smolwritingchick - Smolwritingchick

Minding my business and writing in peace. 26 | Black | Video Games | Wrestling | Bangtan Gal Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3

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What Would Be CNBlues Impression Of Jennie When They Meet Her And Talk To Her? Would They Mention About

What would be CNBlue’s impression of Jennie when they meet her and talk to her? Would they mention about her in their interviews? If they do, how would they describe her?

I see them saying that she is very enthusiastic and a great example of Fan Service for fans. A respectful girl who is eager to learn. I also see them being shocked to learn Jennie made the desserts when they were eating cupcakes during a music show or another event, raving about her baking.

With Yonghwa I see him saying that the way JenKook are with each other is a wonderful example of true love. He’d also bring up in an interview or something that he noticed Jennie watching him play the guitar on stage in such a focused manner while vibing, like she was analyzing how he played and making mental notes on how to improve. It surprised him at first but then he felt happy to be admired for his work. And before he could ask if she wanted any advice on the guitar, she kindly beat him to it and wanted to have jam sessions. With their busy schedules, they try to visit each other at their studios to play the guitar and do covers. They could even cover Shallow together!! Wowww I think I just created a story idea.

Yonghwa and Jennie cover Shallow from A Star Is Born. Maybe at one of the end of the year events.

Minhyuk: He loves Jennie’s excitement for things. Even if she is a famous artist, he enjoys her genuine reactions to things. He’d chuckle when she points out “wait I saw you in that show! I knew you looked familiar! Wow! You did amazing!” 🙌🏾 Maybe he could give her advice on kdramas when she decides to try to audition for one. I see him highly praising her for her acting and bring up how he encouraged her to take risks with auditions. He could even could recommend places for her and Jungkook to check out for future dates. They’d do jam sessions too

Jungshin: Since he’s big on fashion, I see him assisting Jennie when it comes to attending fashion events as she becomes a bigger name with Bangtan and getting involved in endorsements and fashion brands. She’d be a bit overwhelmed with it but he’d definitely put her concerns to rest. They’d attend Seoul fashion week for sure. He’ll also do jam sessions with her as well. 😁


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More Posts from Smolwritingchick

11 months ago

I was wondering do you know CNBlue? It’s a famous band in Korea. One of the members appeared on a Suchwita episode and I heard BTS and CNBlue have met each other a few times. Do you think Jennie would be interested in getting to know them? Would they be close with each other?

Yeah! I know the band!! I have listened to some of their stuff before. 😁

Aw, they met a few times? That’s so cool! Yes of course, she’d be very interested in getting to know them. She’ll admire their work especially with them being a whole band. I see her asking to do a Jam session with them one day and wanting to learn from them. It’ll be nice for them to be close. Even if BTS are huge artists, Jennie will always be looking up to artists who have been in the industry longer and would want to learn from them to improve in her artistry. She is always studying and perfecting her craft. Especially with the guitar. She also would love to make more trustworthy friends in the industry. They can be like cool uncle or big brother figures for her. I like this idea. I’m going to look more into it and put it in my ideas document 📝 thanks for the ask!! 😁

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority

Forced To Believe Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority

Chapter Summary: The Shield go after The Authority. Evolution makes a shocking return, taking out The Shield. Morgan celebrates her birthday but Wade Barrett becomes a thorn in her side once again, wanting a match in exchange for a date.

Words: 8.000+


Rosa is with Alicia Fox backstage as the crowd boos. 

"I mean, come on, I'm so much better than Morgan. She's a piece of crap and she got lucky at WrestleMania. She's gonna get her butt kicked. Stupid Morgan. Her and her stupid family & friends can all burn in-" Rosa stopped talking when she noticed Alicia quickly backing away. 

"Hey! Where are you going!? I wasn't done! No one leaves me like that! No one-oh." Rosa turned around to see Morgan standing in front of her with her arms crossed. "'s you. Just because your stupid family was at WrestleMania supporting you and you got the win over my team and I doesn't mean anything. It was a had to get help." She chuckled and turned back around but shut her mouth when Morgan's father was in front of her, looking stern. 

Rosa cleared her throat. "Mister Lopez...Um, I think I'm going to go." She turned around but bumped into Jane as the crowd cheered. "Mrs Lopez, with all due respect­-" She shrieked in shock and pain as Jane gave her a hard slap in the face. 

"Whoa!" JBL exclaimed.

"Jane just slapped Rosa!" King shouted as she held her cheek.

"What's up, Rosa? Yikes, that's a big mark. You may wanna ice that." Morgan chuckled. 

"This isn't over..." Rosa backed off and walked away.

The Philly Diva hugged her parents. "You two good?"

"That felt wonderful. We feel great." Jane smiled and kissed her on the cheek.


In the ring, Daniel Bryan was getting beaten up by Batista, Kane, and Orton while Triple H, Rosa, and Stephanie were walking down the ramp. 

"Daniel Bryan isn't even moving," King said as Triple H got in the ring and grinned at the crowd, earning boos. 

As soon as Triple H tries to pick up Daniel, the crowd explodes as soon as The Shield's theme comes on. 








"Wait a minute," Cole said as Stephanie's eyes widened and Triple H slowly looked at the crowd. 

The Shield walk through the crowd, wearing their masks. The Outspoken Diva walks in front of her teammates with a guitar in her hands and is the first to jump over the barricade. 

"Are things about to go from bad to worse?" King asked as Rollins, Reigns, and Ambrose jumped over the barricade. 

"That guitar in Morgan's hands looks dangerous," JBL said.

Morgan gives The Authority her trademark glare as Stephanie backs away from The Shield and goes to the end of the ramp. The Shield stand together at ringside while Orton, Batista, Rosa, and Kane get on the apron, across from them. The crowd begins to chant 'Hounds of Justice' while Triple H tries to calm everyone down. The Shield take off their masks and get on the apron. 

"No, this is not gonna happen. No. This is not gonna happen. We are not doing this. This is not gonna happen." Triple H ordered. 

'This is awesome' the crowd chants as The Shield gets in the ring. 

Triple H walked up to The Shield. "Stand down, you understand me? Stand down." He turned around to Orton and the others as they got in the ring. "Hey. No. This is not gonna happen. This is not happening." 

"I don't trust them." Kane stepped up and pointed to The Hounds of Justice while Triple H pushed him back. 

"This is not happening. I am telling you." Triple H said. "We are not breaking this down into a war, okay?" 

Roman, Dean, and Seth turn to Morgan with a smirk. Morgan looked at her teammates and winked. She looked at the guitar in her hands and then back at the COO.

"Get ready to rock! Home run!" She loudly announced as she swung the guitar across Triple H's face once he turned around, breaking it in the process as the crowd exploded.

"She just hit the COO with the guitar!" King yelled in a high pitched voice. 

Triple H spins around from the guitar's impact, and Roman takes the opportunity to spear him down as the crowd gets louder. 

"And a spear on Triple H!" Cole shouted.

"Screw The Authority!" Morgan shouted before getting jumped on by Rosa while the others went at it. 

"And here we go! The Shield unloading!" 

Kane and Roman hit each other with hard shots while Ambrose and Batista go at it. Ambrose throws Batista out of the ring, and Seth throws Orton out of the ring. 

"Oh my gosh!" King yelled. 

Morgan manages to fight back against Rosa and throws her out of the ring as well, while Seth & Dean hit Orton and Batista with a suicide dive. Kane grabs Roman's neck, attempting for the choke slam until Morgan gets on her knees and gives him a low blow. 

"Low blow by Morgan!" Cole shouted.

Roman hits Kane with a Superman punch while Seth and Dean get back in the ring as The Shield surrounds Triple H. 

"Triple H was a three count away from being WWE World champion!" JBL exclaimed. 

"The Hounds of Justice stalking the boss." Cole said as the crowd chanted 'Yes!' 

"You better not do this to the boss, guys," 

"It's too late," King replied.

Triple H gets on his knees and warns the Shield. He gets up and turns around to get a running knee to the head by Daniel Bryan while Kane & Orton drag him out of the ring. 

"Look at the cowards you are!" Seth yelled before Daniel Bryan's theme surrounded the arena. 

Daniel gets on the top rope and chants 'Yes!' with the crowd while The Shield and Morgan put their fists out. 

Triple H was irate and started yelling. "You just started a war you cannot win!" 

"Bring it!" Seth yelled as Rosa, Kane, and Orton tried to help Triple H stay on his feet. 

"The celebration continues." Cole looked on.

"The celebration is gonna end next week. I assure you," JBL warned.

During the Raw Post Show, The Authority are on the stage, still annoyed at what just happened while Daniel Bryan and Morgan are tagging fans hands around ringside. Renee Young is in the ring with Roman, Seth, and Dean while Morgan gets back in the ring as the crowd cheers. 

"All four members of The Shield, guys I gotta get right to the point with you, why did you come down to the ring, tonight?" Renee asked. 

"You should be asking a different question. And you should be asking that question to a different person." Ambrose replied. "You should be asking it to Triple H! You see you walk like Triple H with the walk you just did." He danced while Morgan chuckled. "And you should say Triple H, do you believe in The Shield?" 

"You know what? After that hit with the guitar our Shield Girl gave him, and that spear my man gave him, I think he believed in The Shield!" Seth replied as the crowd cheered. 

Seth puts an arm around Morgan and gives her a kiss on the temple before letting her go. 

Morgan smiled at him and turned to Renee who asked, "Morgan, you hit the COO with your guitar. What are your thoughts? How are you feeling about your actions, and do you regret it?" 

