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Forced To Believe Chapter 52- He Kept His Word

Forced To Believe Chapter 52- He Kept His Word

Forced To Believe Chapter 52- He Kept His Word

Chapter Summary: Left alone because of her teammates getting ambushed, Morgan tries to fend for herself against Rosa, the Outlaws and Kane.

Words: 5,000+


During Raw, Ryback and Axel were in the ring with Los Matadores. As soon as the match gets underway, the crowd begins to cheer loudly and stands up when they see The Shield and Morgan walking through the crowd and stopping at the barricade. 

"Uh oh, guys," King said. 

"Oh look out, look who's here," Cole said as Morgan smirked at Axel and put her hands on her hips while The Shield gave Ryback and Axel dirty looks. "Look who's here guys. Morgan, Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns, The Shield. They did not forget what happened last week." 

All of a sudden, Axel gets trapped in a roll up pin and loses the match for his team. 

"This doesn't end well," JBL said. 

Morgan jumps over the barricade and slowly walks to the end of the ramp while Axel and Ryback are distracted by The Shield surrounding the ring. She watches as The Shield gets on the apron while Ryback and Axel are back to back. 

"This is gonna be justice, The Shield's way." Cole looked on. 

Axel goes after Roman but gets his ankles grabbed by him and is pulled out of the ring. Roman throws him to the barricade while Ambrose and Seth beat Ryback out of the ring. Morgan gets on the apron and watches as Roman spears Ryback as the crowd cheers. 

He roared and the crowd roared with him while Dean yelled "You wanna mess with us!?" 

The Shield hit Ryback the triple powerbomb. 

"Wait, they're not done," King said as The Shield held Ryback down while Morgan got on the top rope.

"And Morgan adding more insult to injury as she goes for a moonsault!" Cole exclaimed as she performed the move.

"This is what happens. Don't mess with the hounds." The Outspoken Diva said as she high fived her teammates. 

"What goes around, comes around," King said as The Shield's theme came on. 

"I guess it does," JBL said while The Shield did their pose.

Morgan tweets 'Learned your lesson? #DontMessWithUs'


"Hey guys." Triple H greeted backstage with Stephanie in their office as the camera shifted over to Morgan and The Shield.

"Look we know you saw what happened on Friday night, between us, Kane, and the New Age Outlaws. So...where were you man?" Seth asked.

"Seeing how Kane represents The Authority, and the New Age Outlaws are your old buddies, we were just kinda wonderin' where we stand," Dean mentioned. 

"You were wondering what? What's going on between Kane, the Outlaws, Rosa, and you, that's between you and them, all right?" Triple H said while Morgan didn't look so convinced. 

"If it's vengeance that you guys are looking for, then how about we give you a match tonight? The Real Americans versus The Shield. Okay, then we can all sit down together and discuss this. Okay?" Stephanie asked. 

"Yeah...we will. Believe that." Roman said.


The Real Americans walk down the ramp but Dean and Seth roll out the ring and start going after him before the match starts. Roman stands at ringside with Morgan while Ambrose rolls Cesaro into the ring.

"And here we go, match underway," Cole said as the commentators started to talk about what happened earlier tonight. 

Seth and Dean continue to take control of the Real Americans with frequent tags until Cesaro distracts Dean and Swagger takes advantage. Cesaro starts to take control with uppercuts while the crowd chants 'We The People'. Morgan starts to look concerned when Cesaro puts Dean in a headlock. 

"Come on, Ambrose! Come on, Ambrose!" Seth yelled. 

"Don't sleep on me, now! Wake up!" Morgan banged on the mat. "Come on, Dean!" 

Roman banged on the mat once. "Come on! Come on!" 

Dean starts to get up and breaks the hold but gets taken down again while Jack gets tagged in. Jack goes for another big splash but Ambrose counters and kicks Cesaro in the head. 

"Stay back!" He yelled and got on the top rope to hit Jack with a springboard elbow. 

Seth starts to get hyped and has his hand out for a tag. 

"Common! Reach! Reach!" Seth yelled but Cesaro dropkicked him off the apron.

"Son of a b­-" Morgan yelled but got grabbed by Roman. 

"Don't worry, we got this." He reassured.

Meanwhile, Cesaro gives Dean the big swing 20 times and goes for the pin but Seth breaks it up and starts unloading on him until the ref breaks it up. Dean gets on the apron and gets hit out of the ring. Swagger and Cesaro grab him by the arms and legs and swing him on the barricade while Morgan cringes at the sight. 

"You two are gonna get it!" she snapped as she walked over to them with Seth and Roman. 

Later on, Dean continues to be taken control of by the Real Americans. Dean rolls out the ring, still feeling the effects of the Real Americans' double team move. Morgan walks near him but the ref stops her because of Zeb. 

"Hey! Hey ref! Get that Philly girl out of here! She's harassing me! All you Philly folks are the same! Get out of here you witch!" Zeb yelled. 

"Really?!" Morgan yelled and reluctantly backed up because of the ref. 

Jack gets out of the ring and cockily laughs at her as she shoots him a dirty look. 

"You stay away from here!" Zeb continued to yell at her. 

She rolls her eyes and decides to "respect" her elders while Jack throws Dean back in the ring, Cesaro gets tagged in and continues the control again. 

"Come on!" She shouted and started banging on the mat while the crowd chanted 'Let's go Shield!' 

Dean catches Cesaro in a roll up but Cesaro escapes it and quickly kicks him in the stomach while Dean groans.

 "Huh!? Let's go Shield, huh?" Cesaro shouted and slapped him in the face. 

"Wow," JBL said. 

"Ow. Dean Ambrose," King said and chuckled as Dean started to laugh.

"You've really done it now." Morgan began to grin once Cesaro slapped him again. 

Dean slapped the mat. "Come on!" He yelled and started slapping himself in the face. "Is that the best you got!?" 

Roman started smiling out of amusement as he looked at Morgan. She was grinning at Ambrose and she looked very attracted to his crazy side. She loved his crazy, unpredictable behavior. 

"Are you drooling?" Roman teased.

"No!" she blurted out and pulled herself together.

"Sure...I see you grinning." He chuckled. 

'Denial...' He thought. 

"Ambrose wants more. I told you Ambrose is whacked out. He's a lunatic fringe." Cole said as Dean got slapped again. 

Dean starts to gain momentum but Cesaro kicks him all the way to the ropes. He leans back and comes back to hit him with a large lariat as the crowd cheers. 

"Yeah!" Morgan grinned and jumped up as the crowd got excited 

"Come on! Come on!" Seth yelled as he paced on the apron.

The crowd explodes once Seth and Jack get in the ring. Seth quickly picks up the pace and starts to hit Jack with kicks, chops, and fists. He then drops Jack with a one leg dropkick. 

"Yeah!" He yelled and went to the corner across from Jack. He put his hand over his heart. "Believe in The Shield!" He shouted before hitting him with a splash and bouncing his head off the second turnbuckle. 

Cesaro gets in the ring but gets launched over the top rope by Seth because of his feet. 

"That was incredible," JBL said. 

Seth hits Cesaro with a suicide dive after he clotheslines Jack out of the ring. Cesaro lands in the crowd while Seth takes out Jack with a big dive. They chant 'Holy shit' while Rollins rolls Jack back into the ring. 

Morgan grins and raises her hand up as Rollins gives her a high five before getting on the apron. He hits Jack with a flying knee and goes for the pin but Cesaro breaks it up. Dean gets in the ring and starts unloading on him but gets thrown out of the ring by Cesaro. Seth clotheslines Cesaro out of the ring but gets caught in the Patriot Lock.

He gets the ropes and Jack grabs both of his ankles and sets him up. Seth lands on his feet and kicks him on the head. He hits Jack with the Peace of Mind and pins him for the win. 

"The winners of this match, the team of Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins," Justin announced but then Cesaro hit Rollins from behind. 

"And Cesaro from behind," Cole looked on as he threw him out of the ring.

Morgan gets on the top rope and tries to go for a crossbody but Cesaro catches her in his arms. As soon as he turns around, Roman runs and hits him with the Superman Punch, making her drop on top of Cesaro. 

"You all right?" Roman asked as he helped her up.

"Yeah, thanks." She replied with a smile.

Cesaro slides out of the ring and gets speared by Reigns as Morgan, Rollins, and Ambrose regroup at ringside. 

"I got an idea!" Dean shouted and took off the cover on the announce table while Rollins took out the monitors. 

"Oh~ shit, son!" Roman yelled while Morgan smirked in amusement. 

Dean grabs Cesaro while Roman roars once again as they deliver the triple powerbomb on him off the table. They get back in the ring and taunt the crowd while Morgan high fives her teammates. 

"Well, the message has been sent," King said. 

The Shield and Morgan put their fists out but their celebration is cut short once Kane's fire explosion comes on the stage. He, the Outlaws, and Rosa walk out in business suits. 

"As Director of Operations...I'd like to inform you that you have been assigned to a match at WrestleMania against the New Age Outlaws, Rosa, and me. At WrestleMania, we are going to annihilate you. Believe that." Kane announced. 

Morgan grabbed a mic and chuckled. "I believe I have a surprise for you. I'm sure she will be very happy to see you guys, again. So believe that!"

The crowd cheered loudly, understanding what Morgan was implying as Kane and the New Age Outlaws glanced at each other with worry.

"Well, Kane made a big announcement but so did Morgan. Do you really think she is going to be at WrestleMania?" King asked. 

"We'll have to find out," Cole said. "I for one am very excited to see if she will return to be in Morgan's corner,"

"Agreed! The Shield versus the Suits! Haha, I love it." JBL added. 


On Smackdown, The Shield walk through the crowd to a loud reception. Morgan walks in front of her teammates and tags some hands before jumping over the barricade. 

"The following is a tag team contest set for one fall, introducing first, being accompanied by Morgan and Roman Reigns, at the combined weight of 442 pounds, representing The Shield, The United States Champion, Dean Ambrose along with Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced. 

Morgan heads to ringside while 3MB makes their entrance. They shoot her dirty looks while she smirks and waves at them. 

"Looks like 3MB and Morgan still got grudges against each other." JBL chuckled. 

"Well, she did eliminate them at the Royal Rumble and Jinder tried to hit her with a guitar that night," Cole informed. 

'Ding Ding Ding' 

Seth starts the match with Jinder. They lock up and Seth hits him with a one leg dropkick. Later, 3MB manages to take control and Drew hits Seth with a suplex. 

"" Morgan muttered as Drew pointed to her & Roman, pelvic thrusting. 

Roman stands there with an indifferent look on his face while Dean doesn't look too happy about Drew's actions. 

Morgan walks around the ring and Heath & Jinder give her dirty looks as she grins at them. She waves as they start to march up to her. All of a sudden, Ambrose gets in front of her and gives them a death glare as the crowd cheers. 

"Here we go." JBL looked on. "Ambrose, not letting them touch her,"

"Don't even think about it," Dean growled with venom as they backed off. 

Morgan heads back to her original spot while Dean gets back on the apron. Drew taunts the crowd and tries to prevent Seth from tagging in Dean but fails. Dean hits Drew with a quick clothesline and hits Jinder off the apron. He starts unloading on Drew and hits him with a knee to the stomach after he throws him to the ropes. 

At the end of the match, Ambrose hits Drew with a lariat and hits him with the Dirty Deeds to he win the match for his team. Seth, Morgan, and Roman get in the ring and congratulate him on the win. 

"Nice." Roman complimented but Kane's theme came on as he, Rosa, and the Outlaws walked out in business suits.

"Kane, and the corporate Outlaws and corporate Rosa," Cole said. 

"They look great. Especially Rosa. Very beautiful." JBL complimented. 

"Congratulations. What you just did to 3MB, is exactly what we're going to do to you, at WrestleMania. But we're gonna do it like men. We are not going to ambush you like you do to your next opponents." Kane revealed Ryback and Axel as they walk down the ring. 

Morgan shakes her head while Kane grins. The match starts while Dean catches Axel in an arm trap crosslegged STF while Rosa, Kane, and the NAO continue to watch on. She puts her hands over her mouth as soon as she sees Axel hit Dean on the back of the head, making him fall face first off the apron. Ryback and Axel start to take advantage and hit him with double team moves. 

The Outspoken Diva starts banging on the mat to motivate the crowd to cheer for Dean while Ryback sets him up in the air for a suplex. Dean counters with a DDT and starts to crawl over for a tag. He finally tags in Rollins as the crowd cheers. Seth picks up the pace, doing his signature moves but gets thrown onto the apron by Axel. He evades Axel's attack and catches him with a kick to the head. Ryback tries to trip him but Seth jumps out of the way and kicks him in the face. 

Ambrose runs on the steps and jumps off, landing on Ryback, and unloading on him. Seth throws Axel out of the ring and hits Ryback and Axel with a dive as the crowd gets excited. Roman and Morgan grin while Seth throws Axel in the ring. He goes for a dive off the apron but Axel kicks him in the stomach. He tries to put Rollins away but he counters and hits him with the Peace of Mind to pin him for the win. 

"Yeah!" Morgan cheered and slid into the ring to celebrate with her three partners. 

Rosa, Kane and the New Age Outlaws look annoyed and Seth decides to hit Ryback with a suicide dive out the ring. 

"And look at Rollins, putting icing on the cake, as he stares up the ramp, at Kane, Rosa, and the Outlaws." Cole looked on. 

Dean throws Ryback back in the ring and Roman hits Ryback with a Superman punch as he gets hyped. Morgan motions her partners to pick Ryback up and she strikes him down with a spinning kick to the face. He slowly gets up to his knees but gets hit with the triple powerbomb. 

"Good night Ryback!" JBL announced. 

The Outspoken Diva turns to her Wrestlemania opponents and curtsies. "You're done! Finished!"

Morgan tweets 'There is #NoEscape at WrestleMania. Especially when 'She' comes. You will regret everything you've done. #ItsOver #YouAreFinished' 


Backstage, Morgan was near the makeup area with Naomi. 

"How are you feeling?" Naomi asked as the crowd gave them a loud reception. 

"I'm doing all right. I'm still not a hundred percent but I should be okay next week." Morgan replied with a warm smile. 

"Girl, are you sure she is going to be at WrestleMania?" 

"Yep! She is going to have my back. I can't wait,"

"Morgan!" Nikki yelled, rushing over to her with Brie.

"Whoa, what's going on?" she asked.

"It's Dean-" Nikki began. 

"It's not just him, it's The Shield!" Brie corrected her sister. 

"What about them?" Morgan asked. 

"They got ambushed by Kane and the New Age Outlaws. They're at the trainer's-wait!" Nikki exclaimed but gave up once Morgan sprinted to the trainer's room. 

With the camera following her, she ran around backstage and stopped once she saw Kane. 

"You! You son of a­-" She began but the New Age Outlaws stood in front of Kane, blocking her way. 

"Don't think so, sweetheart." Road Dogg smirked.

"Well, if it isn't Morgan Lopez. Just the woman I was looking for. You're going to be in a no Disqualification match against Rosa. Tonight." Kane announced. 

"What? No. Why would you put me in a match? You know I'm not 100 percent!" She complained.

"Does it look like I care? Now get Unless you want to be fired," He ordered and walked away with the Outlaws who had smug looks on their faces. 

Morgan rolled her eyes and continued to run to the trainer's room. She barged in and saw Ambrose lying down on the examination table. As soon as she saw him, beaten up, her heart began to ache. 

"Dean!" She rushed over to his side. He grunted and sat up. "Dean! Are you okay!?" 

He smirked. "Heh. Shouldn't I be asking you that?" 

"Never mind me."

"You care too much..."

"Well I'm sorry­-" 

"Don't be. I like it. I think it's cute to see you so concerned about me." 

"How can you be trying to charm me when you've just gotten ambushed?!" 

"Because I know the Outlaws and Kane are going to get their asses kicked." 

"Speaking of Kane...He's forcing me into a no DQ match. I don't think I can-" She began but he grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 

"Do not say you can't. Don't ever say that again, do you hear me?" He said in a serious tone. "You can do it. I got a bad feeling Kane and the Outlaws are gonna get involved since it's a no DQ but The Shield will always have your back. Don't worry. No matter what, I won't let them take advantage of you, got it? I just need you to hold on for the first few minutes of the match until Seth, Roman and I can get ourselves together." 

She let out a breath. "Okay." 

"Go get ready."

"All right." She headed for the door.

"Morgan." He called out and she turned around. "I'll come for you. I promise." 

She nodded a few times. "...I trust you." 

Dean smirked at her words. Maybe this was a sign that he could finally prove to her that he would keep his word and gain her trust back.

"And forget about us, why don't you?" Seth chuckled as he was sitting on a chair, next to Roman who was also sitting on a chair. They had ice packs on their heads. 

"Sorry guys." She chuckled. "Wait, where did you­-" 

"Didn't even notice us in here, did you?" Roman asked with an amused smile. 

"Wow. I guess I didn't. Sorry, Dean was the first one I saw." She shrugged. 

Roman and Seth glanced at each other with smirks and looked back at her. "Okay." 

After she left, Ambrose retorted, "You guys like to ruin the moment, don't you?"

"Common man, don't get mad." Seth chuckled.

"Did you know she was drooling all over you during your match with the Real Americans? She couldn't stop grinning at you. She still has a soft spot for you, after all this time." Roman added.

Ambrose raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"And let's not forget about you, man. You obviously stare at her all the time." Seth pointed at him. 

"And always come to her aid. Like tonight with 3MB." Roman said. 

"Look, if you guys truly love each other, I'm sure you two will find a way to work it out," Seth reassured. "I know she still cares about you. Did you see the concerned look on her face? Hell, she didn't even notice us in the here. She just saw you. She still cares. A lot. Show her you still care too by keeping your promise and having her back, tonight. Gain that trust back by keeping your word. Now, let's get ourselves together so we can kick their asses and keep Morgan safe,"

Ambrose nodded at his words, feeling good about tonight.


In the ring, Morgan walks out with a grin as the crowd cheers loudly. She twirls around and does her taunt before running in the ring. She gets on the turnbuckle to do her taunt again before jumping off and exhaling. 

"Morgan looks a little concerned," JBL observed. 

"Yeah, I'm sure she's still shaken up about what happened earlier. I just hope this is a one on one match." Cole said as Rosa and Morgan were surrounding each other in the ring as the bell rang. "And here we go. A no disqualification match." 

