smolwritingchick - Smolwritingchick

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Would You Have Jennie Do Beyoncs Be Alive Performance Instead Of Beyonc Herself?

Would you have Jennie do Beyoncé’s be alive performance instead of Beyoncé herself?

That song is a BANGER!! Ahhhh! Gosh, I love it. Now I really want her to! Beyonce is such a big inspiration to my character. Lately, I have been getting some great ideas for Jennie because of Beyonce. I'm going to keep this idea in mind and brainstorm about it more. 📝

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner

Forced To Believe Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner

Chapter Summary:  Evolution and The Shield continue to clash. Morgan is forced to go on a date with Bad News Barrett and makes it a memorable one. The Shield go on a rampage on Smackdown. Morgan declares an intense match stipulation for her singles match at the upcoming PPV.

Words: 5,000+


At the bar, Melanie began to celebrate her birthday with all her friends. It was a great feeling, to celebrate a birthday with the people you love. It was nice to see that the WWE roster was like another family to her. She sat at a table with the divas while Milena put a birthday tiara on her head. 

"Haha! Adorable." Milena smiled. 

"That looks awesome. Let me take a picture of that." Nikki took out her phone. 

"Oh boy." Melanie laughed and let her snap a few pics.

"Here comes the cake!" Brie said with excitement, bringing out a large red velvet cake for the group.

Melanie couldn't stop smiling when everyone sang Happy Birthday. Well, a half drunk version of it, which made her laugh. She blew out the candles and everyone continued to party. 

"Our Melly is growing up." Nattie slurred as she tried to give her a hug while being intoxicated.

"She got drunk that quick? We've been here for 45 minutes!" Ariane exclaimed. "This girl can't handle her drinks at all!" 

"She pregamed before coming here. It could have been worse." Melanie chuckled and helped Nattie stay on her feet with Ariane.

"Hey! Let's do some karaoke!" Nikki suggested, to which everyone agreed. "Who wants to sing first?" 

"We will!" Jon Uso volunteered with Trinity. 

They got on the stage and decided to sing American Boy by Estelle and Kanye West. After that, everyone began cheering for them. 

"Hey Mel, how about you play the guitar?" Renee grinned. 

Melanie widened her eyes, taken aback. "Me? Oh no. I couldn't. That was just a one­ time thing at WrestleMania." 

"I don't think so. I spotted you trying to sneak and play a few notes backstage with the guitar you hit Triple H with on Raw."

"Yeah, come on, girl! I wanna see you play." Ariane nudged her. 

"Yeah Mel, play." Colby grinned and started chanting her name with everyone.

The Philly Diva laughed. "Okay, okay." 

She stood up while everyone cheered. She walked up to the stage and grabbed the acoustic guitar while taking a seat on the stool. "Who is singing first?"

"I will! You know She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5?" Nic (Dolph Ziggler) hopped on the stage. 

"You bet." She smiled. "I can't believe I'm doing this. What have you guys gotten me into?" 

"We love you too, Mel!" Eva blew a kiss, causing the birthday girl to blow a kiss back. 

"I better get paid in grapes by every one of you, for this." 

"We'll think about it." Jon winked at her, making her playfully glare at him. "Love you!"

Melanie couldn't keep glaring for long because she started to laugh. Everyone watched with amazement while she played the guitar for the song. After it was over, everyone cheered. 

"You're gonna make me blush! Stop it." she chuckled. 

"Can you play Beverly Hills?" Nic asked. 

"You got it," she replied, pulling up the guitar notes on her phone, and periodically glancing at it to make sure she played the correct notes.

She started playing more songs for him like Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes, and Are You Gonna Be My Girl, which got some people dancing and grooving to the beat. Everyone began to sing along to the songs, which made her smile. Later, all the guys decided to sing Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers while they were tipsy. Then they sang 'This Love' by Maroon 5. The rest of the roster began to take over by playing the guitar and drums while singing other songs. Overall, a fun birthday, and Melanie couldn't have been happier. 


During Raw, Evolution, and Rosa were in the ring, dressed up, cutting a promo on The Shield while Batista and Rosa were seen holding hands together, hinting at a relationship. 

"The Shield have absolutely no idea what they've gotten themselves into." Batista said. "Deal with that." 








"Here we go!" Cole said. "They may just deal with that." 

The Shield gets in the ring while Rosa and Evolution get out and walk up the ramp. 

"Wait a minute, where are they going?" King asked. 

"Maybe they're giving up the yard," JBL said. "Mind games from Evolution." 

"Hey, I hate to break it to you guys, but last week wasn't the first time we've been beaten up and it probably won't be the last," Ambrose said. "Yeah, you guys did a real number on us, well done...well done...but hey I got a question for you, Mister Cerebral Assassin. Do we you? Do we look humbled to you Triple H!? There's a reason you hired us to protect you and that cream puff over to your left, Randy Orton. You know like everybody here knows, The Shield we are the meanest, nastiest, dirtiest, most ruthless animals in this industry! These dogs are hungry and now these dogs are angry!" Ambrose gave the mic to Seth and started pacing around. 

"Heh heh heh, take it easy, yeah, you're angry, you're angry and you have every right to be. We have every right to be angry after what you did to us last week," Seth said. "You and what? 12 other guys of course. But Batista for you to say that we have no idea what we've gotten ourselves into is ridiculous, we have every idea! We started this! So let me give you a dose of reality." Seth mentions. "You stand up there in your little suits, you don't wanna fight. You talk about how destructive you are; you talk about how powerful you are. Talk about how you were built for dominance. Well you're not. In two weeks, at Extreme Rules, you're gonna come face to face with the Hounds of Justice. And it's gonna be all out war!" 

"Batista has a lot of Hollywood obligations, you're gonna be looking out for Batista. Heh, and the Game, Cerebral Assassin, King of Kings, yeah, you're gonna do what you always're gonna do what's best for the boss. What you're looking at is the most dominant force in the history of this company and in two weeks at Extreme Rules, we are gonna rip you to pieces." Seth continued. "And this little reunion that you're so proud of, haha, it's gonna come to a halt. And you got no one to blame but yourselves because when you made the match, Evolution versus The Shield, you put a nail in your own coffin. And at Extreme Rules, we're gonna be the hammer that drives it home!"

Roman took the mic. "Last week you gave us an ultimatum. This week we give you one. Here in a few seconds I'm gonna drop this mic and we're coming up that ramp, and we're gonna beat your asses. You got two options. You can be men and a woman and you can try, try to fight. Or you could be creampuffs, and you can cower away and you can hide. Watch." He dropped the mic and the four of them got out of the ring.

All of a sudden the guys that beat up The Shield last week, walk to the stage to much of the crowd's dismay. 

"Oh great..." Cole groaned. 

"Wait a minute..." King mumbled.

"You got ten guys back there," Dean said.

"You're real proud of yourselves, real proud of yourself," Seth yelled. 

"You talk about being humbled...Morgan seems to be. Morgan, you're becoming a little bit more respectful since Bad News Barrett won that match on Smackdown. Is that why you're not being Outspoken tonight? " Triple H taunted. 

The Philly Diva glared at him and kept her mouth shut. She was ordered to not be that talkative tonight and later on had to be back in the ring for Wade. It was not her night and she was irate but kept her composure. 

"Morgan hasn't been herself after she's been humiliated by Rosa," Cole reminded. 

"Now, option three, there's always an option three. Listen up guys, I said it once, I'll say it again. In life, you either adapt, or you perish. That is Evolution." Triple H dropped the mic. 

"They're cowards! They're cowards! You think we're that stupid huh!?" Seth yelled while Evolution's theme came on. 

Later, Sheamus was already in the ring to take on Bad News Barrett to advance in the Intercontinental championship tournament. All of a sudden, Morgan walks out and everyone is surprised. 

"What is Morgan doing here?" Cole asked. 

"Oh dear...I bet this was Wade's doing," King grumbled.

She walks up to the stage with an annoyed look on her face. She hated The Authority with a passion. She was forced to come out with an attire of Wade's choosing, which was a short black dress, and had to do what he said or get fired. Normally she would protest but she had no choice, for now. She gets in the ring and takes a mic. 

She sighed and reluctantly began to speak while rolling her eyes. "Ladies and Gentlemen...I'd like to introduce to you...the future...intercontinental champion...the bare knuckle brawler...and..."

"This is total humiliation. I bet Rosa and The Authority are getting a kick out of this." JBL looked on. 

"And the manliest man in the company...Bad News Barrett..." The Outspoken Diva reluctantly announced. 

"A personal ring announcer? Really? Give me a break!" Cole exclaimed. 

"She has no choice until after the date," JBL reminded. 

"Speaking of the date, we'll be getting exclusive content of the date on the WWE APP during this Friday's Smackdown," Cole informed. 

'God Save Our Queen' 

Barrett walks out with a cocky grin on his face, cutting a short Bad News Promo before getting in the ring. Ignoring Morgan's glare, he smiles and kisses her cheek, making her roll her eyes again. She watches his match with a bored expression and after he wins with the Bull Hammer, he motions for her to get in the ring to raise his hand in victory. Then he puts an arm around her, making her even more annoyed.

"Tonight is just not Morgan's night," JBL looked on as they left the ring together.


Backstage, Morgan and Wade were with The Shield. The three men were irate at Wade who had a smug look on his face.

"I can't believe this is happening..." Seth grumbled. 

"It could have been worse..." Morgan mumbled. 

"Boys, boys, she's in good hands. We are going to have a great time together, aren't we?" Wade looked at her, completely ignoring Dean's sharp glare and constant growling whenever he spoke to her.

Dean had to be held back by Roman before another fight broke loose. 

Once Rollins, Wade, and Roman leave to give Dean and Morgan some time to speak privately, Rollins grabs Wade by the collar and pushes him against the wall.

"If you touch her, or hurt her, I swear..." He growled. 

"If you hurt her, you're not going to see the light of day anymore." Roman glared at Barrett. 

"Easy...easy..." Wade looked amused.

With Dean and Morgan, Ambrose was sitting on a chair, trying to calm down and collect his thoughts. The fact that his girlfriend who he just got back is going on a date with Wade, the man who they tried to keep away from her a year ago, made Ambrose very angry. He started to get graphic thoughts in his head on how to destroy Barrett. 

Morgan, who couldn't take the silence anymore, finally spoke up. "....Are you mad?" 

No answer. 

"...At me?" 


"...I'm sorry I didn't win..." 

"It wasn't your fault." Dean stood up. "I just don't want to lose you." 

"You're not going to lose me. Why would you think that?" 

"Because you're mine and only mine. I just got you back, I'm not losing you again." 

"I don't want to lose you either. Don't worry. We'll be okay." She wraps her arms around his neck. "Just one date and it'll be all over. And then we'll get our revenge for all this bullcrap,"


For WWE Main Event, during a backstage segment before Morgan's match, the cameras were seen rushing backstage to the loud commotion of the Outspoken Diva getting attacked by Rosa and some of her goons. Morgan was seen getting attacked by Rosa, Aksana, Layla and Alicia, and even started going after her neck. Morgan yelled out in pain once Rosa gave her a harsh stomp on her neck and that was when Nikki, Nattie, Cameron and Naomi rushed over to help her.

"Get away from her!" Nikki shouted, kicking Layla.

Rosa and the girls ran away, proud of their work while Nikki and the rest of the Total Divas went to help her with some referees.