"No way do I regret it. I've been wanting to do that since the night after SummerSlam. He deserved that. I got some closure." She grinned as the crowd cheered her on. "That beating was long overdue, and Triple H, there's plenty of more ass kickings where that came from."

Seth nodded while Dean put an arm around Morgan and kissed her cheek. She put an arm around his waist while Roman took the mic. 

"What you think? You think he believed?" Seth asked him. 

"I know, he believes in The Shield!" Roman yelled.


"Welcome to Main Event, live on the WWE Network," Tom said on commentary. 

"We're starting off huge." Byron Saxton added on commentary. 

The Shield walk down the steps and through the crowd with their masks. Morgan's hair was in a curly ponytail to the side, resting on her right shoulder as she held Dean's hand. They jump over the barricade and get in the ring. Morgan takes off her mask, gets on the top rope and does her taunt before putting her fist in front of her. She jumps off the top rope and steps up to Dean, taking off his mask to give him a smooch as he wraps his strong arms around her waist.

He gives her a smirk before she slides out of the ring. Morgan's adrenaline was pumping. There was a lot of history between The Shield and The Wyatts, and now they're having another match. She couldn't wait as she watched The Wyatts walk down the ramp. As soon as the light comes on, she automatically locks eyes with Bray Wyatt. She still had a grudge against the Wyatts for making her bleed with the aid of Rosa Mendes. 

Bray starts yelling before getting in the ring with the Wyatts. 

"Let's go, Dean!" Morgan cheered as he stood in the ring with Erick who had a mask on his face.

Dean starts talking trash and hits him, making his mask fly over his head as the crowd 'Oohs' 

"Ha!" Morgan laughed but then Erick threw Dean into a corner. 

He runs after him but Dean moves out of the way and starts giving him shots to the face. The Shield starts to take control of the match until later Erick throws Rollins out of the ring. Morgan goes to help him who was near The Wyatt Family's side. Suddenly, The Wyatts turn to her and begin walking towards her. Morgan, unaware of the Wyatts coming her way, continues to help Seth up. 

"Morgan, watch your surroundings!" Byron warned. 

She looks straight ahead and freezes, staring down The Wyatts. Ambrose and Reigns go into protection mode and jump off the apron to quickly stand in front of her with Rollins. 

"Maybe The Wyatts aren't done with Morgan," Tom wondered. 

Morgan let out a breath. Thank goodness for her boys having her back. The last thing she needed is to be abducted and be put into that supernatural crap with Sister Abigail again. She was done with that. 

Ambrose and Reigns give The Wyatts a dirty look while Bray continues to give them a sadistic grin. 

"Who will claim round three tonight, between The Shield and The Wyatts." Byron wondered. 

"I like that! Ha ha ha!" Bray did his crazy laugh as they went to a commercial break. 

Later, The Wyatts continue to take control by beating down Ambrose. 

"Come on!" Roman yelled. 

"Come on, Dean!" Seth and Morgan yell. 

"Ambrose is taking a pounding," Tom said. 

"Come on, Dean. Come on." Seth continued yelling while Bray shouted orders to Erick before Morgan started to get annoyed. 

"Would you shut your mouth!?" she yelled at Bray, who laughed at her 

She starts banging on the mat while Erick puts Dean in a bear hug. Ambrose manages to escape it and puts him in a sleeper hold as the crowd gets excited. But then Erick slams him down and pins him for a two count. 

"Let's go, Dean! Get crazy!" she shouted.

"Come on, man! Come on,! Come on!" Seth yelled. 

Luke, who gets tagged in, hits Dean as he lands on the middle ropes. 

"Get crazy, Dean!" Morgan yelled. "Show that erratic side! 

Dean yells out and starts seething, as she starts to grin. 

"There you go!" She praised him as soon as he leaned back in between the ropes and hit Harper with a clothesline. 

Bray quickly gets tagged in and begins attacking Ambrose. He throws him into the corner and runs at him but catches a boot from him. 

"I don't think Dean Ambrose knows where he is but perhaps reacting on instinct," 

Later in the match, Rollins and Erick get tagged in and Rollins throws Erick out of the ring and hits Luke with a dropkick. He hits Luke with a suicide dive and dives over Erick on the other side before yelling. He throws Erick back into the ring and tries to go for two body splashes on the corner but gets thrown over the apron. Bray tries to go after Rollins but gets kicked in the face. While the ref was distracted with Rollins pinning Erick, only to have the pin be broken up by Harper, Morgan goes to help Roman near the commentating table who was down but bumps into Bray. He gives her a sick grin and starts chuckling. 

"Uh oh, Morgan get away from him," Byron warned. 

Morgan mocks his chuckle before hitting him with a kick to the midsection. That sets him off as he starts running after her around the ring. She slides in the ring and as soon as Bray gets in the ring, he gets hit with a Superman punch by Roman. Bray rolls out of the ring while Morgan slides out the ring. Erick throws Reigns out of the ring but gets hit with a kick by Rollins. Luke gets back in the ring but gets kicked by Rollins as well and lands on the bottom rope to be hit with a dropkick by Roman. Luke rolls out the ring and Morgan gets on the steel steps to hit Luke with a crossbody, making him stay down. She gets up and high fives Roman. 

In the ring, Dean gets tagged in and hits Erick with a dropkick while Seth jumps off the ropes to strike Erick with a knee to the head. Dean gives him the Dirty Deeds and gets the win for his team as the crowd cheers. Morgan slides into the ring and gives Seth a big hug while Roman hugs Dean while he's on his knees. 

"The Shield take round three in the war between The Wyatts and The Shield." Byron said as Dean fell down face first. 

Morgan helps Dean up and hugs him while he gets on his knees again. She runs her fingers through his hair and gives him a passionate kiss as he wraps his arms around her waist. The team regroups while Renee Young gets in the ring. 

"Guys, incredible victory tonight against The Wyatt Family." Renee praised. 

"That's what I'm talking about, right there! Defeating The Wyatt Family man, that feels good cause it was a long time coming. But it is proof that no one can stop a Shield United! Yeah!" Seth shouted. 

Dean held his stomach and didn't look so good. "I got­-I got some " He coughed. 

"You all right?" Roman, Morgan, & Seth asked simultaneously as they looked concerned. 

"You guys do the promo, I gotta-­" He coughed again while Morgan and Roman put a hand on his back. "Go ahead." 

"Guys, I need to take you back to Monday Night Raw. The entire WWE Universe has been talking about this, you turned on Triple H, and came to the aid of Daniel Bryan." Renee said. 

"Hey." Dean coughed again. "The Shield does what The Shield wants. My rib really, really hurts. Those Wyatts are one of our toughest tests to face but any test we take, we face it head on and The Authority found that out cause The Authority tried to test us and they found out what happens when you test The Shield!" 

Ambrose leans on the ropes while Morgan comforts him, putting a soothing hand on his back. 

"Look, The Authority called us faceless, they called us nameless and expendable," Seth said. "Renee we are not anonymous, you understand that? Tell them big man." 

"Renee, do I look like I'm faceless, baby?" Roman flirted, making Renee grin and shake her head.

Morgan and Seth chuckle at Roman's successful attempt to flirt. 

Roman looked at the crowd. "Cajundome, do I have a name?" The crowd cheered in response. "What's my name?" 

'Roman Reigns!' The crowd chanted while his teammates grinned. 

"Triple H..." Roman looked at the camera. "My name's Roman Reigns. And I'm the guy that speared you on Monday Night. And I'm standing right here." He put his hands out. 

"I mean is there any sense of worry about retribution? Roman, you speared the COO of the company. And Morgan, you used your guitar on the COO." Renee mentioned. 

"We'll be prepared. We got this." Morgan reassured. 

"Hey, look, we know exactly what we did on Monday night and we understand that there will be consequences. Let me tell you something, we are prepared for war." Seth said with seriousness. "From the moment we step foot in the WWE, our cause has been to fight injustice and there is no greater injustice in the WWE than The Authority. Triple H fired the first shot, he put out a hit on us, we are gonna own this war. And you can believe in The Shield!" 


On Smackdown, In the ring, Daniel Bryan and The Usos were getting beaten up by Orton, Batista, and Kane. Kane is about to hit Daniel with a chokeslam onto the announcer's table but Rollins attacks him and makes him release him as the crowd cheers. 

"Hey look at this! Seth Rollins! Ambrose! Reigns and Morgan! The Shield attacking Kane!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan and The Shield started stomping Kane down. 

After they were done, they turned to the ring, staring down Batista and Orton. They get inside the ring but Orton and Batista leave the ring. While The Shield had their full attention on them, they were unaware of Kane sliding back into the ring with a chair. But then, Daniel makes the save by hitting Kane with a running knee and starts chanting yes. 

"And now the celebration for Daniel Bryan and The Shield," Cole said. 

Daniel nods to The Shield, while Roman roars. Morgan gets on the top rope as Rollins and Dean pick Kane up while Roman sets him up for the triple Powerbomb. She jumps off the top rope and hits Kane with a diving clothesline while The Shield throws him down. 

"This is your future!" Rollins shouted at Orton and Batista who were up the ramp. 

Morgan high fives her teammates while Daniel gets on the top rope and chants yes. 

"There is gonna be hell to pay," JBL said as The Shield's theme came on while The Shield put their fists out. 

Morgan tweets 'How do you like them apples? #TheAuthoritySucks #RespectMyAuthority #RespectTheShieldsAuthority #Rebels' 


During Raw, Morgan tweets about The Ultimate Warrior's Death. 'I will never forget how awesome and energetic The Ultimate Warrior was. #ThankYouWarrior' 

The Shield are in the ring, preparing for a match set up by The Authority. Morgan had a bad feeling about the match but she knew there would be consequences. 

