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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 21- Army of One

Forced To Believe Chapter 21- Army Of One

Chapter Summary: An old friend pops back into Morgan's life and begins to become an issue for Ambrose. Ambrose and Morgan begin to antagonize Ziggler. Morgan continues to speak up against her bosses. Morgan defends her championship at Night of Champions.

Words: 9,000+


'WWE Exclusive Video'

Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns were in Triple H and Stephanie's office. "Why did you let Morgan do that? To the face of this company? Were you aware of this?" Stephanie asked The Shield as they shook their heads no.

"Well then, I guess we need to take some action." Triple H declared.

Stephanie turned to Dean. "Yes...action...Mister Ambrose, I'm sure you can do whatever it takes to make sure Morgan won't rebel against the Authority. You seem like the right one to talk some sense into her. Do whatever it takes."

"She's a tough nut to crack," Seth commented.

"Try. If you can, I'll let her off with a warning. Next time I won't be so nice." Stephanie ordered and left with Triple H.

Roman and Seth turn to Dean. "What are you going to do, man?" Roman asked while Dean started to think

Meanwhile, with Morgan, she packed up her bag and began walking backstage. 

"See you guys later." Morgan waved at some friendly faces and started walking towards a darker area backstage. But then she dropped her bag as she got her mouth and waist grabbed by someone. She screamed in their hand as she was pulled aside. 

'Great...another conflict...' Morgan thought before she was pinned to the wall with her mouth still covered.

She tried to fight off the culprit. "Get off of me!"

She tried to push them off and she managed to remove their hand from her mouth. Whoever this person was, they had a strong grip. She was in no mood for another conflict. All she wanted was to go home and keep her distance from The Authority. After what she did, she was gonna have to stay away. She knew Orton was out to punt her, Stephanie and Triple H would force her into some handicap match, and she knew they would send one of the members of The Shield after her. Most likely her boyfriend since they are the closest.

"Relax..." The person calmly said.

She knew that voice. All the panic turned to relief. 

"You scared the crap out of me! Why'd you grab me like that? Are you crazy?" She exclaimed to Wade Barrett after hugging him.

"I saw Orton walking the same way you were going far away and thought he was going to follow you. I'm glad I caught up with you in time," he said.

They gave each other a long stare before Morgan broke the silence. 

"Long time no talk..."

"Agreed." He replied. But all of a sudden she punched him in the face as he held his jaw in pain. "I know, I deserved that..."

"You damn right you do!" She shoved him slightly.

Wade shushed her. "Keep it down or people will notice."

"How can I? After all the crap I've been going through, you now decided to come here and see me? I have every right to be upset with you."

Wade sighed. "I know I have a lot of explaining to do."

She nodded and waited for his explanation. "Well?"

"I couldn't see you because I had to take care of some business and I've been busy."

Morgan scoffed. "Yeah...Busy...Bullsh­-" She began but he put his finger on her lips.

"For an outspoken beauty, you really have a mouth on you. I missed that."

Morgan took his finger off her lips. "I bet you missed everything about me. But it's your fault that you decided to blow me off and diss me."

"I did not diss you, love..."

"Don't call me that anymore. I'm pissed at you. Some friend you are."

"I'm sorry. I had business to take care of. Honest."

Morgan looked into his eyes and her anger sizzled down. She sighed and accepted his answer. "You have a lot of making up to do. It's been months. You haven't talked to me...who knows how long. No congrats on the Divas Championship, no nothing...and you were there at Money In The Bank! Where were you when I needed you?" She started to get upset again. "I was all alone while the whole backstage crew stared at me and made me feel like an outcast."

"I thought he was supposed to help you out." Wade retorted.

Morgan already knew he was talking about Dean. Just the thought of Ambrose, made him clench his fists. 

"He really can't since he's part of The Shield and is close to the Authority. I don't want to bring the boys down if I go down. They'll just mentally support me."


"Don't start..." She sighed.

"It is true. You always defend him. Always. If he was a real man, he would step up with you and for you. He doesn't even act like a man to you."

"Don't start right now, I'm already going through a lot of stuff right now. Why are you making it worse?" She rubbed her temples.

"Because I'm trying to get through your head that maybe he's not the one you should be hanging around with. Or be with for that matter. He seems to be too focused on Hunter's dirty work right now instead of being with you. I just hope you understand I'm just trying to help." Wade kissed her knuckles having his trademark smirk on his face before walking away.

Morgan sighed and ran her right hand through her hair. "Confrontation after another..." She mumbled

'Main Event, backstage'

Melanie had a towel on and grabbed her blow dryer. "Ready for our match girl?" Victoria grinned

"Totally­," Melanie said as she turned on the hairdryer, only to be covered in white powder. Victoria gasped and started laughing. "Oh yeah, I'm going to kill him."

"Wow, he put white powder in your hair dryer." Victoria giggled.

Nattie and the Bellas walked in. "Oh my gosh, it's not Halloween yet!" Nikki exclaimed.

"I got pranked..." Melanie wiped her face off.

"Yikes. Hope you get him back." Brie said.

"Oh, I will." Melanie guaranteed.

After Melanie took another shower and cleaned her face, she put on her Shield attire, with black fingerless gloves. She put her hair in a ponytail then left the locker room and found Colby's hat in his locker room. She decided to put glue inside it. 

"Hey, you forgot your hat." She gave it to him when he found him in catering with Celeste.

"Thanks. Did you like my prank?" Colby grinned and put it on.

"Oh, joy..." Melanie sarcastically replied and walked away to get ready for her match.

'To The Ring'

"Welcome to WWE Main Event. In the ring are Morgan and Alicia Fox, while all the rest of the beautiful divas surround the ring. As you can see, this is supposed to be a punishment match." Josh said.

"Yeah. Stephanie has forced Morgan into a no DQ, lumberjill match." Miz mentioned.

"I think this is the first even No DQ lumberjill match, these two are making history. But this is crazy."

"And also, Stephanie said, once this match is over, Morgan will learn her lesson."

'Ding Ding Ding'

Rosa, Aksana, AJ, Tamina, Layla, Summer Rae, (The heels) and Brie, Nikki, Naomi, Cameron, Natalya, Kaitlyn, Eva Marie, and Jojo (The faces) surround the ring. Morgan locks up with Alicia and Alicia manages to get the upper hand and slam her down the mat with a headlock. Alicia releases the hold and takes control of Morgan and then she kicks Morgan in the gut while Morgan leans down. Alicia was about to do the scissors kick but Morgan moved out of the way just in time. She ducks Morgan's spinning kick, and then Morgan ducks Alicia's spinning kick. They both kick each other in the face and Morgan falls on her face first while Alicia falls on her back. 

"Beautiful kicks by these two." Miz complimented.



"Come on Morgan!" Naomi and Cameron cheered as she kicked out. 

The face divas start to cheer on Morgan as she tries to get up. Morgan starts hitting Alicia with clotheslines and then jumps on the middle rope, attacking her a crossbody.

"She's flying all over the place." Josh chuckled. 

Morgan pins Alicia for a two count. The champion decides to get out of the ring where the face divas are to look under the ring for a weapon.

"Morgan's not playing around," Miz said as she grabbed a chair which made the crowd cheer.

Alicia quickly rolled out the ring when Morgan was walking to her with the chair. Aksana decides to get on the ropes and trash talk Morgan but gets whacked in the face with the chair as the crowd chants 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

"Get in the ring!" Morgan yelled at Alicia. 

The heel divas decide to grab her legs and drag her out of the ring to start jumping her. The face divas run to her aid and a fight breaks out as Alicia manages to roll back in the ring and grab the chair. When Morgan gets in the ring, she gets her arm hit by the chair as she holds it in pain.

"Right on the arm." Miz winced. 

Alicia starts to take control of Morgan's arm and puts her in an arm submission. The face divas bang on the mat to try to support Philly's Outspoken Diva but Alicia maintains control. She gets out of the ring and taunts the face divas before going to get a weapon. Cameron turns her around and the face divas start to argue with Alicia.

"Uh oh." Josh said as Alicia shoved Cameron. 

All of a sudden, they attack her and the heel divas come to her aid.

"And the divas run wild!" Miz exclaimed.

Morgan gets on the top rope and dives right on top of everyone as the crowd cheers. She throws Alicia back in the ring and sets a chair on the mat. She picks Alicia up and hits the backfire on the chair.

"And this is why Morgan is the Diva's Champion," Josh informed. "This may be it!"

While the ref was distracted because he was trying to stop the divas from fighting outside the ring, Tamina gets in the ring and manages to hit her Samoan drop on Morgan as the crowd boos her. She drags Alicia on top of her and rolls out the ring. 

"Why did Tamina do that?" Miz yelled.

"Probably for Stephanie," Josh said as the ref counted to three 

The face divas help Morgan as she holds her arm. "That arm doesn't look so good," Miz said as the heel divas helped Alicia out of the ring and celebrate.

Morgan shakes her head. "I'll remember that." She says to Tamina.


Melanie saw Colby trying to take his hat off. She laughed at him as he finally got his hat off. 

"What the hell!?" Colby exclaimed as he saw that his hair was all glued up. "Melanie..." He glared at her.

"What? I didn't do anything." She innocently said.



Morgan is walking with Kaitlyn while her arm is in a black arm brace because of the damage she took from Alicia's chair shot. "Seems like you really have some problems," Kaitlyn spoke up

"Already got The Authority on my back. And Wade saying that Dean isn't supporting me. So much drama..." Morgan sighed.

"I think Dean is doing what he can. I mean, you didn't want The Shield to help you out, so that's saying something. So, what's going on with Wade? I'd stay away from him if I were you."

"I know..."

"Does Dean know about him?"


"Is he mad at you?"

"No. He's more mad at Wade. I just need to make sure he doesn't kill him."

Kaitlyn chuckled. "You may want to make sure the conflict doesn't get out of hand too much,"

"Duly noted,"

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan walked to where The Shield usually stayed backstage and saw Ambrose sitting on a stack of black crates. She walked over to him to hug him as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"You okay?" She asked in a low tone.

"Yeah." Ambrose released her as she stood in front of him. "Enough about me. Morgan, I just don't want you to get fired. You've worked too hard to get here. Don't screw it up for one person."

"One person? This is for everyone. Nobody can speak their mind. I'll do it for them. We need our freedom of speech back, Dean."

"Your arm..."

"Look..." She caressed his face and looked into his eyes. "You can't protect me all the time. I chose this decision because it was the right thing to do. It's wrestling. I'm gonna get hurt. Just let me do what I have to do, okay?"

"All right..."

"We'll get through this. Against all odds. No matter who, when, or where, okay? I know we can. I gotta go okay?" She removed her hand from his face and smiled at him. She turned around but got her hand grabbed by him. 

Turning back around to face her, he grabbed her hips and looked up at her. When she called out his name, he shook his head.

"Don't talk..." He said and she started to lean down, about to kiss him.

"Ambrose!" Triple H called out from afar with Stephanie walking to them by his side. The sound of his voice made the two lovers release each other. They both were mentally annoyed that they interrupted their moment.

"Well...I see Ambrose is giving you that talk I wanted him to give to you, right? You did give her the talk, right?" Stephanie asked.

"Yeah." Ambrose answered as he got off the crates.

"Good. Ambrose, you are needed along with Seth and Roman. In the meantime, Morgan, I want you to be on commentary for Ziggler's match." Stephanie requested while Morgan resisted the urge to roll her eyes. 

Slowly but surely she'll put Stephanie in her place. Just not now. Morgan had a problem with Ziggler. She thought he could be annoying at times and needed to be put in his place. Plus, he was Dean's enemy. Even though she couldn't stand Triple H and Stephanie, she decided to go along with it. Things will happen all in due time.

"Fine..." Morgan replied. 

'In The Ring'

During Ziggler's match against Ryback, Morgan's theme comes on as the crowd erupted in cheers. She walked down the ring as Ziggler stared her down, not happy. 

She smiled and waved. "Hey, how ya doing?" 

"We know Ziggler has problems with Dean Ambrose, but now he has bigger problems with his outspoken girlfriend in the arena," Cole said.

"Ziggler needs to watch his back. Morgan can be unpredictable sometimes." JBL replied as she went on commentary, putting a headset on.

"Hey guys." She greeted.

"You have been on a roll lately. Calling out the divas, low blowing the face of the WWE, how can you get away with so much?" JBL asked.

"I actually don't. I suffered a lot on Main Event. My arm still hurts and I know that's going to affect me at Night of Champions when I face AJ, Natalya, Brie and Naomi. But that's not going to bring me down."

"So what are you doing out here?" Cole asked.

"Cole...you are one of my favorite people." she grinned at him.

"I'm getting a little nervous now," Cole admitted.

Morgan laughed. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. The reason I'm out here is because I don't like Ziggler. I think he needs to be put in his place."

All of a sudden, Dean arrived at the commentating table. Michael jumped out of his seat while Morgan looked amused. "Where ya going, Michael? Relax~, sit back down. Get comfortable. You got a job to do. You are the voice of the WWE, and you always do a great job." Ambrose said.

"Well, would you look at this? One of WWE's favorite couples. It's nice to have you, Ambrose." JBL said, smiling at Dean who put a headset on.

"You look a bit nervous. But trust me kiddo, you've never been safer." Ambrose said to Cole. "JBL, it's always a pleasure."

"Well, look who decided to show up." Morgan chuckled

A smirk came across his face as he grabbed her by the waist. He pressed his lips onto hers while she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You have to do that here?" Cole asked, disgusted at their making out.

"Shut up Cole, they're having a moment," JBL argued while Dean and Morgan released each other. "It's nice to see ya Dean, champ."

Morgan leaned on the barricade and Ambrose stood in between Cole and JBL. 

"Can I ask you whatever I want?" Cole asked.

"Ask away," Morgan replied to him, watching Ziggler's every move.

"We have the US and Diva's Champion with us. How great is this?" JBL exclaimed.

"It's interesting that you are out here Dean because we were wondering why you would ambush Dolph before his match on Raw," Cole said.

"You know why I like you, Michael? You are a great employee and have a great attitude. The real question is...why does Dolph Ziggler have a poor attitude, why does Dolph Ziggler, continually disrespect the business and the company that made him a star? He's acting like a punk. I taught him a lesson." Ambrose said with a smug look.

"So did Triple H tell you to come out here and punish Dolph Ziggler on Monday night?"

"The Shield will always be there to serve justice, and to establish order. And without order, we have nothing. If Dolph Ziggler gets out of line, there will be consequences."

"Major..." Morgan retorted.

"Are you, The Shield working for Triple H?" Cole asked.

"The Shield works for The Shield. The Shield works for the good of the business and The Shield always does what's best for business." Dean answered. He watched as Dolph started to gain momentum against Ryback. "Come on, big guy. You can take out this little punk."

"You've been quiet Morgan," Cole mentioned.

"Actions speak louder than words." Morgan gave him a half smile while Ryback threw Ziggler out of the ring. "He's so pathetic..."

"What you doing out here? What you doing out here?" Dean asked Ziggler as he tried to recover. "Your jobs in the ring. Get back in the ring and do your job, Dolph. Come on~. You can't even stand up." 

Ryback runs towards Ziggler as he leans on the steel steps. But he moves out the way, making Ryback hit the steps as the crowd cheers. 

"That was luck..." Morgan retorted and took off her headset.

Ziggler gets up and leans on the barricade.

"What is she about to do?" Cole asked.

"Shut up and watch." JBL fussed as Ziggler looked at Morgan and Dean. 

"Don't look over here at us, do your job." Morgan snapped. "What are you gonna do? Nothing."

"What? What? You think you're gonna do something? You're not-­" Dean began.

"Oh look out!" Cole yelled as Ziggler started to run after them. Dean and Morgan run across the commentating table. "Look out! Look out! Look out!" As soon as Dean and Morgan ran past Ryback, he hit Ziggler with a hard clothesline. "Oh man!"

Ambrose and Morgan look relieved that Dolph got hit. 

"That's what you get!" Morgan yelled at Ziggler.

"Dean and Morgan almost seemed like they were baiting Ziggler," Cole said

Ryback threw Ziggler back in the ring while Ambrose sat on the steel steps and watched the match. He let Morgan sit on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her, as they watched Ziggler get beaten down. 

Ryback hits his finisher on Ziggler for the win. 

"And the bully picks up the victory." Cole looked on.

Dean and Morgan get off the steps and walk to the barricade as they smirk at Ziggler. 

"Snooze you lose." Morgan said while Ambrose had an arm around her.


During Brie's match against Naomi, Cameron was in Naomi's corner, while Nikki was in her sister's corner. When Brie and Naomi were out of the ring, AJ, Layla, Aksana and Alicia ran down the ring to attack them. 

AJ starts laughing as she watches the Total Divas get attacked. The divas throw Naomi and Brie in the ring while AJ gets in the ring to grab Brie. 

"Get her!" AJ yelled as Layla hit Brie with a kick in the face.

The crowd cheered loudly when Morgan rushed down the ring in blue jeans, black boots and a black tank top. Her title was around her waist before she unhooked it and threw it in the ring. 

"It's Morgan!" Cole yelled. 

After getting in the ring she double clotheslines Alicia and Layla before spearing Aksana down as she rolls out the ring. Morgan waits for Layla to get up and hits her with a hard kick in the face as the crowd yells 'Oh!'

As Layla rolled out the ring, Brie and Naomi were still down and so was Alicia. Morgan runs towards AJ but she quickly gets out of the ring. 

"What was that huh? What was that!?" Morgan yelled as AJ grabbed a mic. 

They stare each other down for a few seconds. 

"Morgan, I know you think you are doing the right thing here but this is reality. Ask yourself...are you a so called Total Diva? Or a True WWE Diva?" AJ asked

Morgan grabbed a mic. "I'm neither at Night of Champions. Reason? It's every diva for themselves. I'm an army of one." She dropped the mic and grabbed Alicia. "This is gonna be you!" She pointed to AJ and hit Alicia with a backfire.

Morgan puts her right hand up in the air and taunts the divas while her theme comes on.

"Thank goodness for Morgan," Cole said as the crowd cheered for her. 

She grabs her title and raises it up in the air for AJ to see as AJ scowls.

"This isn't over!" AJ yelled


'WWE Exclusive Video'

Backstage, Morgan was walking and gets stopped by Orton, who glared at her. She grinned, enjoying that she was driving him crazy. "Hey dude, long time no see. How are ya?"

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" Orton said with venom.

She wasn't going to be intimidated by him. "Your point is?"

"Let me remind you that I am the face of this company and the WWE champion." Orton seethed and got close to her face.

Morgan nodded. "Okay. Well, you want to know the reason I did what I did? The reason I did that is because I wanted you to be yourself again. This...is not you. So until you go back to the Randy Orton I know, I'll keep low blowing you, I'll keep yelling at you, and I'll keep giving you a backfire until you get your act together. Get it? Got it? Good." she smiled and walked away, leaving Orton angry.

'Next week, Raw'

Backstage, Morgan just found out that The Shield dragged a beaten up Christian to the stage for Edge and Daniel Bryan to see. Edge and Daniel were having a promo with Triple H and Randy Orton at the time. She knew Edge was pissed. She didn't like how Triple H got under his skin and attacked his friend. That was not cool. Friends and Family should not be involved in these kind of situations. 

So, Morgan decided to walk to Triple H's office to see why he would make The Shield attack Edge's friend. As she was about to go in, she saw Edge storming towards his office.

Rushing over to him, she got in front of him, blocking his way. "I wouldn't if I were you." She warned

"Morgan, get out of the way," Edge growled, having a pissed off look on his face. 

She felt bad for him. He did not deserve that. Nor Christian.

"Calm down. I know you're angry­" She tried to warn but Edge barged in the office. She followed him in and stopped in front of him, again. Edge was about to walk past her but she pushed him back as she put her hand on his chest and shook her head. "Don't do this."

He grabbed her wrist and pushed her away from him as Morgan stumbled back in the process. 

Stephanie exclaimed, "Whoa! Whoa!" while she was talking to Triple H, noticing her stumbling back. 

The Shield quickly rushed in front of Morgan once they saw what Edge had done.

"Did you just touch my girl?" Ambrose growled with a glare. 

No one puts their hands on Morgan like that. That was an injustice. No one touches The Shield's girl. 

But Morgan thought they were all overreacting. She wasn't pushed back violently or hard. She just stumbled on her boots. One of her boots was untied.

"Big mistake..." Roman glared at Edge. 

No matter what, The Shield always had Morgan's back. She was grateful for that, but this was just a little misunderstanding.

"Dean. It's fine." She reassured, having a hand on his chest to back him away from Edge, since he was right in his face, ready to strike. Ambrose glanced at her. "I'm fine, guys. Really" She reassured as Seth and Roman calmed down. 

"Is there a problem?" Triple H asked while The Shield turned their attention to him. Morgan held on to Dean's arm while they looked at Edge and Triple H talk back and forth. "Got something you want to say to me?"

"Yeah." Edge spoke. "I wish that you and your doctors would clear me because I'd be coming for you."



"Who the hell do you think you are? And who the hell do you think you are putting your hands on the Diva's Champion?"

"Oh great...put me in the situation..." Morgan retorted. "I already said I was fine..."

"Excuse me?" Triple H asked.

She released Dean's arm and sighed. "It's not that serious...he didn't hit me. He's not even the problem. You're the problem. You're the one who fucked things up." 

"Whoa!" King, JBL and Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly when she said a curse word on the PG show. The Shield smirked at her comment and so did Edge who was amused.

"Language!" Stephanie exclaimed as her eyes widened.

Triple H turned to Morgan. "What did you just say?"

"Do I need to do it in sign language?" she raised a brow.

"Don't you dare," Stephanie snapped but she ignored her.

"What happened to your mastermind plotting? Maybe instead of revealing that The Shield attacked Christian, you could have done it discreetly and made Edge wonder who did it. But since you thought that was 'best for business' it didn't really go too well since Edge looks like he's about to put you through a meat grinder. But you know what? That is best for business. The crowd seems to like it. I mean, everyone would want to see that." Morgan said as the crowd cheered at her statement.

"Did you forget you're working for us? Do you know who you are talking to?" Stephanie asked.

She could not believe her ears. Who does this woman think she is? How dare she speak to her husband like that.

"I'm sorry, was anyone talking to you? This is between me, and your husband. Not the Billion Dollar bitch." She snapped. Stephanie dropped her jaw while King screamed in a high pitched voice. "God...sometimes I wish you would mind your own business for once!"

The guys watched as Morgan and Stephanie went back in forth. "Listen little girl..." Stephanie's voice got shaky and deeper from anger.

"Little girl? Oh ho ho~ now she's mad." The Outspoken Diva grinned.

"Trust me Morgan, you do not want to mess with me­"

Morgan stepped up to her. 

"Uh oh." JBL said.

"You know what? Sometimes you need to get dropped." Morgan retorted. Stephanie was about to slap her but Morgan grabbed her hand. Stephanie's eyes widened while Morgan smirked at her. "Lose your touch?"

Suddenly, Ambrose grabbed her by the waist, while Seth grabbed Stephanie. 

"Enough!" Triple H yelled as the two women continued giving each other dirty looks. Triple H turned his attention back to Edge while Morgan calmed down in Dean's arms. "First up, your doctors will never clear you, cause your stack of dime neck there is all broken up. And you know it, and I know it. So you better take the bass out of your voice and that look out of your eyes. Who the hell do you think you are, to walk into this building, on my show? My show! You walk in here, running your mouth, in my town. That's right, Toronto, today is my town."

Ambrose released Morgan. She really wanted to destroy Triple H for talking to Edge like that. Toronto was not his town, that's for damn sure. 

"You walk into my town! My city! I'll tell you what...get out. Get out of our town. Get out of our city, get out of our building, get off of my show. You don't want to go on your own? I can always have you escorted out." Triple H patted Dean's shoulder as Roman nodded and Seth smirked. Edge shook his head at The Authority and left the office as Morgan sighed.

Morgan was about to leave the office but Stephanie called her out. "And where are you going?"

"Far away from you as possible..." Morgan responded and left the office as the crowd laughed.

Fans tweet: 

'I love it! She dropped the F bomb! Yes! #MorganCurses'

'I loved how The Shield got in front of Morgan like that. No one messed with The Shield's Girl!'

'WWEMorgan101 is officially my all time favorite diva. When's the last time a diva stepped up to the boss like that?'

'Slammy award moment! #MorganDropsTheFBomb'

'I love the Morgan and Stephanie feud. Could be the next Trish versus Stephanie feud.'

'RAW just got interesting! #MorganCurses'

'It just got real! #MorganCurses'

'Stephanie and Morgan feuding? Awesome! #MorganWillDropThePrincess'

'Morgan owned Stephanie! #GoMorganGo'

Morgan tweets 'Sometimes you need to be put in your place. #SomeoneNeedsToGetDropped'


Morgan was walking but got stopped by Edge. "I've been looking for you­"

"Did you know about this?" Edge cut her off.

"No. And you saw I wasn't even out there."

"You're lying..."

"No, I'm not! I want to break Triple H just as much as you do. Especially that wife of his...it's just a matter of patience for me."

"And what are you going to do?"

"Bring our freedom to speech back, turn on Triple H and Stephanie and all that jazz. I've been carefully planning everything. Look, just keep a cool head and check on Christian. Focus on your friend. I'm really sorry about everything." She gave him a sympathetic look. 

Edge sighed. "I may not trust you but I saw what you said to Stephanie and Hunter. I hope you continue to do that."

"Yeah." Morgan nodded as he walked away.

'Later On The Night'

Morgan was straightening her hair in the Diva's Locker Room. Once she was done, Brie walked over to her. 

"What is it?" Morgan asked

"Uh, these are for you." Brie gave her a bouquet.

"From who?" Morgan looked confused as she took the flowers from her hands and checked out the card. 

"Who is it from?" Kaitlyn looked at the card and frowned. "Great..."

"What's wrong?" Natalya asked while Brie left. Kaitlyn gave her a look and Natalya got annoyed.

"Can I throw them away?" Kaitlyn asked

"Wouldn't that be rude? It's not that big of a deal." Morgan replied.

"Are you listening to yourself?" Kaitlyn put her hands on her hips.

"It's just flowers. All Wade said on the card was 'Good luck at Night of Champions. I'll be rooting for you.' See? Harmless. Don't get your panties in a bunch, all right? It's fine." The Outspoken Diva shrugged.

"Just wait till Dean finds out..." Natalya shook her head.

Morgan sighed. "You act like Wade is in love with me. Relax..."

Natalya and Kaitlyn glanced at each other while Morgan left the room.

"This bad..." Kaitlyn sighed.

"She's just mistaking the flowers for a friendly gesture," Natalya added.

"He's trying to charm her. Not good. We need to make sure he doesn't do any more moves on her." 

'Later on at ringside'

"All week long, all these girls have been tweeting about me, talking about me. Going on the WWE website, crying and screaming. Do you know why? Because they know I am right and I am getting to them." AJ vented as she, Morgan, JBL, King, and Cole watched Naomi, Natalya, Brie go up against Aksana, Layla and Alicia Fox.

"Is that how fights start? You tweet each other?" JBL asked

"Apparently. I said what I had to say to their faces." AJ spat.

"Really? And what about me?" Morgan spoke up.

"Morgan, I have nothing against you. All those things I said about you were true. But what you need to know is that you are a True WWE Diva and don't need to be hanging around with these Total Divas. It's beneath you." AJ said.

"I know how badly you wanted to be in this match, Morgan. What are your thoughts?" Cole asked.

"It's very hard not to ring AJ's neck as she sits here, venting about the same crap over and over again. I just can't wait to shut her up at Night of Champions." Morgan answered.

"Oh Morgan, you don't mean that. The Total Divas are getting to you. They made you act this way towards me. Deep down, you and I are friends." AJ grinned. Morgan held her head in annoyance as she listened to her vent again. "...And I didn't say what I said on that stage for attention. These girls are attention hungry. I didn't say it for attention. I didn't say what I said to piss anybody off. What I said on that stage was to make these girls do better. Step it up."

"I agree with you saying that the divas need to step it up but they do have potential. I just can't see them having potential since you want to keep interfering in the freaking matches. This is basically your fault. How are we supposed to see these divas step it up if you want to attack them every match? And you know what? It really makes me want to come over there and wipe that grin off your face." She glared at AJ.

"Let's not be hasty girls," Cole said.

"Let them fight, this is awesome," JBL said.

"Oh, Morgan...you don't want to do that..." AJ grinned and began spinning around in the chair.

The Outspoken Diva exhaled and calmed down. Night of Champions couldn't get here fast enough.

"Morgan, you look hot when you're angry." King complimented.

The Outspoken Diva slowly turned her chair and stared at him unamused. "Are you hitting on me...?"

"Who wouldn't?"

"Let me remind you that I'm Dean's woman. Dean Ambrose's woman."

"Really?" AJ asked. "Cause it seemed to me that those flowers from Wade said otherwise."

"Oh my GOD! WHY are you making it such a big deal? It was just flowers and he said good luck at Night of Champions on the card. Harmless." Morgan countered, sighing loudly.

"Looks like Dean has some competition. Ouch..." AJ smirked.

"This is what you do. You get into people's personal business just like you did with Kaitlyn, and attack them with it to make them vulnerable. That's not going to happen to me. You have nothing against me. Now next topic." 

"Well, how about you being mine one day?" Jerry teased.

Morgan bluntly replied, "I'm not yours and I will never be yours...just like AJ said, you like em young. I ain't gonna be one of them. So I suggest that you take your Viagra somewhere else."

Cole and JBL started laughing at her response.

"Next topic please..." Morgan let out another breath.

"How about we talk about me being the champ again?" AJ asked.

"How about we talk about me kicking you in the face if you don't shut up about that?"

"Morgan, the Total Divas are getting to you. You are never this angry with me. Don't let them get in your head. They make me sick...they don't even deserve a shot at the title."

"Well, I believe they do. They proved it before you kept interfering in the match." Morgan retorted.

She watched as Natalya hit Alicia with the discuss clothesline and put her in the sharpshooter. She then tapped out

"The winners of this match, the team of Brie Bella, Naomi, and Natalya!" Justin announced.

"AJ is a bit feisty tonight. Maybe she is concerned about getting past Brie, Naomi and Natalya to get to Morgan's championship." Cole said as AJ glared at the divas in the ring. "Who will win at Night of Champions? We will find out this Sunday." 

Fans tweet: 

'Hahaha #Viagra'

'Morgan is owning everyone tonight. #Viagra'

'I can't wait till Morgan gets her hands on AJ. She needs to get dropped! Give her a backfire WWEMorgan101'

'After the match'

Kaitlyn and Natalya walk backstage and find Wade Barrett. He looked like he was waiting for someone near the locker rooms. 

"Hello Wade." Natalya gives him a smile.

"Waiting for someone?" Kaitlyn asked.

"No, I'm not." He lies.

"Cut the crap Barrett...why can't you just value your friendship with Morgan?" Kaitlyn asks.

Wade smirked. "Ladies, shouldn't you mind your business? This is between Morgan and myself. Ambrose could never live up to being her boyfriend. He doesn't do anything for her at all. I can do more for her than that street dog."

"Morgan is our friend, and we won't let you get inside her head. She even said she wants to take care of The Authority herself and with no help." Natalya said.

"She'll choose the right man for her." Wade determinedly said.

"Yes, she will. Dean. So what if he can be crazy, psychotic and slightly off? They have been through a lot together and can't do anything with The Authority on their backs. Do you know how hard it is to deal with your bosses always ordering you around and not having time alone with your lover? You don't know a thing about what Morgan is going through and we won't let you ruin her relationship with Ambrose." Kaitlyn snaps.

"Agreed. They already have to deal with The Authority, so don't put anymore conflicts in the situation." Natalya nodded. "We're asking you nicely here."

Wade chuckled. "You see, I can't do that. Morgan will realize that she is better with me instead of him. She'll be in my arms. In due time..." 

"We need a Plan B." Kaitlyn said as she crossed her arms and glared at Wade, walking away. "Gosh, what an ass...I want to spear him...can I spear him? Natalya? Nat?" she saw Natalya looking down.

"...We...we need to tell Dean..." Natalya murmured as she turned her head to her.

"You sure? We don't know how he'll react."

"He needs to know Wade's intentions since Morgan doesn't see it."

"You're right. Plus, he needs his ass kicked..." 

"All right, let's go see Ambrose." 


Natalya and Kaitlyn walk around backstage. "It shouldn't be hard to find The Shield or at least one member," Kaitlyn said and saw a dark area. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Natalya nodded. 

They walk to the dark area and see Rollins and Reigns. The two approached them as they started to feel intimidated by their questioning stares. 

"E-­enough with the looks. We need your help." Kaitlyn stuttered.

"And give us one good reason why we should help you." Roman's deep voice filled their ears.

"Because it's about Morgan," Natalya said, sparking their interest.

"Talk," Seth ordered, with his arms crossed.

'To Morgan'

"Ready for Night of Champions?" Jojo smiled at Morgan.

"Very ready. Can't wait." Morgan replied as they chatted near the locker rooms.

"Hey, Morgan. Can we talk?" Wade asked, approaching the two ladies. 

Jojo glanced at Wade and then at Morgan. 

"Uh, sur­-" Morgan began but Jojo started to sob loudly. "Whoa, Jojo, are you okay?" She exclaimed as Jojo hugged her and started to fake cry as some tears started to fall down her cheeks. 

Natalya wanted her to make sure Wade did not have any alone time with Morgan. Luckily her plan was working. Jojo looked at Wade and stuck her tongue out at him as he glared at her. Morgan released the nineteen year old and put an arm around her. 

"I'm sorry Wade, can it wait till later?" she requested.

Wade frowned. "Yeah. See you later." He walked away.

"What's wrong?" Morgan asked.

"I'm sorry, I just miss home." Jojo said, which was true. She did feel homesick.

"Listen, we all feel that way sometimes. But you are spreading your wings and learning how to do things on your own. I'll be here for you. You're not alone." Morgan smiled at her as Jojo sniffed and nodded.

"Thanks." she grinned and hugged her again. 

Jojo was happy with Morgan's words but also happy that Wade wasn't near the Diva's Champion. Win/win situation for her.

'To The Shield'

"Are you kidding me?" Seth exclaimed and started pacing around. "Just wait till Dean finds out about this. He's gonna flip. His temper is short."

"He's just asking for a spear..." Roman grumbled.

"We'll take him out."

"I'm with you."

"That would be nice." Kaitlyn grinned. She really wanted Wade to be taken out.

"Why are they here?" Dean looked confused as he walked over to them.

"Bad news. Wade is after Morgan. He wants her all to himself. He claims you're not the one for her." Natalya said.

Ambrose smirked. "Does he know who he's dealing with here?"

"Uh, about that...I think he does because he's already made his move. He already gave her flowers and wants to be alone with her later on tonight." Kaitlyn mentioned with a frown. "He is persistent and really coming on to her. We need to do something and something fast."

Ambrose started seething at the news. "I'm going to kill him." He growled and stormed off. 

The two divas look at each other in shock at his sudden mood change.

"Dean!" Seth called out, running after him with Roman.

"Don't kill him...yet!" Kaitlyn rushed after them with Natalya.

'To Wade'

Wade was talking to a producer but the producer quickly ran away. Wade turned around to see an enraged Dean Ambrose. 

"Well well well, if it isn't Dean Ambrose," Wade said in his accent. "I guess you heard. But don't worry, I'll take good care of her. You're scared, aren't you? You're afraid you're going to lose her. Well, you're right."

Ambrose was about to hit him but then Seth and Roman ran to him. 

"Dean!" Seth and Roman grabbed him away from Wade while Kaitlyn and Natalya met up with them.

"You got another thing coming pal." Kaitlyn glared at Wade as he walked away.

"We'll handle him, just not tonight." Seth tried to calm Dean down


Morgan walked backstage as the crowd gave her a loud reception but instantly boo once they see Wade walk next to her. "Not managing The Shield tonight, love?" Wade asked

"Unfortunately...all because of The Authority..."

"Guess they are still upset with what you said to them on Raw. Well, how about we hang out tonight to get your mind off things?"

"Oh um, sorry I can't. I'll be hanging with the girls. But maybe next time. I'll see you later." Morgan waved and walked away.

Wade watched her leave and smirked, clearly smitten by her. He turned around to see a seething Ambrose. 

Angrily, Ambrose grabbed him and pushed him to a wall, hard. "I guess I need to show you what happens when you mess with someone that's mine," he said in a dark tone.

"Don't you mean the woman that's soon to be mine?" Wade smirked before Ambrose threw him to the wall hard again.

Morgan walked back to see Wade. "On second thought-­Whoa! Dean, what are you doing?" Morgan exclaimed as Seth and Roman rushed up to them.

"Dean! Let go!" Roman yelled as they grabbed him off of him.

"Is that your best?" Wade asked, provoking Dean.

Morgan got in between them while Natalya and Kaitlyn rushed over to them. 

"Let's not be hasty here. What the hell is going on?" Morgan asked as she looked at Wade and Dean. Ambrose stormed off while Seth and Roman rushed after him.

"March. Now." Kaitlyn pointed to Wade as he smirked and walked away.

"Somebody better start explaining. Now." Morgan said as turned to Natalya and Kaitlyn.

"You should go see Dean. He isn't gonna calm down unless you see him and you know that. We'll talk about it later." Kaitlyn said


'WWE Exclusive video'

Dean was silently seething on a chair as Morgan barged in. "What the hell Dean?! You storm off for a few minutes and next thing you know I find you sitting here like you want to murder someone. What is going on?"

"You need to check that friend of yours, that's what's going on. He wants to replace me as your boyfriend," he spoke angrily.

Morgan sighed. "Not this again...I told him­-"

"What did he do?" Ambrose stood up.

"It wasn't really­-"

"Morgan. Do you know how much I want to hurt this guy? The thought of him coming after you makes me want to rip his head off."

She leaned on the wall. "Dean..." 

He walked over to her and placed his hands on the wall, on each side of her head. "I shouldn't have let him go."


"He thinks he's going to take you away from me? And get away with it­-"

Ambrose began but Morgan put her hands on his face. "Dean. You need to know that even if someone wants me, I won't fall for them or let them take me away from you. I don't care what anyone says, no matter if you're slightly off or all the other stuff they say, you'll always be my Joker and no one is going to replace you. I love you and only you. We may have hated each other but I guess opposites attract. I know you're always here for me, for the good times and bad. And I know we can't really spend a lot of alone time together because of The Authority, but we'll find a way to get through this. Through The Authority, and Wade. Everything that comes our way. We need to be strong and we need to be a strong couple. We can't doubt each other. Okay?" 

Dean calmed down and removed his hands from the wall as she removed her hands from his face.

"You always know how to calm me down..."

"That's a good thing, right? As for Wade, let me see for myself what his motives are. I'll keep an eye out and be observant. Just don't hurt him...much. I already know you want to kick his ass so...just not too much that could lead him to the hospital."

"No promises, sweetheart." Dean smirked. "It's for his own good. He needs to know that you're mine and no one is gonna take what's mine."

Morgan chuckled and shook her head. They looked at each other and she ran her fingers through his hair with her right hand and leaned in to kiss him as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist.

"I love you." he told her.

"Love you too."

'To Wade during a WWE Exclusive video'

Wade was talking to a producer but instantly got speared by Roman as he held his stomach in pain. The Shield walked up to him and smirked down at Wade as Ambrose kneeled to him. 

"What happened Wade? I thought you were tougher than that...So you want to take what's mine? Over my dead body. Morgan is mine and that is going to stay that. This is just a preview of what The Shield will do to you if you keep messing with her." Ambrose watched him in pain as he glared at him.

"Hope you learned your lesson pal." Seth said as Roman chuckled

"Mess with Morgan, you go through us. Believe in The Shield." Roman said 


'Night Of Champions'

Since WWE was doing awards for best WWE champions and etc, Morgan won the title of the female internet sensation as she reached 1,010,000 followers on Twitter. 

'This is AWESOME! I'm so blessed to have all these fans supporting me through my ups and downs. Thanks for making me have over 1 mil!' Morgan tweets.

Morgan has on her Shield attire but with a black hoodie on top of her head as she walks on the stage. Her title is up in the air and she twirls around with it before posing. 

"This is a divas 5 way match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, she is the divas champion, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced. 

Morgan grins and removes her hoodie, walking down to the ring, tagging hands. 

"Morgan looks ready to go in this match up. Interesting week it has been for the Outspoken diva. Do you think she'll be able to win this match?" Cole asked

"Morgan's momentum has been very high this week from the words out of her mouth, to the actions she does. I believe she can do it." JBL said.

"I'm still upset that she rejected me." King pouted.

"Oh stop King..." Cole retorted

"Despite the rejection, she is still one of my favorite divas. Go, Morgan!" King cheered

Morgan gets in the ring and gets on the turnbuckle as she raises her title with her left hand and does her taunt with her right. Then she lowers her right hand and does The Shield pose with a smirk before jumping off the turnbuckle. 

After Natalya, Naomi and Brie get in the ring, AJ comes out. 

'Let's light it up!'

"And from Union City, New Jersey, AJ Lee!" Lilian announced as she skipped to the ring. 

When she gets in the ring, Morgan glares at her and starts walking towards her before the ref holds her back with an arm in front of her. 

"Everyone wants a piece of AJ." Cole looked on.

"Morgan has been getting tired of AJ's mind games," JBL said as the ref lifted up the Diva's title and started the match.

'Ding Ding Ding'

The divas circle around each other. They look at AJ and AJ runs out of the ring as Natalya, Brie and Naomi grab her from jumping into the crowd. Morgan shakes her head in amusement as she sits on top of a turnbuckle and watches the action. 

"Looks like Morgan is enjoying the show." King chuckled. 

They throw AJ back into the ring but AJ crawls out the ring on the other side. They throw her to the barricade and throw her back in the ring to surround her.

"Come on AJ get up." Naomi shouted.

"Get up!" Natalya yelled.

Brie knees AJ out of the ring and turns around and double clotheslines Natalya and Naomi. As Brie turns her attention to the two laid out divas, Morgan gets on the top rope and hits Brie with a dropkick as the crowd cheers. Morgan starts to take control of Brie with a headlock but Brie fights out of it and throws Morgan to the ropes to dropkick her. 

"Wow, what a dropkick by Brie!" King exclaimed 

Morgan crawls and leans on the bottom rope as Brie gives her a running knee to the face. She holds her mouth and lays down on the mat.

"That's gotta hurt." JBL said. 

Brie and Naomi start wrestling in the ring while Morgan continues to recover from Brie's knee.

"As you can see, Morgan still has her arm brace on her left arm, I wonder if that will turn into a weakness for her in this match." King looked on.

AJ and Natalya get back in the ring and AJ does a roll up on her but she kicks out. AJ pushes Natalya and she pushes her back. AJ was about to hit her but Natalya slapped her in the face. Meanwhile, Morgan rolls out of the ring while Naomi hits a double rearview on AJ and Natalya. She pins Natalya but Brie breaks it up. As Naomi and Brie go at it again, Natalya chases AJ outside the ring until Morgan stands up and clotheslines her. 

"What a clothesline!" Cole exclaimed. 

AJ looks at Natalya's laid out body and starts laughing at her but stops when Morgan slowly turns her neck towards her. AJ runs into the ring but Morgan follows her. She tries to reason with Morgan as the crowd chants 'Let's go Morgan! AJ Lee!'

The chants for Morgan and AJ Lee with equally matched as they were the fan favorites to win the match along with Natalya. Morgan and AJ lock up but AJ pushes her away and hides in the ropes as Morgan rolls her eyes. She tries to grab her but AJ hits her bad arm, making her yell out in pain. 

"Oh! And AJ hurting Morgan's bad arm! This isn't good." Cole said as AJ started taking control of the arm while Morgan tried to deal with the pain. 

While AJ was taking control of Morgan, Naomi miscalculated with the cross body on Natalya. AJ throws Morgan out of the ring and Natalya tries to kick her but AJ grabs her foot and pushes her out of the ring. Then, AJ gets thrown out by Brie as Naomi and Brie fight on the apron. AJ grabs Naomi down the apron face first.

"What an impact!" Cole exclaimed. 

AJ turns around and gets speared by Morgan. The spear was weak, due to her trying to take it easy on the arm, but it was enough to bring AJ down. She grabs AJ and hits the backfire on her as the crowd cheers. Morgan grabs Naomi and hits the backfire on her as well. 

"Backfire after backfire! Morgan isn't messing around. Bad arm and all." King exclaimed. 

Brie and Natalya face off in the ring and Morgan runs in and double clotheslines them three times and hits a running crossbody on them both. She picks them both up and hits them with a double backfire.

"And this may be over!" JBL yelled. 

Morgan decides to put Brie on top of Natalya face down and she sits on top of them and gives them a double breakdown submission.

"Whoa! Double breakdown!" King exclaimed

Brie was about to tap out but AJ ran in and broke it up. 

"That's my championship!" AJ screamed at Morgan as she started unloading on her with hits.

Natalya grabs AJ and tries to put her in the sharpshooter but Brie grabs her by the hair and slams her to the mat. Brie hits the Bella Buster on AJ and pins her but Morgan breaks it up. She waits for Brie to get up to give her a hard kick in the face.

"Gosh...Morgan may have put her out there. That was not pretty." King said as The Bella Twin rolled out the ring.

Morgan turns around, only to be caught in the black widow.

"Oh no! Morgan's bad arm Morgan's bad arm Morgan's bad arm!" Cole exclaimed. "Will Morgan tap?!"

"Tap! Tap out!" AJ screamed. 

Morgan was in serious pain. The way AJ had her submission was really aggravating her left arm. Luckily Natalya breaks it up and starts taking control of AJ. She hits the discuss clothesline on her as AJ falls out of the ring. But once Natalya turns around, she sees Morgan waiting for her and is hit by a backfire.



"3!" The ref shouted as the crowd cheered

"Here is your winner! And still the WWE Diva's Champion, Morgan Lopez!" Lilian announced as the ref gave her the title and raised her hand in victory.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Let's go!" she yelled as she held her bad arm. 

As she celebrated, The Shield walked out to join her.

"This is the Diva's Champion, right here! Nobody can touch her!" Seth pointed at her with a big grin on his face.

"Later on tonight, Dean Ambrose will face Dolph Ziggler, and Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins will take on The Prime Time Players," Cole said. "Will the rest of the members of The Shield retain their titles? We will find out later on tonight." 

'WWE Exclusive video'

"Morgan, you were the Army of One in your match. How does it feel to retain the Diva's Championship?" Renee asked.

"I'm so happy that I won. From the crowd cheering, to the nearfalls, it was pretty cool. All the divas in that match were great competitors. Some divas just gotta learn to watch your back. Morgan is still going strong. You can't have this championship. It's mine. The Shield is unstoppable."

"So do you still have a score to settle with AJ? I think you still have some anger built up inside for her."

"Yeah but right now I have someone else I need to deal with. And that's Stephanie McMahon." She smirked and walked away.

Morgan tweets 'Thank you #Morganteers for supporting me tonight! You guys rock!'


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face

Forced To Believe Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face

Chapter Summary: Morgan interferes in Stephanie trying to make Big Show hurt Dusty Rhodes and faces consequences

Words: 6,000+


'Night of Champions'








After The Shield walk through the crowd, Seth and Roman fist bump Dean and Morgan and go back up the steps.

"This contest is set for one fall, and it is for the United States Championship. Representing The Shield, accompanied by The Diva's Champion Morgan Lopez, weighing 225 pounds, he is the current United States Champion, Dean Ambrose!" Justin announced. 

'I'm here to show the world!'

"And the challenger, from Hollywood, Florida, weighing 213 pounds, Dolph Ziggler!" Justin announced.

Morgan shook her head in annoyance as she watched Dolph walk down the ring.

"Big opportunity tonight for Dolph. He goes up against Dean Ambrose for the United States Champion." Cole said as Ziggler got in the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Dean and Ziggler lock up but Dean catches him in an arm submission on the mat. Dolph gets up and Dean puts him in a headlock near the ropes. Ambrose releases him and runs to the ropes and hits him with a shoulder block, making him fall down. 

"That's what I like to see!" Morgan grinned. 

Ambrose runs to the ropes but Dolph makes him hop over him as he gets up and runs to him again, only for Dolph to do a big leap in the air, making Dean run under him. Ambrose grabs onto the ropes before Dolph can do an attack.

"Woo~" Dean turned around smoothly and ran his fingers through his hair, doing Ziggler's taunt while Morgan smiled at his silliness.

"Dean Ambrose trying to play mind games on Dolph­-oh!" King exclaimed as Dolph hit him with a dropkick to the face. 

He drops Dean to the mat and hits 10 elbows on him while Morgan holds her chest, feeling the pain. The two men get up and Dean stumbles to the ropes. Dolph jumps over him, making them both fall out of the ring.

The Philly Diva began to scowl at Dolph and started stalking him. 

"Stay away from him Morgan!" The ref warned.

"I didn't do anything! Chill!" She snapped at the ref, while Dolph turned to face her. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Cole and King start laughing with Dolph runs his hands through his hair and shakes his butt at her.

"You think that's funny!?" She shouted while Dolph threw Dean back in the ring as he stumbled to a corner. 

He starts giving him some hits until Dean reverses it and hits him with chops to the chest. Morgan watches on as Dean throws Ziggler to the ropes. Ziggler was about to jump on him but Dean caught him.

"Uh oh." King looked on as Dean slammed Dolph to the mat. "Well, there's a difference maker."

"Yes, it is," JBL said.

"He's slightly off, Dean Ambrose," Cole said. "And Morgan doesn't look like she's bothered with that."

"Unfortunately..." King groaned. Dean puts his knee on Dolph's spine and puts him in a headlock. "Morgan is enjoying this. Look at that sinister grin."

Dolph gets up but then Dean drops him down and puts him back in a headlock.

"Thanks for stealing my move." Morgan joked as she watched Dean grab Ziggler's arms around his neck like a straightjacket, similar to her submission, the breakdown. 

Dean met her gaze and smirked before turning his attention back to Ziggler. 

Later on in the match, Ziggler catches Dean with the Fameasser.

"No!" Morgan shouted. Ziggler pins him but Ambrose grabs the bottom rope. "Yes!"

Dean rolls out of the ring but then Dolph throws him back in the ring. As soon as Dolph gets in between the ropes, Ambrose kicks him and puts him in the headlock driver position but Dolph counters with a roll up. Dean kicks out and walks back to a corner. Dolph runs to jump at him but Dean moves out of the way just in time and he grabs him for the Headlock Driver. 

"And now Ambrose plants him," Cole said as Dean went for the cover.




'Ding Ding Ding'

"The winner of this match, and still the United States Champion, Dean Ambrose," Justin announced as Dean got his title and had his hand raised. 