They lock up and Morgan hits Rosa with a few arm drags before throwing her to the turnbuckle. She runs towards her but Rosa moves out of the way while Morgan hits the turnbuckle and falls down. Rosa goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at two. The Latina slides out of the ring and starts to look under the ring for a weapon.

"Uh oh. Rosa with the chair." Cole said as Morgan slid out of the ring.

Rosa goes to whack Morgan in the face with the chair she found but she ducks and kicks the chair, making it hit Rosa in the face as the crowd cheers. She throws her back in the ring and grabs a kendo stick as the crowd starts chanting ECW.

"Bringing the weapons in early," JBL said as Morgan got back in the ring. 

She starts hitting Rosa with the stick as she tries to escape the hits. Rosa crawls over to a turnbuckle and tries to beg for mercy but drags Morgan down, making her hit her head on the middle turnbuckle. She grabs the kendo stick and puts it on Morgan's neck, putting her in a submission. 

"This is dangerous for these women!" JBL added.

"These two want to kill each other!" Cole shouted.

Morgan fights back and hits Rosa with a swinging neckbreaker, while Rosa rolls out of the ring. She gets on the apron and goes for a diving clothesline but Rosa moves out the way. 

"Just in the nick of time!" Cole exclaimed. "You think Rosa has Morgan's number? She has been improving in the ring these past few months. I heard she's working on a new finisher just to do on Morgan for WrestleMania." 

"She has been improving. Every time Morgan tries to gain momentum, Rosa stops her. Maybe she does have her number. Morgan isn't thinking straight. Her teammates got ambushed and with Rosa's mind games and taunting in her head, who knows what's going to happen." JBL replied. 

Rosa finds two tables and sets the two, next to each other at ringside and gets another one to put in the ring. She sets up the third one a few feet from the turnbuckle and gets back out of the ring to get a ladder. 

"Look at all these weapons. What is Rosa up to?" Cole asked. 

"I don't know but it's gonna be good." JBL chuckled as Rosa set up the ladder behind the table in the ring.

Morgan gets back in the ring and Rosa puts her on the table. She starts climbing on the ladder as the crowd starts to get excited.

"This is going to get interesting." JBL looked on.

"That's a long way down," Cole said but luckily Morgan got off the table while some of the crowd was disappointed that no one had fallen through a table, yet.

Morgan grabs Rosa by the leg and pulls her down. She hits her with a roundhouse kick before dragging her to a chair that is in the middle of the ring. She hits Rosa with the backfire onto the chair and is about to go for the pin but sees the Outlaws and Kane walk out.

"Oh no." Cole groaned as the crowd booed.

"It is a no DQ match," JBL reminded.

Morgan decides to go for the pin but Billy runs to the ring and breaks it up as the crowd boos. 

Morgan gets on her hands and knees and sighs loudly. 

"I knew it...I friggin knew it..." She retorted. 

She gets up but gets grabbed by the Outlaws. Rosa is given a kendo stick and hits Morgan with it before the Outlaws drop her. Morgan rolls out the ring and holds her left arm. 

"How long is a few minutes, Dean?" Morgan mumbled before getting her left arm forced on a steel step by the guys. 

"This is not good," Cole said with concern. 

Rosa slides out of the ring and smirks at Morgan before getting a steel chair. Morgan glances at the chair before exhaling, anticipating the worst. 

'This is gonna hurt...' She thought before a loud smack echoed around the arena as Rosa hit her arm with the chair, making her yell out in pain. 

"You can't do the backfire now, huh? You can't do the Morganizer or breakdown anymore huh!?" Rosa yelled. 

"How does it feel?" Road Dogg taunted.  

"It hurts, doesn't it? This is your punishment. Just repent and we'll end it!" Kane shouted. 

Morgan scoffed. "How about you kiss my ass!" She spat as the crowd cheered. 

"Wrong answer." Kane glared at her and nodded at Rosa. 

Rosa hits her arm again as Morgan groans and puts her head down. She gets thrown in the ring with the 4 of them getting in, too.

"Your boys aren't coming to save you. We gave them another beating in the trainer's room just as you came out for your match. You're all alone, Morgan," Kane revealed, making her glare at him.

"Now the 4 on 1 assault," Cole complained as Morgan got on her hands and knees after Rosa hit her back with the chair. 

Kane punches her down and she slowly gets back on her knees. 

"Is that all you got?! You hit like a bitch..." Morgan retorted and fell back down. "It's gonna take a lot more to break me down! I'm not backing down to anybody! You wanna hit me? You wanna hit me till you're satisfied and happy? Go right ahead but I'm gonna get back up!" 

"I got you right where I want you. You're not gonna make it to WrestleMania! No one is gonna save you!" Rosa yelled and slapped her in the face once Morgan got back up on her feet. "Come on, Morgan, unleash that so called frustration!" 

The Outspoken Diva makes a loud, aggravated sound as she tries to lunge at Rosa but fails because the Outlaws continue to have a strong grip on her. Moments later, she finally breaks free and hits the Outlaws with a double low blow as the crowd cheers. 

"Morgan trying to gain some momentum!" Cole said as the Outlaws rolled out of the ring. 

She manages to stand up and ducks Kane's clothesline. She gets on the top rope and hits him with a dropkick as he falls out of the ring. Morgan looks up to see Rosa climbing the ladder and she decides to climb up the ladder, too. 

"This is dangerous!" Cole warned as both divas started to hit each other. 

"This is a long way down!" JBL exclaimed as Morgan positioned Rosa for a suplex but then Rosa managed to escape.

All of a sudden, Rosa pushes her and Morgan falls on the table, in the ring. Morgan could hear the deafening 'Ohs' from the crowd while Rosa grinned in satisfaction and started to laugh. 

"Morgan fell on the table! She got pushed by Rosa and Rosa is loving it!" Cole yelled as the crowd started the deafening Holy Shit chants. 

Morgan remains motionless while The Outlaws and Kane grin at each other. 

"How does it feel, little girl?" Road Dogg taunted. 

"Morgan may be broken in half!" JBL exclaimed as the ref checked on her. 

"That's it! She's out!" The ref yelled and motioned for a few refs and a WWE Doctor to come to the ring as they came with a stretcher. 

"This match may be over," Cole said as the crowd began to boo. 

The ref was about to stop the match but Kane got in his face and ordered him to continue. 

"She's hurt!" The ref shouted. "She can't continue!" 

"I don't care! I'm the boss! She's not hurt to my satisfaction!" Kane shouted back as Morgan got put onto a stretcher, at ringside. 

"We're going to take you to the back." One ref said to her.

 "No..." Morgan mumbled, feeling a little groggy as she tried to sit up. 

"Morgan, we need to take you to the back." The doctor said. 

"No. I want to continue this match. Don't stop the match." She said more clearly. 

She was in pain but she had to finish this match. Win or lose. One table wasn't going to break her down. She wasn't going to lose a match by knockout. She'll have to be pinned or submitted if she loses a match. 

Rosa gets off the ladder and walks up to Kane. She whispers an idea in his ear which makes him smirk. They slide out of the ring and grab a chair. The Outlaws scare the refs and Doctor away from Morgan while Kane puts a chair in between Morgan's neck. 

"Are you kidding me!? They really want her out of action!" Cole exclaimed as Rosa got on the top rope while Kane and the Outlaws held her down as she tried to escape. "Don't do this! You'll break her neck!" 








Morgan sighed out of relief. 

'He kept his word...' She thought as the crowd exploded in cheers. 

"The Shield isn't gonna let this happen. Now it's time for justice!" JBL stated. 

The Shield rushes down the steps while the refs take the chair off Morgan's neck. 

"There is going to be hell to pay at WrestleMania. They're really pushing buttons now." Cole said as the Outlaws and Kane looked alert. 

As soon as Roman jumps over the barricade, he goes right after Kane while Seth and Dean go after the Outlaws. Once Dean punches Billy down, he rushes to Morgan's aid. She slowly sits up and gets off the stretcher. She sighs as she wraps her arms around his neck while he wraps his arms around her waist to help her up. She felt safe in his arms, just like she always does. 

"Morgan and her toughness. She's still going through this match." JBL said. 

"You came for me." She managed to say and hugged him tighter. 

"Told you I would." He smirked. She released him and held her lower back and he frowned. "I'm sorry." 

"For what?"

"You suffered a lot. I'm sorry we couldn't save you sooner,"

"Heh, don't apologize. You came for me, that's all that matters." She looked at the broken table and glared at it. "Ugh...She pushed me onto a table...I'm gonna friggin' hurt her. That bitch..." 

"Heh, take a breather." He said and she nodded and slid back in the ring while Rosa was catching her breath, sitting on the bottom turnbuckle. 

"Looks like the ladies are taking a breather while the guys get down and dirty," JBL looked on. 

Morgan exhaled. Things were even now. But with her arm a little banged up, will she be able to do one of her finishers? 

"Guess I have to compromise," she said to herself.

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Words: 9,000+

Author's Note: Bon Voyage Season 1 is next after this chapter! Also, don't panic, things will be fine :)


The following morning, Jen received a phone call from one of her sisters while she was gaming with Jungkook.

"Awesome! Thank you, we'll be there! I'll make sure of it! I have been waiting to see this movie!" Jennie happily got off the phone and turned to Jungkook excitedly as he chilled on the bed. "Oppa, let's watch Civil War, today! My sister's friend hooked us all up for a rented movie theater to watch the movie, today! We'll be alone with no one to bother us!"

Jungkook's ears perked up and he quickly turned to her, Jungshooked.

She finally said it...

Jennie realized what she had just said as her entire face flushed. It just slipped out, she meant to say his name but it just flowed naturally to call him that despite her not being a fan of saying the word often.

"Did you..." he trailed off as a huge smile came across his face. He stood up and walked over to her. "Did you say what I think you just said?"

Smiling softly, she nodded. "Yes, I did."

"Can you say it, again?"

"Oppa, let's watch civil war, today."

Jungkook immediately wrapped his arms around her and gently lifted her off her feet as she laughed. "Okay, Jagi. Let's watch Civil War, today!"

"I'll tell the others," she said after getting set down.

"Am I the first guy you said oppa to?"

She pondered for a moment. "As a matter of fact...yes, you are the first guy."

Jungkook smiled triumphantly, already planning to brag to his hyungs. "Good."

At the theatre, JenKook wore Marvel shirts for the special occasion and sat in the back while the rest of Bangtan sat further down, scattered around. Her sisters sat near the members.

"I hope y'all won't be doing anything dirty back there!" Vienna teased the couple.

"Hush and watch the movie!" Alani replied.

"Would y'all be quiet!?" Jen shouted as the previews finished.

As they watched Captain America Civil War, JenKook freaked out and spoke during the movie which amused the members.

"Look at this, look at this! Look at this perfection! Iron Man wishes he could do this!" Jen said as Captain America was shown fighting at the beginning of the movie.

During the scene where Tony gives the students a grant, Jungkook goes on to brag about Iron Man, "Captain America wishes he could give students a grant like Tony,"

"Oh shut up," she rolled her eyes.

"Be jealous~!" he teased.

The rest of the members laughed at the debate JenKook had rows behind them including her laughing at Tony getting beaten up and hit by cars.

"That wasn't funny!" Jungkook huffed.

"Yes, it was,"

The scene with Steve and Bucky talking about whether Bucky was worth it made Jennie tear up.

"You see the mess he made!? All of them are in cells! Captain America is better." Jen debated with him later on in the movie.

"They brought this on themselves,"


"Would you guys be quiet!?" Jin shouted.

"We knew this was going to happen," Namjoon laughed.

During the plot twist of Bucky being the one to kill Tony's parents, Jennie and Jungkook were shooked.

"No..." she covered her mouth.

"I hate him, I hope he dies," Jungkook furiously stared at the scene.

"No! I don't want Bucky to die-"

"He killed Iron Man's parents!"

"He was brainwashed! It wasn't him!"

"I don't care!"

"Well, I care!"

The final fight scene between Bucky and Captain America going after Tony got them hyped as they both cheered on their favorite superheroes.

A scream left Jen's lips when Bucky's arm was destroyed by Tony.

"NO! WHY!?" she yelled.

"NO!" Jungkook yelled in horror when Cap hit his shield in Tony's heart.

Jen covered her mouth again and started tearing up at the defeated Iron Man. He really got hit in the arc reactor.

"Jungkook..." she murmured, not knowing what to say.

"Do you see the destruction your Captain America has done!? He ruined everything!" he angrily said.

"Hey! Don't blame him! He was protecting his friend!" she snapped at him.

"People are hurt! He almost killed Tony! That's unforgivable!"

"Tony tried to kill Bucky! He blew out his arm!"

"He deserved it!"

"No, the hell he didn't! He's a changed man!"

"A-are they actually angry with each other? Are they really fighting?" Jin asked with concern.

"Nah, they do this all the time when they watch Marvel movies," Taehyung answered, calmly.

"Yeah, they're just bonding, no need to worry," Jimin reassured with a chuckle.

Near the end, Jennie laughed at Stan Lee's cameo, calling Tony, Tony Stank.

"Ha! I told you it was true! Tony Stank for the win!" she laughed.

"At least Tony is richer than everyone," Jungkook quipped.

"Oh ho the hell he ain't! Black Panther is richer! Um, hello he is a whole prince. He has almost 100 trillion! Don't get me started on my brothers,"

"Blah, blah, blah,"

After the movie finished, Jennie sighed in contentment. "Gosh, I hope they have a Black Panther movie soon! Like that'll be so lit. I can only imagine how awesome it'll be. What I wouldn't give to be a part of a Marvel movie. That would be a dream. Even if it's just a song or something or a small role, I don't even care,"


After the movie, Bangtan went shopping at the mall. When splitting up into groups at the mall, the members found their way back to each other after shopping at Forever 21. Everyone but Jennie had bought some things because all she was looking for was a certain brand of perfume that she could not find anywhere. That was until she finally spotted Victoria's Secret.

"Oh my gosh, finally! I gotta get something real quick!" she eagerly rushed in, surprising the guys with her enthusiasm. "Man, oh man, I hope they have it."

"Jennie...what are you planning on getting from here?" Jin's heart dropped as he walked into the store with fear, quickly following her.

"I think we all know exactly what she is going to buy from here." Hobi chuckled with Yoongi.

"Hey, hey, Jungkookie, do you think Jennie is going to buy something to wear for you?" Jimin teased, wrapping an arm around him as they walked deeper into the store.

'I-is she going to get some lingerie now? I-in front of the Hyungs? Is she ready for THAT??' Jungkook thought with wonder and astonishment as he began to blush.

Did she want to do THAT already?

His imagination was already beginning to wander...

Did she want him to go crazy?

Why couldn't she do this when they were alone? Not with the rest of the guys around them.

Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted by a large pat on the back by Namjoon. "I'm surprised she would be this bold. Don't you want to help her pick something out? We can wait out here."

Before Jungkook could answer, he peeped Jennie walking past all the underwear.

'Wait...why is she walking past the lingerie? Even the red underwear??, no, why?' Jungkook thought.

"Finally!" she happily announced and grabbed a few bottles of the perfume she wanted. "I have been trying to find these everywhere!"

Namjoon let out a laugh, looking stunned. "W-wow...perfume. Would you look at that? She came here for perfume."

Jin sighed out of relief. "I'm glad it was just that!"

"Yeah, of course. What did you think I was gonna get in here?" Jen stared at him like it was the most obvious thing she would get in the store.

Meanwhile, disappointment was clearly shown on Jungkook's face while the rest of the members felt salty that what she bought wasn't what they were expecting.

"Darn...I really thought she was going to get a set for Jungkook." Hobi whined.

"Bet the kid is upset, right about now," Yoongi added.

"Aw...tough luck, Jungkookie." Jimin giggled with Taehyung.

Back at the hotel, Jungkook decided to speak up about it and ask her about the stunt she pulled at Victoria's Secret.

"S-so you weren't planning on getting anything else?" he asked.

"Nope, just the perfume. Why?" she watched him as he averted his eyes.

She then realized what he had meant and felt her face heat up. "O-oh." she nervously laughed. "Well...the stuff in that store is not even what I would want to wear for you when I'm ready for that."

That sparked his interest as his ears perked up. "Well, what do you want to wear?"

"I guess you'll have to wait and find out one day." she teased, grabbing the controller to finish her game.

"When can I find out?" he eagerly asked.


"Can I at least know the color?"


"Can it be red?"



The next morning, all packed and ready to leave America, Jennie met with the rest of the members on the first floor.

"Jen," Diana, her manager called out.

"Yeah?" she turned to face her.

"You won't be going back to Korea just yet,"

That caused Jennie to furrow her brows. What did she mean? She was planning to go back with the members so what could possibly be left on her schedule? It made her nervous but decided to stay positive about it.

"Okaaaay. What else is on my schedule?"

"Last minute meeting Bang PD and I scheduled with some important people that want to meet you. Come on. They're waiting for us,"

Important people? Meeting? That she and Bang PD scheduled? What was going on?

After telling the members she'd be staying a while longer in America and saying her goodbyes, she went to follow Diana in a car that took them to the location of the meeting.

"You keep looking at me. What is going on?" Jen asked after she caught Diana staring at her longer than usual.

"It's nothing. Just relax. The meeting shouldn't take that long, anyway." she replied, trying to change the subject.

"Who am I meeting anyway?"

"You'll see when we get there,"

After arriving at the location, Diana escorted her to a meeting room to see two caucasian people. A man and woman in suits with welcoming smiles.

"Ah, Jennifer Walker. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person," the man spoke first shaking her hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you as well," she politely replied.

The two introduced themselves and informed her that they were looking for potential musical artists to endorse Macy's. The idea did interest Jen as she thought it would be a good opportunity since she already endorsed Puma with BTS. 

"Any brands you enjoy wearing?" she was asked.

"Nike!" she beamed. "That's my all-time favorite brand,"

"Nike? Why that brand?"

"Oh, a lot of things. I have a whole collection of Nike sneakers. I just love everything about it. Their style, their clothes. It makes me feel empowered as weird as it sounds. Let me show you the collection of sneakers I have," she took out her phone, showing them the large collection of shoes.

Diana refrained from laughing while the two others looked impressed and pleased to see her so passionate about a brand like this. The exact passion they want to endorse a brand. 

Jennie rambled on and on about Nike as she showed tons of photos and stories about wearing the brand.

"...and these are the sneakers I wore on the night I debuted with BTS," she rambled on.