"Morgan, are you okay?" Naomi asked with worry.

" neck..." Morgan winced in pain, rubbing it. "That didn't feel good at all,"

"Morgan, we need to take you the the trainer's room," the refs were telling her as they helped her up.

Morgan tweets 'If you needed three girls to help beat me down, it's obvious you're not confident in trying to beat me one on one.' 


Later in the ring, Morgan manages to get into the battle Royal because she wants to fight through the pain in her neck. The stomp Rosa had given her was with heels and although it was advised not to do the match, she still wanted to try to be the number one contender for the Diva's Championship. 

Sticking it out, Morgan was one of the final divas in the match and it was between her, Nattie, Tamina, and Nikki. When it seemed like she was about to eliminate Tamina, Brad Maddox ran down the ramp to distract her. 

"Wait, what is Brad doing here?" Tom asked as the crowd booed. 

"What are you doing!? Get out of here!" Morgan yelled but suddenly got eliminated by Tamina as the crowd looked displeased. 

Brad looks satisfied with his work and starts walking up the ramp, meeting up with Rosa, who high fived him.

"Morgan just got screwed." Tom exclaimed as she looked upset at the two laughing at her. "This must be Evolution's dirty work." 


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Friday night Smackdown. We have some exclusive content on what really went down between Morgan and Bad News Barrett during their date Thursday Night. Let's take a look." Cole said. 

'WWE Exclusive Video' 

Wade and Morgan were at a restaurant sitting down at a candlelight table. Morgan was looking bored while Wade checked out the menu. 

"Oh god...I have never been so bored in my life. Just kill me now..." She moaned and put her head down. 

"Trust me love, you and I are going to have a great time," Wade said while she raised her head up. 

He took the opportunity to put his hand over her hand. Disgusted, she removed her hand immediately and glared. 

"Don't touch me. Touch me again and I'll stick this fork in your hand." she threatened. 

"You're a feisty woman, you know that?" he smirked.

The Philly Diva rolled her eyes. This was beyond embarrassing. First, she lost her match against Wade, got cake in her face by Rosa, lost her number one contender's match, and now this dinner. The Authority must be enjoying this with a bowl of popcorn. 

Maybe Morgan could get out of this by acting wild and crazy to turn him off. While she pondered about various situations of turning Wade off, a male waiter walked over to their table. 

"Good evening, what can I get you two lovebirds?" 

Wade grinned. "Well-­"

"Ha! You funny! You think I'm going out with this guy?" She pointed to Barrett. 

Wade put an arm around her shoulder. "Don't forget you have to do as I say. Don't make me mad." He warned in her ear before pulling away, making her even more upset.

"You got grapes?" She asked the waiter, ignoring Wade's threat and trying hard not to punch him in the face.

"Yes, we have grapes," the waiter responded.

"Okay. I want everything made of grapes."


"I want everything made of grapes."


"I want everything made of grapes!" 

"Don't you want some protein? Or a salad-" Wade spoke up. 

"Hey! I was not talking to you BNB." She snapped and turned her attention back to the waiter. "I want grape cobbler, grape cake, grape pie, grape muffins, wine, grape juice, grape chicken, grape salad, you know the drill." 

"R-­right way!" The waiter rushed back to the kitchen. 

"I uh, didn't expect you to be such a grapeaholic." Wade cleared his throat. 

"You must be living under a rock then,"

"I would stay on my good side because The Authority is watching you." He pointed to Stephanie and Triple H having dinner nearby at another table. 

Morgan closed her eyes and exhaled before opening her eyes again. "Are you kidding me?" 

"Just so there's no funny business." 

Really? The Authority just had to be there. Maybe getting out of this date will be tougher than she thought. Later, the same waiter came by and put down a bowl of grapes for her. 

"From the lovely couple over there." The waiter said and walked away. 

Morgan looked ahead and saw Stephanie and Triple H looking amused at her before clinking glasses of wine together. She scowled and had the urge to attack the both of them but what good would that do? She let out another sigh and popped a couple of grapes in her mouth. As eating grapes calmed her down, she noticed Wade staring at her.

"This may be cliche but why don't you just take a picture so it'll last longer?" She retorted. 

"Can't help looking at such a beautiful woman," he replied. 

She took her phone out and gave it to Wade. "There. Look at my pictures and leave me alone for the rest of the night. Just stop talking. You're giving me a headache," 

She started popping more grapes in her mouth while Wade admired the photos on her phone. While he was distracted, someone walked by and slipped a note on Morgan's side of the table. She recognized the person's scent. Leather and after shave? She picked the note up and turned around but didn't see anyone walking nearby. She put the note on her lap and read it

'Think you can survive a little bit longer, sweetheart? I know you want to bash their heads on the wall.' 

'Dean' she thought as a smile began to show on her lips. 

"I think I can..." She mumbled. 

"Did you say something?" Wade asked.


"Champagne?" A familiar voice asked. 

"Yes please," Wade replied, without looking up. 

Morgan picked up her glass of water and gave Wade a confused look. 

"Wait, why do we need­-" She glanced up and widened her eyes, earning a wink from the waiter. 

Suddenly, she dropped her glass of water in surprise, making a mess.

"Morgan, are you okay?" Wade grabbed a few napkins to clean up the mess. 

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." she continued to look at the waiter. 

The waiter chuckled and gave her a pat on the back before walking back to the kitchen. The Outspoken Diva ran her hands through her hair. Seth, in a waiter's outfit? What the heck is going on?

"Uh, I gotta use the bathroom." She stood up and walked away after grabbing her phone back.

"Finally." Wade exhaled as Triple H and Stephanie walked over to him. "How long do you want me to keep this up? You need to know that I don't care about that crazed woman anymore." 

Wade began to do The Authority's dirty work for a while now and he was ordered to go after Morgan, for a distraction. However as time went by, he wasn't interested in her anymore. She was too wild for him. And The Shield were all filled with a bunch of nutcases. He didn't want to deal with the nonsense anymore. It was her loss that she decided not to be with him and chose Ambrose instead.

"Where did she go?" Stephanie asked. 


"Excuse me." she smiled and headed to the bathroom. 

There was no way in the world Morgan was going to bail on this dinner. Wade won fair and square and he was going to get his date, no matter what. Even if it was for a distraction. Once she walked into the bathroom she saw Morgan fixing her hair in the mirror. 

"Well, well. Trying to bail?" Stephanie asked.

Morgan rolled her eyes. "Is it necessary for you to spy on me? I lost. I'm paying up for it. Can you leave me alone?" 

"You do know your little teammates are here." 

Morgan arched a brow and decided to play it cool. Stephanie truly did not know The Shield was here but wanted to watch her body language to see if something was up.

"Nice joke. But you're not going to get my hopes up. Stop lying." Morgan replied smoothly.

That seemed to get her off her back. Once Morgan went back to the table, she saw Wade coughing more than usual as she sat down.

"Wade, that isn't funny. I'm not giving you CPR." She retorted but began to notice that his coughing was serious as he cleared his throat. "Whoa, are you okay?"

"It must be the champagne." He coughed and took a look at the glass.

She observed the glass. Seth came with a bottle of champagne and Wade must have opened it and took a sip. Meanwhile, the Hounds of Justice were spying on The Authority and Morgan. They had satisfied smirks on their faces as they watched their prey suffer. Roman decided to spike the champagne to make him sick so Morgan's date could end earlier than expected. 

Noticing problems at the table, Stephanie and Triple H walked over to see what was wrong as Morgan patted Wade's back.

"What did you do?" Stephanie assumed as Wade continued to cough. 

"Listen I didn't do anything. I was just in the bathroom, just like you. The dude just started coughing out of nowhere," Morgan replied calmly.

"Aw..." Wade groaned and held his stomach. "What was in that drink?"

"I know you did something." Stephanie scowled at the Philly Diva.

"Did not." she shrugged.

"Did too." 

"Did not..." 

"Did too!" Stephanie screamed, earning a few glances from the other people eating at the restaurant. 

Morgan slowly popped a grape in her mouth as she watched Stephanie go on and on. All of a sudden, Wade threw up on Stephanie, making Morgan drop her jaw in disbelief.

"Oh no." Triple H cringed at the sight. 

Stephanie stood there in shock as she looked at her blue dress covered in throw up. 

Seth laughed nearby and high fived his brothers. "Mission accomplished!" 

Morgan started laughing while Stephanie screamed and stormed off, making Triple H go after her. 

"Wait! Stephanie, it was an accident!" Wade explained and tried to go after her. 

"No! Stay away from me!" Stephanie shouted as they all went outside the restaurant. 

Morgan chuckled and shook her head. "Wow..." 

Dean sat next to her while Roman and Seth put chairs at their table to sit with them. 

"You okay?" Ambrose asked and kissed her cheek.

"You guys are lifesavers." she grinned and pounded her fist with theirs.

"We always have your back. Come on, we gotta go before they come back." Roman said with a grin. 

"Totally," she replied and they stood up to leave. 

But then she rushed back in and started eating a few grapes from her grape bowl. 

"Come on, Morgan," Seth called out. 

"Okay." She walked away to meet up with them. 

Moments later she came back and grabbed a handful of grapes. 

"Morgan," Roman called out. 

"Coming! Coming!" She replied and took the handful of grapes with her. 

Later on, she came back, empty handed after munching on the grapes and began eating more of them from the bowl. 

"Morgan!" The three men shout.

"All right! All right!" She took the whole grape bowl with her, grabbing a handful to put in her mouth as she rushed to meet up with the boys.

Naomi tweets 'And this is why I keep an eye on my drink!'

Seth tweets 'I think we should send WWEMorgan101 to grape world.'

Morgan replies 'WWERollins Grape World!? Count me in! Where is it!? Let's go now! ASAP!' 

Roman tweets 'WWEMorgan101 it was a joke. There's no grape world.' 

Morgan replies 'WWERomanReigns No! You guys suck!' 

A fan tweets 'Hahaha! Morgan coming back for those grapes was priceless!' 

Morgan replies to the fan by tweeting 'What can I say? I got Grape Problems' 


Later on Smackdown, Morgan was walking backstage with a cup of coffee in her hands. She just witnessed her boys get even with Jack Swagger by giving him the triple powerbomb in the ring. Tonight will be the night that The Shield will get revenge. Meanwhile, 3MB were backstage, getting pumped up for their match tonight with The Shield. 

"We're back in the main event, this is what we've been waiting on," Heath said. 

"You better be fired up. Are you fired up?" Drew asked. 

Jinder pointed over to Morgan who was stirring her coffee. 

"Well well, look who it is. It's Morgan. And guess what? She's all alone. How did that beating taste on Monday?" Drew taunted. 

Morgan smiled and threw her coffee in Drew's face as the crowd cheered. 

"Ah! Stupid b­-" Drew lunged at her but Seth got in front of her, making him freeze. 

Jinder checked on Drew's face while Heath chuckled at the duo. 

"Look who we have here. Rollins helping The Shield's Girl out. 3MB and Seth Rollins, and Morgan." Heath grinned. "Don't worry Morgan, we're gonna make you watch us beat up Rollins. And once we're done beating him up, we're coming for you. Seth, you're coming by yourself to help her out? Are you crazy?" 

Morgan and Seth glanced at each other while Ambrose stalked his way into the situation. 