Morgan got in the ring and wrapped his arms around his neck to give him a kiss and hug. He wrapped an arm around her while he held the title in the other hand.

"The Shield's dominance continues," JBL looked on.

"And Morgan's kisses." King pouted. "I'd wish she'd give me one."

"In your dreams, King." JBL retorted.

Seth and Roman meet up with them in the ring. When the titantron showed the results on who was the greatest United States Champion, Morgan kissed Dean goodbye and stayed with Roman and Seth. 

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Tag Team Championships. Introducing the challengers at a combined weight of 509 pounds, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil, the Prime Time Players!" Lilian announced.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"You got this!" Morgan supported at ringside. 

Rollins and Titus start in the ring and Seth keeps giving him slaps in the face which starts to aggravate Titus. He tries to do it a third time but Titus tosses him down the mat, near his corner. He hits him with a scoop slam and a leg drop before tagging in Darren Young. 

Later on in the match, Titus starts to use his whistle as he keeps stomping on Seth who is seated in Darren's corner. 

"Are you kidding me? Shut up with the whistle! Lose the whistle! Lose the whistle!" Morgan shouted. 

Titus looks at her and whistles again just to get under her skin. Roman tries to run in but Titus and Darren double clothesline him out of the ring. That gives Seth time as he gets out of the ring but starts getting chased by Darren. He runs past Roman and goes into the ring as Darren slides under Roman and punches him to the mat. When Darren gets in the ring, Seth takes control and tags in Roman. He throws Darren to the turnbuckle as he falls out of the ring. 

"Good job Roman!" Morgan cheered as she gave him a pat on the back when he went out of the ring.

He throws Darren back in the ring and tags in Seth. Moments later, Roman takes control of Darren and tries to prevent him from making a tag. Once Roman tags in Seth, Darren finally makes the tag to Titus as Titus runs into the ring and flips Rollins over with a shoulder tackle. 

"Jeesh!" Morgan exclaimed

Titus pins Rollins but he kicks out at two.

"That looked like somebody got hit by a car," King said. 

Titus starts to take control of Rollins and as soon as Rollins fights back, he runs to the ropes but gets hit with the Clash of the Titus as Titus goes for the pin.

"The Prime Time Players are gonna do it!" Cole exclaimed but then Roman broke up the pin as Morgan looked relieved. "And Roman Reigns saving the match up!"

Darren tosses Roman out of the ring and then gets on the apron, only to get swept down off the apron by Reigns. Meanwhile, in the ring, Titus grabs Rollins by the head but then Roman throws Darren in the ring, distracting the ref. Seth pushes Titus away from him as he gets speared by Reigns. He rolls out the ring, lying on his back while Seth goes for the pin and wins for his team. 

"Yeah!" Morgan jumped and cheered.

"Here are your winners and still the WWE Tag Team Champions, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Lilian announced while Morgan got in the ring to celebrate with them. 

Dean meets up with them as they raise up their titles. 

"Morgan successful, Ambrose successful, Rollins and Reigns successful. The Shield standing tall at Night of Champions." Cole said.

Morgan tweets 'The Shield and I are unstoppable. #BelieveInTheShield'

'Later on Night of Champions'

Melanie walked over to Colby in catering with a bag of Oreos. "Want some?" she asked

"Yeah, why not." he grabbed one as Melanie ate one. Once he took a bite, he spit it out and she started to laugh at him. "What the hell toothpaste?"

She grinned and patted his back. "Yep."

'Monday, hours before Raw'

Melanie walked backstage and saw Colby sitting at catering. "Yo dude. Ooh, are those sugar cookies? May I have one?"

"Why should I? You pranked me with toothpaste Oreo cookies. Toothpaste Melanie. Why should I give you these soft, chewy, sweet, delicious sugar cookies?" Colby grinned.

"Oh come on! They look so good! And stop teasing me. That prank was a sign to show you that you need to step up your game."

"All right, knock yourself out." Colby showed her the bag of sugar cookies and Melanie grabbed one. He started to smirk once she took a bite. 

She immediately twisted her face in disgust. The taste was awful. She spat it out in a napkin and coughed. "Ugh, what the heck did you put in this?"


"You used SALT instead of SUGAR!?" she shouted.

"Catering helped make the cookies with salt instead."

"You suck dude! Injustice! He made Sugar cookies, salty cookies! Injustice!" she exclaimed as she got a bottle of water and started drinking it. "I need some gum. You got gum-­oh hell, no, I'm not asking you for stuff again. Eva, do you have some gum?"



In the ring, Stephanie was having a segment with Dusty Rhodes. Morgan was already in the ring, forced to be Stephanie's bodyguard. She did not feel like listening to Stephanie and her crap. She had just about enough of her abuse of power. She was this close to confronting her about it. In the ring, Stephanie just told Dusty that Cody could have his job back. 

"Or...we can give the job back to your oldest son. The one who fought so hard for Cody's contract last week on Raw. There's only one open spot and who better to make that choice, than you." Stephanie smiled.

Morgan did not like where this was going. She stood by a turnbuckle as she watched the two talk. She felt bad for Dusty Rhodes. This wasn't fair.

"No, no, no, no, let me tell you something. You not gonna catch me off guard. Let me tell you something, I'm not gonna make that choice. Let me ask you a question too." Dusty said.

"Before you ask me a question, let me put it to you this way­-"

"No." he retorted.

"No, no."

"No no no­-"

"You need to listen to this-­"

"Don't interrupt me!"

"Excuse me!"

"Don't interrupt me!"

"You need to listen. You can give this job to your glorious baby boy, the one who does everything absolutely right, just got married, got his whole life ahead of him, or you can give this job to the son that you neglected all those years, traveling on the road." Stephanie said. 

Morgan was getting tired of how Stephanie got into people's minds and put their family in the situation. First Big Show, now Dusty? This needed to stop. Now. 

"Dusty, I know you blame yourself. For Dustin's transgressions. And this is your chance to make that right. You could be a hero. To your sons. The choice is yours. The opportunity is right here in front of you."

"Let me ask you a question. In the mornin' when you get up and go to breakfast and you got some beautiful daughters." Dusty spoke.

"Yes, I do."

"How are they by the way? They good?"

"They're wonderful, now this isn't about me or my daughters."

"Let me ask this, you line them up at the table and you say 'Okay, you're my favorite, you other two, go on back to bed.' Is that what you do? That's my answer to you. And I'll tell ya one thing else. I'll tell you, I'll tell your husband, and I'll tell this company."

"You know what, this is very typical of you. You make this all about yourself, it's all about Dusty Rhodes and his decisions. Well, what about Cody? What about Dustin? What about Goldust? You're just gonna leave them behind? Like you always have, putting yourself first?"

Morgan's blood started to boil. "Morgan looks like she can't take much more of this," Cole observed.

Stephanie needed to stop pushing people's buttons.

"I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive you," Stephanie said.

"You gonna forgive this. Stephanie, you can go straight to hell!" Dusty said in her face while Morgan smirked in amusement

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way..."








Morgan looked in the crowd and then walked up to Stephanie. "Is this necessary?" The Philly diva asked.

"Yes it is," she answered.

Morgan wanted to smack the crap out of her. How can she do this to Dusty? He's all alone and now she wants The Shield involved? 

"Are you kidding me?" King retorted.

"Wait a minute, no no no." JBL looked on

The Shield surrounded the ring and Morgan began to look worried as they got on the apron. She knew she would have to handle this herself. After all, she wanted to in the first place. 

"Stephanie! Call it off. It's not worth it." Morgan tried to reason.

"Hang on a second, hang on a second." Stephanie stopped The Shield from getting in the ring. "This hardly seems fair. I got somebody who's been waiting in the back and can maybe even things out. Oh, Big Show! Big Show would you mind coming out here please?"

The Big Show walked out in confusion and Morgan sighed.

Great...Stephanie was just asking to get hit. It's one thing to call The Shield to attack a Hall of Famer, but it was another thing to call a 7 foot giant out here. She already knew she was gonna make Big Show do something bad. Morgan just needed to think of a plan to stop it, if she could.

"Allow me to shed a little light on this situation dream...since you couldn't make a decision about which one of your sons would get a job here. Then you're gonna have another choice. Would you prefer to be dismembered by The Shield...or knockout by the Big Show? Your choice." Stephanie said after he got in the ring.

"Oh come on!" King exclaimed.

"Stop it already! This is unnecessary!" Morgan complained but Stephanie ignored her.

"Oh, you're not gonna make a choice again? Well, I'll tell you what, I'll make it for you. Big Show, knock him out!" Stephanie ordered.

"Enough! He doesn't deserve this!" Morgan shouted.

"He brought this on himself," she said to Morgan. "He didn't want to give one of his sons a job."

The Big Show looked concerned. 

"Don't do it. Do not do it, Show. Don't!" Morgan said in a hard tone to the Big Show. Big Show looked at Morgan and then at Dusty and shook his head no.

"Fine. Shield, get him!" Stephanie ordered but then Big Show stepped up.

"Don't touch him! Do not touch him!" Big Show yelled as The Shield backed off. 

Roman got out the ring and brought in four chairs as he, Dean and Seth had chairs in their hands. Morgan looked at the fourth chair. She knew it was for her. But she couldn't bring herself to get the chair. Big Show walked over to Dusty and hugged him.

"Do it! Do it!" Stephanie yelled.

"I'm sorry." Big Show sobbed and made a fist. 

Suddenly, Morgan got in front of him and grabbed his big fist with both her hands. The crowd cheered while Stephanie watched Morgan in surprise.

"Was that a wise move?" JBL asked.

"I'm glad she stopped that punch," King said.

"Don't. Don't do it, please!" Morgan begged. "Please!"

"Morgan! Step away. Now." Stephanie ordered.

"No. Call off everything! You don't need to do this, there's another way, just leave him alone already!" Morgan exclaimed.

"Morgan. Step away." Stephanie ordered once more.

Morgan ignored her and looked into the Big Show's eyes as he gave her a sorrowful look. 

Dusty touched Morgan's shoulder. "It's okay Morgan. I see the good in you," he said as she turned to look at him after she released Big Show's fist. 

"Morgan! Move! Now!" Stephanie ordered.

Defeated, Morgan stood back next to Stephanie. She watched in disbelief as The Big Show punched Dusty before holding him into a hug and laid him down on the mat as the crowd booed. 

She turned to Stephanie and grabbed a mic. "Why? Why is it that you love to see people who love and care about each other get hurt? Do you enjoy watching other people's pain and suffering? I don't understand. You think this is funny? You actually think this is funny?"

"Morgan, Morgan, this is what's best for business. He had it coming." Stephanie smiled sweetly.

After that, Morgan saw red. She had enough. 

"He had it coming..." Morgan chuckled and shook her head. "Okay...and you had this coming." She dropped her mic and smacked her hard in the face as the whole arena erupted into cheers.

"What!?" King screamed in a high pitched voice while Seth, Roman and Dean looked on in shock. 

Dean motioned his teammates to stay calm while Stephanie held the side of her face in surprise, looking at the Philly diva in disbelief.

"Is she crazy!?" Cole shouted as the Philly diva shot a dirty look at Triple H's wife.

Stephanie could not believe Morgan dared to hit her. 

"Do you know what you have just done?!" Stephanie yelled before getting shoved down to the mat by Morgan. She was about to attack her on the mat but The Shield quickly grabbed her as the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

"Get off of me! Get off of me! Let go of me!" Morgan screamed as she tried to escape the strong grip that they had on her. 

"Morgan has lost it!" Cole shouted

"How dare you! Do you know who you are dealing with!?" Stephanie yelled.

Big Show looked on with shock while he held Dusty in his arms. The outspoken diva broke free from The Shield's hold and grabbed a chair. 

"Oh my gosh, she is gonna hit Stephanie with a chair!" King exclaimed but then Morgan threw the chair near Stephanie, almost hitting her as she flinched

"I've had enough of you! Everything! All the stuff you've done. I'm over it! No more of it!" Morgan yelled as The Shield grabbed a hold of her again.

Stephanie stood up and glared at her. 

"What the heck have we just witnessed?" JBL asked.

"Chaos." Cole said as Morgan broke free of their hold again, storming out of the ring.

Stephanie started to have a fit. This was going to be a big conflict between The Shield and Authority. 

"She is so fired! Find Morgan and bring her to my office! NOW! I don't care what you have to do. Knock her out, spear her, tie her up, drag her, I don't care. Bring her to my office. FIND HER~!" Stephanie screamed at The Shield as they got out of the ring and started running backstage.

"Oh boy. This is not good." King said.

Morgan tweets 'Sick to my stomach. Hope you're happy Stephanie. Someone should really slap that smirk off your face and teach you a lesson. Oh wait...I just did. #SpeakUp.'

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Big Show found Morgan sitting on a bench and walked up to her. "I'm sorry..." He murmured.

Morgan really wanted to put Big Show in his place but he was going through a lot and she started to feel bad for him. She let out a sigh. 

"Look, it's not your fault. I'm not angry at you, The Shield or Dusty. I'm mad at Stephanie. Look, can you tell Dusty that I'll get Stephanie back for him? And tell him I hope he gets better." She responded as he nodded and went to go to the hospital to see him.

Morgan ran her right hand through her hair and headed over to an empty locker room. She sighed and put her bag on a table and started to look inside it. 

So many things went through her mind. Her anger got the best of her. But she was happy she at least did something to Stephanie. But she wasn't done. Not by a long shot. All she wanted to do was give her a backfire. Just one backfire.

Moments later, she heard the door slam open as she gasped and jerked her head up. 

She turned around and saw Wade. 

"We need to talk..." He said.

Morgan frowned. He was one of the last people she wanted to see right now. He would just add more drama. 

"Look, I'm not in the mood. I already got too much bull crap going on. I don't need you to add more to it." She retorted.

"You need someone to talk to."

"Thanks but no thanks. I'd like to be alone."

"Are you mad at me, love?"

"A little bit."

"Can we just talk?"

"You know what? Fine. Natalya and Kaitlyn told me everything and I want everything on the table. Right now. You magically appear up again. Something is up. What is it?"

"All right then. I've fallen for you."

Raising a brow, she looked confused. "Excuse me?"

"I've fallen for you." Wade repeated.

She started to laugh. "Tell me that's a joke."

"I'm afraid not, love."

She ran her hands through her hair. "Wow. You learn stuff every day..."

"I want you to choose me instead of Dean."

"What is this? Twilight? You're Jacob Black, and Dean is Edward Cullen?" She rolled her eyes. "Give me a break," 

Morgan's anger towards Stephanie led her to give Wade the cold shoulder a little bit. She didn't mean to be so mean to him at first, but she needed to let him down as gently as she could. She hoped that he would accept the fact that she was with Dean and it was going to stay that way.

Wade chuckled. "When you put it that way..."

"Don't answer that...look, I'm flattered, but you're gonna have to get over these feelings you have for me, all right? Too much stuff is going on, and you know I'm happy with Dean. So just, forget about this conversation, okay?"

"How can you love someone like him? I can give you so much more than him."

"Now you're trying to buy me? That's a turn off..."

"He's violent. That's a turn off. He could hurt you."

"No. He could hurt you. And I think I want that to happen now. And so what if he's violent? He's not violent towards me. Sometimes I need a little rush in my life."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. You changed Morgan."

"No. You changed. Don't flip this on me."

"He's got you brainwashed, Morgan. He's got you acting like a crazy person!"

Morgan looked at him in disbelief. "Now you're calling me crazy because I won't choose you over him?"

"Yes. Plus you assaulted Stephanie McMahon."

"And if you were in my shoes, you'd understand why. God...I knew there were ass kissers in this company but I never knew you would be one..."

"You know what? Fine. Your lost. I think I can upgrade a little bit better, anyway." Wade retorted.

"Wow...I'm so glad you just said that, cause you really got on my bad side, this time. Girls aren't toys. You can't just drop them if you want an Upgrade or whatever. You really screwed up now." 

'The Shield's hideout'

"Where is she man?" Seth asked, looking around.

"She's in hot water." Roman sighed. 

Moments later, Morgan walked over to them.

"There you are. We've been looking everywhere for you-" Dean walked over to her.

"Hurt him." She interrupted

"Who do we have to hurt?" Roman asked with an angry look. 

"I should have listened to you guys in the first place. Hurt him and hurt him good." She gave them the OK.

"You serious?" Dean asked and she nodded. He smirked. "Well, boys...I think you know what we got to do."

She sighed. "Thanks. So are you going to turn me in to Stephanie?"

"Morgan. We have your back. No matter what. We'll just say we couldn't find you." Seth reassured.

"Besides, Stephanie already left. She'll be back either on Smackdown or next week on Raw." Roman added.

"You guys...are the friggin' best." She grinned and bumped fists with them.

'WWE Main Event'

In the ring, Wade takes control of Justin Gabriel in a back and forth match. "Nice takedown by Wade," Josh said on commentary.








"What?" Miz asked as the crowd stood up from their seats.

"What is The Shield doing out here?" Josh asked as they surrounded the ring. Wade turns to Dean and glares at him while The Shield gets on the apron while Justin is still down on the mat. "And The Shield attacks!" He exclaimed as they started jumping Wade. 

Seth and Dean hold Wade as Roman does the spear on him.

"Spear by Reigns!" Miz shouted. 

Roman and Dean pick up Wade slightly before Seth hits the blackout on him. Ambrose picks Wade up and connects with the headlock driver on him.

"Let's pick him up." Seth said. 

Roman roars as Dean and Seth pick him up. The Shield hit the triple powerbomb on Wade as their theme comes on.

"This was punishment. But who sent them out here?" Miz asked.

"Well, whatever Wade did, he won't be doing it again," Josh said as The Shield did their pose.

'After show, in Melanie's hotel room'

"You want to just stay in tonight?" Melanie asked as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Yeah. I want to spend time with you tonight instead of going to the bar." Jon responded while lying on his back on the bed.

Melanie smiled and gave Celeste a quick text to tell her they wouldn't be joining tonight. "Want to watch a movie?"

"Die hard?" He suggested.


Jon sat on the floor and leaned his back on the end of the bed while Melanie's legs were on each side of his shoulders as she sat on the bed. 

While they watched the movie, she started playing with his hair. Jon chuckled. "Like playing with my hair?"

"Yep!" She giggled and then made his hair really messy. "Haha. Someone had a bad hair day."

"You're gonna pay for that." He grinned and turned around. He crawled on the bed as she laughed and tried to get away from him. "Get back here!" He grabbed her leg and pulled her to him. 

He started tickling her as she laughed. After he stopped tickling her, he hovered over her and put his hands on each side of her head. 

"What?" Melanie grinned.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to be with you." he kissed her left cheek, then her nose, then her right cheek as she giggled. 

She pushed him off of her and pinned him down while having her knees on each side of his hips. Acting like she was about to kiss him, she ended up grabbing a pillow to hit him with it.

"It's on now!" He grabbed a pillow and they started to have a pillow fight. 

She tried to run away from him as she got off the bed but he grabbed her by the waist from behind.

"No!" She laughed before she turned around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'll let you go this time."

"What happens if I don't want you to?" she grabbed him by the shirt as she walked back towards the bed. 

She fell back on the bed, grabbing him with her as he hovered over her and kissed her.


Stephanie tweets 'WWEMorgan101 We need to talk on RAW about your actions.'

The Shield are in the ring, getting ready for their gauntlet match. They watch as Darren Young walks down the ring while Morgan looks on from ringside. 

"The Shield getting ready for this match." Cole said.

"And Morgan is at ringside. I still can't believe Stephanie hasn't confronted this woman. She slapped the billion dollar princess! And pushed her. And not to mention almost hit her with a chair since she nearly threw it at her. She is not going to get away with this." Cole exclaimed.

"Morgan knows what she's doing." JBL replied

The Philly Diva watches Darren Young get in the ring as Vickie is at ringside sitting on a chair. The Shield attack Darren like a pack of hounds while Morgan looks amused. Seth and Dean hold Darren as Roman spears him to eliminate him. 

Titus O'Neil runs into the ring and fights back against The Shield. He held his own for a while until Dean got on his back and Seth held his leg. Roman takes him down with a shoulder tackle then The Shield pick him up for the triple powerbomb to eliminate him.

"That's how you do it!" Morgan cheered. Dolph runs down the ring and jumps on Dean, unloading on him with strikes. "Are you kidding me!?" 

Dolph starts unloading on Seth until Roman grabs him off of him and throws him to the turnbuckle. Roman clashes with the turnbuckle once Dolph moves out of the way. He jumps on Roman and starts unloading on him with punches before Dean and Seth throw him down. The Shield start to take control of Ziggler before he takes down Dean and starts to fight back.

"This should not be happening!" The Philly Diva yelled as Ziggler threw Roman out the ring and dropkicked Seth. 

He throws himself and Dean out of the ring. When Dolph gets on the apron, Ambrose holds his leg before Seth kicks him off the apron. And then Roman spears him hard on the mat, making the ref count him out. 

"Beautiful! Just beautiful!" She clapped 

Kofi Kingston walks down the ring as Roman gets out of the ring and runs towards him. Kofi leaps over him and jumps on the apron to take down Dean and Seth. 

Kingston gives them both a cross body in the ring and takes control of everyone. But in the end, The Shield becomes too much for him as Ambrose hits his finisher to eliminate him.

RVD walks on the stage as the crowd erupts in cheers. 

"This is gonna be interesting," Cole said. "One man who has been a rebel his entire career." 

Rob starts to take control of both Ambrose and Rollins while Reigns is still out from Kofi's trouble in paradise. Roman gets on the apron while RVD gets on the turnbuckle but gets kicked in the face by him. Once RVD does the rolling thunder on both Ambrose and Rollins, RVD gets set for the five star frog splash on Ambrose. 

All of a sudden, Triple H comes out which distracts RVD while Roman takes advantage and throws him off the turnbuckle, onto the floor outside the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"Are you kidding me?" Morgan yelled.

Triple H went to Vickie and started arguing with her. 

"Shut it down! Shut it down! Come with me. Come to my office now." He ordered as the crowd boos.

Morgan got annoyed and grabbed a mic. "Are you freaking kidding me?! So what's next? Cancel the whole show? Is that best for business? Is that best for freaking business!? They've been wrestling all this time and now you want to call off the match? This is bullshit!" She yelled in frustration as the crowd cheered started to cheer 'This is bullshit'

Morgan threw the mic at the ramp as The Shield tried to calm her down. 

"Morgan, it's all right." Seth held her shoulders.

"Morgan's anger issues have really gotten the best of her lately." JBL looked on.

Ambrose grabbed her by the waist and started talking in her ear to calm her down while she continued to look pissed off.

"And just for that, you're banned from The Shield's match later on tonight. Shield, escort Morgan out of the ring." Triple H ordered as the crowd boos.

"Weak!" she exclaimed.

"Morgan can't manage The Shield later on tonight. What will The Shield do now? We'll find out later on tonight." Cole said as they went to a commercial.



The Shield were guarding the ring while Triple H and Stephanie were doing a promo. 

"I am gonna give you the opportunity to take that frustration out tonight. I am gonna give all of you Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, The Usos, RVD, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston. Zack Ryder, R Truth, Justin Gabriel, all of you are gonna be in an elimination handicap match against The Shield." Triple H announced while all members of The Shield turned around slowly.

"You got to be kidding me..." Morgan retorted.

"And I am gonna give you a partner. Your partner will be Daniel Bryan." Triple H said.

"So there you have it, the first ever 11 on 3 handicap match," Stephanie added.

"After all what's best for all of you is what's best for business." Triple H said.

"11 on 3? Is this best for The Shield?" King asked as Triple H's theme came on.

"Wait, before you go, I would like to speak with Morgan alone," Stephanie said as Morgan turned to look at her. 

She sighed and got to the ring as the crowd cheered while everyone else left.

"I'll say this right now...I don't regret anything." The Outspoken Diva said on the mic. "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing anymore."

"Well, as I recall, you put your hands on me. Now I could fire you but that would be...too easy. So what do you have to say for yourself?" Stephanie sternly asked.

"Oh, Stephanie! I am so sorry for what I did! I didn't mean it. I have anger problems. My anger got the best of me Oh who the hell am I kidding, you needed to be put in your place." Morgan bluntly said as the crowd cheered.

Stephanie's eyes widen. That was not the answer she was looking for. 

"You are such an ice queen," Morgan continued, "Going around forcing Big Show to do all these things to keep his job...how about you leave him alone? And what you did to Dusty...You had no right!"

"You know what? Give me that title."

"No, I earned this!"

"Having you as Diva's Champion is not good for business." She slapped her and snatched the championship out of her hands. The crowd boos her loudly. "Get out of my ring before I call security."

"Is that all you got? Is that supposed to intimidate me?"

"You are not the ideal diva. You don't have the body, the skills, or the looks to be top of the Diva's Division." She spat

"Is that so? Do you think I have what it takes to try to be on top of Diva's Division?" The Philly Diva asked the crowd as they chanted 'Yes!' in response. "And the crowd has spoken."

"They're lying!" Stephanie yelled.

"Stephanie, I am tired of your abuse of power and you will not take away from freedom of speech! You know what you are? You are a spoiled, conceited, narcissistic bitch and I have had it with you!" she shouted as the crowd was behind her, cheering her on. 

Morgan ended up throwing her mic on the mat and walked out of the ring, angrily. 

"Wow..." Cole looked on.

"I'm done! I'm done with this! Everything!" Morgan yelled at Stephanie before storming off backstage.

After the show, Melanie was told to go home to continue the storyline. She wouldn't be on WWE TV or events for weeks. No Twitter, no social media, nothing. 

Being away from WWE for a while because of a storyline was going to be tough. Especially from her boyfriend and close friends but she knows she'll make it through. 


Melanie arrived home and parked in front of her parents' house. 

"Home sweet home." She smiled as she grabbed her bags. 

As soon as she got on the steps, the door opened to reveal her mother with a huge grin on her face.

"Sweetie!" Jane crushed her with a hug


"It's so good to see you, honey. Come on in." She walked in with her bags. "You don't know how thrilled I am to have you home for a while. Part of the storyline right?"

"Yep. Oh, I talked to Jane, Mark and Stephanie. You are going to be part of the storyline."

"Really? Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed and hugged her again. "When?"

"A few weeks. Stephanie is really looking forward to it. She thinks it'll put a little bit more drama into the storyline."

"Thank you. You know how much I want to be a part of the WWE." She started to give her kisses on her cheek.


"Oh, hush!" She gave her one last kiss on the cheek. "Hungry? I'm making some pasta."

"Ooh. Yes please."

All of a sudden, Ellie (Melanie's dog) ran into the living room and started jumping around Melanie as she grinned and kneeled before the dog. She starts petting her. 

"Ellie! It's been a while huh?" She started petting her as the dog licked her. After she was done playing with the dog, she turned to her mom. "Where's dad?"

"At his new studio, working. He's doing a late shift." She replied. "He loves the studio. You and Jon are so generous. How is Jon by the way?"

"He's doing great."

"I'm glad he's still the US champ. You have to introduce me to Colby and Joe. You always talk about them."

"They are really fun to be around. You'll love them."

"Oh, how is the prank war going?"

"I believe I've had the best pranks so far."


It was about time for WWE Main Event to come on, so Melanie turned on the TV and saw Main Event coming on. Jane had dinner ready and they started to watch Main Event while eating their pasta. 'We want Morgan' chants were loud and all over the arena.

"Whoa." Melanie looked on in shock.

"Wow. You are really popular." Jane looked on in amazement.

"I didn't think the fans would be this worked up on me leaving."

"As you can hear the loud chants for Morgan, we haven't seen her since RAW. She hasn't updated her Twitter or anything. We all want to know where Morgan is." Josh said on commentary.

After minutes of Melanie's mother cheering and booing at the TV, Melanie's phone rang and she smiled at the caller ID. 

"Hey! How are you...that's awesome...I'm doing great...really? Sure, I'll be there and meet you in town tomorrow...all right, bye."

Tags :
1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7

Forced To Believe Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7

Chapter Summary:  Melanie continues to spend time with the divas and encourages Jojo to sing)

Words: 1,000+


'Grand Rapids, Mi At Hop Cat'

Jojo, Ariane, Eva Marie and Melanie, Nattie sit together. "I love me some pancakes." Jojo laughed.

"Jojo can eat whatever she wants." Nattie grinned.

"I know right! She's pretty lucky." Melanie smiled.

"So guys, I have some exciting news to tell everybody." Eva Marie said excitedly. "Um, Maxim wants me to shoot for them."

"Oh my God!" Jojo exclaimed as Ariane squealed and clapped for her.

"That's so cool." Melanie cheered.

"I'm so proud of you." Nattie smiled.

Nattie (As much as this pains me to say, I think Eva Marie has an IT factor.)

"Everything has been happening so fast," Eva said in awe.

Ariane (You know, you never know about the newbies. Cause in a blink of an eye, boom, they could be the face of the company and I'm worried because we can be replaced.)

Melanie (I'm proud of Eva Marie. That can really be her debut.)

"It comes out in August which is close to SummerSlam, I'm like, on cloud nine," Eva said.

"Wow..." Jojo replied, a little upset.

Jojo (I'm happy for Eva, but at the same time, I'm kind of bummed out that Eva is getting this push and I'm like kind of falling back. I need to be noticed too.)

"This can explode for you," Nattie added.

"SummerSlam, girl that may be a chance for you to make your debut girl," Ariane said.

"That's what I'm saying~" Eva grinned.

'Tampa, FL'

The Total Divas meet up for lunch and sit down together. "Well, you guys, Maxim magazine wants me to be in a feature," Eva announced.

"Awesome!" Nikki grinned as the other divas agreed

Nikki (When Eva Marie tells us the news, it is a little threatening, like here's the new push, here's the new poster child.)

Brie started telling everyone how she and Nicole were on a Spanish Maxim shoot. 

"I wonder what it's like to be in a magazine. Like, be on the cover." Melanie pondered. 

Melanie (I'm really happy for The Bellas and Eva being in magazines. Even though I'm in the WWE magazine, I really would like to be on the cover of it one day. But that usually is if you get a push or something. But never say never. I'll have my fingers crossed. It'll be cool to have a diva on the cover of the WWE Magazine. It's been a while since that happened.)

"So guys, I have a question. So Vinny, wants his parents to meet my parents." Ariane revealed.

"Ooh!" Nikki exclaimed. "When you have families meet, isn't that like taking the next step? Marriage?"

"Uh..." Ariane looked around.

"Jon met my parents before we started dating." Melanie grinned.

"Phew, good, I feel much better now," Ariane said as Melanie chuckled.

Ariane (I'm not ready for marriage yet, it's only been ten months. I feel like I really want to be able to spend more quality time with him before I make that big step to being married and having kids.)

"I'm not ready for that." Ariane confessed.

"You're not ready for marriage?" Brie asked.

"What makes you not want to get married?" Nikki asked.

"I just feel nervous," Ariane replied.

"I mean, do you love him?" Nikki continued to ask questions.

"I have love for him but I do not love him yet."

"What?" Brie asked, looking confused.

"Huh?" Melanie asked with confusion.

"What?" Nikki added while Brie made a sound effect of a car stopping.

"Wait a second." Jojo began.

Ariane (I think Vincent is an amazing, sweet, caring, loving, just all of the above. But sometimes he can push my buttons. Is Vinny the one? I don't know yet.)

"John walked into my life, and I would sacrifice things for him because he has my heart. But I hear you talk, I just don't feel the love." Nikki said.

"I feel that Nikki is ready to take the next step in her relationship but you're not. So why meet his parents if you're not ready for the big step?" Brie asked.

"Can I ask you one thing? Can you live without him?" Nikki asked.

"I don't know..." Ariane sighed.

'Powerhouse gym'

Trinity, Jojo, Melanie and Jon (Trinity's fiance) hang out with each other. 

"How's Eva?" Melanie asked as the girls lay down.

"She's really good." Jojo replied.

"That's crazy about the Maxim thing," Trinity said

"I know. It makes me want to step up and do something." Jojo sighed.

"Yeah, I feel you. You should."

"I have an idea but I'm kind of hesitant."

"What's the idea?" Melanie asked.

"Singing," Jojo revealed. "Like, at one of the Raws or Smackdowns."

"That's awesome. You should go for it. Your voice is talented." Melanie nodded in approval.

"I agree. You can really sing, I heard you." Trinity said.

"How about ya'll talk and work out. How about that?" Jon said. 

Trinity playfully threatened him while Melanie chuckled.

"It just scares me to talk to Mark and Jane. I don't want to be, 'Oh yeah I can sing' but then turn out and suck." Jojo said.

"This can make or break you," Trinity said as Melanie agreed.

Trinity (WWE is all about entertainment. Everyone loves singing and dancing. Something that people identify with.)

"Eh...I sing a little bit on my own. But you know..." Trinity shrugged.

Trinity (Jojo is on to something here. And I have no idea why I didn't think of this first.)

"What did you want to sing if you were able to go out and sing?" Melanie asked

"The National Anthem," Jojo replied.

"Oh!" Trinity spoke.

"What?" Jojo chuckled.

"That's a hard song to sing. I'd be terrified to sing that. There's no room for error in singing that song."

"I know it's really, really hard but that's why I'm like, should I do it? Should I not do it?"

"Would it make you feel better if I was out there with you?"

"That's a great idea." Melanie high fived Trinity.

"Yeah. If I was there with you, you wouldn't be as scared. Cause it'll be two of us." Trinity said.

"That'll be great. I would love that." Jojo beamed.

"How about we do our song?" Trinity suggested. "Somebody call my momma."

"Really?" Jojo widened her eyes.

"It's a fun song, everybody loves it. We can even bring Ariane in the mix. It can be all three of us. Destiny's child."

"Ooh, what about Melanie? Can you sing?" Jojo asked.

Melanie shook her head. "Just dance."

"Melanie can break it down for us." Trinity grinned

"I would love to but I can't because it would totally break my character," Melanie informed them

Melanie (Yeah, being The Shield's Girl and Dean Ambrose's girlfriend onscreen would not fit well if I was dancing with them.)

"Darn...I wanted you to booty pop." Trinity chuckled.

"Destiny's child? That's pushing it." Jon chuckled.

"You don't like the idea?" Jojo asked.

"I do like it," Jon replied. 

Melanie and Jojo laughed when Trinity jumped on Jon and grabbed him from behind.

"Oh my god, Trinity what is wrong with you?" Jon exclaimed as he fell off the workout ball.

'WWE Main Event'

"They're about to go out there." Melanie walked over to Eva Marie and Brie.

"This is going to be in front of thousands of people." Eva Marie said.

"And this is live. They can't mess up. There's no redos." Brie added. 

Eva Marie, Brie, Melanie, Jane and Nattie watch Jojo, Naomi, and Ariane in the ring, singing.

Jojo (Oh man...we are not off to a good start at all.)

"Yikes..." Melanie cringed as she watched them sing while the girls agreed 

Eva Marie (This is really bad. Everyone sounds off key. I hate to say it, what goes around, comes around. And it's kind of what Jojo gets for not supporting me.)

After their song, Trinity, Ariane and Jojo walked up to them backstage. 

"Oh my gosh, how do you guys feel?" Brie asked.

"Okay." Ariane said

Trinity (I think it wasn't the best but I think it was okay. It's mediocre.)

Ariane (I guess it wasn't a complete train wreck or was it?)

Jojo (This is an epic fail. Honestly I'm not sure what my next move is.)

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod

Forced To Believe Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod

Chapter Summary: Melanie fangirls as she gets to work with Hot Rod for a segment with The Shield. The Wyatts haven't forgotten about Morgan as Bray gives her a warning.  Roman takes on CM Punk.

Words: 5,000+

Author's Note: OK! Last one for today! Trying to post more wrestling chapters hehe.



Morgan tweets 'A lot of rumors going around in the WWE Universe. I'm going to kick you in the face. You know who you are...'

'Later On'

Morgan was backstage with Roman while he taped her wrists for her as the crowd gave them a nice reception. 

"Trying something new instead of the gloves?" he asked.

"Maybe just for tonight. The black tape looks interesting with this outfit," she replied.

After he was done, he intertwined his fingers with hers. "Good luck out there." 

"Thanks." she smiled and walked away while he watched her with a lingering gaze.

'In The Ring'

Rosa and Alicia Fox were already in the ring with Kaitlyn and Morgan. Kaitlyn managed to apologize to Morgan and the two ended up on good terms again and decided to team up tonight in a tag match.

Morgan watches Kaitlyn start off the match as she quickly dominates Alicia but then Alicia starts to fight back once she pulls Kaitlyn down and onto the middle rope to choke her neck. When Rosa and Alicia began ganging up on her, Morgan tried clapping to hype up the crowd which worked. 

When Kaitlyn was about to make a tag, Rosa grabbed Morgan by the leg and brought her down at ringside. She does a loud yell and throws Morgan to the barricade. 

"This bitch..." Morgan held the back of her head while Rosa began to taunt her.

"Cheap shot by Rosa! This is not good." Cole looked on.

"And she's dancing again," JBL said. 

Meanwhile, in the ring, Alicia hits Kaitlyn with a somersault leg drop and pins her for a 2 count. 

"Kaitlyn is still trying to hang on." JBL looked on while Rosa got back on the apron. 

Alicia and Rosa continue to dominate her while Morgan gets back on the apron.

"Come on Kaitlyn! Milhouse would want you to fight back! You got this!" Morgan shouted. That motivated her to hit Alicia with three shoulder tackles and a gutbuster. She pins her for a 2 count and runs to the ropes but Rosa kicks her back. "Really!? Really?"

Kaitlyn turns her attention to her and is about to hit her but Rosa jumps off the apron. She turns around to get hit with a kick in the face. Alicia begins to distract the ref while Rosa gets in the ring to start beating on her and choking her on the bottom rope. Morgan had enough and jumped off the apron. 

"Not today!" Morgan yelled as she ran towards Rosa, dropkicking her in the face while landing on the apron as Roman does as the crowd 'Ohs'

"That kick!" Cole shouted. 

The Philly Diva grabs her by the hair and throws her out of the ring and then into the barricade.

"Morgan! Go back to your corner, now!" The ref ordered. 

She decides to obey and that leads to Kaitlyn hitting Alicia with a backbreaker. She crawls over to Morgan and makes the tag as the crowd goes wild. Morgan hits Alicia with 5 clotheslines and tries to kick her but Alicia grabs her leg and pushes her back. Alicia runs to the ropes but gets caught in Morgan's arms as she spins her around and slams her hard on the mat.

"This may be over," Cole said as she pinned her but then Rosa broke it up. Kaitlyn rushes back into the ring and spears her. "Spear by Kaitlyn!" 

She gets back on the apron and Morgan tags her in. Morgan hits Alicia with a clothesline while Kaitlyn spears her at the same time.

"What a double team move that was!" Cole looked on

Once Kaitlyn started to pin her, Rosa was crawling on the ropes until Morgan kicked her in the face, making her fall off again.




"Nice finishing touch on that match," JBL said while Morgan jumped on Kaitlyn's back to celebrate with her.

"Here are your winners! Kaitlyn and Morgan!" Lilian announced after she got off her back


For the main event, The Shield take on CM Punk and the Usos while Morgan watches at ringside. She was aware of the incident with them earlier and was going to make sure Punk got hurt. 

"That smirk on Morgan's face means trouble," Cole called out while she started to slowly walk around the ring, catching the attention of the Usos and Punk.

"Looks like she's trying to do some mind games," JBL said as Dean and CM Punk started off the match.

"Can you believe Morgan accepted Punk's challenge?" Cole asked as Punk began to take control of Dean and elbowed him down to the mat.

Punk throws Dean to his team and yells "Come on, I wanna know who the weak link is!"

"I actually can. She wants to prove herself. Now, I don't know if she'll win against CM Punk but I believe she'll show some great ring work." JBL replied as The Usos began to take control of Seth. 

Morgan stops walking around the ring and begins to watch the match on the side where her teammates are. She watches as The Shield begin to take control of Jimmy Uso.

"And this is where The Shield is dangerous." Cole looked on.

"Come on Uso. Come on." Seth taunted and hit Jimmy with a leg drop. 

The crowd begins to chant 'Uso' and that motivates Jimmy to try to make a tag but Ambrose catches him in an arm submission and begins to take control.

"I like it!" Morgan cheered when Dean hit Jimmy with a hard clothesline. 

Morgan and Punk begin to give each other eye contact and start taunting each other. He gets off the apron and sees her smirking at him which prompts him to begin walking over to where she was.

"What are you going to do? Hit me? Hit me with your best shot." She asked as the crowd started to get hyped.

He was about to make his way towards her but Roman jumped off the apron and got in front of her as the crowd cheered. 

"Oh~" JBL exclaimed.

"Not happenin'." Roman shook his head.

"Things just got a little interesting between these three." JBL looked on in delight.

"Roman Reigns getting in the way of this situation," Cole said.

"I'm sorry, were you going to do something?" She asked with a smug look but then the ref ordered them to back off.

Later on in the match, Jimmy tags in Punk and he begins to hit Seth with his signature moves and strikes Dean with a big boot off the apron. 

"Vintage Punk with a running knee and follows it up with a clothesline," Cole looked on. Punk gets on the top rope but Morgan gets on the apron to distract him and Seth takes advantage. "The distraction by Morgan."

The Philly Diva grins in satisfaction and jumps off the apron, high fiving Ambrose. Seth hits Punk with a crossbody but then Punk rolls them over for the Anaconda Vice as the crowd gets hype. Dean breaks it up but gets kicked and punched by one of the Usos. Roman gets in the ring and drops the Uso with a Superman punch and wipes his hands. 

Punk was leaning on the bottom rope, face first, near Morgan while Dean started to distract to ref since he was tagged in. She stalks over to Punk and smirks. She quickly lifts her right leg straight up as her boot hits his face, causing the crowd to 'Oh!' at the sound of the impact. 

"Good Lord!" JBL yelled.

Morgan started laughing at the pain he was in and showed a wicked grin on her face.

"Son of a..." Punk muttered as he held his head.

Ambrose looks on in delight and blows her a kiss. 

"She's lost her mind." Cole declared. "She's possessed by Ambrose. I'm convinced now. Did you hear that laugh?"

Punk gets dragged to the middle of the ring by Dean and gets pinned for a 2 count. Ambrose begins to take his frustration out on him and starts unloading on him near the turnbuckle. He hits him with a butterfly suplex and pins him for another 2 count.

"So close." Morgan looked on. 

Roman has his hand out for a tag but Dean ignores him.

"Tag out!" Roman shouted. 

Dean grabs Punk and gets kicked by him. Punk puts him in the GTS position but Roman runs in the ring and bumps into Dean. He pushes him out of the way but gets kicked by Punk and is taken out of the ring by the Usos. Rollins gets taken out of the ring as well.

"We're about to have ourselves some flyin' Usos!" JBL exclaimed as the Usos jumped on top of Rollins and Reigns. 

Punk hits the GTS on Dean for the win.

"Here are your winners! The Usos and CM Punk!" Lilian announced.

Punk looked at Morgan and pointed to her. "This isn't over," he said while she gave him an irritated look and retreated with her team.

She could see Roman looking annoyed since Dean didn't make the tag. 

"We were this close." Roman vented to Seth and her once Dean left the arena. "I wanted him to tag out and he wouldn't tag me in."

'WWE Exclusive Video'

At The Shield's hideout, Roman started pacing around, still annoyed with Dean and his actions. Morgan appeared on the scene, looking worried.

"How many times are you going to pace around? I'm sure he didn't mean to lose the match-" she began.

"Just stop defending him!" Roman shouted and stopped pacing around.

She let out a breath, taken aback by his sudden shout. 'Wow...' she mouthed and looked down, feeling some type of way.

He realized what he had just done and started to feel guilty. "Morgan...I..." he ran a hand through his hair and sighed as he approached her. "I'm-I'm sorry,"

She looked up as a small, sad smile came across her lips. "No harm done,"

"No. You're trying to help me and I'm lashing out at you. You're the last person I should be taking my anger out on. Nor the last person I want to be yelling at. You don't deserve that."

"Roman, it's fine. No harm done, really." She shrugged it off. 

She could see the frustration in his body language and eyes. She couldn't blame him for being so upset. 

"Raw will be a better time to work things out. For now, let's just sleep it off," she added.


'Another WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan was in her street clothes backstage putting her hair in a ponytail but then saw Luke Harper leaning on the door, watching her. She gasped and turned around to see no one there. 

"Maybe I'm just seeing things." She turned back around but looked in the mirror and it read 'We haven't forgotten about you Rose with Thorns. You're almost ready for us.'

Kaitlyn walked in and she turned around. 

"D-­did you see that!?" Morgan pointed to the mirror but nothing was there as she was confused and touched the mirror. "No, there was something in the mirror. I saw him, at the door."

"Who?" Kaitlyn raised a brow

"I saw Luke at the door."

"Are you drunk?" She let out a chuckle.

"Kaitlyn, I'm serious." the Philly Diva ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm not joking. No games."

"Maybe you should sleep it off. The Shield did suffer a tough loss. Come on." She replied as they walked out of the locker room


'Next week, Old School Raw'

Hours before the show, Melanie was already ready for the night. She decided to look like Chyna by doing one of her hairstyles and wore shredded black pants and a black corset. She was sitting in catering with Celeste, popping grapes in her mouth.

"Melanie. Melanie, calm down!" Celeste giggled.

"He's here," Melanie exclaimed and continued to pop grapes in her mouth.

"I know."

"You don't understand. He's here! I'm going to meet Hot Rod!" she squealed and continued eating the grapes. "This is so cool. I get to meet my favorite legend of all time!"

"Is she in panic mode?" Jon asked as he sat next to her and Celeste nodded. "Okay, enough grapes for one night." he tried to take the grapes from her but she snatched it and put him in a headlock. "Ah! Mel, knock it off."

"Hands off my grapes!" she shouted as Celeste started laughing.

Later on, The Shield all get ready to meet up with Stephanie for information on the segment. While Melanie was walking near the backstage interview area, she held Jon's hand and held it tightly.

"Melanie, you're going to do fine." He let out a laugh. But then she squeezed his hand harder with nervousness. He stopped walking and made her stop too. "Mel, you're going to do fine." He kissed her cheek.

"Okay." Melanie smiled. 

After they get the information on the segment, Melanie hangs around backstage to kill some time before the show. After greeting some legends, she began stretching near the gorilla.

"Well, well, if it isn't Chyna's cousin. Melanie Laurer." A voice called out. 

Melanie's heart dropped and began to have butterflies in her stomach. 

Could it be...?

She turned around and looked at Roddy Piper, who was grinning at her.

"P­-Piper? Oh my gosh..." Melanie laughed but started crying. She went to embrace him as he let out a soft laugh. "Oh my gosh...I can't believe I'm hugging you."

"I finally get to meet one of my biggest fans," he said as they released each other.

"Sorry." She chuckled and wiped her tears. "Fangirling, haha."

"There you two are. I see that you've met." Stephanie walked over to them and smiled

"This is so cool!" Melanie hugged him again. "Your promos are so awesome. It's an honor to be able to work with you." 

Once he thanked her again and gave her a kiss on the forehead, squealed, excited to be in his presence. The two walked around backstage as he gave her advice on wrestling and discussed life. They even took photos together that she planned to post after the show. She was on cloud nine.

'In The Ring'

Piper was in the ring, while the ring was set up for Piper's Pit. 

"It's Raw Old School. And Hot Rod was old school before old school was cool. Now, I have fought some guys." Piper grinned but got interrupted.








"Well for once The Shield is actually invited," Cole said as Roman, Dean, and Seth walked down the steps. Dean was wearing his belt around his waist and a Shield hoodie. "They are the scheduled guests for Roddy Piper in Piper's Pit. John, The Shield owned 2013 but recently in my estimation and others as well, some cracks have been forming within the team."

"You see cracks because you wanna see cracks. Where is Morgan?" JBL asked.

"I guess we'll find out," Cole said as The Shield got in the ring and Dean grabbed a mic.

"At least there is one person in The Shield that is respectful." Piper chuckled, thinking about their fourth member. 

Moments later, Morgan's theme comes on and she walks out as the crowd cheers loudly. She put her hands on her hips and with a confident expression, looking like her cousin.

"There she is! And she's paying tribute to her cousin Chyna. How awesome." JBL said as she tagged some hands and grinned. 

She walks up the steps while Ambrose sits on the middle rope so she can get in. She rewards him with a kiss on the cheek and sits next to Roman on the stool who sits next to Seth.

"Sorry, I couldn't interrupt him like that." She said to The Shield and smiled at Piper.

"Someone looks starstruck." JBL looked on.

"I've been informed that Piper is Morgan's favorite Legend. So what will happen if The Shield gang up on him?" Cole asked.

Dean and Piper faced off and Dean looked at the crowd. "Who gave this old man a live microphone?" he pointed at Piper and turned to him. "We're on live television. We were gonna stand around and wait while you ramble on and on if you're gonna say anything...you should be thanking God, that The Shield wasn't around when you were in your prime because if we were, you may not have made it to 112 years old." He grinned while Piper laughed.

Melanie had to keep herself in character because she was just so starstruck. She was in the ring with Piper. The Roddy Piper. It was an experience she will never forget. She got back in character as she was sitting, minding her business since Morgan decided not to get herself into any more trouble.

"First of all, nobody gave me a mic, I took it and this is Piper's Pit, not Ambrose Alley." Piper retorted.

Morgan smiled in amusement. 

"Now, if you're finished with the foolishness..." He looked at Seth who was looking at him. "You think I'm cute?" He laughed and snorted while Seth chuckled and nodded.

"I admit, I've been beat up." Piper continued. "I have fought some guys. Oh my goodness...things don't work quite like they used to except for my mind is fine. And there is only one guy that can match me on the microphone and his name is CM Punk." he declared in Dean's face. 

Dean responded by giving him a dirty look as the crowd cheered. Roman and Morgan glanced at each other and Dean started to rub his shoulder while the crowd chanted 'CM Punk' 

"Punk!" Piper taunted. "Punk! Punk!"

Morgan could see Ambrose seething and was debating if she should calm him down or if he would calm himself down. 

"I think you of all people would know to tread lightly in a situation like you're in Piper." Dean began but Seth stood up and held him back.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" Seth backed him away from Piper. He chuckled and turned his attention to him. "Hot Rod. Can I call ya Hot Rod?"

"Sure," Piper said.

"Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do here but my friend, it's not 1985 anymore. The Shield is too smart for your little tactics, all right? There are no cracks in The Shield you know what I think it is? I think it's jealousy, all right? Piper is jealous because you." Seth looked at Dean. "Are a better US champion than he ever was." he laughed in Piper's face as the crowd booed him.