"If you wanted to create something, what would you want?" she was also asked.

"I'd love to create a whole line of Nike shoes for dance and Nike dance clothes. Sneakers, ballet shoes, everything Nike dance shoe related. Comfortable and cute clothes to dance in for Nike. I strongly believe dancing is a sport and I feel like dancing should have some representation. It would be a dream to create something like that for Nike one day."

"Hm...I see," the lady nodded and looked over at her partner.

The man took out a folder and placed it on the table with a smile, "Well, Nike would love to see this vision come true,"

It took a few seconds for his words to register in her brain as Jen stared at them in astonishment. Her heart dropped and her mouth went dry as words couldn't form in her head. 

Did he just say Nike wanted to see her vision come true?

Diana couldn't help but laugh and had to be the one to open the folder to reveal the Nike Endorsement contract waiting to be signed.

"We've had our eye on you for quite a while Miss Walker. Your passion for our brand is infectious. We would love to have you on board and put your vision into action."

"I had to talk to them to try to make something up. I didn't want them to go straight in and say they were from Nike," Diana giggled and turned to Jennie. "Wow, the look on your face. Are you going to say anything? I'm sorry, she's still trying to process all of this,"

"We understand. We've watched all those videos of her talking about Nike. We heard her passion loud and clear," the woman replied with a giggle.

Nothing came out of Jennie but tears as her chest felt heavy. Looking down at her lap, her sight was blurred with tears.

Was this another dream about Nike? It wasn't like the others.

"Y-you want me? To endorse Nike? You really want me?" she managed to speak, looking back up at them after wiping her tears with her sleeved arm.

"We've wanted you for quite a while now. We're pleased we were able to get to you due to your busy schedule. When we heard about Adidas wanting you, we were a bit worried that you would join them." they told her.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Jen turned to Diana.

"I already looked over the contract. Bang PD discussed it with me as well. This is what you always wanted, although Puma will have to go away,"

Jen understood about Puma and was prepared for it as she tried to process that a contract from Nike was waiting for her.

"Will you do it?" Jen was asked.

Looking up at the Nike representatives, she smiled happily with tearful eyes, opening up a pen.

"Yes! Heck yeah, I will!" she answered proudly, signing her signature.

Diana could feel herself getting emotional as she watched Jennie sign the contract. She was so proud of her having this moment.

"Great! We will keep in touch, Ms. Walker. We are looking forward to working on this vision of yours,"

"Thank you so much! Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you for giving me a chance! Thank you for noticing me! Thank you for everything!" Jennie rambled on about her gratitude for this blessing.

After they left, Jen hugged Diana as more tears escaped.

"Thank you so much!"

"I got you. Always remember that. You deserve it," Diana beamed.

Pulling away, she took out her phone, still shaking from what just happened, "I-I gotta call my parents," she said, calling her mom up.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" her mom asked on the line.

"Are you all right?" her dad asked.

"I'm crying because I'm happy," Jen sniffed.

"What happened?"

"I got it..."

"Got what?" her dad asked.

"An endorsement deal with Nike."

"Aw, baby I'm so proud of you! I told you, prayer is a powerful thing!"


After returning to Seoul from her meeting with Nike, Jennie still felt her body shaking from the news that Nike wanted HER. She was about to endorse the company that she dreamed of endorsing for many years. She couldn't wait to tell the guys.

"I'm finally back!" she announced, shutting the front door.

When she turned around, the lights went on and she was welcomed with loud cheers. She looked around in wonder, genuinely surprised as she saw a large banner that said 'Congrats on the Nike Endorsement' with various balloons and confetti around the room.

There were the boys who were patiently waiting for her arrival as they had bright smiles on their faces.

"No, you didn't," she covered her mouth as a smile grew on her face.

"Congrats Ennie!" V ran up to her, scooping her up in a hug.

"She's finally endorsing Nike!" J-Hope yelled proudly, jumping up and down

"A dream come true~! Jennie and Nike 2K16!" Jungkook shouted happily.

"I knew you were going to get it one of these days! I'm glad you remained patient," Namjoon praised.

"Nike X Jennie! Finally~!" Jimin yelled

"Wow, I feel like a proud father," Jin rambled, "I can't wait to ask my friends, is your daughter cool enough to get an endorsement from Nike? No? Well, my precious Jennie scored one and is going to break barriers with it!"

"We're proud of you smartie," Yoongi praised. "You deserve this. We're glad you went with your heart,"

"I wish we could have seen the look on her face when she found out," Hobi laughed with Namjoon and Jimin at the thought.

After being set down, she walked further into the room to see pizza and plates waiting at the table, along with a large cake that said congrats on the Nike endorsement. 

It took her a moment to realize that they all knew that she was going to get it. 

" guys knew?!" she asked, taken aback. "That I was going to get it!? And you didn't drop any hints!?"

"Of course not! That eliminates the element of surprise," Jungkook giggled.

"Guys..." she said as she looked at them with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Aw, she's crying! I told you she was going to cry!" J-Hope laughed and pulled her in for a hug. 

The rest of the guys joined in, saying that it was all right. After pulling herself together, she smiled and thanked them for supporting her.

"Wow, Nike really has you now. How did the meeting go?" Jimin asked.

"I was nervous, I didn't know what I was getting myself into," she said and explained to them what happened.

In response, they teased her for her reaction.

"Finally that company opened their eyes to see a gem they have for an endorsement. They're going to be happy they chose you," Yoongi said confidently.

"If you need us to model for your brand or anything, let us know," V added.

"Free promo," Namjoon grinned

"Thanks, guys. Really. This is just so surreal. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. Frickin' Nike...and Jennie of BTS. Bangtan is moving forward. V and his drama, our comeback we're working on. K-Con headliners, Yoongi's mixtape. I feel like as we progress, we're only going to be chasing more bags and success. Let's keep working hard," she high fived all of them as they cheered.

"That's the energy to have! How soon can you start designing what you want to do?" Jin asked as they all sat at the table.

"For now, they'll be in touch with me," she answered.

"Wait until ARMY finds out. They'll be ecstatic," V said.

"Are you going to tell them soon or wait a bit?" Jungkook asked.

"I want to wait a bit. Let it be a huge surprise when I announce it," she replied.

"Cool. Now dig in!" Jimin laughed and pushed her face into the cake with Jin.


As a few weeks went by, Bangtan was back in America for LA's K-Con. The group went through a series of interviews to promote it. News about Suga's mixtape that he was working on had got out and he expressed his enthusiasm that Armies were excited about it.

"Jennifer has been the biggest supporter out of my journey working on the mixtape," Suga announced proudly as she looked at him in shock. "I would find her trying to peek in my studio to see if I'm working on it. I am happy to have a strong support system for my music. ARMY, I hope you like the finished product,"

She didn't expect him to acknowledge that and it made her feel good. The huge smile on her face did not go unnoticed by viewers and the members as Suga glanced over at her to give her a soft smile.

Fans commented on the YoonJen moment and expressed their excitement for his mixtape:

'Awww YoonJen!'

'Keep in mind Yoongi said, Jennifer. Not smartie. You know he serious af about her being supportive of him! I'm soft!'

'My heart! I can't wait for him to release it!'

After the interview, Jennie went out to roam around K-Con with Sejin and a bodyguard with her. She came across fans performing dance covers of BTS songs. It appeared to be a local dance group and she watched as they performed fire. What took her by surprise was the black male dancer performing her part.

'Wow!' she thought, mesmerized as he nailed her mannerisms. It was like she was looking at herself perform.

"Yasssss!" she shouted, which caught the attention of fans who began to scream. "Y'all killing it!"

A large portion of fans tried to get her attention for photos and autographs but she kindly told them that she wanted to watch the rest of the performance before any interaction. They respected it and watched as she happily danced to the beat of fire, enjoying the performance.

After the group finished, Jennie approached them and clapped.

"That was amazing! You guys killed it!"

"Oh my gosh, thank you! We can't believe you came out here!" one of the dancers said.

"I'm still a K-Pop fan at heart. I just wanted to drop in and say hey. How long have you been in a group? The synchronization was extremely good,"

"That means the world to us coming from you. We wanted to do it justice. We've been performing since 2014!"

"Wow, keep dancing, please! Don't ever stop. All of you are gifted,"

As more fans gathered around, she tried to take as many selfies as she could.

"Jennie! What do you think of NCT?" a fan asked.

"I tweeted about them! They are lit! Sooo many members. Firetruck is a bop," she beamed.

"Do you have a bias?"

"Not yet! Hard to choose,"

"I love you and Alex Reid. Have you met Alex yet?"

This had been a common question. Unfortunately, she still hasn't met the girl but eagerly wants to. Someone to relate to in this industry.

"Sadly no. But I really want to! I hope we can meet up one of these days,"

After going backstage, Jen felt like she could breathe easier since Bangtan wasn't until the end of the show. She spent time with Ailee and watched backstage as she performed. She had some mic trouble but she nailed the performance without music as the queen that she was. Her A cappella was on point and it blew her away.


Her name was called out and she turned around to see Zico waving and walking over to her with Dean.

"Zico! Long time no see! How are you?" she pulled him in for a hug.

"Doing good. How you been?"

"Everything has just been blessings upon blessings. I got my Nike endorsement!"

"No way, you finally got it?! About time! They have a gem on their hands! I can't wait to see what you create with them!"

"Aw thank you!" she turned to Dean. "Hi! I'm Jennie! It's so nice to finally meet you, Dean! Your music is so dope. I love your sound,"

Dean was pleased to hear how much she praised his music and thanked her.

"Your vocals are like so soothing and I admire your work. I hope you get a ton of awards for your EP," she added.

"Thank you, Jennie. How does it feel headlining K-Con with BTS?" Dean asked with a smile.

"Surreal. I am so grateful,"

After talking with them, she stayed in BTS' dressing room.

"Hello! Is Jennie Unnie here?" a female voice asked.

Jennie turned around, pausing her conversation with Jimin to see the IOI members walking in.

"Ah! There she is!" the voice belonged to Somi.

All the members of IOI had walked in with bright smiles, dressed in their outfits to perform.

"Oh my gosh, hi!" Jennie rushed up to them.

She hadn't seen them in a while but watched closely at the survival show's results and their journey as a group. 

Sohye with a cute smile presented the large basket to her. "This is on behalf of us,"

"F-for me? Oh my gosh, thank you," she graciously accepted it and placed it on the table.

"A thank you for supporting us," Pinky added.

When Jennie opened it, she squealed in glee when she saw it was filled with packs of smarties. Her happy sound effect made the girls giggle, proud that she liked the gift. Meanwhile, Bangtan watched with amusement.

'You're becoming a great role model, Jennie,' Namjoon thought as he watched IOI look up at her in admiration.

"My smarties! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she went on to hug all of them. "How does it feel to be a group? Hard work paid off, huh? I see bright futures for all of you,"

"Yeah, we love it. It's so exciting to be here, too," Chungha answered.

"I'm glad. Make the most of everything. And if you need anything, I'm here for you,"


Back in Korea, with the short amount of free time that they had, Jungkook wanted Jennie to join him to eat with his family. He thought it was the perfect time to tell them that they were dating, too. There was no doubt in his mind that they were going to be thrilled.

Once they made it to his parents' house, Jungkook turned to her with a smile.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Butterflies are increasing as we get closer to the door," she admitted and took a deep breath.

"You'll be fine. I have a strong feeling they're going to be pretty excited to hear the good news," he grinned at her, making her mellow out.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal his mom smiling brightly at them.

"Jungkook! You're here!" she pulled him in for a hug. "Look at you. Are you eating well?" she pulled away.

"Always, Mom,"

"Good," she turned to Jennie as her smile got wider. "Jennie! I'm so happy you can join us!"

"Hi, Mrs. Jeon. Thank you for having me. This is for you and your husband," she presented her with a gift basket she created for them.

"Oh, thank you very much. Come on. Both of you. Your father and brother are in the backyard, Jungkook,"

"Okay," he responded and let Jennie walk in first. He followed her inside and closed the door.

'You okay while I go to the backyard?' he gave her a look, initiating a brief nonverbal conversation.

'Yes, go on ahead.' she nodded and returned the smile that he gave her.

As she watched him leave, Jennie turned her attention to his mom placing the basket on a table.

"I've been so excited to see you again!" she heard his mom say.

She has?

"Really? That means a lot, thank you!"

"Jungkook can never stop talking about you. It made me miss you more than I already have,"

"He talks about me a lot to you?" she chuckled softly, feeling her heart soar as she heard about her missing her.

"Oh, all the time. It was the cutest thing. Since you came along, I have seen a positive difference in his character. I'm not sure what is going on but whatever it is, I hope it continues,"

'Wow, all from us dating?' Jen thought optimistically.

A lot of people have been saying this to her lately. That Jungkook had been more lively and open. Was it really because of her?

"I hope so too," she smiled. "May I assist you?"

His mother looked at her with appreciation as she was preparing to finish up dinner. "Yes, I would love that. Please set up the table,"

"You got it,"

After finishing it up, she helped his mom put the food on the table.

"Jennie is here," she heard Jungkook as he walked inside with his brother and father.

"I'm glad that I finally get to meet her. You talk about her so much, it made me anticipate her arrival even more," his brother, Jung-hyun said to him.

"Hi! It's nice to finally meet you, Jung-hyun," Jennie greeted kindly.

"Likewise. It's nice to meet the 'most precious person' to my brother,"

That made her face heat up while he giggled at her and his brother's flustered reaction. He could easily tell something was going on and was happy his little brother found a significant other. He approved of Jennie right away just from Jungkook chatting about her and showing their photos over their years in Bangtan.

"H-hey! Cut it out!" Jungkook smacked his brother's arm for putting him on blast like that. 

His face turned slightly pink as he planned his revenge.

"Jennie! It's good to see you again, how are you doing?" his father asked.

"Very well! I'm happy to be here, Mr. Jeon,"

As they sat down for dinner, Jen sat next to Jungkook while they were across from his parents and brother.

"Jung-hyun, Jungkook showed me some of your art. It's amazing. You know my sister Alani likes to create DIY items,"

"Oh really? Cool. Thank you. I'd like to see them sometime," he grinned.

"She has an Instagram about it. I'll show you later,"

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Just two! Both sisters. Alani and Vienna. Alani is into communications and Vienna is starting to lean more into acting. Lately, she's been wanting to get into Broadway and been auditioning quite a bit,"

After more small talk, Jennie felt comfortable and relaxed further. Jungkook noticed and was happy that his family warmed up to her so easily.

"Are your sisters gamers, too?" his brother asked.

"Not as much as me. I'm more of the gamer out of the three of us,"

"She sucks at Overwatch," Jungkook laughed. "She died as soon as the match began. I wish we recorded it for our channel. It was hilarious,"

'Wooooow. Roasting me in front of your family?' Jennie thought, amused as her nervousness melted away completely.

"Hey, I'm still learning. And you show no mercy in these games. Whenever we play against each other you don't give me a chance to try to hit you," she pointed out.

"Of course not, I want to win," he teased.

"I think you should at least go easy on me so I can learn and then go full out,"

His parents watched them cutely bicker about video games and gave each other knowing looks. She definitely fitted right in. Her genuine smile towards their son was another significant factor. And how she praised him throughout the entire dinner touched their hearts.

"You game as often as Jungkook?" his dad smiled.

"All the time. You should watch our channel sometime. It's really funny," she grinned.

"She gets competitive a lot, Dad," Jungkook laughed. "Just like me. There are games that she's better at and tries to teach me,"

"Well just know that I will be rooting for you, Jennie," his father promised her.

"Dad, you're not going to be cheering me on?" Jungkook looked offended, while his girlfriend and mother giggled.

"It's nice to see you get beat once in a while in games,"

"Jennie, how is your family doing?" his mom asked her.

"Really well. There hasn't been much going on at home. Just working and enjoying summer,"

"One day it would be nice to meet them and have dinner together," his dad suggested.

That made her get butterflies in her stomach as she appeared Jenshooked. Was it obvious that she and Jungkook were dating because throughout this entire meal, they'd been talking a lot about the future and how Jungkook had changed happily because of her.

"Dinner with you and her family?" Jungkook looked Jungshooked for a moment.

"Of course! We're eager to meet your girlfriend's family!" his dad blurted out with a large smile.

"Dad..." Jung-hyun groaned. "We were waiting for them to announce it themselves,"

"Surprise ruined," his mom sighed.

His dad laughed nervously. "Whoops. Sorry. I mean look at them. Adorable. They've been holding hands under the table the entire meal. I had to say something,"

Jungkook and Jennie looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Jennie had nothing to worry about. Things were just fine.

"Wow, was it that obvious?" Jungkook smiled bashfully.

"Your body language, little brother," Jung-hyun pointed out. "And your lingering gaze towards her. It's cute,"

"Ah..." Jungkook looked down, feeling his face heat up.

Meanwhile, Jennie felt happier than ever at how excited they were to see them dating.

"How long have you two been together?" his mom asked.

"Since January. He's so good to me," she answered sweetly.

"Ah, beautiful. I for one am very happy to see my son with someone that brings out the best in him. You are a wonderful, sweet girl. I fully support this,"

That made Jennie tear up and blink the happy tears away. Wow. They approved. All of them. 

After they finished eating, his mom came out with a small cake. It was mouthwatering as Jen devoured it. After eating a second slice, Jennie asked if she could learn how to make it. The surprised expression on Jungkook's mom's face made her smile as she agreed and asked if Jen could teach her the recipe for the baked goods she baked for them a while back.

"I just wanted to say thank you for welcoming me with open arms and for your hospitality," Jen smiled.

"Of course. I'm so happy it worked out between you two. We are looking forward to having you over again soon when your schedules allow it," his father grinned.


As summer went on for BTS, Jennie, and Jungkook were invited to film a variety show. With Jungkook, he was on Celebrity Bromance and paired up with Shinhwa's Minwoo. They spent the entire day together and even rock climbed as Jungkook began to feel more comfortable and open around him as the day went on.

After the cameras were off them for a brief period, Minwoo asked if there was any special young lady that caught his eye. His question earned an immediate smile from the Golden Maknae as he thought about Jennie.

"That's the smile of a man in love," Minwoo said with a light chuckle while noticing how his eyes shined brightly. "She must be exceptional,"

"She is. I kind of think of us as soulmates," Jungkook smiled shyly as a blush grew on his cheeks. Taking out his phone, he showed him a photo of them together, "This is my girlfriend. Her name is Jennie,"

"Wow, she's beautiful. You two are in the same group, too. Bangtan is very protective of her, I'm sure?"