"There's three of us of two of you. Morgan isn't a challenge. But we're gonna wait till later on tonight. Later on tonight, we're gonna take you guys out." Heath turned around and froze as Roman stood before him with an intimidating stare. 

Morgan hits Jinder with a spinning kick to the face while Dean and Seth take over by beating up him and Drew. After they lay them out, The Shield surrounds Heath. 

"Look, we can just wait till later, all right?" Heath started to look nervous. 

He turns and gets kneed in the stomach by Dean and eats a Superman punch from Reigns. Roman glances at his teammates and pats Dean's chest before leaving the scene. 


Backstage with Brad Maddox, he was on the phone.

"Yes. Yes, sir. Um..." Brad stopped talking on his phone and saw all 4 members of The Shield in his office. 

Seth takes the phone away from him and gives it to Dean who throws it away. 

"Listen, I know you're angry but this is not the way to deal with your frustrations. Beating up superstars, or divas." Brad glanced at the Philly Diva. "I know you're planning on doing that, it is not the way. It's not going to prove a point. Okay?" 

Roman takes Brad's tie and starts wrapping it around his hand. Rollins pats on Brad's back before Roman throws him all the way to the wall. 

"Whoa!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan, Roman, and Seth moved the couch. 

Seth is about to go after him but Dean puts his arm out. 

"Whoa, what?" Roman started to look confused. 

"What are you doing?" Seth asked. 

Morgan starts to look amused as Dean makes a growl and jumps over the couch to start unloading on Brad. She glances at her teammates while Dean gets up. Seth chuckles and puts his arm around him to pat his back while she shakes her head in amusement. 

"The Shield are taking out everybody," Cole said.

"How many are gonna be left!?" JBL asked.

On the stage, Fandango and Layla were dancing, and doing their entrance because they were about to take on Santino and Emma. The crowd begins to cheer loudly when Dean, Seth and Roman walk onto the stage while Layla's jaw drops and slowly backs up, looking petrified. They stare down Fandango while Morgan gets on the other side of the stage, where Layla's back was towards her, having a guitar in her hands. 

"Don't turn around! Don't turn around, Layla!" JBL warned. 

Layla turns around to eat a harsh guitar shot by Morgan as the crowd cheers at the assault.

"Good grief!" JBL shouted.

Morgan shakes her head and drops the guitar. She walks over to Fandango while The Shield beat him down and begins to stomp on him. She joins in with the stomping until Seth and Dean drag him over to the end of the stage. 

"What are they gonna do now?" JBL asked as they set up for the Triple Powerbomb. 

"Oh no. No! Look at this John!" Cole shouted. "Fandango! Off the stage, look at this!" 

The Shield drops Fandango off the stage and onto a couple of tables. Moments later, Morgan puts her fist out with the boys.

"Don't think they're dance fans," JBL said. 

"Who is gonna stop The Shield?" Cole asked. 

Later during the show in the ring, The Bella Twins were taking on Alicia Fox and Aksana in a tag team match. The Bellas were taking control until they heard The Shield's theme. 








"Uh oh!" JBL shouted. 

The crowd explodes while the divas start to look terrified. They begin to look around the arena until the crowd cheers louder as they spot Morgan in the crowd, on the top of the steps. She had her thumbs in her pants pockets and tilted her head to the side, gazing at the divas in the ring. 

"Uh oh! Morgan does not look happy!" Cole exclaimed. 

"Get out of the ring! Get out of the ring!" JBL warned as she slowly walked down the steps and jumped over the barricade. "This is not good." 

The Outspoken diva gets in the ring and hits Alicia and Aksana with a double clothesline as the crowd cheers. The Bellas quickly get out of harm's way and head backstage while Morgan begins unloading on Aksana who begins screaming for her life. Alicia throws her off of her and goes for a big boot but Morgan ducks it and drops her with a backfire. 

Aksana tries to crawl out of the ring but Morgan grabs her foot and drags her back into the ring. 

"Nowhere to go now!" JBL shouted as Morgan picked her up to her feet and dropped her back down with a kick.

The Outspoken Diva rolls out the ring and grabs a chair. 

"What is she doing with that chair?" JBL added.

She slides back in the ring and opens the chair up before setting it down. She picks up Aksana and hits the Morganizer on top of the chair, making it close and fall as the crowd cheers. 

"And Morgan taking advantage with the chair! This is no more fun and games." Cole said as she stood up, brushing some hair from her face. 

She grabs a mic and exhales as she closes her eyes, earning more cheers. 

"She didn't even break a sweat," JBL said as the crowd chanted her name. 

After a dramatic pause, she opens her eyes with an angry expression.

"...Extreme...rules match..." She dropped the mic and exited the ring to loud cheers while The Shield's theme came back on.

"Wait, wait a minute. No way, an extreme rules match against Rosa Mendes!?" JBL exclaimed. 

"A first ever diva extreme rules match." Cole informed as Morgan walked up the ramp. 

"Is she out of her mind? It's not too late to reconsider! Morgan think about this! Think about what you're doing!" 

"These two want to kill each other. This may be the best match to do that in."

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand

Forced To Believe Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand

Chapter Summary: The Shield take out Barrett once and for all. Someone from Jon and Melanie's past begins to make an appearance, The Shield go at it with Evolution at Extreme Rules.

Words: 7,000+


The Shield were in the ring waiting for their opponents. 

"The Shield, preparing for their 11 on 3 handicap match," Cole said as Ambrose handed over his title to Morgan, who put it on her shoulder and headed to ringside. 

"The question is, how many of those guys are gonna be out here?" JBL asked as the Smackdown theme came on. Bad News Barrett, Ryback, Del Rio, Damien Sandow, and Titus walk down the ring. "I think The Shield likes these odds I think." 

Rollins and Ryback start off the match. 

"Come on Ryback!" Wade shouted. 

"You think Wade knows what really happened on his date with Morgan?" Cole asked. 

"I think so because he keeps giving Morgan angry looks," JBL said as Morgan responded to Wade's looks with a smile & wave. 

The Shield begin to take control of the match by tagging each other back and forth. Seth tries to go for a crossbody but gets caught by Ryback who slams him down. Titus gets tagged in and goes for a power slam. Seth manages to evade an elbow drop and starts fighting back and The Shield continues to take control. Titus manages to push Dean into his corner and tags Wade. 

"And here comes Bad News Barrett," Cole said as Morgan started to scowl at the sight of Wade beating up Ambrose. "And let the death glares from Morgan begin." 

"I hope she never looks at me like that," JBL said. 

Wade tries to go for a suplex but Dean stops it and tags in Rollins to give him a double suplex. Ryback and Sandow get in the ring to try to beat the two members down but get taken out of the ring, making The Shield stand tall in the ring. 

"Right now, The Shield holding their own. Holding their ring. The hounds of justice in control." Cole said while Morgan nodded in approval. 

Wade regroups with his teammates. Being a great leader, he manages to calm them down and restore everything to order. After that, he decides to get back in the ring to go at it with Dean. 

"Let's go, Dean!" Morgan banged on the mat while Ambrose was in a headlock by Barrett. 

He fights out of it but gets hit by a big boot as Wade's team begins to take control. 

"Can you believe Morgan wants an extreme rules match against Rosa Mendes? This is insane! I hope they reconsider. That match is too dangerous for those lovely ladies." JBL said. 

"I don't think a regular singles match will be enough for those two women. This rivalry has gotten personal over the months and I don't think Extreme Rules is going to be the end of this rivalry." Cole said as Ambrose was thrown out of the ring. 

Ryback decides to punch Dean before getting back on the apron. 

"Really!? Really!?" Morgan shouted. "You think you're so tough, huh?!" 

"Shut your mouth!" Ryback shouted back. 

She drops Dean's title and is about to run after Ryback but gets grabbed by Seth. 

"Hey! Hey! Calm down. We got this." Seth wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up in the air while she kicked her legs around, trying to break free. 

Ryback showed a smug look on his face and patted his head. "Stupid! Stupid!" 

"Calm down...calm's not worth it," Rollins said and put his hands on her shoulders. "Okay?" 

"All right..." She responded. 

Meanwhile, Ambrose continues to get beaten up. 

"Come on man!" Seth shouted. 

Dean gets powerslamed by Ryback and he goes for the pin. Seth breaks up the pin and starts punching his opponents off the apron. Ryback throws him out of the ring and Seth collides with Morgan, making her grunt and fall down as the crowd 'Ohs'.

"Oh man! Seth Rollins colliding into Morgan." Cole said as Seth landed on top of her before rolling over. 

"Did you see their heads collide? Good grief." JBL looked on. 

"You guys okay!?" Dean shouted, looking concerned with Roman. 

Morgan gives them a thumbs up while rubbing her head. Ambrose starts to growl. Ryback was going to pay for that. He did that on purpose. Ambrose tags in Roman while Morgan and Seth recover from their impact. 

"Ow..." She continued to rub her head.

Rollins got on his hands and knees. "Sorry about that grapes. You okay?" 

The Outspoken diva stood up. "You got a big head." She joked and helped him up. "Cryback is going to pay for that." 

He chuckled at her humor. "You better believe that." 

Meanwhile in the ring, Roman begins to clean house and take down everyone by giving them Superman punches and Samoan drops. Titus and Ryback break up Roman's pin on Sandow but then Seth and Dean get into it and chaos ensues. 

"Everybody has a game plan until they get punched in the mouth," JBL said as Roman hit Sandow with a dropkick off the bottom rope. 

While the ref was distracted, Roman gets prepared for the superman punch until Wade and Del Rio get on the apron. Morgan jogs over to them and grabs the ankles of both Wade and Del Rio, pulling them down. 

"Look at Morgan!" Cole exclaimed. 

She smiles and begins to slowly walk around the ring, looking at her nails. Wade and Del Rio look annoyed and decide to leave the ring and walk up the ramp. Rollins dives on top of Ryback at ringside and then Ambrose and Seth give Titus and Sandow a suicide dive on the other side of the ring. Since Roman wasn't going to let anyone escape their fate so easily, he ran after Barrett and Del Rio. Reigns strikes Del Rio with a Superman punch on top of the stage while Wade begins running away. Morgan manages to run after him and takes him out with a bicycle kick.

Wade groans and begins crawling down the ramp while The Shield stands at the end of the ramp. Morgan stalks over to Barrett who reaches the end of the ramp while The Shield waits for her.

"Oh boy," JBL said as she gave them a nod. 

The Shield turns around and walks after Barrett to begin stomping him down. Rollins and Ambrose pick him up so Reigns can give him a spear. 

"Spear!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered.

Dean throws Wade in the ring and The Shield hits him with the triple powerbomb. Morgan gets on the apron and looks on with delight. 

"Morgan has got to be loving this," Cole added.

"It's all about revenge," JBL said. 

Morgan watches Wade's face scrunched up in pain and wondered if she could hurt him more. 

"Um..." She trailed off, wondering if she should ask her boys for another request. 

Roman and Seth begin to grin while Dean smirks at her. 

"Again?" Dean asked happily. 

A wicked grin comes across her face as she nods. Dean loves making her happy. And if that meant beating the crap out of Barrett, which he did not mind at all, then he will do that. 

"Wait they are doing it again?" JBL exclaimed as The Shield decimated Wade with a second triple powerbomb. 

"I guess what Morgan wants; she'll get when it comes to revenge. She always holds grudges and will get even with you no matter how long it takes." Cole explained. 