Morgan didn't like the disrespect they were showing to Piper but decided to bite her tongue. 

"Oh yeah, that's definitely it, that's definitely it," Dean said.

"Well let's just hang on a second. You may be right, I know something for sure. You." Piper pointed at Seth. "One on one, can't beat Punk. You." he pointed to Dean. "One on one, you couldn't beat Punk either."

"I can beat CM Punk." Dean declared. "I can beat CM Punk, you don't know anything about me, I can beat CM Punk."

Piper laughed. "Is it botherin' ya?"

Roman and Morgan glanced at each other again before Roman looked back at Piper and Morgan looked at her boots. 

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Hello beautiful." Piper grinned as he looked at her.

The crowd cheered and the Outspoken Diva looked up at him as The Shield turned their attention to her. 

"Excuse me?" she asked and started to blush. 

Piper grabbed her hand and made her stand up. "Look at you. Lookin' like your cousin. Man, you got yourself a flower here, Ambrose."

"I know I do and I'm proud of it." Ambrose grabbed her to him and put an arm around her.

"I see that. Now, Morgan, I haven't seen you go full out in wrestling yet. If you asked me, I think The Shield is holding you back. I saw you wrestle CM Punk at TLC. And this fool right here." Piper pointed to Ambrose. "Prevented you from wrestling Punk even more."

Ambrose started to get annoyed again. 

"I see the potential in you." Piper continued as Morgan looked at him in amazement. "But, a woman so...womanly as yourself surprised me when you wanted to wrestle the WWE Superstars. A hard shot in the ribs, I thought your career was over. You can take some hits."

"Well her career isn't over." Dean retorted and removed his arm from her.

"Was anyone talkin' to you pretty boy? This is between me and this woman right here. Stay out of our conversation." Piper snapped as the crowd cheered. 

Seth held Dean back while Morgan stiffed a laugh.

"Speaking of you boys, do you know how embarrassing it would be for you guys if this outspoken beauty..." Piper grabbed her hand and kissed it, making her blush and smile even more. "...Beats CM Punk? Will that make Morgan better than her teammates? Can she outsmart CM Punk? Will that be a crack in The Shield?"

"Don't listen to him," Dean said, glaring at Piper. "Baby, don't listen to him, he's getting in your head."

"He's doing mind games," Seth added. "Don't listen to his crap."

Morgan grabbed a mic and chuckled. "...You're making it hard not to fangirl. I'm like, a huge fan. It's an honor hearing you compliment me."

"Morgan, snap out of the starstruck phase," Dean exclaimed but she ignored him.

"You are so cool! I grew up watching your matches. And it's a real honor to be in the same ring as you." She went on.

"Well, at least there is somebody in The Shield who is a sweetheart and respects me." Piper grinned.

"He called me a sweetheart." Morgan giggled at The Shield as she started squealing, making the crowd laugh at her wholesome reaction.

Roman watched her, amused, as a small smile came across his face.

'Cute...' he thought as he watched her.

Meanwhile, Ambrose facepalmed while Rollins continued to try to calm him down.

"Ha ha, she even got a cute little giggle." Piper snorted as he laughed. 

'That she does...' Roman thought but then his thoughts were interrupted when Piper suddenly pinched his cheek, making him glare at him.

"Now...you. You're fighting Punk tonight. Now let me just ask, if you beat Punk tonight, doesn't that you better than them?" Piper asked as he pointed at Seth and Dean. "Would that be like a crack in The Shield? If you and The Outspoken Beauty beat CM Punk, wouldn't that make you two better than these guys? Will that make you a more powerful team? A power couple?"

"It's not gonna work Piper," Seth said and turned to Morgan and Roman. "Don't listen to a word he says."

Roman and Morgan glanced at each other before looking back at Piper.

"Are they holdin' ya back?" Piper asked Roman.

"Listen, man..." Dean started to talk in Roman's ear.

"Crack in The Shield? Huh?" Piper provoked.

"There aren't no cracks in The Shield, Piper," Seth said firmly.

Roman grabbed the mic and stood up. He began walking towards Piper who took a few steps back. 

"I'm gonna beat CM Punk tonight. And if you ever touch me again, I'm gonna break your old ass in half." Roman threatened.

Morgan looked at Roman in shock. "Seriously?" She retorted.

"Hey uh, Roman, uh, let's leave a uh, memorable impression on Mister Piper." Dean said as the guys started to gang up on him.

"Mister Piper~" Seth taunted.

Morgan cleared her throat but they ignored her. She cleared her throat louder on the mic and they all turned to her. "No, no no no, no, no no, no." She interrupted as the crowd cheered. "I'll say this right now...nobody is going to lay a hand on my favorite legend."

"Especially you, Roman. If you're going to break him in half...you're gonna have to break me in half first." she went on. "Would you do that to me?"

"Crack," Cole called out.

"Shut up, Cole." JBL retorted.

"Are you being serious right now?" Dean walked up to her. "He needs to be taught a lesson."

"No, he doesn't," she replied, holding her ground.

"Yes, he does."


"Sorry Morgan, but if you don't want to be a part of this, then you can just stay there." Dean turned around as the crowd booed. 

Morgan started to look conflicted. She didn't want Piper to get hurt and she wanted to be on good terms with her teammates. After a few seconds of thinking, she decided to distract Dean by turning him around and wrapping her arms around him to kiss him.

"Whoa!" JBL exclaimed as Seth and Roman stopped and turned their attention to them.

Dean was surprised at her throwing herself at him but began to kiss back. Morgan stopped the kiss, leaving him in a daze as she fixed her hair and clothes, clearing her throat. 

Piper knew exactly what she was trying to do and mentally thanked her.

She grabbed another mic. "Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. Anyway, let's not gang up on Piper."

Dean snapped out of his daze and started to look at her with lust.

"And...we're about to lose him," Roman stated as Dean began to march over to her.

"And let's whoa­-" She got turned back around as she dropped the mic and is smooched by Ambrose as the crowd started freaking out.

"Looks like he couldn't resist her charm," Cole looked on as Morgan got backed up to turnbuckle while he grabbed her waist

"And this is why they are my favorite heel couple. Do you see the passion in their kisses? Wonderful." JBL showed his support as he watched her run her hands through Dean's hair.

Piper looked amused and started to think of a plan to escape The Shield.

"Dean keep it PG!" Seth tried to snap him out of it. "Dean! Dean!"

Roman facepalmed and shook his head. Moments later, Morgan managed to break away from him while Seth held Dean back

"Easy tiger," Seth said.

The Philly Diva caught her breath and put a hand over her chest, chuckling. 

While The Shield were all distracted, thanks to Morgan, CM Punk runs down the ring with The New Age Outlaws. Morgan slides out of the ring while The Shield take on Punk and his team. But in the end, The Shield get thrown out of the ring while the crowd cheers. 

Locking eyes with Piper, Morgan watched as he nodded in appreciation because she attempted to make sure he wasn't harmed by The Shield.

"You old piece of trash!" Seth yelled while The Shield was over the barricade.

"Hey! Calm down. We got this." She reassured. "We got this."


CM Punk was in the ring while the New Age Outlaws were at ringside to support him. Roman was also in the ring while The Shield was at ringside too. 

"Break him in half," Dean said.

"It's go time tonight baby! Take him out! Take him out! He don't stand a chance." Seth added.

"I believe in you, Roman. You got this." Morgan cheered as the bell rang. 

She watches as Punk manages to keep a hold of Roman in a headlock.

"Come on big man. Do what you gotta do." Seth said and Roman managed to take Punk down. "That's what I'm talkin' about! You don't stand a chance Punk!" 

Moments later, Roman throws Punk over the turnbuckle and onto the floor, hurting his ribs. Dean, who had an arm around Morgan, walks near Punk with Seth but then the New Age Outlaws come to his aid as they begin trash talking each other. Roman took a breather in the ring, while the ref began to count. 

Punk manages to get back in the ring and Roman begins to take control of his ribs. Morgan liked the sound of Punk yelling out in pain as she began to smirk in delight. The New Age Outlaws began to try to support Punk but Seth and Dean started mouthing off. 

"You shut up! You shut up old, man! Shut up!" Seth shouted. 

Punk hits Roman with a crossbody off the ropes and runs to give him a running knee but gets caught in a bear hug. 

"Come on, just squeeze the life out of him." Rollins looked on. "Don't let him go."

Punk escapes the bear hug and hits him with elbows but gets taken down by a Samoan drop. Roman pins him for a 2 count and walks to a corner. He punches the mat and waits for Punk to get up, preparing for the Superman punch. When he tries to go for it, Punk moves out of the way and kicks him in the back of the head. Roman looks dazed while The New Age Outlaws and The Shield continue to mouth off.

"Come on Roman." Morgan bangs on the mat, ignoring the boys yelling at each other.

Punk begins to hit Roman with his signature moves and pins him for a 1 count. 

"Just one! Not today!" She grinned and put her right index finger out in front of Punk with Dean

Punk looks at Roman in surprise that he got up so quickly from his signature moves.

"Oh~ you better believe that." Seth taunted. "That's one." He high fived Morgan and Dean.

Punk hits Roman with two running knees and pins him for a 2 count. He gets on the top rope while Seth tries to control Dean and his hot head. Roman tries to throw Punk off but gets elbowed off the rope and is hit with a diving elbow. 

Seth and Dean started to panic while Morgan kept a cool head. "Guys, he's going to be fine."

Seth nodded and began to bang on the mat. "He's okay. He's okay. Come on Roman."

Punk does the GTS taunt but Dean gets on the apron and tries to distract him. Road Dogg pulls him down and tries to throw him to the steps until Dean reverses it and throws him in the steel steps instead. Billy clotheslines him but then Rollins throws him to the steel post. 

"You wanna stick your nose now?" Seth yelled but got hit by Punk's suicide dive as the crowd cheered.

Seth falls over the table where the commentators are while Morgan keeps her distance. Punk gets on the apron and jumps over the ropes, only to be hit by a Superman punch.

"And he got caught!" Cole yelled as Roman pinned him for a near fall, making him look at him in surprise. "CM Punk kicked out! I thought he had him!"

Morgan was shocked too but Roman started to give Punk a stare and stood up as he backed up to a corner. 

He roars and runs to spear him but Punk jumps up, making him hit the middle turnbuckle. 

"No!" Morgan exclaimed as Punk grabbed him for a roll up. 

Roman kicks out and she looks relieved. She goes to help Dean up while Roman gets kicked by Punk and is pinned for another near fall as Punk couldn't believe it.

"Ambrose," Roman called out and was pulled into the GTS position until he elbowed Punk to escape it. 

He stumbles to a corner and is hit with Punk's running knee. He grabs him for a bulldog but Roman throws him to Dean and Punk hits him off the apron. But when Punk turns around, he gets speared.

"Spear! Spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed.




"Yes!" Morgan shouted and got in the ring with the guys to celebrate his victory.

"By beating Punk tonight, is Roman the best of The Shield?" Cole asked. 

"We'll have to find out because Morgan is going to be put through the test." JBL reminded but all of a sudden, another theme surrounded the arena. "What the hell?"

The Shield look confused and turn their attention to the stage but then Jake 'The Snake' Roberts walks out with his sack. Morgan's eyes widen in shock and takes a step back. 

"You've gotta be kidding me! John, I-I think I've seen a ghost!" Cole exclaimed. "That's Jake 'The Snake' Roberts!"

Jake throws the sack into the ring while Morgan quickly slides out of the ring. 

"I want no part of that," she said, backing up

But then Punk and The New Age Outlaws begin to attack the male members of The Shield and they throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. Punk picks Dean up and begins to spin him around and hits him with the GTS. 

Morgan reluctantly watches as Jake takes out Damian and puts it on Dean's face. Jake picks up Damian and she decides to take the opportunity to try to drag Dean out of the ring but Jake tries to throw Damian near her as she stumbles off the apron in slight fear. 

Punk gets out of the ring and starts chasing her. 

"Come on, Punk! Leave her alone!" JBL shouted. 

She manages to retreat with Seth and Roman on the ramp while Punk gets back in the ring to celebrate with the New Age Outlaws and Jake.

Morgan tweets 'S-­Snake? Snake? Snake? #SNAKE! #RunForYourLife #JakeIsBack #Moment4Life'


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 40- If Only You Knew

Forced To Believe Chapter 40- If Only You Knew

Chapter Summary: Rosa continues to be a thorn in Morgan's side. Morgan continues to warn Roman to stay focused. The Shield get hyped for the Royal Rumble.

Words: 2,000+

----- 'Next Week On Raw Backstage'

Jon and Melanie were getting ready for the show. He was shirtless and taping up his wrists while Melanie was staring at his muscles and chest. 

"Done staring at me, yet?" he teased.

Caught off guard that he noticed her staring, she averted her eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I wasn't staring at you."


"Aren't you supposed to be wearing your vest?"

"Why? Can't handle it?" He asked while she reluctantly stopped looking at him.

He put on his vest and dumped water over his head. She sighed and looked at his muscles again. She really wanted to jump his bones. 

"You may wanna wipe your mouth. I see drool." he teased

"Forget you. I can handle it. You're gonna have to try a bit harder if you want to win this bet. Looks like I'm going to have to make Moxley come out soon."

He whispered in her ear. "Trust me, you don't want to see Moxley. I mean, unless you don't want to walk for a week. I'm going easy on you for now. Next time, I won't be so nice." 

"That's a bluff! I know it!" Melanie exclaimed as he laughed and walked away.

'In The Ring'








The Shield walk through the crowd. Morgan wore her Shield hat this time and when they jumped over the barricade, Dean gave her his sweatjacket to wear. They get in the ring to take on CM Punk and The New Age Outlaws in a rematch. 

Roman smirked at Punk. "How you feel?"

"Roman got The Shield back on the same page and they have been flawless, this past Friday on Smackdown." Cole said while Morgan stood by at ringside.

"Ambrose, Rollins and Morgan couldn't defeat CM Punk but all by himself, Roman Reigns did." King said. 

While the match progresses, Punk begins to take on The Shield but gets pulled onto the middle rope by Seth. Roman gets tagged in and a fan girl screams loudly for him, as Morgan chuckles out of amusement. Punk lays on the bottom rope while Roman runs and dropkicks him on the head. 

"Oh!" Morgan and the crowd exclaim.

"The highly athletic powerhouse of The Shield." Cole said.

"That was awesome! Freakin' awesome! That was sick!" She high fived Roman while he grinned and slid back in the ring.

"He's been called the punisher of the group," Cole informed and Roman pinned him for a 2 count.

While The Shield continued to take control of Punk, Morgan could see that Roman's dropkick took a lot out of Punk since he was still holding his head.

"Don't forget about that eye," Seth said on the apron while Dean stepped on Punk's stomach. "Don't forget about that eye, Ambrose."

The crowd tries to motivate Punk but Dean prevents him from tagging his partners and throws him out of the ring. Ambrose gets out of the ring and taunts him. 

"Please don't get reckless, this time." The Outspoken Diva warned.

"Don't do anything stupid. We got him right where we want him." Seth added. 

Dean tries to throw Punk to the steel steps but Punk reverses it and Dean gets hit instead. Punk rolls inside the ring while the ref begins to count. Roman picks Dean up and throws him back in the ring as he tags in Seth. Punk manages to dodge Seth's attack off the top rope and hits him with a one leg clothesline. Punk tries to crawl to his partners but Roman gets tagged back in and drags him back to his corner. He walks up to the New Age Outlaws and mocks them by doing the DX taunt.

But when Roman turns around, Punk roundhouse kicks him. The New Age Outlaws try to hype up the crowd while Punk crawls over to them. He gets up and jumps for a tag but they jump off the apron. 

"What?" She exclaimed while Punk looked on in shock and the crowd 'Ohs'

"Wait a­-what is this?" King asked. "Guys, what are we seeing here?"

Punk stands up and turns around to look at Seth, Dean, and Roman surrounding him around the ring. Morgan was a little taken aback that the New Age Outlaws would betray Punk. 

"Punk is alone," Cole said. 

Punk hits Seth off the apron and hits Roman with a neckbreaker. He hits Dean off the apron and Seth runs back into the ring, only to be thrown out of the ring, near the announce table. Punk turns around, only to be speared by Reigns and pinned. 

"And a spear by Reigns! The numbers game." Cole looked on




"Here are your winners, The Shield!" Lilian announced as they all got in the ring.

"Let's go!" Roman yelled and motioned Seth and Dean for the triple powerbomb.

"Uh oh," King said. "That's enough, you've done enough damage."

Roman roars while Punk struggles to get out of Dean and Seth's hold. Morgan motions them to stop what they are doing and they hold Punk down on his knees for her. 

"Stop struggling, it'll only make things worse. Take it like a man." She said and kneed him in the face.

"That did not look pretty at all!" Cole exclaimed.

"Ouch," King cringed. 

The Shield pick him up and does the triple powerbomb on Punk.

"Punk's been decimated."

Morgan tweets 'Yep...Once a DX member, always a DX member. Looks like the #KingOfCrap wants to get #Punked by CMPunk'


"Please welcome my guests, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Morgan Lopez, and Roman Reigns, The Shield." Renee said. Morgan, Seth, Roman and Dean stand before Renee and Morgan greeted her with a smile. "Now for the male members of The Shield, it's every man for themselves at the Royal Rumble and as Vickie said, brother versus brother, with the three of you being entered in the Royal Rumble match, I just wanted to know if you guys have devised a plan to remain a unit."

"The Shield is a finely crafted machine that does not break down, the real question, is how are the 27 other superstars in the Royal Rumble going to compete against the most dominant force in WWE," Dean said. "Trust me darlin', we're all on the same page."

"Are you all on the same page, Dean? I mean if it came down to it and you had to throw Seth Rollins over the top rope, to win the Royal Rumble." Renee began while Seth chuckled, Dean put his hand over his heart, and Morgan & Roman looked on with interest. "To go on and headline WrestleMania, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, would you do it?"

"Do I not look like a trustworthy person to you? These are my best friends, I can never bring myself to do something like that, absolutely not. Never, I could­-"

"Well." Seth interrupted. "Dean, that's very kind of you but let's be real here, you couldn't throw me over the top rope if your life depended on it."

Roman and Morgan look at Dean with amused looks while the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Wow..." Morgan murmured.

"I would toss you over in a second if it meant that I got a shot at the main event at WrestleMania," Seth added.

"Okay, first of all, I was kidding, of course, I would throw you over the top rope," Dean stated. "And second of all, you would go sailing kid! Sailing over the top rope! Work on your landing, all right?" He exclaimed while Morgan face palmed. 

Roman stepped in front of him. "We're talking about headlining WrestleMania here, boys. I'd throw you both over the top rope in an instant. Regardless, one of us is gonna win the Royal Rumble, we'll still be united and we'll still be The Shield." Roman put his fist out while Seth, Morgan and Dean put their fists out too. 

The Shield left, while Morgan decided to stay.

"Morgan, what are your thoughts about the Royal Rumble?" Renee asked. 

The Outspoken Diva replied with a simple smirk, shaking her head. She walked away, leaving Renee in wonder.

"I wonder what's going through Morgan's head." Cole pondered.


"Hi~ Morgan!" Rosa grinned, standing backstage with her while Morgan rolled her eyes. "Oh don't be like that. I came to talk to you. I got some good news. I'm untouchable now."

Morgan narrows her eyes. "How so?"

"Didn't you know Roman and I are dating?"

Morgan felt the urge to laugh and refrained as she saw right through the lie. "No, I wasn't aware. Are you trying to taunt me? It's not working..."

"Don't lie. You're angry...I can see it in your eyes. You hate the fact that I'm with him, don't you?"

"I am mad because you're trying to do mind games. I should mop your face with the floor right now," she replied and got in her face. "I won't say it again. Leave my team alone."

"Don't you mean, leave Roman alone?"

"Don't try to change the subject."

"I'm not. It's all about Roman, isn't it?"

"Just leave him alone. Don't get inside his head and don't distract him."

"Are you jealous?"

"What? Don't make me hit you. You're talking nonsense."

"I don't think so. And if you hit me, Romeo isn't going to like that very much."

"Romeo? Really? You're full of it."

"At least he lets me call him that. And he likes it." she grinned and strutted away


'Next Week, Raw'

Morgan tweets 'Can't wait to see him in action at the Rumble. #BatistasBack'

Morgan also tweets 'You do not know how much I want to get back in the ring right now. #MyTimeIsComing #StandOut'

Morgan was at ringside while The Shield was in the ring with Cody, Goldust and Big E in 6 ­man tag team action. Big E's team begins to take control of Seth. When Cody kicks Seth in the gut while he is leaning on the ropes, he goes for the disaster kick but he rolls out of the ring. 

"Enough of that!" Seth yelled and held his stomach while walking over to The Shield's corner.

"You okay?" Morgan asked, walking over to him but Seth quickly pushed her away when Cody got on the top rope and jumped on him so she wouldn't get hit.

"And there's Cody Rhodes taking out Seth Rollins!" Cole exclaimed. 

Roman and Dean jump off the apron and come to Seth's aid while Cody quickly slides back into the ring. Big E and Goldust stand next to him to face off with the two members.

Later on in the match, after The Shield began to take control of Cody, Dean and Big E got tagged in. Big E clotheslines Roman out of the ring after he hits Dean with a belly to belly suplex. Dean gets up but gets knocked back down.

"What a collision. I love it!" JBL said. 

Big E picks Dean up for the Big Ending but Seth pulls him off and gets thrown out of the ring. Goldust keeps him down by jumping off the apron. Meanwhile, Dean goes on the top rope and jumps off, only to be caught and hit with a throw. Big E runs to the ropes and gives Dean a big splash and pins him.

"Kick out!" Morgan exclaimed and luckily Roman broke it up. 

Cody slides into the ring and goes for the disaster kick but gets dropped by a Superman punch. Goldust gets in the ring and hits Roman in the face.

He runs to the ropes but gets speared.

"Spear!" Cole exclaimed.

"That'll knock your make up off," JBL said. 

When Roman turns around, he gets clotheslined by Big E while Dean recovers. Big E runs to the ropes but Dean knees him in the stomach and rolls over to tag in Seth. Seth drops him with the blackout.

"Yeah!" Morgan cheered.

"I think he has him!" JBL said.




"The winners of this match, The Shield," Justin announced while they celebrated.

Roman stared down Big E, still annoyed with the clothesline he received. The Shield get over the barricade while Morgan, Dean, Roman and Seth put their arms around each other.

"Best team on planet Earth! No one can touch us! No one can touch us!" Seth shouted.



The Shield were shown on the titantron, in their hideout. 

"In two days, 27 other superstars will enter the Royal Rumble with hopes and dreams and aspirations of headlining WrestleMania." Dean said. "And there is that notion that anything can happen in the WWE, where dreams can come true. But this year, it's not like that because this year, The Shield is in the Royal Rumble son, and these dogs are hungry!"

"And all time, and all of history, the Royal Rumble match has never seen anything like The Shield. We are gonna dominate every single second we are in that match. Any superstar, who steps through those ropes, lends themselves a casualty." Seth added.

"And after that, the big dog here is gonna win the Royal Rumble match," Roman said while Morgan and Seth glanced at him and then glanced at each other. "And I'm gonna go on and I'm gonna headline WrestleMania, believe that and believe in The Shield." He pushed the camera away.

Morgan tweets 'Really can't wait to get back in the ring. Sunday can't get here fast enough. #WrestleToYourHeartsContent'

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Backstage, Rosa was confronting Morgan. "I hope you don't think you're going to win the diva battle royal. You're going to lose, and I'll be the one to eliminate you."

Morgan laughed. "I'm sorry but I cannot take you seriously. All you do is dance around, shaking your hips. Show a little bit more toughness in the ring and then we'll talk when I actually feel like you're competition."

"Excuse me?"

"You annoy the heck out of me and the next time you get in my face, I'm going to rip that blond hair off your head. You're no threat to me at all." 

She started walking but then Rosa grabbed her by the hair and threw her to a locker nearby. Morgan held her head and slid down but then a box fell on her head.

"Ow..." She winced in pain and rubbed her head

"I guess you can't do the battle royal with a little concussion." She smirked but then saw The Shield rushing over to them. Rosa quickly changed her facial expression and looked concerned. "Oh my gosh, Morgan, are you okay?"

"What the hell happened!?" Dean rushed over to Morgan and kneeled at her. "Baby, you okay?"

"We were just talking and she knocked into that locker," Rosa explained. "I feel so bad, it all happened so fast."

'Later, In The Trainers Room'

Morgan was lying on the examination table. "Stupid Rosa..." She retorted. The door opened and Roman walked in. "Hey! About time you visited me."

"Seth and Dean already visited?"


"Damn. I'm sorry." he walked over to her while she sat up.

"You're here now, that's all that matters. Thank you."

"Anything for an Outspoken Diva like you. So what happened?" He ran his fingers through her hair.

"You wouldn't believe me, since you're too attracted to Rosa." She said her name with disgust while Roman removed his fingers from her hair.

"I'm not attracted to her..."


"I like someone else."

"Oh really? Who's smitten the beast?" She grinned. He looked at her for a few moments and looked away, continuing to be silent. "Ah ha! So, it is Rosa. Good grief, Roman, why?"

"Why not?" Roman countered, trying to keep his emotions towards her in check.

Morgan was slightly taken aback by his comment but shrugged. "I told you to be careful..."

"I am."

"If you say so. I just don't want you to..." She sighed and held her head, feeling more pain.

"What happened between you two?"

"She threw me to a locker and something fell on my head." She mentioned and Roman sighed.

"I'll talk to her."

"Talk? No need. We need action! Let me kick her ass!"

"Morgan, that's not necessary."

"Why are you defending her?"

"She's not important right now, you are."

"Thanks," she replied and sniffed. "Are you using Pantene?" She touched his hair.

Roman chuckled. "I think you hit your head too hard. Rest up,"

"Possibly..." She laid back down to take a nap.

He smiled down at her and brushed some hair from her face, glancing at her lips. He tore his eyes from them and kissed her forehead instead.

"If only you knew..." He whispered and left the room.


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work

Forced To Believe Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work

Chapter Summary: Morgan is freed from Sister Abigail as she reunites with The Shield

Words: 4,000+


On Raw, Morgan was sitting backstage as the crowd gave her a positive reaction. She no longer had any of the dark makeup on her. She looked like her regular self.

Moments later, the Wyatts walked over to her and she stood up. 

"Rose...you look well," Bray said as she showed a faint smile and nodded. "How do you feel?" 


"It felt good to get closure from The Shield, didn't it?" 


"You accept Sister Abigail's truths?" 

"Yes, I accept her truths." 

"And did it satisfy you to slam that boy down the mat, off the top rope, last night? All the pain and frustration you had in your body...you took it out on him and it felt great didn't it?" 


"I have a request, for tonight's ceremony," 

"What is it?"

"Sister Abigail has always dreamed of wearing a wedding dress to a ceremony. I want her to receive that gift. I want to summon Sister Abigail and give her one last goodbye before we all move on from her. I want you to take her place, tonight. Her work is done. She saved you and you are a true follower of the Buzzards. Now we must thank her for her sacrifices. Will you do it?" 

The crowd chants 'No' while Morgan starts to smile at him. 

"Of course." She replied as the crowd boos. 

"Excellent." Bray grinned. "The ceremony will begin tonight, in the ring. Rosa will help you with the dress. And I know Sister Abigail wants to wear her favorite color. You remember right?" 

"How could I not?"

"Good." He kissed her forehead and let out a dark giggle. 

Once the Wyatt family left, Morgan slowly dropped her smile and began to frown, narrowing her eyes, which caused the crowd to get excited.

"Uh oh...was that..." Cole trailed off

"Wait a minute..." King looked on, intrigued.


Later, Morgan was walking backstage and stopped once she heard the voices of The Shield. She leaned on the wall and turned her head to the side as she listened to them. 

She saw an irate Ambrose, wearing his Shield hoodie and black tape on his hands. His hair was messy and damp. He was still that egotistical man that stole her heart. She continued to look on as she saw the fearless architect and the powerful enforcer looking at the erratic man. The situation did not look pretty. Dean had his hand on his shoulder and looked down at the ground. 

"So walk me through this, one time." Seth trailed off. 

"I've been repeating myself!" Dean interrupted. 

"Where were you last night?" 

"I've been repeating myself for 24 hours now, all right? I'm gettin' a little sick quite frankly, of you two ganging up on me..." 

"We're not ganging up on you " 

"And I'm gettin' a little sick of explainin' myself! So, if uh, if all that's not good enough for you two, and if you don't trust me, then whatever, whatever." 

"That's not what I meant...That's not it!" 

"I lost my girlfriend! I lost the best thing that ever happened to me because of my stupid mistake! I have a lot on my mind right now!" Ambrose confessed as Morgan looked down. "And now she made her choice to stay with The Wyatts. She's gone. Forever. I'm not gonna even bother with this anymore. I lost her. It's too late. She doesn't need saving anymore, so forget about The Wyatts. I'm outta here..." He walked away. 

"I dunno if I believe him...I want to, it makes a lot of sense but so many times now? It's just...over and over and over..." Seth sighed while Morgan walked away from the scene. 

As she walked backstage, deep in thought, Rosa found her. 

"Morgan! Oh, Morgan! I know you hear me!" she skipped over to her and dragged her into a locker room to show her the two dresses for the ceremony. "Look at these! Bray said he wants you to wear the dress that's Sister Abigail's favorite color." 

"Oh don't worry, I know exactly which one to wear," Morgan answered

Before they could continue to talk, The Bellas barged in and shoved Rosa out of the room, slamming it in her face as she complained. 

"What the hell is your problem?" Brie asked as she looked at Morgan. 

"What...?" Morgan bluntly asked. 

"You're not gonna go along with this, are you? Don't do this. Open your eyes!" 

"Guys, my eyes are open and I know what I'm doing-­" 

"Morgan! What happened to you? You're a totally different person! This is not the Morgan we know." Nikki exclaimed. "Please just walk away from this-" 

"Stop." Morgan retorted. "I know what I'm doing." 

Brie and Nikki glanced at each other and nodded. All of sudden, Nikki slapped her in the face as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact. 

"Did it work?" She asked, looking hopeful. 

Morgan rubbed her cheek, narrowing her eyes at them. "Ow...what was that for?!" 

"Oh my gosh, it didn't work. Morgan! You would have ripped my head off if I slapped you. Come on, you gotta wake up!" Nikki exclaimed. 

"Look, I am awake. I'm fine, okay? Calm down, you don't need to help me. I know what I'm doing." she reassured

"Looks like we can't save you..." 

"I never needed saving!" She snapped, catching the attention of Bellas. 

Nikki smirked at the sound of her voice and nodded. 

"Okay. Suit yourself." Nikki looked happy and left with Brie.

Morgan sighed loudly and sat down on the couch. Moments later, she looked at the two dresses. 



After changing into her dress, Melanie prepared herself at the Gorilla while Randy walked by with an amused smile

"Here comes the bride...here comes the bride." He sang. 

"Shut up! I'm not getting married." she giggled

Brie and Nikki giggled as they helped her get ready.

"You kind of remind me of Lita when she wore her dress during her wedding with Kane," Nikki said. 

"Why does everyone think I'm getting married?" Melanie chuckled.

"Okay, you're getting ready for a ceremony with the Wyatts. Happy now?" Brie grinned.

"Much better," Melanie replied. 


Rosa, Luke, Erick, and Bray were in the ring and the crowd gave them mixed reactions. 

"Tonight...tonight you shall witness the summoning of a woman who has guided Morgan and has shown her the truths. Rose...I command you to come out here and reveal yourself." Bray announced.

The Wyatt Family theme came on as everyone looked at the stage. 

They waited a few moments but no one came out. 

"Is she coming out?" King asked but then the crowd started to cheer loudly. 

Rosa's jaw dropped while Erick and Luke stood with blank stares. Morgan slowly walked out in a Black Dress. She had black flowers in her hands and her hair was pinned up in a bun

"She-­she's wearing black!" King announced.

"And Bray does not look happy," Cole stated as Bray slowly started to look at her with a scowl. 

Morgan stood on the stage and looked at the crowd before looking back at The Wyatts. She started to look annoyed as she made her way down the ring. She wasn't fond of wearing dresses like this. Especially if a dead woman wanted to wear one. 

"Maybe black isn't Sister Abigail's favorite color," King said as Morgan exhaled and tightly gripped the bouquet. "At least she's wearing Sister Abigail's necklace with her favorite color." 

Celeste tweets 'Ha! That's the color a certain eccentric man loves on WWEMorgan101.' 

The Outspoken Diva slowly walked down the ramp, looking straight at Bray. 

Bray could not believe what she was wearing. He said Sister Abigail's favorite color, not black. He started pacing around while she walked up the steps and slowly got in the ring by the middle rope. The theme faded out as the crowd chanted Morgan's name. 

A dramatic pause occurred as Morgan and Bray stared each other down. "...I thought I told you to wear Sister Abigail's favorite color," he said. 

"I know but I­-" 

"I told you her favorite color." 


"I told you the story about how Sister Abigail always dreamed of wearing a bridal dress one day. You...you disrespected me...you disrespected the family. You...you are rebelling." 

"It's just a slight change. I thought it would be better. I'm sorry I disobeyed you." 

Bray eyed her down. "That kiss...that kiss was more powerful than Sister Abigail's kiss, wasn't it? Is that why you rebelled? 


"Do you still believe in The Shield?" He asked as the crowd screamed loudly

"In the hot seat now," JBL said. "Say yes! Please!"

"No...I don't believe in The Shield." Morgan replied. 

"Then go back and change," Bray ordered.

"What?" King asked. 

"Please don't do it," JBL said. 

The crowd chanted 'No!' while Morgan sighed and got in between the ropes. She stopped and got back in the ring as the crowd cheered. 

"On second thought..." She said. "No."

"Whoa!" King exclaimed as Bray glared at her. 

"Change. Right now!" He ordered but she shook her head. 

Bray's temper started to get the best of him. He was a leader and was not used to such disrespect...other than Daniel Bryan rebelling against him in that steel cage, a while back. 

"No. You do not disobey me! You do not disobey me!" He yelled. "If it wasn't for me, you would be nothing! I made you into the woman you are today!"

"Is he kidding me?" JBL asked.

Celeste tweets 'Oh hell no! Did he just say he made WWEMorgan101? Injustice!'

The Bellas tweets 'How dare he!? Bray needs to shut his mouth. He didn't make WWEMorgan101 at all!' 

Morgan narrowed her eyes at him while Bray started pacing around while venting. 

"If it wasn't for me, you would be broken and hurt by The Shield!" He shouted. "I did everything for you! I comforted you! I made The Shield feel the same way you felt when they betrayed you! I made you get closure! I made you stronger and wiser!" 

Celeste tweets 'WWEMorgan I know you aren't gonna let this man speak to you like this!'

The Bellas tweets 'Why are you taking this? You don't deserve this WWEMorgan101. Speak up!' 

"You are just like that cousin of yours...you are ungrateful...ungracious..." 

"How dare he? That is the Outspoken Diva he is talking to! She deserves some more respect than that!" JBL yelled. 

Celeste tweets 'What the fudge!? Are you kidding me!? I know you are not gonna take that WWEMorgan101!' 

The Bellas tweet 'He talked about your family. You better do something about that WWEMorgan101!' 

"You belong with the family." Bray declared.

The Bellas tweet 'No! #MorganBelongsWithTheShield' 

"And you will obey me. You came to me for guidance and I shall give it to you. And I will guide you by commanding you to change so we can get this ceremony out of the way." Bray went on.

Morgan slowly began to smirk at him, tilting her head to the side.

"Is she about to break?" Cole asked while Roman and Rollins were spotted in the crowd. "Uh oh! It's Roman and Seth!" 

"Where's Dean!?" JBL exclaimed as The Wyatts turned their attention to the crowd. 

Bray starts to order Erick and Luke to make sure they don't come into the ring. 

Turning to the stage, The Outspoken Diva drops her bouquet as she sees Ambrose walking down the ramp. 

Nikki tweets 'So romantic...here comes Morgan's Knight and Shiny armor...and he's wearing leather. That's hot. Go get her!' 

Ambrose meets up with Seth and Roman as they surround the ring. 

"This is gonna be good!" JBL looked on. 

While the Wyatts and Rosa are distracted by The Shield, Morgan slowly takes out her hairpins and lets her hair down. 

"What is going on!?" Bray yelled, still focused on The Shield who got on the apron.

All of a sudden, Morgan quickly grabs Erick and Luke, putting them in the double backfire position. 

"Yes!" JBL yelled as Morgan spun on one knee and stopped to turn her attention to Bray and Rosa while Luke and Erick rolled out of the ring. 

She stands up while Bray looks on in shock. The Shield smirk at the sight while Morgan rips off Sister Abigail's necklace, stomps on it to destroy it, and begins to slowly smirk at Rosa and Bray. 

"Yes! Yes! She's back!" King shouted.

As soon as The Shield get in the ring, Bray quickly escapes the ring while Rosa looks at the Wyatt Family at the end of the ramp. 

"Where are you going!?" She yelled. 

The crowd cheers as she slowly turns around and looks at The Shield and Morgan giving her dirty looks. 

"Hi Rosa, remember me? Grab that bitch." She demanded as Seth and Dean grabbed her. 

"No! No!" Rosa screamed.

She was kicking and screaming and did not want to face that angry Samoan who was glaring at her. She was more afraid of him than Morgan. Roman still had some unfinished business with her because of that low blow. 

"No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Let me go!" she begged.

All of a sudden, The Wyatts slide back in and attack The Shield. Rosa gets released while Morgan spears her as the crowd cheers. 

"Here we go!" Cole shouted as The Philly Diva started unloading on her. 

"Everybody is going after everybody here!" King looked on. 

Morgan picks Rosa up to put her in the backfire position but she quickly escapes and runs out of the ring.

"You better run!" Morgan yelled. 

That chick has a beating with her name on it. She can run but she can't hide. 

Turning around, she strikes Bray with a spinning kick but then he grabs her by the neck. 

"You do not betray me like this!" He yelled while she tried to make him release her. 

He was stronger than she thought. 

But then Ambrose gets in the way and attacks him while Morgan falls down and leans on the bottom turnbuckle to watch the action as her hair is in her face. Ambrose throws Bray out of the ring while Seth and Roman throw out Luke and Erick. Seth and Roman slide out of the ring as they begin to mouth off to The Wyatts while Bray restrains them. 

"And The Shield hold the ring," Cole announced as the crowd cheered while Morgan and Ambrose were the last two in the ring. 

Morgan moves her hair from her face while Ambrose catches his breath and then turns his head to her. 

"Come on Morgan." JBL looked on in anticipation. 

Ambrose then rolled out of the ring and grabbed her gently to pick her up bridal style as The Shield's theme came on around the arena. 

"Yes! Thank you! I love it!" JBL cheered

Nikki tweets 'This is so hot. Nothing like Dean Ambrose in a leather jacket picking you up bridal style. #FangirlsBeJealous' 

"You okay?" Dean asked. 

"Yes," She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt herself begin to smile as the feeling of his strong arms made her feel safe

The Wyatt Family and Rosa watch on while Bray begins to glare at them 

"The Shield staying strong," Cole said as the former lovers glanced at each other and then looked at the Wyatts. 

"And Morgan is still a believer!" JBL grinned

Morgan tweets twice 'Looks like the faking paid off. I was free since that kiss. Supernatural stuff don't work on the Outspoken Diva. Sorry #YouFailed #ImFree' 

'Follow the buzzards? #GetTheFOuttaHere #TheShieldAllDay!'

Bray replies 'You shall pay for your sins WWEMorgan101' 


'WWE Exclusive Video' 

Morgan had her bag with her, walking backstage. 

"Leaving without saying goodbye or a thank you?" She turned around and looked at Ambrose who was leaning against the wall.

"Thanks..." she replied

"When did you come back to us?"

"The kiss," she answered. "Although I couldn't say what I wanted you to do, you knew. So I appreciate it. Wrestle me and kiss me. Sister Abigail screwed around and found out. I had to pretend to still be a part of The Wyatt Family for a bit after. After I broke free, my energy just went to zero. Must be a side effect of Sister Abigail unpossessing me. But...I'm ok now. I'm fine. Thank you,"

She needed time alone to get her head on straight. Dean understood that and surprisingly wanted to wait for her. 

"Good. I'm glad you're back. I missed you,"

She smiled softly. "I missed you, too. See you," she walked away as he smirked softly. 



The Shield were shown right after the Wyatt Family promo. 

"Listen to the Wyatt Family, boys, listen to em! Making outrageous claims sounds stupid to me." Dean retorted. "Stupid ugly beards, and your stupid camel masks..." 

"Whoa whoa whoa," Roman spoke up.

"Tryna scare somebody..." Dean went on.

"What?" Seth asked.

"Camel mask?" Roman questioned.

"Camel mask on his head." Dean declared.

"It's a llama mask, bro." Roman corrected.

"What?" Seth asked in a high voice. "What are you talkin' about?" 

"I just went to the zoo, it's a llama mask," Roman mentioned. 

"It's a camel," Dean said in a low voice.

"Hey! It's a lamb." Seth spoke up. "And that's beside the point."

Roman and Dean start mouthing off, what animal they think the mask is but they get cut off by a feminine laugh. 

"Haha oh my gosh...Did you-did you just say camel? Llama? Lamb? Okay, you all are wrong. It's a sheep. S.H.E.E.P." Morgan stated. 

"No, it ain't." Seth disagreed.

"No way." Dean shook his head.

"Sheep? Naw, It's a llama." Roman replied. 

"Oh my gosh, I've been near and closer to The Wyatts these past few weeks, I know the animal when I see it. Ha, I guess I'm the smartest one in The Shield, now. 100 points for Morgan!" She showed a thumbs up at the camera and grinned. The Shield gave her playful dirty looks. She turned her attention to Dean and nudged him in the side. "Don't worry buddy, don't be sad that I'm right and you're wrong. " 

"It's a camel!" he exclaimed. 

"Nope." She grinned.

"Llama!" Roman shouted


"Lamb!" Seth exclaimed. 


"Are you kidding me? I think I know my farm animals." Dean said. 

"Haha, you think!" She pointed out.

"I know. It's a camel. Read it and weep, sweetheart."

Morgan scoffed and stepped up to him. "Are you challenging me?"

"Uh oh," Seth looked on, amused. 

"Maybe I am. It's a camel." Dean said. 

"Sheep," Morgan stated. 

"Camel." He smirked. 

"All right, that is it!" She put him in a headlock. "Say it's a sheep!" 

"Ah! No! It's a freakin' camel!" 

Roman and Seth start laughing at them. Morgan missed this. The good times she would have with The Shield. It made all the troubles go away. 

"Say it!" 




"Say it's a sheep!"

"All right! It's a sheep!" 

Morgan grinned and released him. "Thank you. So, anyone else want to disagree with me?" She turned to Seth and Roman while Dean rubbed the back of his head. 

"Sheep it is." Roman nodded.

"Sheep it is, Morgan." Seth sighed.

"Awesome. See how easy that was?" she grinned.

"Anyway, the point is, The Wyatts did not lay the foundation at NXT. They refer to me as the architect for a reason." Seth said. "I was the first ever NXT champion, and we laid the foundation for the future of this business, how we do that? By taking out The Undertaker, The Rock, John Cena, Sheamus, every single person...that goes in our way." 

Roman chuckled at his statement.

"Over the last year, we dominated and we have become the emergent leaders of the next generation. Believe that...and believe in The Shield." Seth continued. 

"And sheep!" Morgan grinned.

"All right, it's a lamb!" Seth argued. 

"Sheep! Oh my gosh, do you not know your animals?" she shouted as The Shield started to protest again. 


During Smackdown, Rosa was in the makeup area, bragging about herself to the makeup artist who was working on her face.

"I should be Divas Champion because I'm one of the most dominant women in this company. I am one of the most talked about divas now. I betrayed The Shield...I was with the Wyatts...I am on top of the world. My career is going so well." She grinned. 

Morgan walks over to her from behind and the make-up artist backs away. 

Rosa had her eyes closed. "I wonder what would happen when I am in the Hall of Fame. I wonder who I want to induct me..." Rosa wondered. 

The Philly Diva rolls her eyes and opens a container of blush, beginning to shake it on her.

"What in the-what is this!?" Rosa quickly got out of the chair and brushed the blush off her body. She turned around to see Morgan smirking at her. "What are you doing!?" 

The Outspoken Diva throws the blush on her face and tackles her onto the table as she starts unloading on her. 

"Morgan! Morgan!" The Total Divas ran and grabbed her off of Rosa.

"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled as she tried to fight her way out of their grasp. 

"I am gonna get you, you bitch! You do not put your hands on me! I want you in a match tonight!" Rosa screamed while Cameron and Naomi held her back. "Get off of me!" she pushed them off. 

"Oh hell no!" Cameron yelled. 

"Are you kidding me?" Naomi exclaimed and then they started attacking her. 

"All hell has broken loose!" Cole yelled. 

"Let them fight!" JBL shouted as some of the heel divas came to Rosa's aid and fought the rest of the Total Divas. 

The refs and some superstars try to break up the chaos while Morgan storms off. 

"What the hell is going on!?" Triple H yelled. "Stop this right now! Enough!"

"It was all Morgan! She attacked me out of nowhere!" Rosa shouted.

"You started it! Don't put this on Morgan!" Cameron yelled while Triple H looked annoyed. 


At The Shield's Hideout, Dean, Roman and Seth were getting themselves together. 

"You got yourself together, tonight? Or are you gonna go rogue on us, again?" Roman retorted. 

"Ah!" Dean yelled and turned to face him. "Always telling me that I need to relax, all right? Is he still mad about the DQ thing?" he turned to Seth. 

"The DQ thing?" Roman asked.

"He's bringing that up again..."

"It's a thing?"

"Look, I don't know what you want from me, all right?"

"A DQ is a loss. Two losses in under a year and a half. Two losses in one week, why? Because of you." 

"Maybe if you aren't always yellin' at me, all the time!" Ambrose yelled. 

"Hey! Hey! Zip it, all right?" Seth exclaimed.

"Would you take care of this?" Dean pointed to Roman. 

"You know what? You lost all right? You got knocked down. You're a grown man, pick yourself up, move on." Seth said to Roman. "You know who's moving on? Bray Wyatt thinks he's moving on." 

"No, he's not," Roman said. 

"He thinks we're ashes in the way, on his path to John Cena. In case you don't remember, we were left for dead at the Elimination Chamber. Well, let's show Bray Wyatt, that it's not that easy to get rid of The Shield. Let's show Bray Wyatt that we're not, three lone wolves, that we are the hounds of justice and we run together always. Let's show Bray Wyatt that when you provoke the hounds, you get the teeth!" 

"Strap up boys!" Roman yelled as Dean started laughing. "It's time to hunt some Wyatts." 

"Well, not just the Wyatts..." Morgan reminded as the crowd cheered. She walked over to them as they turned around.

"Where were you?" Seth asked.

"I had a fight. I kind of caused the whole divas locker room to fight." She confessed. 

"I'm not surprised." Roman chuckled. 

"Don't judge me. It was all Rosa's fault. Speaking of Rosa...she's on top of Morgan's hit list, and I know she's on The Shield's hit list too. So...I have a plan. I got a match with her tonight and I think it's time to serve some justice." 


In the ring, before Morgan and Rosa can have their match, The Wyatts arrive after the lights go out. When the lights come back on, they appear in the ring while Morgan slides out of the ring, wisely.

"Common Morgan! Are you scared?" Rosa taunted. 

"No, I'm just not alone," The Outspoken Diva replied.








"Oh no! Here we go!" Cole exclaimed as The Shield walked through the crowd and jumped over the barricade. 

"Haha, I love it." JBL grinned as The Shield and Morgan get on the apron. 

They have a stare off with Rosa and The Wyatts but then Triple H's theme comes on as The Shield get annoyed. 

Triple H walked out on the stage. "Enough. This is not gonna happen now. I have too much time and money invested in all eight of you, to let this war happen again, right here right now. At least not without some promotion. This war...can take place this Monday. The Wyatt Family and Rosa versus The Shield and Morgan. But until that time...Shield...stand down." He ordered as the crowd booed. 

"And ladies, you've already caused enough damage for the night. You ruined the makeup area, and the whole diva's locker room got involved. It's not funny Morgan!" Triple H snapped as Morgan smirked in amusement. "This is serious... Shield...stand down. Now." 

Once he went backstage, Bray chuckled as The Wyatts and Rosa got out of the ring. Bray was on the apron. "Come on, you heard your daddy." 

The Shield and Morgan get in the ring as the crowd gets hyped while they stand before Bray. Morgan glances at Dean and Seth. Seth nods at them and the three of them run through the ropes. Seth hits Erick, Dean hits Luke and Morgan hits Rosa with a suicide dive. Seth and Dean slide back in the ring and stand before Bray with Roman while Morgan gets on the apron, behind Bray. 

"What now!?" Seth yelled. "Come on! Let's do this thing!" 

Bray backs up but gets grabbed in the Morganizer position after she gets in the ring.

"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed but Bray quickly escaped it as the crowd booed. 

"This close..." Morgan said as Bray smirked and did his signature pose while the Wyatt Family theme came on. 

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating

Forced To Believe Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating

Chapter Summary: Morgan loses it and goes ballistic when she is met with unfortunate news thanks to Kane's abuse of power

Words: 5,000+


Chapter­ Harley Quinn Was Friggin Captivating 


Morgan opens her eyes and looks up at the ceiling while she lays on her back. She got her butt saved again by her teammates and she was grateful. Who knows what would have happened if they didn't? Meanwhile, the guys were fighting with the Outlaws and Kane.

"And things have broken down out here as the divas are still down and out. Spear!" Cole yelled as Roman speared Kane at ringside. 

Things get more heated when the Outlaws and Seth & Dean take their fight in the ring. There were two ladders in the ring, and the Outlaws decided to climb both of them while Seth and Dean followed suit. 

"This is dangerous! That's a long way down, guys!" Cole looked on.

"This is about to get ugly." JBL grinned. 

Morgan starts to slowly get on her hands and knees as she groans. Billy starts punching Dean in the face a little harder and it makes him groggy. Ambrose falls down and rolls out of the ring while Seth gets punched off the ladder by Road Dogg. Seth rolls out the ring while Morgan staggers up to her feet and holds her left arm. 

"You can't beat us, Shield!" Road Dogg taunted but the crowd cheered as the Outlaws looked down to see Morgan looking up at them. 

Celeste tweets 'Whoa, whoa ,whoa, I was flipping through the channels and saw Morgan getting thrown onto a table. How are you standing!? #WillToFight' 

The Outlaws looked at Morgan in panic. "M-Morgan! Morgan let's be rational now. You wouldn't do this to your cousin's teammates, would you? I don't think she'll like that." Road Dogg stuttered. 