"Absolutely. She is very precious to us,"

"Good. I bet she has quite the admirers. How did you two start dating?"

"She does. I wanted her so I was persistent for her to be my girlfriend. I made the first move to express my feelings and kissed her before her flight back home to America. Ah...I felt like my mom because she made the first move and went after my dad," he laughed with him. "She's the best...I'm very happy with her,"

"Treasure every day of your beautiful relationship. And don't let anyone, not even the media ruin what you have,"

"I will treasure it. Every day,"


Meanwhile, when it came to Jennie, she starred in a new show called Celebrity Womance. A spinoff of Celebrity Bromance. Jen was honored to be in the first episode of this new show. She decided to meet the woman she was paired up with at a bubble tea shop, ordering tea for both of them.

"I am excited that they asked me to be a part of the first episode of Celebrity Womance. There's already a bromance version of it so it'll be fun to see who I am going to be paired up with. I have no clue who it might be," Jennie said on camera for a brief interview with the staff of the show.

She then went to sit back at her seat in the café to wait for the woman.

"I'm a little nervous..." she murmured and contemplated chewing a piece of gum to relax. 

But then chose to sip on her milk bubble tea instead, chewing on the bubbles that came up through the straw.

'Someone Appeared!'

Jennie turned in the direction of the door opening to see Yoon Mirae walking in with a bright smile.

"Hello!" Yoon Mirae greeted with a wave.

"Holy crap," Jennie blurted out in English under her breath as she stared at her, bewildered. 

She covered her mouth and felt embarrassed at the sudden statement while Yoon Mirae giggled. 

She stood up and bowed at the highly respected artist, "H-hi! Oh my gosh, it's an honor to meet you! My name is Jennie!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yoon Mirae. You can call me Natasha Unnie,"

'Unnie already?! Whoa!' Jennie thought in amazement.

"Wow. I was not expecting this. You worked with my leader and now I'm sitting with you today,"

The show showed a montage about Yoon Mirae and said that she is one of the most highly respected artists. To Jennie, it was a dream come true.

"I've been watching you," Yoon Mirae smiled.

"You have?"

"You've caused quite a stir when BTS was announced. A black girl in the group. I bet you had to deal with a lot of negativity,"

"Yes. I don't even know where to start. It was ridiculous,"

"What has it been like for you as a black woman here?"

"When I first started, they tried to make me look paler. The makeup they would use would be lighter. It was embarrassing and so disrespectful because I was like hey, this is not my shade. Why do you have to try to make me look lighter? There is nothing wrong with my skin. I had to start talking with the stylists and educate them. I remember some started reading articles and watching YouTube videos on how to style my hair,"

"Have they stopped making you look pale?"

"Yes, thankfully. It took a little while but now my makeup looks more like it should for my skin. And before that, I started bringing my makeup and gave it to them to use instead. When I first started in BTS they always seemed to prioritize the boys and their make up but when it came to me, not so much. I'm happy to see the growth in my hair and makeup being a priority in BTS. You've been bullied a lot too, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have. Growing up I experienced a lot of racism and bullying. When my dad was in the army, we moved a lot when I was young. People would tell my dad that he was a sell-out because he married a Korean woman, why marry a Korean,"

Jennie frowned at that and shook her head. "I get so frustrated with that. If you love someone, you love someone. Whatever race you are or what you're into. I don't like it when people judge who you're dating, especially if they're biased towards people dating within their race. There is nothing wrong with interracial dating and I'm a full supporter of that,"

The two shared a long conversation about their time living in America and then coming to Korea. Jennie was amazed by her story. The fact that she had to deal with so much as a mixed woman and how traumatizing it was for her devastated Jennie.

When asked about the pressure of being the black girl in BTS, Jen broke down.

"Sorry," she tried to laugh away her pain but the tears were too much to stop as they ran down her face. "I'll admit it's been extremely hard over the years. All those hate comments, it was so hurtful to see them coming from the fans that were supposed to be supporting the group. All members of the group. I thought I would be protected by them, y'know? From all the rest of those hating on me. They would defend the rest of the members from the hate but when it came to me, I was just an afterthought. I'm just as important as the rest of the guys. I work just as hard as them and I love our fans just as much as them,"

Yoon Mirae reached out to hold her hand, listening to her as she expressed herself.

"Sometimes it can be overwhelming. And I used to feel like a burden being the only girl in the group. So many high expectations, being an African American in this country, people wonder if you can keep up with the guys, making sure the company is impressed with your work and doesn't think you're slowing down. It's something that was always on my mind," she went on.

"And you're still here. Still strong and performing," Yoon Mirae smiled. "I was happy to see you in BTS. And I was worried about the negative feedback you would get. But you've overcome a lot and you are still standing. You should be proud of that. And what I've dealt with as a kid made me stronger too,"

"Thank you. It definitely has. Things have been much better now. A lot of positives outweighed the negatives. And your music helped me a lot. I love your song Black Happiness. You are such an inspiration and I do hope I can become a well respected and influential artist. To have people look up to me and be a positive role model as a member of BTS is a big dream of mine,"

"I would say that you already are. Keep doing what you are doing, Jennie. Keep singing and working hard. You're a bigger inspiration to others than you think,"

After drinking bubble tea, the two decided to spend the day roller skating. There were a lot of laughs between them as they got to know each other. Both fell quite a few times and helped each other up. After skating, they ate at a booth by the roller rink.

"Do you have a significant other?" Yoon Mirae asked after the crew took a break from filming.

A bright smile came across Jen's face as she thought about Jungkook. 

She nodded happily, "I do! I'm happily dating Jungkook. We've been dating since early January,"

"Ah, your group member? That's cute. Who liked who first?"

"Well, he," she chuckled, "He did. He liked me for a long time and we became best friends. One night he confessed and kissed me hours before my flight back to America,"

"Wow, how bold,"

"Very. But I'm glad he did because it made me realize how strong my feelings were for him. And even if we weren't dating, we would always be best friends. I'll always have love for him. I feel like we're soulmates because I feel such a strong and deep connection with him. He makes me so happy,"

The smile didn't leave Jennie's face as she went on, "I'm still learning about love. I'm still young and experiencing a lot of things. I'm happy it's with him and I wouldn't change anything about it,"

"There's nothing like being with the one you love. That's how I feel about my husband,"

"Right? And I recently met his parents and brother for dinner to announce that we were dating. They were so happy and welcoming. It made me cry that they accepted me so quickly,"

Yoon Mirae smiled at that. She was proud of Jennie. Things were looking up for her and she hoped it continued for this young artist.

"There are days when I watch you and your husband together, being a strong duo in music, it makes me think of Jungkook and I. I want that. To be able to perform with him on stage, and have songs together. I'm not sure when we'll tell our fanbase about our relationship but for now, we are just trying to keep things private and away from Dispatch as much as possible," Jen added.

As the evening progressed, the two sat at the park to enjoy the summer night while eating water ice together.

"Time flew so fast and now our time is about to end," Jen sighed.

She truly enjoyed her day with her. She learned so much and got a lot of advice on performing and life in the industry. The two planned to keep in touch and exchanged contact information.


"Jennifer," a deep voice called out.

Looking up from her phone, she turned her head to see him leaning up against the door of her studio. He appeared nervous as he wondered how he was going to ask her what was on his mind.

"Hey, what's up?" she kindly greeted.

"I want to talk to you...privately. Meet me in my studio when you're ready. I'll be here all night. Take your time," he said and walked away.

His studio...?

"I wonder what he wants to discuss," she murmured as she finished her break.

After she finished her work, she made her way down to his studio and shut the door. She watched gleefully as she noticed that he was working on his mixtape.

"Ah, you're working on it! I'm so happy!" she beamed.

He acknowledged her words with a soft smile and gestured for her to sit next to him.

"Yeah, about time, right? It's almost ready," he said proudly.

He had worked so hard. It was going to be worth the wait.

"I'm glad. I can't wait to hear it. So, what did you need from me?"

"I want you to listen to these two songs," he said and pressed play.

She checked out his computer screen to see that the first track was called The Last. He had played the song near the end as his raw lyrics and intense instrumental had her nodding her head to the beat. He then played So Far Away for her.

"Wow, these are..." she couldn't think of the right words to how powerful his music was.

"It's missing something," he stated.

She turned to him, confused. "Missing something? How? It sounds perfect,"

"Not without you,"

Her heart skipped a beat at his words. "What are you saying?"

"These songs are missing something. And it's you. No matter what I do, I don't feel like they are complete. I want something more on these tracks. And that's why I asked you here today. I want you to play the guitar for these two songs on my mixtape,"

'You want me...? On these?' she thought in astonishment.

"I want..." Yoongi stopped and shook his head, "I need you on this. The way you express your emotions through that instrument, I need that in these two songs. No one else can play the guitar like you. Your sound is what I need for this. Please,"

He gazed at her and held her hand, nervously waiting for her answer. 

Many thoughts went through his head. Was he being too forward? She could always decline the offer. But was he prepared for that?

"When do you want to get started?" she spoke, interrupting his thoughts.

His eyes widened slightly at how quick she was to accept his request. "You'll do it?"

"No one has ever asked me to play the guitar like this for their music. It's usually just my voice and a little feature. So, doing something like this for you will mean the world to me. And the fact that I'm the one you thought of for such an important project, how could I say no to you? I'd be honored to play."

"Jennifer...thank you,"

"Always, Yoongi,"

When they got situated, they spent a couple of hours on the songs. Jen was amazed at his story. He is a reserved person and the fact that he was letting all of this out in his mixtape got her emotional.

"H-hey, Jennifer, are you okay?" Yoongi stared at her with worry as he noticed tears running down her face.

"Sorry. The Last is just getting me worked up. What you've gone through I...I'm feeling it. All of it is from your lyrics. I'll play the guitar right and do it justice. Let's record,"

"Are you sure? You want to wait until you pull yourself together first?"

"No. My sound on the guitar is enhanced when I'm feeling the emotion. If I cry, I cry. Replay it from the beginning. And when it's my cue, press record. I don't need to wait,"

Her demeanor turned into work mode as she remained focused and listened to The Last with her guitar in her hands. She listened to every lyric he rapped in song as her fingers twitched in anticipation against her guitar.

Yoongi couldn't help but feel slightly concerned as she waited for her cue.

"Hey, if this is too sad for you or-"

She raised her hand, signaling him to be quiet as she continued to listen.

Deciding to do as she said, he watched her in her work mode. Lately, Jennie had been mirroring the emotion of whatever she played on her guitar on her face. This was a vulnerable song. And she couldn't help but shed tears as she listened, preparing to play.

Once she heard the drums, she began to aggressively strum through the strings as his rap played against her ears. He watched her astounded as it was everything he wanted in this song and more. The way she played sounded perfect against his voice. The powerful chords she played against his voice were going to leave a huge impact on the mixtape for sure. After she was done, she exhaled sharply and set down her guitar.

"Now I need a moment," she said, wiping her tears. "I felt that. All of that,"

"What you just did was amazing. I don't know what happened but it sounded perfect. Thank you," he praised.

"I try," she smiled and he went to check it out on the computer to fit it in the song.

Once he had done some finishing touches to the song, he replayed it for them to listen. Yep, he was right, it did sound perfect. Fully complete.

"Hey, before we work on So Far Away, can you play AGUST D? I've been staring at it and I'm curious about how it sounds," she requested.

"Sure," he clicked on it twice.

"Oh!" she shouted out after the first few beats. "Oh! Oh okay!"

He laughed at her reaction as she danced in her seat while they listened to the song.

They call me new thang

Shinbyeong watda jimeul badeo

"Whew! Okay!" she cheered, nodding her head to the beat.

Oh, this was lit! This song was going harder than she anticipated.

A to the G to the U to the STD

I'm d boy because I'm from D

Nan michinnom biteu wiye runachik

Raebeuro hongkongeul bonaeneun

My tongue technology

Jennie almost fell out of her seat from that lyric. "OH! Tongue technology!?"

Nan bekkineun geol bekkineun nomeul jabadaga

Hubaedeun seonbaedeun jekkineun nom

"Oh shi-okay!" she jumped up and down in her seat during his second verse. He was rapping so damn fast as she stared at him in disbelief. "Yoongi~!"

Hyeongdeure shigi jiltu deoge saenggineun soeum

"OOOOOOOOOOO~!" she shouted, covering her mouth against the side of her fist. "Yo replay that back! You going crazy right now! The delivery! The delivery of that! Replay it back please!"

Yoongi's stomach began to hurt from the amount of laughter he was doing from her reaction. She was adorable. Accepting her request, he scrolled back to the second verse after the chorus.

"Yoongi! Bro! Why are you going off like this? Like damn!"

He grinned bashfully at her praise. "Ah..."

"No, that second verse! How fast you were rapping!? Come on! That's amazing!"


Once his mixtape was finished, Yoongi prepared to film two music videos. Once Jennie found out about it, she made plans to visit him during his AGUST D music video shoot. As soon as he left the dorm, she went to work to bake Agust D themed cookies for him.

"Yo yo yo~!" Jennie walked on the set with a box of cookies in her hands.

'AGUST D gets a visitor!'

Yoongi turned around and saw her smiling at him. A wide grin appeared on his face as he couldn't resist expressing how extremely happy he was to see her. He wasn't expecting anyone to come by during his shoot but the fact that Jennie came made his heart jump for joy.

"Smartie! What are you doing here?"

She laughed, "You know your biggest fan had to be here! You support me, I support you! Here. Your batch of Agust D cookies. It took forever to try to get the boys to not eat them,"

"You made me cookies? Smartie..." his gummy smile appeared on his face as he accepted them. "She baked me cookies. Her cookies are the best. If you get a chance to eat them, you won't regret it,"

"Aw, you flatter me," she smiled bashfully. "How's filming?" she asked as he took a cookie out of the box and ate one.

He sighed in joy at the deliciousness before answering, "Exhausting. This is honestly more tiring than BTS' music videos. But it's going great. I'm almost done and then tomorrow I film the rest of my music video,"

After visiting Yoongi and staying to watch him record, Jen was called to Big Hit's building for an urgent meeting and came back to the dorms visibly upset. It was abrupt that this happened but she was told by the company that she had to go home due to some visa troubles. She honestly thought things were fine with her paperwork and she could continue to do what she does but now she needed to pack and go home until everything got situated.

When Sejin arrived at the dorm with Jennie, the boys sensed something was wrong and immediately asked questions. Once Sejin gave everyone the news, the mood in the room went down and everyone was stunned by the abruptness.

"What!?" Jungkook exclaimed in disbelief as he shook his head in denial.

"You can't go home!" Jimin exclaimed.

"I think they messed up on some documentation or whatever. I don't know but all I know is I need to go home for a little bit until they fix the issue. Maybe it won't be for that long," she tried to stay positive about it.

"No way," Jin shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe this,"

"We need you. We need all 8 of us here. We're working on our comeback. Everything," Rapmon began to ramble.

She frowned. "I know...I'm annoyed. This is so poorly timed. I thought everything was straight with my stuff,"

"When are you leaving?" Yoongi frowned.

"Tonight," she sighed, which did not sit well with any of them as they tried to ask Sejin if there was anything to prevent it.

Meanwhile, Jen went to go pack as she was told while Jungkook accompanied her to her room. He sat on her bed as he watched her take out a suitcase and go through her clothes.

"Stupid visa..." she grumbled.

She tried to keep her emotions in check. She had plans to chill tonight and now had to spend it on a plane. With Jungkook, he was still trying to wrap his head around her leaving soon.

"Jagi, do you really have to leave...?"

Hopelessness and sadness were evident in the Golden Maknae's voice as he helplessly watched her pack.

He knew the inevitable.

She had to go home. And that meant they'd be apart for an unknown amount of time as Big Hit handled her visa situation. Sure there were times when she would go to America and then come back to Korea but from everything he was hearing, it seemed like this was going to take longer than usual.

On top of that, it was comeback season. That meant more stress as she wouldn't be there to be in his arms to cuddle when both of them felt overwhelmed from working on their comeback. She wouldn't be there to massage him whenever he stayed later from dance practice. Or nap with him after a long day. They wouldn't be showered with kisses, tickles, and derp faces from one another if they needed a good laugh to escape the stress. Finding out that she had to leave so abruptly made his heart shatter and frustrated him. Sure it was temporary but it bummed him out that it had to be this circumstance.

Their dog Tony, whimpered sadly, observing his parents. It was hard to watch Jennie pack up as he was lying in the middle of her bed with a sad expression. No special smartie belly rubs for quite some time. No JenKook bathing him like the family they were. This was going to be new to JenKook but perhaps this would make their relationship grow as they adjust to this brief long-distance relationship.

When Jennie turned to face Jungkook, she smiled sadly at his pouting expression. It was going to be difficult to leave him.

"You know I have to," she answered softly.

"I don't...want you to go," he murmured, looking down at his feet.

"I don't want to go either but it's just for a little while. I'll be back before you know it, Kookie,"

"Can I just come with you?" he looked up and asked as the idea popped into his head.

"As much as I would love that, you know you have to stay here,"

He frowned. It was worth a shot at least.

"It's just...I..." he hesitated.

He just wanted her to stay. She always knew how to make him feel at ease during the comeback season for Bangtan. Now that she was about to leave, it just wouldn't be the same. 

Sensing him overwhelming himself with negative thoughts, she strolled over to him. Standing in front of him as he continued to sit on the edge of the bed, she cupped his face.

"Hey," she softly called out, looking down at him. "No matter the distance, we'll make it work. We're the Golden Duo after all. This long-distance thing won't make us tap out. We can do it,"

He smiled at her words. "You're right. We will,"

He reached out for her as he pulled her into his lap. Smiling, she leaned down to kiss him slowly, trying to enjoy his lips as much as she could before she had to leave. She'll miss this.

"Don't do that..." he murmured against her lips and pulled back, panting softly.


"Kiss me like that when you're about to leave. It'll drive me crazy," he admitted.


Tony's barking caused them to turn in his direction. The dog happily jumped around after watching them. He jumped on them, causing JenKook to laugh at the sudden movement and break apart. She took a seat next to Jungkook instead. 

"I think our son is happy to see us trying to think positively about the situation," Jungkook giggled loudly as a bunny smile appeared on his face.