Alberto Del Rio's theme comes on as he walks out. 

"Alberto?" King asked as Justin made his announcement. 

Morgan gets on the apron while Jack Swagger walks out. Then Fandango walks out. 

"What in the world?" King looked on.

"It just got hotter," JBL said. 

Morgan starts to look wary of the situation as 3MB walks out, followed by Titus. 

"Wait a minute..." King trailed off. 

"The heck is going on?" JBL asked in confusion. 

"There's seven," Cole informed. 

Ryback and Axel walk out, making the Philly Diva roll her eyes. 

"Typical..." she mumbled. 

"They can't seriously do this to The Shield, can they?" King asked as Rusev walked out. "Oh boy." 

"I love this choice." JBL chuckled. 

The Outspoken Diva begins to look irate as soon as Wade walks out, looking cocky. 

"You mother-­ooh! I'm gonna kill him." She started pacing around on the apron.

She did NOT want to see Wade again. This ruined her night even more.

"Morgan does not look happy," Cole said as Wade walked down the ramp. 

"The Authority intends on destroying The Shield." King looked on, worried for them.

"Good night Shield," JBL replied. 

The 11 men start to get in the ring until Morgan, Seth, Dean, and Roman kick them off the apron and drag Heath into the ring. Morgan hits him with a spinning kick to the face but the ref pulls her back. The Shield regroup as they stare down the 11 men. Heath grins at The Shield and holds his jaw while the crowd chants for the Hounds of Justice.

"The Shield isn't gonna be able to keep that army off them," King said as Heath started to look cocky with Seth in the ring. 

Seth isolates Heath by making The Shield make quick tags. 

"Would you stop staring at me before I poke your eyes out!?" Morgan snapped at Wade, who kept staring at her throughout the match with a smirk.

Seth kicks Heath down and goes for the pin until Wade breaks it up. Dean gets in the ring and starts unloading on him until the ref pushes him back. The 11 men start to take control by wearing Seth down. Titus gives Seth a backbreaker before throwing him to the side like he was nothing. He then does his bark at Morgan and Roman. 

"That's it!" She tried to get in the ring but Dean and Roman held her back. "Asshole! Friggin asshole!" 

Rusev begins manhandling Seth as Morgan starts to look concerned. It was hard to watch Seth get beat up like this. 

"I can't handle this." She started pacing around. 

Ryback slams Seth down and brushes his hands, looking at Morgan. 

"What are you gonna do about it? Huh!?" Ryback shouted.

The Outspoken Diva gives Ryback the Bras d'honneur gesture, by putting her right arm up in an L shape while closing her palm pointing upwards as her left hand grips her biceps. 

"Up yours, asshole!" She yelled. 

"I'll beat your ass any day!" Ryback yelled back. 

"I dare you! Say it to my face!" She yelled back while getting held back by Roman. 

"Morgan is livid tonight," Cole said. 

"That mouth of hers will get her places, that's for sure. Calling out Ryback of all people? She must be irate." JBL looked on as Seth got thrown out of the ring.

"Stupid!" Ryback yelled at The Shield and got out of the ring. 

Roman had enough and runs to spear him as the crowd gets hyped up. But then all the guys jump Roman. Ambrose strikes everyone with a suicide dive. Everyone starts ganging up on Roman and Dean and after Seth recovers, he dives on top of everyone. All four members of The Shield regroup in the ring and once everyone gets in the ring, they begin to go after Roman, Dean, and Seth. Morgan grabs Drew off of Ambrose and hits him with the Morganizer, making him roll out of the ring. 

"Morgan, taking out Drew," Cole said. 

But then as soon as she turns around, she gets hit hard with Wade's Bad News Bull Hammer, knocking her down instantly.

"Bad News Barrett with the Bull Hammer!" Cole shouted.

"Ugh...I'm going to kill him." She mumbled as her head started to ache. 

Wade kneels down and runs a hand through her hair. "Sorry love. The Authority's orders. I still love you, though." He said and kissed her forehead.

The numbers game starts to go against The Shield as they start getting beaten down. Thanks to Barrett, Morgan was left alone, still knocked out at the end of the ring, near the ramp. The majority of the 11 guys hold down Ambrose for Barrett as he kicks him in the face. 

"You think you're bad, huh? You think you're bad!?" Drew taunted Ambrose. 

"All four Shield members are down," JBL looked on. 

Everyone starts to hear the first beats of the song for one of the greatest factions in WWE History, as the crowd cheers. 


"Oh no," King said as Triple H, Batista, and Orton slowly walked on the stage. Rosa was with them as well, in heels and a short dress. "This may go from bad to worse." 

"Evolution is back together. And it looks like Rosa still wants some revenge on The Shield." JBL said. 

Triple H takes off his jacket and tie as he walks down the ring with his teammates. He gestures to the 11 men to leave the ring, leaving all members of The Shield helpless. Morgan struggles to get on her hands and knees, looking groggy while Evolution gets in the ring. 

"This is bad news for The Shield," JBL added.

"I'm afraid you're right," King said as he watched Rollins get beaten down.

Roman tries to save Rollins by fighting back until Orton hits him with an RKO. Morgan struggles to get on her feet while looking at Evolution. She was about to go after them but Rosa kicks her in the stomach with her heels, making her yell out in pain. She goes down on her knees and grits her teeth. 

"Ow..." the Philly Diva grunted and slowly looked up at Rosa with an irate look, clenching her stomach.

Triple H walks over to the helpless Shield girl and kicks her down. Batista and Orton hold her down by her arms so she can get on her knees to face Triple H. 

Rosa gives her a few slaps in the face. 

"How does it feel!? How does it feel to be weak and helpless you piece of crap!" Rosa slapped her in the face a few times and stepped back to watch Triple H grab Morgan's jaw.

"You want to hit me with a guitar!? You want to disrespect me and my wife!? You want to disrespect the Authority?!" He yelled in her face before setting her up for the pedigree. 

Ambrose makes the save as the crowd cheers but he quickly gets stomped down by Orton and Batista. 

"Ambrose trying to save Morgan but the numbers game is against him," JBL looked on. 

"Oh, no pedigree!" Cole exclaimed as Triple H hit the pedigree on Morgan, making a devastating sound on the mat. 

Orton starts banging on the mat, stalking Morgan, waiting for her to get up. 

"Wait! Wait!" Rosa called out, making Orton halt. "I got an idea." 

She whispers in his ear, making him reveal a sadistic smile. Suddenly, Rosa puts Morgan up for the Gory bomb. 

"Come on, you've done enough," King said, not liking where this was going. 

"Nighty night Morgan!" She yelled as she slammed her down while Orton did the RKO on her at the same time. 

"Morgan is out cold." Cole frowned. 

Batista nails Roman with a Batista bomb while Seth continues to get beat up by Orton and Triple H. 

"Enough is enough, don't you think?" King questioned. 

"This is difficult to watch. Don't cross the boss." JBL said as Rosa continued stomping on Morgan who was lying face first on the mat. 

Seth gets hit with an RKO. Batista tries to go for the Batista bomb but Ambrose makes the save for Rollins before he gets beaten down. Batista gives Seth and then Dean a Batista bomb while Orton hits an RKO at the same time on Dean. 

"What does this prove?" King exclaimed as Batista turned to Morgan who finally got back up on her hands and knees, again. 

"She's persistent," Batista said to his teammates. 

"Stay down! Stay down!" Rosa screamed and stomped on her again until Morgan grabbed her foot and tripped her down as the crowd cheered. 

"Look at Morgan!" Cole shouted as she started unloading on Rosa but then Triple H threw her off of her. 

Orton connects with another RKO on the Philly Diva, making the crowd boo loudly.

"Drop her down with the powerbomb." Triple H ordered as he watched Batista lay the Outspoken Diva out with a Batista bomb.

"Come on, you've done enough. Morgan may be broken in half." King said with concern while Rosa was helped up by Orton.

Roman starts crawling over to Triple H as he smirks. Triple H kneels down. "Let him crawl. Come on,"

"Come on, tough guy." Batista taunted. 

"You got more fight in you, come on! Come on!" Triple H yelled. "Show me! Show me! Come on!" 

Orton and Batista hold Roman while Triple H gets in his face with the microphone in his hand. 

" Evolution." He nailed Roman with the pedigree. 

Triple H raises Batista and Orton's hands with Rosa as Evolution's theme comes back on. 

"We have seen the reuniting of Evolution. And we have seen what they are capable of. It's now their yard. Get used to it Shield." JBL said. 

During Raw Backstage Pass, The Shield were all in pain, beaten down, and defeated by the hands of Rosa and Evolution. Evolution and Rosa mock The Shield's pose by putting their fists out. They get out of the ring while the refs go check on The Shield. Five minutes later recovering, the group rolls out of the ring and slowly gets on their feet, walking up the ramp. They were groggy as their walking was slow and shaky. 

"I'm gonna get those bitches...I swear to God; I am going to unleash Harley Quinn on their punk asses. They needed 11 superstars to beat us down. They're a bunch of cowards." Morgan grumbled angrily to her teammates as she slowly walked with a ref helping her.

She tells the ref that she can walk on her own as they reluctantly release her. Morgan, Seth, and Roman stop to wait on Dean. 

"We're gonna get those motherfuckers..." Roman said to his teammates. 

Morgan nodded in approval as the crowd cheered for The Shield. 

Morgan tweets 3 times. 'I'm not thinking about being champion. Why? Who wouldn't want to fight the boss? That's a privilege and friggin' sweet! #DethroneTheKingOfCrap' 

'So the King of Crap wants to get his goons and jump us? Someone should #StealTheBoss and I call dibs.' 

