing, and were patient with me. One of the people was surprised I was alone though which was pretty funny to me.
It’s the first time I’ve done an appointment alone, and it will probably be one of the rare times I do because of how impractical and almost impossible it is for me, but I did it. And I’m super proud of myself. This was a special circumstance where I could do it myself and I’m lucky and proud of that.
Slowly learning to be more independent and do things on my own is a slow process, but it’s a process I’m proud of.
People can “hold in” meltdowns?
I see sometimes autistic people will say they are able to hold in a meltdown until they’re in a private place to let out their emotions. I’ve never been able to do this. Is this a level 1 thing? I’m jealous
I want to try to work one day, I just don't know if I ever will be able to hold a job... so thank you
You. Are. worthy.
Even if you never drive. Even if you need help with basic tasks. Even if you need help with hygiene. Even if you’ll never work. Even if you’ll need help for the rest of your life. You’re. Still. Worthy.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re useless, or that you don’t deserve certain things. You’re amazing, and I see you.
'oh stop making autism a personality trait!' it is the only thing keeping me from consistently fucking hating myself for being medium support needs. I feel worthless and like a wart on the back of society, let me have the haha autism tbh creature stimmy memes for fuck's sake
Literally I would rather have some sort of reprieve than have to dwell on the fact that I will have to rely financially and socially on somebody else for the rest of my life, but no god forbid I paint my autism as some silly quirky haha trait god forbid I have ANYTHING. Gotta have some gotcha on the 'high functioning tiktok aspies' after all!! fucking. I hate my life
'oh stop making autism a personality trait!' it is the only thing keeping me from consistently fucking hating myself for being medium support needs. I feel worthless and like a wart on the back of society, let me have the haha autism tbh creature stimmy memes for fuck's sake
please include medium (and med-high med-low) support needs individuals in your activism.