"Very happy. Hey, how about a belly rub before I leave? Would you like that, Tony?" she cooed.

She giggled softly as Tony eagerly barked and she moved to sit in the middle of the bed. The dog rolled around and exposed his tummy for her while she went to work on her affectionate belly rub. He soon began to relax and eventually dozed off. 

"It's going to suck when he wakes up and I'm gone," she frowned as she watched Tony sleep with Jungkook.

"We'll Facetime you," Jungkook promised.

"Please do. And make sure to send me memes and funny filter pictures of the guys,"

"I will. And I'll make sure to send you my progress on my song,"

"Good," she gave Tony one final look as she gently petted him and got off the bed to finish packing, "Make sure you don't feed him too many snacks while I'm gone. You know how you like to spoil him,"

"I won't. Our son is in good hands. I got it," he stood up and helped her.

Once she finished packing, she zipped up the suitcase. She was then gently grabbed by Jungkook and pulled in for a tight hug. Jennie sighed in contentment as she held onto him, enjoying his warmth. Their final hug for who knows how long.

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1 year ago

I could see Jennie and g-dragon doing a song together in the future

Heck yeah! It will happen :) and what an honor it will be for Jennie.

I Could See Jennie And G-dragon Doing A Song Together In The Future

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1 year ago

For future plans, regarding some collabs, I thought about for Jennie

For Future Plans, Regarding Somecollabs, I Thought About For Jennie

With Jen and Shawn Mendes, the plan so far is the Lost in Japan collaboration. He'll have his original version of the song and then the version featuring Jennie. And they'll make a second music video for the song. It'll be cute. 

But boy did Shawn's label really want her to collaborate with him for Señorita. (We'll cross THAT bridge when we get there in 2019 for the story. Hoo boy. She'd like the song but wouldn't think it suited her. And then they went with Camila. Considering how sensual the MV was with Camila, ARMY would bring up how that would have been Jennie and then thought of how Jungkook would have reacted along with the rest of Bangtan)

With Monsta X and Jennie, they will collaborate on Heart Attack.

With EXO and Jennie, highly considering Lotto, making a second version with her. I'm still brainstorming.

With Baekhyun and Jennie, they will collab on the song, Love Again.

With Ailee and Jennie, it'll be in 2019! They will collaborate on the song called Want It.

With The Weeknd, been thinking of 2023 with her version with him of Party Monster. It's going to be fun with her playing the electric guitar and performing it with him at his concerts. You hear the live version of the song? Listen to it! It's so lit.

With Kali Uchis, been thinking of her and Jen collabing in 2024 on the song Me Pongo Loca. 

With BlackPink (Those girls are going to be her best friends in Korea) and Jennie, highly considering Pretty Savage.

Fall Out Boy and Jennie on the song Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea, making a version featuring her! (She's going to flip! Finally going to be a rockstar!)

I got more but don't want to be so spammy. She'll collab with G-Dragon, EARTHGANG, The Gorillaz, and others down the line when she makes her solo work just like the rest of Bangtan have done. Stay tuned!

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1 year ago

JUNGKOOK in CALVIN KLEIN for @heybaetae ♡

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 79- Meeting Shawn Mendes

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 79- Meeting Shawn Mendes

Chapter Summary: BTS film for Running Man again. Jennie goes back to America for interviews with Buzzfeed and iHeartRadio. She supports and joins Angelina for the BBMAs and finally meets her celeb crush, Shawn Mendes.

Words: 14,000+

Author's Note: New Jennie Ship! Jen and Shawn Mendes (Shawnnie) Pretty cute. In case you need reminding, this is still a Jungkook x Jennie (OC) story lol. 

You know how artists have some people they always collab with? These two are going to collab often. And when she releases her solo work, he'll have a feature. I see people always anticipating them working together and ranking their favorite songs. 


After coming back from Prom Weekend, Jen goes to catch up with Amber at her place. Jen was happy to be a part of her next vlog for her YouTube channel and went with her to work out at the gym. 

The female member of Bangtan took off her jacket to reveal her sports bra and defining muscles on her upper body.

“Wow, look at my mom. Those abs are getting defined!” Amber did a close up of her stomach, making Jen laugh. Setting the camera down to film them stretch, she asked, “You excited about the Billboard Awards?”

“Oh yeah! I am so stoked! Despite some of the negative feedback that I’ve been hit with, I just hope that I can put in a good word for BTS as I try to promote us as a group and support Angelina. I love to network so I'm sure I can do my best to talk about K-Pop,"

“Right, I saw that. Ugh, keep ignoring it like you usually do. It's so rude of these so-called supporters of BTS to question why you’re going and not the rest of the group. It’s like they hate the things you do that have nothing to do with the group. You're going to support your friend. Angelina is always asking for you to join her. It's so nice of Big Hit to allow you to,"

“Yeah, I'm so grateful. I won't take it for granted. It'd be dope if BTS could attend the Billboard Awards together. A Korean group at that show? That'd be huge! I hope we can accomplish that one be able to go home and be standing with my boys as we perform and do our thing...what a dream. I hope we can do more in America. I miss performing at home,"

“Speak it into existence! I can just see you now, looking all cute and dolled up for Billboard. BTS at the show would be a huge deal. Never say never. What are you wearing?”

“Angelina and I are going to color coordinate. I’ll be wearing white while she will be wearing black. She doesn’t like going alone to award shows since she’ll get bored easily. But if a friend, like me, was with her, she’d have a better time.”

"Aw, cute. Do you think you’re going to meet you know who?” Amber teased as Jen's mind went to the man she knew she was talking about.

A nervous chuckle escaped her. “Ah...I hope I meet Shawn.” 

Jennie just hoped she does not freeze when she was face to face with that man. Someone she admires and wants to work with. If she was freaking out about him noticing her online, she doesn’t know what she is going to do when she sees him on the pink carpet. She must keep her composure.

After stretching, Amber began to play on her phone until Jen took it away.

“Woman, get off your phone. Time to work.” she placed it down and walked over to the punching bag after wrapping her hands in tape.

“Can’t I just look at my messages?” Amber whined

“Nope. Let’s work.”

She sighed. “Fine Mom.”

A laugh escaped Jen as she waited for Amber to hold the punching bag for her.

“I love using this. It makes me release so much stress.” Jen pounded her fist against her palm a few times and began to strike the bag. 

“Think of this thing as something that stole your smarties,” Amber suggested.

Out of nowhere, Jen kicked the punching bag hard and Amber dramatically fell to the floor. Gasping and placing her hands against her mouth, Jen rushed down to help her.

"Crap! Are you okay!?”

But then she heard her laugh and watched her get up with ease. “The look on your face was priceless. I’m fine.” 

“I hate when you do that.” she playfully punched her shoulder. After her session of kicks and punches, Jen held the bag for her while Amber began punching it. “How’s Jack Jack?"

"Adorable and goofy as ever. We need to set up a playdate with Tony.”

“Tony would love Jack Jack. He is so friendly with everyone. I think he’s starting to get closer to V.”

“Uh oh. V is taking over now. You know how he gets when it comes to animals and babies. How is his drama going?”

“He is so happy and making a lot of friends. A social butterfly. To see him work so hard and do well in his scenes makes me a proud sister. I’ve been helping him a lot on his script and he seems to be feeling more comfortable with himself.”

"As he should! Wow, and can you believe that next year you are going to graduate high school?” 

That caused Jen to exhale. She was right. She is graduating next year.

“Are you planning on taking the college exam?” Amber’s question interrupted her thoughts as they went to use the dumbbells on the floor.

“I really want to. I want to go to college. But I don’t want to go to college online, I want to physically be there. But as a K-Pop idol and all, I am not going to be able to juggle that and school...I'm kinda frustrated.”

“What are you going to do? You think you want to take a hiatus from the group to go to school?”

“I don’t know.” Jen groaned and fell back on the floor. "I’ve been thinking of going into business. I’ve been starting to get very interested in that. I don’t want to just depend on music. I want to do more things. But if I take a hiatus from the group, I know a lot of backlash is going to happen with some of these fans. But if I don’t do this, I feel like I will regret it. I'm torn,"

"Hey, don’t even worry about those fans. You need to do what is best for you. If you want to continue your education, do it. You will find a way to make this work. You still have time,"

“’re right. I still have time to think about it. I think I should talk to my parents. And then Bang PD. But enough about that, let’s talk about Civil War! My baby Captain America! Ahhh, I cannot wait for that movie!”


The cast of Running Man arrived at their next destination for their 7 vs 300 episode. The cast pondered why there were so many boxes around and was told about their fourth mission.

‘We have special guests for this mission’

Soon after, a van pulled up, and out came BTS themselves which was a huge surprise for the cast.

“Welcome, BTS! Nice to see you! It’s so unexpected!” the cast happily greeted.

“I didn’t know that BTS would be here,” Jae-suk said.

“OH~!” Gary shouted when he saw Jennie and Jungkook. He pointed at them and that got Song Jihyo’s attention.

“YOU!” Song Jihyo shouted. She glanced at Gary and began freaking out with him, amusing everyone. “We have some unfinished business with these two!”

Jennie and Jungkook glanced at each other and laughed as they recapped how the Monday Couple could not stop the Golden Duo. But they were determined to change that today. After the members performed some of the choreography for Fire, the cast applauded them.

“I loved when Rap Monster acted like this in the end.” Jaesuk made the same facial expression and moved his hands the way Rapmon did. After seeing Rapmon doing it again, he responded, “That’s it. It looks nice. I should learn the moves.”

Soon after that, one by one the members of BTS showed off their different gestures for fire. V was up first which hyped up the cast members.

“Do I do it like this?” Gary tried to do the same moves.

“Jongkook, show us the old version of that dance.” Jaesuk requested.

“Why?” Jongkook asked.

“You know the old version.”

“Why should I?”

“Come on!” he replied as the rest of the cast tried to get him to dance.

Going along with it, Haha and Gary joined him in performing their own little routine which made everyone laugh.

“Oh my goodness.” Jennie giggled, covering her mouth.

“1! 2! 3!” the three men shouted and did their ending pose.

“So, what should we do with BTS?” Jaesuk asked

‘The fourth mission is to move 300 boxes with BTS. There are 300 boxes of ramen. You should use the handcart that has your team’s initials on it to move as many boxes as possible to your team’s truck. Those who move more boxes will win. If you win, we will donate the boxes you carried in your name. So please do your best.’

Both teams gathered around, preparing while one member from each team had their cart prepared.

“Okay,” Jen spoke up, making the members look at her. “Strategy. Put as many boxes on the cart. Speed is everything. Jimin,”

“Yes, Ennie?” he asked.

“Try to hop on someone’s back to try to distract them. I’d say go big. Perhaps Kwangsoo or Jongkook. Maybe even Haha. You have the clinging grip of a koala bear. It’ll be difficult to yank you off due to your strong grip.”

“Right,” he nodded.

“Fellas, are we ready?!” she announced loudly.

“Yes, ma’am!” they shouted.

“Are you ready to get down!?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Are you ready to win!?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“One, two, three, BANGTAN!” they all shout, throwing their hands up in the air.

Jennie leaned forward, behind the line, anticipating to run. If all goes to plan, they’ll get the boxes in no time.

‘Will the members with a lot of experience win? Or will young BTS win?’

Once the whistle blew, everyone began dashing forward to one of the five spots of boxes.

“Suga where the heck did this speed come from!?” Jennie exclaimed as she watched him dash over to the boxes. “Never mind, run! Keep running!”

They all scattered around while Suga picked up some boxes before the handcart arrived. He was the first to place a ramen box on the truck. Jennie grabbed two boxes and began dashing towards the truck, evading the chaos around her. Jimin, Rapmon and J-hope were placing as many boxes on the cart as possible.

While J-Hope ran the cart over to their truck, he panted, “This is heavier than I thought!”

Kwangsoo popped out of nowhere. “Ahhhh! Stop it!” J-Hope yelled.

Suga, V and Jimin tried to get him away and Jimin remembered what Jennie had said and decided to hug Kwangsoo from behind along with V, pushing him away from everyone.

“No!” Kwangsoo exclaimed.

J-Hope's screams and yells kept making Jennie laugh as she ran over to their cart and unloaded the boxes on the truck with him. But then Sukjin began to try to take their cart away. Jin stopped him and started moving him away but Sukjin still had a grip on the cart and it began to move away from the truck.

“Seokjin, no!” J-Hope whined.

“Jin! The cart!” Jen shouted. “The cart!”

She ran back to him and managed to help him push Sukjin away. He ran away while she and the oldest member pushed the cart back to J-Hope so they could continue loading the boxes on the truck. Later, she met up with Jungkook to help attack Running Man’s cart, taking boxes out of it.

“Hey!” Haha tried to stop them with Jaesuk.

He managed to grab onto Jungkook but Jen succeeded in stopping Jaesuk from moving the cart even further. That is until Gary came by to hold a strong grip on Jennie.

“Keep getting the boxes! We have the Golden Duo!” Gary shouted to his teammates while Song Jihyo held onto Jungkook as they laughed.

Suddenly, Jennie tickled Gary which made him loosen his grip and she escaped his hold. She ran straight after Song Jihyo to pull her off of Jungkook. Jaesuk accidentally pushed the cart into BTS’ truck, so the members began to grab all the boxes. Jaesuk did the same thing, unaware that it wasn’t Running Man’s truck.

“Thank you, Jaesuk!” Suga spoke.

“What? It’s not our truck?” Jaesuk asked, bewildered.

‘Thanks to Jaesuk, BTS is winning by 14 points.’

“Let’s ambush them,” Jen suggested to Suga as Jongkook and Gary were carrying a large load of boxes to put on their truck.

They ran straight up to them to smack the boxes out of their hands.

“Jongkook!” Kwangsoo yelled while Jimin locked his arms and legs around him.

“Good job, Chim! Keep it up! I’ll bake you cupcakes, tonight!” Jen praised, running past them to grab more boxes.

“Just keep holding him.” Jongkook walked past them while Jimin jumped on top of Kwangsoo, making it harder for him to move.

As the game went on, everyone was out of breath from running as they continued to race all over the place for the boxes. Following Jongkook throwing another box of ramen into his truck, he turned his attention to BTS.

“I can’t stand it anymore. That’s it.” Jongkook marched right over to Suga and Jungkook.

“Oh hell no! Goodbye!” Jennie scurried away from him when she witnessed him grabbing onto her bandmates. 

She was just inches away from getting grabbed by him and she was not having it.

“Got you!” Song Jihyo grabbed her before she could get far.

“No! No! Come on! I’ll pay you in cookies!” 

Gary joined Song Jihyo, holding Jen hostage while Jongkook held down Suga and Jungkook. Jungkook's shirt began to rise as they all started laughing. It looked like this was the end of the road for these members.

“Jongkook, help me!” Kwangsoo walked over to him with Jimin still on his back.

Jongkook grabbed the back of Jimin’s shirt and pulled him off effortlessly, taking down three boys on his own. During this, Jen was now on the floor, lying on her stomach with Song Jihyo lying on top of her while Gary monitored her to make sure she didn’t escape.

“This is not faaaaaaaair~!” Jennie yelled, defeated.

“What’s happening here?” Jin kneeled before Jungkook, puzzled.

“I want to get out.” Jungkook laughed.

But then Jin got grabbed by Jongkook too and he began to panic, exclaiming, “Please, let me go! Please, let me go!”

Jin tried to pull away but to no avail as only three members of BTS were free and had the final verdict.

“Somebody get the Monday couple off of meeeeeee~!” Jennie yelled. “For the love of smarties! Somebody! Anybody! Hello!? Help!”

At the end of the game, Gary had managed to steal a box from Jin placed it on the truck, and congratulated each other on doing a great job.

‘The 7 vs 300 Boxes game is over’

Both teams stood next to each other, waiting for the results.

‘Let me announce the result. It’s 157 boxes to 143 boxes. BTS won.’ It was announced as bright cheers came from them. 

They jumped up and down to celebrate while high fiving each other. Now

the members of Running Man would have to pay for another 300 boxes of ramen to donate. When the announcer told them it was 5,000 dollars for 250 boxes, the cast did a double take which made Jennie look bewildered with the rest of BTS.

“Oh boy,” Jennie murmured.

“Really?” the cast stared in disbelief.

“Did you just say 5,000 dollars?” Sukjin asked

Someone will pay for 200 boxes, 50, 30 and 15. The members were chosen to give them a card at random. So for a random donation segment, the members handed each Running Man cast member a card to figure out what they would pay. Haha opened his card and will only be paying 50 boxes. Gary had a dance card and was spared so he danced around, celebrating with Rapmon who was the one who gave him the card. Song Jihyo’s fate got her 15 boxes. Jongkook got zero boxes and he celebrated with Jungkook and hugged him.

For the final three, it was between 200, 30, and 5 boxes. They were offered to dance around and switched cards three times. Unfortunately for Kwangsoo, who had the 200 card first and switched it, got the card again when switching for the third time. Kwangsoo got water thrown at him and danced for the 5,000 dollars he’ll have to spend on the 200 boxes while everyone laughed.

“Congrats Kwangsoo! You’re the unluckiest person.” Jaesuk said as he stood there, accepting his fate.

“Thank you for your hard work. Thank you all.” the members clapped and bowed at the cast.

“I hope to see you and Jungkook back on the show for another couple’s episode.” Song Jihyo smiled.

“Absolutely. We’re ready. Just let us know and we will attend.” Jen confirmed.


Back at the dorm, Jen decided to make a strawberry shortcake because she was bored. She had already finished packing and looked over her schedule for when she touched down in the States.

“Can I have one?”

A bright voice interrupted her thoughts as she looked up to see Hobi smiling kindly. She noticed he was referring to the fresh strawberries she had just cleaned.

“Yeah, knock yourself out.” she grabbed one and fed him. His smile got brighter as he savored the sweet fruit. “Is it good?”

“Very delicious. What are you making?”

“Ah, I would call this bored baking. I'm working on a strawberry shortcake,” 

He placed a soothing hand on her back and rubbed it. “You a little nervous about the show?”

“I think I’m more nervous about making sure I put in a good word for BTS. You know I love to network,"

“Munchkin, you’ll do just fine. And make sure you enjoy yourself there. Don't overwork yourself to network. Still, have fun with Angelina. Come on, I'll help you."

“Thanks. You can start by cutting the strawberries and then adding sugar.” she pointed to the materials while handling baking biscuits.