'Never ever trust a snake. Or a man with the name of Bad News. #Facts'

Triple H tweets 'Soldiers are the currency with which empires are bought and sold. #BelieveInEvolution' 

Morgan replies 'TripleH oh hell no! We can handle getting beat up but just wait till we get our hands on your punk asses' 

Triple H replies 'WWEMorgan101 all you do is run your mouth on the internet. Aren't you humbled? That beating was an early birthday gift.' 

Morgan replies back 'Thanks for making me sore for tomorrow. But I'm not humbled by you. #IWillNotBowDownToTheKingOfCrap.' 

Morgan also tweets 'TripleH Remember, I'm the chick who whacked you with a guitar. And don't forget I'm related to someone who was very close to you. #IKnowYouVeryWell' 


In the morning, Melanie woke up to the sound of a female voice singing. She started to chuckle at the voice as she woke up in her hotel room to see Milena singing Happy Birthday while dancing to a Spanish birthday song.

"Come on! It's time to wake up! No extra Zs for you!" Milena started jumping on the bed, making her fall off the bed. They both started laughing for a few moments before Milena helped her up and hugged her. "Happy birthday! You're 27!" 

"Haha, thanks." Melanie stretched. "Going to the gym?"

"Yes, are you coming?"

"You bet! Just give me a few minutes."

"Okay. I'll be in the shower." Milena smiled and went to the bathroom. 

Melanie checked her phone and read a text from Allen (AJ Styles) saying: 

Allen: Well well...27. Happy birthday Kiddo. I miss you. Hope everything's going well with you. Your wrestling has improved a lot these past months as I watch you in the WWE. How about we have a wrestling match just like old times? I'm in the area.

Melanie smiled and replied: 

Melanie: Thanks, buddy! I miss you too and thanks for always supporting and watching me wrestle. A wrestling match huh? When and where? I'll beat you anytime, any place!

After catching up with Allen, She decided to check her Twitter. She saw a lot of fans giving her tweets, wishing her a happy birthday. And a few old friends that tweeted her caught her eye. 

Madison Rayne tweets 'Happy birthday to my former enemy WWEMorgan101! Hope to see you soon! Love you!' 

Velvet Sky tweets 'Happy birthday to a woman worthy of being a beautiful person, WWEMorgan101. The spot is always open!' 

Angelina Love tweets 'Happy birthday to WWEMorgan101! Haha, stop being such a stranger! We miss you!' 

Chyna tweets 'Happy birthday WWEMorgan101. I'm always watching over you. I love you.' 

Melanie smiled and gave them all a short and sweet reply. She did miss her TNA friends. She'll have to visit them once she gets some time off. Knowing Dixie Carter, she'll probably try to convince her to get in the ring or something. But WWE was the place to be. As she started to think about WWE, she began to ponder about the day she decided to choose Milena to feud with onscreen. 

Milena was really excited and surprised that Melanie wanted to work with her, but Melanie knew that she could be a great heel. As much as she loved her Total Diva friends, she felt like Milena deserved more TV time, and not be a punching bag for the Total Divas. Melanie felt like she didn't deserve that. Milena had been on a diet, eating healthier and working out. She's gained so much muscle and has been improving in the ring.

Ever since Milena and Melanie have been working together more on and offscreen, they've gotten closer and started to become close friends. Rosa, being a veteran in the company, gave her a lot of advice and tips, that will benefit Melanie for the future. Celeste with some of the help from April, was Melanie's guide when she first debuted in the WWE. But now that Celeste left, and April got time off, Melanie is on her own and feels a little lonely after having her best friends leave. But Milena began to fill the loneliness in her heart and understood how it felt to be away from a best friend. 

Melanie started to yawn and decided to lie back down, to go back to sleep. After 20 minutes, Milena walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed in her gym attire. 

"Melly, are you ready? Melanie!" 

"I'm up! I'm up!" She fell out of bed again and started to get ready. 

After ten minutes, Melanie was in her gym outfit, and the two divas made their way to the gym before their Smackdown tapings.

"Ready for tonight?" Milena asked as she took a break from her workout. 

"You bet! It's going to be fun! I'm glad Rosa can get some revenge on Morgan." 

"Haha, me too." 

Melanie started doing push ups and Milena decided to try to distract her by dancing around her. The Philly Diva started giggling and a few seconds later, burst out in laughter while dropping down. 

"Yes! I did it!" Milena jumped up and down. "I distracted you!" 

"Not cool!" 

"Too bad! Do you mind taking an Instagram video of me flipping tires?" 

"Sure thing." Melanie received her phone. 

Milena began flipping the tires until she reached the end. After she was done, she started doing a happy dance, making Melanie laugh again in the background. Soon after, Melanie took a break and went through her Twitter again. 

Colby tweets 'WWEMorgan101 Happy birthday sis!'

Melanie replies 'WWERollins Aw, thanks! Now I want a hug from you.' 

Joe replies to both Colby and Melanie by saying 'Oh no hugs. We got something else in mind. #BirthdayPunches' 

Melanie replies 'WWERomanReigns WWERollins Oh dear...' 

Milena laughed at the tweets. "Don't worry, I'll be your bodyguard." 

"Haha. 54 birthday punches. That's not going to be pleasant." Melanie groaned.

She took a photo of her and Milena flexing their arms and tweeted, 'Hm...I think LaRosaMendes is trying to one up me in the gym. Not on my watch! #ProudMuscleManiac #MuscleMania #ThisIsOurYear' 

It was already well known in the WWE Universe that Melanie and Milena were extremely close and it amazed people to see them do so well onscreen. It truly looked like they hated each other onscreen but the fact that they had that much chemistry together for their storyline made watching them even more fun. 

The divas headed to get some tea and pastries from a local cafe as Melanie waited for her order. Checking her Twitter, she read a tweet from Ronda Rousey: 'Happy birthday to my favorite diva, WWEMorgan101. She's such a badass in the ring.' 

Melanie replies: 'Got a birthday shoutout from my favorite UFC Female fighter RondaRousey! That's awesome! Thanks! Now if only we could get you a vest. We need to team up one day. #BadAssChicks #FutureShieldMember #TeamRousey' 

She felt a strong arm around her shoulder and she started to smile. "Are you stalking me?" She grinned and turned her head. 

"Had to see my birthday girl. Happy birthday, sweetheart." Jon grinned and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. 

"Thanks." She received her tea and pastries while he got his coffee.

Melanie decided to take a selfie with him and tweeted 'Ran into this hottie at the cafe. This #Coffeehead and I are ready for some revenge on Evolution. Believe in The Shield.' 

"I'll see you at the arena. The guys and I are headed to the gym." He kissed and embraced her. 

After saying their goodbyes, Melanie went to the table where Milena was sitting, on her phone. 

"So adorable." Milena smiled. 


"You and the hottie. Just read your post and saw you two. Haha. It must be cool being friends with someone for so long and from the Indies. And then you two ended up as a couple. It's really nice. How do you deal with his Ambrose and Moxley characters?" 

"Haha. It wasn't really hard. I fell in love with his character. He's so awesome to watch. And when I came into the picture during the Indies and feuded with him, it just made me like his character even more. He always cracks me up. Especially when his Moxley character went out of control." 


It was during an IWA show, and Jon was walking around with a beer can in his hands. 

"Play Sweet Caroline again!" Jon shouted. "One more time! Yeah!" He yelled as soon as the song came on. 

"What is he doing?" Melanie exclaimed to Leah. 

They were watching him while leaning on a wall. Jon was in a tournament, about to have a match. 

"I am just as confused as you are. I have no idea what's going on." Jon said to the camera, that was filming him. 

"Where it began!" He started walking over to the crowd. "Let me tell you something, I'm the king of the world!" 

"Oh my goodness." Melanie face palmed. 

Suddenly, Jon turned to Melanie and started walking over to her. 

"Oh't come over here..." She tried to evade him but he swiftly caught her in his arms. 

"Hey, come back here. Come back here, I'm not done with you, yet." He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him, making them bump chests. 

Leah started giggling while Jon began slow dancing with Melanie. He spun her around and dipped her, earning a few whistles from the crowd. They looked into each other's eyes as Jon started to lean down closer to her face. 

"U­-um..." Melanie started to blush as she began to feel his breath on her lips. 

Leah started to laugh as soon as he dropped her down on the floor. 

"I'm the king of the world!" Jon went back to the crowd. 

"Seriously, asshole? That was so not cool, man." Melanie got up. 

"Your face is red!" Leah teased.

"Shut it..." 

"I am gonna win this tournament. I have more belts than I have fucking pairs of pants." Jon exclaimed as he started kicking chairs and singing along to Sweet Caroline. 

He ran to the bleachers and did a couple of pelvic thrusts which made Melanie blush again. 

"Would­-would someone please get him in the ring!?" Melanie shouted.

"Whoa, you're feisty tonight. Something up?" Leah nudged her, amused.


While Smackdown was going on, Melanie hung out backstage, already in her Shield attire, without the hoodie. She took Jon's US title and started posing with it, while the Bellas took a video. 

"I am the new US champion! Woo!" she cheered.

Jon effortlessly put her over his shoulders and grabbed the belt off her hands. "Nope. Don't think so." 

"Hey!" She tried to get out of his strong grip while the Bellas giggled at the scene and stopped filming. "You just took my spotlight!" 

"Jeez...get a room!" Stu teased with an amused grin. 

Jon set her down while Melanie gave Stu the finger, earning a laugh from him. 