"Old teammates..." She retorted. 

"Come on, Chyna loves me." Billy Gunn sweet talked. 

"Just let us get down and we'll all laugh about this." Road Dogg said and started to fake laugh with Billy. 

"Hahahaha no." She said with a serious face and started to push the ladders, pushing through the pain in her arm.

"No! Morgan!" Road Dogg yelled but she pushed them off, making them fall through tables out of the ring.

"Oh my gosh!" Cole exclaimed. "She just pushed the Outlaws down onto those tables!" 

"Good Lord...Is she out of her mind!?" JBL shouted as the crowd chanted 'Holy Shit!' 

The Outspoken Diva sets up a table while Rosa starts to get up. Rosa runs towards her but gets caught in a spinning side slam as she lands on a table. The crowd 'Ohs' while Morgan falls on her back, exhausted. 

"Somebody pin someone!" JBL exclaimed. 

Pushing through the pain, Morgan slowly crawls over to Rosa and goes for the pin. 

"1!" The ref and crowd count as Kane tries to get in the ring. 


He slides in the ring but gets his feet grabbed by The Shield as he tries to scratch and claw his way to Morgan. 


The Shield releases Kane while the crowd erupts in cheers. Morgan quickly runs out of the ring before Kane can get her. She scrambles to the end of the ramp and trips out of excitement since she won the match with the help of her teammates. She gets up and gets embraced in a group hug. 

"Woo!" Seth yelled. "That's what I'm talkin' about! No one messes with her!" 

"The Shield celebrating the win. I wonder what's going to happen on Raw. Will Kane get his revenge?" Cole asked. 

Celeste tweets 'Go Shield! #UnitedAndStrongerThanEver'

'Backstage Pass'

The Shield and Morgan were backstage, walking and celebrating her win.

"I literally cannot stand 3MB." Seth brought up. 

"Yeah." Roman agreed while Dean laughed in response and Morgan smiled out of amusement. 

"Now I see why you hate them so much, Morgan," Seth added.

"Totally." She chuckled. "I cannot deal with the sight of Slater-"

"Excuse me guys, guys." Tom walked up to them.

"Tom! Come on, man!" Seth exclaimed. 

"I know I ask you the same question every week, when is this gonna end with Kane, at WrestleMania? Will it end?" he asked. 

"Why you asking us that question? Why don't you ask Kane, Rosa, and the New Age Outlaws when this ends? I don't even know what this is, I don't know what they want from us. I don't know what they want. They call us uh, disrespectful little kids. They started this whole thing. They disrespected us, and they are gonna pay the price for it." Ambrose replied. 

"You know what it is? The reason they keep their distance when it's an uneven Plainfield is because they're afraid, they know when it's 4 on 4, no one can hang with The Shield. Kane and the New Age Outlaws...they had their day. And that day is long gone." Seth said and showed his fist. "This is the new symbol of excellence. Come WrestleMania, they can't duck and dodge us anymore." 

"Exactly. Especially when 'She' comes back." Morgan added with a proud smile. 

"The war ends when your corporate grandpas are lying down at our feet," Roman stated as Seth laughed. "And they beg for forgiveness. Especially when Rosa encounters Morgan and 'Her' at WrestleMania. And we're gonna look them in the eyes, and we're gonna put our boots across their jaw. Believe that. And believe in The Shield!" He yelled at Tom. 

"Roman!" Morgan flinched while Tom ran away and the guys started to laugh. "That's not funny!" 

"Haha. Yes, it was. You flinched!" Seth chuckled. "He scared him and her."

"Little chump..." Roman watched Tom run away.

"You guys are so mean." She chuckled. 

"You gotta admit, that was funny." Roman nudged her. 

"So intimidating. I love it when he gets like that." Dean said. 

"You owe me grapes, now." Morgan declared.

"Fine. I'll treat you." Roman agreed. 

"Not just you. All of you." 

"What!?" Seth shouted. "How did Dean and I get involved in this?" 

"You laughed. I want my grapes. Unless you want a headlock." She warned.

"I'll get three bags," Seth called out and sped walked away. 

"20!" Dean yelled and went after him. 

"Hey! I'm buying her 100 bags!" Roman declared and went after them while she laughed. 


During Raw, Kane walked out with Rosa in business suits and got in the ring.

"Well, Kane and Rosa do not look happy after what happened on Smackdown," Cole said as he began to talk about the no DQ match. 

"Morgan! You may have won the match, but if you think that I'm going to allow you to get away with this, you are deeply mistaken! Get out here, right now!" Kane yelled. 

Morgan comes out with an amused look and gets in the ring. Her arm was taped but she continued to heal well and fought through any aches and pain. After her theme fades out, the crowd chants her name. 

He got in her face. "Who...the hell do you think you are? You've made me angry. And bad things happen when I get angry." He sternly said but she snatched the mic out of his hands as the crowd cheered. 

"First of all, you're not going to do anything because you don't have the guts to. You're a puppet for The Authority and that's all you will ever be. You're not the big red machine, anymore. You're just a sell out in a suit..." She retorted. "And-" 

Kane snatched the mic back. "You don't know enough about this business to do what you're doing right now. Do you know who I am? I am the Director of Operations!" 

Morgan grabbed another mic. "Really? I don't think so. I think you're just...another asshole. This isn't about you. This is about me...and that so called business woman over there, looking like a bootleg librarian," She pointed to Rosa. 

"Librarian?" King exclaimed as Rosa shot her a dirty look. 

"All the suffering...tormenting...the names, the taunts, the scars, the blood, sweat and tears...all because of her...I'm going to make you regret all of that, Rosa." The Philly Diva went on. 

"Shut up!" he yelled. "I am going to hurt you. I am going to destroy you. This match...The Shield, versus Rosa, the Outlaws, and me...will now be an intergender match!" 

The crowd cheered while Morgan smirked, liking the idea more. 

"Intergender!? Are you kidding me? Superstars versus Divas? Morgan and the Outlaws? Morgan and Kane? Rosa and The Shield!? Oh, poor Rosa. I'm afraid for her well­being." King said with concern. 

"You may be smirking now but I will not show any mercy on a woman like you. You are going to get everything you deserve." Kane promised. 

"Fine by me." Morgan shrugged while Kane and Rosa headed for the ropes but they stopped. 

"Oh...and by the way." Kane started to grin and turned around. "Do you remember Vickie's invitational Diva's Championship match, at WrestleMania? Well...you can kiss that goodbye because I am stripping you of your spot and giving it to Rosa." 

The crowd heavily booed as Rosa started laughing. 

"What?!" King exclaimed while Morgan looked at Kane in shock. 

"No..." she shook her head. "You can't do that." 

"Oh yes, I can." Kane's grin widened. 

It felt like Morgan's world was crashing down. She worked so hard to get another title shot by proving herself in matches. Feeling herself getting angry, she started pacing around.

"I feel bad for Morgan. She's worked so hard and risked her body these past months. She's starting to gain respect and tried so hard to earn another title shot." King said. "All because of Kane's abuse of power..." 

Rosa taunted her. "How does it feel? You've taken a lot of things from me and now you're going to pay the price. You don't deserve to be in the match. I do!" 

Morgan had enough and pushes her down as the crowd cheers. 

"Uh oh!" JBL looked on as Kane went to aid Rosa.

The Outspoken Diva started shouting. "I hate you! You ruined everything! I'm gonna make you feel every ounce of pain and suffering you've caused me to feel these past months! From taking my boyfriend, from making me miserable...Rosa...I don't think you know how low I can sink to make someone feel what I've felt...just a glimpse...a taste...a preview. I'm gonna take all that frustration out on you...right now!" 

Once Kane stands up with Rosa, Morgan hits him with a low blow, making him roll out of the ring. 

"Low blow to Kane!" King exclaimed as Rosa stood up, preparing to attack.

"Rosa, you better get out of there!" Cole warned but Morgan speared her and started hitting her with hard, frequent right punches to the face as the crowd exploded. "All these emotions have been building up for months. This has to feel good for Morgan." 

Rosa starts screaming and gets thrown out of the ring, near the announce table.

"Morgan, calm down! Calm down!" JBL tried to warn once Morgan got out of the ring.

"I don't think she can hear you. She's in a new world now. She's possessed." Cole stated as she threw Rosa to the steel steps. 

"Good grief! Isn't this enough!? She's lost it! Morgan has completely lost her mind!" 

"Can you blame her? After all, she's been through? All the name calling? Taunting? Cheap shots?" King asked. 

"You did this to me!" Morgan screamed and started throwing Rosa's head on the steel steps, several times. 

She grabs her by the hair and throws her head on the apron before throwing her to the steel post, making her fall face first. 

"Ooh! Did you hear that impact!?" Cole cringed. Rosa was trying to crawl away but shrieks as she gets dragged back, near the announce table by her. "And Morgan still isn't done!" 

"Where are the refs!? Where is everybody!? Is anyone gonna stop this!? This is crazy! Someone stop this before someone gets seriously hurt!" JBL yelled. 

"I don't think Morgan cares who gets hurt," King said. "Watch out guys!" 

King and the commentators stand up while Morgan hits Rosa's head on the announce table. 

"Are you done?" JBL asked as Rosa began to hold her nose.

"Hell no!" Morgan yelled at him and started unloading on Rosa, on the concrete floor. 

The crowd boos when the referees run down to restrain her while Rosa was looking like a hot mess. Her hair was wild, and she was feeling a little groggy from the beating she had received. The crowd begins to cheer again when they see Rosa's face. A few refs were with her and she whimpered and touched her nose before letting out a scream of surprise.

"Oh my gosh, Rosa's bleeding!" King shouted. 

"What!?" Cole exclaimed.

"Her beautiful face!"

"My nose! My nose! Look what she done to my nose!" She screamed as she was starting to bleed from the nose and mouth. "Oh my God, my nose! My nose! My face!" 

"It's all right! It's okay!" A ref reassured.

"No, it's not! My nose!" She screamed again and started to cough as she choked on her blood. 

The Outspoken Diva gets released by the refs as she stands at the end of the ramp, looking at the damage. She looks at her hands and sees blood on them as she starts to come back to her senses. 

"I did this? Am I done here?" She asked herself. All of a sudden, she started to smirk and began to laugh before licking some blood off a finger. 

"She just licked Rosa's blood!" King shouted as Morgan rolled her neck and let out a chuckle.

"No...let's go again...I'm not done yet...no..." She mumbled. "I'm just getting started. I want her to bleed more...make her suffer...I'm excited..." She started to wickedly grin. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, Morgan has completely lost her mind! She's possessed!" Cole yelled as the crowd chanted 'Harley Quinn' 

"Harley Quinn is about to unleash hell! Goodbye, Rosa! Nice knowing you!" King added, bewildered at the situation.

Celeste tweets 'I don't blame Morgan for this. You can only take in so much. #HarleyQuinnHasTakenOver' 

Nikki tweets 'Thank you WWEMorgan101! Don't stop beating her up! Continue to act crazy! I love it!' 

Brie tweets 'I like this side of Morgan. Her #AlterEgo has come out to play. Make her pay for it WWEMorgan101' 

Morgan starts walking back to where Rosa is as the refs start to panic and try to talk her out of it.  

"She's not done! She's not done!" King yelled. 

"I have never seen this side of Morgan before. This is nuts! Is this the Outspoken Diva?" Cole shouted. 

"Can you blame her actions? This is crazy and I'm starting to love this." 

Morgan grabs a chair and whacks Rosa in the face with it as soon as she stands up with the help of the refs. The crowd 'Ohs' at the impact while she continues to unload on her with chair shots. 

"Chair shot after chair shot!" Cole exclaimed. 

She throws Rosa to the barricade and to the apron several times as the refs helplessly try to convince her to stop. Angry tears run down her face as she starts to rethink every bad thing Rosa had done to her, over the months. She throws Rosa back to the steel steps as she is out cold.

"This is what you wanted!?" She screamed at Rosa as she got held back by the refs and dragged to the back. "I told you! I told you that you would regret this! Wait till WrestleMania! You ain't seen nothing yet! Do not ever provoke me again! Don't ever provoke me again!" 

"This is crazy! Look at this arena!" JBL shouted. 

Ringside was looking trashy because the steel steps were all over the place and the announce table got ruined. 

"It's like there's been a car accident," Cole said as Rosa got helped up by the refs and slowly walked backstage. 

"Poor Rosa. Her face." King looked on. "I love all the divas. I hate to see their pretty faces messed up." 

"I got a feeling Rosa isn't going to settle for this. This war between these divas is far from over." JBL added. 

Morgan tweets 'I'm sorry you had to see that. Title shot or not, I will still find a way to have a #MorganMoment at WM' 

She also tweets 'Tasted her blood and her blood is on my hands. I did this. Me. #IThinkIAmCrazy. I think I'm having a #HarleyAttack' 

Stone Cold tweets 'I love watching WWEMorgan101 beat people up. You are one crazy son of a gun.' 

Eva Marie tweets 'WWEMorgan101, I'm sorry for all I've done to you in the past. I'll never mess with you again. #LessonLearned' 


Morgan walked backstage with a pissed off look on her face as the crowd gave her a loud reception. She headed for The Shield's hideout and started pacing around as she didn't notice Dean sitting on a chair, fixing his vest. 

He stared at her. She looked good when she was pissed. She was still panting out of anger as he saw her chest rise up and down. From her messy straightened hair that he wanted to run his fingers in, to her bloody hands. 

"What?" She snapped and stopped pacing once she noticed him.

"I saw what you did out there." He stood up. 

"Are you repulsed? Disgusted at what you saw out there?"  

"I never said that," 

"I'm not going to bite my tongue like that anymore. I just snapped." 

"I see." 

"I guess you're revolted by me, huh?" 

"You want to know who I see?" 

"A crazy woman who has no sense? Terrible...annoying...violent...excuse for a WWE Diva?" 

"You really should stop putting words in my mouth. You know who I see?" 

"Enlighten me..." She crossed her arms and leaned on a table. 

"I see a woman. She has a crazy bone in her and I think it's one of her most beautiful features. The way you slammed Rosa's head on the announce table...the concrete floor...the steel post and steps...I never saw this side of you before...and it's alluring." He gazed at her in admiration. "How can I be repulsed by what you did out there? That was friggin' captivating. Just like Harley Quinn." 

"I wish you would stop comparing me to her. I'm nothing like her..." 

"You licked Rosa's blood from your fingers...you grinned in delight when you saw her beaten up...you laughed and screamed...that's captivating to me. And I'm sure the Joker is proud of what Harley has done tonight too. She did something that I wanted to happen for a while. The crowd for that matter. Maybe even the locker room. It feels good, doesn't it? Seeing her choke on her own blood? Seeing her helpless? You needed that." 

She let out a sigh. "Wow. I really am crazy..." 

"In a good way. She deserved it."

"I don't think I want to unleash this side, anymore."

"Why not?" 

"What happens if I hurt the people I care about? When I just snap uncontrollably? What happens if I hurt you?" 

Dean walked up to her. "You know you can take out your anger on me when you're mad." 

"I don't like hurting you." 

"I can handle it," he reassured as they looked at each other.

Seth and Roman walked over to them. 

"Morgan..." Roman began. 

"That..." Seth went on. 


"Awesome!" They yelled as she started to grin. 

"Really?" She asked. 

"Yeah! Didn't know you had it in you." Seth grinned and patted her on the back. 

"That's the type of attitude we need for the match. We need that aggression. Got a name for it?" Roman asked. 

"Harley Mode," Dean answered with a smile.

 "Yeah..." she nodded. "Harley Mode." 

"Well, that certainly made Rosa believe." Seth grinned. "That was awesome. You gotta do that at WrestleMania or something. They need to know that you are not a pushover. And you know honestly guys...I almost feel bad for Kane. I mean look at this. It's like murderous row back, here. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter which one of us wins this app vote. Kane's in a bad way. And his little sidekicks the New Age Outlaws want to get involved...they're gonna find out what we call this. The new symbol of excellence," he put up his fist.

"Important thing to remember here...is that we never disrespected Kane. Kane and now Rosa and the New Age Outlaws disrespected us. When they disrespected this." Dean showed his fist. "What this represents. At WrestleMania, in six days, we're gonna teach those kids a lesson about attitude!" 

"Learn that lesson. And spread the word. Tell anyone that'll listen. The Shield is not to be messed with! And if you don't believe that, did you see what Morgan did to Rosa moments ago? Believe that...and believe in The Shield." Seth, Roman, and Dean put their fists out with Morgan.

In the ring, Jerry reveals that Roman Reigns won the app vote to face Kane by a landslide. During the match. Roman was taking control but the Outlaws start walking down the ramp as the crowd boos. 

"I can't say this is a surprise. New Age Outlaws." Cole said. 

All of a sudden, Dean and Seth run down the ramp and attack them from behind as the crowd cheers. Morgan jogs down the ring to meet up with her teammates while Roman hits Kane with a Superman punch. All members of The Shield slide into the ring and surround Kane as the ref tries to tell them to leave the ring. 

"Get out of there Kane! Get out of there!" JBL yelled as Kane looked at all the members in panic. 

"Where is he gonna go? The Shield got him surrounded." Cole looked on. 

"This has gone from bad to worse for corporate Kane." King cringed. 

The ref calls for the bell when Morgan and The Shield start stomping on Kane. 

"Get him up!" Dean yelled as Roman roared. 

The Outlaws get on the apron but get hit off the apron by Seth and Dean. The Shield tries to do the triple powerbomb but the Outlaws drag Kane out of the ring. 

"The attitude era versus the reality era," JBL said as the Shield's theme came on. 

"They are gonna rip each other apart," King said.


On WWE Main Event, Rosa walked out with a scowl. Her face was still a little banged up but makeup and the intense healing treatments she received helped.

"I'm surprised Rosa is out here. I mean, she suffered a massive beating from Morgan on Raw." Byron Saxton said as she got in the ring while the crowd heavily booed her. 

"Yes, I'm still here! I'm still standing! And I will beat Morgan! Shut up! Be quiet! It's me time now and I will not be disrespected!" She yelled as she started venting in Spanish. "I can handle Morgan's little beating she gave me. I'm not that weak diva, anymore. I'm stronger than her and any other diva, past or present. I'm better than all these divas in the locker room and I will prove that at WrestleMania when I beat Morgan to win for my team!" 

Celeste tweets 'She's out of her mind if she thinks she's better than the past divas. #HitYourHead?' 

The Bellas tweet 'Haha, I think Morgan hit Rosa in the head too hard. She's speaking nonsense.' 

"Over the past weeks, I've beaten every diva, from Alicia Fox to Aksana, Eva, The Bellas...everyone and I know I'm better than the past divas like Lita, Trish, and Victoria. The list can go on and on because I can beat them and anyone else who wants to step up to me. And at WrestleMania, I will become the new Divas Champion so I can shut all of you up!" She continued. "Enough about WrestleMania...let's talk about Raw. Well, I hope you're proud of yourself, Morgan. You almost broke my nose! Almost! I was this close! You better be glad I didn't sue you! Suing you would be too easy. I'll make you suffer at WrestleMania. Why? Because you're going to pay for this! You're nothing but a crazy, sorry excuse for a WWE Diva, a girlfriend, and a woman. I exposed you for who you really are on Raw. You're insane! You showed your true colors and my life was in danger. I mean, do you guys really want to see me beat up?" 

'I've had enough I'm taking you down' 

"Uh oh," Tom said as the crowd cheered. 

"Looks like Morgan's had enough of Rosa's mouth," Byron said as she sped walked down the ramp.

She slides into the ring and ducks Rosa's clothesline before jumping on her to attack. The Outlaw's theme comes on and Morgan turns her head to the stage and quickly gets off of Rosa while Billy Gunn walks down the ring. Rosa crawls away from her and smirks while Billy gets in the ring. The Outspoken Diva decides to go for a punch but Billy grabs her wrist and pushes her back, only to be hit with a backstabber by Rosa. 

Rosa and Billy grin at each other while Morgan holds her back in slight pain. Billy picks up her and holds her for Rosa but all of a sudden, Ambrose runs through the crowd and jumps over the barricade. 

"There's Ambrose!" Tom exclaimed as Billy and Rosa looked at him in shock. 

He sets Morgan down and slides out of the ring but gets attacked by Ambrose. 

"Hey!" Rosa shouted as she walked over to the ropes. 

Morgan starts to stand up and when she recovers, she waits for Rosa to turn around. 

"Watch your back, Rosa," Bryon warned as she turned around to be kicked in the face. 

Ambrose slides into the ring and stands back to back with Morgan while Billy and Rosa regroup. Billy gets on the apron in front of Dean and Rosa gets on the apron in front of Morgan. The Outspoken Diva holds one of Dean's hands and he squeezes her hand. 

"No matter what happens...we're in this together...right?" She asked. 

"You better believe that." He replied.

"Good. Let's do this,"

They throw Billy and Rosa over the apron and into the ring as the crowd cheers. Dean starts fighting with Billy and Billy hits him with a hard shot in the eye, making him stumble. Morgan strikes Rosa with a few clotheslines before hitting her with a spinning kick to the face. Dean recovers and hits Billy with the Dirty Deeds while Morgan takes Rosa down with the backfire.

Dean and Morgan glanced at each other and nodded, positioning their opponents for a double suplex.

"And this may be a preview of what double teaming might happen during WrestleMania," Tom looked on as they took them down with a suplex.

Rosa and Billy roll out the ring and regroup at the end of the ramp as the Shield's theme comes on. 

Ambrose grins and puts his arm around Morgan's shoulders while she wraps an arm around his waist as they look at their WrestleMania opponents. 

"You got lucky!" Rosa yelled and got held back by Billy. "Next time you won't be!" 

"And Morgan & Dean are standing united," Byron praised.


"Ah!" Dean winced backstage and turned his head. He was standing up and leaning on a table. 

"Hold still." Morgan pushed his head to face her as she tended to his eye. "This is what happens when you keep getting reckless." 

"They needed that beating-Ah! Will you be gentler!?" 

"Stop being such a baby!" 

"I'm not a baby!"

She chuckled. "You know what? Fine. Let me just get the doctor- " 

"No!" He pulled her to him. 

She grunted as she bumped into his chest. Their faces were centimeters apart as they felt their breath on each other. 

"...Or not..." She said as he released her. 

"You uh, got lipstick on your cheek." 

"I do?" She touched her cheek but not near the smudge of lipstick. 

"Here..." He caressed her face and slowly wiped the lipstick off with his right thumb. 

He moved some hair from her face and gave her his signature smirk. After a moment, they backed away and cleared their throats. 

"Um...good to know." She backed away from his personal space. "Thanks for that. Thanks for helping me out back there." 

"No problem."

 "I guess I owe you...twice."

"You don't owe me, anything." 

"I don't care. That's not your decision. It's mine." She smiled and continued tending his eye. "Well, it's just a small cut. It'll go away before WrestleMania." 

"Who are you, my private nurse?" 

"I would if I knew more medical stuff but since you didn't want to go to the trainers, I decided to be the good, caring person that I am, and help you out." 

"Well, you did a good job."

"Glad to hear." After a moment of silence, she sighed. "Can you do me a favor?" 


"I don't want you to think that I always need rescuing. I don't want you to think you have to save me, every time I'm in trouble. I don't want you to think you have to save me to try and gain my trust back. There's gonna be a time when I'm alone and get beaten down. But it's okay, 'cause I'm going to get back up and fight back. Plus, sometimes I fake it to know their motives and weaknesses. I know what I'm doing, and on Smackdown, they may plan another attack. And The Shield won't be there on Smackdown." 

"I know...I just want to make things right." 

"You are. You are making things right. And you gained my trust back. No matter what they do on Smackdown...we're gonna make them pay for it and all the cheap shots they gave us at WrestleMania. Okay?" 

Dean smirked and nodded. "Okay."

"We're in this together, no matter what. I'll see you at WrestleMania."


On Tuesday for a Smackdown taping, Rosa was in the ring, embracing the boos she received from the crowd.

"So...WrestleMania...this Sunday...I've heard from everyone that, Morgan is going to get me. 'She' and Morgan are going to get me. Morgan is going to make me pay. I've heard it all. But you know what? I'm not worried because I'm going to prove you all wrong!" Rosa declared. "I heard Morgan is in the back and she's alone. The Shield isn't here. They aren't here to save you or back you up. You're alone and whenever you're alone, you get beat up. By me of course, because I know I can beat you and I will do that at WrestleMania,"

Morgan walks down the ring with a scowl on her face and slides into the ring as the crowd cheers. 

"And Morgan's had enough!" Cole said as the two began fighting once again. "These two have been fighting nonstop! Week after week!"

Moments later, The Outlaws run down the ring and push her off to help Rosa. Morgan decides to take advantage and gets down to hit them with a double low blow but she holds both of her arms in pain. 

"What happened?" Cole asked as the Outlaws turned around and revealed their metal jockstraps. "Uh oh." 

"I see..." She mumbled as she rubbed her arms, thinking of Chyna's mistake years ago.

"Not gonna happen Morgan." Road Dogg taunted. 

As soon as she gets up, Rosa gets behind her and hits her with a Gory Bomb as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact. The move looked devastating and surprised the audience.

"What a move from behind," Cole said as the crowd booed. 

"I don't know; I'm starting to think that Rosa may have a chance in the match. She's showing new moves left and right." JBL looked on as the Outlaw's theme came on. 

Rosa and the Outlaws get out of the ring while Morgan holds her face and glares at them. 

"What a cheap shot..." Cole complained. 

"Cheap shot? Morgan was caught off guard." 

The Outspoken Diva nodded and started smirking. "Okay. I'll let you have your fun." 

"Looks like Rosa and the Outlaws are going to WrestleMania with the momentum. Will The Shield and Morgan be able to stop Kane, Rosa, and the Outlaws?" Cole asked. 

"And what about when she comes? A lot of anticipation for this match,"

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games

Forced To Believe Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games

Chapter Summary: Rosa continues to try to get into Morgan's head before Wrestlemania. Melanie worries she won't be able to spend her 1 year anniversary with Jon.

Words: 7,000+


WrestleMania week was underway and WWE went to New Orleans for WrestleMania Axxess. Melanie had her bags with her in the hotel hallway and headed for her hotel room door. 

"Melanie!" She turned around at the sound of the familiar voices and grinned. 

"Guys!" She ran and embraced her family. 

"My baby!" Jane yelled and started kissing her all over her face while she tried to get away. 


Diego chuckled. "Come on Jane, let her breathe." 

"For real for real..." Aunt Aria retorted with her arms crossed. 

That triggered Jane's annoyance as she released Melanie and turned to face Aria. 

"Problem...?" Aria raised an eyebrow.

"I don't appreciate you nagging about my actions. I know what I'm doing." Jane stated. 

"Ha! If you did, you would have gotten to be on the lacrosse team back in high school." 

"Oh boy, here we go again with their sister arguments." Melanie face palmed as she watched her aunt and mom bicker back and forth. While her aunt and mom argued, she greeted her dad and Mimi. 

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Mimi, Melanie's cousin said. "Hey, where's Jon?" 

Jane and Aria stopped arguing and turned their interest to Mimi's question. "I agree, where is the funny guy?" Aria asked. 

"He's rooming with Drake." The Philly Diva mentioned. 

"Younger?" Jane asked.

"Yep. You know how good buddies they are."

"Will you two see each other?" Mimi asked. 

"Eh...Hopefully." Melanie said with some reluctance. "I mean, we will since we have to do some interviews for the network, but we're not going to be around a lot after that. We're not together for Axxess. I'm alone in my own little booth. The Shield are going to be independent this year." 

"You two will still be able to celebrate your anniversary on the 5th, right? It's just in a couple of days." Jane brought up. 

"We will, don't worry. I'm sure we'll work everything out for our schedule." Melanie reassured with a fake smile. 'I hope...' 

"That doesn't look so convincing," Diego spoke up. 

He could read her like a book. It was obvious Melanie was doubting, but Diego had hope that they would be able to spend some time together for their anniversary. 

The Outspoken Diva sighed and looked down at her watch. "I just really want Saturday to be special. Okay, I wish I could stay longer but I gotta go. There's a press conference I need to attend, to build up some more tension for Morgan and Rosa. I'll see you guys soon." She hugged them all goodbye and went to her room. 

As soon as she walked in, she heard a giggle. "Shenanigans! What are you doing here in my room?" A female voice called out. 

"Celeste!" Melanie put her bags down and gave her a big hug. 

"Haha. Thought I surprise you. We're roomies thanks to Jonny boy. He knew how much we both wanted to see each other again. It's good to see you! You look tougher after wrestling all those guys." 

"Ha, I feel tougher."

Leah walked out of the bathroom with a goofy grin on her face. "Melly!"

"And Leah is rooming with us too. Surprise again." Celeste grinned as Leah embraced Melanie.

"I am so happy you guys are here!" The Philly Diva grinned.

"We have a lot of catching up to do," Leah said.

"I know, but right now I can't. I got a press conference to go to."

"Oh, don't worry, we'll wait for ya," Celeste reassured. 

Melanie sighed out of relief. "Thanks. We'll catch up in a bit. Gotta go!" She rushed out of the room and ran to the elevator. 

She waited for the elevator door to open and saw Milena leaning on the elevator wall, on her phone. They have gotten closer ever since they were put in a storyline together. Melanie was asked who she wanted to work with and she chose her. She felt like Milena deserved some more TV time and could be a great heel and she was right. Milena was definitely living up to her Rosa Mendes character. She was such a good heel to work with. Even though Rosa was vindictive, snobby, annoying, flirty, and cruel these past few months in the WWE, Milena was nothing like the character. 

Sometimes it pained Melanie that there are still people in the world who didn't know the difference between a character and a real person. Milena would have to be one of the most down to earth divas that Melanie had ever met. The way she was so passionate about eating healthy amazed her, too. She even got some tips from her and drinks her homemade protein shakes. 

Milena looked up from her phone and gave Melanie a warm smile. "Perfect timing."

"Hey! I was wondering where you were." She embraced her and pressed the first floor button. 

"Excited for more Rosa and Morgan action?" 

"You bet! WrestleMania is going to be awesome."

"I know! I cannot wait for Chyna to come! It's going to be an honor!"

"I agree. It is going to be an honor. I can't wait to see her when she arrives. I drank some more of the protein shakes."

Milena's eyes lit up. "Really!? What do you think of the Strawberry Banana flavor?" 

"Out of this world! It's amazing!"

"Aw, really? You're so sweet. I got an idea."


"So after the Smackdown tapings, I've been brainstorming on the Q&A session later on after the press conference. I think there should be a little bit more hype for the match at WrestleMania. I talked to creative about it, too." 

"Agreed. What do you wanna do?" 

"I brought a neck brace so Rosa can taunt Morgan, again. Creative really likes the idea." 

"Neck brace...oh! Milena, you're a genius!" 


"Yes! I love it! That'll be great. Oh man, this is going to be good. Hey, you think Rosa should give Morgan a cheap shot?" 

"Like a shove?" Milena asked as they walked out of the elevator and headed to where the press conference was. 

"Yeah, and I'm sure they'll be separated. I like it. We're gonna rock it out." 

"Yeah, let's do this!" 


'Press conference' 

Melanie and Milena watched the press conference from the back. They saw Daniel Bryan, Orton, and Cena talk on stage. They also saw Batista's weird and goofy speech where he would mock a fan off the podium and go back on the podium to reply to the fan. It made Melanie laugh very hard. 

Dave Batista walked off the stage and headed to where Melanie and Milena were. 

"That was hilarious." Melanie complimented. 

Dave chuckled and walked away after thanking her. After more talking went on, Rosa finally went up the stage to her theme as the crowd applauded her. She was wearing a short dark blue dress and her black hair was in a ponytail to the left side. 

She started speaking in Spanish before saying "I also want to thank all of you for your continued support and to the WWE Universe for making WrestleMania, the greatest event in sports entertainment. And speaking of that, I would also like to say how happy I am to be a part of this year's WrestleMania because I get to face Morgan. I'm going to finish that little girl. So believe that, and believe in Rosa, the Outlaws, and Kane." 

Morgan began to walk up on the stage with an amused look on her face. She had on her trademark WrestleMania jersey and Skinny jeans that she would wear as traditional attire for WrestleMania week. 

"Excuse me." She bumped her hip against Rosa's, making her stumble to the side while she stood by the podium.

The crowd laughed while Rosa dropped her jaw. "Ugh." She stormed off, leaving Morgan amused. 

"Anywho...What's up WWE Universe? Everyone ready for WrestleMania!?" The Outspoken Diva asked as the crowd applauded and cheered. "Awesome. This year will have to be the biggest one yet and it's all because of you. I promise this WrestleMania will be talked about for years to come."



Morgan and Rosa were sitting down at a table for a Q&A session for the fans. They were in front of a huge crowd. The place was packed. There were two tables. Morgan sat on the left side with The Shield while Rosa sat on the right side with Kane and the Outlaws. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here with the two teams that will be going head to head on the grandest stage of them all. The Shield, and Kane & the New Age Outlaws." Renee Young announced as the crowd cheered. 

"But by the request of the fans, we are here to focus on the two divas who have been talked about nonstop on the social network. They say this rivalry is far from over and may surpass this Sunday's WrestleMania. These two do not like each other at all," Renee went on. "They have beaten each other up, given each other cheap shots, made each other bleed, and caused a lot of pain and suffering. This may be one of the most interesting diva rivalries we've had in a long time. I'm talking about, the Outspoken Diva, Morgan Lopez, and the Stunning Latina, Rosa Mendes." 

The crowd cheered again while the divas gave them a smile out of appreciation. 

"Um, before we start, why is The Shield here?" Rosa asked with disgust while the boys gave her dirty looks.

"Because we can." Ambrose retorted.

"Oh wait, I know. Morgan needs back up because she's afraid." Rosa started to giggle. 

"You really are one annoying chick." Seth sighed.

Rosa gasped. "How dare you!? Do you know who I am!? I am Rosa Mendes!"

"Um!" A voice spoke up.

"I am the stunning diva of this company!"


"My team and I will decimate your team!" 

"Um! Um hello!? First of all, I don't like you." Morgan stated while Rosa grinned in amusement. "Second of all, I never felt more ready to kick someone's butt in a long time. And third of all...I'm going to wipe that stupid grin off your face." She began to stand up but Roman and Seth pulled her back down. 

"Not worth it," Roman reassured while she let out a breath and obeyed.

"Morgan, I reassure you that you will pay for your crimes," Kane declared. "And on page 50 in the­-" 

"Oh gosh...and we got this asshole right here..." She retorted and pointed to Kane as the crowd laughed. "The so called big red machine who decided to be a sell out in a suit­" 

"How about you shut your mouth­-" Rosa began.

"How about you mind your business?" Morgan countered.

"Don't talk to her like that! Your parents raised you better." Road Dogg interrupted. 

"And who are you to tell her what to do?" Seth spoke up as the crowd watched intently. 

"Okay! Okay! Let's be civil here! Just for a few minutes." Renee spoke up and calmed everything down. "This is about the divas, so let's get started with the questions. First things first...How are you feeling about the match?" 

"I'm looking forward to the match. I want...I know I'm going to leave WrestleMania feeling good because I'm going to beat Morgan. Simple. Next question." Rosa looked at her nails. 

"You are one disrespectful, conniving, narcissistic b­-" Morgan began but received hands over her mouth from her teammates as she muffled out the last word she was about to say.

Renee chuckled as the crowd laughed. "What about you Morgan?" 

The Shield removed their hands from her mouth and she began to speak. "I'm feeling good. This is my second WrestleMania. I'm feeling good, physically and mentally. Last year for WrestleMania 29, I was just a kid. A little girl trying to find her way. I was a little cocky and a wannabe. I went out there and got forced in The Shield which I'm glad I did because these guys are my brothers, right here, and they're awesome." 

The crowd started to chant 'Hounds of justice' and Morgan smiled warmly at the crowd. "And uh, I just really want this year to be a statement. I want this WrestleMania to be special. I'm wrestling guys this year and it's a privilege. So, I'm going to do whatever I can to shut miss 'I like getting my ass kicked' Mendes, and yeah." 

"Ha! You wish!" Rosa replied.

"Rosa, can you wait to take on Morgan at WrestleMania?" Renee asked. 

"Yes. I mean, I could have beaten her up earlier but you know, I'll show some mercy for now. I just don't like her. She doesn't deserve to be in the WWE. All these opportunities she's been handed. It's ridiculous." 

"Rosa, what are your thoughts on the Diva's Championship match?"

"I am so happy! I'm so going to win," she said as the crowd gave her mixed reactions to her statement. "Oh no no no, don't hate, don't hate. I know I'm good and I will prove that." 

"First of all, you don't deserve a title shot at the Diva's Championship," Morgan replied with an annoyed tone. 

"Oh~ so that's what this is about! You're jealous!" Rosa laughed. "Oh, this is classic!" 

"When hell freezes over, I'll be jealous of you. I earned a spot in that match and you just got it easy because Kane gave it to you. It's better to earn things than to be given stuff like that. It gets tiring after a while. I busted my ass every single day and night to be noticed. Not because of how I'm with The Shield, but because of the passion and effort I put into my ring work. I have shed blood, sweat, and tears in the ring and I am damn proud of it."

"Oh boo hoo..." Rosa retorted as the crowd cheered loudly at Morgan's statement. 

"What do you think of Morgan's wrestling style?" Renee asked. 

"I'm not impressed...she can't wrestle and she doesn't have enough experience to go through me this time because I've been training harder this year. This is my time to shine. She's still a rookie in my eyes. I think it was a mistake to let Morgan and The Shield be on the main roster." Rosa said with a smug look as the crowd gave her mixed reactions. 

"Wow..." Seth chuckled dryly.

"You really wanna go there?" Dean rasped out.

"You're messing with the wrong people," Roman replied in an intimidating voice. 

"What are your thoughts on what Rosa just said, Morgan?" Renee asked. 

"I respect her as a wrestler. She's improving in the ring. And about The Shield and me not being good enough to be here...First of all, we got here because we're good. We came here to make a statement and that's what we are still doing," Morgan replied.

"What is your goal at WrestleMania in the match, Morgan?" 

"To see her body lying down on the ground and me looking down at her will be priceless. She's going down."

"I want to prove that I'm better than her," Rosa said. "And I will. Just like my family is better than yours." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Morgan raised an eyebrow. 

Rosa gasped and took out a neck brace from her bag as the crowd started to get interested. "What's this?" She revealed the neck brace which caught Morgan's attention. 

"Ninth Wonder of the World isn't so tough," Rosa went on with a laugh. "Do you remember when poor little Chyna got her neck broken? How long was she out of action? You, your mother, and Chyna are pathetic excuses for women. You're weak...it's quite pathetic that you are related to someone who is doing those nasty films and-" 

Morgan slammed the table and stood up and so did Rosa as the crowd started to get excited. The two women walked around the table to face off. 

"Morgan!" Seth exclaimed. 

"Don't like the neck brace?" Rosa rubbed the brace in her face but Morgan snatched it and threw it away. 

The Outspoken Diva began to look irate as she got in Rosa's face. Both teams quickly got up and tried to back them away from each other. 

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Is it because I'm right?" Rosa managed to shove Morgan back as the crowd oohed.

Morgan made a loud sigh of frustration and was about to hit her but The Shield held her back and some bodyguards came to retrain her. Rosa grinned and blew her a kiss while Morgan was taken off the stage. 

"Well, I think that went well. I think she liked the little neck brace." Rosa high fived her teammates. 

"You know what?!" Morgan yelled at the end of the stage and grabbed a mic. "Kudos to Rosa for getting a little cheap shot, but you know what? Who cares if you got a title shot? Who cares if you brag about yourself being good? You see, I don't need a title to prove I'm good." She said as the crowd cheered. 

"That's right." Seth cheered her on. 

"Just give me a ring, an opponent, and a little of your time...then I'll show you that Morgan is somebody that is gonna do some action. Oh, and I'm not talking about ruining things. I'm not talkin' about beating up your most hated diva or superstar...I'm talkin' about scorched earth! The Shield and I are gonna make a mark here so deep that you will never forget our legacy once we're done here. And I vow to leave a mark on this company that you have never seen before. Believe that! And believe in Morgan and The Shield!" She threw the mic away and got taken away. 

"Wow, those are some strong words," Renee commented as the crowd cheered. "What do you have to say, Rosa?" 

"She's getting serious. But I will not be intimidated." Rosa replied.


Rosa walked backstage after the Q&A session. 

"Rosa, can we have a word?" Tom asked. 

"Go ahead." She smiled. 

"We have just seen what happened between you and Morgan. Why did you do what you did? What is the explanation for your actions?" 

"She's jealous of me. She's afraid of what I'm going to do to her. She's just a little girl, trying to act like a woman in this company. It's time for someone to put her in her place, and I'm going to do that. I pushed Morgan because she deserved it. She walks around here with a huge ego and thinks she can win every time." 

"Why do you like doing mind games with Morgan?" 

"It's a game between me and her. I love pushing her buttons. She is a toy to be played with. She's going to choke at WrestleMania. I'm going to end her and end her wrestling career. Maybe after that, she can be with Chyna and teach English to kids in Japan. Do you know what I'm going to do to her? I'm not going to just viciously finish Morgan...I'm going to break her. Right to Censor broke Chyna's neck. I'm going to do the same with Morgan." She smirked. "Believe that...and believe in Rosa." 


"Morgan, may we have a word?" Tom asked as Morgan and The Shield stopped walking. 

"What's up?" She asked in a calm tone.

 "What are your thoughts on the match at WrestleMania?" 

"You know people expect a lot from me. They say 'She's related to the ninth wonder of the world, she's gonna get muscular and wear the things that Chyna wore.' But no, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to be Morgan Lopez and that's just what I'm doing."

"Some say that the emotion built up inside of you is going to make you choke at WrestleMania. And some say that Rosa is going to upset at WrestleMania. What are your thoughts there?" 

"I know I'm not going to be liked by every single person in the WWE Universe. Plus, Rosa has been on a roll lately with the cheap shots so I guess that's why people think she's going to win. But...I love it when people doubt me and bet against me. I feed off of it because I can prove them wrong. I will prove them wrong. I may have gotten beaten down but I back up everything I say, unlike Rosa. She's disrespected me, my family, my boys, and the WWE Divas. She's gonna get it. Plain and simple. But instead of saying what I'm going to do to her, I'll show you at WrestleMania. Stay tuned," she replied and walked away with her teammates. 


Melanie was at New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center for Axxess which was about to start in an hour. The place was done getting set up and she saw the fans waiting with anticipation to meet their favorite Divas and Superstars. It was an awesome feeling. She wondered if her fan base had grown this past year. She saw her table where she would be meeting and greeting the fans. She would be alone and up close and personal with her fanboys, fangirls, crazy fans, obsessive fans, long term fans from the indy days, and all the others. She couldn't wait to meet them.

"Hey, Mel." Colby greeted.

"Hey dude. You sound a little sick, you okay?"

"Yeah. I don't think I'll be able to make the Hall of Fame ceremony." he frowned. 

"Darn. But rest is important. I hope you feel better." 

"Thanks, grapes. Where's Jon?" 

"Come to think of it, I'm not sure. Lemme call him." She took out her phone and dialed up his number. 

"Hello?" Jon answered with a sleepy tone. 

"Jon, where are you?" she asked and put him on speaker. 

"At the hotel, why?"


"What?" Colby exclaimed. 

"You're two hours late!" 

"What!?" Jon looked at the time. "Shit!" He quickly got up and scrambled to get ready while falling off the bed. "Shit! Shit! Dammit! Fucking alarm didn't go off! Stupid phone! Stupid alarm! Stupid ass schedule! Fuck!" 

She started laughing with Colby. 

"It's not funny, you guys!" Jon yelled. "Everybody is gonna think I've been out all night! Dammit! This looks so bad." 

"It's okay, man," Colby reassured. 

"Jon, relax! It's okay! People make a mistake when setting their alarm. Don't worry, I'll cover for you. Don't beat yourself up." Melanie added. 

"I owe you," Jon said and they hung up. 

"You'll think he'll make it in time?" Colby asked.

"Most likely," she replied.


WrestleMania Axxess started and the fans started walking in with anticipation. Melanie could see the excitement in their faces and it made her smile. She still had on her traditional WrestleMania jersey and jeans with her hair in a messy bun. As soon as her name was announced, she walked to her table and was amazed at the long line and how many fans wanted to see her. As soon as the fans saw her, they cheered loudly. She waved at them with a huge grin on her face. 

"What is up Morganteers!?" She yelled as the fans cheered loudly in response and chanted her name. "This is so awesome." 

The meet and greets were funny, emotional, and entertaining. Melanie encountered some interesting fans. She saw a woman in her early 20s looking exactly like her character, Morgan. 

"Wow. You nailed it!" Melanie exclaimed. 

The woman smiled. "Thanks. You are so friggin' cool. You're such a badass." 

"Thanks, girl!" 

"I've been a fan of yours since the Indies. I loved it when you and Moxley used to feud. And I really hope you kick Rosa's ass at WrestleMania. She needs a beating. To talk about your family...So not cool." 

"I know right? I'm gonna give her an ass whooping of a lifetime." 

After taking photos with her, a mother in her late 30s and her teenage daughter who looked like she was in her early teens walked up to Melanie. 

"Hi!" Melanie greeted with a friendly smile and shook the teen's hand. The girl looked starstruck and started to cry. "Aw, don't cry." 

"I'm sorry, she is such a huge fan of yours. She's been begging to meet you for years. This is her first WrestleMania." The mother smiled. 

"Really? Wow, that is so special." 

"I can't believe I'm actually meeting you." The girl wiped her tears. 

Melanie decided to stand up and give her a big hug before going back to her seat. "It's so nice to meet you too."  

"I want to be a WWE Diva just like you. I love your ringwork, your fighting spirit, everything. You're like the Lita and Chyna of the PG era of the WWE."

The Philly Diva was touched by her words. "Thank you." 

She took a photo with her and signed her poster with a personal message, just for her to keep her motivated to be a WWE Diva. 

"If it isn't too much trouble, do you mind signing her birthday card?" The mother gave her the girl's birthday card while the girl walked away, looking at the poster in awe. "She's turning 15 next month." 

"Of course." Melanie smiled and signed it. She put another personal message on it and gave it back to the mother. 

"Thank you so much. You do not know how much this is going to mean to her. She idolizes you. She loves how you are so much different from the other divas." 

"I'm touched that she thinks of me as a role model for her," Melanie replied with a big smile.


Jon made it to Axxess just in time. He was alone at the table, meeting the fans. He loved the crazy girls. It was better having them than none at all as he would say. Some kissed him on the cheek and took goofy photos with him. Most of the fans kept telling him that they'd hope Dean and Morgan get back together. He wasn't surprised that most of the fans liked Dean and Morgan together. 


Three fangirls walk up to Melanie's table with 'I love Dean & Morgan' shirts. 

"Hiya. I guess you lovely ladies are fangirls of Dean and I being a couple." Melanie greeted. 

"You bet!" The third fangirl exclaimed. "We love you two, together!" 

"Do you still like Dean?" The first fangirl asked. 

"Well..." Melanie started to blush and the girls squealed. 

"Omg! I think she does!" The second fangirl said while Melanie chuckled and started to sign their stuff. 

"How do you like Dean's hair? Wet and messy or pulled back and wet?" The third fangirl asked. 

"Oh my goodness...Um..." She bit her lip as the girls looked on intently. "...Both." 

The girls squealed again. "Omg!" 

"We so gotta tell Dean when we meet him." The second fangirl said as the girls agreed. Melanie smiled with amusement and took a photo with them. 

A woman in her early 30s walked up to Melanie's table. "Hey, it's so nice to meet the Outspoken Diva." 

"Hi, nice to meet you, too. Damn, that's amazing." Melanie said as she looked at the fan art. It was a skillful and realistic drawing of Morgan with the Diva's Championship. 

"I hope you're Diva's Champion again, one day. Rosa doesn't deserve a title shot."

"Totally agree. I'll be in the title picture, again. Don't worry." She signed the art and took a photo with her. 

Later on, Four fanboys in their early 20s walked over to the table. 

"Guys, we're finally meeting one of the most beautiful divas on the roster." The first fanboy grinned. 

She chuckled. "Thank you. What's up, dudes?"

"The sky." The second fanboy answered.

"Haha. Good one."

"Has anybody told you that you are so badass in the ring?" The fourth fanboy asked. 

"Heh heh, yes, I've been told. Thanks. I'm glad you're entertained by me." 

"Hey, could I get a kiss?" The third fanboy asked. 

"Dude! Don't ask her that!" The fourth fanboy scolded while Melanie looked at them with amusement. 

"What? It's worth a shot."

"I'll give you all kisses on the cheek." She stood up and gave them kisses on the cheek before sitting back down.

"Wow. I've been kissed by Morgan Lopez." The first fanboy said in a dreamy tone. 

"Don't pass out on me." She winked and signed their stuff.

"Can I give you a kiss on the lips?" The second fanboy asked.

"Dude!" The other fanboys exclaimed.

She politely shook her head no. "You're too cute but don't push it, man," 

"Darn. Worth a shot," he sighed.

"Hey, if you aren't getting back together with Dean, I'm always available." The first fanboy gave her a flirty look as she started to laugh. 

Another set of fangirls made their way to her. There were two of them and they looked to be in their late teens. 

"Morgan! We love you!" The first girl grinned.

"Thanks! I liked to be loved." Melanie giggled. 

"Do you mind if we ask you a question?"

"Shoot," she replied as she signed their stuff. 

"Do you think Dean is sexy?" The second girl asked. 

"Wow, I'm in the hot seat today." she chuckled and began blushing again.

The girls gasped. "She's blushing!"

"So, do you admit he's sexy?" the first girl asked.

"He is so not gonna let me live this down..." the Philly Diva said with a sigh. "All right, I'll admit it...Yes. I think Dean Ambrose is sexy. He's friggin' sexy as hell." 

'To Jon' 

The same three fangirls who saw Melanie headed over to Dean Ambrose's table. 

"Hi, Dean! We saw Morgan and she told us she loves your hair pulled back & wet, and messy & wet."

"Did she now?" Jon smirked. "I may need to confront her about that."

"I hope you two get back together."

Jon nodded out of appreciation and smiled. "I hope so too." 

Later, the other set of fangirls that Melanie met walked over to Jon. "Dean! Morgan just told us you look sexy."

"She said you're sexy as hell." The second girl added.

Jon began to smirk. "Oh, really?"

"And she blushed when she said it. I think she still likes you. I hope you two get back together, soon." 

"Me too." 