Morgan listens to Wade's groans and moans of pain. It was music to her ears but she wanted more. She wanted his groans to be louder. She wanted to see his face scrunched in more pain. She tilts her head to the side and smirks wickedly.

"She's gone to semi Harley mode." Seth chuckled while Roman nodded in agreement. 

Ambrose walks over to her, giving her a crazed look while she smirks at him. "What do you want?" 

"Maybe more time? Please?"

"You got it." Roman grinned. 

He roars as The Shield gives Wade a third triple powerbomb.

"Three?! Is that enough now?" JBL exclaimed while Morgan looked satisfied. 

"Thanks guys." She high fived Seth and Roman. 

Dean walks over to her and lifts up her chin to smooch her before she gets off the apron. Sandow gets in the ring and gets dropkicked by Ambrose, and speared by Reigns. Roman pins Sandow for the win as the crowd erupts in cheers but then Titus gets thrown into the ring and hit with a spear. 

"I don't think they're done." Cole looked on. 

"I think The Shield's done when The Shield says they're done," JBL exclaimed. 

Dean and Seth throw Ryback in the ring to get hit with a spear. Morgan gets in the ring and gets on the top rope. Roman roars while The Shield sets up for the triple powerbomb. The Outspoken Diva jumps off the top rope to hit Ryback with a clothesline while The Shield brings Ryback down for the powerbomb. She stands up and runs a hand through her hair before putting her fist out on top of Ryback with her teammates. 


Next week on Raw, The Shield are backstage, Dean is in the middle, Rollins on the right side, and Roman is on the left while Morgan wasn't with them.

"The clock is ticking for Evolution. At Extreme Rules, The Shield is going to expose the fact that Evolution has passed you by. The Hounds of Justice are gonna do what we always do. We're gonna pick you apart. We're gonna chew you up, and we're gonna spit you out!" Ambrose shouted and backed up. 

"Evolution is all about control, they're about power. They like to flaunt their watches, they like to ride around in a long limousine and they like to wear very expensive suits because they believe that those are symbols of power. Well, they're not!" Seth shouted. "Those are just things that small men do to make themselves feel bigger about who they're not." he showed his fist. "This! Is power. True power. The new symbol of excellence and we prove it every single night we step in the ring. And when the three of you finally get the guts to face off with us, you're gonna find out what true power really is." 

"For years now, Randy Orton has said he was the future. But from where I'm standing, he looks more like the past. This here." Roman showed his fist. "This is today. This is tomorrow. This is the future! Believe that. And believe in The Shield." 

The Shield put their fists out. 


In the ring, Evolution and Rosa walk out earning mixed reactions from the St. Louis Missouri crowd. Rosa sports a short gray dress to match Batista's suit as they walk down the ramp, linking arms while stealing a few kisses from each other. 

Morgan tweets 'Ugh, God...Rosa and Batista disgust me. When do you two don't suck each other's faces off?' 

Celeste replies 'You're alive! Where are you? WWEMorgan101' 

Morgan replies 'Safe and sound! CelesteBonin' 

"On Friday, The Shield took out 11 guys and 3 divas because of Morgan. There's a part of me that feels like I should be mad but I'm not. But I am impressed. These guys, they're starting to remind me of somebody. Oh yeah, it's us. They're starting to remind me of us." Triple H said in the ring. 

"Yeah, Hunter but The Shield thinks that they are the new Evolution. And there's just one problem with that." Orton said. 

"The problem is, we're still here. And they'll never be us. Never." Batista said. 

Rosa smirked at the crowd. "So...little miss Morgan Lopez wants to be all tough and be a big girl now by challenging me to a first ever Diva Extreme Rules match." She shouted at the crowd because the crowd was booing her so loud, she couldn't even hear herself. "Hey! I deserve some respect! Shut up! Shut up!"

"That is so disrespectful. Rosa is an angel. They shouldn't be booing her." JBL said. 

"You mean she-devil." Cole retorted while King laughed.

"Shut up!" Batista yelled. "Give her some respect!" 

"Give her respect," Orton shouted while Triple H nodded in agreement. 

"You know what Morgan? If you have a death wish, if you want me to end your career, why didn't you just say so? I would love to be in a match with you at Extreme Rules. So you know what? You're on!" Rosa shouted as the crowd erupted in cheers. 

"No! This is not good! Rosa reconsider this!" JBL exclaimed.

"I accept your challenge! But I think you need to understand that I should not be underestimated. I am a veteran, here!"

"Oh my God! Who the hell cares!?" Morgan retorted.

The crowd erupts in cheers as she walks onto the stage. Rosa starts shouting at her while Batista and Orton try to calm her down 

"I swear it's like you get more annoying every day." she continued.

Triple H chuckled. "Morgan...the thing is...I brought you into this world and you are looking at the four people that are gonna take you and your little boys out of it. On Sunday, you either adapt or I promise will perish." 








"Get ready!" JBL got excited as The Shield walked down the steps while Morgan got in the ring. 

The Shield meet up with her in the ring and bumps fists with her. 


The crowd erupts in loud cheers while Morgan turns around with a huge grin on her face. 

"What!?" King exclaimed.

"Surprise! Surprise! The Nature Boy!" JBL exclaimed as Ric walked on stage.

"Now Evolution is complete," Cole said.

"Evolution is still here," King said. 

"We're fine." Morgan gave her teammates a reassuring smile. 

Her teammates began to remember how she accompanied Flair and tried to save him during the Slammys in Philadelphia when she was feuding with them. 

Evolution and Rosa clap for Ric while he greets them. Ric kisses Rosa on the cheek and gives her a hug. The crowd begins 'Wooing' while Ric grabs a mic. 

"Is this St. Louis Missouri? Have I ever been here before? Well, I have and I've had a lot of fun, thank you." He said. "But I'm here tonight to tell the whole world how great it is to be in the ring with men and a woman that proves what this business is all about! Dominance!" 

He began talking about his time with the Four Horsemen. 

"But we controlled the marketplace. We styled, woo! And we profiled! The same can be said with Evolution." he said and started talking about the good times he had with his former teammates. "And look who we have here." He checked out Rosa by grabbing her hand and turning her around. "Rosa Mendes. You are some kind of diva. I have seen everything come full circle. The word greatness comes full circle. And tonight, I'm surrounded with superstars and a diva that shows, and grace. But what I'm talking about Shield." 

Ric looks at The Shield as the crowd cheers. Rosa's jaw drops as Ric shakes hands with the male members of The Shield.

"What?" King chuckled.

"Did he just double cross Evolution?" JBL asked as Evolution started to look confused. 

Ric stands before Morgan as the crowd cheers again while the two smile at each other.

" Philly girl. Morgan." Flair took her hand and kissed it before pulling her into a big hug. "Continue doing what you're doing. And we need to party in Philly again." 

She smiled and let out a chuckle. "Thank you, I will,"

"He just slammed Evolution here, wait a minute." King chuckled as he left the ring. 

Morgan patted Roman's back. "Kick his ass." She said, earning a nod from him. 

She slides out the ring and goes to ringside with Seth & Dean. Roman takes on Orton in a singles match and they begin to have a back and forth match. Roman gets thrown out of the ring and Orton tries to go for a suplex but he counters and hits Orton with a suplex of his own.

"Yeah!" She cheered. 

"How that feel!? That's true power!" Seth shouted. "That's what true power is all about!" 

Orton and Roman continue fighting at ringside until Orton throws Reigns into the steel steps. Orton stares down The Shield and begins taunting them because they can't do anything about it while Ambrose starts to get hyped up and bangs on the apron. 

"Dean, Dean, calm down." Morgan grabbed his arm and put her hands on his cheeks. "Look at me. Breathe." 

He begins to calm down a little and she releases him while Orton throws Roman back in the ring. 

"Come on, big man!" Seth yelled. "Get it together! Get it together!" 

Roman begins to fight back and goes for the dropkick on Orton from the apron. He sets up for the Superman punch but Batista and Rosa get on the apron and begin distracting the ref. 

"Look at Batista and Rosa." Cole said while Triple H grabbed Roman's foot to distract him. 

"That's it!" Morgan shouted and ran after Rosa. 

She was so done with her bullcrap. She couldn't wait till Sunday. She wanted to kick her ass now. Rosa twirls her hips around but as soon as she turns around she gets speared. 

"Spear! Spear by Morgan!" JBL shouted as the crowd got louder while Ambrose took on Triple H, and Seth took on Batista. 

Morgan continues unloading on Rosa with strikes until she flips them over to get a few shots in. 

"Here we go! The fight is on! The brawl is on!" Cole exclaimed but then Triple H threw Ambrose over the announce table. 

He begins attacking Rollins, making him get off of Batista, and throws him into the apron. Triple H and Batista turn their attention to Morgan who is on top of Rosa, giving her hard punches to the face. They grab her by the hair and throw her off of her, making a sick thud. 

"Good grief, did you hear that?" JBL asked. 

Morgan holds the side of her back while Triple H and Batista throw her into the barricade. Triple H takes off his jacket while Batista helps Rosa up. Meanwhile Roman drops Orton with a Superman punch but then he slides out of the ring and takes on Batista and Triple H. The ref calls for the bell as it becomes a three on one assault. Orton holds Roman down while Triple H starts striking him with punches. 

Rosa takes off one of her heels and starts hitting Roman with it. Batista drags Ambrose off the announce table and bounces his head off the table. Orton throws Rollins into the barricade while Morgan crawls away and starts searching under the ring. Rosa goes to the other side and searches under the ring as well.

"This is a wild scene at ringside," Cole said as Orton bounced Dean's head off the table. 

"This is all The Shield's fault and you know it. They're the reason they're back together." JBL said while Triple H and Batista threw Reigns into the steel steps. 

Triple H takes Dean out with a spinebuster at ringside. Morgan had to get out of harm's way to try to figure out how to turn things around. 

"Maybe a weapon?" She mumbled as she searched under the ring. 

Rosa on the other hand decides to take out a guitar from the ring and slides in the ring to taunt the crowd. 

"What is she doing?" Cole asked as Evolution continued to beat up the male members of The Shield. 

Evolution throws Dean and Roman inside the ring, meeting up with Rosa and Triple H turns to Morgan who is looking slightly worried. 

"You're all alone! All alone!" Triple H shouted and pointed to her beaten down teammates. "You wanna end up like them!?"

The Outspoken Diva searches under the ring and takes out a guitar, earning loud cheers. She slides in the ring, while Rosa starts to look intimidated. 

"Morgan just one uped Rosa." King chuckled at the sight as Morgan had a guitar with barbed wire around it. 

Morgan tries to swing the guitar at Triple H but he dodges the attack and drops her down with a clothesline. Rosa begins beating her down while Triple H sets up Ambrose for the pedigree. Things start to turn around when Rollins jumps on the ropes and strikes Triple H with a knee to the head. Dean and Seth begin to go after Orton and Batista while Morgan and Rosa grab their guitars and face off. 

"Are we about to see a small extreme rules match preview?" King wondered with excitement. 

They throw their guitars at each other, making them clash. Rosa yells a loud battle cry and swings at Morgan but she manages to evade her attack. She tries to go for a swing but Rosa drops her guitar and slides out of the ring, making the crowd boo. 

"Aw, I thought we would get more of a preview." King pouted. 

