sixeyes59 - Rico The Polish Bimbo
Rico The Polish Bimbo

I created this account just for Hange 😭🫢

8 posts

Sixeyes59 - Rico The Polish Bimbo - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

To celebrate the premiere of the 3rd season of my favourite show "From" (Polish premiere is today, I'm counting seconds to watch it as this point) I'm on a mission to popularize it among potential new viewers because it's UNDERRATED. AS. FUCK. and as to do so I am going to make a series of my own theories and questions I've observed throughout the seance, therefore:



The Voices

The ones that Sara hears. Why hadn't anyone in town asked her more about them by now? 😭 These people lack basic communication and information sharing skills and that's on them. I think the creators have noticed viewers' disappointment on this issue and according to the trailer of the 3rd season we'll finally get a town meeting soon. XD Back to the topic:

How do the voices sound like?

Are they male or female?

Are they a group or singular persons switching amongst themselves depending on the time?

Why and how does it hurt Sara when they are speaking to her?

I strongly believe The Voice which spoke to Jim during radio signal attempt was one of The Voices. That would mean whoever they belong to, these beings know everything about the people trapped inside and the Fromville itself including breaking the time barrier, or some events being planned and they orchestrating them. Does that mean The Voices are the monsters ("We know ALL your names πŸ™‚")? Hope we'll get A LOT OF answers ASAP.

edit after having watched s3e1:

I'm trying to cope right now as I'm not okay. πŸ’€ I don't think any piece of cinema has ever made me feel this physically unwell after watching it. But I guess that only proves how good of a horror show it is, as it's supposed to be able to flip your guts from terror without making much effort. This episode was hardcore and it wasn't even about building the tension, there was no tension to be honest, just pure hopelessness and terror of the characters felt through the screen without any warning. AND IT'S JUST THE BEGGING LMAO πŸ’€. I even was unable to finish the part in the middle when Elgin is haunted by the Creature because it's too scary for me and it's literally 4:07 a.m. and now I'm too scared to go to the toilet hihi 🀭. I've unfortunately also predicted who is going to be the dead body in the trailer - but I want to give the writers a big props here for making such a good teaser because I managed to be deceived it was Sara at first.

Anyways, situation in Poland is still hectic and in my private life as well as too much is going on 🀑, so I don't know if I'll be able to rewatch the second season as well before the new episodes come out but I'll try my best because I have many more interesting theories to post here. Take care everyone!!!


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5 months ago

Omfg I've just watched the first episode of the 3rd season of my favourite show From and I'm physically unwell. πŸ’€

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5 months ago

Literally same I have a huge soft spot for him.

Im watching β€žFROM” right now and I don’t want to sound dramatic but I would die for victor

5 months ago


I am very glad I've created this blog recently because I can use it for something very important: there is a great flood happening in Southwestern Poland right now. The situation is terrible and it's only getting worse. There are already whole cities and villages underwater, homes lost and fatalities. Two big cities, WrocΕ‚aw and Opole are awaiting the climax wave this week and it's not guaranteed the reservoir will be able to protect them. This is the second time in life for some people to experience such trauma as the great flood like this happened in 1997 in the same area. On behalf of my fellow citizens across the country from me I kindly ask everyone capable to participate in help for Polish flood victims. I was unable to create GoFundMe as it's not available for Poland so below I'm sharing links to collections of Polish charity organisations. I also ask everyone using TikTok to please watch and share a video I created where I talk about the situation more to spread awareness and message across the whole world so as many as possible people can participate in donations.

WrocΕ‚aw is the love-of-my-life-city and many moons ago I have promised myself that if it ever finds itself in a similar situation again like in 1997, or any city or area for that matter, I will try to do anything that could help. This is the least I can do now, sitting comfortably in my bed in Eastern Poland while thousands of people are fighting for their cities to withstand the night risking their lives and everything they worked for in life in the same exact moment. I could never foresee the test of keeping my word coming so quickly in my life. Today I will be sending a request to the Ministry of Interior and Administration for a permission for a charity collection in my city, so I will be able to collect donations in schools, cultural spots, etc. I hope to receive a positive response.

Please spread the message πŸ™ - Polish Red Cross - help for animals - one of the most famous Polish charity organisations

There should not be any issues with donating in different currency as it is automatically converted to PLN.


And this is the video showing aftermath of the wave in one of the cities in case anyone wants to see the scale of destruction for themselves. It is VERY bad:

Thank you I love you.

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5 months ago
Happy Birthday My Love

Happy birthday my love 😭🩷✨πŸ₯³πŸ«Ά

I wish you being alive and real and always happy as you deserve and marrying me ASAP.

In the ideal world Hange has reasons to smile beautifully like in the picture above everyday. πŸ₯ΉπŸ˜ž

I would also like, on the occasion of their birthday, wish everyone (including myself obv) who love them as much as me meeting their own Hange one day and spending the rest of your awesome lives with them 🩷

6 months ago

Pov.: You wanted your brother to draw Hange for you (mf draws better than me at the ripe age of 13) and he got bored right in the middle of it:

Pov.: You Wanted Your Brother To Draw Hange For You (mf Draws Better Than Me At The Ripe Age Of 13) And

I love my brother so much.

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6 months ago

Regarding AoT characters' nationalities:

I, as many, firmly believe that Hange is at least partially of the Greek descent, due to their name being most likely Greek. The other half could be Asian, and that could be both East Asian and Middle Eastern, but I've seen no one talking about desi Hange. I DEFINITELY see it. Greek-desi Hange for the win.


Speaking about Greece: GUESS WHO HAS JUST LANDED IN RHODES!!! 😭😭😭 I am so happy and thankful for it I may cry. I was supposed to be somewhere entirely different but after some turbulences and what I believe to be destiny I am here and couldn't be happier about it! My first time all inclusive, the hotel and scenery are beautiful and I don't have to worry about anything including food (and get free alcohol X D), so this is going to be the chilliest holiday ever - which means I'll finally be able to work on my Hange x reader story which I've had in mind for quite some time now and other projects as well. Finally being able to do projects that give me joy by the sea on a Greek island can you imagine 😭 Ngl I needed it VERY bad after the shitty year I had (or a decade lmao).

So even though I feel like I'm talking to the walls (hehe) so far, if you stumbled upon my profile and are interested in update about the story and Hange in general, like me XD, welcome πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή

Here are some pretty plane pics if you've read this this far:

Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:

And yes I am the lucky bastard who always gets a window seat somehow 😎😎😎


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6 months ago

Just wanted to let you know, if you have glasses, hooked nose, dark features and hyperfixative personality like me and you're still not married to me you deserve federal prison (bonus years if you are a scientist or anything like that). πŸ˜’

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