What she planned on doing was making it look like biscuits with layers of strawberries and frosting. As they baked together, she began to notice that whenever she glanced over at Hobi, he’d look like he was caught doing something he shouldn’t.

“...are you eating more strawberries?”

“No?” he replied with a mouthful in his mouth.

“J-Hope!” she scolded and tried to hit him but he jumped away. After pulling themselves together, she said, “All right, let’s put on some music while we do this. You can just grab my phone and press shuffle.”

“What’s the password?”

“Jungkook’s birthday.”

“Awwwww. I see that you two have each other as your lock screens and now your passwords are each other's birthdays. Did you know that Jungkook’s notification tone for you is a bell?”

“Oh yeah, from the anime? It’s so cute. Remember when one of y'all almost leaked our relationship on V-Live? Thankfully Kookie’s smart thinking saved us all,” she playfully scolded.


It happened a few days ago with Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hobi eating lunch together. During the live, Jen had messaged Jungkook in response to his question on whether she could pick up some banana milk while she was out. His phone sounded like a loud bell once she texted him and he looked down, smiling brightly.

“Goodness, you’re whipped.” Yoongi blurted out.

“He is maturing a lot because of Jennie,” Hobi added with a chuckle.

But they had almost forgotten that they were still on the air as Jungkook blushed, “Jennie is my best friend and has helped me a lot with this comeback. She’s the best and I couldn’t think of any other best friend.”


“My gosh, I’m just thankful it wasn’t anything worse,” Jen mentioned.

“Sorry, sorry. We’ll be more careful,” he replied and pressed shuffle as My Own Worst Enemy by Lit came on.

“Ooh! I was just working on this song on my guitar!” she started throwing her head around, dancing around. 

Hobi laughed and joined her, dancing around the kitchen.

“My car is in the front yard and I’m sleeping with my clothes on~!” she sang. “Came in through the window last night and you’re gone! Gone~!”

“How many rock songs do you have on your phone?” he asked.

“A lot! So many! I have a lot to study from. It’s so fascinating how complex you can make the chords. Soon I want to try playing some of the hardest chords when I increase my skill. But let’s get back to work. I like to make my biscuits from scratch. So, as you can see the dough is fine. Now we just need to cut them into small circles.”

She rolled the dough out and handed him one of the circular cutters as they both made several circles. Then, they sprayed two pans and placed the dough on them. Hobi opened the preheated oven and put it in so it could bake.

“Awesome, thanks for helping!” she high fived him. “We’ll continue after I wash my hair real quick. Just please keep an eye on that. It should be done before I finish.”

“No problem, munchkin.”

She went to wash her hair and then went to blow dry it in her room but as soon as she turned the dryer on, a big mess of flour popped out, causing her to scream.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?” she yelled, making Hobi yelp. “WHO PUT FLOUR IN MY DRYER?!”

After ten minutes passed, Hobi saw Namjoon walking into the kitchen to grab water. But from the look on his face, the leader had a mischievous smirk on his face.

“No way, man. It was you? She is going to pulverize you.” Hobi chuckled.

“Not if she doesn’t find out~.” Namjoon smiled innocently.

“Well I just did and I hope you watch your damn back because I am going to make sure what you get is ten times worse,” Jen responded, causing him to turn around in fear. 

“Nini, hey, how are you?” he laughed nervously as he saw that she had managed to clean up her face and hair so that there was no more flour.

“Don’t talk to me. I’ll deal with you when you least expect it. Let’s continue finishing this shortcake.” she resumed with Hobi after creating 14 shortcakes for everyone.

“Thanks for the treat.” Hobi kissed her temple.

“Guys! I baked!” she announced. As soon as she said the word baked, they ran to the kitchen, shoving each other away to try to be the first to get a taste. “Whoa, relax. I made plenty so you all can have one.”

Later that evening, Hobi and Jen hung out in her room for another edition of putting makeup on Smartie. Setting up the camera and finishing up their strawberry shortcake, Jen called the program, ‘Lets Put MakeUp On Smartie Featuring J-Hope~’

“Hey, hey! What is up ARMY!? Jennie is back with another episode of Let’s Put Makeup On Smartie! And with us today is my hope, your hope, J-Hope!”

“Hi!” Hobi beamed and danced in his seat in excitement.

“I’m sure you’ve seen the previous videos of the guys doing my makeup. What do you have planned for me, today?”

“I’ve been thinking of what you’d look like as a vampire. So to prepare, I bought fangs, blood, and some other materials.”

Jen gulped loudly which caused Hobi to cackle and clap his hands. "Oh me.“ she murmured.

"It’s going to be fine. Trust me. I made sure to learn what to do. I won’t mess up your face. I got this handled, Jennie.”

“Mm-hm,” she replied. “But before we start, I have a big announcement to make.”

“Oh yes! Can’t wait for this!”

“So, as you know, for a while now the idea of Jungkook and I creating a Twitch Channel has been up in the air. Well, I want to confirm that our Twitch Channel is coming and it is called The Golden Duo! You can sign up for free and make sure you’re subscribed to us. And good news, our first stream will be during BTS Festa this year!”

“Wooooo!” Hobi cheered with Jennie. “Make sure you let us play too!”

“We will! The first game we will be playing is The Impossible Game. We have so many games we have listed to play. A bunch of online games and console games. And more to come. This channel’s streaming times will vary due to our schedules but best believe we will stream at least once a month. No doubt about that. Jungkook and I are very excited about this. You are going to see just how intense our friendship can be when gaming. And for a warning, there will be rage quitting and you’ll see a side of us you haven’t before.”

Fans were extremely excited about the news, commenting:





‘Please play Overwatch!’

‘Can you play The Sims?’

“We’ll play those games. Don’t worry. Now any donations we get for the stream, we are donating to charity. We are not keeping the money. We plan to split the money equally and give it to the charity of our choice. I will be donating to domestic violence survivors. I am very passionate about that subject. Jungkook is still figuring out where he wants to donate. Okay, now without further ado, let’s do this!”

Letting him get right to it, he put her primer on her face and then the foundation.

“Army, Jennie baked today. I helped her out. We made strawberry shortcake.” he said and went to work on her eyes by using black and purple.

“I thought it turned out pretty well, how about you?”

“I want more. But you’re leaving soon. So, next time when you get back to Seoul.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’m glad you liked it. Oh, Army, you guys are wild for your choice of what you want me to do for our upcoming Festa.” she brought up and paused as he focused on placing black lipstick on her. 

He put the two fangs on her teeth and went to focus on putting blood around her mouth to go with the look.

“If some of you aren’t aware, Big Hit put up a poll a few weeks ago for you guys to choose.” Jen continued. “I'm doing something with Jimin and Jungkook too but also will be dancing solo. So for my solo, you had to choose between a cute concept, a sexy concept, or a badass one. And since somehow, someway you guys like me being sexy, you chose the sexy concept and now I am going to be performing Sunmi’s Full Moon. Oh my gosh. Wow. I’m not ready. I can’t believe this. I was striving for the badass concept. But it’ll be fun.”

“We are currently making preparations for it now,” Hobi added. “We are eager to show you in June. And...done!”

Jen checked her face in the mirror. “Oh...oh! Whoa! I look demonic!" she chuckled and checked out her eyes. “I like it. I like how slightly messy it looks. This is good, J-Hope!”

“I knew you would like it! Aren’t you glad I didn’t mess up with face?”

“Very. All right, well thanks for watching us, today. Stay tuned for the next member of Bangtan to do my makeup. Who do you think is next? Find out soon!”

“Bye Army!” Hobi waved.

After they turned the live off, Jen took selfies with him, tweeting, ‘I wonder if I should be a vampire for Halloween. Thanks for the makeup! I look great! #Jen’


The next morning, Jen pondered about how the guys would look great for their airport style but she’d just wear something simple and comfortable. She was already tired as it is and looking at her hoodie and jeans with a messy bun, she did not feel like wearing some top-notch outfit for an airport. And knowing the fans loved airport pictures, she decided to tweet about it to not get their hopes up.

‘I know how much you guys like airport pics. But my outfit isn’t going to be all that like usual. Sorry to disappoint you guys...again! Haha. #Jen’

Looking at some of the replies made her smile:

‘You could wear a trash bag and we’d still think you’re beautiful’

‘Doesn’t matter! Still taking photos of your cute self! Stay comfortable!’

‘It’s OK queen. We still gonna see you when you arrive home.’

When she arrived back in America, a big yawn escaped her and her stomach leaped with joy to find that she was finally home. Carrying her bag along with her manager Diana and some security guards walking with her, Jen walked off the plane. But little did she know, a large turnout of fans, fansites, and paparazzi were waiting for her. And when they saw her walk out, cameras began to flash and the pandemonium rose, causing Jen to look up in astonishment.

“Oh my God, she’s coming! She’s coming! I hear screaming!” A fan squealed while recording and began screaming with everyone else once she saw her.

“No fucking way.” a curse escaped Jennie, making her fans laugh as she took off her sunglasses. “Who sent y’all? Y’all not here for me. I know y’all not here for me.” she said in disbelief while the cheers and laughter got louder.

“Dispatch is here. They’re going to want you to stand and pose.” she was advised and followed suit as loud clicks of cameras and flashing lights appeared in her view.

The screams were high pitched as she tried to get a good look at all the fans here to see her. 

“Hi, Jennie! Hiiiii~!”

“I love you!”

“Jen! Jennie! My friend loves you so much!”

“YASSSS GIRL! WORK! MISS BANGTAN!” a fan screamed, making her chuckle.

After the photos, she began to walk with Diana and security while others were rushing away to get a better view of her. Security did a good job keeping fans away from being too close to her.

“Jennie, I’m proud of you.” she heard a fan say while recording her.

She turned to make eye contact with her for a few seconds and smiled. “Thank you.”

“Jennie, welcome back!” someone else spoke

“Thanks, good to be back home!“

“How was the flight?”

“Not too bad, actually.”

Jen turned to see a guy smiling shyly and waving right next to her outside the airport.

“Hey! Thanks for coming to see me. How long did you wait?“ she asked.

"Hours. Worth it to see you in person. Here, this is for you. My cousin makes earrings and wanted you to have this.” he gave her a small gift bag

“Oh wow, thank you! I can’t wait to wear it.” she beamed.

On Twitter ARMY was freaking out and trended #WelcomeHomeJennie worldwide:

'Our beautiful Miss Bangtan has arrived safely in America! #WelcomeHomeJennie’

'Ah she is so cute! Looking like an adorable hamster in that hoodie'

'My baby is back in the US!’

'Our girl has arrived!’

'Jen is back! I repeat! Jen is back! Back in America!’


'Of course, she’s decked out in Nike, what a cutie!’

As soon as she went to her hotel room, she ate and rested before it was time to go straight to interviews. This was going to be a busy day, starting with radio to help talk about BTS’ new album and hoping that K-Pop can be more recognized in America just like PSY did years ago. Then it was time for her interview with iHeartRadio.

Smiling for the camera, iHeartRadio took a photo of her and tweeted, ‘K-Pop’s own Miss Bangtan of BTS is here with us!’

Getting comfortable with the interviewer, they began filming as she listened to the interviewer greet the fans and give background on K-Pop and BTS.

“Here on iHeartRadio, we have the one and only Miss Bangtan, Jennie of BTS! How are you doing?”

“The adrenaline is pumping!” she replied with a big smile. “I’m so happy to be home for a little bit.”

"I'm glad! We’re going to have some fun today, with various questions. We even asked ARMY to submit some questions for you. Are you ready?”

“Let’s do this.”

‘First time you knew you loved playing the guitar?’

“After listening to rock music. I’d say that Linkin Park's One Step Closer was one of the many songs that influenced me to play the guitar more. When I practiced that song, I fell in love with it and I told myself that this was what I wanted to do. They are so amazing at what they do with their music. And I’m not going to lie, I really enjoy the heavy stuff with the guitar, too. How intense it is. It just makes me emotional because you can just hear how passionate the music is. I am a proud black girl who loves rock."

'Artist you want to collab with?’

"I have so many! Chase Atlantic has been on my radar. I would love to collab with a rock band, to be honest. Even if it’s just playing the guitar. I’d love to perform some rock songs. It's not every day you see a black female rock out. But we’re out here in this world. I honestly do not care which rock band it is, I will be grateful for whatever opportunity comes. Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Red Hot Chili Peppers, so many amazing bands! Right now I am studying different rock songs and learning them on my guitar. I want to learn different styles and techniques. It’s pretty fun.”

'What song are you studying right now?’

“Wake Up by Rage Against The Machine. It’s heavy and I enjoy the instrumental. I can’t explain it but ugh I love it. A funny moment happened a few days ago, so I was playing my music really loud and the guys got so concerned by the intense vocals. The guitar solo is still messing me up a bit, so I’m still practicing. Maybe one day I should release my covers for the songs I’m studying.”

'You think you could ever do acting?’

“My sister is the actress. But if an opportunity comes up and I need to prepare for an audition, she’s my go-to person. I thought about it on occasion but it isn't quite on my radar, right now. But it would be so fun to do one day. I'd love to try to be in some action movie or something. It’s nice to branch out and try new things.”

'What are some nicknames people called you?’

"Oh gosh, well Rapmon calls me Nini. I also get called Munchkin, Smartie, and Ennie.” 

'Okay, we gotta know, are you still keen on wanting to work with Nike?’

"YES! HELL YES! I am still patiently waiting! I know they’re watching me. I am here, Nike! Come on, please! I will bring you so many sales. I am so passionate about your product! Hit me up!”

'Any tattoos in the future?’

"Yes, I have something in mind. You’ll see.”

'What is your ideal date?’

A bright smile came across her lips as the interviewer raved over how big her smile had gotten. Truth was, she was thinking about Jungkook.

“Ah...well, I love mini-dates. Like the simple things are more than enough. Even if it’s just walking and looking at the sunset or stars while I'm in my significant other's arms. Eating smarties and snacks with them.” she got a little giddy and her face began to warm up as she thought about her boyfriend. “I guess I’m a little bit of a hopeless romantic.”

'What about your solo work?’

“BTS’ work.” she corrected, smoothly moving the conversation her way. “Everything is going great with our work. Our album is doing so well, please stream and buy our album. It’s called The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever. The album with the colorful hot air balloon. You can’t miss it. I also helped create track four. Autumn Leaves. Give it a listen. We’re proud of it.”

“Well, that is all the time we have for today. We are going to see you at the Billboard Awards, right?”

“Yes, you are! I’ll be supporting my girl, Angelina. I am so stoked to be a part of it again. Thanks for having me!”

With Buzzfeed, Jen was filmed to be a part of their Thirst Tweets segment. Sitting down comfortably on the floor, she got handed the LOL bucket and prepared for her cue to start speaking.

“Hey! It’s your girl Jennie from BTS and today I shall be reading some thirst tweets!” she announced. “Disclaimer, I am fully aware of how thirsty you fans are. Remember that I do have a Tumblr and I see everything. I can tell that this is going to be very interesting so let’s get to it.”

Grabbing the LOL bucket, she dug in and pulled out a slip of paper. Reading it in her head, she started to chuckle.

“Whoa. Okay. This reads...”

'I hope Jen gets eaten out every night since she deserves it.’

She looked directly at the camera with a soft laugh. “I've been told I taste pretty nice," she teased before bursting out in laughter. "Was that appropriate for this interview? ARMY is going to freak when they watch this,"

'Imagine getting a lap dance from Jennie. I'd bust so quick!’

“ know I never gave someone a lap dance before. I should start practicing. Who wants to be my first?” 

'I just can’t stop thinking about Jennie’s ass. I want to smack it and eat-’

She couldn’t finish as she started laughing again, covering her mouth.

’...I want to smack it and eat her booty like groceries.’

“Y’know I get this a lot actually,” she admitted. “It’s okay to stare, though. Look but don’t touch. It's pretty funny to see all the memes about my ass. And the reaction photos you guys put up when you react to photos of me are top tier. It's funny as hell,"

'Jen could blow my back out with a strap on if she wanted to.’

“Ah...” she let out a sigh. “Thank you for the offer. I don’t know my own strength so I don’t think you’d want me blowing your back out.”

'I watched a compilation of Jen’s sexiest moments. I want to fuck her so bad’

“You want to have sex with me, too? Get in line,” she replied. "It's so interesting to read how desired I am from people. I've seen some shit. It is crazy,"

'BTS’ Jennie is a fine piece of ass. I want to bite her booty and give her a butt massage’

“A butt massage? Interesting...”

'Jennie sitting on my face is a nice concept. I would also love to eat smarties all over her naked body.’

She chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. “You want me to sit on your face? It takes a special person for that," she giggled. "Ah, but I wouldn’t want you to get suffocated. And you want to eat smarties on me? I don’t think so. Let’s eat smarties from the wrapper, not on my body.”

'A concept: sucking Jen’s toes’

That made her widen her eyes, "Why is everyone talking about my feet these days? Did I miss something? Was it something I wore?” she asked, genuinely confused

'I’d pay so much money to drink Jen’s bath water’

She looked up at the camera and the caption, ’#Jennie.exe has stopped working’ appeared on the screen, causing the staff to laugh in the background.

“That’s...not sanitary.”

After finishing the tweets, she said, "Well, that’s all the thirst tweets for now. That was eventful. I wouldn’t mind doing this again. I’m Jennie from BTS and I will see on you the flip side. Stream BTS and other K-Pop groups! Our album. Right here.” she presented their latest album in front of the camera. “Track four. I helped produce it. All the songs are good. It’s lit.” she cheered as they signed off.

Meanwhile, a Shawn Mendes fan tweeted him about Jennie later on that day, ‘Shawn! Did you know that the girl with the guitar is going to the Billboard Awards!? She really wants to meet you!’

Replying to the fan, Shawn tweeted, ‘Yes, I do! I’m happy that she is going to be there. I hope I can see her.’

For the last segment of Buzzfeed, some lucky fans of Jennie were brought into the studio and asked to stand in a room alone, one by one.

The question was simple. Why do you admire Jennie?

And while the fans spoke highly of her, Jen was watching in the background, planning to surprise them.

“My big cousin got me into K-Pop a few years ago,” a little black girl cutely said. “When I saw Jennie, I told my parents, she looks like me! I hope I can dance just like her! She’s so pretty!”

Jen placed her hands over her heart as she watched her speak. This was why she loved what she did. Representation matters.