Rosa blew a kiss to Morgan. "We'll wait till Sunday. We'll wait till Sunday. But don't worry, it's going to be worth the wait." 

"I got a feeling Rosa has something up her sleeve. You never know what she's going to do." JBL said. 

Meanwhile, Ambrose throws Orton out of the ring, and Seth kicks Batista out of the ring. 

"Triple H is in the ring with no backup!" Cole exclaimed as Roman managed to stand up and hit Triple H with a spear. 

Roman roars and The Shield tries to go for the triple powerbomb but Orton and Batista get back on the apron with chairs until Rollins kicks them off. Triple H takes advantage by sliding out of the ring while Rosa helps him regroup. Seth and Dean grab the chairs as the crowd cheers. 

"Come on!" Seth shouted as The Shield's theme came back on. 

Morgan grabs her barbed wire guitar and raises it up in the air. 

"That's just a glimpse of what's coming to you!" She shouted at Rosa. 

"What's going to happen between these two divas? I'm afraid to choose the winner. This is anybody's match." Cole looked on. 

"I don't want these two beauties to go at it," King said with disappointment. 

"Folks we have two collisions coming Sunday. Evolution and The Shield, and Morgan & Rosa."

"We got a war coming Sunday," JBL stated.

"Go ahead, run! Run!" Roman yelled at Evolution. 

"Will The Shield adapt or perish? And will Rosa try to end Morgan's career or will Morgan manage to break through Rosa's bluff, as she claims it to be, and win?" Cole wondered. 


On Smackdown, for the main event, The Shield stand on top of the steps and looks around. Dean was forced into a fatal four way match against Axel, Del Rio, and Ryback. Roman and Seth bump fists with Ambrose before he walks down the steps. The two grin at each other, knowing that Ambrose has this match down, and walks back. 

Morgan is about to go back but turns back to Dean. 

"Dean!" She called out and slid down the railing before jumping off it, making Ambrose turn around before he prepared to jump over the barricade. 

"Morgan, you do know you gotta go to the back. What is she doing?" JBL wondered. 

She jogged over to him and put her hands over his cheeks to give him a slow, and passionate kiss, earning loud cheers. Ambrose wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her back. 

"I love you." She whispered, pulling away. 

The Lunatic fringe smirked. "I love you, too." 

He jumped over the barricade while Morgan smiled and headed back. 

"A kiss for good luck from the Outspoken diva," Cole said as Ambrose got in the ring. 

"Ambrose has held that champion for an awful long time. He could lose it very easily tonight." JBL added. 

Del Rio, Ryback, and Axel make their entrances. As the match starts, everyone goes after Ambrose. He holds his own for the first few seconds until his opponents stomp him down. 

"Where your buddies at, huh!? Where your buddies at!?" Axel shouted. 

Ambrose gets thrown out of the ring while Rosa struts down the ring, making the crowd boo.

"This is not good for Ambrose." JBL looked on.

Morgan tweets 'Great...more funny business...'

"I think Rosa is going to try to do everything she can to make sure Ambrose doesn't retain," Cole said. 

Rosa wore a business suit and had her hair in a bun, looking very corporate. Later on in the match, Ambrose continues to be thrown out of the ring to be kept out of the match so that one of his opponents becomes the new champion. Ryback and Axel continue to work as a team to take on Del Rio. Del Rio manages to hit Ryback with a backstabber and goes for a pin but Dean breaks it up. Rosa crosses her arms while the crowd chants 'Let's Go Ambrose' 

"This is not good," JBL said as Axel and Ryback threw Ambrose into the barricade. 

Del Rio dropkicks Ryback, and takes on Axel inside the ring. Ryback gets back in the ring and starts to gang up on Del Rio until he hits him with a German suplex. 

"Come on, he's just one man!" Rosa shouted as Ambrose broke up Del Rio's pin. "Take him down! Take him down now! Now!" She screamed as Ambrose started to get fired up and took down everyone. 

Axel tries to take Dean's momentum down and go for the Perfect plex but Ambrose escapes it and leans back into the ropes for a clothesline. 

"No! No! Get up! Get up now!" Rosa shouted.

Ambrose goes for the pin but Axel kicks out. 

"That was some clothesline," Cole said. 

Ryback pulls Ambrose out of the ring and throws him over to the timekeeper's area. 

"Yes! Thank you!" Rosa started to look relieved. 

She could not have Ambrose retain. There has to be a new champion. There needs to be a new champion. 

Later on, Del Rio puts Ryback into the cross armbreaker. 

"Tap out! Tap out! Get the match over with while he's still down! Tap out! Now~" She screamed but Ryback lifted him up and hit him with the shellshocked. 

He goes for the pin but Axel pulls him out of the ring. Ambrose slides into the ring and rolls up Axel to win the match as the crowd erupts into cheers.

"No!" Rosa screamed and put her hands on her head in disbelief. 

"He did it! Dean Ambrose survives it!" Cole shouted. 

Ambrose gets attacked by Ryback while Axel stomps on him. Rosa gets in the ring, looking livid. 

"Hold him! Hold him now!" She ordered as they held him down. She began slapping Ambrose in the face a few times. "That was a fluke! You're going to lose Sunday! And I'm gonna enjoy watching your precious little girlfriend suffer as she has the last match of her wrestling career! Because when I'm done with her, she's never going to set foot in the WWE, ever again! I am going to break her! And I am going to break her neck! And there is nothing you or your little shield teammates can do about it!"

Morgan sprints down the ring with her teammates as the crowd explodes. 

"And here comes to Calvary!" Cole shouted as Axel and Ryback released Ambrose. 

Rosa was still distracted by yelling at Ambrose and she didn't have time to react to Morgan roughly grabbing the back of her hair. 

"Get your damn hands off my man!" Morgan growled and slammed her down. 

She gets on top of her and starts punching her. Rollins throws Axel out of the ring while Roman spears Ryback. Morgan throws Rosa out of the ring as the crowd gets excited. Morgan and Rollins glance at each other and nod before hitting Axel and Rosa with a suicide dive. 

"Yeah!" Seth shouted and put an arm around Morgan's shoulders. 

She pats Seth's chest before they throw Axel back in the ring. Rosa manages to run away and stand on the stage while Roman hits Axel with a Superman punch. Seth and Morgan get back in the ring to help Dean up. 

"You don't mess with The Shield!" Rollins yelled as they hit Axel with the triple powerbomb while Morgan clotheslined him off the top rope. 

"The Shield are sending a direct message to Triple H, Batista, and Orton. They are ready for Evolution, Sunday," Cole said while Roman checked on Dean with their theme blaring through the arena.

Dean raises up his title and puts his fists out with his teammates.


At the gorilla, backstage, The Shield meet up with Renee Young. 

"Oh God...look who it is." Seth pointed out. 

"Don't mind them. What's up, Renee?" Morgan smiled. 

"I'm good, thank you." Renee smiled back. "First of all, Dean congratulations on successfully defending your championship this evening. Looking forward to this Sunday, Evolution has put so many obstacles on you guys, do you have any game plan this Sunday at Extreme Rules?" 

"I'll hold that," Seth said, grabbing Dean's title.

"Okay, what's the game plan? The same game plan we had tonight?" Dean asked. "Go out there with the odds stacked against us. We're the underdogs, they think we're supposed to lose. I was supposed to lose my United States championship. So we go in with that game plan like we're supposed to lose to the 37 world champions and Evolution and blow them out of the water! Because we're better. Wild mustangs, all the things we've said before or you heard before. We go out there and perform for everybody every single night. It's not about limos, it's not sitting on your world titles ten years again, it's about going out there and getting it done. Being in the fire, every single night that we are. And Evolution gonna get burned!" 

"And they're gonna. They keep putting all these robots in front of us. It's Axel, it's Ryback, it's 11 on 4. Whatever the deal is, we keep knocking them down on our way to Extreme Rules." Seth added. "Evolution has been ducking and dodging us but it's not gonna work anymore because they're gonna come face to face to this. The new symbol of excellence." 

"Believe that, and believe in The Shield," Roman said. 

"You hear that?" Dean asked and moved his nose around. 

"Oh, that's cracking." Roman cringed. 

"Wanna hear?" Dean leaned down to Renee.

"Ew, okay." Renee took a step back.

"We gotta get that looked at." Seth said.

"That's not stopping him. That's not stopping him." Roman grinned. 

"Yikes," Morgan chuckled.

"Morgan, you got something on your face," Dean said.

"I do? What is it?" she touched her face.

"Let me get it," he lifted up her chin and licked the side of her face.

"Dean! Gross! What the hell?" She pushed him away while he chuckled and walked away with Rollins and Reigns who were laughing. "This is what I gotta deal with. He's so random." 

She began wiping the side of her face with one of her gloved hands.

"Don't rub it off! That's love juice!" Dean shouted from the end of the hallway. 

"Love juice? He is so weird," she shook her head while Renee giggled.

"So, Morgan what are your thoughts on being one of the first divas in an Extreme Rules match?" Renee asked.

"I'm excited that I get to make history like this. I just cannot wait to get my hands on Rosa. Her fun is about to end. I won't let you guys down, I will kick ass and work hard on Sunday. Believe that,"


On Saturday after a live event, Jon was having a serious conversation with Renee and Nikki, privately backstage.

"Is this a joke?" Jon asked, unamused.

Nikki frowned. "It's not. I'm sorry,"

"As soon as we found out, we went straight to you," Renee added. "He's been hanging around the WWE events lately. It looks just like him. It has to be him,"

Nikki showed him the photos and Jon glared at her phone. 

"It is him..." he grumbled, feeling angry about the situation.

"Greg, right?"



That's a name Jon hadn't heard in a very long time. Melanie's ex. 

"That motherfucker...he just can't stay away, can he?" he growled, shaking his head.

"We have to talk to Paul and Stephanie. He gotta get banned from events. Melanie is on top of her game, she can't be dealing with nonsense like this." Renee added. 

"Agreed. Okay." He nodded.


At Extreme Rules, Evolution walks on the stage while Rosa holds Batista's hand. 

"This is a six­ man tag team match, set for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Rosa Mendes, at a total combined weight of 778 pounds, The Viper, Randy Orton, The Animal, Batista, The COO of WWE, The Game, Triple H, Evolution!" Justin announced. 

"It has been ten years since these three men have competed together. And they look better than ever." Cole said as Evolution got in the ring with Rosa staying at ringside. "How many titles between them?" 

"31!" JBL happily answered

"World Championships between these individuals." 

Evolution began to wait a while for The Shield.

"Feel that? There's nothing like that big fight feel." JBL said. 

"Cut the tension in the air with a knife." King chuckled. 

"This is great. The Shield is making these guys wait. Playing some games with the masters. I love it. I love the audacity of The Shield making these guys wait." 








"Well, the wait is over!" King said as Morgan walked in front of her teammates, down the steps. 

"And their opponents, accompanied by Morgan Lopez, at a total combined weight of 707 pounds, the United States champion, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Justin announced. 

Morgan hops over the barricade and bumps fists with her teammates before walking over to ringside. Seth and Roman get in the ring while Ambrose grabs her by the elbow and makes her turn around. He wraps an arm around her waist to give her a quick kiss, taking her by surprise.

"Whoa! Pre match good luck kiss?" JBL chuckled as the crowd cheered. 