Later on, another fan walked to his table and greeted him. After she took a photo and he signed her stuff, she asked, "Hey Dean, do you think Morgan is hot?" 

"Hell yeah! Smokin' hot! Hot as hell." 


A couple who looked like they were in their 40s headed to the table. 

"It is so nice to meet you, Morgan. We love you in the ring." The woman praised. 

"Hi. Thank you so much for being a fan." Melanie smiled. 

"And happy early anniversary to you and Jon." The man added.

"Thank you so much. One ­year strong, tomorrow." 

"We hope they'll be more. We love you on Total Divas." 

Another woman in her 20s went up to the table. 

"Hi, Morgan! Oh my gosh, I cannot believe I'm meeting you! Wow, you're much more beautiful in person." 

"Aw, thank you so much. It's so nice to meet you too." Melanie shook her hand and signed her stuff. 

"I'm so proud of you and Jon. You two will be dating for a year tomorrow. I'm so happy for you two." 

"Thanks. I hope for more years to come."

"I know there's a lot of women who envy you for dating him since he's so hot but I don't envy you. I'm happy that he has someone who truly loves him and not just for his looks. You too are meant to be and I hope Morgan realizes that at WrestleMania." 

"That really means a lot." she grinned and took a photo with her. 

The same fangirl who saw Jon went up to the table. "Hi, Morgan! Oh my gosh, you're so awesome." 

"Thank you. I see you're representing The Shield. I love the shirt." 

"Thanks. I saw Dean, earlier. He told me you look smoking hot. And he said you look hot as hell." she told her which made Melanie laugh and start blushing harder. "Omg, your face is so red!" 

"I guess he found out what I said earlier. Oh my gosh...this is ridiculous. I'm blushing up a storm today because of him." she buried her face in embarrassment while the girl laughed. 

Later, Melanie was getting interviewed by a local radio station and was sitting at a table next to Jon's table who was getting interviewed by Radio Row DJ Slab. Jon was telling him the story about how he overslept. 

"...but then Morgan called and woke me up. If it wasn't for her, I think I would have missed Axxess. She's really awesome." DJ Slab and Jon turned their attention to Melanie who was talking to the Radio host. 

"So how does it feel to be here?" The radio interviewer asked her. 

"It's so unreal! My fan base has really grown since the last WrestleMania. I'm so happy." she grinned. "I checked out some of the fans who were doing my entrance, and I gotta say, they all nailed it. It's so cool,"

"I think some people are looking at you." 

She turned to see Jon and DJ Slab looking at her. "What? What did I do?" She started to blush while Jon and DJ Slab laughed. "Oh my gosh. Dean always does this. He randomly looks at me and laughs." 


'Behind The Scenes' 

Dean, Roman, Morgan, and Seth sat next to each other for an interview for the WWE Network. 

"Our debut in the WWE, I mean...hands down, it was awesome," Roman said. 

"It was like, we're here. Even If we got hit by a bus that night out of the arena, you could never take that away." Ambrose said as his teammates chuckled. "We made it to the WWE for at least one night." 

"We were there for one job and I think we got it done, pretty well if I say so myself," Seth spoke as the members agreed. 

"There's only one problem...turtlenecks." Roman grinned as Seth laughed.

"I am so glad I didn't have to wear those things," Morgan sighed, shaking her head.

 "I think if we had committed to that, we could have really popularized turtle necks," Dean wondered. 

"We looked good," Seth exclaimed. "Yeah, we look good. We made those turtlenecks work...for two days." 

"Now I wasn't there when they debuted but we all debuted that same day. I was with Kaitlyn and boy did I hate these three so much..." Morgan chuckled with her teammates. "I did everything I could to not believe but after being forced to be a part of The Shield, it would have to be the best thing that has happened to me in my wrestling career." 

"Yeah. WrestleMania 29. All because of Ambrose." 

"I know! He's so persistent. I thought beating you guys up and hitting you with weapons and pushing you off a table, would have worked out, but I guess it didn't." 

"Do you regret it?" 

"Half and half. It showed girl power and that I would never back down from anybody. But then again, we're teammates now and it kind of makes me feel a little bad for decimating you guys."

"Whoa, whoa, decimate? That's a strong word. You didn't decimate us." Roman chuckled. 

"Aye, I gave you a low blow and a kick in heels. I gave Dean like 15 chair shots, and I pushed Seth off a ladder with the help of Ryback. Decimate seems like an all right word." Morgan reminded. 

"All right, if you say so," Seth said. "I think our entrance helped create our identity a little bit. To the first time we came out into the crowd, you could just see the sea of humanity around you, and you could feel the electricity that you've never felt in your life." 

"I feel like it's the crowd's entrance, too. It's like a chance for the people to get up close and be with us." Roman said. "And I think we carry that into the ring with us." 

"The first time I did The Shield's entrance was sick! To walk in the crowd like that, being so close to the fans, it's awesome." Morgan grinned. 

"No matter how tired you are, you're in the middle of thousands of people," Dean added. 

"Now, what is The Shield? That's really hard to answer. You know, you could say it's Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Morgan Lopez. And you can say it's an organization designed to protect from injustice but it's so much more than that." Seth said. 

"You know, I think it's about teamwork," Morgan mentioned. "We always have each other's backs, we are there for each other, we're a family, and we give it our all every single time we step in the arena." 

"I feel like it's to be better than everybody else. And that's what we live by. This is an organization to push the level, you know, to raise the bar." Roman stated. 

"Call it whatever you want, it's for justice, it's for this or for that. But it's the people involved," Dean said. "This is ours for the taking and some stuff needs to be changed and if guys need to get shoved over or kicked out of the spots, we're 100 percent in this together. Screw everybody, and we're taking over this business cause somebody's got to. And uh, together we're so much stronger." 

"That is justice, I think that's WWE Universe justice right there." 


'Behind The Scenes Part Two' 

"Seth always is like a master chess player. We may not be looking past point B, cause he's already on point C, D, E, F, G," Dean said. 

"He really is the architect of The Shield," Roman added. 

"You really can't blink when Seth's in the ring," he mentioned. "And sometimes his toe comes over his head and hits you in the face."

"This dude is a ninja. Plain and simple. He's awesome. He's so fearless in the ring and he's very skilled when it comes to high flying." Morgan praised. 

"Yeah. Seth Rollins is pretty much a ninja." Dean stated. 

"I'm cool with that." Seth laughed. "I think Dean Ambrose brings an element of unpredictability to The Shield. He's got that element of chaos at all times. How are you gonna game plan for a dude who's willing to claw your eyes out, you just...you just can't game plan that." 

"He's nuts but in a good way. He's like the Joker because he seriously reminds me of him." Morgan chuckled. 

"You know he's a cornerstone of The Shield. If there's no Dean Ambrose, there's no Shield." Roman said. 

"Morgan..." Seth grinned and nudged her.

"Oh boy." She laughed.

"The Outspoken Diva," Dean called out. 

"Chyna's mini me," Roman added with a smile. 

"You guys are embarrassing me." She replied. 

"She's edgy," Seth praised. 

"But she'll have to be one of the most courageous and passionate divas on this roster," Roman declared.

"She never backs down from anybody, no matter what size," Ambrose spoke. 

"She can bleed and still go through a match. She's that determined. She likes proving herself." Rollins went on. "She's also making intergender matches more popular like it was back in the day." 

"She brings a lot of entertainment into the group. You never know what she'll do to entertain you. It makes The Shield more fun to watch." 

"If WWE needs someone to get hit with a finisher or hit on the table, she is the first one to volunteer." He raised his hand. "She says 'I'll do it! Lemme do it.'" 

The four of them chuckle at the thought.

"Morgan also has two sides to her." Roman brought up.

"Two? What do you mean two?" Morgan asked.

"Don't act like you don't know. There's Morgan and then there's Harley Quinn. Morgan and Harley Mode," Dean grinned. 

"I'm not that crazy." She declared. 

"Oh really? You turn into another Dean Ambrose when Harley comes out." Seth reminded. 

"Okay, that's kind of true." 

"Roman Reigns," Seth announced. "Brains, aside from the jawline and dashing leading man good looks and all that, uh he brings a lot of power. He's our clean up hitter." 

"But I think for all of us, there isn't a lose a guy, add a guy, lose a female, add a female, this is The Shield. That's how this situation works." Roman said. 

"We're really good and we're a team," Dean said.

"We're united and it's gonna stay that way," Morgan nodded in approval. 

"We were never like, we wanna be those guys. We wanna do what they did. We're like, we're gonna break new ground, we're gonna do our thing. But if I have to compare ourselves to anybody it may be the four horsemen. I hope that's a fair comparison." Seth said with confidence. 

"We're picking up where they left off," Dean added as he showed four fingers and then his fist. "This is the symbol of excellence. And now this is the symbol of excellence." 

"This group is gonna bust our ass, every single day. We're gonna work hard and we're gonna get better." Roman nodded. 

"There's a lot left to do and we're doing it every single night. We're just going upwards." 


On Saturday, Melanie woke up with a huge grin on her face. Today was her 1 year anniversary with Jon and she couldn't have been happier. 

"Morning! Time to get up!" Leah grinned and got on Melanie's bed to start jumping on it. 

"Cut it out!" Melanie laughed but got pushed off the bed. "Ow!" 

"Haha. Too bad. Happy anniversary! Wow, one year. I hope you and Jon have more years to come." She giggled and helped her up. 


"Morning, grape monster." Celeste walked into the room with a bowl of grapes. 

"Aw, thanks!" Melanie happily snatched the bowl of grapes from her hands and ate them with delight. "I can't believe it's been a week since I ate some grapes." 

"Wow." Celeste chuckled. 

"So, you and Jon have plans?" Leah asked. 

"I really don't know yet," Melanie replied but moments later her phone rang. 

"Speaking of the devil." Celeste grinned as she answered the phone.

"Hey, good morning." Melanie greeted him happily on the phone. 

"Morning to you, too. Happy Anniversary." Jon greeted. 

"Happy Anniversary!" She beamed but heard him sigh. "Are you okay?" 

"You are going to kill me..." 

"Why would you think that?" 

"Lanie...I got some bad news." 

She frowned and started walking away to talk privately with him. "What's wrong?" 

"You think everything is okay?" Leah asked as they watched her pace around, listening to what he had to say. 

"I hope so," Celeste replied. 

"I don't like to see her frown, like that. She was just glowing a second ago." 

Melanie got off the phone and walked back over to them, making a loud aggravated sound effect. "For Pete's sake!" She shouted. 

"Whoa! Are you okay?" Celeste asked.

"No. I want my boyfriend." 

"Aren't you two going to spend your Anniversary together?" Leah asked. 

"Unlikely. We're hardly going to see each other, today. Whenever I'm free, he has to do an interview or meet and greet. And whenever he's free, I am scheduled to do something. It's ridiculous. Brie was right. Being in a relationship in the WWE is hard..." She groaned. "I gotta go. I got a family outing to go to." 

"We're still hanging out later on, right?" Leah asked and got a nod in response from the Outspoken Diva.

"Are you going to be okay?" Celeste asked with a sad smile. 

"Well, I thought I'd have it easy since I'm working with my boyfriend but I guess not. Ugh, I'm cursed...This is the worst day ever..." The Philly Diva said with disappointment. "But, I shouldn't be selfish. I'll have to grin and bear it. Jon and I wanted to be in the WWE and we got our wish. We're living the dream and that's all that matters, right now. Things will be okay." 

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority

Forced To Believe Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority

Chapter Summary: The Shield go after The Authority. Evolution makes a shocking return, taking out The Shield. Morgan celebrates her birthday but Wade Barrett becomes a thorn in her side once again, wanting a match in exchange for a date.

Words: 8.000+


Rosa is with Alicia Fox backstage as the crowd boos. 

"I mean, come on, I'm so much better than Morgan. She's a piece of crap and she got lucky at WrestleMania. She's gonna get her butt kicked. Stupid Morgan. Her and her stupid family & friends can all burn in-" Rosa stopped talking when she noticed Alicia quickly backing away. 

"Hey! Where are you going!? I wasn't done! No one leaves me like that! No one-oh." Rosa turned around to see Morgan standing in front of her with her arms crossed. "Oh...it's you. Just because your stupid family was at WrestleMania supporting you and you got the win over my team and I doesn't mean anything. It was a fluke...you had to get help." She chuckled and turned back around but shut her mouth when Morgan's father was in front of her, looking stern. 

Rosa cleared her throat. "Mister Lopez...Um, I think I'm going to go." She turned around but bumped into Jane as the crowd cheered. "Mrs Lopez, with all due respect­-" She shrieked in shock and pain as Jane gave her a hard slap in the face. 

"Whoa!" JBL exclaimed.

"Jane just slapped Rosa!" King shouted as she held her cheek.

"What's up, Rosa? Yikes, that's a big mark. You may wanna ice that." Morgan chuckled. 

"This isn't over..." Rosa backed off and walked away.

The Philly Diva hugged her parents. "You two good?"

"That felt wonderful. We feel great." Jane smiled and kissed her on the cheek.


In the ring, Daniel Bryan was getting beaten up by Batista, Kane, and Orton while Triple H, Rosa, and Stephanie were walking down the ramp. 

"Daniel Bryan isn't even moving," King said as Triple H got in the ring and grinned at the crowd, earning boos. 

As soon as Triple H tries to pick up Daniel, the crowd explodes as soon as The Shield's theme comes on. 








"Wait a minute," Cole said as Stephanie's eyes widened and Triple H slowly looked at the crowd. 

The Shield walk through the crowd, wearing their masks. The Outspoken Diva walks in front of her teammates with a guitar in her hands and is the first to jump over the barricade. 

"Are things about to go from bad to worse?" King asked as Rollins, Reigns, and Ambrose jumped over the barricade. 

"That guitar in Morgan's hands looks dangerous," JBL said.

Morgan gives The Authority her trademark glare as Stephanie backs away from The Shield and goes to the end of the ramp. The Shield stand together at ringside while Orton, Batista, Rosa, and Kane get on the apron, across from them. The crowd begins to chant 'Hounds of Justice' while Triple H tries to calm everyone down. The Shield take off their masks and get on the apron. 

"No, this is not gonna happen. No. This is not gonna happen. We are not doing this. This is not gonna happen." Triple H ordered. 

'This is awesome' the crowd chants as The Shield gets in the ring. 

Triple H walked up to The Shield. "Stand down, you understand me? Stand down." He turned around to Orton and the others as they got in the ring. "Hey. No. This is not gonna happen. This is not happening." 

"I don't trust them." Kane stepped up and pointed to The Hounds of Justice while Triple H pushed him back. 

"This is not happening. I am telling you." Triple H said. "We are not breaking this down into a war, okay?" 

Roman, Dean, and Seth turn to Morgan with a smirk. Morgan looked at her teammates and winked. She looked at the guitar in her hands and then back at the COO.

"Get ready to rock! Home run!" She loudly announced as she swung the guitar across Triple H's face once he turned around, breaking it in the process as the crowd exploded.

"She just hit the COO with the guitar!" King yelled in a high pitched voice. 

Triple H spins around from the guitar's impact, and Roman takes the opportunity to spear him down as the crowd gets louder. 

"And a spear on Triple H!" Cole shouted.

"Screw The Authority!" Morgan shouted before getting jumped on by Rosa while the others went at it. 

"And here we go! The Shield unloading!" 

Kane and Roman hit each other with hard shots while Ambrose and Batista go at it. Ambrose throws Batista out of the ring, and Seth throws Orton out of the ring. 

"Oh my gosh!" King yelled. 

Morgan manages to fight back against Rosa and throws her out of the ring as well, while Seth & Dean hit Orton and Batista with a suicide dive. Kane grabs Roman's neck, attempting for the choke slam until Morgan gets on her knees and gives him a low blow. 

"Low blow by Morgan!" Cole shouted.

Roman hits Kane with a Superman punch while Seth and Dean get back in the ring as The Shield surrounds Triple H. 

"Triple H was a three count away from being WWE World champion!" JBL exclaimed. 

"The Hounds of Justice stalking the boss." Cole said as the crowd chanted 'Yes!' 

"You better not do this to the boss, guys," 

"It's too late," King replied.

Triple H gets on his knees and warns the Shield. He gets up and turns around to get a running knee to the head by Daniel Bryan while Kane & Orton drag him out of the ring. 

"Look at the cowards you are!" Seth yelled before Daniel Bryan's theme surrounded the arena. 

Daniel gets on the top rope and chants 'Yes!' with the crowd while The Shield and Morgan put their fists out. 

Triple H was irate and started yelling. "You just started a war you cannot win!" 

"Bring it!" Seth yelled as Rosa, Kane, and Orton tried to help Triple H stay on his feet. 

"The celebration continues." Cole looked on.

"The celebration is gonna end next week. I assure you," JBL warned.

During the Raw Post Show, The Authority are on the stage, still annoyed at what just happened while Daniel Bryan and Morgan are tagging fans hands around ringside. Renee Young is in the ring with Roman, Seth, and Dean while Morgan gets back in the ring as the crowd cheers. 

"All four members of The Shield, guys I gotta get right to the point with you, why did you come down to the ring, tonight?" Renee asked. 

"You should be asking a different question. And you should be asking that question to a different person." Ambrose replied. "You should be asking it to Triple H! You see you walk like Triple H with the walk you just did." He danced while Morgan chuckled. "And you should say Triple H, do you believe in The Shield?" 

"You know what? After that hit with the guitar our Shield Girl gave him, and that spear my man gave him, I think he believed in The Shield!" Seth replied as the crowd cheered. 

Seth puts an arm around Morgan and gives her a kiss on the temple before letting her go. 

Morgan smiled at him and turned to Renee who asked, "Morgan, you hit the COO with your guitar. What are your thoughts? How are you feeling about your actions, and do you regret it?" 

"No way do I regret it. I've been wanting to do that since the night after SummerSlam. He deserved that. I got some closure." She grinned as the crowd cheered her on. "That beating was long overdue, and Triple H, there's plenty of more ass kickings where that came from."

Seth nodded while Dean put an arm around Morgan and kissed her cheek. She put an arm around his waist while Roman took the mic. 

"What you think? You think he believed?" Seth asked him. 

"I know, he believes in The Shield!" Roman yelled.


"Welcome to Main Event, live on the WWE Network," Tom said on commentary. 

"We're starting off huge." Byron Saxton added on commentary. 

The Shield walk down the steps and through the crowd with their masks. Morgan's hair was in a curly ponytail to the side, resting on her right shoulder as she held Dean's hand. They jump over the barricade and get in the ring. Morgan takes off her mask, gets on the top rope and does her taunt before putting her fist in front of her. She jumps off the top rope and steps up to Dean, taking off his mask to give him a smooch as he wraps his strong arms around her waist.

He gives her a smirk before she slides out of the ring. Morgan's adrenaline was pumping. There was a lot of history between The Shield and The Wyatts, and now they're having another match. She couldn't wait as she watched The Wyatts walk down the ramp. As soon as the light comes on, she automatically locks eyes with Bray Wyatt. She still had a grudge against the Wyatts for making her bleed with the aid of Rosa Mendes. 

Bray starts yelling before getting in the ring with the Wyatts. 

"Let's go, Dean!" Morgan cheered as he stood in the ring with Erick who had a mask on his face.

Dean starts talking trash and hits him, making his mask fly over his head as the crowd 'Oohs' 

"Ha!" Morgan laughed but then Erick threw Dean into a corner. 

He runs after him but Dean moves out of the way and starts giving him shots to the face. The Shield starts to take control of the match until later Erick throws Rollins out of the ring. Morgan goes to help him who was near The Wyatt Family's side. Suddenly, The Wyatts turn to her and begin walking towards her. Morgan, unaware of the Wyatts coming her way, continues to help Seth up. 

"Morgan, watch your surroundings!" Byron warned. 

She looks straight ahead and freezes, staring down The Wyatts. Ambrose and Reigns go into protection mode and jump off the apron to quickly stand in front of her with Rollins. 

"Maybe The Wyatts aren't done with Morgan," Tom wondered. 

Morgan let out a breath. Thank goodness for her boys having her back. The last thing she needed is to be abducted and be put into that supernatural crap with Sister Abigail again. She was done with that. 

Ambrose and Reigns give The Wyatts a dirty look while Bray continues to give them a sadistic grin. 

"Who will claim round three tonight, between The Shield and The Wyatts." Byron wondered. 

"I like that! Ha ha ha!" Bray did his crazy laugh as they went to a commercial break. 

Later, The Wyatts continue to take control by beating down Ambrose. 

"Come on!" Roman yelled. 

"Come on, Dean!" Seth and Morgan yell. 

"Ambrose is taking a pounding," Tom said. 

"Come on, Dean. Come on." Seth continued yelling while Bray shouted orders to Erick before Morgan started to get annoyed. 

"Would you shut your mouth!?" she yelled at Bray, who laughed at her 

She starts banging on the mat while Erick puts Dean in a bear hug. Ambrose manages to escape it and puts him in a sleeper hold as the crowd gets excited. But then Erick slams him down and pins him for a two count. 

"Let's go, Dean! Get crazy!" she shouted.

"Come on, man! Come on,! Come on!" Seth yelled. 

Luke, who gets tagged in, hits Dean as he lands on the middle ropes. 

"Get crazy, Dean!" Morgan yelled. "Show that erratic side! 

Dean yells out and starts seething, as she starts to grin. 

"There you go!" She praised him as soon as he leaned back in between the ropes and hit Harper with a clothesline. 

Bray quickly gets tagged in and begins attacking Ambrose. He throws him into the corner and runs at him but catches a boot from him. 

"I don't think Dean Ambrose knows where he is but perhaps reacting on instinct," 

Later in the match, Rollins and Erick get tagged in and Rollins throws Erick out of the ring and hits Luke with a dropkick. He hits Luke with a suicide dive and dives over Erick on the other side before yelling. He throws Erick back into the ring and tries to go for two body splashes on the corner but gets thrown over the apron. Bray tries to go after Rollins but gets kicked in the face. While the ref was distracted with Rollins pinning Erick, only to have the pin be broken up by Harper, Morgan goes to help Roman near the commentating table who was down but bumps into Bray. He gives her a sick grin and starts chuckling. 

"Uh oh, Morgan get away from him," Byron warned. 

Morgan mocks his chuckle before hitting him with a kick to the midsection. That sets him off as he starts running after her around the ring. She slides in the ring and as soon as Bray gets in the ring, he gets hit with a Superman punch by Roman. Bray rolls out of the ring while Morgan slides out the ring. Erick throws Reigns out of the ring but gets hit with a kick by Rollins. Luke gets back in the ring but gets kicked by Rollins as well and lands on the bottom rope to be hit with a dropkick by Roman. Luke rolls out the ring and Morgan gets on the steel steps to hit Luke with a crossbody, making him stay down. She gets up and high fives Roman. 

In the ring, Dean gets tagged in and hits Erick with a dropkick while Seth jumps off the ropes to strike Erick with a knee to the head. Dean gives him the Dirty Deeds and gets the win for his team as the crowd cheers. Morgan slides into the ring and gives Seth a big hug while Roman hugs Dean while he's on his knees. 

"The Shield take round three in the war between The Wyatts and The Shield." Byron said as Dean fell down face first. 

Morgan helps Dean up and hugs him while he gets on his knees again. She runs her fingers through his hair and gives him a passionate kiss as he wraps his arms around her waist. The team regroups while Renee Young gets in the ring. 

"Guys, incredible victory tonight against The Wyatt Family." Renee praised. 

"That's what I'm talking about, right there! Defeating The Wyatt Family man, that feels good cause it was a long time coming. But it is proof that no one can stop a Shield United! Yeah!" Seth shouted. 

Dean held his stomach and didn't look so good. "I got­-I got some " He coughed. 

"You all right?" Roman, Morgan, & Seth asked simultaneously as they looked concerned. 

"You guys do the promo, I gotta-­" He coughed again while Morgan and Roman put a hand on his back. "Go ahead." 

"Guys, I need to take you back to Monday Night Raw. The entire WWE Universe has been talking about this, you turned on Triple H, and came to the aid of Daniel Bryan." Renee said. 

"Hey." Dean coughed again. "The Shield does what The Shield wants. My rib really, really hurts. Those Wyatts are one of our toughest tests to face but any test we take, we face it head on and The Authority found that out cause The Authority tried to test us and they found out what happens when you test The Shield!" 

Ambrose leans on the ropes while Morgan comforts him, putting a soothing hand on his back. 

"Look, The Authority called us faceless, they called us nameless and expendable," Seth said. "Renee we are not anonymous, you understand that? Tell them big man." 

"Renee, do I look like I'm faceless, baby?" Roman flirted, making Renee grin and shake her head.

Morgan and Seth chuckle at Roman's successful attempt to flirt. 

Roman looked at the crowd. "Cajundome, do I have a name?" The crowd cheered in response. "What's my name?" 

'Roman Reigns!' The crowd chanted while his teammates grinned. 

"Triple H..." Roman looked at the camera. "My name's Roman Reigns. And I'm the guy that speared you on Monday Night. And I'm standing right here." He put his hands out. 

"I mean is there any sense of worry about retribution? Roman, you speared the COO of the company. And Morgan, you used your guitar on the COO." Renee mentioned. 

"We'll be prepared. We got this." Morgan reassured. 

"Hey, look, we know exactly what we did on Monday night and we understand that there will be consequences. Let me tell you something, we are prepared for war." Seth said with seriousness. "From the moment we step foot in the WWE, our cause has been to fight injustice and there is no greater injustice in the WWE than The Authority. Triple H fired the first shot, he put out a hit on us, we are gonna own this war. And you can believe in The Shield!" 


On Smackdown, In the ring, Daniel Bryan and The Usos were getting beaten up by Orton, Batista, and Kane. Kane is about to hit Daniel with a chokeslam onto the announcer's table but Rollins attacks him and makes him release him as the crowd cheers. 

"Hey look at this! Seth Rollins! Ambrose! Reigns and Morgan! The Shield attacking Kane!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan and The Shield started stomping Kane down. 

After they were done, they turned to the ring, staring down Batista and Orton. They get inside the ring but Orton and Batista leave the ring. While The Shield had their full attention on them, they were unaware of Kane sliding back into the ring with a chair. But then, Daniel makes the save by hitting Kane with a running knee and starts chanting yes. 

"And now the celebration for Daniel Bryan and The Shield," Cole said. 

Daniel nods to The Shield, while Roman roars. Morgan gets on the top rope as Rollins and Dean pick Kane up while Roman sets him up for the triple Powerbomb. She jumps off the top rope and hits Kane with a diving clothesline while The Shield throws him down. 

"This is your future!" Rollins shouted at Orton and Batista who were up the ramp. 

Morgan high fives her teammates while Daniel gets on the top rope and chants yes. 

"There is gonna be hell to pay," JBL said as The Shield's theme came on while The Shield put their fists out. 

Morgan tweets 'How do you like them apples? #TheAuthoritySucks #RespectMyAuthority #RespectTheShieldsAuthority #Rebels' 


During Raw, Morgan tweets about The Ultimate Warrior's Death. 'I will never forget how awesome and energetic The Ultimate Warrior was. #ThankYouWarrior' 

The Shield are in the ring, preparing for a match set up by The Authority. Morgan had a bad feeling about the match but she knew there would be consequences. 

Alberto Del Rio's theme comes on as he walks out. 

"Alberto?" King asked as Justin made his announcement. 

Morgan gets on the apron while Jack Swagger walks out. Then Fandango walks out. 

"What in the world?" King looked on.

"It just got hotter," JBL said. 

Morgan starts to look wary of the situation as 3MB walks out, followed by Titus. 

"Wait a minute..." King trailed off. 

"The heck is going on?" JBL asked in confusion. 

"There's seven," Cole informed. 

Ryback and Axel walk out, making the Philly Diva roll her eyes. 

"Typical..." she mumbled. 

"They can't seriously do this to The Shield, can they?" King asked as Rusev walked out. "Oh boy." 

"I love this choice." JBL chuckled. 

The Outspoken Diva begins to look irate as soon as Wade walks out, looking cocky. 

"You mother-­ooh! I'm gonna kill him." She started pacing around on the apron.

She did NOT want to see Wade again. This ruined her night even more.

"Morgan does not look happy," Cole said as Wade walked down the ramp. 

"The Authority intends on destroying The Shield." King looked on, worried for them.

"Good night Shield," JBL replied. 

The 11 men start to get in the ring until Morgan, Seth, Dean, and Roman kick them off the apron and drag Heath into the ring. Morgan hits him with a spinning kick to the face but the ref pulls her back. The Shield regroup as they stare down the 11 men. Heath grins at The Shield and holds his jaw while the crowd chants for the Hounds of Justice.

"The Shield isn't gonna be able to keep that army off them," King said as Heath started to look cocky with Seth in the ring. 

Seth isolates Heath by making The Shield make quick tags. 

"Would you stop staring at me before I poke your eyes out!?" Morgan snapped at Wade, who kept staring at her throughout the match with a smirk.

Seth kicks Heath down and goes for the pin until Wade breaks it up. Dean gets in the ring and starts unloading on him until the ref pushes him back. The 11 men start to take control by wearing Seth down. Titus gives Seth a backbreaker before throwing him to the side like he was nothing. He then does his bark at Morgan and Roman. 

"That's it!" She tried to get in the ring but Dean and Roman held her back. "Asshole! Friggin asshole!" 

Rusev begins manhandling Seth as Morgan starts to look concerned. It was hard to watch Seth get beat up like this. 

"I can't handle this." She started pacing around. 

Ryback slams Seth down and brushes his hands, looking at Morgan. 

"What are you gonna do about it? Huh!?" Ryback shouted.

The Outspoken Diva gives Ryback the Bras d'honneur gesture, by putting her right arm up in an L shape while closing her palm pointing upwards as her left hand grips her biceps. 

"Up yours, asshole!" She yelled. 

"I'll beat your ass any day!" Ryback yelled back. 

"I dare you! Say it to my face!" She yelled back while getting held back by Roman. 

"Morgan is livid tonight," Cole said. 

"That mouth of hers will get her places, that's for sure. Calling out Ryback of all people? She must be irate." JBL looked on as Seth got thrown out of the ring.

"Stupid!" Ryback yelled at The Shield and got out of the ring. 

Roman had enough and runs to spear him as the crowd gets hyped up. But then all the guys jump Roman. Ambrose strikes everyone with a suicide dive. Everyone starts ganging up on Roman and Dean and after Seth recovers, he dives on top of everyone. All four members of The Shield regroup in the ring and once everyone gets in the ring, they begin to go after Roman, Dean, and Seth. Morgan grabs Drew off of Ambrose and hits him with the Morganizer, making him roll out of the ring. 

"Morgan, taking out Drew," Cole said. 

But then as soon as she turns around, she gets hit hard with Wade's Bad News Bull Hammer, knocking her down instantly.

"Bad News Barrett with the Bull Hammer!" Cole shouted.

"Ugh...I'm going to kill him." She mumbled as her head started to ache. 

Wade kneels down and runs a hand through her hair. "Sorry love. The Authority's orders. I still love you, though." He said and kissed her forehead.

The numbers game starts to go against The Shield as they start getting beaten down. Thanks to Barrett, Morgan was left alone, still knocked out at the end of the ring, near the ramp. The majority of the 11 guys hold down Ambrose for Barrett as he kicks him in the face. 

"You think you're bad, huh? You think you're bad!?" Drew taunted Ambrose. 

"All four Shield members are down," JBL looked on. 

Everyone starts to hear the first beats of the song for one of the greatest factions in WWE History, as the crowd cheers. 


"Oh no," King said as Triple H, Batista, and Orton slowly walked on the stage. Rosa was with them as well, in heels and a short dress. "This may go from bad to worse." 

"Evolution is back together. And it looks like Rosa still wants some revenge on The Shield." JBL said. 

Triple H takes off his jacket and tie as he walks down the ring with his teammates. He gestures to the 11 men to leave the ring, leaving all members of The Shield helpless. Morgan struggles to get on her hands and knees, looking groggy while Evolution gets in the ring. 

"This is bad news for The Shield," JBL added.

"I'm afraid you're right," King said as he watched Rollins get beaten down.

Roman tries to save Rollins by fighting back until Orton hits him with an RKO. Morgan struggles to get on her feet while looking at Evolution. She was about to go after them but Rosa kicks her in the stomach with her heels, making her yell out in pain. She goes down on her knees and grits her teeth. 

"Ow..." the Philly Diva grunted and slowly looked up at Rosa with an irate look, clenching her stomach.

Triple H walks over to the helpless Shield girl and kicks her down. Batista and Orton hold her down by her arms so she can get on her knees to face Triple H. 

Rosa gives her a few slaps in the face. 

"How does it feel!? How does it feel to be weak and helpless you piece of crap!" Rosa slapped her in the face a few times and stepped back to watch Triple H grab Morgan's jaw.

"You want to hit me with a guitar!? You want to disrespect me and my wife!? You want to disrespect the Authority?!" He yelled in her face before setting her up for the pedigree. 

Ambrose makes the save as the crowd cheers but he quickly gets stomped down by Orton and Batista. 

"Ambrose trying to save Morgan but the numbers game is against him," JBL looked on. 

"Oh, no pedigree!" Cole exclaimed as Triple H hit the pedigree on Morgan, making a devastating sound on the mat. 

Orton starts banging on the mat, stalking Morgan, waiting for her to get up. 

"Wait! Wait!" Rosa called out, making Orton halt. "I got an idea." 

She whispers in his ear, making him reveal a sadistic smile. Suddenly, Rosa puts Morgan up for the Gory bomb. 

"Come on, you've done enough," King said, not liking where this was going. 

"Nighty night Morgan!" She yelled as she slammed her down while Orton did the RKO on her at the same time. 

"Morgan is out cold." Cole frowned. 

Batista nails Roman with a Batista bomb while Seth continues to get beat up by Orton and Triple H. 

"Enough is enough, don't you think?" King questioned. 

"This is difficult to watch. Don't cross the boss." JBL said as Rosa continued stomping on Morgan who was lying face first on the mat. 

Seth gets hit with an RKO. Batista tries to go for the Batista bomb but Ambrose makes the save for Rollins before he gets beaten down. Batista gives Seth and then Dean a Batista bomb while Orton hits an RKO at the same time on Dean. 

"What does this prove?" King exclaimed as Batista turned to Morgan who finally got back up on her hands and knees, again. 

"She's persistent," Batista said to his teammates. 

"Stay down! Stay down!" Rosa screamed and stomped on her again until Morgan grabbed her foot and tripped her down as the crowd cheered. 

"Look at Morgan!" Cole shouted as she started unloading on Rosa but then Triple H threw her off of her. 

Orton connects with another RKO on the Philly Diva, making the crowd boo loudly.

"Drop her down with the powerbomb." Triple H ordered as he watched Batista lay the Outspoken Diva out with a Batista bomb.

"Come on, you've done enough. Morgan may be broken in half." King said with concern while Rosa was helped up by Orton.

Roman starts crawling over to Triple H as he smirks. Triple H kneels down. "Let him crawl. Come on,"

"Come on, tough guy." Batista taunted. 

"You got more fight in you, come on! Come on!" Triple H yelled. "Show me! Show me! Come on!" 

Orton and Batista hold Roman while Triple H gets in his face with the microphone in his hand. 

"Believe...in Evolution." He nailed Roman with the pedigree. 

Triple H raises Batista and Orton's hands with Rosa as Evolution's theme comes back on. 

"We have seen the reuniting of Evolution. And we have seen what they are capable of. It's now their yard. Get used to it Shield." JBL said. 

During Raw Backstage Pass, The Shield were all in pain, beaten down, and defeated by the hands of Rosa and Evolution. Evolution and Rosa mock The Shield's pose by putting their fists out. They get out of the ring while the refs go check on The Shield. Five minutes later recovering, the group rolls out of the ring and slowly gets on their feet, walking up the ramp. They were groggy as their walking was slow and shaky. 

"I'm gonna get those bitches...I swear to God; I am going to unleash Harley Quinn on their punk asses. They needed 11 superstars to beat us down. They're a bunch of cowards." Morgan grumbled angrily to her teammates as she slowly walked with a ref helping her.

She tells the ref that she can walk on her own as they reluctantly release her. Morgan, Seth, and Roman stop to wait on Dean. 

"We're gonna get those motherfuckers..." Roman said to his teammates. 

Morgan nodded in approval as the crowd cheered for The Shield. 

Morgan tweets 3 times. 'I'm not thinking about being champion. Why? Who wouldn't want to fight the boss? That's a privilege and friggin' sweet! #DethroneTheKingOfCrap' 

'So the King of Crap wants to get his goons and jump us? Someone should #StealTheBoss and I call dibs.' 

'Never ever trust a snake. Or a man with the name of Bad News. #Facts'

Triple H tweets 'Soldiers are the currency with which empires are bought and sold. #BelieveInEvolution' 

Morgan replies 'TripleH oh hell no! We can handle getting beat up but just wait till we get our hands on your punk asses' 

Triple H replies 'WWEMorgan101 all you do is run your mouth on the internet. Aren't you humbled? That beating was an early birthday gift.' 

Morgan replies back 'Thanks for making me sore for tomorrow. But I'm not humbled by you. #IWillNotBowDownToTheKingOfCrap.' 

Morgan also tweets 'TripleH Remember, I'm the chick who whacked you with a guitar. And don't forget I'm related to someone who was very close to you. #IKnowYouVeryWell' 


In the morning, Melanie woke up to the sound of a female voice singing. She started to chuckle at the voice as she woke up in her hotel room to see Milena singing Happy Birthday while dancing to a Spanish birthday song.

"Come on! It's time to wake up! No extra Zs for you!" Milena started jumping on the bed, making her fall off the bed. They both started laughing for a few moments before Milena helped her up and hugged her. "Happy birthday! You're 27!" 

"Haha, thanks." Melanie stretched. "Going to the gym?"

"Yes, are you coming?"

"You bet! Just give me a few minutes."

"Okay. I'll be in the shower." Milena smiled and went to the bathroom. 

Melanie checked her phone and read a text from Allen (AJ Styles) saying: 

Allen: Well well...27. Happy birthday Kiddo. I miss you. Hope everything's going well with you. Your wrestling has improved a lot these past months as I watch you in the WWE. How about we have a wrestling match just like old times? I'm in the area.

Melanie smiled and replied: 

Melanie: Thanks, buddy! I miss you too and thanks for always supporting and watching me wrestle. A wrestling match huh? When and where? I'll beat you anytime, any place!

After catching up with Allen, She decided to check her Twitter. She saw a lot of fans giving her tweets, wishing her a happy birthday. And a few old friends that tweeted her caught her eye. 

Madison Rayne tweets 'Happy birthday to my former enemy WWEMorgan101! Hope to see you soon! Love you!' 

Velvet Sky tweets 'Happy birthday to a woman worthy of being a beautiful person, WWEMorgan101. The spot is always open!' 

Angelina Love tweets 'Happy birthday to WWEMorgan101! Haha, stop being such a stranger! We miss you!' 

Chyna tweets 'Happy birthday WWEMorgan101. I'm always watching over you. I love you.' 

Melanie smiled and gave them all a short and sweet reply. She did miss her TNA friends. She'll have to visit them once she gets some time off. Knowing Dixie Carter, she'll probably try to convince her to get in the ring or something. But WWE was the place to be. As she started to think about WWE, she began to ponder about the day she decided to choose Milena to feud with onscreen. 

Milena was really excited and surprised that Melanie wanted to work with her, but Melanie knew that she could be a great heel. As much as she loved her Total Diva friends, she felt like Milena deserved more TV time, and not be a punching bag for the Total Divas. Melanie felt like she didn't deserve that. Milena had been on a diet, eating healthier and working out. She's gained so much muscle and has been improving in the ring.

Ever since Milena and Melanie have been working together more on and offscreen, they've gotten closer and started to become close friends. Rosa, being a veteran in the company, gave her a lot of advice and tips, that will benefit Melanie for the future. Celeste with some of the help from April, was Melanie's guide when she first debuted in the WWE. But now that Celeste left, and April got time off, Melanie is on her own and feels a little lonely after having her best friends leave. But Milena began to fill the loneliness in her heart and understood how it felt to be away from a best friend. 

Melanie started to yawn and decided to lie back down, to go back to sleep. After 20 minutes, Milena walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed in her gym attire. 

"Melly, are you ready? Melanie!" 

"I'm up! I'm up!" She fell out of bed again and started to get ready. 

After ten minutes, Melanie was in her gym outfit, and the two divas made their way to the gym before their Smackdown tapings.

"Ready for tonight?" Milena asked as she took a break from her workout. 

"You bet! It's going to be fun! I'm glad Rosa can get some revenge on Morgan." 

"Haha, me too." 

Melanie started doing push ups and Milena decided to try to distract her by dancing around her. The Philly Diva started giggling and a few seconds later, burst out in laughter while dropping down. 

"Yes! I did it!" Milena jumped up and down. "I distracted you!" 

"Not cool!" 

"Too bad! Do you mind taking an Instagram video of me flipping tires?" 

"Sure thing." Melanie received her phone. 

Milena began flipping the tires until she reached the end. After she was done, she started doing a happy dance, making Melanie laugh again in the background. Soon after, Melanie took a break and went through her Twitter again. 

Colby tweets 'WWEMorgan101 Happy birthday sis!'

Melanie replies 'WWERollins Aw, thanks! Now I want a hug from you.' 

Joe replies to both Colby and Melanie by saying 'Oh no hugs. We got something else in mind. #BirthdayPunches' 

Melanie replies 'WWERomanReigns WWERollins Oh dear...' 

Milena laughed at the tweets. "Don't worry, I'll be your bodyguard." 

"Haha. 54 birthday punches. That's not going to be pleasant." Melanie groaned.

She took a photo of her and Milena flexing their arms and tweeted, 'Hm...I think LaRosaMendes is trying to one up me in the gym. Not on my watch! #ProudMuscleManiac #MuscleMania #ThisIsOurYear' 

It was already well known in the WWE Universe that Melanie and Milena were extremely close and it amazed people to see them do so well onscreen. It truly looked like they hated each other onscreen but the fact that they had that much chemistry together for their storyline made watching them even more fun. 

The divas headed to get some tea and pastries from a local cafe as Melanie waited for her order. Checking her Twitter, she read a tweet from Ronda Rousey: 'Happy birthday to my favorite diva, WWEMorgan101. She's such a badass in the ring.' 

Melanie replies: 'Got a birthday shoutout from my favorite UFC Female fighter RondaRousey! That's awesome! Thanks! Now if only we could get you a vest. We need to team up one day. #BadAssChicks #FutureShieldMember #TeamRousey' 

She felt a strong arm around her shoulder and she started to smile. "Are you stalking me?" She grinned and turned her head. 

"Had to see my birthday girl. Happy birthday, sweetheart." Jon grinned and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. 

"Thanks." She received her tea and pastries while he got his coffee.

Melanie decided to take a selfie with him and tweeted 'Ran into this hottie at the cafe. This #Coffeehead and I are ready for some revenge on Evolution. Believe in The Shield.' 

"I'll see you at the arena. The guys and I are headed to the gym." He kissed and embraced her. 

After saying their goodbyes, Melanie went to the table where Milena was sitting, on her phone. 

"So adorable." Milena smiled. 


"You and the hottie. Just read your post and saw you two. Haha. It must be cool being friends with someone for so long and from the Indies. And then you two ended up as a couple. It's really nice. How do you deal with his Ambrose and Moxley characters?" 

"Haha. It wasn't really hard. I fell in love with his character. He's so awesome to watch. And when I came into the picture during the Indies and feuded with him, it just made me like his character even more. He always cracks me up. Especially when his Moxley character went out of control." 


It was during an IWA show, and Jon was walking around with a beer can in his hands. 

"Play Sweet Caroline again!" Jon shouted. "One more time! Yeah!" He yelled as soon as the song came on. 

"What is he doing?" Melanie exclaimed to Leah. 

They were watching him while leaning on a wall. Jon was in a tournament, about to have a match. 

"I am just as confused as you are. I have no idea what's going on." Jon said to the camera, that was filming him. 

"Where it began!" He started walking over to the crowd. "Let me tell you something, I'm the king of the world!" 

"Oh my goodness." Melanie face palmed. 

Suddenly, Jon turned to Melanie and started walking over to her. 

"Oh no...no..don't come over here..." She tried to evade him but he swiftly caught her in his arms. 

"Hey, come back here. Come back here, I'm not done with you, yet." He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him, making them bump chests. 

Leah started giggling while Jon began slow dancing with Melanie. He spun her around and dipped her, earning a few whistles from the crowd. They looked into each other's eyes as Jon started to lean down closer to her face. 

"U­-um..." Melanie started to blush as she began to feel his breath on her lips. 

Leah started to laugh as soon as he dropped her down on the floor. 

"I'm the king of the world!" Jon went back to the crowd. 

"Seriously, asshole? That was so not cool, man." Melanie got up. 

"Your face is red!" Leah teased.

"Shut it..." 

"I am gonna win this tournament. I have more belts than I have fucking pairs of pants." Jon exclaimed as he started kicking chairs and singing along to Sweet Caroline. 

He ran to the bleachers and did a couple of pelvic thrusts which made Melanie blush again. 

"Would­-would someone please get him in the ring!?" Melanie shouted.

"Whoa, you're feisty tonight. Something up?" Leah nudged her, amused.


While Smackdown was going on, Melanie hung out backstage, already in her Shield attire, without the hoodie. She took Jon's US title and started posing with it, while the Bellas took a video. 

"I am the new US champion! Woo!" she cheered.

Jon effortlessly put her over his shoulders and grabbed the belt off her hands. "Nope. Don't think so." 

"Hey!" She tried to get out of his strong grip while the Bellas giggled at the scene and stopped filming. "You just took my spotlight!" 

"Jeez...get a room!" Stu teased with an amused grin. 

Jon set her down while Melanie gave Stu the finger, earning a laugh from him. 

Nikki gasped. "Melanie! That is so unlike you!" 

"Trust me, she's wilder than that," Jon smirked. "You should have seen her back in the Indies" 

Melanie cleared her throat and punched him on the arm. 

"Well! Where's the grapes at?" She began dragging the Bella Twins to catering but stopped once Colby and Joe stood in front of her with devious smirks, pounding their fists.

Colby grinned. "This is going to be fun!"

Melanie widened her eyes and dashed away with Colby and Joe running after her.

"Run Melanie, run!" Brie shouted. 


Cameron, Emma, Eva, Naomi, Natalya, Layla, Nikki, Brie, and Paige were all in the ring. 

"Today is a very special day for an Outspoken diva." Nikki grinned as the crowd cheered. 

"She never ceases to amaze us in the ring and with her heart and we just want her to come out here to show our appreciation. So Morgan, come on out here, birthday girl!" Brie cheered. 

"And here comes the birthday girl," Cole said as Morgan walked out with a smile and tagged some hands before getting in the ring. 

She pulled all the girls in for a group hug and thanked them for being so sweet to her.

"We wanted to sing happy birthday to you," Naomi said, making her smile.

Soon after, the divas began singing Happy Birthday with the crowd. Morgan grinned and looked touched at the kind gesture until Bad News Barrett's theme came on. The crowd booed as Wade walked out in a suit, and had a grin on his face. 

"What is he doing here?" Cole asked. 

Wade gets in the ring and checks out Morgan's Shield outfit, liking how she looks.

"Well, well, Morgan you look gorgeous tonight." He tried to sweet talk.

"Cut the crap..." Morgan retorted, earning cheers. 

"All right then. Well, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. This little party is over." 

"Excuse me? It just started!" Cameron snapped but got held back by Naomi and Nikki. 

"Reason is because I want a match with you, love. And if you win, I'll leave you alone." Wade said while the crowd cheered. 

"You're out of your mind. That's a funny joke." She chuckled. 

"I'm serious." 

"Really? Then bring it on." 

Wade grinned. "But..." 

"There's always a but..." JBL said. 

"If I win...you'll have to go on a date with me." 

Morgan dropped her confident look and started to look annoyed while the divas began to protest. 

"No way." She replied. 

"Oh...you will do it." Stephanie walked out on the stage as the crowd booed. "Doesn't the crowd want the birthday girl to have a match tonight? Do you want to see one of your favorite divas in action? Why don't you give the crowd what they want and face Bad News Barrett in a match later on tonight? Because if you don't...you're fired. Do you want to risk that?"

Morgan crossed her arms and looked defeated while the divas looked on with concern. 

"Morgan and Bad News Barrett later on tonight. Who do you think is going to win?" Cole asked. 

"I've got a bad feeling about this match," JBL replied.


Backstage, Morgan was sitting down on a chair while her teammates started pacing around. 

"So walk me through this one last time...you're forced into a match with Bad News Barrett, if he wins you have to go on a date with him, and The Authority has banned us from ringside to watch your match?" Seth asked. 

"...Yes..." Morgan grumbled with her arms crossed while Dean started seething. "Guys, don't worry-" 

"Don't worry? Do you know how long we've been Barrett free? And now he has decided to come back?! I should put him to sleep! I should rip that stinking beard off his face and shove it in his mouth! I should rip his hair out and scratch out his eyes!" Ambrose exclaimed, pounding his fist.

"Dean..." Seth tried to calm him down. 

"This is a load of crap! Morgan is mine! I just got her back into my arms, there is no way I am letting him take her away from me. He's not going to take what's mine" Ambrose growled and stormed off, making her sigh.

"I'll go after him." Roman left.

Seth sat next to her and put an arm around her. "Don't beat yourself up, grapes. It's not your fault." 

"Yes, it is...I shouldn't have come here in the first place. The Authority has a plan. I know it. Something doesn't smell right." She said with concern. 

Something bad was about to happen. She could feel it. 

"I know..." Seth stood up and so did she, pulling her in for a comforting hug. "Just try your best out there, give it your all."

"Thanks, dude." She kissed him on the cheek and left.


Morgan stood in the ring with Bad News Barrett, looking a little worried. 

"That's not a confident look on the face of Morgan. I wonder what's going through her head." Cole pondered. 

"She's forced in this match. She knows The Authority is up to something." JBL said. 

The bell rings but Rosa's voice surrounds the arena as she walks out with a microphone in hand, singing Happy Birthday. Morgan narrows her eyes at her as she walks down with a birthday cake.

"What is Rosa doing out here?" Cole exclaimed. 

"That's real cute..." Morgan retorted with her full attention on her.

"Morgan look out!" Cole shouted but as soon as she turned around, she got hit with the Wasteland and is quickly pinned as the crowd boos. 

"Here is your winner Bad News Barrett!" Lilian announced. 

"Oh no," JBL said as Rosa laughed. 

The Outspoken Diva sits up and tries to understand what happened. 

"That had to be a mistake. This match isn't over, is it!?" JBL added.