“Can you perform some of BTS’ choreography?” the little girl was asked and performed like Jennie for the Fire MV.

"Wow~! You dance so well!" Jennie praised, walking into the view.

The girl began jumping up and down excitedly, "Jennie~!"

"Hi~! You were amazing! I'm so happy to meet you!" she kneeled and opened up her arms as she watched her run over to hug her.

The way the girl cutely ran up to her made the staff 'aw' as they watched the wholesome moment. The little girl bounced in her arms excitedly, hugging tightly. Standing up, Jennie held the girl in her arms, smiling brightly at her once she pulled away. 

"You are just the cutest!" Jen beamed.

"Thank you! I love you so much! I want to be a dancer just like you! Thank you for being so cool!" 

"Aw...I love you, too!" Jen got hugged again by her as her heart soared.

Once the little girl left, Jennie giggled. "She is sooooo cute! Oh my gosh. Now I want kids. Ugh, I want a mini me when I get married,"


“That’s my girl, right there!” a male fan enthused when it was his turn to speak.

“Yeah! Like I love how she sticks to her roots and doesn’t change who she is in another country.” his guy friend added. “Jennie, thank you for representing us. And did I mention that she is so beautiful? Like wow. Photos don't do her justice!"

“Aw...that’s how you feel?” she walked out.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHH~!” the first guy yelled and backed up, causing her to laugh.

“Oh shit!” the second guy fell to the floor. “No way!”

“Yes, way! What’s up!?” she giggled and helped him up. 

She got a kick out of when fans stumbled when they saw her.

“This is not real,” the second guy embraced her and then watched his friend hug her next. 

"Damn, you smell good!" he blurted out, making her laugh again.


“She’s SO cute. Like an adorable hamster.” another fan said.

“Yeah! And the cute thing she does with her nose. Sooo adorable. Her in the Fire music video was a rude awakening that Miss Bangtan is here to stay. We’re just so proud of her and-” the second fan squealed when she saw Jennie standing there, amused.

“Hey, I am a human being.” Jen teased, watching the girls squeal and jump around.

“Oh my God~!” they shouted before hugging her.


“It’s nice to see someone that looks like me in a genre that is Asian dominated. She has remained strong in that industry and there were lots of high expectations for her debut. She exceeded them.” another black girl proudly said. “I just auditioned for a few K-Pop companies because of her. I was moved to see someone like her break barriers. Her passion is undeniable. Jennie, thank for you being an inspiration to us black women in K-Pop.”

“You are very welcome~! I’m looking forward to your debut one day.” Jen’s voice was heard, making the girl freeze. Once she skipped out, a scream escaped the girl’s lips and she kneeled down, covering her head.

"No way! Hi!" the girl stood up and embraced her.

"Hi! How are you?"

"I'm shaking! Oh my God, I cannot believe you're in front of me, right now!"

"Believe it! Thank you for your sweet words. That is so amazing that you were able to audition for some companies! When do you hear back from your auditions?"

"In a few weeks!"

"I hope you get accepted! I'd love to watch your journey,"


“Her relatable personality is what gets me. I love that she is not afraid to speak her mind. She also replies a lot to her fans. I think that Jennie is the most accessible BTS member. She’s like the most active BTS member on social media and I love that. You have a nice chance of getting a reply or like from her. She never forgets her fans. She sets a very good example of what it means to appreciate fans,” another male fan mentioned.

Cartwheeling into the room, Jen landed on her feet and posed, “Hi! Surprise!”

“Whoa! Hi! Hello!” he stammered and embraced her. “You smell good!”

“Haha! Thank you!"


“This girl can get down! My daughters got me into K-Pop and when they showed me BTS and explained what a bias is, I knew Miss Jennifer would be mine. Watching a black girl thrive and make a name for herself in another country, proud of her dark skin, beautiful as ever, I get emotional about it.” an older female fan said.

“Yeah, we record our mom turning up to Jennie’s verses in BTS’ songs. It’s hilarious.” her oldest daughter added. “Jennie made me love Nike. Like the girl makes the product look good. Nike, what are you waiting for!? Call her up!”

“Yeah, and I got into smarties because of her. She should really be in a Smartie commercial.” the youngest daughter mentioned.

“Those are amazing ideas! I hope I can achieve them!” Jen happily said, walking out.

“Oh my goodness,” the mother laughed, looking amazed while her daughters jumped excitedly.

“Hi! It’s very nice to meet you! Thank you for supporting me, BTS, and K-Pop as a whole,” Jen beamed and hugged them.

“Oh my God, you’re touching me.” the youngest squealed. “Thank you for being you, Jennie!” 

“It’s people like you who got me here today. So thank YOU for supporting me and the rest of BTS. ARMY is the best.” Jennie smiled.


"Are you serious right now?” a loud irritated sigh escaped Angelina’s lips while Jen walked inside the hotel she was sharing with her. “What is the issue? It is not that big of a deal. Who cares what these stupid fans say? I love you and I’m tired of keeping things quiet. You know what, I’m done talking to you. Talk to me when you realize your stupidity.” she hung up and tossed her phone on the bed.

“Hey,” Jen spoke up, making Angelina look her way.


“So, what was that about?” she set her bag down.

“Namjoon’s annoying ass.”

“What happened?”

“I’m really tempted to break up with him, right now. Like I am so done with this.”

Jennie was used to this type of behavior from her and remained calm, “Slow down. What do you mean by that?”

“We had a disagreement. And I’m just becoming so fed up about all this.”

“Fed up about what?”

“I just want our relationship to be public. But he doesn’t want it public. He wants us to remain private. And when I asked why he was all about my safety and bullshit. I wasn’t even listening, I was just so mad. Like nobody gonna touch me. I’m no thin-skinned person, I can handle the hate, I can just ignore it, easily. I just feel like the man is ashamed of dating me and that’s why he doesn’t want to go public.”

Jen frowned. Angelina had a bad habit of attempting to make drastic decisions when things went south and when she was emotional. 

One time when she was working on a song with an artist, she was fed up with her rap not going as planned and wanted to give up on it until Jen talked her out of it. And thankfully she did because that collab with The Weeknd will be performed at the Billboard Awards and is still high up on the charts. Now, what if she gave up on it? Then what? Angelina still thanks her to this day for snapping her out of it.

“I understand both sides to this," Jennie spoke. "I understand that here in America, it probably isn’t that much of a big deal. Everyone loves their celeb couples here, always wanting the details. But with the K-Pop fanbase, it’s much worse. Possessive fans, people having a harder time with accepting relationships, it’s scary. I get that here in America it is like that too but I've seen some scary shit in Seoul. Like you remember that whole mess with Kai and Krystal? And then Baekhyun and Taeyeon. Namjoon means well. He is just trying to think logically about it. I think he is planning on a way to announce your relationship but for now, he just wants to remain private. You see, you, you are impatient.”

“And what about it?”

She chuckled, “You want things to go your way and you don’t think sometimes before you make a decision. Namjoon plans and thinks carefully. He knows what he’s doing. I bet he’s even going to make a song for you, too. Ang, I feel like your relationship will be public but just not now. I know him. He is not embarrassed to date you. Trust him. Okay?”

Angelina sighed. “Yeah...I guess.”

"Good. Call back and apologize. That was mean to hang up on him,"

"Fine~," Angelina whined and called him back to talk things out. 

After she got off the phone, Jen spoke, “How was your dress rehearsal? Sorry, I couldn’t make it. All these interviews they want me in.”

“I am so happy that things are coming together. It's a huge honor to perform with The Weeknd. Like damn, what was I thinking trying to give up on the collab when my rap wasn’t working?”

“Yeah, what were you thinking? You were out of your mind when you told me that.”

Angelina laughed. “Yeah, yeah, well, again, thanks for being there for me and giving me that pep talk. I do need to lighten up. Oh and for our seats, I’m sitting with The Weeknd. You’ll be next to me. And guess who is sitting behind you~?”


“Shawn Mendes~!”

Jen widened her eyes. “No way!”

“Yes, way! And he’s pretty eager to meet you~! Jungkook about to lose his girlfriend~!” she teased.

“No~! He’s not,”

“Shawnnie is the new ship name for you guys. It’s so cute!”

“Oh my goodness.” 

"It is adorable. The mystery American girl in K-Pop with the guitar has charmed Canada's talented and handsome Shawn Mendes. Prepare yourself, sis. People are going to be looking for any sort of interaction between y'all,"

"First I need to make sure I don't pass out if I see this man,"

"Nah what you need to do is make sure Jungkook doesn't take the next flight over here," Angelina laughed.

"Stop~! It's going to be fine!"


The next day was finally the big day for Billboard. Jen was excited as her stylist, Janae came in with a few other stylists to prepare Angelina and her for the day. Both of them were in robes, vibing to one of Angelina’s playlists. They just finished eating breakfast and were now getting their makeup done.

After she put on her dress, Jennie checked herself out in the mirror. The white dress had a V neck, exposing the middle of her chest, and had a thigh high slit. She also wore the earrings that the fan gave her.

"Okay! Talk to me nice!“ Jen hyped Angelina up who spun around, modeling in her dress as she filmed her. "Work!”

Jennie then took a photo and then sent a photo to Jungkook.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 79- Meeting Shawn Mendes

Jen: Miss u!! You like it?

With Jungkook, who was at dance practice, took a break to see the message. He instantly almost dropped his phone, making Jimin notice and laugh.

“Jungkookie, you’ve been staring at the screen, motionless for the past five minutes. What are you looking at?” Jimin asked, peeking at his screen to see Jennie’s dress. He ended up laughing harder. “She’s so cute.”

JK: [image.jpg]


JK: WOW!! I'm so proud to call you mine

She laughed at the image of him on the floor looking like he fainted dramatically.

Later, she browsed Twitter and found a tweet from Shawn Mendes, 'On my way to the Billboard Awards. I wonder where the girl with the guitar is. BTS_twt'

She smiled and playfully responded, 'I’m around. :) Come find me #Jen’

"GIRL! Come find me!?" Angelina laughed as she read the tweet.

"I was just trying to act cool!"

"All cool for Shawn? You are going to freeze. You freeze and stutter with everybody else,"


Once they got in the van to make their way over to the show, Angelina took out her phone to film a Snapchat video with Jennie. “Billboard Awards here we comeeeee~!"

The anticipation heightened once they arrived, seeing fans waiting for the next celeb to walk out of their vehicle 

“You ready?” Jennie asked with a smile.

“As long as you’re with me, I’m ready for anything.” Angelina held her hand.

Once the door opened, Angelina and Jennie walked out hand in hand as screams and flash photography were heard. The two friends glanced at each other with a smile and walked to the magenta carpet, waving at fans who were shouting their names. Photographers shouted their names so they could look their way and get a good shot. Jen hasn’t been at this show since the Amity days and it was nice to be back.

ARMY found tweets from curious fans who had no idea who Jennie was or BTS when the broadcast announced that Jen and Angelina had arrived, giving background on both of them.

'The girl in the white dress is cute af! Wow, is she single?’

'She is looking like a snack! Both her and Angelina are!’

'All that melanin!’

'Wait isn’t that the baby from Amity!? She looks so good!’

It was crazy how all her faves were just walking around the carpet right in front of her. So many people she wanted to speak to and meet. It was going to be an interesting day. 

E! started their interview with them first.

“We are here with Angelina and a member of the Korean Pop Group, BTS, Jennie. Welcome ladies! How are you doing today?”

“I’m feeling less nervous now that my best friend is here with me.” Angelina gratefully said. “She’s holding me down.”

“Aw. I’m really happy to be here and support her. I am so excited to see her and The Weeknd perform. She deserves this. She’s worked so hard for this moment.” Jennie added.

“And the crazy thing is, he wasn’t even planning on performing today but then asked me to perform this song with him instead of him performing one of his solo songs. I was so shooked.”

“You two are definitely friendship goals. Angelina, anything to say about what to expect from your performance tonight?” the interviewer asked.

“Expect to let Angelina show you how it’s done on the stage. No doubt about that.”

“Angelina, we hear that you are working on your next album. Any word on when it will be released?”

“When you least expect it.” she teased.

“Any boyfriends? Are any of you seeing somebody?“

“Actually, yes.” Angelina proudly said, catching Jen off guard.

Was she about to leak her relationship on national TV?

Angelina smiled softly, “He’s a great man and he makes me very happy.”

“Who is the lucky guy?”

"That’s classified for now.”

"And what about you Jennie? Any man in your life?”

“Right now, I’m not looking for a man.” She responded with a smile, proud to be locked down with Jungkook who made her happy.

After some more interviews, Jen spotted her fansites around and approached them.

“No way, what are you guys doing here?” she laughed as they happily greeted her and told them they came to see her. “Wow, thank you! Hey, you got the braids I suggested. They look cute.” she pointed out to one of her fansites. 

A few months ago she spotted her at the airport and she asked Jennie about changing her hair to a different color.

“I’m glad you suggested the green box braids. They’re cute, I love it.” the fansite grinned.

“Good.” she turned to another fansite, “You. You’re the one who told me about that test. Did you pass?”

“Yes, I did! I got a B minus. Thankfully I got the extra credit questions right.”

“I knew you would! You make me so proud!”

As crazy as it may sound, Jen had decided to get closer to some of her fansites, especially the American ones, having a close bond with them.

When she saw the fansite that had been with her since the Amity Days, Jennie's eyes lit up, “I’m glad you’re here! I was hoping you’d come!”

“Wouldn’t miss it! You look so pretty! I'm happy you remember me!"

“Of course! And thank you! I just want to thank you all for your dedication and hard work. You guys really didn’t need to do this but the fact that you are all here to support me means so much. Want to take a selfie with one of your phones? If you’re comfortable with it.”

They all happily agreed, some choosing to block their faces with a mask if they didn't want to reveal who they were and Jen let Diana take the photo. Then she took individual selfies with each of them. She loved her fansites dearly.

“Diana, can you make sure they get fed today? They’re probably hungry from staying out all this time just to see me and take photos.” she requested. "My treat. And make sure they're hydrated,"

“You got it.” Diana got right to it.

Angelina and Jennie did some individual interviews but remained close to each other. 

“Here we are with Jennie of BTS! It’s been years since you attended the Billboard Awards. How does it feel to be back?”

“This is crazy. Although I’m not performing or anything, just being here to support my best friend is more than enough. I would say that I’m not nervous like I was when I was a kid with Amity.”

“Do you think that one day you’ll perform at the Billboard Awards?”

“That’d be cool. I’d like to if that’s possible. Whenever it’s featuring in a song or hey what if BTS could perform? I hope Billboard considers that, having a Korean act perform on their show. We make such great music. Please check out our album!"

“What did it feel like to get on that plane, without BTS to be here alone?”

“Weird. Like wow, my boys aren’t with me. I gotta do this by myself now. I like it although I do miss my boys. I know they’re watching so, hey guys!” she greeted them in Korean.

"Is there anyone, in particular, you’re looking forward to seeing?”

“Well...” she giggled nervously. “Shawn Mendes.”

"Have you seen the name people are calling you? Shawnnie. It's so cute,"

"Yeah, it is pretty cute. I wasn't expecting this big of a reaction from our fanbases. I'm so flattered. He is just so amazing and I hope today is the day I can finally meet him. I admire his work so much,"

"Aw. Is a collab between you two in the future?"

"If he wants to work with me, I would be so down. Fingers crossed! I'd love to work with him! Ah...he's a pretty amazing guy," she couldn't stop the big smile from appearing on her face.


Shawn Mendes had been on the magenta carpet for a while, doing interviews and taking photos. His eyes lit up when the same interviewer who had talked with Jennie said that they recently interviewed the girl with the guitar.

"You did?" a big smile began to appear on his handsome features. "She's here? Oh day just got better,"

"Yeah, she spoke very highly of you. What do you think of the girl with the guitar?"

"She's a pretty amazing girl. Her voice and the way she plays the guitar...blown away,"

"She told us she'd love to collab with you,"

"I want to collab with her, too," he immediately said, happy with her statement.


Jennie had a young male interview her as he introduced her to the camera. But once she looked directly at him, smiling charmingly, he began to stutter.

“So, Jennie y-you, I mean...I’m sorry,” he laughed nervously, trying to remember the question he was going to ask.

It looked like he was thrown off by her smile for a brief moment and got lost in her charm.

'Cute,’ she thought, amused.

“It’s okay,” she giggled.

“Sorry, this is my first time interviewing.”

“I’m glad I get to have the honor of you interviewing me for the first time. Let’s talk about how exciting the Billboard Awards are,” she tried to calm his nerves as they briefly talked about what they were looking forward to.

Once he felt at ease, he began to ask her his questions, “You did a cover for Stitches a while back. How did it feel for Shawn to acknowledge that?”

“I remember running all over the place when I found out. Someone that I admire as a performer watching my craft. Surreal. I can’t wait to meet him!”

“Do people notice you easily in South Korea?”

“Oh definitely. It’s so obvious to notice me. If it’s not my melanin, it’s my hair. So, people are quick to want to get autographs. I’m always happy to see the fans.”

“I have to say, an African American woman like you representing black women in an Asian country is very impressive. Are you aware of the supporters you have?”

“Yeah! It’s very overwhelming for sure. Words can’t explain how much of a blessing this is.” 

“And lastly, can you speak some Korean to the viewers?”

She nodded and looked at the camera, deciding to give a message to the fans and BTS, “Thank you for always supporting me. Your Bangtan Girl is doing well and is happy. I ate today, don’t worry. No, I am not dehydrated. Please look forward to Angelina’s performance. I love you! Fighting!”

“I have no idea what you said but it sounded great.” he chuckled with her as she translated her statement. 

She even taught him a few basic words before the interview was over which helped him relax even more. 

After their interview, he went on to put out a few tweets about her:

'I just interviewed BTS’ Jennie and just wow...her smile left me speechless. Her beauty made me stutter a bit,'

'I was surprised at how relaxed she is. This was my first time interviewing her and when I saw videos of her performing, I thought she was as hyper as she is on stage.’

'But here she has a calming demeanor. She is so chill. A very mellow and soothing person. Thank you, Jennie.’


As Shawn was being interviewed by E!, his eyes occasionally wandered around the area to see if he could spot Jennie. And when he did he began to get distracted while answering questions.

"Ah, I'm sorry, could you excuse me for a moment? I found her," he smiled kindly.


Walking around with Angelina, taking photos, Jennie is nudged by her.