Triple H looks amused while Rosa crosses her arms, rolling her eyes. Morgan chuckled and smiled at her boyfriend before he got in the ring.

Ding Ding Ding

Both teams go at it until The Shield throws Evolution out the ring. 

"And The Shield hold the ring, first battle to The Shield," Cole said. 

"Haha! Believe that!" Morgan taunted while Evolution tried to regroup. 

Seth starts the match with Triple H. Triple H gets beaten down and clotheslined out of the ring and hit with a suicide dive. As soon as Seth throws Triple H back in the ring, Orton tries to attack him but gets punched. Once Seth slides back into the ring, he gets clotheslined, making Evolution gain control. Batista gets tagged in, making the crowd boo. Morgan tries to bang on the mat to try to motivate Seth while he continues to get overwhelmed by Evolution. 

"That's what I'm talking about!" Rosa shouted as Batista kicked Rollins to the head off the apron. 

"Later on tonight, Rosa and Morgan are going to be in a first ever diva extreme rules match. How ready are you to see that?" Cole asked. 

"Excited but worried for them. Anything can happen. I just don't want them to kill each other." King replied. 

"That match is going to be chaos." JBL chuckled as Rollins managed to slam Orton down from his headlock. "I'm ready to see those ladies go at it. Maybe we'll get a small preview during this match."

Rollins was about to make a tag but Triple H and Batista hit Roman and Dean with cheap shots off the apron. 

"Really? Really!?" Morgan angrily got on the apron. "Are you frickin' kidding me!?" 

"Morgan, get down from the apron." The ref warned while she obeyed and went to check on her teammates. 

Seth hits Orton with a kick to the head and finally tags in Dean who got back on the apron. Dean hits Orton with a clothesline, making him clash with his teammates and making them fall. He starts unloading on Orton and takes him down with a running crossbody. 

"Fists are flying everywhere!" King exclaimed. 

He starts stomping on Orton in the corner, making him slide down to the bottom turnbuckle.

"Believe in The Shield, bitch!" He yelled and blasted Batista off the apron who tried to distract him. 

Orton takes advantage with an uppercut, making Dean lean back in between the ropes. 

"And look at Ambrose!" Cole said as he hit Orton with another clothesline.

Ambrose connects with the figure four until Triple H breaks it up. Roman gets in the ring to punch Batista out of the ring and throws him over the barricade. 

"Good grief! Roman Reigns is manhandling Batista!" King exclaimed as Rosa rushed over to check on him. 

Roman stalks over to Triple H who is leaning on the steel steps and runs at him. He swiftly evades him, making Roman clash into the steel steps. 

"Roman!" Morgan shouted in concern and rushed over to him. 

Later, in the ring, Evolution continues to take control of Ambrose while the crowd starts to chant 'Bootista' 

Orton gives Dean a headlock and faces The Shield's corner, forcing his teammates to watch. 

"Come on Dean! Get crazy!" Morgan banged on the mat as he began hitting himself. 

"Come on, Dean!" Roman shouted. 

Ambrose breaks out of the move but eats a dropkick from Orton. 

"Come on, come on Ambrose," Seth said as Evolution continued to take control. "Come on! Come on, Dean! Take a swing at 'em!" 

Morgan starts to get a kick out of the crowd booing Batista every time he gets tagged in. Then the crowd starts chanting 'You Can't Wrestle' at Batista.

Ambrose hits Batista with a jawbreaker but gets hit with a big boot. Morgan exhales while Triple H gets tagged back in, grinning at The Shield. Seth starts shouting at Evolution while Ambrose escapes from Triple H's pedigree. Suddenly, Ambrose hits him with a DDT and crawls over to his teammates to tag in Roman, making the crowd erupt into loud cheers.

"And here comes the powerhouse!" Cole said as Roman cleaned house and hit everyone with a flying clothesline. 

He clotheslines Orton out of the ring and runs around the ring, ducking Triple H's clothesline, and hitting Batista with an apron dropkick. He clotheslines Triple H and throws Orton to the barricade. 

"Roman Reigns is a one man wrecking crew!" Cole said.

When Reigns gets back in the ring, Batista sets Reigns up for the Batista bomb but gets kneed in the head by Seth. Roman hits Batista with the Superman punch and The Shield goes for the triple powerbomb. 

"No! No!" Rosa shouted as the crowd went wild. 

"They're going for the triple powerbomb!" Cole shouted as they hit him with it. 

Roman pins him but gets dragged out of the ring by Orton and Triple H. They start to jump him until Ambrose goes after Orton. Rollins decides to go for a suicide dive but Triple H moves out of the way, making the crowd 'Oh!' 

"Seth!" Morgan shouted as she started to look worried. 

The way he just landed did not look pretty. 

"Oh my gosh," King said. "Seth just crashed and burned right into the wall." 

Triple H hits Reigns with the pedigree inside the ring but gets attacked by Ambrose. The crowd cheers when Roman kicks out of Batista's pin, making the crowd chant 'This is awesome'. Suddenly, Orton strikes Reigns with an RKO and Batista takes advantage by pinning him. 



"Yeah!" The crowd shouted when Seth broke the pin. 

But then he gets dragged out of the ring by Orton and they start fighting outside the ring. 

"Yikes!" Morgan said as the cameraman fell down from all the action Orton and Seth were displaying. 

"This is out of control now." King looked on as Triple H, Orton, and Seth started fighting in the timekeeper's area. 

"It is chaotic out here," Cole exclaimed. 

All of a sudden, Ambrose runs on the two announce tables and dives on top of Triple H and Orton. 

"Oh my God! Dean Ambrose just ran on the announce tables!" Cole shouted.

"What the hell!?" King yelled while Morgan grinned at his unpredictability. "He's gone wild! He's lost it!" 

"This is incredible," Cole said as Seth, Triple H, Orton, and Dean started fighting in the crowd.

"This is out of control!"

"They said all hell was gonna break loose, it certainly has," JBL said. 

Morgan looks at the titantron and sees Dean falling down the steps. She wanted to go help but if she would have, she would miss Rosa's sneaky moves. So she decided to stay and watch if Rosa was going to interfere. She knew Dean and Seth could handle themselves. 

Triple H and Orton start to gang up on Ambrose until Rollins jumps on top of all three of them out of nowhere making the crowd 'Oh!'. 

"Seth Rollins! Seth Rollins! From out of the stands!" Cole shouted.

 "Holy cow!" King yelled.

"Where the hell did he come from?" JBL asked as the crowd chanted 'Holy shit!' 

Meanwhile, in the ring, Batista hits Roman with a spinebuster as the crowd boos. Roman escapes the Batista bomb and strikes him with the Superman punch. Rosa decides to take some brass knuckles out of her pocket and slide them to Batista.

"Hey! Eyes on me!" she shouted, getting on the apron.

"Rosa get down!" The ref warned.

"Oh man, now what is Rosa doing?" King asked.

"She just slid some brass knuckles to Batista," JBL observed. 

Morgan runs around the ring and pulls Rosa down from the apron. She ducks her clothesline and takes her out with a roundhouse kick.

"Rosa just got blasted!" King said as Morgan managed to grab the brass knuckles and throw it away. 

Roman gets hyped up and roars before taking Batista out with a spear. 

"Spear!" Cole shouted. 




"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced. 

Morgan slides into the ring and hugs Roman from behind who is on his knees. She helps him up and embraces him tightly. They head over to the crowd to find Seth and Dean who were being helped by refs. 

"You guys Roman said Kings don't win wars. Soldiers do." Cole said as Roman picked up Dean across his shoulders while Seth staggered up to his feet. 

Roman sets Dean down as he holds the side of his stomach and The Shield put their fists out. 

"The Hounds of justice prevail. And as those four say, believe in The Shield!" 


Later in the evening, it was time for the Extreme Rules match.

"This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a first ever diva Extreme Rules match!" Justin announced as the crowd cheered.

Once Rosa struts out, she puts up a sign that says 'Morgan's Last Match. RIP Morgan's Career 11/18/12 to 5/4/14' 

"Check out her sign!" Cole pointed out.

Celeste tweets 'Seriously? No. This isn't Morgan's last match, Rosa.' 

"This is one anticipated match up. I know these two are going to make each other suffer." JBL said.

'I've had enough I'm taking you down' 

The crowd cheers as Morgan walks out.

"And introducing the challenger, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" 

"Yay, she's twirling!" King happily said as she spun around a few times down the ramp and then ran into the ring.

She gets on the turnbuckle and takes off her hoodie before taunting the crowd. 

"I cannot wait for this!" Cole said as the two divas faced off, making the ref separate them. 

"You're going down, Morgan! I'll make this match memorable for you. Why? Because this is your last match!" Rosa smirked.

"Yeah, whatever," Morgan rolled her eyes. 


The audience cheered loudly as they highly anticipated the first ever women's extreme rules match. Something that had been a dream has now become a reality for Women's wrestling and they couldn't wait to see what these two create.

Milena and Melanie stared at each other before nodding at one another. This was something new and something that hadn't been done yet in WWE. They were hoping to make a good impression and do well in this storyline for the match.

"Oh boy," Cole said.

"What's wrong?" JBL asked.

"We are just getting word that The Shield got ambushed backstage," Cole said with surprise. 

"What?" King asked with worry.

The titantron shows The Shield and Evolution brawling backstage, earning the attention of Rosa, Morgan, and the crowd. Evolution drops The Shield with chairs, leaving them down and out as the crowd boos. 

" Evolution. Adapt or perish, Morgan. And after shall perish." Triple H smirked at the camera as he and his teammates put their fists out. 

Morgan starts to look concerned and runs a hand through her hair. This was not how she was expecting things to go down after The Shield had beaten Evolution.

"Oh no...that's not a confident look on the face of Morgan," King said with concern. 

"Rosa has a tremendous advantage if Evolution comes out to back her up. This is not good for The Outspoken Diva." Cole said. 

"If I were her I would end this match early," JBL advised.

"Yes, but these divas have a lot to prove. This is an extreme rules match. The first ever. I know these two want to kill each other but if Evolution comes out here to interfere, the odds will be against Morgan even more,"

Tags :
10 months ago

I seen this and thought of Jennie doing this to jk


I love this hahahah. Definitely gotta happen! Thanks for this! 😄

Tags :
11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 60- Annihilated

Forced To Believe Chapter 60- Annihilated

Chapter Summary: With The Shield taken out, Morgan is at a huge disadvantage against Rosa with Evolution backing her up. Evolution makes good on their promise to take out Morgan.

Words: 4,000+


"This is not good," Cole said. "The Shield was just taken out by Evolution. And who knows what Rosa is up to now." 

"Aw, are you going to cry? Are you upset that your little boys are hurt?" Rosa smirked at the troubled Outspoken diva. 

She had a huge disadvantage on her back now. Her boys were not going to be there to back her up if there was any funny business going on with Evolution. 

"Cry Morgan! I want to see you cry! Cry like the little baby you are! Cry like the-" Rosa grunted as Morgan speared her out of the ring, earning cheers from the crowd.

"Here we go! Woo hoo!" King grinned as Morgan continued assaulting her. 

"Morgan is frustrated and is taking it all out on Rosa," Cole looked on. 

Rosa manages to kick her off and roll back into the ring. 

"I wasn't ready! I wasn't ready!" She shouted. 