"I'm afraid so. I bet this was a setup by The Authority and Rosa." Cole said as Wade celebrated with a cocky grin on his face. 

He turns to Morgan and helps her up before putting an arm around her. 

She roughly pushes him away. "Get off of me! This is ridiculous..." She crossed her arms and left the ring. 

"This is not the best birthday gift for Morgan," Cole said as Wade left the ring. 

He blows her a kiss, walking past her, before Rosa hits Morgan with a cheap shot and knocks her down. 

"And Rosa with the assault!" Cole frowned.

She throws Morgan back in the ring and takes the cake in the ring with her. 

"Rosa's revenge," JBL announced. 

"Happy birthday Morgan!" She shouted and threw the cake in her face as the crowd boos her again. 

"Come on! She's already suffering enough! This is uncalled for." Cole said with disapproval as she started to struggle in Rosa's hold. 

Rosa starts to run the cake all over her face and hair until the refs show up to stop her. She taunts the crowd before getting out the ring. The refs help Morgan out as she wipes the icing off her face and starts to look embarrassed. 

Rosa tweets 'Haha! WWEMorgan101 looks so embarrassed. I love watching you fail.' 


During Smackdown Backstage Pass, Renee Young was with Morgan whose hair was damp and her face had some remaining icing as she wiped her face with a towel. 

"I am here with the birthday girl, Morgan Lopez. We saw the unpleasant events out there. First, you lost to Bad News Barrett and now have to go on a date with him, and then you have Rosa putting cake on you. How are you feeling?" 

"Pissed. Beyond pissed! I'll admit, Rosa outsmarted me. I was distracted but it'll never happen again. Never." Morgan replied with a scowl.

Once done speaking with Morgan, Renee went to Rosa to ask, "Why did you do what you did to Morgan?"

Rosa laughed. "Isn't it great to outsmart your enemy? And it's a cherry on top to see them so embarrassed. Especially with cake all over them. That was priceless. It was my birthday gift to her. So happy birthday, Morgan!" 

Later backstage, Morgan's face and hair were washed up and clean. Her hair was down and still wet and she had on a new outfit. As she walked backstage in annoyance, she ran into Wade Barrett.

"What the hell do you want, now?" she snapped.

"I wanted to see you and wish you happy birthday before the night is over. A date with the Outspoken Diva. What a treat it is,"

Unable to keep her composure, Morgan punched him in the face, taking him by surprise.

"You asshole. Get the hell out of my face! You won over a bullcrap way. I'm gonna make sure this date is the most miserable experience you ever faced in your life so you can think twice about messing me with,"

Wade chuckled and rubbed his jaw. "This is what I love about you. That fire,"

Suddenly, The Shield came to her aid and got in front of her, blocking Barrett's view as they glared at him. The three hounds of justice were in protection mode while Wade was amused the most with Ambrose looking irate.

"Ah, just the man I was hoping to see. Ambrose," Wade greeted. "What's the matter? Angry that you didn't get the job done, last year? Taking me out? Morgan and I are going to have a lovely time on that date. And it will be the last time she ever thinks about you. She'll be in good hands-"

Before he could continue, Ambrose, who was seething, went to attack him as the two began brawling and the refs had to break them up.

Wade laughed as Ambrose got taken away with the rest of The Shield by the refs. "She's better off without you, Ambrose. I'm sure The Authority will get a kick out of this," 

When The Shield went to their hideout, Ambrose kicked a chair, which caused Morgan to grab him to calm him down.

"Hey, relax. He's getting in your head. He's not going to do a damn thing to me." She reassured him, caressing his face. 

Moments later Ambrose cooled down and sat on a chair while Rollins gave her a sad smile.

"We're sorry we couldn't come out there," Seth said, crossing his arms.

"It's fine. Everything will be fine," she replied.

'...I hope...' She thought with worry. 

Morgan tweets 'Why me...?' 

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand

Forced To Believe Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand

Chapter Summary: The Shield take out Barrett once and for all. Someone from Jon and Melanie's past begins to make an appearance, The Shield go at it with Evolution at Extreme Rules.

Words: 7,000+


The Shield were in the ring waiting for their opponents. 

"The Shield, preparing for their 11 on 3 handicap match," Cole said as Ambrose handed over his title to Morgan, who put it on her shoulder and headed to ringside. 

"The question is, how many of those guys are gonna be out here?" JBL asked as the Smackdown theme came on. Bad News Barrett, Ryback, Del Rio, Damien Sandow, and Titus walk down the ring. "I think The Shield likes these odds I think." 

Rollins and Ryback start off the match. 

"Come on Ryback!" Wade shouted. 

"You think Wade knows what really happened on his date with Morgan?" Cole asked. 

"I think so because he keeps giving Morgan angry looks," JBL said as Morgan responded to Wade's looks with a smile & wave. 

The Shield begin to take control of the match by tagging each other back and forth. Seth tries to go for a crossbody but gets caught by Ryback who slams him down. Titus gets tagged in and goes for a power slam. Seth manages to evade an elbow drop and starts fighting back and The Shield continues to take control. Titus manages to push Dean into his corner and tags Wade. 

"And here comes Bad News Barrett," Cole said as Morgan started to scowl at the sight of Wade beating up Ambrose. "And let the death glares from Morgan begin." 

"I hope she never looks at me like that," JBL said. 

Wade tries to go for a suplex but Dean stops it and tags in Rollins to give him a double suplex. Ryback and Sandow get in the ring to try to beat the two members down but get taken out of the ring, making The Shield stand tall in the ring. 

"Right now, The Shield holding their own. Holding their ring. The hounds of justice in control." Cole said while Morgan nodded in approval. 

Wade regroups with his teammates. Being a great leader, he manages to calm them down and restore everything to order. After that, he decides to get back in the ring to go at it with Dean. 

"Let's go, Dean!" Morgan banged on the mat while Ambrose was in a headlock by Barrett. 

He fights out of it but gets hit by a big boot as Wade's team begins to take control. 

"Can you believe Morgan wants an extreme rules match against Rosa Mendes? This is insane! I hope they reconsider. That match is too dangerous for those lovely ladies." JBL said. 

"I don't think a regular singles match will be enough for those two women. This rivalry has gotten personal over the months and I don't think Extreme Rules is going to be the end of this rivalry." Cole said as Ambrose was thrown out of the ring. 

Ryback decides to punch Dean before getting back on the apron. 

"Really!? Really!?" Morgan shouted. "You think you're so tough, huh?!" 

"Shut your mouth!" Ryback shouted back. 

She drops Dean's title and is about to run after Ryback but gets grabbed by Seth. 

"Hey! Hey! Calm down. We got this." Seth wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up in the air while she kicked her legs around, trying to break free. 

Ryback showed a smug look on his face and patted his head. "Stupid! Stupid!" 

"Calm down...calm down...it's not worth it," Rollins said and put his hands on her shoulders. "Okay?" 

"All right..." She responded. 

Meanwhile, Ambrose continues to get beaten up. 

"Come on man!" Seth shouted. 

Dean gets powerslamed by Ryback and he goes for the pin. Seth breaks up the pin and starts punching his opponents off the apron. Ryback throws him out of the ring and Seth collides with Morgan, making her grunt and fall down as the crowd 'Ohs'.

"Oh man! Seth Rollins colliding into Morgan." Cole said as Seth landed on top of her before rolling over. 

"Did you see their heads collide? Good grief." JBL looked on. 

"You guys okay!?" Dean shouted, looking concerned with Roman. 

Morgan gives them a thumbs up while rubbing her head. Ambrose starts to growl. Ryback was going to pay for that. He did that on purpose. Ambrose tags in Roman while Morgan and Seth recover from their impact. 

"Ow..." She continued to rub her head.

Rollins got on his hands and knees. "Sorry about that grapes. You okay?" 

The Outspoken diva stood up. "You got a big head." She joked and helped him up. "Cryback is going to pay for that." 

He chuckled at her humor. "You better believe that." 

Meanwhile in the ring, Roman begins to clean house and take down everyone by giving them Superman punches and Samoan drops. Titus and Ryback break up Roman's pin on Sandow but then Seth and Dean get into it and chaos ensues. 

"Everybody has a game plan until they get punched in the mouth," JBL said as Roman hit Sandow with a dropkick off the bottom rope. 

While the ref was distracted, Roman gets prepared for the superman punch until Wade and Del Rio get on the apron. Morgan jogs over to them and grabs the ankles of both Wade and Del Rio, pulling them down. 

"Look at Morgan!" Cole exclaimed. 

She smiles and begins to slowly walk around the ring, looking at her nails. Wade and Del Rio look annoyed and decide to leave the ring and walk up the ramp. Rollins dives on top of Ryback at ringside and then Ambrose and Seth give Titus and Sandow a suicide dive on the other side of the ring. Since Roman wasn't going to let anyone escape their fate so easily, he ran after Barrett and Del Rio. Reigns strikes Del Rio with a Superman punch on top of the stage while Wade begins running away. Morgan manages to run after him and takes him out with a bicycle kick.

Wade groans and begins crawling down the ramp while The Shield stands at the end of the ramp. Morgan stalks over to Barrett who reaches the end of the ramp while The Shield waits for her.

"Oh boy," JBL said as she gave them a nod. 

The Shield turns around and walks after Barrett to begin stomping him down. Rollins and Ambrose pick him up so Reigns can give him a spear. 

"Spear!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered.

Dean throws Wade in the ring and The Shield hits him with the triple powerbomb. Morgan gets on the apron and looks on with delight. 

"Morgan has got to be loving this," Cole added.

"It's all about revenge," JBL said. 

Morgan watches Wade's face scrunched up in pain and wondered if she could hurt him more. 

"Um..." She trailed off, wondering if she should ask her boys for another request. 

Roman and Seth begin to grin while Dean smirks at her. 

"Again?" Dean asked happily. 

A wicked grin comes across her face as she nods. Dean loves making her happy. And if that meant beating the crap out of Barrett, which he did not mind at all, then he will do that. 

"Wait they are doing it again?" JBL exclaimed as The Shield decimated Wade with a second triple powerbomb. 

"I guess what Morgan wants; she'll get when it comes to revenge. She always holds grudges and will get even with you no matter how long it takes." Cole explained. 

Morgan listens to Wade's groans and moans of pain. It was music to her ears but she wanted more. She wanted his groans to be louder. She wanted to see his face scrunched in more pain. She tilts her head to the side and smirks wickedly.

"She's gone to semi Harley mode." Seth chuckled while Roman nodded in agreement. 

Ambrose walks over to her, giving her a crazed look while she smirks at him. "What do you want?" 

"Maybe just...one more time? Please?"

"You got it." Roman grinned. 

He roars as The Shield gives Wade a third triple powerbomb.

"Three?! Is that enough now?" JBL exclaimed while Morgan looked satisfied. 

"Thanks guys." She high fived Seth and Roman. 

Dean walks over to her and lifts up her chin to smooch her before she gets off the apron. Sandow gets in the ring and gets dropkicked by Ambrose, and speared by Reigns. Roman pins Sandow for the win as the crowd erupts in cheers but then Titus gets thrown into the ring and hit with a spear. 

"I don't think they're done." Cole looked on. 

"I think The Shield's done when The Shield says they're done," JBL exclaimed. 

Dean and Seth throw Ryback in the ring to get hit with a spear. Morgan gets in the ring and gets on the top rope. Roman roars while The Shield sets up for the triple powerbomb. The Outspoken Diva jumps off the top rope to hit Ryback with a clothesline while The Shield brings Ryback down for the powerbomb. She stands up and runs a hand through her hair before putting her fist out on top of Ryback with her teammates. 


Next week on Raw, The Shield are backstage, Dean is in the middle, Rollins on the right side, and Roman is on the left while Morgan wasn't with them.

"The clock is ticking for Evolution. At Extreme Rules, The Shield is going to expose the fact that Evolution has passed you by. The Hounds of Justice are gonna do what we always do. We're gonna pick you apart. We're gonna chew you up, and we're gonna spit you out!" Ambrose shouted and backed up. 

"Evolution is all about control, they're about power. They like to flaunt their watches, they like to ride around in a long limousine and they like to wear very expensive suits because they believe that those are symbols of power. Well, they're not!" Seth shouted. "Those are just things that small men do to make themselves feel bigger about who they're not." he showed his fist. "This! Is power. True power. The new symbol of excellence and we prove it every single night we step in the ring. And when the three of you finally get the guts to face off with us, you're gonna find out what true power really is." 

"For years now, Randy Orton has said he was the future. But from where I'm standing, he looks more like the past. This here." Roman showed his fist. "This is today. This is tomorrow. This is the future! Believe that. And believe in The Shield." 

The Shield put their fists out. 


In the ring, Evolution and Rosa walk out earning mixed reactions from the St. Louis Missouri crowd. Rosa sports a short gray dress to match Batista's suit as they walk down the ramp, linking arms while stealing a few kisses from each other. 

Morgan tweets 'Ugh, God...Rosa and Batista disgust me. When do you two don't suck each other's faces off?' 

Celeste replies 'You're alive! Where are you? WWEMorgan101' 

Morgan replies 'Safe and sound! CelesteBonin' 

"On Friday, The Shield took out 11 guys and 3 divas because of Morgan. There's a part of me that feels like I should be mad but I'm not. But I am impressed. These guys, they're starting to remind me of somebody. Oh yeah, it's us. They're starting to remind me of us." Triple H said in the ring. 

"Yeah, Hunter but The Shield thinks that they are the new Evolution. And there's just one problem with that." Orton said. 

"The problem is, we're still here. And they'll never be us. Never." Batista said. 

Rosa smirked at the crowd. "So...little miss Morgan Lopez wants to be all tough and be a big girl now by challenging me to a first ever Diva Extreme Rules match." She shouted at the crowd because the crowd was booing her so loud, she couldn't even hear herself. "Hey! I deserve some respect! Shut up! Shut up!"

"That is so disrespectful. Rosa is an angel. They shouldn't be booing her." JBL said. 

"You mean she-devil." Cole retorted while King laughed.

"Shut up!" Batista yelled. "Give her some respect!" 

"Give her respect," Orton shouted while Triple H nodded in agreement. 

"You know what Morgan? If you have a death wish, if you want me to end your career, why didn't you just say so? I would love to be in a match with you at Extreme Rules. So you know what? You're on!" Rosa shouted as the crowd erupted in cheers. 

"No! This is not good! Rosa reconsider this!" JBL exclaimed.

"I accept your challenge! But I think you need to understand that I should not be underestimated. I am a veteran, here!"

"Oh my God! Who the hell cares!?" Morgan retorted.

The crowd erupts in cheers as she walks onto the stage. Rosa starts shouting at her while Batista and Orton try to calm her down 

"I swear it's like you get more annoying every day." she continued.

Triple H chuckled. "Morgan...the thing is...I brought you into this world and you are looking at the four people that are gonna take you and your little boys out of it. On Sunday, you either adapt or I promise you...you will perish." 








"Get ready!" JBL got excited as The Shield walked down the steps while Morgan got in the ring. 

The Shield meet up with her in the ring and bumps fists with her. 


The crowd erupts in loud cheers while Morgan turns around with a huge grin on her face. 

"What!?" King exclaimed.

"Surprise! Surprise! The Nature Boy!" JBL exclaimed as Ric walked on stage.

"Now Evolution is complete," Cole said.

"Evolution is still here," King said. 

"We're fine." Morgan gave her teammates a reassuring smile. 

Her teammates began to remember how she accompanied Flair and tried to save him during the Slammys in Philadelphia when she was feuding with them. 

Evolution and Rosa clap for Ric while he greets them. Ric kisses Rosa on the cheek and gives her a hug. The crowd begins 'Wooing' while Ric grabs a mic. 

"Is this St. Louis Missouri? Have I ever been here before? Well, I have and I've had a lot of fun, thank you." He said. "But I'm here tonight to tell the whole world how great it is to be in the ring with men and a woman that proves what this business is all about! Dominance!" 

He began talking about his time with the Four Horsemen. 

"But we controlled the marketplace. We styled, woo! And we profiled! The same can be said with Evolution." he said and started talking about the good times he had with his former teammates. "And look who we have here." He checked out Rosa by grabbing her hand and turning her around. "Rosa Mendes. You are some kind of diva. I have seen everything come full circle. The word greatness comes full circle. And tonight, I'm surrounded with superstars and a diva that shows power...beauty...style, and grace. But what I'm talking about now...is...The Shield." 

Ric looks at The Shield as the crowd cheers. Rosa's jaw drops as Ric shakes hands with the male members of The Shield.

"What?" King chuckled.

"Did he just double cross Evolution?" JBL asked as Evolution started to look confused. 

Ric stands before Morgan as the crowd cheers again while the two smile at each other.

"Ah...my Philly girl. Morgan." Flair took her hand and kissed it before pulling her into a big hug. "Continue doing what you're doing. And we need to party in Philly again." 

She smiled and let out a chuckle. "Thank you, I will,"

"He just slammed Evolution here, wait a minute." King chuckled as he left the ring. 

Morgan patted Roman's back. "Kick his ass." She said, earning a nod from him. 

She slides out the ring and goes to ringside with Seth & Dean. Roman takes on Orton in a singles match and they begin to have a back and forth match. Roman gets thrown out of the ring and Orton tries to go for a suplex but he counters and hits Orton with a suplex of his own.

"Yeah!" She cheered. 

"How that feel!? That's true power!" Seth shouted. "That's what true power is all about!" 

Orton and Roman continue fighting at ringside until Orton throws Reigns into the steel steps. Orton stares down The Shield and begins taunting them because they can't do anything about it while Ambrose starts to get hyped up and bangs on the apron. 

"Dean, Dean, calm down." Morgan grabbed his arm and put her hands on his cheeks. "Look at me. Breathe." 

He begins to calm down a little and she releases him while Orton throws Roman back in the ring. 

"Come on, big man!" Seth yelled. "Get it together! Get it together!" 

Roman begins to fight back and goes for the dropkick on Orton from the apron. He sets up for the Superman punch but Batista and Rosa get on the apron and begin distracting the ref. 

"Look at Batista and Rosa." Cole said while Triple H grabbed Roman's foot to distract him. 

"That's it!" Morgan shouted and ran after Rosa. 

She was so done with her bullcrap. She couldn't wait till Sunday. She wanted to kick her ass now. Rosa twirls her hips around but as soon as she turns around she gets speared. 

"Spear! Spear by Morgan!" JBL shouted as the crowd got louder while Ambrose took on Triple H, and Seth took on Batista. 

Morgan continues unloading on Rosa with strikes until she flips them over to get a few shots in. 

"Here we go! The fight is on! The brawl is on!" Cole exclaimed but then Triple H threw Ambrose over the announce table. 

He begins attacking Rollins, making him get off of Batista, and throws him into the apron. Triple H and Batista turn their attention to Morgan who is on top of Rosa, giving her hard punches to the face. They grab her by the hair and throw her off of her, making a sick thud. 

"Good grief, did you hear that?" JBL asked. 

Morgan holds the side of her back while Triple H and Batista throw her into the barricade. Triple H takes off his jacket while Batista helps Rosa up. Meanwhile Roman drops Orton with a Superman punch but then he slides out of the ring and takes on Batista and Triple H. The ref calls for the bell as it becomes a three on one assault. Orton holds Roman down while Triple H starts striking him with punches. 

Rosa takes off one of her heels and starts hitting Roman with it. Batista drags Ambrose off the announce table and bounces his head off the table. Orton throws Rollins into the barricade while Morgan crawls away and starts searching under the ring. Rosa goes to the other side and searches under the ring as well.

"This is a wild scene at ringside," Cole said as Orton bounced Dean's head off the table. 

"This is all The Shield's fault and you know it. They're the reason they're back together." JBL said while Triple H and Batista threw Reigns into the steel steps. 

Triple H takes Dean out with a spinebuster at ringside. Morgan had to get out of harm's way to try to figure out how to turn things around. 

"Maybe a weapon?" She mumbled as she searched under the ring. 

Rosa on the other hand decides to take out a guitar from the ring and slides in the ring to taunt the crowd. 

"What is she doing?" Cole asked as Evolution continued to beat up the male members of The Shield. 

Evolution throws Dean and Roman inside the ring, meeting up with Rosa and Triple H turns to Morgan who is looking slightly worried. 

"You're all alone! All alone!" Triple H shouted and pointed to her beaten down teammates. "You wanna end up like them!?"

The Outspoken Diva searches under the ring and takes out a guitar, earning loud cheers. She slides in the ring, while Rosa starts to look intimidated. 

"Morgan just one uped Rosa." King chuckled at the sight as Morgan had a guitar with barbed wire around it. 

Morgan tries to swing the guitar at Triple H but he dodges the attack and drops her down with a clothesline. Rosa begins beating her down while Triple H sets up Ambrose for the pedigree. Things start to turn around when Rollins jumps on the ropes and strikes Triple H with a knee to the head. Dean and Seth begin to go after Orton and Batista while Morgan and Rosa grab their guitars and face off. 

"Are we about to see a small extreme rules match preview?" King wondered with excitement. 

They throw their guitars at each other, making them clash. Rosa yells a loud battle cry and swings at Morgan but she manages to evade her attack. She tries to go for a swing but Rosa drops her guitar and slides out of the ring, making the crowd boo. 

"Aw, I thought we would get more of a preview." King pouted. 

Rosa blew a kiss to Morgan. "We'll wait till Sunday. We'll wait till Sunday. But don't worry, it's going to be worth the wait." 

"I got a feeling Rosa has something up her sleeve. You never know what she's going to do." JBL said. 

Meanwhile, Ambrose throws Orton out of the ring, and Seth kicks Batista out of the ring. 

"Triple H is in the ring with no backup!" Cole exclaimed as Roman managed to stand up and hit Triple H with a spear. 

Roman roars and The Shield tries to go for the triple powerbomb but Orton and Batista get back on the apron with chairs until Rollins kicks them off. Triple H takes advantage by sliding out of the ring while Rosa helps him regroup. Seth and Dean grab the chairs as the crowd cheers. 

"Come on!" Seth shouted as The Shield's theme came back on. 

Morgan grabs her barbed wire guitar and raises it up in the air. 

"That's just a glimpse of what's coming to you!" She shouted at Rosa. 

"What's going to happen between these two divas? I'm afraid to choose the winner. This is anybody's match." Cole looked on. 

"I don't want these two beauties to go at it," King said with disappointment. 

"Folks we have two collisions coming Sunday. Evolution and The Shield, and Morgan & Rosa."

"We got a war coming Sunday," JBL stated.

"Go ahead, run! Run!" Roman yelled at Evolution. 

"Will The Shield adapt or perish? And will Rosa try to end Morgan's career or will Morgan manage to break through Rosa's bluff, as she claims it to be, and win?" Cole wondered. 


On Smackdown, for the main event, The Shield stand on top of the steps and looks around. Dean was forced into a fatal four way match against Axel, Del Rio, and Ryback. Roman and Seth bump fists with Ambrose before he walks down the steps. The two grin at each other, knowing that Ambrose has this match down, and walks back. 

Morgan is about to go back but turns back to Dean. 

"Dean!" She called out and slid down the railing before jumping off it, making Ambrose turn around before he prepared to jump over the barricade. 

"Morgan, you do know you gotta go to the back. What is she doing?" JBL wondered. 

She jogged over to him and put her hands over his cheeks to give him a slow, and passionate kiss, earning loud cheers. Ambrose wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her back. 

"I love you." She whispered, pulling away. 

The Lunatic fringe smirked. "I love you, too." 

He jumped over the barricade while Morgan smiled and headed back. 

"A kiss for good luck from the Outspoken diva," Cole said as Ambrose got in the ring. 

"Ambrose has held that champion for an awful long time. He could lose it very easily tonight." JBL added. 

Del Rio, Ryback, and Axel make their entrances. As the match starts, everyone goes after Ambrose. He holds his own for the first few seconds until his opponents stomp him down. 

"Where your buddies at, huh!? Where your buddies at!?" Axel shouted. 

Ambrose gets thrown out of the ring while Rosa struts down the ring, making the crowd boo.

"This is not good for Ambrose." JBL looked on.

Morgan tweets 'Great...more funny business...'

"I think Rosa is going to try to do everything she can to make sure Ambrose doesn't retain," Cole said. 

Rosa wore a business suit and had her hair in a bun, looking very corporate. Later on in the match, Ambrose continues to be thrown out of the ring to be kept out of the match so that one of his opponents becomes the new champion. Ryback and Axel continue to work as a team to take on Del Rio. Del Rio manages to hit Ryback with a backstabber and goes for a pin but Dean breaks it up. Rosa crosses her arms while the crowd chants 'Let's Go Ambrose' 

"This is not good," JBL said as Axel and Ryback threw Ambrose into the barricade. 

Del Rio dropkicks Ryback, and takes on Axel inside the ring. Ryback gets back in the ring and starts to gang up on Del Rio until he hits him with a German suplex. 

"Come on, he's just one man!" Rosa shouted as Ambrose broke up Del Rio's pin. "Take him down! Take him down now! Now!" She screamed as Ambrose started to get fired up and took down everyone. 

Axel tries to take Dean's momentum down and go for the Perfect plex but Ambrose escapes it and leans back into the ropes for a clothesline. 

"No! No! Get up! Get up now!" Rosa shouted.

Ambrose goes for the pin but Axel kicks out. 

"That was some clothesline," Cole said. 

Ryback pulls Ambrose out of the ring and throws him over to the timekeeper's area. 

"Yes! Thank you!" Rosa started to look relieved. 

She could not have Ambrose retain. There has to be a new champion. There needs to be a new champion. 

Later on, Del Rio puts Ryback into the cross armbreaker. 

"Tap out! Tap out! Get the match over with while he's still down! Tap out! Now~" She screamed but Ryback lifted him up and hit him with the shellshocked. 

He goes for the pin but Axel pulls him out of the ring. Ambrose slides into the ring and rolls up Axel to win the match as the crowd erupts into cheers.

"No!" Rosa screamed and put her hands on her head in disbelief. 

"He did it! Dean Ambrose survives it!" Cole shouted. 

Ambrose gets attacked by Ryback while Axel stomps on him. Rosa gets in the ring, looking livid. 

"Hold him! Hold him now!" She ordered as they held him down. She began slapping Ambrose in the face a few times. "That was a fluke! You're going to lose Sunday! And I'm gonna enjoy watching your precious little girlfriend suffer as she has the last match of her wrestling career! Because when I'm done with her, she's never going to set foot in the WWE, ever again! I am going to break her! And I am going to break her neck! And there is nothing you or your little shield teammates can do about it!"

Morgan sprints down the ring with her teammates as the crowd explodes. 

"And here comes to Calvary!" Cole shouted as Axel and Ryback released Ambrose. 

Rosa was still distracted by yelling at Ambrose and she didn't have time to react to Morgan roughly grabbing the back of her hair. 

"Get your damn hands off my man!" Morgan growled and slammed her down. 

She gets on top of her and starts punching her. Rollins throws Axel out of the ring while Roman spears Ryback. Morgan throws Rosa out of the ring as the crowd gets excited. Morgan and Rollins glance at each other and nod before hitting Axel and Rosa with a suicide dive. 

"Yeah!" Seth shouted and put an arm around Morgan's shoulders. 

She pats Seth's chest before they throw Axel back in the ring. Rosa manages to run away and stand on the stage while Roman hits Axel with a Superman punch. Seth and Morgan get back in the ring to help Dean up. 

"You don't mess with The Shield!" Rollins yelled as they hit Axel with the triple powerbomb while Morgan clotheslined him off the top rope. 

"The Shield are sending a direct message to Triple H, Batista, and Orton. They are ready for Evolution, Sunday," Cole said while Roman checked on Dean with their theme blaring through the arena.

Dean raises up his title and puts his fists out with his teammates.


At the gorilla, backstage, The Shield meet up with Renee Young. 

"Oh God...look who it is." Seth pointed out. 

"Don't mind them. What's up, Renee?" Morgan smiled. 

"I'm good, thank you." Renee smiled back. "First of all, Dean congratulations on successfully defending your championship this evening. Looking forward to this Sunday, Evolution has put so many obstacles on you guys, do you have any game plan this Sunday at Extreme Rules?" 

"I'll hold that," Seth said, grabbing Dean's title.

"Okay, what's the game plan? The same game plan we had tonight?" Dean asked. "Go out there with the odds stacked against us. We're the underdogs, they think we're supposed to lose. I was supposed to lose my United States championship. So we go in with that game plan like we're supposed to lose to the 37 world champions and Evolution and blow them out of the water! Because we're better. Wild mustangs, all the things we've said before or you heard before. We go out there and perform for everybody every single night. It's not about limos, it's not sitting on your world titles ten years again, it's about going out there and getting it done. Being in the fire, every single night that we are. And Evolution gonna get burned!" 

"And they're gonna. They keep putting all these robots in front of us. It's Axel, it's Ryback, it's 11 on 4. Whatever the deal is, we keep knocking them down on our way to Extreme Rules." Seth added. "Evolution has been ducking and dodging us but it's not gonna work anymore because they're gonna come face to face to this. The new symbol of excellence." 

"Believe that, and believe in The Shield," Roman said. 

"You hear that?" Dean asked and moved his nose around. 

"Oh, that's cracking." Roman cringed. 

"Wanna hear?" Dean leaned down to Renee.

"Ew, okay." Renee took a step back.

"We gotta get that looked at." Seth said.

"That's not stopping him. That's not stopping him." Roman grinned. 

"Yikes," Morgan chuckled.

"Morgan, you got something on your face," Dean said.

"I do? What is it?" she touched her face.

"Let me get it," he lifted up her chin and licked the side of her face.

"Dean! Gross! What the hell?" She pushed him away while he chuckled and walked away with Rollins and Reigns who were laughing. "This is what I gotta deal with. He's so random." 

She began wiping the side of her face with one of her gloved hands.

"Don't rub it off! That's love juice!" Dean shouted from the end of the hallway. 

"Love juice? He is so weird," she shook her head while Renee giggled.

"So, Morgan what are your thoughts on being one of the first divas in an Extreme Rules match?" Renee asked.

"I'm excited that I get to make history like this. I just cannot wait to get my hands on Rosa. Her fun is about to end. I won't let you guys down, I will kick ass and work hard on Sunday. Believe that,"


On Saturday after a live event, Jon was having a serious conversation with Renee and Nikki, privately backstage.

"Is this a joke?" Jon asked, unamused.

Nikki frowned. "It's not. I'm sorry,"

"As soon as we found out, we went straight to you," Renee added. "He's been hanging around the WWE events lately. It looks just like him. It has to be him,"

Nikki showed him the photos and Jon glared at her phone. 

"It is him..." he grumbled, feeling angry about the situation.

"Greg, right?"



That's a name Jon hadn't heard in a very long time. Melanie's ex. 

"That motherfucker...he just can't stay away, can he?" he growled, shaking his head.

"We have to talk to Paul and Stephanie. He gotta get banned from events. Melanie is on top of her game, she can't be dealing with nonsense like this." Renee added. 

"Agreed. Okay." He nodded.


At Extreme Rules, Evolution walks on the stage while Rosa holds Batista's hand. 

"This is a six­ man tag team match, set for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Rosa Mendes, at a total combined weight of 778 pounds, The Viper, Randy Orton, The Animal, Batista, The COO of WWE, The Game, Triple H, Evolution!" Justin announced. 

"It has been ten years since these three men have competed together. And they look better than ever." Cole said as Evolution got in the ring with Rosa staying at ringside. "How many titles between them?" 

"31!" JBL happily answered

"World Championships between these individuals." 

Evolution began to wait a while for The Shield.

"Feel that? There's nothing like that big fight feel." JBL said. 

"Cut the tension in the air with a knife." King chuckled. 

"This is great. The Shield is making these guys wait. Playing some games with the masters. I love it. I love the audacity of The Shield making these guys wait." 








"Well, the wait is over!" King said as Morgan walked in front of her teammates, down the steps. 

"And their opponents, accompanied by Morgan Lopez, at a total combined weight of 707 pounds, the United States champion, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Justin announced. 

Morgan hops over the barricade and bumps fists with her teammates before walking over to ringside. Seth and Roman get in the ring while Ambrose grabs her by the elbow and makes her turn around. He wraps an arm around her waist to give her a quick kiss, taking her by surprise.

"Whoa! Pre match good luck kiss?" JBL chuckled as the crowd cheered. 

Triple H looks amused while Rosa crosses her arms, rolling her eyes. Morgan chuckled and smiled at her boyfriend before he got in the ring.

Ding Ding Ding

Both teams go at it until The Shield throws Evolution out the ring. 

"And The Shield hold the ring, first battle to The Shield," Cole said. 

"Haha! Believe that!" Morgan taunted while Evolution tried to regroup. 

Seth starts the match with Triple H. Triple H gets beaten down and clotheslined out of the ring and hit with a suicide dive. As soon as Seth throws Triple H back in the ring, Orton tries to attack him but gets punched. Once Seth slides back into the ring, he gets clotheslined, making Evolution gain control. Batista gets tagged in, making the crowd boo. Morgan tries to bang on the mat to try to motivate Seth while he continues to get overwhelmed by Evolution. 

"That's what I'm talking about!" Rosa shouted as Batista kicked Rollins to the head off the apron. 

"Later on tonight, Rosa and Morgan are going to be in a first ever diva extreme rules match. How ready are you to see that?" Cole asked. 

"Excited but worried for them. Anything can happen. I just don't want them to kill each other." King replied. 

"That match is going to be chaos." JBL chuckled as Rollins managed to slam Orton down from his headlock. "I'm ready to see those ladies go at it. Maybe we'll get a small preview during this match."

Rollins was about to make a tag but Triple H and Batista hit Roman and Dean with cheap shots off the apron. 

"Really? Really!?" Morgan angrily got on the apron. "Are you frickin' kidding me!?" 

"Morgan, get down from the apron." The ref warned while she obeyed and went to check on her teammates. 

Seth hits Orton with a kick to the head and finally tags in Dean who got back on the apron. Dean hits Orton with a clothesline, making him clash with his teammates and making them fall. He starts unloading on Orton and takes him down with a running crossbody. 

"Fists are flying everywhere!" King exclaimed. 

He starts stomping on Orton in the corner, making him slide down to the bottom turnbuckle.

"Believe in The Shield, bitch!" He yelled and blasted Batista off the apron who tried to distract him. 

Orton takes advantage with an uppercut, making Dean lean back in between the ropes. 

"And look at Ambrose!" Cole said as he hit Orton with another clothesline.

Ambrose connects with the figure four until Triple H breaks it up. Roman gets in the ring to punch Batista out of the ring and throws him over the barricade. 

"Good grief! Roman Reigns is manhandling Batista!" King exclaimed as Rosa rushed over to check on him. 

Roman stalks over to Triple H who is leaning on the steel steps and runs at him. He swiftly evades him, making Roman clash into the steel steps. 

"Roman!" Morgan shouted in concern and rushed over to him. 

Later, in the ring, Evolution continues to take control of Ambrose while the crowd starts to chant 'Bootista' 

Orton gives Dean a headlock and faces The Shield's corner, forcing his teammates to watch. 

"Come on Dean! Get crazy!" Morgan banged on the mat as he began hitting himself. 

"Come on, Dean!" Roman shouted. 

Ambrose breaks out of the move but eats a dropkick from Orton. 

"Come on, come on Ambrose," Seth said as Evolution continued to take control. "Come on! Come on, Dean! Take a swing at 'em!" 

Morgan starts to get a kick out of the crowd booing Batista every time he gets tagged in. Then the crowd starts chanting 'You Can't Wrestle' at Batista.

Ambrose hits Batista with a jawbreaker but gets hit with a big boot. Morgan exhales while Triple H gets tagged back in, grinning at The Shield. Seth starts shouting at Evolution while Ambrose escapes from Triple H's pedigree. Suddenly, Ambrose hits him with a DDT and crawls over to his teammates to tag in Roman, making the crowd erupt into loud cheers.

"And here comes the powerhouse!" Cole said as Roman cleaned house and hit everyone with a flying clothesline. 

He clotheslines Orton out of the ring and runs around the ring, ducking Triple H's clothesline, and hitting Batista with an apron dropkick. He clotheslines Triple H and throws Orton to the barricade. 

"Roman Reigns is a one man wrecking crew!" Cole said.

When Reigns gets back in the ring, Batista sets Reigns up for the Batista bomb but gets kneed in the head by Seth. Roman hits Batista with the Superman punch and The Shield goes for the triple powerbomb. 

"No! No!" Rosa shouted as the crowd went wild. 

"They're going for the triple powerbomb!" Cole shouted as they hit him with it. 

Roman pins him but gets dragged out of the ring by Orton and Triple H. They start to jump him until Ambrose goes after Orton. Rollins decides to go for a suicide dive but Triple H moves out of the way, making the crowd 'Oh!' 

"Seth!" Morgan shouted as she started to look worried. 

The way he just landed did not look pretty. 

"Oh my gosh," King said. "Seth just crashed and burned right into the wall." 

Triple H hits Reigns with the pedigree inside the ring but gets attacked by Ambrose. The crowd cheers when Roman kicks out of Batista's pin, making the crowd chant 'This is awesome'. Suddenly, Orton strikes Reigns with an RKO and Batista takes advantage by pinning him. 



"Yeah!" The crowd shouted when Seth broke the pin. 

But then he gets dragged out of the ring by Orton and they start fighting outside the ring. 

"Yikes!" Morgan said as the cameraman fell down from all the action Orton and Seth were displaying. 

"This is out of control now." King looked on as Triple H, Orton, and Seth started fighting in the timekeeper's area. 

"It is chaotic out here," Cole exclaimed. 

All of a sudden, Ambrose runs on the two announce tables and dives on top of Triple H and Orton. 

"Oh my God! Dean Ambrose just ran on the announce tables!" Cole shouted.

"What the hell!?" King yelled while Morgan grinned at his unpredictability. "He's gone wild! He's lost it!" 

"This is incredible," Cole said as Seth, Triple H, Orton, and Dean started fighting in the crowd.

"This is out of control!"

"They said all hell was gonna break loose, it certainly has," JBL said. 

Morgan looks at the titantron and sees Dean falling down the steps. She wanted to go help but if she would have, she would miss Rosa's sneaky moves. So she decided to stay and watch if Rosa was going to interfere. She knew Dean and Seth could handle themselves. 

Triple H and Orton start to gang up on Ambrose until Rollins jumps on top of all three of them out of nowhere making the crowd 'Oh!'. 

"Seth Rollins! Seth Rollins! From out of the stands!" Cole shouted.

 "Holy cow!" King yelled.

"Where the hell did he come from?" JBL asked as the crowd chanted 'Holy shit!' 

Meanwhile, in the ring, Batista hits Roman with a spinebuster as the crowd boos. Roman escapes the Batista bomb and strikes him with the Superman punch. Rosa decides to take some brass knuckles out of her pocket and slide them to Batista.

"Hey! Eyes on me!" she shouted, getting on the apron.

"Rosa get down!" The ref warned.

"Oh man, now what is Rosa doing?" King asked.

"She just slid some brass knuckles to Batista," JBL observed. 

Morgan runs around the ring and pulls Rosa down from the apron. She ducks her clothesline and takes her out with a roundhouse kick.

"Rosa just got blasted!" King said as Morgan managed to grab the brass knuckles and throw it away. 

Roman gets hyped up and roars before taking Batista out with a spear. 

"Spear!" Cole shouted. 




"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced. 

Morgan slides into the ring and hugs Roman from behind who is on his knees. She helps him up and embraces him tightly. They head over to the crowd to find Seth and Dean who were being helped by refs. 

"You guys Roman said Kings don't win wars. Soldiers do." Cole said as Roman picked up Dean across his shoulders while Seth staggered up to his feet. 

Roman sets Dean down as he holds the side of his stomach and The Shield put their fists out. 

"The Hounds of justice prevail. And as those four say, believe in The Shield!" 


Later in the evening, it was time for the Extreme Rules match.

"This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a first ever diva Extreme Rules match!" Justin announced as the crowd cheered.

Once Rosa struts out, she puts up a sign that says 'Morgan's Last Match. RIP Morgan's Career 11/18/12 to 5/4/14' 

"Check out her sign!" Cole pointed out.

Celeste tweets 'Seriously? No. This isn't Morgan's last match, Rosa.' 

"This is one anticipated match up. I know these two are going to make each other suffer." JBL said.

'I've had enough I'm taking you down' 

The crowd cheers as Morgan walks out.

"And introducing the challenger, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" 

"Yay, she's twirling!" King happily said as she spun around a few times down the ramp and then ran into the ring.

She gets on the turnbuckle and takes off her hoodie before taunting the crowd. 

"I cannot wait for this!" Cole said as the two divas faced off, making the ref separate them. 

"You're going down, Morgan! I'll make this match memorable for you. Why? Because this is your last match!" Rosa smirked.

"Yeah, whatever," Morgan rolled her eyes. 


The audience cheered loudly as they highly anticipated the first ever women's extreme rules match. Something that had been a dream has now become a reality for Women's wrestling and they couldn't wait to see what these two create.

Milena and Melanie stared at each other before nodding at one another. This was something new and something that hadn't been done yet in WWE. They were hoping to make a good impression and do well in this storyline for the match.

"Oh boy," Cole said.

"What's wrong?" JBL asked.

"We are just getting word that The Shield got ambushed backstage," Cole said with surprise. 

"What?" King asked with worry.

The titantron shows The Shield and Evolution brawling backstage, earning the attention of Rosa, Morgan, and the crowd. Evolution drops The Shield with chairs, leaving them down and out as the crowd boos. 

"Believe...in Evolution. Adapt or perish, Morgan. And after tonight...you shall perish." Triple H smirked at the camera as he and his teammates put their fists out. 

Morgan starts to look concerned and runs a hand through her hair. This was not how she was expecting things to go down after The Shield had beaten Evolution.

"Oh no...that's not a confident look on the face of Morgan," King said with concern. 

"Rosa has a tremendous advantage if Evolution comes out to back her up. This is not good for The Outspoken Diva." Cole said. 

"If I were her I would end this match early," JBL advised.

"Yes, but these divas have a lot to prove. This is an extreme rules match. The first ever. I know these two want to kill each other but if Evolution comes out here to interfere, the odds will be against Morgan even more,"

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6 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect

Forced To Believe Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect

Chapter Summary: Things aren't what they seem as Seth continues to try to get into Morgan's head. Rosa and even Triple H begin to feel Morgan's wrath.

Words: 12,000+

Author's Note: OK last smol batch of chapters to hold you while I continue to work on my other story! Hope you like!


On Smackdown, Seth Rollins walks out in a black suit and his briefcase. The crowd heavily boos him as he flaunts his briefcase.

"Last Monday on Raw, I was seconds away from cashing in my Money in The Bank contract on John Cena. John, I got a message for you. You got lucky on Monday night. You got lucky but the clock is still ticking because, what was it? Not even 24 hours, into your 15th reign as champion and you were flat on your back...unconscious...in the center of this ring. In a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." He spoke. "Look at this face...look at this face, look at it real hard and get used to it. Because very soon, this will be the face of the WWE. Hah hah!"

Dean's theme comes on as he walks out, with a microphone in hand. Wearing a leather jacket, his shoulder was taped up.

"And there is the man that Seth Rollins stabbed in the back, last month," Cole reminded. "His former brother, Dean Ambrose. And Ambrose has not forgotten."

"An incredibly sore loser..." JBL mumbled.

"You're delusional, Rollins!" Dean stated. "You're talkin' crazy, you really gonna think you're gonna get your hands on those titles? No, no, not while I'm around. I warned you no matter where you are...no matter what you do, no matter how much of a plan you and your sugar daddy, Triple H, concocted...I'm gonna be there. Every time. I mean hey, how did your little championship plan work out for you?"

After they showed the highlights of Cena getting attacked by Kane and Rollins trying to cash in only for Ambrose to attack him, Seth looked annoyed at the footage.

"Watch that footage...watch that footage and watch it over and over and over again. Because that's your life for the next year. You think that briefcase is a blessing? No. That briefcase is a curse because it's every excuse I need to ruin your life. To ruin your future and to ruin that precious face of WWE." Dean declared as he took a few steps forward.

"Yeah? You think I care? You think I care if you show that video, over and over and over? Look I know you better than anybody. And I know you don't have what it takes to keep that up for a year," Rollins replied. "You got lucky on Monday night. You can't keep that up for a year. And you can't stop me from cashing in this contract, and becoming the next WWE World Heavyweight champion."

Dean walked down the ramp and took off his jacket. "Of course I can...I'll start, right now."

"Oh, here we go! Dean Ambrose has been waiting for this moment!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly.

Ambrose slides into the ring and Rollins swings his briefcase at him. Dean manages to duck his attack and starts unloading on him with frenzied punches.

"Rollins & Ambrose brawling to kick off Smackdown!"

The crowd boos once Orton runs out and beats Ambrose down. Seth recovers and starts to join in the assault by stomping on him. The crowd screams and cheers loudly once Roman's theme comes on with him running down the ramp. As soon as he slides in, Seth and Orton beat him down. Roman stands up and goes right after Orton, giving him a headbutt. He gives Seth and Orton back and forth punches until Rosa runs out.

"Another Authority goon..."

Rosa goes to ringside, in her Fourth of July outfit which is red waist high shorts, and a USA themed top. She manages to grab Roman's leg, preventing him from moving. Orton takes advantage and he hits him with a big boot to the face, beating him down with Rollins. The crowd cheers loudly once Morgan dashes down the ring in skinny jeans and a USA themed crop top while having her hair in a high pony tail. She had a USA themed cap on her head, along with USA themed fingerless gloves. Rosa turns around and gets speared, while Roman fights back and throws Seth to Dean, who starts unloading on him, in the corner. Rollins retreats, along with Orton, while Morgan gets in the ring.

"You broke my nail! You broke my nail!" Rosa screamed as she got held back by Orton.

She tries to get back in the ring, while Morgan throws her cap at her.

"You broke my nail! You see what you did!? You see what you did!? I had to pay a lot of money for this!" Rosa shouted.

Roman's theme comes back on, while he stands tall with Morgan and Dean. Roman glances back at her, and Ambrose, before watching The Authority goons retreat.

"And here comes the boss." Cole said over the loud boos while Triple H walked out.

"All right. Think you guys have made your point. So now let me make my point. And my point is the only one that matters. Dean Ambrose, you wanna fight? Well tonight you will get a fight when you face The Viper, Randy Orton. And Morgan, Roman...since you two like to stick your noses in everyone's business, if any of you interfere in that match tonight, Morgan, you'll never get a Diva's championship opportunity ever again, and Roman, you'll be out of the fatal four ­way match, at the BattleGround Pay Per View, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship." Triple H announced. "Good luck."

Morgan shook her head, rolling her eyes at the news, and turned to her comrades, asking if they were all right, while fist bumping them.


Later that evening, Natalya, Nikki, Alicia, Cameron, Eva, Naomi, Layla, Summer, & Rosa were in the ring. The ring was decorated in a Fourth of July themed party. Some divas were dancing, while Rosa grabbed a mic to cut a promo on how all the women were invited except for the crazy ones like AJ, Paige, and Morgan. She received heavy boos as she proceeded to talk highly of herself but as she spoke, Morgan walked out without her music as Rosa remained oblivious.

"I would like to say that it feels great to be in a public place, without being around a Harley Quinn wannabe like Morgan, right?" Rosa chuckled as Morgan got in the ring, while the divas watched on.

The Philly Diva checked out the table of food and went for the punch. She took a cup of punch and leaned on the ropes. Taking a few sips she continued to watch Rosa rant to the crowd.

"We can have so much positive attitude with the divas, without being around negative attitudes like Morgan. This is the Fourth of July! So let's make it memorable!"

"Uh..." Cole trailed off.

"Yeah, uh, Rosa?" JBL asked as Morgan grabbed the punch bowl.

"Thank you, yes I know. I know. Thank you. I'm glad you agree with me. I'm glad you­—" Rosa began before Morgan poured punch on top of her head, making her drop the mic.

She shrieked and quickly turned around to see the Outspoken Diva laughing.

"Are you kidding me!?" She shouted but got shoved back into the table, making her butt land on the cake.

The divas laugh at her, while Alicia decides to defend her friend, by throwing a hamburger at the Outspoken Diva. Unfortunately, it hits Natalya instead, making some laugh at her.

"Uh oh. This is not going to end well." Cole warned.

Rosa gets off the cake and tries to throw a couple of cookies at the Outspoken Diva but hits Cameron & Summer instead. Layla laughs but gets attacked by Summer while all the divas start fighting.

"And here we go!"

"Morgan had no business out here, whatsoever!" JBL shouted.

Morgan grabs a cookie sheet and whacks Rosa in the head with it, making her fall on the table of food. Her hair and body are covered in food and Morgan quickly grabs a sugar cookie and escapes the ring, watching the chaos in amusement. Rosa tries to escape the food fight with the divas but finds herself in the middle after she starts bumping into them, provoking them. The refs had to rush down the ring to break it up,

while the crowd cheers for The Outspoken Diva.

"What a Party crasher...the party didn't even get a chance to start!" JBL scolded.

"Morgan is laughing away at this." Cole chuckled while Rosa slipped out of the ring.

She starts freaking out and has a temper tantrum as Morgan's theme comes on.

The Philly Diva shrugged and took a bite of her cookie, giving Rosa a thumbs up. "Great party, Rosa! Great party!"

She glares at her and stands up. She marches after her but slips and falls on her butt from the food on her shoes, making the crowd laugh harder.

Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes Your party was lame, so I decided to spice things up. I think it turned out great!'


Later in the ring, Dean throws Orton out of the ring. He starts slapping himself in the face, before going for a suicide dive.

"He's not all there, but he is still fun to watch." JBL looked on.

"Come on, Randy," Seth said on commentary.

Dean throws Orton into the barricade and rolls him in the ring. He starts walking around before turning his attention to Rollins. He runs over to the announce table and jumps on top of him as the crowd cheers.

"Ambrose taking out Rollins! And now the fight's on! The fight's on!" Cole shouted as he started pummeling Seth with punches.

He throws him into the barricade and gets back in the ring. He rolls Randy up for a two count. Orton strikes him with an uppercut as he leans back, in between the ropes, to give him a clothesline. Dean bangs on the mat and starts hitting himself, again.

"Seth was floored by Ambrose."

Dean goes for the Dirty Deeds by Orton counters with a scoop slam. The crowd boos as he tries to go for a DDT on the ropes, but Ambrose counters by tossing him over the top rope. Dean tries to go for another suicide dive, but this time Rollins hits him with his briefcase.

"Oh!" Cole and the crowd shout. "Rollins right to the bad shoulder, with the briefcase."

