Aot Nationalities - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Regarding AoT characters' nationalities:

I, as many, firmly believe that Hange is at least partially of the Greek descent, due to their name being most likely Greek. The other half could be Asian, and that could be both East Asian and Middle Eastern, but I've seen no one talking about desi Hange. I DEFINITELY see it. Greek-desi Hange for the win.


Speaking about Greece: GUESS WHO HAS JUST LANDED IN RHODES!!! 😭😭😭 I am so happy and thankful for it I may cry. I was supposed to be somewhere entirely different but after some turbulences and what I believe to be destiny I am here and couldn't be happier about it! My first time all inclusive, the hotel and scenery are beautiful and I don't have to worry about anything including food (and get free alcohol X D), so this is going to be the chilliest holiday ever - which means I'll finally be able to work on my Hange x reader story which I've had in mind for quite some time now and other projects as well. Finally being able to do projects that give me joy by the sea on a Greek island can you imagine 😭 Ngl I needed it VERY bad after the shitty year I had (or a decade lmao).

So even though I feel like I'm talking to the walls (hehe) so far, if you stumbled upon my profile and are interested in update about the story and Hange in general, like me XD, welcome 🥹🥹🥹

Here are some pretty plane pics if you've read this this far:

Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:
Regarding AoT Characters' Nationalities:

And yes I am the lucky bastard who always gets a window seat somehow 😎😎😎


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