Morgan gets on the top rope, about to do a crossbody but Rosa manages to push on the ropes, making her fall on her neck as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Oh my God, is she okay?!" Cole asked as Morgan held her neck and yelled out in pain. 

"Well, things escalated quickly," JBL looked on. 

"Morgan, are you okay?" The ref checked on her. 

Morgan grunted. "I'm fine..." She managed to get up but Rosa jumped on her and began targeting her neck.

Fans tweet:

'That did not look good. At all.' 

'That was scary.'

'Did you see the way her neck hit the mat!?'

'Why is she still going on in this match? She could have broken something. Please be careful Morgan.' 

"I hope her neck is okay. Gosh, we need to see that again." King said as the titantron showed Morgan's fall a couple of times. 

Rosa gets a chair from ringside and places it in the middle of the ring. 

"Rosa with the chair for a swinging neckbreaker!" Cole exclaimed as she did the move. "I think Rosa is trying to end this early before The Shield manages to get up."

Rosa goes for the pin but gets a two count. 

"Come on!" she shouted at the ref. 

She picks Morgan up to hit her with a head slam. 

"How's your neck!?" She stomped on her neck, earning a groan from the Philly native. 

Morgan clenches her neck again while Rosa rolls out of the ring, to search for a weapon under the ring. 

"Oh boy!" Cole said as the crowd erupted in cheers. 

Rosa takes out a ladder and sets it in the middle of the ring. 

"But this isn't a ladder match!" King exclaimed. 

"Too bad, it's all legal," JBL said. 

"But I don't want to see these ladies hurt each other like this."

Rosa begins climbing on top of it, planning to do a diving move on a laid out Morgan. But then she manages to get up and starts climbing the ladder. 

"I'll catch you if you fall ladies!" King warned.

Morgan starts hitting Rosa with punches on top of the ladder and manages to hit her with a sunset flip off the ladder, making the crowd react positively again and chant 'Holy shit'. 

"Cover her! Cover her Morgan!" JBL shouted as both divas were hurt. 

Both women stumble to their feet, and Morgan starts hitting Rosa with a few clotheslines, continuing to fight through the pain before throwing her to the corner. 

"Uh oh, we know what's coming!" JBL added.

She connects with the handspring back elbow smash to Rosa. She slides down to her knees while Morgan makes her stand up. Rosa hits her with a hard knee to the stomach, making her yell out in pain and fall to her knees. She throws Morgan to the ropes and hits her with a drop toe hold, making Morgan slam her face into the mat. Rosa then follows up with a head scissors submission. 

"Do you submit!?" The ref asked. 

"Come on, Morgan. You think you're a big girl now, huh? Give up!" She shouted and squeezed her legs tighter on her neck, making Morgan gasp for air. 

"Rosa applying so much pressure on her neck. I think she's trying to break something." Cole said. "On Twitter Rosa has said that she's been working on her legs more often to apply that submission specifically for Morgan." 

"It's like she's squeezing the life out of her. I don't think Morgan can breathe!" King exclaimed. 

The crowd begins to clap to try to motivate The Outspoken Diva which starts to work until Rosa beats her down. Rosa hits her with a suplex and picks up the chair to put it in between the ropes in a corner. Rosa tries to Irish whip Morgan to the corner but she reverses it and makes Rosa clash into the chair and fall out of the ring.

"Did you hear that impact!?" JBL shouted. 

"Morgan gets some time to breathe and try to get back in this," Cole said as she tried to catch her breath. 

The crowd starts to chant 'We want tables' while Morgan slides out of the ring. The crowd erupts into loud cheers once she gives them what they want. 

"This is where it gets dangerous," JBL said as she set up a table in the ring and put the ladder back up since it fell down after the sunset flip. 

Rosa slides back in the ring and Morgan tries to put her on the table. 

"No! No!" Rosa elbowed her in the stomach and slammed her head onto the table. 

She pushes Morgan to the corner and puts her foot on her neck to choke her. Then, she sets her up on the turnbuckle. 

"I am going to win this!" She shouted, making the crowd boo her. 

She gets on the top rope to go for a suplex. Morgan manages to power out of Rosa's hold and slowly turns her around while Rosa starts to struggle. 

"Oh no, what is she about to do here!?" Cole exclaimed. 

"This is going to be good!" JBL said as the audience began standing up to watch in anticipation. 

"No! No!" Rosa screamed as she tried to break free of Morgan's Morganizer hold. "No! Get off of me! No!" 

Celeste tweets 'Haha, oh man, just don't kill her. Don't kill her! WWEMorgan101'

Morgan jumps off and hits Rosa with the Morganizer, making her land on the table, breaking it as the crowd explodes.

"Morganizer on the table! This may be it!" Cole shouted.

"It's over," JBL said as Morgan pinned Rosa.



"Oh!" The crowd shouted.

"What!?" King shouted in a high pitched voice. "What the hell!?" 

"Rosa kicked out!" Cole shouted. "Rosa Mendes just kicked out!"

"How was that even possible!?" JBL exclaimed while Morgan rolled off of her, still next to her.

'This is awesome!' the crowd chants with appreciation. The first ever divas Extreme Rules match was becoming a success for them. 

'Good...they love it.' Melanie thought to herself as she was proud of her and Milena's performance so far. 

She wanted to make sure to make Milena look great in the ring while putting on a believable story. Their chemistry wrestling each other was off the charts. She truly found her wrestling soulmate.

"Are you okay?" Melanie asked Milena while they were still down and out with hair in their faces.

"Yes. They're cheering for you," Milena replied.

"They're cheering for us," she corrected. "Embrace it,"

"Thank you. I'm having so much fun,"

"Me too," Melanie rolled away, still taking a breather from the spot.

Continuing the match, Morgan and Rosa manage to get up but Rosa grabs the chair and whacks Morgan in the face with it. 

"How dare you put me through a table!?" She shouted and hit her with the chair a few more times before throwing it away. 

Morgan rolls out the ring while Rosa searches under the ring for another table. 

"Rosa setting up the table," Cole observed while Morgan was at the end of the ramp setting up two tables next to each other, in front of a tall ladder on the ramp. Rosa marches over to Morgan and starts to have a back and forth punch off as the crowd cheers for Morgan and boo for Rosa. Morgan gains the upper hand by throwing Rosa into the steel steps. 

"Good grief, this arena is getting wrecked," King said before Morgan hit Rosa with the backfire. "Backfire!" 

Morgan places Rosa on the tables and exhales. 

"Please don't tell me...Morgan what are you doing!?" JBL exclaimed as she started climbing up the ladder on the ramp. 

The crowd begins to boo loudly when Evolution strolls down the ramp. 

"Uh oh. Morgan watch your back." Cole warned. 

"Morgan, get out of there!" King shouted. 

Morgan looks around and looks down at the three members of Evolution smirking at her. This was not good, and her boys weren't able to help her out against them because they got ambushed. She was all alone. The Outspoken diva starts to get worried and starts to ponder about the situation. Batista helps Rosa off the table while Triple H and Orton continue to stare up at Morgan. The Philly Diva narrows her eyes at them and gives them a dirty look. 

"Looks like someone is going to perish." Triple H sneered while Orton began climbing up the ladder to face off with her. 

"Seems like you're missing a few buddies," Orton smirked while Morgan remained silent, keeping her composure. "You got two choices. You can either get down and lose this match, or you can be annihilated. What do you choose?" 

"Morgan, please just get down and run. She's about to be massacred! She needs to get out of there!" King said with worry. 

"And don't even think about trying to beat us. I know you wouldn't touch me. You can't even do it, can you? I'll even give you a free hit." Orton said. "Still can't keep your mind off the past between us as friends, huh? No wonder you've gotten weaker." 

"I can put my hands on you," she spoke up.

"Just get down. Now," he said in a threatening tone. "You wouldn't even lift a finger at me." 

Morgan smirked. "Watch me." 

She pushes him off as he lands on the two tables, breaking them, making the crowd 'Oh' loudly and chant 'Holy shit' again. 

"Randy Orton! Randy Orton just went through those tables!" Cole shouted. 

"Holy crap!" King exclaimed as Triple H, Rosa, and Batista's eyes widened. 

Morgan exhales and runs a hand through her hair, realizing what she's done. She's in for it now. 

"Morgan get out of there!" JBL shouted as she managed to get back in the ring unharmed. 

Triple H and Batista check on Orton while Rosa gets back in the ring. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'Whoa! Didn't know you had it in you! Hit and run! WWEMorgan101. That was badass!' 

Celeste tweets 'That's what he gets! Serves him right! Good job WWEMorgan101!' 

"Spear!" Cole shouted as Morgan speared Rosa and started unloading on her. 

She goes for the pin but Batista drags her out of the ring. 

"Oh no," Cole added.

"Come on..." King grumbled in an annoyed tone. 

Morgan gets up and leans back to evade Batista's clothesline and swiftly grabs a chair to whack him in the face. The crowd cheers while Triple H begins to march after her. She tries to hit him with the chair but he grabs it and throws it aside. He kicks her in the stomach making her fall to her knees. 

"Perish Morgan!" Triple H shouted. 

But the crowd cheers again when she hits him with a low blow. 

"Low blow!" Cole laughed as Rosa grabbed a guitar and got back in the ring. 

Morgan gets her barbed wire guitar and gets back in the ring to face off with her. Their guitars clash and they continue clashing their guitars until Rosa kicks Morgan in the stomach and whacks her back with her guitar, breaking it. Rosa pins her for a two count. 

"So, you wanna act tough, huh!?" Rosa shouted but Morgan began fighting back. 

She throws Rosa into the ropes and strikes her with a roundhouse kick to the face. She gets on the middle top rope and hits Rosa with a diving clothesline. 

"Morgan is trying to gain some more momentum back," Cole said as she grabbed her barbed wired guitar. 

She waits for Rosa to get up to whack her in the face, making her hold her nose and scream.

"I think Rosa's really hurt. She's holding her nose. Did she break it?" JBL asked. 

Moments later, Rosa reveals her nose, showing it bleeding, making the crowd cheer.

"Rosa's nose is bleeding!" Cole exclaimed. 

"That barbed wire is dangerous!" JBL said. 

Rosa screams and starts freaking out while Morgan looks satisfied, dropping her guitar. The Philly diva is feeling banged up and her neck is starting to irritate her again as she starts clenching it. 

Rosa rolls out of the ring and starts freaking out to Triple H and Batista who tries to calm her down. 

"Getting my nose messed up was not part of the plan!" Rosa shouted. 

While Morgan is distracted by the ref trying to check her neck, Batista gets in the ring to hit her with a huge clothesline. 

"And Batista getting involved..." Cole said with disappointment. 

He gets a table and leans it to a corner while Morgan crawls 

over to the same corner. Batista walks over to the opposite side and waits for her to get up to try to go for a spear. Luckily, she swiftly moves out of the way, making him crash into the table.

"Batista into the table!" Cole shouted.

"She's holding her own just fine." JBL praised. 

Morgan slides out the ring and grabs a table of barbed wires, making the crowd cheer louder as Batista rolls out of the ring. Morgan gets back in the ring and gets on the top rope with the table while Rosa and Triple H are helping Batista up at ringside. They look up while Morgan jumps and hits them a crossbody with the barbed wire side hitting the three of them. The crowd 'Ohs' and chants 'Holy shit!' once again, showing a positive reaction to the match. 

"Whoa!" King exclaimed. 