Nikki gasped. "Melanie! That is so unlike you!" 

"Trust me, she's wilder than that," Jon smirked. "You should have seen her back in the Indies" 

Melanie cleared her throat and punched him on the arm. 

"Well! Where's the grapes at?" She began dragging the Bella Twins to catering but stopped once Colby and Joe stood in front of her with devious smirks, pounding their fists.

Colby grinned. "This is going to be fun!"

Melanie widened her eyes and dashed away with Colby and Joe running after her.

"Run Melanie, run!" Brie shouted. 


Cameron, Emma, Eva, Naomi, Natalya, Layla, Nikki, Brie, and Paige were all in the ring. 

"Today is a very special day for an Outspoken diva." Nikki grinned as the crowd cheered. 

"She never ceases to amaze us in the ring and with her heart and we just want her to come out here to show our appreciation. So Morgan, come on out here, birthday girl!" Brie cheered. 

"And here comes the birthday girl," Cole said as Morgan walked out with a smile and tagged some hands before getting in the ring. 

She pulled all the girls in for a group hug and thanked them for being so sweet to her.

"We wanted to sing happy birthday to you," Naomi said, making her smile.

Soon after, the divas began singing Happy Birthday with the crowd. Morgan grinned and looked touched at the kind gesture until Bad News Barrett's theme came on. The crowd booed as Wade walked out in a suit, and had a grin on his face. 

"What is he doing here?" Cole asked. 

Wade gets in the ring and checks out Morgan's Shield outfit, liking how she looks.

"Well, well, Morgan you look gorgeous tonight." He tried to sweet talk.

"Cut the crap..." Morgan retorted, earning cheers. 

"All right then. Well, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. This little party is over." 

"Excuse me? It just started!" Cameron snapped but got held back by Naomi and Nikki. 

"Reason is because I want a match with you, love. And if you win, I'll leave you alone." Wade said while the crowd cheered. 

"You're out of your mind. That's a funny joke." She chuckled. 

"I'm serious." 

"Really? Then bring it on." 

Wade grinned. "But..." 

"There's always a but..." JBL said. 

"If I'll have to go on a date with me." 

Morgan dropped her confident look and started to look annoyed while the divas began to protest. 

"No way." She replied. 

" will do it." Stephanie walked out on the stage as the crowd booed. "Doesn't the crowd want the birthday girl to have a match tonight? Do you want to see one of your favorite divas in action? Why don't you give the crowd what they want and face Bad News Barrett in a match later on tonight? Because if you don''re fired. Do you want to risk that?"

Morgan crossed her arms and looked defeated while the divas looked on with concern. 

"Morgan and Bad News Barrett later on tonight. Who do you think is going to win?" Cole asked. 

"I've got a bad feeling about this match," JBL replied.


Backstage, Morgan was sitting down on a chair while her teammates started pacing around. 

"So walk me through this one last're forced into a match with Bad News Barrett, if he wins you have to go on a date with him, and The Authority has banned us from ringside to watch your match?" Seth asked. 

"...Yes..." Morgan grumbled with her arms crossed while Dean started seething. "Guys, don't worry-" 

"Don't worry? Do you know how long we've been Barrett free? And now he has decided to come back?! I should put him to sleep! I should rip that stinking beard off his face and shove it in his mouth! I should rip his hair out and scratch out his eyes!" Ambrose exclaimed, pounding his fist.

"Dean..." Seth tried to calm him down. 

"This is a load of crap! Morgan is mine! I just got her back into my arms, there is no way I am letting him take her away from me. He's not going to take what's mine" Ambrose growled and stormed off, making her sigh.

"I'll go after him." Roman left.

Seth sat next to her and put an arm around her. "Don't beat yourself up, grapes. It's not your fault." 

"Yes, it is...I shouldn't have come here in the first place. The Authority has a plan. I know it. Something doesn't smell right." She said with concern. 

Something bad was about to happen. She could feel it. 

"I know..." Seth stood up and so did she, pulling her in for a comforting hug. "Just try your best out there, give it your all."

"Thanks, dude." She kissed him on the cheek and left.


Morgan stood in the ring with Bad News Barrett, looking a little worried. 

"That's not a confident look on the face of Morgan. I wonder what's going through her head." Cole pondered. 

"She's forced in this match. She knows The Authority is up to something." JBL said. 

The bell rings but Rosa's voice surrounds the arena as she walks out with a microphone in hand, singing Happy Birthday. Morgan narrows her eyes at her as she walks down with a birthday cake.

"What is Rosa doing out here?" Cole exclaimed. 

"That's real cute..." Morgan retorted with her full attention on her.

"Morgan look out!" Cole shouted but as soon as she turned around, she got hit with the Wasteland and is quickly pinned as the crowd boos. 

"Here is your winner Bad News Barrett!" Lilian announced. 

"Oh no," JBL said as Rosa laughed. 

The Outspoken Diva sits up and tries to understand what happened. 

"That had to be a mistake. This match isn't over, is it!?" JBL added.

"I'm afraid so. I bet this was a setup by The Authority and Rosa." Cole said as Wade celebrated with a cocky grin on his face. 

He turns to Morgan and helps her up before putting an arm around her. 

She roughly pushes him away. "Get off of me! This is ridiculous..." She crossed her arms and left the ring. 

"This is not the best birthday gift for Morgan," Cole said as Wade left the ring. 

He blows her a kiss, walking past her, before Rosa hits Morgan with a cheap shot and knocks her down. 

"And Rosa with the assault!" Cole frowned.

She throws Morgan back in the ring and takes the cake in the ring with her. 

"Rosa's revenge," JBL announced. 

"Happy birthday Morgan!" She shouted and threw the cake in her face as the crowd boos her again. 

"Come on! She's already suffering enough! This is uncalled for." Cole said with disapproval as she started to struggle in Rosa's hold. 

Rosa starts to run the cake all over her face and hair until the refs show up to stop her. She taunts the crowd before getting out the ring. The refs help Morgan out as she wipes the icing off her face and starts to look embarrassed. 

Rosa tweets 'Haha! WWEMorgan101 looks so embarrassed. I love watching you fail.' 


During Smackdown Backstage Pass, Renee Young was with Morgan whose hair was damp and her face had some remaining icing as she wiped her face with a towel. 

"I am here with the birthday girl, Morgan Lopez. We saw the unpleasant events out there. First, you lost to Bad News Barrett and now have to go on a date with him, and then you have Rosa putting cake on you. How are you feeling?" 

"Pissed. Beyond pissed! I'll admit, Rosa outsmarted me. I was distracted but it'll never happen again. Never." Morgan replied with a scowl.

Once done speaking with Morgan, Renee went to Rosa to ask, "Why did you do what you did to Morgan?"

Rosa laughed. "Isn't it great to outsmart your enemy? And it's a cherry on top to see them so embarrassed. Especially with cake all over them. That was priceless. It was my birthday gift to her. So happy birthday, Morgan!" 

Later backstage, Morgan's face and hair were washed up and clean. Her hair was down and still wet and she had on a new outfit. As she walked backstage in annoyance, she ran into Wade Barrett.

"What the hell do you want, now?" she snapped.

"I wanted to see you and wish you happy birthday before the night is over. A date with the Outspoken Diva. What a treat it is,"

Unable to keep her composure, Morgan punched him in the face, taking him by surprise.

"You asshole. Get the hell out of my face! You won over a bullcrap way. I'm gonna make sure this date is the most miserable experience you ever faced in your life so you can think twice about messing me with,"

Wade chuckled and rubbed his jaw. "This is what I love about you. That fire,"

Suddenly, The Shield came to her aid and got in front of her, blocking Barrett's view as they glared at him. The three hounds of justice were in protection mode while Wade was amused the most with Ambrose looking irate.

"Ah, just the man I was hoping to see. Ambrose," Wade greeted. "What's the matter? Angry that you didn't get the job done, last year? Taking me out? Morgan and I are going to have a lovely time on that date. And it will be the last time she ever thinks about you. She'll be in good hands-"

Before he could continue, Ambrose, who was seething, went to attack him as the two began brawling and the refs had to break them up.

Wade laughed as Ambrose got taken away with the rest of The Shield by the refs. "She's better off without you, Ambrose. I'm sure The Authority will get a kick out of this," 

When The Shield went to their hideout, Ambrose kicked a chair, which caused Morgan to grab him to calm him down.

"Hey, relax. He's getting in your head. He's not going to do a damn thing to me." She reassured him, caressing his face. 

Moments later Ambrose cooled down and sat on a chair while Rollins gave her a sad smile.

"We're sorry we couldn't come out there," Seth said, crossing his arms.

"It's fine. Everything will be fine," she replied.

'...I hope...' She thought with worry. 

Morgan tweets 'Why me...?' 

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 60- Annihilated

Forced To Believe Chapter 60- Annihilated

Chapter Summary: With The Shield taken out, Morgan is at a huge disadvantage against Rosa with Evolution backing her up. Evolution makes good on their promise to take out Morgan.

Words: 4,000+


"This is not good," Cole said. "The Shield was just taken out by Evolution. And who knows what Rosa is up to now." 

"Aw, are you going to cry? Are you upset that your little boys are hurt?" Rosa smirked at the troubled Outspoken diva. 

She had a huge disadvantage on her back now. Her boys were not going to be there to back her up if there was any funny business going on with Evolution. 

"Cry Morgan! I want to see you cry! Cry like the little baby you are! Cry like the-" Rosa grunted as Morgan speared her out of the ring, earning cheers from the crowd.

"Here we go! Woo hoo!" King grinned as Morgan continued assaulting her. 