The crowd boos while Rollins rolls Ambrose in the ring. Orton drops Dean down with an RKO and Rollins rips off Dean's protective bandage on his shoulder.

"Ambrose is hurt, Ambrose is hurt," Cole looked on. "The injured shoulder exposed."

Orton gets on his knees and holds Dean down, targeting his injured shoulder.

"Oh no, look at this," JBL said as Seth got on the top rope.

The crowd cheers loudly once they see Roman & Morgan rush down the ramp.

"Hey! Roman Reigns! And Morgan!" Cole exclaimed.

Reigns pushes Rollins off the top rope, while Morgan slides into the ring and hits Orton with a shining wizard. Dean rolls out the ring, while Orton rolls over and gets back to his feet, rubbing his chin from the kick he received. Roman connects with the Superman punch as he gets hyped.

Morgan slides out of the ring to check on Dean, while Roman prepares for the spear. He does a loud battle cry but Seth pulls Orton out of the ring.

"And Seth Rollins..."

"Seth Rollins knows where he is," JBL added.

"...saving Orton. And for tonight, The Authority's Orton & Rollins escape the wrath of Roman Reigns, Morgan Lopez & Dean Ambrose. But these issues are far from over."

Roman's theme comes on as he stands tall. Roman gets out of the ring, to meet up with Morgan, helping up Dean.

"Somebody give me my case!" Seth shouted as Roman rolled Ambrose in the ring, while Morgan went after Seth's contract. "Somebody give me my contract! Morgan! Don't you dare!"

The crowd cheers once she gets in the ring, with the briefcase.

"What is she doing!? That's not even hers!" JBL exclaimed.

She decides to kick the briefcase out of the ring, like a football, making it fly all the way to the stage.

"Are you kidding me!?" Seth shouted and ran after it, making her laugh.

"She can't do that!" JBL shouted. "That's assault!"

"But she did it, anyway." Cole chuckled. "John, Orton & Seth Rollins may rue the day that they went after Reigns, Lopez, & Ambrose."

Dean gets up while Morgan & Roman look at Rollins and Orton on the stage.

Roman showed his fist. "Remember this? You gave up this...for that?" He said, meaning The Authority and briefcase.

"Disgraceful," Morgan shook her head, disappointed in Rollins.


Melanie & Jon decided to spend their Fourth of July at Jane and Diego's house, in Philly. Jon and Jane were in the kitchen, working on bringing the plates, forks, knives, burger and hot dog buns, and bowls of food that Jane made, on the table, in the backyard.  

"So, this is your first time barbecuing, dad?" Melanie was sitting in the backyard, on a chair with her right knee up to her chest as she held it.

"I—­I've done this before." Diego stuttered and continued grilling.

"You sure?"

"It's been a while."

"How long we talking?"

"A few...month—years."

She widened her eyes. "Years!? What am I going to do with you?"

"You know Melly, you should be helping." Jane said as she set a bowl of grapes on the table.

"I am. I'm making sure dad doesn't burn those burgers."

"What about the hotdogs?" Jon asked, putting the burger and hotdog buns on the table.

"Could care less," Melanie replied.

"Damn, that's how you feel?" He smirked.

"Burgers are better."

"I beg to differ."

"No argument. Burgers all the way." Melanie reached for a grape but Jane slapped her hand. "Mom!"

"No grapes until you help out. You know what? I'm putting these all the way in the back of the fridge."

"Oh, come on! You don't have to do that." she tried to reach for the grapes again but Jane took it back inside.

Jon laughed. "Someone's not getting her little grapes."

The Philly Diva narrowed her eyes at him and stood up, taking his cap, and putting it on her head. "And someone's not getting the chance to cuddle tonight."

"Okay, I'm sorry." He followed her. "I said I'm sorry!"

"Cuddle? Aw! So adorable. I guess Jon is a big softie, isn't he?" Jane smiled.

"Yes. It's really cute." Melanie smiled.

"Why do you gotta embarrass me, in front of Jane?" he complained, feeling embarrassed.

"Priceless! He looks so embarrassed!" Leah laughed, walking in with a Fourth of July themed cake.

"Leah, you're here." Melanie grinned and hugged her after she set the cake down.

"How's the eye? Money in The Bank was crazy! Jon! Why the heck would you elbow her, you big jerk?" Leah teased.

"All part of doing spots," he replied. "Plus, my woman can take a hit when it comes to wrestling." He put an arm around Melanie's shoulders and kissed her on the cheek.

Melanie and Leah help out by setting up the table. After everything was done, everyone sat at the table to eat. Melanie took a cheeseburger, while Jon took two hotdogs. Leah decided to take four hotdogs and put mustard, ketchup, and relish on all of them. She then grabbed some pickles and put them on top of the hotdogs.

Leah grinned and looked at the mouth watering food, in her eyes. She looked up to see Melanie looking at her like she was crazy, while about to take a bite of her cheeseburger.

"What? This is good! You should try it. Want some? A friend got me into this. You know what? I think I should also put some cheese on these hotdogs." Leah took a few pieces of cheese. "Want one?"

"Uh, no thanks." Melanie chuckled. "You sure are eating a lot."

"I didn't eat breakfast. I'm starving!"

Jon and Melanie examined their food, catching Diego's attention.

"How is it?" Diego asked.

The Lunatic and Harley glanced at each other, before taking a bite of their food. They started chewing it and began to make nauseated facial reactions, while Melanie started coughing.

"Oh no! Are you two okay!?" Jane freaked out, while Jon began coughing. "You said you cooked them properly, honey!" She exclaimed to her husband.

"I did! I did!" Diego yelled in nervousness, while Leah watched the show, enjoying her weird hot dogs.

"They're choking! You're trying to kill them!"

"I am not! I made them, well. Mine are just fine!"

"Because you were trying to kill them, that's why!"

The couple stopped arguing at the sound of Jon & Melanie laughing.

"Fooled you!" Melanie chuckled.

"Mel! Don't scare me like that!" Jane exhaleed.

"That was good." Jon low fived his girlfriend.

"It tastes great, dad." Melanie smiled and begins eating again, along with Jon.

"I'm glad. See? I wasn't trying to kill my princess. She's just fine." Diego proudly praised himself.

"Sure...So, what's been going on in the WWE?" Jane asked, her daughter.

"Been having meetings with Creative lately about an upcoming feud. They're going to be ending my feud with Rosa, around SummerSlam. They have three feuds in mind for me. Two are very risky, but the other is strongly possible."

"What are the feuds?"

"Can't say. WWE doesn't want any leaks or spoilers. But if I get the okay to tell you, I will. And also, WWE wants you to come back soon, mom,"

"Ooh! I am so excited! I love the World Wrestling Entertainment. It's so fun."

"How's the bakery?"

"Popularity is growing so much, thanks to the continued support of you and the WWE."

After talking about the bakery, Melanie glanced at Leah, who poured an enormous amount of mustard, relish, and ketchup on her new hot dog.

It looked like the hot dog and drenched bun were drowning in the three condiments.

Leah reached for the can of whipped cream and prepared to put it on the hot dog.

"Whoa, Leah. Whipped cream on hot dogs? That's...concerning," Melanie felt her stomach turn from the sight.

"Huh? Oh, I wasn't going to put whipped cream on hot dogs. No, not at all." Leah nervously giggled. "I'm going to put it on the cake."

"Okay then,"

Maybe Leah was just really hungry.


Early in the morning, Melanie slept peacefully, in the arms of her lunatic. She was happy to be home for just a little while before going back on the road. But her peaceful slumber was interrupted when she woke up to the sound of throwing up. She got out of Jon's arms and glanced at the clock.

"3..." She mumbled, before getting out of bed.

She stretched and adjusted her tank top, before heading out of the room. She walked down the hallway and saw a light in the bathroom.

"Hello?" she timidly knocked on the door.

"D­—don't come in here!" Leah's muffled voice replied, instantly.

"Leah? Are you okay?"

"I'm doing great!"

"I'm coming in." She opened the door, seeing her flushing the toilet. "Were you throwing up?"

"Y—­yeah. I got the flu..."

"Leah." Melanie crossed her arms and softly replied. "As much as I want to believe that after all that stuff you ate on those hot dogs, I don't. Don't lie to me."

Her friend started to break down and cried, wrapping her arms around her. "I messed up. This was not supposed to happen..."


"I took three fucking pregnancy tests. And they all came back pregnant. I'm knocked up. I'm fucking knocked up and I'm so scared!"

Melanie was taken aback by her confession as she looked at the pregnancy tests on the floor. They both sat down on the floor, while Melanie examined the tests.


"We used protection! I don't understand why this has to happen to me! I don't even know if Brad wants kids. I'm so scared to tell him,"

"Leah, things are going to be all right. Stay calm. Everything is going to be okay. I'm here for you," She put a soothing hand on her right shoulder.

As Melanie gave her a pep talk, Leah's nerves began to go down as she listened to her say the right things to get her to relax.

"Brad loves you to death. He always shows off that goofy grin when you're around. He's going to be happy that he's going to start a family with someone like you,"

"You're right...thank you." Leah smiled.


Next week on Smackdown, Morgan was backstage, leaving the trainer's room. Her ribs were still a little banged up but she was getting better, day by day. Looking at the floor, she bumped into Rollins as the crowd booed. He showed off his briefcase, before smiling at the diva.

"Hello, Morgan."

"Rollins..." she tried to leave but he blocked her way.

"You've been avoiding me for a while. Why?"

"I haven't been avoiding you. Now if you excuse me..." She tried to go the other way but got blocked, again. "Move. Or be moved,"

"Did Ambrose tell you to stay away from me?" Rollins asks with a grin. "You're quiet...so I guess that's a yes. Guess he knows what I'm trying to do."

"What do you want...?" She asked, looking annoyed. She just wanted to leave. She did not want to be around him.

"I just want you to come home."


"Everyone is holding you back. Is this the singles career you want? Pointless matches? No championship? You deserve better."

"I told you I rather start at the bottom than go to The Authority. And The Authority isn't a home. Nor is your little dark side. I can never bring myself to be a sellout like you."

He chuckled for a couple of moments and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"You know I hate people who lie to themselves. I didn't sell out, I bought in. And you should, too. You're lost, Morgan. But you're going to find yourself again, really soon." He smirked and left her alone.

"More mind games by Rollins. Will Morgan be able to stay strong?" Cole asked as she leaned on the wall and sighed loudly.


Next week on Raw, after finding out Ambrose was attacked by Rollins, Orton, and Kane out of nowhere backstage while cutting a promo on Reigns and Cena, Morgan ran to the trainer's room door.

"Where is he?!" She shouted but got held back by a few refs.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Morgan! Morgan! Calm down! Ambrose is okay. He went to a local hospital." They tried to explain.

She sighed loudly and started storming off to the men's locker room. She saw Seth nearby, along with Orton, and stomped over to them. She shoved the sellout back roughly as the crowd cheered loudly.

"Why!? Why would you do that!?" She shouted.

Orton was about to interfere but Seth stopped him, enjoying watching her break down.

"Getting mad, huh?" Seth grinned. "Good. Embrace it. I want the aggressive Morgan, back. I want my Morgan back."

"Oh, you're gonna get aggression...as much as I want to bash your head in, I'm not gonna do that. Dean will. And when Dean gets in the ring with you...I am going to enjoy him, pulverizing you, and making you regret all those chair shots that we all received. And I hope that he hurts you so badly...that you'll never think about selling out, ever again, you piece of crap." She stormed off, leaving Rollins watching her with a grin.

"You're cracking...not much longer..." Rollins murmured to himself.

With Roman and Cena in the men's locker room, Roman was seated, adjusting his gloves.

"Okay, so Ambrose is out," Cena stated. "Now it's just you and me against Kane, Orton, & Rollins. This was an obviously set up by The Authority, you get that right?" He asked while Roman remained silent. "Damn it, Roman, stand up!"

Roman stood up and faced off with him. "I understand that you wanna be WWE World Heavyweight champion, you should! But you have to trust me! Neither one of us is gonna walk out champion, this Sunday if we don't get on the same page, tonight." Cena exclaimed.

"Nobody knows the numbers game like me," Roman spoke up. "They took out one of us...by the end of the night, we take out three of them. Believe that."

The door burst open. "Do you two have your heads stuck up your asses?!" Morgan shouted as the crowd cheered, loudly.

"Now, Morgan we were­—" Cena began.

"The hell is wrong with you two!? You just stood there and watched him get beat! Why didn't you go after him? Why didn't you help him?"

"We wouldn't have made it in time..." Cena managed to say.

"Do you know how long that beating was!? Do you!? You could have run backstage and helped him out! But no, you just stood in the ring. And I'm just finding this out, now? When it happened at the beginning of the show?!"

"Morgan, calm down," Roman reassured. "We got this. You know that I know the numbers game better than anyone."

"I know but I can't calm down. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of these beatings and two on one, and three on one assaults. They're not men, they're puppets. Brainwashed by The Authority. Driven by power. That is not me. And I'm not gonna become a victim of that. I don't know if this was a message, directly sent to me from Rollins, but I'm not having this. These assaults are gonna stop, to­night." She stated and bumped fists with Roman. "I'm standin' at ringside with you, two."

"Okay." Cena nodded. "But do you trust me?"

"Yes. You helped us out in that tag match with the Wyatts. I trust you. Just do me a favor and try not to get attacked. Stick together, tonight. You never know what The Authority is going to do next. Now, If you excuse me, I'm gonna eat some grapes to calm down..." She left as the crowd laughed.

Roman cracked an amused smile. Morgan and her love for grapes will never change.


Morgan kept her word and stayed at ringside to check on Roman & Cena as they went up against Rollins, Kane, and Orton. Things really started to turn around when Roman got tagged in by the champ.

The crowd goes nuts while Roman drops Orton down with a clothesline and punches Kane off the apron. He drops Randy down with another clothesline and starts to get hyped up.

"What a right hand!" JBL said as he witnessed Randy getting punched in the face by the Samoan.

Orton gets positioned for Roman's signature apron dropkick as the crowd cheers. He slides out the ring and runs over to the fallen Viper, before connecting his right boot to his head. Roman high fives Morgan before sliding back into the ring. He taunts the crowd before punching the mat. Kane gets back in the ring but gets dropped by the Superman punch. Roman sidesteps Seth's flying knee attack and clotheslines him out the ring, at the end of the ramp.

"There goes Rollins," Cole said as he held his knee, in pain.

"Rollins hurt his leg," JBL said while Orton took advantage and beat down Roman.

Roman manages to drop the Viper down with a Samoan drop and prepares for the spear.

"Roman Reigns does this on Sunday, then he can walk out as WWE World Heavyweight champion."

Kane slides back in the ring and attacks him from behind while the ref tries to break it up. Orton joins in the assault by stomping on Reigns and the ref had no choice but to call for the bell. Cena manages to get

in the ring and tosses Kane outside the ring. Before Kane could get back in, Morgan manages to hit him with a low blow as the crowd cheers.

"Low blow by the Outspoken Diva!" King cheered.

Back in the ring, Cena goes at it with Orton while Roman rolls out of the ring. Cena tosses Orton over the apron and ducks Kane's punch, making him hit Orton instead as the crowd goes nuts. Cena starts going after Kane and picks him up for the AA. Kane manages to get back on his feet and shoves him away while Roman goes for the spear on Orton. Orton swiftly evades Roman's attack, making him hit Cena instead as the crowd 'Ohs!'

"He speared Cena!" Cole shouts.

"Not good." Morgan mumbles as she walks around the ring.

Kane drops Roman down with a punch and turns around to get hit with an RKO.

"That's your partner!" King exclaimed.

"Don't trust anybody!" Cole stated while Morgan tried to check on Cena, in the ring.

Randy's theme comes on as he gets on the top rope to taunt the crowd. He jumps off the top rope and turns his attention to the Outspoken Diva.

"Come on, she has nothing to do with this," King complained as Orton grabbed her from behind, by her hair, as his theme faded out.

"Ow! Get off, asshole!" She shouted as she tried to escape his strong grip.

He positions her on the apron, preparing for his signature apron DDT. No matter how much she tried to push him away, she could not escape his strong grip. As soon as he is about to drop her, Roman slides back into the ring, still angry that he got beaten down.

Orton releases her and turns around, only to get speared as the crowd gets hyped.

"Spear!" Cole shouted as Roman roared. "Is it Roman Reigns' time?" He wondered as his theme came on.

Morgan rubs the back of her neck while Roman helps her up.

"You all right?" He asked.

"Never better. Thanks." She said as she looked impressed.

He has changed a lot ever since The Shield went their separate ways. It looked like her boys were doing well in their singles careers. Although she wished she could say the same. But she was happy for her boys and their success.

"Will Roman Reigns win his first world championship?" Cole asked. "Who is gonna win, Sunday? Cena? Orton? Kane? Or Roman Reigns?"


On Smackdown, in Triple H's office, Seth was checking out his phone until Kane walked over to him.

"Kane. What's up, man?" Seth greeted. "Look I just uh...I kind of wanna get on the same page, here tonight. I mean I know what happened on Monday, and...I wouldn't really take what Orton did to you, personally. If it was about the WWE World Heavyweight championship, you gotta understand that. But tonight's different. Tonight is about Dean Ambrose."

"I don't need your voice of reason...I'll deal with Randy on my own. In fact, I hope that Orton's watching, tonight. Because I have plans for Dean Ambrose." Kane said, making Seth crack a smile.

"Good. Good, good, good, I like that. Just do me, one little favor, please. Just leave a little bit of life in him, so that I can finish the job at Battleground."

"Or...you could just be a man and face him yourself," Morgan spoke up as the crowd cheered. She walked in on them talking, as she shut the door. "Oh, that's right, you're scared. Anyway, do I have a match, tonight? Did the stupid Authority say anything about me?"

Seth and Kane turn their attention to the diva. Kane looked like he was about to grab her neck but Seth swiftly got in front of him, to stop him.

"Don't," Seth ordered in a stern tone and made him back up. "...touch her."

Now that... caused attention from the audience as the Outspoken Diva stared at Rollins' sudden behavior in surprise. Him defending him? Something was up.

Ignoring the fact that he just defended up, Morgan put her hands on her hips, taunting Kane. "Oh, I'm sorry, what were you gonna do? Chokeslam me? Still mad I low blowed you, on Raw? Aw, sorry to hear that. Maybe next time you'll know when to stay out of my way."

"What are you doing here?" Seth asked.

"I just asked if I have a match. And I'm not supposed to be talking to you, so answer my question, so I can leave."

"Yeah, in fact, you do have a match. Next. Get ready."

"Good." She turned around and opened the door but Seth grabbed her hand. She snatched her hand back and shook her head. "Don't touch me. Don't ever put your hands on me, again."

Rollins put his hands up in defense. "I just wanted to say watch your back, tonight."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I want to help you. I still care about you, grapes."

"I told you not to call me that. I'm not trusting a word you say to me," she replied and left the room.


"This match is set for one fall, introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced.

"Here comes Morgan, out here to try to gain some momentum for her match against Rosa Mendes, this Sunday." Cole said.

As soon as she comes out, Morgan gets whacked from behind with a guitar, by Rosa as the crowd gets hype.

"Oh my gosh!" Cole shouted.

"What was that for? Sending a message?" JBL asked as Morgan's theme faded out.

"Just give up, already! Don't come to Battleground on Sunday, Morgan!" Rosa shouted.

She waits for her to get up and flattens her out with a swinging neckbreaker, as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact.

"Morgan is out. That guitar shot was brutal." Cole cringed as the titantron showed the highlights again. "What is the meaning of this? This was not necessary!"

"Yes, it was! Rosa is making a statement! Don't mess with Rosa!" JBL replied.

Rosa grabbed a mic, as the crowd booed her. "Aw, Morgan, are you tired? Tired of me beating you down? Coming after you? I'm sorry. But I'm not going to stop. I don't like you, and I'm going to continue making your life a living hell unless you pack your bags, and leave. But since you want to act tough, it just made me even happier. Why?" She laughed. "Because I cannot wait for our match at Battleground. But there's been a little bit of a twist. You see, our match...is a last diva standing match."

"I cannot wait for this. I can't wait till Sunday." JBL said as the audience cheered loudly at the match idea.

"A last diva standing match?" Cole wondered.

"Yes, you heard right, WWE Universe. A last diva standing match. And if you win, you'll earn my respect. I won't bother you, anymore. I'll stay out of your way, just like you wanted. But if you lose...I want you to leave. Stay away from this company and stay out of my way, while I become the next Diva's champion. Ha ha! And Morgan, I cannot wait to see you...motionless...flat on your back while the ref begins to count."

She paused before counting in Spanish. "Uno...dos...tres...cuatro...cinco...seis... siete...ocho...nueve...diez." She laughed and dropped the mic as her theme came on.

"What a statement by the Latina. What is going to happen, Sunday?" Cole asked as a few refs rushed over to help Morgan, who was lying on her back, out cold.

"I don't know but as soon as Morgan recovers from this attack, all hell is gonna break loose," JBL guaranteed.

Later backstage, Seth jogged over to the trainer's room and found Morgan getting an ice pack on the back of her neck.

"Morgan, you all right? You see? I told you to watch your back. I was trying to help you." Seth explained.

As soon as the Sellout and Outspoken diva locked eyes, the doctor felt tension in the room and quickly left.

"I hate you...so damn much..." She muttered as she glared at him.

Seth grinned. "Oh, so now you hate me, huh? I doubt that."

"Just go away, all right? I don't want anything to do with you."

"And yet you truly haven't done anything to keep me away. I think you like having me around,"

"Seth..." she warned.

"All right, all right. I tried to be nice. Fine. I'll go. But I hope you get better and beat Rosa on Sunday," He presented her with a bag.

"What is that?" She raised a brow as she removed the ice pack off her neck.

She started to get suspicious of what was in the bag. But she saw Seth...smiling? Not smirking, or giving her a smug look, but a smile. Just like the smiles he would give her when they were a part of The Shield. Just like the good days.

Suddenly he placed a hand on her cheek as she gave him an incredulous look.

"I really hope you get better, Morgan. I knew Rosa was gonna attack you. So, I tried to warn you. Rest up." He suddenly kissed her forehead and left the room.

"Uh oh. Bold." JBL said as the crowd got invested at the turn of events.

"H­—hey! You don't just kiss me and leave! Who the hell do you think you are!?" She exclaimed and sighed heavily. "...Battleground can't get here fast enough..."

As she opened the bag, she was surprised to see that it was freshly washed grapes. Eating a few, she shook her head as her eating something from the enemy caught the attention of the crowd.

"Grapes...what are you up to, Rollins?" she murmured.

"More mind games?" Cole wondered.

"Maybe Seth is really trying to be nice." JBL defended.

"I doubt that. Something is up. Maybe he's trying to earn her trust, back?"


During the Battleground PPV, backstage, Morgan was stretching for her match as she got a loud reaction from the crowd.

She was tired of going after Rosa. What will it take for her to back off? She had more important things to deal with, like being a champion. Rosa had become a nuisance ever since she beat her the first time. Morgan couldn't wait to get this match over with so she could leave her alone for good.

"I do not feel like having this pointless match..." Morgan mumbled to Dean. "It's like every time I beat her, she just keeps coming back. I got a feeling she likes getting her ass kicked."

"Have you been trying to stay away from Seth?" Dean asked out of the blue.

His obsession for revenge was strong. He always got even and tonight he will finally be able to get his hands on the Sell Out.

Morgan paused and smiled. "He isn't gonna get to me. Haven't talked to him." She embraced him, while the camera showed her looking worried. "Just focus on your match...not me. Please. I'll be fine."

"I'm glad." He cupped her face and kissed her forehead before leaving.

The camera continued to show her stretching until she heard chucking.

"Yes, he isn't gonna get to me. Haven't talked to him. Just focus on your match...not me. Please, I'll be fine." Seth repeated, making her roll her eyes. "Nice white lie, Morgan,"

"Go away.." She retorted and stopped stretching.

"The clock is ticking, Morgan. This version of you, this person that you're trying to be is going to expire, soon. There's always a dark side to every person. And I'm going to expose that. You're going to come back to me."

"These little crappy mind games you're doing isn't working. So, cut it out..."

"It is working. You know it's working. Morgan, it's OK to be selfish. To do things for yourself. The dark side of you is trying to crack open. I mean, you just lied to Ambrose, saying that you haven't spoken to me. What does that make you? You're coming back to me, Morgan," he smirked and walked away, leaving her upset.


"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Mister Money in The Bank, Seth Rollins," Tom announced as Seth grinned and tapped on his briefcase. "Seth, I wanna get your thoughts tonight, before your match with Dean Ambrose."

"I'm smilin' Tom. You should smile, too. It's a historic night, my friend. Cause tonight is the night that I finally put the dagger in Dean Ambrose, and finish him off, once and for all. You see I dismantled The Shield, he's been like uh...like a little cockroach. You know what I'm talkin' about? Just like scurrying around, and then you try to stomp 'em out but you just can't seem to kill em. Tonight that little cockroach, Dean Ambrose, he gets squashed."

Tonight Seth was not messing around. He wanted to destroy Ambrose and take him out of the equation. Then all he had to do next was to become the new WWE World Heavyweight champion.

"And before I do that...I wanna take a second to answer the question that Ambrose so arrogantly posed to me, you know the one...right before I curb stomped his head into oblivion? The answer is no. No, that's not all I got. And Dean Ambrose knows me better than anybody, he knows what I am capable of. And tonight...he is gonna get everything that he bargained for out of me." Seth laughed. "And when I'm finished, with that babbling, out of control, lunatic, when I put him out of his own misery, you can bet, my eyes are gonna be glued to that Fatal Four Way championship match, because...Tom, you may very well be looking at the next WWE World—"

Seth immediately gets cut off by Ambrose, who ambushes him.

"What are you gonna do to me!?" Dean shouted as he continued pummeling down the Money in The Bank winner with punches.

"Hey! Hey! Common! Dean!" Referees and security rushed over to the two and tried to break up the brawl.

"What are you gonna do!?" Dean continued to shout as he grabbed Seth by the hair and tossed him into some work equipment.

"Hey! Hey! Get off of him!" Security shouted as they tried to get a hold of the lunatic, who was all over him.

Dean finally gets restrained, after pushing down a lamp, nearly hitting Seth, while an irate Triple H marches over to the chaos.

"What are you gonna do to me, Seth!?" Dean shouted. "What are you gonna do!?"

"Get him out of here!" Triple H ordered. "Get him out of my building! Get this piece of crap out of my building! You are not gonna screw this up! Get him out of here! I don't wanna see him back in here, either! Get him out!"

Dean gets taken away while Triple H walks over to Seth, who manages to get back up to his feet.

"What the hell was that!?" Seth angrily shouted.

"I mean, I mean, wha—what just happened?" Cole asked. "Triple H just threw Dean Ambrose out of the building?"

"And demanded them to not let him back in," King added.

"The guy's unsafe," JBL commented in a blunt tone.

"Come on, you can't do that."

"I agree with Triple H. Do what's right for the company."

"Of course you do..." King rolled his eyes.

"The question is, what did Dean Ambrose do, though? He attacked Rollins, they were supposed to have a match, coming up, right now. And Triple H has kicked him out of the building. I mean Ambrose has been waiting weeks and weeks for this." Cole recalled.

"And Ambrose's stupid own self, cause himself to not have this match, right now." JBL dissed. "We can blame Dean Ambrose right now because we apparently don't have a match."

"I mean, everything that Dean Ambrose has been put through by Seth Rollins & The Authority for the past couple of weeks...remember last Monday night on Raw—" Cole got cut off.

"And he couldn't wait a few more minutes?!" JBL exclaimed.

"No! No! Triple H is overreacting, what's the difference if the match starts back there, or starts up here?" King pointed out. "They are supposed to fight, anyway."

"Exactly." Cole agreed.

"Because in here it's certified, you have a referee, you have a match, that was not a match." JBL said. "It's a lunatic out of control. Let's just hope his girlfriend doesn't lose her mind tonight, either. Bad enough we got one crazed person out of control tonight. But with two, all hell will break loose."


After AJ's match against Paige, the titantron shows the backstage area. The crowd gave Rosa loud boos as she sat getting her hair & makeup done.

"I cannot wait until my match. Beating Morgan is going to be such an accomplishment. I mean, I beat her before, but this time she'll be gone. Away from the WWE. Ugh, it's such a dream come true. I mean Morgan is bipolar...friggin' crazy...she needs help. Professional help." Rosa ranted.

The reception of the crowd turned positive when they saw the Outspoken Diva walking towards her, from behind. She wore her wrestling skinny jeans, and Morgan themed crop top with a denim jacket, instead of her hoodie, revealing her new attire. Her hair was getting longer again as well. It was almost near the middle of her back again, as it was in a loose and curly hairstyle.

Rosa's foe gently tapped on the makeup artist's shoulder and politely asked her to leave, which she happily obeyed.

"Uh oh," Cole mumbled while Morgan opened up some blush.

"I mean, I don't get why everyone likes her. She sucks at wrestling. She has no personality. She acts like a wannabe Harley Quinn hey what are you doing?" Rosa brushed the blush off her arms and got out of the chair.

She turned around to witness the Outspoken Diva behind her the whole time, sprinkling blush on top of her head.

"Hey! Are you kidding me!?" She picked up the chair, she was sitting in, and threw it across the hallway, near Morgan, but she moved out of the way.

Morgan punches her in the face and spears her onto the make up table as the crowd cheers.

"Someone get help! Morgan what are you doing!? You have a match tonight!" JBL shouted while Rosa screamed.

The Outspoken Diva starts throwing Rosa's head up and down on the make up table before getting grabbed by a small army of referees and security.

"Hey! Hey! Morgan! Get off her!" The security guards shouted.

"Get her away from me! You're crazy!" Rosa screamed.

"Get off of me!" Morgan shouted as she got taken away.

"Control yourself!" A referee shouted back, trying to calm her down.

Triple H jogs up to Rosa and helps her up. "The hell happened?" He asks.

"Morgan happened! I hate her! I do not want to be in the same ring as her tonight. Call the match off! Do something! She's out of control and isn't ring ready for me." Rosa grabbed him by his jacket.

"Rosa, I got it." He reassured.

"No! I want something done, now! She has to GO! NOW!"

"Relax," he said in a calm tone.

"I can't believe this...Morgan had no right to do that. The woman was just getting her hair and make up done!" JBL criticized.

"I would always watch my back if you have Morgan on your bad side. Rosa should have seen that coming." King recalled.

Later on with Morgan, she stood backstage, trying to take some of the make up off her jacket.

"Quite the brawl you got into back there." Seth walked up to her.

"Ah. Quite the head you got there," she replied.

"I am the genius and creator of The Shield, after all." He boasted.

"No," she replied in a blunt tone, stopping what she was doing as she turned to face him. "You see if your head wasn't shoved so far up Triple H's ass, you'd see how much of a sellout you are. Oh, by the way, watch your back. Dean could be anywhere. He could be watching us, right now."

"Watching?" Seth looked confused.

"I mean, you didn't actually think I would lie to Dean, did you? All part of the plan," She patted his back, while chucking, before walking away, leaving Seth looking around, backstage, worried for his well­ being.

"Did Rollins just get outsmarted?" Cole asked as the crowd cheered loudly. "It seems like all those worried looks Morgan would give Ambrose was just an act to fool The Authority. It seemed to have worked,"

"I knew Ambrose & Morgan were up to something. I'm glad she really didn't lie to Dean." King praised.

"Great...this is just perfect...more chaos tonight, I can already feel it," JBL grumbled.


'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan was leaning on the wall, on her phone. She looked up and watched Triple H walk backstage, heading to his office while Rollins headed out to the ring. Looking around to see if the coast was clear, she opened the storage closet, to reveal Dean.

"He's headed to the ring." She grabbed his hand and led him to the gorilla.

A nearby referee witnessed Ambrose and Morgan, together. He was about to go tell The Authority, but Morgan grabbed him by the back of his shirt, giving him a threatening look.

She said in a low, threatening voice, "Don't do that." while shaking her head.

The referee nodded quickly and walked away, looking scared.

She exhaled. "This is the best I can do. Punch him in the face for me, okay?"

Dean smirked and nodded. "Gladly. You didn't have to do this."

She grinned and shrugged. "Hey, Harley always got a plan. All right, I gotta go. Good luck out there." She turned around but he grabbed her hand.

She turned back around to face him, wondering what else he wanted. He wrapped an arm around her waist, gazing into her fierce eyes before he met her lips with his. Even though he was still mad at Rollins, his kiss was surprisingly tender and passionate. Morgan, surprised at the sudden kiss, began to kiss back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She got backed up into the wall, while Dean smirked into the kiss, not surprised at tasting her grape flavored ChapStick.

They heard Justin announcing Seth Rollins, as the crowd booed. As much as Dean didn't want to stop, he released her. Morgan, catching her breath from the heated kiss she had just received, ran a hand through her hair.

"Thanks, baby." He smiled. "I appreciate you doing this for me."

"No problem. Kick ass out there."

She received a wink from her boyfriend, before leaving him to his dirty deeds.


After the Intercontinental championship battle royal, Rosa got in the ring, as the crowd gave her boos.

"I guess you're waiting for Morgan to kick my butt, tonight, right?" She asked as the crowd cheered in response. "Well, too bad! She's not going to face me, tonight! The match is off! I will not be in the ring with a crazed woman. She needs to get her act together. I mean, I could get injured by her. And none of you want me injured, right?"

She scowled as soon as the crowd chanted 'Yes!' and shook her head.

"How dare you!?" She got out of the ring and jumped over the barricade. "You! Who is your favorite WWE Diva?" She asked a male audience member, in his early 30s.

"AJ!" He shouted with excitement as the fans cheered and high fived him.

She scoffed "You're not a real WWE Diva fan. What about you grandma?" She asked a nearby elderly woman.

"I love Naomi." She replied with a sweet smile.

Rosa sighed. "What about you, tattoo artist?" she looked at a woman, covered in tattoos, in disgust. She looked to be in her early 20s, and had a Morgan themed tank top, on.

"Morgan all the way." The woman smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "Typical..." She continued to walk around. "Who is your favorite WWE Diva?"

"Eva!" A man shouted, earning some boos and laughs from the crowd.

"Are you joking? You would pick Eva instead of me? Ugh...And what about you, ladies?"

"The Bella Twins!" A group of teen girls shout with excitement, before waving at the camera.

Rosa rolled her eyes again and continued to walk around. This was ridiculous. She didn't find one fan yet. She might as well ask the kids.

"What about you little girl? Don't you love a role model, like me?" She kneeled to the eight year old girl.

"Is she serious, right now?" King asked with amusement as Cole laughed.

The little girl shyly smiled and timidly said, "M—­Morgan is my favorite WWE Diva. She's so awesome and nice and bubbly and pretty and she looks so cute with Dean."

The crowd cheered again, while Rosa stood up and glared at her.

"You haven't raised your child, right." She dissed her parents, as some nearby audience members 'Oohed!'

"Oh come on, Rosa." King called out.

"Hey! She's right. Rosa is a great WWE Diva." JBL defended.

"Let's see if the parents were raised right. Who is your favorite WWE Diva?"  

"Natalya." The mother, in her late 40s, replied with a grin.

"Oh, real cute," Rosa replied in a harsh tone. "And what about you, pops?"

The husband stood up and said, "Paige!"

"Ugh! Is there anyone who isn't stupid? Is there anyone who has me as their favorite diva!?" Rosa shouted. "All of you have no taste!"

The crowd cheered loudly when they saw Morgan running her way, through the crowd.

"Uh oh! Watch your back, Rosa!" Cole warned.

"Oh, this is gonna be good!" King looked on with anticipation.

"What about you, college boys?" Rosa went over to a group of guys in their early 20s and sat on one of their laps. "Don't you love a diva who is all woman?" She played with his short black hair.

"Yo! She's sitting on your lap, bro!" The second college boy exclaimed.

The first college boy was grinning like an idiot, having Rosa on his lap. The third and fourth started taking videos of their friend with Rosa.

"So who's your favorite diva?" Rosa smiled in a flirty way and caressed his face.

"Uh..." The first college boy nervously chuckled.

"Don't be shy. Tell the truth." She added in a sultry voice. The college boy glanced at his friends, still enjoying having Rosa on his lap. "Tell everyone who you think is the hottest WWE Diva. Who you fantasize about. Who you adore and cheer for every week."

"Morgan." He replied proudly.

The crowd erupted in loud cheers while Rosa's smile dropped into a frown.

"Damn!" The college boy's friends yelled.

"Tonight is not Rosa's night, is it?" Cole chuckled as Rosa got off his lap.

Meanwhile, Morgan was hugging and taking a picture with the little girl and woman with the tattoos, thanking them for their support.

"Are you kidding me!?" Rosa shouted. "All of you stupid people would pick Morgan, instead of me!? All the other divas, instead of me!?"

The crowd cheered loudly when Morgan finally reached Rosa.

She turns her around and snatches the microphone from her.

"Hey!" Rosa shouted before getting hit in the head with the microphone.

"Pipebomb!" The college boys shout.

"Here we go!" Cole shouted while Morgan started unloading on Rosa. They leaned up against the barricade before she tossed Rosa over it. "Looks like they're picking up where they left off, earlier tonight!"

Before Morgan jumps over the barricade, she heads over to the college boy, smiling and kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you." he grinned.

"Aw. Love you, too." Morgan beamed and took a quick photo with him.

"Will you marry me?"

"You're too cute." She giggled, while he high fived his friends.

She turns her attention back to the thorn in her side and jumps over the barricade. Rosa ambushes her and they both tumble down as Rosa strikes her with punches. She starts screaming as soon as Morgan gets on top, and viciously strikes her in the face, several times.

"Ladies, break it up!" Referees and security shout as they start to separate the two.

Morgan gets restrained by the referees as they wrap their arms around her waist, while the crowd boos. Rosa manages to get some free shots by kicking Morgan, wherever she can.

"This is brutal! These two hate each other!" King exclaimed as Morgan started to get taken up the ramp.

"Get her out of here! Get her out of here! You crazy bitch! You piece of trash!" Rosa started kicking and screaming.

As soon as both divas, manage to get up to the stage, Morgan escapes the referees and leaps on top of Rosa, and a few security guards, making them all fall down.

"I knew she wasn't gonna let her off the hook, so easily!" King exclaimed as the two divas started rolling down the ramp while trying to strike each other.

Morgan stands up and tosses Rosa into the barricade. Rosa yells out in pain and rubs her back, before getting grabbed by her hair as she gets thrown into a ring post.

"All the frustration, the mind games, the smart remarks, all the attacks, everything that Rosa has done to Morgan all these months, is getting shown right here," Cole looked on as the referees and security desperately tried to pull Morgan off of her.

The spitfire finally gets pulled off of Rosa, by the guards. Rosa scrambles into the ring, with Morgan high on her tail.

"Well, Morgan still wants her match," Cole added, as the Outspoken Diva tried to get in the ring, but got arms wrapped around her waist, by security guards.

"Get the hell off of me!" The Philly Diva screamed and punched a security guard in the face, as the crowd cheered loudly, not expecting her to strike one of them.

The security guard, was Jamie Noble, as he stumbled back and rubbed his jaw.

"Morgan! Morgan! Calm down!" Joey Mercury, another security guard, shouted as he grabbed her by the waist.

He lifts her up in the air, a little, and takes a few steps back, trying to take her backstage.

"I said get off!" she screamed in anger and elbowed him in his head.

She turns around and kicks him in the stomach, before throwing elbows and punches. Joey desperately tries to keep her under control, by trying to grab her arms, but fails. King screams in a high pitched voice, as The Outspoken Diva starts beating up the security guards, with punches, elbows, and kicks, to pry them off her.

"She just punched a security guard! Arrest her! She's assaulting referees and security guards! She's crazy! She's insane! Arrest her!" JBL shouted.

The crowd was loving it. It's not every day you see a WWE Superstar, or diva, for that matter, attack referees and security guards.

"Would somebody take this spitfire out of the building!?" JBL continued to complain.

"Get her out of here!" Fit Finlay shouted as he managed to grab Morgan from behind, while other security guards grabbed her arms and legs.

"What will it take to calm this woman down!? Get her out of here!" JBL shouted.

Rosa, who was still in the ring, recovering from the assault, watches Morgan get restrained.

"You're crazy!" Rosa screamed.

"I'll show you crazy!" Morgan screamed back as she managed to free her legs and an arm.

She kneed Fit Finlay in the stomach, before running to the ring, again.

"Oh my God, she is just like her boyfriend! They're both nutcases!" JBL exclaimed while holding his head in annoyance.

Rosa scrambles out of the ring, as soon as Morgan gets in. Hair all in her face, and seething, Morgan stands up and starts pacing around. The referees and security manage to prevent her from leaving the ring, to help Rosa get out of harm's way.

"This is insane!" Cole exclaimed.

Triple H stormed down the ring, with an irate expression. "What the hell are you doing!?" he shouted at the referees and security. "Get her out of here! Get her out of here!"

"Thank you! About time! Do something, Triple H!" JBL cheered.

Triple H roughly takes off his jacket, and loosens his tie, before taking it off and unbuttons the first three buttons of his shirt.

"You are not gonna ruin this for me!" He tried to get in the ring but the security intervened and held him back.

"Good grief!" King shouted.

"Get her, Triple H! Get her!" JBL cheered.

"What are you gonna do?! What are you gonna do!?" Morgan yelled, taking off her denim jacket as she put her arms out, waiting to see what the COO was going to do. "What are you gonna do, huh!?"

'This is Awesome!' chants began to occur as Melanie fought the smile that was trying to come across her face, getting to have this moment with Triple H. As she continued to hear him shout in character, she quickly bounced back and maintained an angry expression.

"I'm sick of this crap! I'm sick of it!" Triple H continued to shout.

"Do something! Do something!" she shouted back.

"The heck is she thinking!?" JBL exclaimed. "She's gonna get fired! She's out of here for sure! Fire her! Fire her, Triple H! This is too much chaos in one night! First Ambrose, now Morgan!? This is ridiculous! Fire her! Fire her, now!"

"Would you shut up!? Rosa had this coming. And everyone knows how wild Morgan can get when she's angry." King snapped.

After a minute of getting retrained, Triple H punches the security guards away from him, and gets in the ring, as the crowd cheers loudly.

"Oh boy," King said, in a worried tone.

Morgan looks enraged as she locks eyes with the COO. Her facial expression showed a scowl. Meanwhile, Triple H's face was red with rage as she witnessed a vein popping out of his neck.

"Uh oh! Uh oh! What is Triple H about to do!?" Cole shouted.

"Let's get ready to rumble~!" JBL laughed. "Morgan has really done it now."

"Morgan didn't do anything wrong. Let her fight!" King retorted as security and referees separated the COO and Outspoken Diva.

The crowd was cheering in anticipation, feeling a fight.

"Morgan! Calm down!" Referees shouted as she was backed up into a corner, while The COO was getting backed up in the corner, across from her.

"All right. All right. I'm fine. I'm fine." Morgan put her hands up in defense.

"You are gonna get it! I'm so friggin' tired of your crap! I am so friggin' tired!" Triple H yelled.

Suddenly, she jumps over the referees as she nearly gets across the ring, but they manage to hold her back.

"I am afraid of what's gonna happen," Cole said.

"Hunter! Hunter! Let's go! Out of the ring!" Security shouted as the crowd booed loudly.

The COO gets escorted out of the ring, where he meets up with Rosa.

"Darn it..." King frowned.

Morgan looks at the crowd. She wasn't going to let them be unhappy. She quickly runs up to the corner, facing the ramp, and gets on the top rope. Referees rush up to her, trying to convince her to get down.

"What is she doing, now!?" JBL exclaimed. "Get her down!"

"Oh boy! Look out!" King shouted in a high pitched voice as they witnessed Morgan perform a crossbody on Triple H, Rosa, and the security.

The crowd was cheering like crazy as she went after the COO, unloading on him with elbows, and punches. Anything to get some hits.

"What is she doing!? You can't put your hands on the COO of this company! Arrest her!" JBL yelled.

Loud 'Holy shit' chants surround the arena while Morgan starts kicking and screaming as she gets restrained by the referees.

"Morgan is fighting everybody!" Cole shouted.

"I am going to kill you! You are finished! Done!" Triple H managed to get back on his feet and grabbed her by the hair, despite getting pulled back by security.

Celeste tweets 'HOLY CRAP! WWEMorgan101 has gone CRAZY! I love it! #MorganOnTheLoose'

"Who do you think you are!? I am the COO of this company! I created you in this business! And I will take you out! You think you can do this to me!?" The COO was seeing red and he put his hands on her neck.

Morgan, manages to grab a hold of his wrists, trying to get his hands off her neck.

"Stop! Stop!" Referees and security guards shouted. "Get off of her! Enough! That's enough!"

"Get your damn hands off of me!" she managed to give him a kick in the balls as King yelled again in a high pitched voice.

"She just low blowed the boss!" Cole shouted.

"She is going to get so many consequences from this..." JBL guaranteed.

"Morgan! That's enough!" Security shouted.

Celeste tweets 'Why bother breaking it up? All hell has gone loose!'

"Get her out of here! Get that crazy homicidal bitch out of here!" Rosa shouted.

Morgan gets backed up by security and referees near the commentating table.

"Morgan! Do you think before you do things!? You're gonna get fired over this!" JBL shouted.

Morgan snapped her head towards JBL and stormed up to him, gripping him by the jacket. "I don't care!" she screamed in his face.

King laughs as she shoves him back into his chair. She searches under the ring and grabs a chair.

"All right, I'm calling 911, now." JBL took out his phone.

"You deserved that, John," King said with amusement.

As soon as the Outspoken Diva takes out the chair, the referees and security get defensive.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Morgan! Put the chair down! Put it down! Enough!" They shouted as the crowd cheered her on.

The spitfire starts pacing back and forth before slamming the chair on top of the announce table while screaming.

"Somebody calm her down!" JBL yelled.

"You do it since you want to so bad," King replied.

Morgan throws the chair away and goes right after Rosa again, who was trying to help Triple H up.

"Watch your back!" Cole warned as Morgan grabbed Rosa from behind and laid her out with the Morganizer.

The crowd booed once security managed to pick The Outspoken Diva up and begin taking her to the back as her theme came on.

"Morgan just made a statement!" Cole shouted.

"A dumb one. It's a ticket to unemployment." JBL criticized. "Can't believe she attacked me."

"You shouldn't have been running your mouth." King retorted as Triple H struggled to get up while gritting his teeth, in pain.

"Come on. We need to get you checked out." A referee helped him out.

"Get off of me! Get off!" The COO shoved him away. "I want Morgan. Now." He ordered.

"That's not a good idea—"



On Raw, Melanie was backstage, watching RAW with April and Celeste, who came to visit.

"I cannot believe you went at it with Triple H," Celeste said in amazement.

"That was friggin' awesome. You two going to have a singles match against each other in the future?" April asked.

Melanie grinned. "Fingers crossed. I'd love to face him. Call it a taste of what could happen in the future if the demand is high enough,"

Later as she and April head to catering, they see a big bowl of grapes just for Melanie, as it had the name 'Morgan' on it.

"Time for grapes!" Melanie immediately attacked the bowl.

"Hey! I want some!" April tried to grab some but the Philly Diva blocked her way.

"Aye! Aye! I'm trying to eat my grapes, here. Give me some privacy. Get your own!"

"You can't share? Give me some!" April managed to snatch some from her hand and shoved them in her mouth.

"April! Those are mine! There's another grape bowl over there for everyone else!"

"Haha! Nope!" she teased and grabbed the nicely sealed grape bowl, running away with it.

"Hey! Come back here!" Melanie ran after her.

"Hey dudes, grapes, hide em. Beware of the grape monster. Bye!" April dashed away after giving Jon a bowl of grapes.

"What the—oh no way, you take it." Jon gave Colby the bowl of grapes.

"Hell no, man. I don't want to get speared." Colby gave it to Joe.

"Just because I do spears, doesn't mean I want to get hit by one." Joe gave it back to Colby.

They started passing around the grape bowl like a hot potato, not looking forward to dealing with Melanie's wrath. Melanie always got defensive about her grapes. She was very passionate about them in catering.

"Hey, Heath! Here you want some grapes?" Colby gave Heath the bowl.

"Thanks, man." Heath walked off with the bowl as he sighed out of relief.

"Oh my God! You killed Heath!" Jon exclaimed.

"You bastard!" Joe punched Colby in the arm.

"He'll live...barley." Colby laughed.

The Outspoken Diva walked around backstage. She asked whoever she could find where April would be at. She wanted her grapes back. And she will get her grapes back. She always gets her grapes back.


"Hey, look what I got? These grapes are good. Haven't had them in a while." Heath started popping them in his mouth.

"Where'd you get them?" Nic asked, getting off of his Twitter account.

"Colby and the guys gave them to me."

Nic looked alarmed. "Wait. Dude, those are MELANIE'S grapes!"

"Oh shit!" Heath quickly left the table and dashed to the men's locker room.

"Aye! Don't leave them with me! I don't want to get attacked!" Nic helplessly looked at the bowl. He saw Jon and quickly put it in his hands. "See ya, bye!"

"Hey! I don't want this!" Jon called out but Nic quickly ran away.

"Where are my grapes!?" Jon heard Melanie's demanding voice, nearby.

Being so alarmed by her voice, he almost dropped the bowl but managed to catch it. He mentally thanked his reflexes as he ran around backstage to find April, and saw her hanging out with Celeste and Ettore.

"You started this. You end it." Jon handed the bowl back to April.

"Oh, come on!" April whined.

"Hey!" Melanie shouted across the hallway and started running after the four of them.

"Ah!" April shrieked and set the bowl down on a table while running away with everyone else.

"Are you guys serious?" She checked on her grape bowl. She turns around, only to get smacked in the face by grape pie.

"Smack cam!" A goofy laugh filled Melanie's ears.

The pie felt cold like it had been in the refrigerator. She removed the pan from her face and slowly wiped the pie off her eyes, and mouth.

"Damn! I got you, good!" Colby laughed.

Melanie laughed with him while he playfully punched her shoulder. All of a sudden, she ceased her laugh and frowned at him.

"Oh shit " He tried to run away but The Outspoken diva jumped on his back, making him fall down on his chest, leaving him in her wrath.

Meanwhile, Celeste, Jon, Joe, April, Heath, Nic, and Ettore came back and laughed at Colby, who was getting beat up.

"Why are you laughing? You guys are next!" She got up and ran after them, laughing to herself as she heard them scream and yell for help.


Later, as soon as they showed Stephanie getting arrested on TV, Morgan tweeted, 'Stephanie is a #SmoothCriminal. This is an awesome night. Still laughing.'