"Oh my God!" Cole shouted as Batista and Triple H started scrambling around from the stinging barbed wire. "Have you ever seen this happen, before?" 

Morgan takes the barbed wire table off of the three of them and throws Rosa back in the ring. Rosa was freaking out from the barbed wire and started screaming. 

"Are you crazy!? Are you crazy!?" Rosa shouted. 

"I'm going to kill her!" Triple H yelled, still in pain.

"And Randy Orton is still down and out," Cole said as the camera showed Orton still knocked out. 

"Let's take a look at how that happened," King said as the titantron showed Morgan shoving Orton off the ladder again. 

"That took guts," JBL said. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'I admire WWEMorgan101's courage and kick ass personality. She doesn't back down from anybody. Stay that way.' 

Meanwhile in the ring, Rosa manages to hit Morgan with a couple of clotheslines and a scoop slam on to a chair. 

"Rosa is taking over," Cole said. 

"Look at those cuts," JBL said as Rosa had a lot of scratches around her body from the barbed wire and her nose was still bleeding.

Rosa wipes her nose with her hand and looks at the blood in annoyance.

"Ugh!" She shouted. 

She gets another table and places it in the middle of the ring. She picks Morgan up for the Gory Bomb. 

"This may be it," JBL said as Rosa did a loud battle cry before slamming her down on the table. 

She goes to pin her but Morgan kicks out at two as the crowd looks on in shock and cheers loudly. 

"What!?" King shouted.

"I thought it was over!" Cole added.

"No! No!" Rosa screamed and started banging on the mat. "Count faster!" 

She yells at the ref and slaps him in the face, surprising the crowd.

"I am the official! It was 2! You can't put your hands on me!" The referee yelled.

"I don't care! It should have been 3!" she screamed in his face. 

"Rosa, calm down!" King exclaimed.

"She just assaulted the ref!" Cole exclaimed as she started unloading on the ref. 

"I should have won, right there!" Rosa continued to scream.

Morgan continues to hold her neck as she starts to feel more pain. She earned a few welts around her body, mostly on her back and bruises from the table and guitar she went through, thanks to Rosa.

Rosa calms down and turns her attention back to Morgan but gets hit with a DDT before getting pinned.



"Oh!" The crowd shouts as Rosa kicks out. 

"Stay on her Morgan!" JBL said as Morgan staggered to her feet and slowly got on the top rope. "Going high risk." 

Morgan stands tall on the top rope, aiming for a crossbody but then Triple H gets on the apron to distract her, making the crowd boo. Morgan kicks him off but while she is distracted, Orton slithers into the ring and gives Rosa a chair before sliding out of the ring. Rosa gets to her feet while Morgan goes for crossbody. The crowd 'Ohs' while Morgan yells in pain as Rosa counters her attack by swinging a chair to her stomach, making Morgan clash into it, clenching her stomach. 

"Good grief!" JBL exclaimed as Rosa went for the pin. 




The crowd begins to boo loudly while Rosa gets up and jumps around. 

"Yes! Yes! I told you! I told you!" She shouted. 

"Here is your winner! Rosa Mendes!" Justin announced. 

Rosa taunts the crowd and turns to the ref. "Raise my hand! Raise my hand!" She ordered and got her hand raised. 

Evolution gets in the ring and stands over Morgan. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'No friggin way!' 

Lita tweets 'WWEMorgan101 and LaRosaMendes's rivalry is starting to get intense. You two are starting to become my favorite feud. Awesome match!' 

Stephanie tweets 'Talk about a successful first ever diva extreme rules match! WWEMorgan101 & LaRosaMendes did a great job!' 

Mick Foley tweets 'Admired both WWEMorgan101 and LaRosaMendes performance tonight. Great match!' 

"I can't believe Rosa won," Cole said in disbelief as the titantron showed the highlights. "First Morgan got distracted and that allowed Rosa to buy some time to receive the chair from Orton."

Evolution raises Rosa's hands and celebrates with her while Morgan continues to hold her neck. Then the men grab Morgan and hold her by the arms for Rosa.

"Oh come on! You won! Get out of here!" King shouted.

Rosa roughly grabbed Morgan's face and made her look at her. "Where's your boyfriend!? Where's your little hounds? Where's Chyna!? Where's your mommy!? This is how weak you are! This is how pathetic you are!" She shouted.

A 'You suck' chant starts while Rosa and Evolution release Morgan. Rosa starts stomping on her and picks her up so she can get hit with a Batista bomb. 

"Come on! Enough is enough!" King exclaimed. 

Morgan starts to look very groggy as she crawls to the feet of Triple H. 

"Come on, let me see your fighting spirit. Crawl!" Triple H shouted before he gave her a pedigree. 

Orton, who was still ticked off at being thrown into a few tables, slowly picks her up to her feet and hits her with a sick RKO. 

The Bellas tweet 'Enough is enough! Just stop!'

Celeste tweets 'Getting more pissed off each time they hit WWEMorgan101.' 

"This is getting hard to watch. Somebody needs to help her." King said. 

"But The Shield are still beaten down from their ambush by Evolution," JBL reminded. 

Rosa receives a chair from Triple H while Morgan struggles to stand on her feet with the help of the ropes. She whacks her in the back, making her fall. Rosa hits her again when she tried to get back to her feet. 

"Stay down! Just stay down! Stay down and it'll be all over!" JBL exclaimed. 

Rosa whacks Morgan in the face and then drops the chair to start unloading on her neck. 

"Now she's going after the neck," Cole looked on. 

All of a sudden Evolution begins to smirk when Rosa picks Morgan up for the piledriver. 

"Say goodbye to your neck, Morgan! And say goodbye to your career!" Rosa drops down, hitting her neck harshly.

"Guys...Morgan's not moving. At all." Cole said with worry. 

"Is she okay!?" King shouted. 

Finally, The Shield runs down to the ring, pretty banged up but Evolution and Rosa leave the ring. Ambrose is furious and is about to go after them but gets held back by Roman. 

"Dean! Calm down!" Roman shouted. "Morgan is our top priority, right now! She needs us!" 

Ambrose cools down and kneels to check on her with Seth, Roman, and the ref. 

"Things just turned serious. She's really hurt." JBL said as a couple of refs and a doctor rushed down to the ring. 

"I need to get in there." King took his headset off and got in the ring to check on her as the crowd started to notice how serious things had just gotten. 

"Morgan, can you hear me?" The doctor asked. 

Roman clenches his fist and looks away at the sight. He never ever wanted to see her in this kind of pain. 

"Morgan." Dean held her hand and squeezed it while Seth held her other hand. 

"Is-is her neck okay?" JBL asked.

"Morgan, can you hear me?" The doctor repeated but still got no response. 

"What's going on?" Seth urged.

Morgan opens her eyes and squeezes Seth and Dean's hands. 

"Morgan!" Seth and Dean exclaimed while Roman looked relieved.

"Morgan, can you move around?" The doctor asked and tried to help her up as the crowd began to cheer for her. 

"My neck..." She grunted as she slowly sat up. 

She is given a bottle of water and starts taking sips of it. 

"We need a stretcher." The doctor said on his radio.

"I'm glad she's moving her legs and arms," Cole said as the titantron showed Rosa's piledriver. 

"I'm scared." She whispered and was about to cry. 

Her neck felt so weird and the pain got worse as she started to yell out in pain. The refs and doctor help her back down while The hounds of justice continue to look concerned. 

"They're gonna pay for this. We promise." Ambrose growled. 

A stretcher gets rolled down to ringside and into the ring. The doctor puts a neck brace on her and gets help with putting her on the stretcher. Morgan gets taken backstage while The Shield walk by her side as the crowd continues to cheer and chant her name. 

Stone Cold tweets 'WWEMorgan101 I know you're going to keep getting up from everything The Authority throws at you. When you recover, I want you to open up a can of ass whooping on that Rosa woman. Great match.' 

Celeste tweets 'WWEMorgan101! Please get better with your neck! I love you! Awesome match!' 

Ronda Rousey 'WWEMorgan101 man that piledriver must have hurt! I hope you heal up soon. When you come back, give Rosa an armbar just for me!' 


Morgan wasn't sure if her neck was broken or just aching from the impact she suffered. All she knows is that she was in a ton of pain. 

"I just want my mom." Her voice cracked. 

She holds Dean's hand as she gets rolled near the ambulance. 

"We're gonna get a hold of her grapes. Hang in there," Dean soothed as she got placed in the back of the ambulance. 

The Shield hops in too and sits by her side as they get driven away.

"I'm sorry..." She mumbled.

"Sorry for what?" Dean wiped her tears.

"For letting you guys down...I lost..." 

"We let you down," Seth mentioned and held her hand, giving it a squeeze.

"What?" she asked.

"We weren't there for you," Dean replied.

"But we're gonna get them for you, grapes. We promise." Roman reassured.

"Evolution is going to pay," Ambrose said with determination and ran a hand through her hair. 

"Got that right. Remember, if they mess with you, they mess with me, and if they mess with me, they mess with Seth, and if they mess with Seth, they mess with Ambrose. We got your back. For now, just rest." Roman added. 

Morgan sighs out of relief. She thought her boys were mad at her but they were actually standing by her.

"Thanks," She calmed down. "I love you, guys. You're always there for me. Even if you weren't there in the ring with me, you're here with me, now. That's all that matters." 

"You're always there for us." Seth smiled. "And we love you, too." 

"Hm..." She showed a weak smile and tried to rest her body, despite the agony she was in. 

She wanted to stay strong and not cry. She didn't want to look weak in front of her boys. 

"'s okay to cry. We know you want to." Roman said in a gentle tone.

"We know you're tough. We know you're in agony." Seth comforted. "It's going to be okay." 

"Let it out," Ambrose murmured in a soft tone. 

She then starts to cry silently before beginning to sob. Moments later she cries herself to sleep. It pained them to see her like this. She was always smiling, and hyping them up during their matches. She rarely gets broken down like this. Their hearts ached to see her in this kind of pain. Evolution and Rosa were not going to get away with that. 

The Shield give each other knowing looks. 

"They crossed the line. They're going to pay for this. For them to hurt her like hurt my woman..." Ambrose pounded his fist. "I'm going to rearrange their faces." 

"I and me both," Seth said and looked down at the sleeping Philly Diva. "We can't be outsmarted, again. For Morgan's sake, we need to kick their asses. Give them a beating. Whenever it's tomorrow or next week, we need to do it for her." 

"They're going get their asses kicked. Don't worry. We got this." Roman said in an angry tone and bumped fists with his teammates. 

Seth tweets, 'There is going to be hell to pay. You won't get away with this TripleH DaveBautista RandyOrton LaRosaMendes.'

Roman tweets 'When you mess with The Shield's Girl, you mess with the hounds. Consider yourself our prey. Watch your backs Evolution & Rosa. You've just crossed the line' 

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11 months ago

For BTS Run ep. 33, who would take pictures with Jennie for the picture game? Would it be Namjoon?

Jen will be on Team Jin for this episode. Lmfaooo she will be busy laughing at the attempts Suga and Jin make when they pose together.

Yes, she'll take the photos with Namjoon! I do try to add Jennie to the team that's an odd number so it works out! Those two will do well! And honestly even though J-Hope's team won, she'd still be happy teaming with Jin, Namjoon and Suga because she laughed a lot and had a blast during this episode.

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