"Morgan is frustrated and is taking it all out on Rosa," Cole looked on. 

Rosa manages to kick her off and roll back into the ring. 

"I wasn't ready! I wasn't ready!" She shouted. 

Morgan gets on the top rope, about to do a crossbody but Rosa manages to push on the ropes, making her fall on her neck as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Oh my God, is she okay?!" Cole asked as Morgan held her neck and yelled out in pain. 

"Well, things escalated quickly," JBL looked on. 

"Morgan, are you okay?" The ref checked on her. 

Morgan grunted. "I'm fine..." She managed to get up but Rosa jumped on her and began targeting her neck.

Fans tweet:

'That did not look good. At all.' 

'That was scary.'

'Did you see the way her neck hit the mat!?'

'Why is she still going on in this match? She could have broken something. Please be careful Morgan.' 

"I hope her neck is okay. Gosh, we need to see that again." King said as the titantron showed Morgan's fall a couple of times. 

Rosa gets a chair from ringside and places it in the middle of the ring. 

"Rosa with the chair for a swinging neckbreaker!" Cole exclaimed as she did the move. "I think Rosa is trying to end this early before The Shield manages to get up."

Rosa goes for the pin but gets a two count. 

"Come on!" she shouted at the ref. 

She picks Morgan up to hit her with a head slam. 

"How's your neck!?" She stomped on her neck, earning a groan from the Philly native. 

Morgan clenches her neck again while Rosa rolls out of the ring, to search for a weapon under the ring. 

"Oh boy!" Cole said as the crowd erupted in cheers. 

Rosa takes out a ladder and sets it in the middle of the ring. 

"But this isn't a ladder match!" King exclaimed. 

"Too bad, it's all legal," JBL said. 

"But I don't want to see these ladies hurt each other like this."

Rosa begins climbing on top of it, planning to do a diving move on a laid out Morgan. But then she manages to get up and starts climbing the ladder. 

"I'll catch you if you fall ladies!" King warned.

Morgan starts hitting Rosa with punches on top of the ladder and manages to hit her with a sunset flip off the ladder, making the crowd react positively again and chant 'Holy shit'. 

"Cover her! Cover her Morgan!" JBL shouted as both divas were hurt. 

Both women stumble to their feet, and Morgan starts hitting Rosa with a few clotheslines, continuing to fight through the pain before throwing her to the corner. 

"Uh oh, we know what's coming!" JBL added.

She connects with the handspring back elbow smash to Rosa. She slides down to her knees while Morgan makes her stand up. Rosa hits her with a hard knee to the stomach, making her yell out in pain and fall to her knees. She throws Morgan to the ropes and hits her with a drop toe hold, making Morgan slam her face into the mat. Rosa then follows up with a head scissors submission. 

"Do you submit!?" The ref asked. 

"Come on, Morgan. You think you're a big girl now, huh? Give up!" She shouted and squeezed her legs tighter on her neck, making Morgan gasp for air. 

"Rosa applying so much pressure on her neck. I think she's trying to break something." Cole said. "On Twitter Rosa has said that she's been working on her legs more often to apply that submission specifically for Morgan." 

"It's like she's squeezing the life out of her. I don't think Morgan can breathe!" King exclaimed. 

The crowd begins to clap to try to motivate The Outspoken Diva which starts to work until Rosa beats her down. Rosa hits her with a suplex and picks up the chair to put it in between the ropes in a corner. Rosa tries to Irish whip Morgan to the corner but she reverses it and makes Rosa clash into the chair and fall out of the ring.

"Did you hear that impact!?" JBL shouted. 

"Morgan gets some time to breathe and try to get back in this," Cole said as she tried to catch her breath. 

The crowd starts to chant 'We want tables' while Morgan slides out of the ring. The crowd erupts into loud cheers once she gives them what they want. 

"This is where it gets dangerous," JBL said as she set up a table in the ring and put the ladder back up since it fell down after the sunset flip. 

Rosa slides back in the ring and Morgan tries to put her on the table. 

"No! No!" Rosa elbowed her in the stomach and slammed her head onto the table. 

She pushes Morgan to the corner and puts her foot on her neck to choke her. Then, she sets her up on the turnbuckle. 

"I am going to win this!" She shouted, making the crowd boo her. 

She gets on the top rope to go for a suplex. Morgan manages to power out of Rosa's hold and slowly turns her around while Rosa starts to struggle. 

"Oh no, what is she about to do here!?" Cole exclaimed. 

"This is going to be good!" JBL said as the audience began standing up to watch in anticipation. 

"No! No!" Rosa screamed as she tried to break free of Morgan's Morganizer hold. "No! Get off of me! No!" 

Celeste tweets 'Haha, oh man, just don't kill her. Don't kill her! WWEMorgan101'

Morgan jumps off and hits Rosa with the Morganizer, making her land on the table, breaking it as the crowd explodes.

"Morganizer on the table! This may be it!" Cole shouted.

"It's over," JBL said as Morgan pinned Rosa.



"Oh!" The crowd shouted.

"What!?" King shouted in a high pitched voice. "What the hell!?" 

"Rosa kicked out!" Cole shouted. "Rosa Mendes just kicked out!"

"How was that even possible!?" JBL exclaimed while Morgan rolled off of her, still next to her.

'This is awesome!' the crowd chants with appreciation. The first ever divas Extreme Rules match was becoming a success for them. 

'Good...they love it.' Melanie thought to herself as she was proud of her and Milena's performance so far. 

She wanted to make sure to make Milena look great in the ring while putting on a believable story. Their chemistry wrestling each other was off the charts. She truly found her wrestling soulmate.

"Are you okay?" Melanie asked Milena while they were still down and out with hair in their faces.

"Yes. They're cheering for you," Milena replied.

"They're cheering for us," she corrected. "Embrace it,"

"Thank you. I'm having so much fun,"

"Me too," Melanie rolled away, still taking a breather from the spot.

Continuing the match, Morgan and Rosa manage to get up but Rosa grabs the chair and whacks Morgan in the face with it. 

"How dare you put me through a table!?" She shouted and hit her with the chair a few more times before throwing it away. 

Morgan rolls out the ring while Rosa searches under the ring for another table. 

"Rosa setting up the table," Cole observed while Morgan was at the end of the ramp setting up two tables next to each other, in front of a tall ladder on the ramp. Rosa marches over to Morgan and starts to have a back and forth punch off as the crowd cheers for Morgan and boo for Rosa. Morgan gains the upper hand by throwing Rosa into the steel steps. 

"Good grief, this arena is getting wrecked," King said before Morgan hit Rosa with the backfire. "Backfire!" 

Morgan places Rosa on the tables and exhales. 

"Please don't tell me...Morgan what are you doing!?" JBL exclaimed as she started climbing up the ladder on the ramp. 

The crowd begins to boo loudly when Evolution strolls down the ramp. 

"Uh oh. Morgan watch your back." Cole warned. 

"Morgan, get out of there!" King shouted. 

Morgan looks around and looks down at the three members of Evolution smirking at her. This was not good, and her boys weren't able to help her out against them because they got ambushed. She was all alone. The Outspoken diva starts to get worried and starts to ponder about the situation. Batista helps Rosa off the table while Triple H and Orton continue to stare up at Morgan. The Philly Diva narrows her eyes at them and gives them a dirty look. 

"Looks like someone is going to perish." Triple H sneered while Orton began climbing up the ladder to face off with her. 

"Seems like you're missing a few buddies," Orton smirked while Morgan remained silent, keeping her composure. "You got two choices. You can either get down and lose this match, or you can be annihilated. What do you choose?" 

"Morgan, please just get down and run. She's about to be massacred! She needs to get out of there!" King said with worry. 

"And don't even think about trying to beat us. I know you wouldn't touch me. You can't even do it, can you? I'll even give you a free hit." Orton said. "Still can't keep your mind off the past between us as friends, huh? No wonder you've gotten weaker." 

"I can put my hands on you," she spoke up.

"Just get down. Now," he said in a threatening tone. "You wouldn't even lift a finger at me." 

Morgan smirked. "Watch me." 

She pushes him off as he lands on the two tables, breaking them, making the crowd 'Oh' loudly and chant 'Holy shit' again. 

"Randy Orton! Randy Orton just went through those tables!" Cole shouted. 

"Holy crap!" King exclaimed as Triple H, Rosa, and Batista's eyes widened. 

Morgan exhales and runs a hand through her hair, realizing what she's done. She's in for it now. 

"Morgan get out of there!" JBL shouted as she managed to get back in the ring unharmed. 

Triple H and Batista check on Orton while Rosa gets back in the ring. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'Whoa! Didn't know you had it in you! Hit and run! WWEMorgan101. That was badass!' 

Celeste tweets 'That's what he gets! Serves him right! Good job WWEMorgan101!' 

"Spear!" Cole shouted as Morgan speared Rosa and started unloading on her. 

She goes for the pin but Batista drags her out of the ring. 

"Oh no," Cole added.

"Come on..." King grumbled in an annoyed tone. 

Morgan gets up and leans back to evade Batista's clothesline and swiftly grabs a chair to whack him in the face. The crowd cheers while Triple H begins to march after her. She tries to hit him with the chair but he grabs it and throws it aside. He kicks her in the stomach making her fall to her knees. 

"Perish Morgan!" Triple H shouted. 

But the crowd cheers again when she hits him with a low blow. 

"Low blow!" Cole laughed as Rosa grabbed a guitar and got back in the ring. 