Dean walks out to the ring, as the crowd gets him a loud pop.

"The wild one. Last night, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez went crazy. Dean Ambrose, not one, not two, but three brawls Seth Rollins last night. Triple H called Ambrose unfinished business. So, he's putting Cesaro in Ambrose's way." Cole said.

"Unfortunately tonight, Morgan has been suspended without pay, until this Friday for Smackdown. The Authority has also ordered that Morgan will be in a handicap match." He informed.

"This is ridiculous! She doesn't deserve this!" King exclaimed.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to the COO. She deserves it. She shouldn't have put her hands on him!" JBL defended. "Last night, Morgan got into two brawls with Rosa and got physical with the COO of the company. Another thing, she helped Dean Ambrose get back in the building last night! She has every right to get suspended. Some WWE Diva she is...And I really think Triple H should have given her a more extreme punishment. Like firing her. Suspending her longer. Giving her a fine. Something else."

"You're just mad because she put her hands on you." King retorted.

Dean loses his match via DQ after hitting Cesaro with a steel chair. He starts throwing chairs into the ring but Cesaro rolls out the ring.

"Is that all you got?" Ambrose's eyes widened.

He sets a chair down and sits on it backward.

Morgan tweets 'My sexy #LeatherJacketBadass is taking charge tonight. Look out WWERollins. And remember, watch your back!'

Later backstage, Rosa was with Renee Young for an interview.

"Ladies and gentlemen—­" Renee got cut off by Rosa who snatched the microphone from her.

"Hi, Renee. You're friends with Morgan, right?" she smiled.

"I am but what does that­—"

"I wonder how far Morgan will go to save her friends," she smirked and walked away, leaving Renee speechless.

"I don't like that smirk. I have a feeling Rosa is going to do something in the near future." Cole said with concern.

"I hope not..." King replied.

Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes DON'T go after my friends. ESPECIALLY ReneeYoungWWE. She has nothing to do with this. Don't put her in our business. Leave her alone.'

'Backstage pass'

"Dean, your DQ tonight over Cesaro, was that Dean Ambrose sending a message, to Seth Rollins?" Eden asked.

"Hey, it's just me doing what I gotta do to survive around here. That's just me getting a clean victory. That counts as a clean victory, right?" he asked. "Cause like, if Seth Rollins gets a forfeit win, over a guy that's not even in the building, at Battleground, then how come that doesn't count, as a win, huh? Same thing, right? Okay, I'm sorry, I'm complaining. I'm making trouble. I'm being irresponsible. I apologize. I apologize, everybody. Here's what I wanna know. How is Stephanie McMahon? Has anybody heard from Stephanie McMahon? She in jail, tonight?"

"Stephanie." He looked at the camera. "Stephanie, I have a message for ya, I hope you can hear me. I'm gonna try to get a hold of you, tonight and get you some phone numbers, of some guys that I know that gotten me out of similar situations, that you're in tonight. The names are Sneaky Pete, and Fat Tony the good guy, they're...they're good at what they do guys, and they helped Morg and I out in the past before. Although Morgan was much luckier, but anyway, I want you to know somethin' all right? If any of those big burley women in jail, tonight, try to mess with you or try to push you, you stand up to them, okay? Because you're a McMahon, all right? Stay strong Stephanie, we're all prayin' for ya."

Morgan tweets 'LMAO! Sneaky Pete...Yep, they helped me out a lot back then. Bar fights...Glad I was lucky. #LuckyCharm # StephanieTheJailBird'


Once Smackdown came along, Morgan was in the ring, getting ready for her match.

"As you can see, Morgan is getting set for her four on one handicap match. I have to admit, this is unfair. I feel like Triple H should have done something else, instead of this punishment match." Cole said.

"He did the right thing. She needs this. She needs this beating so she can get her act together. She isn't going to be off the hook for putting her hands on her boss." JBL criticized.

Morgan glances at the divas in the ring. Summer Rae, Eva, Alicia, And Cameron. She is in no mood for this match as she crosses her arms, leaning on the turnbuckle.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"And here we go wait a minute!" Cole shouted as Rosa slid into the ring and attacked Morgan from behind. "This was a setup!"

The crowd boos as Rosa takes off her heels and starts beating Morgan down with them.

"She deserves this beating. She asked for this." JBL replied as the Philly Diva got ambushed by the divas.

Cameron grabs Morgan by the hair but gets punched in the face.

"She's fighting back!" Cole said as the crowd cheered.

She starts to hold her own as she punches every diva away from her. But Summer and Eva get a hold of her arms, giving Cameron and Alicia the advantage to kick her in the stomach. Morgan falls down on her knees, while Alicia prepares for the scissors kick.

"What a shot by Alicia!" Cole exclaimed.

"Pick her up, again!" Rosa ordered as the divas lay her out with their signature moves.

"Morgan is helpless," Cole said as Rosa grabbed a chair and set it in the middle of the ring.

She grabbed Morgan by her hair and gave her a dirty look. "WHEN are you going to LEARN to stay down and know your place around here? This isn't 2013! The Shield is no more! You're irrelevant to this company! You're nothing without The Shield! Just give up! And I promise, if you continue to stay here, we are going to make your life a living hell." She shoved her away.

Morgan felt groggy as she slowly started to get up to her feet with the support of the chair. The crowd 'Ohs' as soon as Rosa hits her with a swinging neckbreaker on the chair. Then, Eva gives her a microphone.

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10." She laughed and taunted the crowd with the divas as her theme came on.

Morgan rubs the back of her neck and glares at Rosa, as she exits the ring.

"Rosa has made a statement. But I don't Morgan is going to give up so easily," Cole said as she got from a referee in the ring.

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6 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 71- Closing The Chapter

Forced To Believe Chapter 71- Closing The Chapter

Chapter Summary: Rosa's words begin to get to Morgan. Morgan has one final match with Rosa at SummerSlam, ending the feud once and for all.

Words: 9.000+


On Raw, Rosa went up against Emma for a match.

"Here we are, getting set for some diva action. Rosa and Emma." Cole observed as the ref signaled for the bell. "And here we have Natalya at ringside, as our guest ring announcer. She did a great job announcing these two talented divas."

Rosa and Emma's match starts with Emma in control. But things turn around once Rosa manages to move out of the way before Emma can hit her with a running crossbody in the corner.

"Good grief! What a bump." King said with worry.

Rosa grabs Emma by the hair and lays her out with the swinging neckbreaker. She is about to go for the pin but decides to take a page out of Morgan's book and hit Emma with the Morganizer.

"Haha! That was brilliant!" JBL praised while the crowd booed.

"Taking someone's finisher. Rosa is starting to really provoke Morgan with these mind games." Cole says.




"And Rosa dominates," Cole announced.

"Here is your winner, Rosa Mendes!" Natalya announced with a frown.

Rosa glances at Natalya and rolls out the ring. She steps up to her and snatches the microphone out her hands.

"Close...but not really. You forgot one thing...that I am going to beat Morgan Lopez and become the next diva's champion afterward. Now, announce me like that." She ordered.

Nattie didn't like the tone of Rosa's voice and gave her a dirty look.

"Say it!" Rosa shoved her.

"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed when Nattie slapped her in the face. "Natalya with the slap to Rosa!"

"You don't talk to me like that." The Queen of Harts spat and started walking away.

Fed up, Rosa snatches her hair from behind and tosses her into the barricade.

"Oh come on!" King exclaimed as she started unloading on Natalya.

"You don't ever do that to me!" She shouted and threw her into the barricade again.

The crowd erupts into cheers when Morgan dashes to ringside. Turning around, Rosa runs away, laughing at what she's done.

"Stay away from my friends!" The Outspoken diva shouted. "They have nothing to do with this!"

"With SummerSlam fast approaching, will Morgan get the last laugh and close the book for this feud?" Cole asked as she helped Nattie.

"I hope so," King said.


On Smackdown, Rosa walked down to the ring with a huge grin on her face.

"On Monday night, Rosa went up against Emma, and decided to add insult to injury by giving Emma the Morganizer. The Morganizer, John." Cole reminded.

"And it was a great thing! She did it better than the Outspoken Diva herself." JBL praised.

"I would like to call out Renee Young. I want to be interviewed, right here, right now. Where are ya?" Rosa looked around.

"Interview?" Cole asked with confusion

"Renee, if you don't get in this ring, right now, I will drag your little ass." She threatened while Renee walked around ringside. "Are you gonna stand there and look stupid? Get your butt in this ring and do your job."

After watching her reluctantly get in the ring, Rosa continued, "Now before we start this little interview, I've asked the WWE universe this question at Battleground. And you better not disappoint and give me a wrong answer, you understand me? Now...who is one of your favorite divas?"

"Rosa..." Renee began as she grinned at the crowd.

"You see? I knew she was a fan. That wasn't so bad right?"

"Actually, Rosa I wasn't finished." She said as the crowd cheered.

She turned back around and gave her a dirty look. "Excuse me?"

"Morgan is one of my favorite wrestlers—" Renee got cut off when Rosa grabbed her by the hair.

"Excuse me!? I'll ask you again! WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE WWE DIVA!?"

"Rosa has become obsessed over this," Cole said with concern.

"No, she's not. She's not obsessed." JBL defended.

Morgan dashes down the ring, while Rosa releases Renee. Rosa goes for a clothesline but she ducks it, to drop her down with a spinning heel kick, making her fall down and roll out the ring.

"Thank goodness!" Cole looked on.

"Get back in here! I watched you for weeks, beating up Nikki Bella, and going after my friends. This ends now! Renee isn't a wrestler, so why are you putting your hands on her?!" Morgan shouted as the crowd cheered in agreement. "I'm sick of it! You talk about being a dominant diva, but here you are putting your hands on a woman, who isn't a wrestler! So, since you want to put your hands on defenseless women, why don't you fight me? Let's not wait till SummerSlam. I want this match done and over with, so I can earn your so called respect and you can leave me the HELL alone! Let's get nuts!"

Rosa shakes her head and Morgan drops her microphone.

"I'm not ready! You'll fight me when I'm ready!" Rosa yelled.

"You are such a bitch!" She shouted before going over to Renee to help her.

"Thank goodness for Morgan saving Renee. That was uncalled for." Cole said.

"She wanted to make a statement," JBL stated.

"By going after Renee Young of all people? She didn't have to do that."


Next week, on Raw, Morgan storms into the Diva's locker room, seeing Rosa chatting with Alicia, Eva and Cameron.

"Oh, look who it is—" Rosa got cut off when Morgan grabbed the handles of her chair and forcefully made her face her, as she was looking in the mirror.

Eva, Cameron, and Alicia got in her face but Morgan glanced at them.

"Don't do that. Step away. Now." The Outspoken Diva ordered, in a harsh tone.

The divas backed off, leaving Rosa on her own. Morgan leaned in, having a stare down with her SummerSlam opponent.

"If you ever...touch my friends again...you're gonna wish that you never started to feud with me from the beginning. This feud was nice. It was fun. But at SummerSlam, I close the book. This is the last chapter. At SummerSlam you're history. I want a fight. And you better be worth my time after all the crap you've put me through."

Rosa smiled. "No. You better be worth my while and not be a crazy lunatic in the ring. I'm not scared of you, Morgan. I know what I'm going up against. You just better be ready. Got it? Good," She stood up and left the locker room.

Later, Seth was in the ring, about to go at it with RVD. But then Justin announces that Heath is Seth's new opponent.

"Oh come on!" Cole exclaimed as Seth started to grin.

Morgan tweets 'Haha! Don't judge a book by its cover. I wouldn't underestimate Heath WWERollins'

"Look at the smile on the face of Seth Rollins. He's loving this." King said as the match went underway.

Seth starts to dominate the match but the crowd starts to cheer when they see Dean walking around ringside, near the announce table.

"Look who's here." Cole looked on.

"You see how much time I have?" Seth pointed to the clock, showing that he had 14 minutes left.

Out of nowhere, Heath hits Seth with a neckbreaker and goes for the pin, to get a near fall. Dean continues to observe the match and takes Seth's briefcase.

"Wait a minute. Dean Ambrose just took his briefcase." King pointed out.

"He can't do that," JBL exclaimed as Dean opened up the briefcase and took out the contract.

"Gimme my contract!" Seth shouted and pointed. All of a sudden, Dean cringed as he slowly ripped the contract in half. "Oh, okay. Okay..."

"He just ripped the contract in half!" Cole said in shock.

Dean continues to rip up the contract before putting a few pieces in his mouth, only to spit it out, seconds later, and tosses the rest of the paper away.

"Somebody call the police department, please? He's destroying someone else's property!" JBL shouted.

"Why doesn't Rollins come out here and do something?" Cole asked.

"Why don't the police do something, about it!?"

"Slater!" Cole shouted as he kicked Rollins in the face.

Heath quickly goes for the pin but gets another near fall. Dean looks around and takes a fan's drink. He takes a couple of sips before opening up the briefcase.

"What are you doing?" Seth called out. "Hey!"

Morgan tweets 'Hey! Theft! That drink was probably a Pepsi! And Pepsi is the best!'

CM Punk favorited her tweet and replied, 'WWEMorgan101 you know it. #PepsiBuddies'

"Wait a minute, Dean." King chuckled as he positioned the drink to be poured into the briefcase.

King makes a disgusted sound effect as Dean slowly pours the drink in the briefcase.

"I hope it's waterproof!" Cole cringed.

"Put that down! Put that down!" Seth shouted.

Morgan tweets 'I love watching WWERollins get mad over stuff like this. #BigBabyRollins'

Dean walks around and grabs a fan's popcorn. He takes a few bites and walks back over to the soaked briefcase.

"Seth Rollins can not concentrate with Dean out here," King said with amusement.

"Not at all." Cole agreed.

Dean pours the popcorn into the briefcase, twisting his face into a nervous expression. He looks around and decides to grab JBL's hat. He puts it on his head as the crowd cheers.

"Now, he's really stealing things, right?" King asked.

Morgan tweets 'Indy memories coming through! He stole his hat! #CowboyAmbrose #CowboyMoxley #GrandTheftAutoPGStyle'

"Oh no! Look at your hat!" Cole exclaimed as Dean put JBL's hat into the popcorn and soda infested briefcase.

He shuts it and locks it.

"Come on! Somebody call the police!" JBL shouted.

Morgan tweets 'Somebody call 911! A sexy Lunatic Fringe is on the loose, ruining WWERollins's MITB briefcase.'

Dean stands up on the announce table, raising the leaking briefcase in the air, and making the commentators move out of the way.

"There is soda everywhere!" Cole moved away.

While Seth continued to yell and scream at Dean, Heath rolls him up for a pin.




"He did it!" Cole shouted as the crowd went wild.

Dean's jaw drops and he starts laughing, while Seth begins freaking out. He just lost to Heath Slater for goodness sake! And it was all because of Ambrose. He was furious.

"The winner of this match, Heath Slater!" Justin announced as Seth ran his hands through his hair and began slamming his fists on the mat.

Dean drops the briefcase and gets off the table, dancing to Heath's theme. He leaves while Seth goes over to the announce table.

"How could you let him do that!?" Seth shouted and looked at his briefcase.

"I'm sorry man, what are we gonna do about it?" King shrugged.

"Oh God!" Cole looked on in disgust as Seth opened up the briefcase.

"Ah~" Seth whined and looked away.

It was hard to look at his well earned briefcase, in his opinion, ruined. He dumps everything out, looking frustrated as he starts kicking the table and throwing a chair.

"Dean Ambrose gets to pick the stipulation against Rollins at SummerSlam and I can guarantee ya, that Dean Ambrose is gonna make it good," Cole said as Rollins stormed off, with his ruined briefcase.

Morgan tweets, 'Ha! WWERollins #YouMadBro?'

Rollins replies, 'WWEMorgan101 Shut up! Just SHUT UP!'

She replies back 'WWERollins Ha ha! Sucks to be you.'


Next week on Raw, Morgan walked out to the ring to a huge pop.

"Morgan! She's looking so bubbly, tonight. I love it when she smiles and twirls." King said with excitement.

She gets in the ring and grabs a microphone, enjoying the loud Morgan chants.

"You guys are so good to me." She chuckled and they cheered in response. "I won't keep you long. I'm not gonna bore you about what I'm gonna do at SummerSlam, but I just wanted to talk about the last diva standing match, this coming Sunday. This will be the last time I have to deal with Rosa and her annoying ways. It's time for me to move on to more important things. Like becoming Diva's champion. So AJ, Paige, don't think this spitfire has forgotten about the title. I just want to thank you two for keeping the title warm for me, while I take care of an annoying piece of crap..."

Rosa walked out, as the crowd booed her. She got in the ring and grabbed a microphone.

"Oh, here we go. What Morgan? What? You got something to say? You gonna tell everyone about Summerslam?" Rosa questioned.

"I was getting to it—"

"What are you gonna do Morgan? Tell everyone about how you're gonna kick my ass, at SummerSlam? Talk about being tired of wrestling me? I'm tired of wrestling you, too! You see, Morgan, you're like the John Cena around here."

"That's a terrible comparison­—"

"Shut up!" Rosa shouted, as the crowd 'Oohed' at her comment. "Fans love you. You have everything that I WANT! The push I wanted. The kids find you as an inspiration. I wanted all that. But you took it all away from me. You know how hard it is to watch all these divas get all these title shots and opportunities? No. Well, not anymore. And this Sunday, I am going to give you a beating that you have never seen before."

Morgan remained silent, as she continued to listen to her talk.

"Why are you still here, Morgan? To try to become better than your boys? To make sure they don't outshine you because you're a diva? Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins are always going to be better than you with the route you're going. It's a fact. You don't have to stay here in the WWE for them. And you don't have to come to SummerSlam. You can go home, and hang up your boots. Be a wife and a mother. Not pretend to act like a crazy person and attack your own boss, for attention."

Morgan began to narrow her eyes as Rosa rambled on.

"It's no secret you're clearly upset about The Shield. We all know it. And you desperately want things to go back to the way they were. You want things differently but guess what, stuff happens and you have to deal with it. Not be a big baby about it. Things are different around here, Morgan. It's not 2013. This is 2014. The Shield are no more. Stop living in a fantasy and face reality. Who are you going to become in this company? A dominant WWE Diva? Someone who doesn't look back and keeps going forward? Whatever can get you to the top? Or are you going to continue pretending that you're The Shield's girl? I saw you crying backstage numerous times, asking yourself what you could have done differently. But you seriously need to wake up and accept the fact that The Shield is done and over. Your boys moved on. You need to as well."

Rosa then began to frown at her, shaking her head. "I know exactly what is going on here. I'm not dumb. I see it and smell it from a mile away. You think I don't see what these people see? You are slowly becoming someone you hate. Someone you wanted to avoid since you stepped foot in this company. Don't think I don't know what's going on here. So, when are you going to look at yourself in the mirror? And take off that mask? To show who the real Morgan, is?"

Morgan was about to speak, about to tell her off but stopped herself, making Rosa raise an eyebrow as she felt like she just proved her point. Conflicted, Morgan dropped the mic and nodded, shocking the audience when she just got out of the ring.

Rosa scoffed and shook her head. "Hit a nerve?" she asked as she dropped the mic while her theme song came on.

"I don't, I don't know what to make of this," King said as the Outspoken Diva headed backstage.

"This is the first time that I have ever seen Morgan walk out like this. I'm surprised. What's going on?" Cole looked on.


Melanie headed to Gamescom with Paul Wight, better known as Big Show.

"Gamespot here, at the 2014 Gamescom, and I'm delighted to be joined by the lovely Outspoken Diva, WWE Diva Morgan Lopez." Danny O'Dwyer said as she waved at the camera, wearing her trademark denim jacket, and casual wear. "So, today we'll be talking about your thoughts on WWE2K15 and answer questions that the fans and I have for you."

"Let's do this." Melanie grinned. "I'm ready."

"So, Morgan, there are rumors going around that you haven't been scanned for WWE2K15, is that true?"

"Yikes, I didn't think the rumors would get that far. Might as well confess. I have been scanned and everything but I was one of the last ones to get scanned. My schedule got really crazy with the WWE Live events. And every time 2K wanted to call me in to get scanned, I couldn't do it. So, it was like very last minute and stuff. But it's really fun. Can't wait for the game."

"Oh great. Because I'm sure the WWE Universe would love to play as the Outspoken Diva, in the game." He said while she nodded in response. "So, are you an avid video gamer? Do you play a lot?"

"Loving video games. Thanking AJ for everything about games. I haven't played any in a while because of my crazy schedule but when I have the free time, I'll try to get at least an hour or two in. The last game I played was with AJ when we were playing GTA V online. I also love The Sims, and a lot of those games. And I'm trying to recover from trying the demo of the new Silent Hill game. So, if my voice sounds a little hoarse, today, it's because of my screaming from all those jump scares." She laughed with him.

"You think you'll get it?"

"I dunno! I don't wanna lose my voice!"

"I would love to ask you, are you crazy? I've seen Harley Quinn show up these past weeks."

"Yes. I am a little rough around the edges. I have some screws loose and I can be a loose cannon if I get angry in the ring. But I'm really nice. Promise. I'm not gonna go crazy on you if you call me crazy or Harley Quinn. Although AJ on the other hand...you may wanna watch out."

"All right, on a more serious note. And you knew this question was coming."

"Yes." She nodded.

"The question that is on everyone's mind. Why did you walk out? Why did you walk out when Rosa was cutting a promo on you? You've been one of the top trends on Twitter these past couple of days, and we all want to know. Why?"

"I'm just...I'm so tired of explaining myself. Why not just wait till Sunday to make a statement? Not cut the pointless promos. Actions speak louder than words. And you will understand that on Sunday,"

"So, what do you think of WWE2K15?"

"It's so realistic. I'm excited. The work and the effort for this game are amazing. It's like you're watching WWE live. It's real, and it's like, for example, Randy Orton. You can actually see him doing his moves realistically. And it's like it's actually him wrestling in the ring, and it's actually him doing his own moves. It's awesome."

"That's very cool. So, Morgan you are a huge grape lover. When did you actually start eating grapes and why do you love them so much?"

"Funny story, okay so, I haven't tried grapes until I was 16. I know. Crazy. Shocker. My friends thought I was crazy for not eating a very common fruit for all these years. But I wasn't into trying new things and I always thought grapes looked gross. Especially when they look a little brown. I was like, ugh, no thanks. So, I stayed away from them. But then I finally tried it. I was like, oh my God, where have you been all these years!? They're just so juicy. I can't stop eating them. Just the sourness, the sweetness, jeez!"

"We heard Dean will be in a new WWE movie. How do you feel?"

Melanie's eyes lit up. "I'm excited! If you see how good he performs in the ring, then imagine how awesome it'll be to see him on the big screen. It's gonna be sick! Can't wait to see Officer Ambrose in uniform."

"I see a little blush there." Danny pointed out, making her giggle. "I have a question, what do you think about the fangirls? Do they love you? Hate you? What?"

"Yikes. I deal with different types of fangirls. Some love me, love me and Dean together, some hate me, envy me for dating their dream guy, some like to do research on me, trying to see my flaws or something, some think of me as a role model and just an awesome diva, like there are different types of fangirls out there. But the negativity some of them give me, it's not worth dwelling on. Not everyone is going to love me. So, that's that."

"All right, what's your worst injury?"

"I haven't really broken any bones or anything. But right now it's my ribs, back at Money in The Bank. When I tried to do a moonsault on Seth on top of a ladder, my ribs weren't so lucky. They hurt like hell. I hate hurting my ribs. It sucks. And that's one of the reasons why I'm not wrestling a lot in the ring, right now, as I really would like to, but WWE just wants me to heal up, and be in the best shape I can be for SummerSlam."

"So, do you see yourself and Triple H having a match? You two got in a heated confrontation back at Battleground and I know you two have some unfinished business. And also, where would you like to take him on? SummerSlam? WrestleMania? Royal Rumble? Or another place?"

"First off, hell to yes! I want that jerk in the ring with me, ASAP! I want to kick his head off." She said with determination. "Morgan holds grudges, and she isn't gonna let you slide with that little stunt, you pulled, Triple H. And also, I wouldn't mind facing him on RAW. Raw has a lot of big moments and it'll make me think about him and Chyna going at it."

"Speaking of Chyna, do you think Chyna will get her hands on Triple H, anytime soon?"

"I wish! Oh man, I want that to happen so badly,"

"So, we all heard about the WWE Magazine having its final issue coming up. And come to find out, you, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns will be on the cover. How do you feel? I know you've always wanted to be on the cover of the WWE Magazine and you finally get your wish."

"I am so happy and blessed. To be on the cover of the final WWE Magazine is so unreal. And I was pretty happy when they wanted all members of The Shield and not just the guys. I'm so excited and I hope you guys enjoy the final issue."

"Why do you love Dean so much?" Danny asked on behalf of the fans.

She blushed and laughed. "Fangirls?"

"Or it could be fanboys wanting to know,"

"It's hard to put into words. I love Dean so much. He has always been there for me since back in the Indy days. And we've just clicked ever since I met him. He's funny, he listens to me, and I'm always so comfortable with him."

"Even when you blush?" He teased.

"Danny, stop embarrassing me!" She laughed and playfully punched him on the arm.

"What's your best moment with Jon Moxley?"

"Despite all the awesome, and crazy moments I had with him, the one where he was the special ref for my match and he hit me with the Moxicity, to make me lose, started everything for me. Reason is because that really started our feud. Our popularity grew and stuff. If it wasn't for that attack, I don't think I would have been at TNA when they checked me out. And then on to the WWE."

"Another fan question, Do you hope to get married to Dean?"

"Absolutely." Melanie smiled.

"And would you like to get married to him onscreen or off?"

"Off." Melanie immediately replied. "Definitely off. I really wouldn't want my wedding filmed by Total Divas. Let me rephrase that. Hell no. No way I'm getting my wedding filmed for Total Divas. F outta here. And WWE weddings are always bad luck, so we're gonna stay away from having a wedding in the WWE."

"That's a beautiful ring on your right hand."

"Guess I should show you my rock." She revealed her hand, showing a ring on her right ring finger. "It's a promise ring."

Danny checked out her white gold ring, with her birthstone on top, and diamonds around it. "I saw how shiny it looked."

"Thanks." She grinned.

"So, tell me, how does it feel wrestling with your boyfriend?"

"I loved taking on Dean back at the Wyatt Family feud. It gives me pleasant memories of the Indy days. And working with him is awesome. A lot of divas are with WWE superstars but don't get to work with them, so it's a blessing to be able to work with Dean. He really helps me out with wrestling. And we're used to working together a lot, so it really works."

"In the future, can you see you and Dean Ambrose holding tag team belts?"

"Haha, that is very interesting." She chuckled. "Anything can happen in the WWE. So never say never to that. I can see us as a badass tag team. We dominate a lot together."

"Last question, do you think The Shield will ever reunite?"

"Yes. Even though we are all on a rocky road, deep down, we still all love each other and think of each other as a family. Right now, we're all focusing on our singles careers, and right now I'm focused on taking Rosa down once and for all at SummerSlam. And then making sure my journey as a single's competitor shines bright. I'm looking forward to the future." She smiled.

"Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. And thanks for coming to Gamescom."

"No problem, thanks for having me."

"Morgan Lopez, everybody." Danny signed out.


For Smackdown, Morgan was on commentary for the show.

"Morgan, the question that is on everyone's mind, why did you leave?" Cole asked.

"Look, I'm tired of explaining myself, 24/7 when it comes to kicking someone's ass. I'll let my actions do the talking. That's why I left." She explained.

"So...Rosa didn't get under your skin?" JBL instigated but Morgan ignored him.

"Rosa seems to have been really trying to do mind games by doing your finishing moves," Cole said as Rosa took down Naomi with a suplex.

"I could care less. She can't do it like me, anyway. She can add insult to injury." The Outspoken Diva shrugged.

"And I think we're about to see it, again!" Cole shouted as Rosa trapped Naomi in Morgan's breakdown submission.

Naomi had no choice but to tap as the crowd booed.

"Here is your winner! Rosa Mendes!" Lilian announced as she got her hand raised.

"That was awesome." JBL applauded.

Rosa gets out of the ring and taunts Morgan.

"That's gonna be you at SummerSlam! Believe that!" Rosa turned around and started walking away.

Morgan sighed and took off her shoes. "I didn't want to do this..." The Outspoken Diva got on top of the announce table as the crowd cheered.

"What the what are you doing!? Get down! And watch the hat! I already got it ruined once by Ambrose!" JBL exclaimed.

"Look out!" Cole shouted as she jumped on top of Rosa, pummeling her down with punches. "Morgan and Rosa going at it!"

"Get off of her, Morgan! She didn't do anything!"

"You and me are gonna have some fun, this Sunday!" Morgan shouted before getting taken away backstage along with Rosa as referees tried to separate them.

"Uh...I think we just lost a commentator." Cole laughed.

"She'll be back..." JBL mumbled.

Later that evening, Morgan came back to continue commentating during Jack's match against Bo Dallas. After the show when Roman Reigns took care of the Miz, she took off her headset and enjoyed the dark segment as the Wyatt Family, Rosa, Seth, and Kane surrounded the ring.

Dean rushes down the ring to aid Roman, as they stand back to back. The crowd cheers even louder when Sheamus gets in the ring, to back them up. All the heels, but Rosa rush into the ring, and go after the faces. Morgan decides to get up from her seat, as she sees Rosa, over to her.

"Don't come over here. Don't do it." Morgan pointed out.

She sees the heels taking over the faces and decides to hit Seth with a low blow from ringside, as he was leaning on the ropes. That gives Dean the advantage to dropkick him as he rolls out of the ring. Morgan sees Rosa grabbing Dean by the leg and starts chasing her around the ring. Dean strikes Seth with a suicide dive, making him run backstage.

Sheamus gives Erick and Luke a brogue kick. Kane grabs Sheamus by the neck, preparing for the chokeslam until Roman drops him down with a Superman bunch. Rosa slides into the ring, to get away from Morgan and so does Bray. But Bray gets dropped back down by a Superman punch. Roman roars and hits Kane with the spear as the crowd cheers loudly. Dean and Sheamus get back in the ring to celebrate but witness Rosa in the ring.

"U­—um, I mean no harm." Rosa put her hands up in defense, looking scared.

Dean and Roman start stalking her, as she tries to get away from them. Suddenly, Morgan slides back into the ring, as the crowd cheers for her. She rests her hands on her knees, awaiting for Rosa to turn around.

Dean and Roman yelled "Boo!" making her shriek and turn around, only to be laid out by backfire.

Rosa rolls out the ring as the crowd cheers, and the faces celebrate and taunt the crowd, in the ring. Morgan fixes her denim jacket and laughs.

"Haha, did you see her face?" The Philly Diva bumped fists with Roman as he laughed at her response.

Melanie, breaking out of character along with everyone else, finally gets out of the ring and starts tagging hands and taking photos. Meanwhile, Jon was standing on the announce table, getting hyped up. He sees a rose on the floor and picks it up, putting it in his mouth.

"Morgan! I hope you win on Sunday!" A little girl cheered.

Melanie smiled and thanked her, giving her a big hug. Meanwhile, Jon takes the rose from his mouth and holds it as he starts tagging hands at ringside. He sees Melanie with fans in front of him and gently grabs her by the wrist, making her turn around.

She saw the rose in his hands and laughed lightly. "Really? Thank you,"

"Yeah, really. You're welcome," he replied with a laugh before giving her a loving kiss, making the crowd cheer louder.

Jon heads up to the stage with Joe, continuing to taunt the crowd, while Melanie continues tagging hands at ringside. She sees them motioning her to come over as they start doing The Shield pose.

"Really?" She laughed as the crowd encouraged her. "All right, all right."

She walked over and stood in between them, putting her fist up.

SummerSlam was going to be great, this Sunday. Melanie couldn't wait.


It was Sunday morning, and staying at a hotel in LA, Jon got himself situated for the big night ahead of him.

"Dude, where's Mel?" Joe asked, coming into the room after Jon let him in.

"She went to the pool. She wanted to enjoy the sun before heading to the arena." He replied.

Later, the two guys hear someone knocking on the door. Jon answers it to reveal Renee & Danielle.

"All right, Jon, where are you hiding her?" Renee smiled.

"Where's Melanie? April's trying to find her." Danielle informed.

"She's at the pool," he informed them.

"Pool!? We have a big night ahead of us! Why would she be at the pool?" Danielle walked off. "Wait until I see her! She's gonna get it! I thought she got kidnapped or something!" She went on, walking down the hallway.

Renee rolled her eyes in amusement and caught up with her.

"I heard she got challenged for the ice bucket challenge." Joe brought up.

"She did, huh? You thinking what I'm thinking?" Jon showed a mischievous grin.

"As long as I don't get killed, I'm in." He bumped fists with him.

With Melanie, she decided to get some sun before SummerSlam. She wore a red polka dot bikini and short jean shorts while taking a nap, on a white poolside chair, enjoying the hot sun. Meanwhile, April walked around the poolside area, trying to find her with Danielle & Renee.

"There she is!" Danielle pointed out.

"Mel, get up! SummerSlam is today!" April shook her.

"Hm..." Melanie mumbled, taking off her brown sunglasses. "Gimme ten more minutes..." She put her sunglasses back on.

"You've been napping all morning! We gotta get to the arena, soon." Renee took her sunglasses off, her eyes.

"And also you gotta donate. Your 24 hours is up." April pointed out.

"Donate...?" Melanie looked at the three women with a confused expression.

"The challenge," Danielle called out.

"Challenge? What challenge?" The Outspoken Diva yawned as the three divas glanced at each other.

"You don't know what the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is?" Renee asked.

"Um...no?" Melanie got up from the chair.

"Oh my gosh, we gotta get you educated! Shame on you, Mel! And you're the Twitter sensation. Check out the videos of the ones that challenged you." Danielle took out her phone.

The three divas gave Melanie an educated lesson about the challenge and showed her a couple of fan videos.

"And you gotta check out Phil's. He challenged you." April grinned.

"He did what? And I'm finding this out now, because?" Melanie exclaimed as she watched Phil's video.

"...And I challenge the grape monster, Melanie Laurer. Sorry, not sorry, Mel." Phil grinned in his video and motioned for his friend and April to pour the big bucket of water on him.

"I hate him..." Melanie said with a laugh.

"No~ don't hate my man! He's the best in the world!" April nudged her.

They checked out Ronda's video, along with Dana White and Celeste's ice bucket challenge videos.

"So, we're still making you dump ice on yourself." Renee grinned.

"Fine, fine, I'll do it and donate."

"I'll be recording!" April took out her phone, while Renee and Danielle went back inside to get a big bucket of ice.

Meanwhile, Melanie tweeted, 'I'm a targeted woman for the Ice Bucket Challenge? Challenge accepted! CMPunk, danawhite, RondaRousey, CelesteBonin, and WWE Universe.'

"Ready!" Danielle giggled as she brought with big bucket of ice and some water with Renee to the pool area.

"Recording?" Melanie asked and April nodded in response. "Hey, it's Morgan Lopez and I've been nominated by Ronda Rousey, my awesome enemy, Madison Rayne, CM Punk, Dana White, Celeste Bonin, and the WWE Universe to take part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Before I get started, I would love to encourage everyone to get involved and donate, please." She looked at the large bucket before her and exhaled. "Okay..."

April started to giggle when she saw Joe and Jon in the background, behind Melanie. Joe gave Jon the large black bucket of ice and moved out of the way. Danielle and Renee struggle to keep their laughs in, catching Melanie's attention.

"I know, you can laugh." Melanie pointed out. "All right, let's do this—AHH!"

She screamed out of shock when she got a large bucket of ice and brisk water dumped on her head. She was soaked head to toe, jumping up and down in surprise, at the sudden coldness. The divas laughed while Melanie ran her hands through her cold and wet hair, shivering. Jon laughed and placed the bucket on top of her head.

"What the heck was that!? I wasn't even ready!" she shouted and took the bucket off, throwing it at Jon, who evaded it.

"What? It's for charity. You'll live." He grinned.

"Oh okay...okay. Fine. You know who I nominate? I nominate my mom, dad, Chyna, my good buddy from TNA, The Devil's Man, and...you, T Master." Melanie pushed Jon.

"T Master? What? No way. I donated—" Jon jumped in shock as she dumped her original freezing bucket of ice water on his head.

"Now, you're all nice and wet for the fangirls. And it's all for a good cause." She laughed and placed the bucket on top of his head.

She turned him around and kicked him in the butt, making him fall into the pool as everyone started laughing out loud.

"How's the weather down there?" She laughed and turned back to the camera.

He got out of the pool and took off his leather jacket and shirt, leaving him just in his sneakers and jeans.

"Man, that water's cold." Melanie shivered. "Anyway, don't forget to donate!" She gave the camera a thumbs up.

"Watch your back!" Danielle warned but it was too late.

Melanie screamed as she got a pair of strong arms, wrapped around her waist. She got pulled back, and fell in the pool, making a big splash.

April laughed and ended the video. "Now, that's a keeper."


While the SummerSlam Kickoff was underway, Melanie had on jean shorts with black fishnet stockings that had tiny holes, that were almost invisible to see until you get up close. Black boots, a red vest that stopped before her pierced naval and it showed a little bit of her black bra underneath. She put her hair in loose curls and headed to catering.

"Nervous?" Brie smiled and handed her a bowl of grapes.

"Appreciate it." She exhaled. "I'm kind of nervous. This night is going to seriously change the course of my career, I can tell you that."

"So is mine," she replied with a sweet smile. "But you're going to do great out there. Just like you always do."

"Thanks, you will too."

Sadly, at the last minute, WWE changed the time for Milena and Melanie's match. They had even less time for their match and the two decided to work on doing as many crazy spots as possible. When wrestling news sites grabbed a hold of the leaked news that their match time got cut down, social media was not too happy. Their match was barely longer than Paige's match going up against AJ later that evening. Of course, both Melanie and Milena were pissed but they were going to make sure to do what they do best even with the short time limit.

Melanie tweets 'Time to make a statement, tonight. Somebody is going to get hurt. You know who you are. #FistsAreOnFire'

SummerSlam started off with Hulk Hogan and now it was time for Melanie's match against Milena. It was pretty darn cool of WWE to let the Last Diva Standing match be the opening of the show. And Melanie was going to make sure not to disappoint.

"This is a last diva standing match!" Justin announced as the crowd cheered loudly.

"Ooh! We're starting off big tonight!" King said with excitement. Nothing like diva action to get the King hyped up.

"Introducing first, from San Jose, Costa Rica, Rosa Mendes!" Justin announced as she walked out with a smug look.

"New attitude, more focused, I think Rosa has a chance here. This is the final chapter of this feud, they close the book in this personal story, and I can't wait to see the outcome." Cole looked on.

"I agree. This rivalry has been going on for a very long time. And finally, it comes to a close. The final showdown. I am so excited. Who do you think is gonna win?" King asked.

"Despite Rosa's actions, I think Morgan is gonna come out on top. But I can guarantee that Rosa is going to give it all she has and prove that she is a worthy future Diva's champion one day. No more messing around. Things are getting serious."

The arena dimmed its lights as the beats of Morgan's theme came on.

"And introducing her opponent, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced as she walked out to a big pop, putting her hands on her hips.

Her wrestling attire started glowing in the dark, showing off the neon colors from her belt, vest, and fingerless gloves.

"She's here! The Outspoken neon beauty!" King said with excitement.

Celeste tweets 'Here we go! #OutspokenNeonBeauty in the house! End this feud once and for all WWEMorgan101!'

"Morgan has dealt with Rosa for many months, and now she seeks closure. She wants to beat Rosa here, tonight, and close the book of this story." Cole informed as she twirled around and tagged hands.

"Morgan, stalking Rosa outside the ring." King looked on as The Outspoken Diva touched each ring post she passed while staring down at Rosa. After walking around the ring twice, she got in the ring.

"Got a feeling these two are going to give each other a lot of pain and suffering here, tonight." JBL said.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Milena and Melanie stared at each other and nodded. They were pressed for time so they were going to have to do a lot in a short amount to at least make this last match worthwhile.

Morgan runs and jumps right on top of Rosa, pummeling her down with punches as they roll out the ring.

"This is getting violent, quick!" King exclaimed.

The announce team moves out of the way, once she slams Rosa's head on top of the announce table, over and over again. Rosa elbows her in the stomach and tosses her into the steel steps.

"Good grief!" Cole shouted.

"No more games, Neon girl!" Rosa tossed her into the barricade, while Morgan held the back of her neck.

Rosa waits for her to get up, and lays her out with a swinging neckbreaker.

"Count!" She ordered the ref, who was at ringside, to keep a healthy distance from the action.

Celeste tweets 'Come on #NeonDiva, get up!'

"1...! 2...!" The ref began to count.

"This match may end early!" Cole looked on.


Morgan starts to get on her hands and knees.


She almost gets to her feet with the help of the barricade.

"5...! She's up." The ref stated.

Annoyed at the outcome, Rosa rolls the Neon Diva back into the ring.

"Come on, Morgan, is this what you wanted?" She taunted and grabbed her for a suplex.

The Philly Diva counters and hits her with a suplex of her own, as the crowd cheers. She Irish whips Rosa into the corner, and hits her with the handspring back elbow.

"Uh oh, this might get ugly," King said with worry as she placed Rosa on the top rope and tried to go for another suplex.

"W­—wait a minute!" Cole shouted as Rosa managed to put Morgan in a suplex position. "Outside the ring!"

"Oh my gosh!" King screamed in a high pitched voice as Rosa suplexed her outside the ring.

"Off the top rope! They may be broken in half!"

The crowd chants 'This is awesome' while the ref slides out of the ring and checks on the two divas. Morgan was laid out, flat on her back, while Rosa was laid out, face first.

"Can we rewatch that landing? Oh!" King said as the titantron showed the suplex a couple of times. "Look how hard they landed."

The suplex really took a toll on them both, especially their backs as they were still exhausted.

"I didn't think it was gonna get this dangerous, this quick!" Cole said as the ref began to count.







Both divas start to stagger up to their feet. "7...!"

Both of them make it back to their feet. Rosa walks around the ring and grabs a kendo stick, as the crowd cheers.

"Oh no...no. Do not, do this! There's a better way!" King shouted.

She walks back over to Morgan and tries to hit her with it, but she catches it and yanks it out of her hands.

"Uh oh!" Cole shouted as she whacked Rosa on the arm, with the stick.

Rosa tries to run away but Morgan is right on her tail, continuously beating her with the stick. She drops Rosa down with a whack to the face, with the stick, and gets back in the ring. She starts to get back on her feet, while Morgan goes for a suicide dive. But Rosa manages to move out of the way, while Morgan lands on her face.

"What a landing!" Cole looked on.

"Good grief! Is she okay?" King asked while The Outspoken Diva held her face. "She didn't break anything, did she?"

Rosa rolls Morgan back in the ring, and places her on the top rope again, with her back facing her. She makes Morgan go in the tree of woe, better known as hanging upside down, on the turnbuckle, as she gets a chair.

"What is going on with Rosa, now?" Cole asked.

"We're gonna end this match, quickly, okay?" Rosa mentioned before striking Morgan's stomach with the chair. The crowd 'Ohs' at the impact as she yelled out in pain.

"Morgan's defenseless! Get her down, ref!" King shouted.

"Again..." Melanie murmured to Milena, prepared for the pain.

Rosa laughed evilly and hit her hard against the stomach once again as Morgan cried out in pain.

"Let them fight, she'll be fine," JBL replied.

"Repeated shots..." Melanie murmured again to her.

Suddenly, Rosa continuously hit her with the chair, taking out all her frustration.

"Doesn't feel so good, does it, Neon girl?" Rosa taunted and hit her one more time, before letting her go.

Morgan falls down and clenches her stomach, as the ref begins to count.



"I think this is it. Rosa did a lot of damage to that midsection." King murmured in defeat.







Morgan manages to get back on her feet and continues to hold her stomach. Rosa tries to go for another swinging neckbreaker, but Morgan counters and hits her with the backfire.

"Backfire!" King said with excitement as the crowd cheered.

She slowly gets on the top rope and hits her with a moonsault. Rosa rolls out the ring, while Morgan continues to recover. The moonsault took a lot of energy from her. After a minute of recovering from Morgan's offense, Rosa looks under the ring and gets a bag.

"What on earth...?" Cole wondered as she got back in the ring.

She opens up the bag and dumps it out, in the middle of the ring, causing the crowd to go crazy seeing two women in WWE with thumbtacks.

"T­—that's thumbtacks!" King shouted.

"Is she out of her mind!? Thumbtacks!?" JBL shouted as Morgan started to get up.

'Ugh...fuck my life...' Melanie complained in her head as she tried to mentally prepare for what was about to happen.

'You got this...it's going to be okay...you can do this...' she thought in her head, trying to encourage herself.

Morgan runs over to her, going for a clothesline, but Rosa manages to pick her up.

"I'm sorry!" Milena murmured, knowing this was going to hurt like hell for her, and slammed her on top of the thumbtacks.

King screams in a high pitched voice while the crowd cheers loudly.

"AHH~!" Morgan screamed out in pain as she arched her back from the pain.


"AHH~!" Melanie screamed inside of a CZW ring.

Silver thumbtacks were all over her back, arms, legs, everywhere as she got suplex in the middle of the ring by Christina Von Eerie. The loud holy shit chants were everywhere as the commentators were freaking out.

"Do you want to continue?!" The ref asked.

"No!" Melanie shouted as the ref called for the bell.

She started crying and began to freak out as the referees tried to help her. She was scared out of her mind, and never felt this pain before. And she never wanted to feel it again in that moment.


It took weeks of convincing to agree to this spot. It began to give her PTSD of that match in CZW. But Melanie knew she'd be able to power through the pain. That match toughened her up and made her more open to those risky spots. But it was nothing like having thumbtacks all over your body.

Her body was shaking as she felt agonizing pain. Stabbed all around her body. The discomfort and agony were clearly shown on her face.

"Oh my God!" Cole shouted while she continued screaming in pain, clearly going beyond selling the pain of the thumbtacks. "What a way to start off Summerslam!"

"She's wide awake now! Rosa isn't playing around, this time!" JBL yelled. "She caused this!"

Melanie started to calm down, still shaking from the pain.

"Oh my God! Oh my God~!" King continued to shout and scream. "Thumbtacks all over her body!"

The crowd chants 'Holy shit!' while Melanie lays back down on her back as tears began to flow.

"Morgan's in pain, guys. The tears in her eyes," Cole observed while Rosa grinned in satisfaction and laughed.

Thumbtacks were everywhere. On her back, legs, arms, hands, clothing, almost everywhere on her body. She used to regret having that match against Christina because it came to an end so quickly, but it changed her. She wasn't going to chicken out and quit the match. And she wasn't going to give up and stay down, again.

"1...! 2...! 3...! 4...!"

The referee's counts filled Melanie's head and so did the crowd's cheers. She could hear Milena in character, laughing in the background, most likely taunting the crowd.

Crying as she fought through the pain, she slowly started to get up. She heard the ref inform they had only 3 minutes left of their match, being one of the shortest matches on the card.

Morgan wipes her tears and started to get up on the count of 7.

"So much heart. Can't believe she's continuing this match." Cole said as the crowd cheered. "Thumbtacks and all."

"There you go, always playing the tough girl. It's okay to just stay down and give up, for once!" Rosa shouted.

"As cliché as it may sound, give up isn't in my vocabulary." Morgan snapped, in an icy tone.

"It is in my ring! You're done!" Rosa kicked her in the stomach and threw her out of the ring.

"These two are very hostile towards each other. I don't think they'll ever become friends." JBL said.

"Rosa has dominated this whole match. Morgan has tried to hold her own, but it seems that Rosa always finds a way to keep her down." King said as she grabbed another kendo stick and whacked Morgan's back with it.

Morgan falls down on her knees but manages to get back up, slowly walking up the ramp. Rosa whacked her back every time she tried to make a step up the ramp.

As soon as they get on the stage, Rosa tries to hit her in the head with the kendo stick but Morgan manages to catch it and throw it away. She tries to go for a powerbomb, but Rosa counters and hits her with powerbomb of her own, at the edge of the stage, on the left side.

"No! Morgan may be broken in half!" Cole shouted as Rosa walked over to the right edge of the stage, taunting the crowd.

"I got a bad feeling about this..." JBL mumbled.

"1...! 2...! 3...! 4...!"

"Come on Morgan!" King shouted.

"5...! 6...!"

"She's motionless, King. I think this is it." Cole said in defeat.

"7...! 8...! 9...!"

The crowd explodes into loud cheers when Morgan kips up.

"Taking a play out of Shawn Michaels' book!" Cole shouted.

"She's still alive?!" JBL yelled in disbelief.

"Woo hoo!" King cheered as she managed to come out of her groggy state.

She stares down Rosa's back and makes a gun sign, before shooting it towards her head.

Rosa turned around and widened her eyes. "How did you get up so fast!?"

"Believe in that, bitch!" The Outspoken Diva started running up to her, and speared her off the stage, onto a table as the crowd's cheers got louder.

"Oh my God!" Cole and King shouted as the ref quickly rushed over to the two divas.

"You okay?" Melanie asked Milena in her ear.

"Yes. I love you. Amazing match. Thank you for this rivalry. Thank you for helping me with my career,"

"Love you too. Milena, thank you so much for everything," she moved off her and laid face first on the ground.

"1...! 2...!"

"Is this it!?" King shouted.

"3...! 4...! 5...!"

Morgan starts to stagger up to her hands and knees.

"6...! 7...! 8...!"

And with the help of the stage, she finally manages to get back to her feet. Rosa was still down and out, motionless.


"10! Ring the bell!" The ref shouted as the crowd yelled 'Yeah!'

"Here is your winner! Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced as the crowd cheered loudly.

The ref raises her hand and helps her. She was starting to bleed with the thumbtacks but the pain was bearable as the adrenaline pumped through her.

Celeste tweets 'Short and sweet with a lot of extreme spots. Making an impact with little time is awesome.'

"Morgan finally closes the chapter. Very extreme match up. Rosa may have dominated most of the match, but Morgan endured the beating and came through." Cole praised.

"Can we see that spear one more time? Good grief! What a landing!" King shouted.

"And it seems that Rosa isn't going to be a problem with her, anymore. Incredible match." JBL praised.

"Wearing these battle wounds, proudly." Morgan gave the camera a thumbs up and tagged some hands.

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6 years ago

Forever Marked;

Pairing: Finn Balor / Seth Rollins

Rating: Mature, but no smut in this one. It’s intense, and maybe a little romantic at the end.

Summary: After months of planning and anticipation, Finn is trusted to finally tattoo Seth’s neck, giving him his first highly visible piece of work. One shot to fill in some time for the tattoo!au verse with @toosweetfinn


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