Morgan gets her barbed wire guitar and gets back in the ring to face off with her. Their guitars clash and they continue clashing their guitars until Rosa kicks Morgan in the stomach and whacks her back with her guitar, breaking it. Rosa pins her for a two count. 

"So, you wanna act tough, huh!?" Rosa shouted but Morgan began fighting back. 

She throws Rosa into the ropes and strikes her with a roundhouse kick to the face. She gets on the middle top rope and hits Rosa with a diving clothesline. 

"Morgan is trying to gain some more momentum back," Cole said as she grabbed her barbed wired guitar. 

She waits for Rosa to get up to whack her in the face, making her hold her nose and scream.

"I think Rosa's really hurt. She's holding her nose. Did she break it?" JBL asked. 

Moments later, Rosa reveals her nose, showing it bleeding, making the crowd cheer.

"Rosa's nose is bleeding!" Cole exclaimed. 

"That barbed wire is dangerous!" JBL said. 

Rosa screams and starts freaking out while Morgan looks satisfied, dropping her guitar. The Philly diva is feeling banged up and her neck is starting to irritate her again as she starts clenching it. 

Rosa rolls out of the ring and starts freaking out to Triple H and Batista who tries to calm her down. 

"Getting my nose messed up was not part of the plan!" Rosa shouted. 

While Morgan is distracted by the ref trying to check her neck, Batista gets in the ring to hit her with a huge clothesline. 

"And Batista getting involved..." Cole said with disappointment. 

He gets a table and leans it to a corner while Morgan crawls 

over to the same corner. Batista walks over to the opposite side and waits for her to get up to try to go for a spear. Luckily, she swiftly moves out of the way, making him crash into the table.

"Batista into the table!" Cole shouted.

"She's holding her own just fine." JBL praised. 

Morgan slides out the ring and grabs a table of barbed wires, making the crowd cheer louder as Batista rolls out of the ring. Morgan gets back in the ring and gets on the top rope with the table while Rosa and Triple H are helping Batista up at ringside. They look up while Morgan jumps and hits them a crossbody with the barbed wire side hitting the three of them. The crowd 'Ohs' and chants 'Holy shit!' once again, showing a positive reaction to the match. 

"Whoa!" King exclaimed. 

"Oh my God!" Cole shouted as Batista and Triple H started scrambling around from the stinging barbed wire. "Have you ever seen this happen, before?" 

Morgan takes the barbed wire table off of the three of them and throws Rosa back in the ring. Rosa was freaking out from the barbed wire and started screaming. 

"Are you crazy!? Are you crazy!?" Rosa shouted. 

"I'm going to kill her!" Triple H yelled, still in pain.

"And Randy Orton is still down and out," Cole said as the camera showed Orton still knocked out. 

"Let's take a look at how that happened," King said as the titantron showed Morgan shoving Orton off the ladder again. 

"That took guts," JBL said. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'I admire WWEMorgan101's courage and kick ass personality. She doesn't back down from anybody. Stay that way.' 

Meanwhile in the ring, Rosa manages to hit Morgan with a couple of clotheslines and a scoop slam on to a chair. 

"Rosa is taking over," Cole said. 

"Look at those cuts," JBL said as Rosa had a lot of scratches around her body from the barbed wire and her nose was still bleeding.

Rosa wipes her nose with her hand and looks at the blood in annoyance.

"Ugh!" She shouted. 

She gets another table and places it in the middle of the ring. She picks Morgan up for the Gory Bomb. 

"This may be it," JBL said as Rosa did a loud battle cry before slamming her down on the table. 

She goes to pin her but Morgan kicks out at two as the crowd looks on in shock and cheers loudly. 

"What!?" King shouted.

"I thought it was over!" Cole added.

"No! No!" Rosa screamed and started banging on the mat. "Count faster!" 

She yells at the ref and slaps him in the face, surprising the crowd.

"I am the official! It was 2! You can't put your hands on me!" The referee yelled.

"I don't care! It should have been 3!" she screamed in his face. 

"Rosa, calm down!" King exclaimed.

"She just assaulted the ref!" Cole exclaimed as she started unloading on the ref. 

"I should have won, right there!" Rosa continued to scream.

Morgan continues to hold her neck as she starts to feel more pain. She earned a few welts around her body, mostly on her back and bruises from the table and guitar she went through, thanks to Rosa.

Rosa calms down and turns her attention back to Morgan but gets hit with a DDT before getting pinned.



"Oh!" The crowd shouts as Rosa kicks out. 

"Stay on her Morgan!" JBL said as Morgan staggered to her feet and slowly got on the top rope. "Going high risk." 

Morgan stands tall on the top rope, aiming for a crossbody but then Triple H gets on the apron to distract her, making the crowd boo. Morgan kicks him off but while she is distracted, Orton slithers into the ring and gives Rosa a chair before sliding out of the ring. Rosa gets to her feet while Morgan goes for crossbody. The crowd 'Ohs' while Morgan yells in pain as Rosa counters her attack by swinging a chair to her stomach, making Morgan clash into it, clenching her stomach. 

"Good grief!" JBL exclaimed as Rosa went for the pin. 




The crowd begins to boo loudly while Rosa gets up and jumps around. 

"Yes! Yes! I told you! I told you!" She shouted. 

"Here is your winner! Rosa Mendes!" Justin announced. 

Rosa taunts the crowd and turns to the ref. "Raise my hand! Raise my hand!" She ordered and got her hand raised. 

Evolution gets in the ring and stands over Morgan. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'No friggin way!' 

Lita tweets 'WWEMorgan101 and LaRosaMendes's rivalry is starting to get intense. You two are starting to become my favorite feud. Awesome match!' 

Stephanie tweets 'Talk about a successful first ever diva extreme rules match! WWEMorgan101 & LaRosaMendes did a great job!' 

Mick Foley tweets 'Admired both WWEMorgan101 and LaRosaMendes performance tonight. Great match!' 

"I can't believe Rosa won," Cole said in disbelief as the titantron showed the highlights. "First Morgan got distracted and that allowed Rosa to buy some time to receive the chair from Orton."

Evolution raises Rosa's hands and celebrates with her while Morgan continues to hold her neck. Then the men grab Morgan and hold her by the arms for Rosa.

"Oh come on! You won! Get out of here!" King shouted.

Rosa roughly grabbed Morgan's face and made her look at her. "Where's your boyfriend!? Where's your little hounds? Where's Chyna!? Where's your mommy!? This is how weak you are! This is how pathetic you are!" She shouted.

A 'You suck' chant starts while Rosa and Evolution release Morgan. Rosa starts stomping on her and picks her up so she can get hit with a Batista bomb. 

"Come on! Enough is enough!" King exclaimed. 

Morgan starts to look very groggy as she crawls to the feet of Triple H. 

"Come on, let me see your fighting spirit. Crawl!" Triple H shouted before he gave her a pedigree. 

Orton, who was still ticked off at being thrown into a few tables, slowly picks her up to her feet and hits her with a sick RKO. 

The Bellas tweet 'Enough is enough! Just stop!'

Celeste tweets 'Getting more pissed off each time they hit WWEMorgan101.' 

"This is getting hard to watch. Somebody needs to help her." King said. 

"But The Shield are still beaten down from their ambush by Evolution," JBL reminded. 

Rosa receives a chair from Triple H while Morgan struggles to stand on her feet with the help of the ropes. She whacks her in the back, making her fall. Rosa hits her again when she tried to get back to her feet. 

"Stay down! Just stay down! Stay down and it'll be all over!" JBL exclaimed. 

Rosa whacks Morgan in the face and then drops the chair to start unloading on her neck. 

"Now she's going after the neck," Cole looked on. 

All of a sudden Evolution begins to smirk when Rosa picks Morgan up for the piledriver. 

"Say goodbye to your neck, Morgan! And say goodbye to your career!" Rosa drops down, hitting her neck harshly.

"Guys...Morgan's not moving. At all." Cole said with worry. 

"Is she okay!?" King shouted. 

Finally, The Shield runs down to the ring, pretty banged up but Evolution and Rosa leave the ring. Ambrose is furious and is about to go after them but gets held back by Roman. 

"Dean! Calm down!" Roman shouted. "Morgan is our top priority, right now! She needs us!" 

Ambrose cools down and kneels to check on her with Seth, Roman, and the ref. 

"Things just turned serious. She's really hurt." JBL said as a couple of refs and a doctor rushed down to the ring. 

"I need to get in there." King took his headset off and got in the ring to check on her as the crowd started to notice how serious things had just gotten. 

"Morgan, can you hear me?" The doctor asked. 

Roman clenches his fist and looks away at the sight. He never ever wanted to see her in this kind of pain. 

"Morgan." Dean held her hand and squeezed it while Seth held her other hand. 

"Is-is her neck okay?" JBL asked.

"Morgan, can you hear me?" The doctor repeated but still got no response. 

"What's going on?" Seth urged.

Morgan opens her eyes and squeezes Seth and Dean's hands. 

"Morgan!" Seth and Dean exclaimed while Roman looked relieved.

"Morgan, can you move around?" The doctor asked and tried to help her up as the crowd began to cheer for her. 

"My neck..." She grunted as she slowly sat up. 

She is given a bottle of water and starts taking sips of it. 

"We need a stretcher." The doctor said on his radio.

"I'm glad she's moving her legs and arms," Cole said as the titantron showed Rosa's piledriver. 

"I'm scared." She whispered and was about to cry. 

Her neck felt so weird and the pain got worse as she started to yell out in pain. The refs and doctor help her back down while The hounds of justice continue to look concerned. 

"They're gonna pay for this. We promise." Ambrose growled. 

A stretcher gets rolled down to ringside and into the ring. The doctor puts a neck brace on her and gets help with putting her on the stretcher. Morgan gets taken backstage while The Shield walk by her side as the crowd continues to cheer and chant her name. 

Stone Cold tweets 'WWEMorgan101 I know you're going to keep getting up from everything The Authority throws at you. When you recover, I want you to open up a can of ass whooping on that Rosa woman. Great match.' 

Celeste tweets 'WWEMorgan101! Please get better with your neck! I love you! Awesome match!' 

Ronda Rousey 'WWEMorgan101 man that piledriver must have hurt! I hope you heal up soon. When you come back, give Rosa an armbar just for me!' 


Morgan wasn't sure if her neck was broken or just aching from the impact she suffered. All she knows is that she was in a ton of pain. 

"I just want my mom." Her voice cracked. 

She holds Dean's hand as she gets rolled near the ambulance. 

"We're gonna get a hold of her grapes. Hang in there," Dean soothed as she got placed in the back of the ambulance. 

The Shield hops in too and sits by her side as they get driven away.

"I'm sorry..." She mumbled.

"Sorry for what?" Dean wiped her tears.

"For letting you guys down...I lost..." 

"We let you down," Seth mentioned and held her hand, giving it a squeeze.

"What?" she asked.

"We weren't there for you," Dean replied.

"But we're gonna get them for you, grapes. We promise." Roman reassured.

"Evolution is going to pay," Ambrose said with determination and ran a hand through her hair. 

"Got that right. Remember, if they mess with you, they mess with me, and if they mess with me, they mess with Seth, and if they mess with Seth, they mess with Ambrose. We got your back. For now, just rest." Roman added. 

Morgan sighs out of relief. She thought her boys were mad at her but they were actually standing by her.

"Thanks," She calmed down. "I love you, guys. You're always there for me. Even if you weren't there in the ring with me, you're here with me, now. That's all that matters." 

"You're always there for us." Seth smiled. "And we love you, too." 

"Hm..." She showed a weak smile and tried to rest her body, despite the agony she was in. 

She wanted to stay strong and not cry. She didn't want to look weak in front of her boys. 

"'s okay to cry. We know you want to." Roman said in a gentle tone.

"We know you're tough. We know you're in agony." Seth comforted. "It's going to be okay." 

"Let it out," Ambrose murmured in a soft tone. 

She then starts to cry silently before beginning to sob. Moments later she cries herself to sleep. It pained them to see her like this. She was always smiling, and hyping them up during their matches. She rarely gets broken down like this. Their hearts ached to see her in this kind of pain. Evolution and Rosa were not going to get away with that. 

The Shield give each other knowing looks. 

"They crossed the line. They're going to pay for this. For them to hurt her like hurt my woman..." Ambrose pounded his fist. "I'm going to rearrange their faces." 

"I and me both," Seth said and looked down at the sleeping Philly Diva. "We can't be outsmarted, again. For Morgan's sake, we need to kick their asses. Give them a beating. Whenever it's tomorrow or next week, we need to do it for her." 

"They're going get their asses kicked. Don't worry. We got this." Roman said in an angry tone and bumped fists with his teammates. 

Seth tweets, 'There is going to be hell to pay. You won't get away with this TripleH DaveBautista RandyOrton LaRosaMendes.'

Roman tweets 'When you mess with The Shield's Girl, you mess with the hounds. Consider yourself our prey. Watch your backs Evolution & Rosa. You've just crossed the line' 

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11 months ago
OK On Wattpad Today, April 15th 2024, My Wrestling Story Is Ranked Number 1 On The Shield Tag! So Lit.

OK on Wattpad today, April 15th 2024, my wrestling story is ranked number 1 on The Shield tag! So lit. Idk how long it’ll last but damn that is so cool. I just randomly went on the site and then bam #1. I’m grateful for the milestone 🙏🏾 I hope one day my BTS story can get in the high ranks on Wattpad. I’ll continue to work hard 🫡😎💜

OK On Wattpad Today, April 15th 2024, My Wrestling Story Is Ranked Number 1 On The Shield Tag! So Lit.

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11 months ago

How would Jennie’s friends react when she has a match at wrestlemania? 

I just want to answer this ask before going back to working on the Bangtan Gal chapter while this answer is fresh in my head!! Again I haven't forgotten about the other asks. It's a lot so I put a keep reading banner because all this popped in my head while I was at Mania week.

OK, her friends are going to be shocked when she tells them that she is working with WWE.

"Oh so you doing SIDE MISSIONS, now while the boys are gone?" her friends would tease her.

They're so used to her being a singer and dancer and even acting that it would never cross them that she'd get in the ring. And, ironically, she is doing this while the boys are enlisted lol. It's like she's going wild and checking things off her bucket list while holding it down for BTS. They'll be excited af and can't wait to see everything she is doing for WWE. They will be attending Mania and rooting for her as well. Being backstage to take photos and film for support while watching in the crowd. Even those who do not attend Mania will post about her while watching her on TV.

I do want Jennie to start learning how to wrestle for fun in the story and let it be a new hobby. Also regarding her and Jin doing wrestling matches together for Bangtan Bombs, those two will start learning the basics of wrestling so they can be safe for performing the moves as they take it more seriously. But Jennie would want to learn more and she'll occasionally drop fun videos of her running the ropes and etc.

My ideas can be so crazy but I want to write it all. I want Jennie to totally be involved in Wrestlemania 40. It's in her hometown, she gotta go. She'll reunite with John Cena and so on. (She will meet him in a future chapter). And as big as BTS is now, Triple H would want her involved. She also would be a big fan of wrestling as well.

Although black wrestlers such as Bianca Belair, Jade, and Naomi are already in a storyline for Mania, I decided not to have Jen involved with them (She'll meet them and hang with them.). For the wrestler Jen will work with for Mania, I'd love for her to be involved with Chelsea Green, who would also be one of her favorite wrestlers to watch on TV. Chelsea's character on TV is like a Karin, so it'd be hilarious to write how Jennie and Chelsea will clash.

How Would Jennies Friends React When She Has A Match At Wrestlemania?

The ideas I've been thinking of would start months before Mania. Jennie would start attending more WWE shows while BTS is enlisted and at one point she'd sit in the front row with friends. Chelsea would be annoyed with her presence since Jen is a big name in the industry due to being a member of BTS and all the attention is on Jennie when WWE shows her on TV to shout her out like they do when other celebs attend WWE shows.

I see Chelsea talking trash to her after a match and throwing a drink in Jennie's face which would piss Miss Bangtan off. I see it shocking people and the internet would go crazy as Chelsea will complain on Twitter about Jennie and want her "banned" from WWE Events.

Also before all of this, Jennie will remind ARMY to not attack anyone from WWE online because of what will be happening and that she is excited to be involved in wrestling. Also ARMY who are wrestling fans would of course educate nonwrestling Armies on what wrestling is all about and on WWE. So, things will be fine. With the K-pop and BTS fans being curious and supportive of Jennie, it'd bring in a lot of viewers for sure to see what Jen will do next on WWE TV.

The following week, Jen will attend the front row again and go at it with Chelsea, getting payback by smacking her in the face and Chelsea yelling for security to take Jennie away.

Then the following weeks will be those two going at it as she attends more events and even has some backstage moments and in ring promos.

With Chelsea's obnoxious character, I also see her clashing with Jennie on social media and threatening to sue and etc. I even want Chelsea to try to visit Big Hit Entertainment in Seoul and crash one of Jennie's dance practices as those two would get into a physical (choreographed and scripted for WWE) altercation. Those two would pop up on each other out of nowhere and I even see Chelsea crashing one of Jennie's streams.

I'll hook it up for sure. But all this drama will lead to her challenging Jennie to a one on one match on Night 2 of Wrestlemania 40.

Also, Jennie would get involved in being a part of the media to promote Wrestlemania and attend WWE World which took place to do meet and greets. Since ARMY crashes sites when it comes to BTS tickets, Jen would work with WWE to make sure her meet and greets are safe and fair. She'd get announced to attend WWE World for all 4 days and will have her meet and greet in a different part of the Philadelphia Convention Center for safety and crowd control. The ticketing process would be strict. It will be a separate link from the other wrestlers' meet and greets and only one ticket per person. There will be photo op sessions which can have up to 6 people in the photo and also a fansign session. It will be limited to 50 people per day regarding the fan sign and 100 tickets for the photo ops per day.

She'll even sell her own merch there too which will be at the WWE Superstore. It'll have her own section with her merch as well. Exclusive, limited edition Jennie themed Wrestlemania merch. Best believe ARMY would try to camp or get there early af to get first dibs. I see wrestling fans being surprised at the DRAW Jennie has and would be curious to learn more about who she is and about BTS.

I see wrestling fans who are not familiar with BTS or K-Pop asking, "Who the hell is Jennie? And why does a singer have to take a spot on the WrestleMania card? That's not fair," and blah blah blah. The Internet wrestling community can be annoying af but Jen will prove haters wrong with her in ring performance, wrestling knowledge, and have such respect for the business. And people will see that she takes it seriously.

She'll be called one of the celebs that is good in the ring just like Bad Bunny and Logan Paul.

Although by 2024 she'll be well advanced in her wrestling skills, she'd start from the beginning to learn WWE's way of training because they have a whole structure of how they do things and she will train almost every day of the week to prepare for the match and to give one of her favorite wrestlers a great match. Logan Paul will also be one of Jennie's inspirations and she will even train with him and other WWE trainers to make sure everything is ok. She'll totally do some videos with Logan as well and be a part of his podcast, Impaulsive.

OK! I think that's it! Bye! :)

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