“Don’t look now but a certain someone is watching you~!” Angelina whispered.

“Who?” Jen whispered back.

“You know who.” she teased. Her statement made Jen widen her eyes and she attempted to take a peek but Angelina stopped her. “Girl, don’t make it obvious. But he staring at ya. Oh shit. He’s...walking over here. Oh my gosh, he’s walking over here.”

“What!?” Jen panicked, grabbing onto her. “What should I do?!"

“Be calm. Be calm. Go say hi. I’ll be over there.”

“You’re leaving?!” she asked in a high voice.

Patting Jen’s back with a giggle, Angelina began to walk away, “You got this.”

'Oh my God...' Jen thought.

Jennie’s heart continued to race as she didn’t know what to expect. Her celeb crush was strolling right where she was. She needed to control her nerves. She didn't even know what to say yet.

“Excuse me,” a gentle hand grabbed hers, making her stomach flip. “Girl with the guitar?”

Turning around, she looked up to meet his eyes. His smile made him look even more handsome up close as he looked pleased to see her.

When she found her voice, she broke out into a smile, “It looks like you found me.”

“Looks like I did. It’s nice to finally meet you. Wow.“ he moved to hug her as she eagerly wrapped her arms around him.

‘Oh my God, his hugs! Lord have mercy, he’s so cute.’ she squealed to herself.

Pulling away he asked, "What’s your name?”

“My name is Jennie. To be honest, I was trying to act all confident in front of you but in reality, I was nervous to meet you.”

He chuckled nervously, “You’re telling me, I had butterflies when making my way over to you. Your cover for my song, I was blown away by your performance. I really love your voice.”

“Aw really? I love your voice, too.” she felt her face heat up, “I’d love to make music with you.”

“Yeah, I’d love that too,"

She continued to have butterflies in her stomach as she talked with him and it finally set in that she was in the presence of one of her favorite artists. He was so pleasant and friendly towards her as they got to know each other.

Their interaction began to go viral because cameras were taking photos, recording them, and live tweeting about the interaction. Fans were freaking out at how they looked at each other and when Shawn reached out immediately for a hug. 

“The North America leg of my tour starts in July. Would you like to come by during one of the shows?” he asked. 

“Yes!” Jen’s eyes lit up. “I’ll double check my schedule and discuss it with Big Hit. If I can make it, I will definitely come. I may have some free time around the September 10th show. I will keep you posted.”

“Awesome! I'd love it if we'd be able to sing together at the show. Maybe we can sing I Know What You Did Last Summer." 

"For real!? You want me to sing that with you? I'll do Camila Cabello justice!"

"I know you will. It'll be fun. And when I write some new music maybe we can record a song or two together. Or like a remix of one of my songs. I really want to sing with you,"

Her heart soared at how eager he was to sing with her. She was thrilled her voice was able to touch him to be this excited about collaborating.

"Sounds like a plan! When BTS has their next tour, you should definitely come if you can.”

“I'd like that. So, you sing in Korean?”

“Uh huh. There are some English words in there, though. And we sing in Japanese when we create Japanese songs.”

“Wow, that sounds intense. Is it difficult for you?”

“Very. The most challenging for me is singing in Japanese. I’m still not quite familiar with that language but I’m trying my best to connect with our Japanese fans the best way I can. I'm still learning here and there with the language.”

"You're incredible,"

She giggled and covered her mouth. "Thank you,"

"I'll see you at the show. Can't wait to see you again soon," he pulled her in for another hug and walked away, leaving her face flushed.

Angelina laughed as she walked back over to Jennie and began to tease her in a high voice, "It's going to be OK, I was trying to act all cool! And yet Miss Walker froze and started giggling like a cute fangirl. I am so done with you. You folded faster than I anticipated,"

"Shut it!"

"So how'd it feel to be hugged by your celeb crush not once but twice? You two are trending on Twitter as we speak,"

"I am so happy,"

"Yeah, you keep cheesing. It's adorable,"


Outside where all the production trucks were, Angelina and Jennie met up with Layla who wore a shirtless pink blazer and pink pants.

“Ooh! I see you. Look at you, exposing skin. We are SO back! This is a look~” Angelina complimented and hugged her

“I had to pop out. You two look so goooood!” Layla cheered. “Let’s take some pictures.”

Jen happily wrapped her arms around Layla, pressing her cheek against hers as they grinned goofily for the camera but in the background was Angelina photobombing with a meme face expression. Then they took some cute photos.

Jen posted the photos, 'I’m happy we got to see you! Looking forward to your solo music. Let’s leave the past behind,’

The photo went viral as soon as it was posted with Amity trending. Fans replied:

‘Three out of five! Come on, I hope the last two can make amends!’

‘Why are you still friends with her?’

'They look so fake’

'Three queens!‘

'I’m not crying! You are!’


'Awww I’m so happy they reunited and showed love to each other’

'Finally! Now we need Hailey and Trinity’

'I hope Hailey and Trinity can work things out with these three’

'I still don’t forgive her’

'This is the content I like to see. Positivity and uplifting each other’

‘People out here thinking Layla is some kind of demon. She apologized and they all made up. Let’s hope Hailey and Trinity can do the same and we can get an Amity reunion’

'THERE! Now STFU about them all hating each other’


'Hailey, Trinity WYA? Apologize and get back together!’

'I prefer it to just be the three of them. No need for Hailey and Trinity’

'I don’t know how to feel about this. I just hope they’re all on good terms’

'I wonder what Hailey and Trinity think of this’

'Is anyone going to talk about Angelina in the background tho? LOL’

While Jen was backstage, Rihanna approached her as she stopped walking. 

"You!" Rihanna called out, causing Jennie to turn around in surprise. "You are a bad bitch!" she praised and brought up how she watched Jennie's dance cover of the GTA Remix of Bitch Better Have My Money. She even told her that she looked beautiful and had been watching her do her thing in BTS, seeing great things for her in the future.

'No fucking way I just met Rihanna and she's praising me! What the hell!? Ahhhhhh!' Jennie began freaking out in her head as she kept thanking her for the praises and began to fangirl over how much she adored her. 

Jennie was starstruck and managed to bring up how she had been one of her inspirations and hoped to be versatile in music like her. She even impressed Rihanna by speaking in Korean. The artist gave Jennie some words of wisdom while continuing to praise her for making a name for herself in Korea. 

The two took a few photos together and Jen posted them, making fans freak out, 'I met Rihanna! Ahhhh! She called me a bad bitch! Life is amazing! #Jen'

Jen even met DNCE and raved about her love for the guitar, building a big connection with them. Pete Wentz had approached her first and asked her about her guitar passions, since he recognized her from some Fall Out Boy covers she had posted. She even told him she would love to collaborate with Fall Out Boy and to check out BTS.

Fans quickly noticed that a few celebs had started following Jennie and BTS on social media,

'GUYS! Jennie is being followed by CELEBS! LOOK AT THIS! Fall Out Boy just followed her!’


'Rihanna recently liked a video of Jennie and J-Hope dancing to one of her songs, too!'

Jennie even met Justin Bieber and spoke on behalf of Jungkook of his admiration for him and that he covered a few of his songs. Justin personally asked for the links, promising to give them a listen. 

And once she ran into Shawn Mendes again, she finally took photos with him while Angelina took a few candids of them speaking and hugging.

Posting them on Twitter, Jen tweeted, 'Your girl met Shawn Mendes~! #Fangirling #HeCuteAF'

Fans trended #JennieMetShawn and #Shawnnie while tweeting,


'Jennie is NETWORKING NETWORKING! She's meeting everybody'


'Oh my God!’

'Lol he cute af, girl SAME'

'Biggest ship ever! This is so cute! I loved the anticipation of them finally meeting! This was worth the wait!'

'Somebody play Kid in Love by Shawn Mendes because this is adorable omg'

'LOOK AT HOW HE IS LOOKING AT HER! Kid In Love by Shawn Mendes!'

'A dream come true! I am so happy for her’

'BTS and Shawn fans, how we feeling?’



'Wait isn’t this the BTS girl? OMG’



'My favs finally met!’


'Look at how cheesy her smile is. She is so happy. Awwww’

'You deserve this!’

When they walked into the venue, as soon as BTS fans spotted Jennie walking, loud cheers were heard and she turned around to see them waving at her. She waved back and went to follow Angelina to where they’d be seated.

Throughout the show, fansites recorded Jen’s reactions, including her eating smarties during the show and frowning when she ran out of them. Then when she kept chewing her many pieces of gum like a cow fans thought it was hilarious and kind of cute. 

Shawn and Jennie even exchanged snacks during the event, as their fans continued to ship them. She was even kind enough to offer him smarties before she ran out which fans pointed out.

Fans made sure to get a good view of Jennie watching in admiration to Shawn Mendes performing Stitches and singing along. Once it was time for Angelina to perform with The Weeknd, who had won many awards that night, Jen was the first one to stand up and dance, hyping them up as their performance moved the entire crowd. Angelina had walked out on stage with a purpose, as she rapped aggressively while The Weeknd was next to her. 

Being nervous was an understatement for her. It was a big moment but when she locked eyes with Jennie who was cheering her on in the crowd, it completely made her feel at ease.

Jennie was like her remedy. Angelina would always call her, even if their time zones were different. Call her for things such as calming her down when she’s nervous, feeling hopeless, having issues, and wanting a second ear to listen to her craft. No matter what, Jen always encouraged her to communicate no matter the time it was in Korea. And to see her best friend here to support her, meant everything.

After the performance, Jen made her way backstage, rushing towards Angelina who had tears of joy in her eyes.

“You were amazing! I am SO proud of you!” Jen squealed and embraced her.

Unable to hold it in, Angelina began to cry, fortunate about the performance as The Weeknd joined in the group hug.

“You did so well! You killed it out there. We had fun out there, didn’t we?” he cheered.

“Hell yeah.” Angelina pulled away. “Thank you so much for this opportunity. That was so fun, man. Like damn, we really did that!”

As the staff backstage was all congratulating them, they wanted Angelina and The Weeknd to take a photo to post on Billboard’s social media.

Fans tweet:

‘Angelina is that bitch!’

‘RAW! Just RAW! The Weeknd and Angelina killed it’

‘Angelina did what she had to do!’

‘The fact that The Weeknd wasn’t even planning on performing tonight and decided to perform with Angelina! LOVE!’

‘This was FIRE!’

Later, Jennie even met Fifth Harmony and bonded with them quickly as they talked about their music. She praised their work and hoped for more success for them. She found herself vibing with Normani and Camila the most. She took tons of photos with the group and planned to keep in touch with all of them.

When the girls left, Camila Cabello stayed behind to speak to her further.

“Hey, I know this may be a bit abrupt but I wanted to ask you, you were the first to leave Amity, right?”

“Yeah! It was hard to make that decision but sometimes you just gotta spread your wings and go somewhere you think is better for you.” Jen responded. “It may be a tough decision but you need to do what is best for your life and you need to be happy. So, if you have music that you want to share with the world or a vision and where you are is not doing that for you, perhaps it’s time to go another route. That’s what I thought of when I left Amity. It sucks about what happened. I hope one day we can all be friends again and not be on bad terms but I do not regret leaving. It was the best decision for me.”

Camila nodded and smiled softly. “Thank you. I’ll remember that.”

“Are you...getting ideas?”

Camila hesitated. “I know we just met and all but you understand how I feel. I just want to explore my individuality as an artist. I love this group. But I feel like I can do so much more without being held back.”

Jennie nodded and held her hands while giving her a bright smile. “All of you are so talented in that group. And whenever you all want to do solo stuff, I hope it's just as successful as what you have achieved so far in the group. And you have me as your new friend. I'll support you,"

"You're really sweet, thank you. I'll support you, too. You said you're in a K-Pop group, now?"

"Yes. Korean pop. The group is called BTS. There are 7 guys and 1 chick, yours truly,"

“Wow, there’s a lot of you. It must be tough yet empowering being the only girl in the group, right?”

“It has its challenges but it is very rewarding.”

“Have you thought of doing some solo work in the future?”

“Yeah, I have a lot of stuff in my documents. The guys got stuff cooking too but we're still united and will remain a group. The stuff I have been working on I am not quite ready to release yet. I want to touch up on the songs as well. One day the world will hear it. Maybe in a few years. For now, I’d like to continue focusing on the group’s activities. The company I'm in now gives us more creative freedom than when I was in SongStress,”


When Angelina and Jen made their way back to the hotel, they relaxed in bed, eating snacks.

“Just an FYI, Shawn was totally staring at you throughout the entire show.” Angelina giggled.

“Don’t play.” Jennie playfully kicked her.

“He was! He kept smiling and everything. I bet he likes you. He’s going to be disappointed when he finds out you’re taken~ haha,”

“I doubt that. He's just very happy to meet me,” she chuckled.

"You'd be surprised the guys that be watching you. I mean think of Jungkook and how long he's been watching you and pinning for you,"

Jen smiled as she thought of how things came about with her and Jungkook. "Touche,"

“Okay, so I wanted to wait until after the show to tell you this...” Angelina’s tone changed into a more joyful one.

“What happened?”

“So, you know the XXL Magazine, right? How they have their freshman class? Well...I’m going to be the only female in this year’s class!“

Jen’s eyes widened. “What!? Oh my gosh! That’s friggin huge!” she yelled in excitement and pulled her in for a hug as they both started freaking out.

“Ahhhh! Thank you!”

“When did you find out?!”

“A few days ago! I was on cloud nine! I cried when they told me. Things are really coming up for me. I can’t believe this. I’m really doing it. I am doing the things I wanted to do. Songstress couldn’t give that to me. But I persevered and now I’m doing my own thing.”

“As you should! What will you be doing there?”

“I’m supposed to be recording freestyles, cyphers, solo and group interviews. I am so excited.”

“Lit! I cannot wait to check it out!”

“You have K-Con coming up, right? I was wondering if you wanted to watch me film for the magazine. I’m really nervous about it. But with you there, I can feel a little more at ease. Ugh, I’m sorry. I always ask you to accompany me to all these events.”

“No, no, it’s fine, I’m glad you want me around to watch your success! You watch my success! We’re best friends. Of course, I’m going to be there and watch you grow. If Big Hit can let me attend, I will attend,"

“Thanks. It’s just that you just make me feel more confident and give me a sense of security. Like I have someone with me besides my manager and team that I can trust fully and can help me no matter what. I have my other friends in the industry but you are my number one. When I was on that stage tonight, when I saw you, my nervousness went away. You’ve always been there for me. So, I wanted to say thank you for the tenth thousandth time. I'll work on not getting so nervous when you're not there. But for now, in this moment, thank you for being here,"

Jen laughed. “You’re very welcome for the tenth thousandth time. If I’m free, I’ll tag along.”

“I love you,” Angelina gave her a big kiss on the cheek and another tight hug.

“I love you, too!”

“So, have you told your parents you’re dating Jungkook?” she pulled away.

Jen exhaled. “No. They don’t know yet. Jungkook is eager to see them when we travel for K-Con. He wants to tell them about us. He’s been trying to bring it up for a while and last time we finally had a conversation about it after I couldn’t think of another way to get out of it.”

She thought about the conversation.


“Since we’ll be back in America for K-Con, let’s give your family a visit. It’ll be great to tell them about us,” Jungkook happily smiled.

Jennie hesitated. Truth be told, she’s been trying to avoid this conversation. He’s been bringing it up for a while now. And lately, he seemed even more persistent as the event was approaching rather quickly.

“Let’s...wait a little longer,” she murmured with an apologetic smile.

Normally when she said that, Jungkook would leave it be. But this time, he didn’t want to. 

“Jennie, you’ve been avoiding this conversation for a while. Every time I mention it you freeze and act weird. What is the problem?” he spoke up with a frown. “Are you...”

“Never.” she cut him off, knowing what he was about to say.

She shook her head and let out a breath. Maybe it was time to let him know her feelings. She should be open about this and communicate.

“Tell me,” he softly added, placing his large, warm hand on hers.

“I’m nervous about it,” she admitted, looking down. “My dad is totally fine. I know he’ll happily accept you. He loves you and the rest of Bangtan. But my mom...she’s...not that open-minded and is one of those family members who would rather have me date within my race. And I can just see the disappointment now. I don’t want to deal with it. I don’t want you to deal with that.”

Jungkook’s eyes softened as he listened to her vent.

“It sucks. You make me so happy. And I love being in this relationship with you. But I don’t want any negativity from my mom and her views. I don’t want that to interfere with what we have. I don’t want to have an argument with her about you. I know I'm going to just get angry and lash out at her for not being happy for me that I found someone who sees me for me. I just wished she'd stop looking at color and just look at the personality of the person,"

Lifting up her chin, he smiled in reassurance. “It’s okay. We can make it work. I will do whatever I can to be accepted by your mom. So, she can support us. Trust me. Things are going to be fine. I promise.”


Jennie exhaled sharply at the memory while telling Angelina everything.

“I am freaking out, Angelina. I just...I don’t want to deal with my mom on this,"

“Hey. Trust in him. If he says he got you covered and things will be all right, trust him. I bet he’s had this all planned out on telling your parents that you’re dating. And I hope that ya mama can stop being so closed minded. It is 2016. Get with the program.”

“You’re telling me,” Jen chuckled. "But yeah, you're right. I will trust in Jungkook. He always knows how to make things right. I can do this with him,"


The next afternoon, Jennie got ready for the day and finished baking, getting teased by Angelina about it.

"And you baked for him!? Girl...good luck when you go back to Seoul," Angelina laughed out loud. 

"Shut up! I'm trying to be nice and leave a good impression!"

"Girl, you already made a good impression when you covered Stitches. Shawn is already smitten with you. Poor Jungkook," she teased.

"What!? Jungkook knows I bake for everybody! I baked for him and Bangtan before I left!"

"Uh huh,"

Jennie proceeded to get filmed for a Bangtan Bomb as the camera followed her to find Shawn's hotel room.

“I am on my way to surprise Shawn Mendes!” she cheered. “I baked him cupcakes and before I leave I want to give them to him. I hope he likes them. I’m super nervous,”

Knocking on the door, it took a moment for him to open up, dressed for the day. When he took a look at her, his eyes lit up.


“Hey! I wanted to stop by and say hi! And to give you these. I baked these for you.”

She walked inside his room after he let her in and presented him with Harry Potter themed cupcakes.

“Oh wow! These are for me? Thank you so much! And it’s Harry Potter!” he said with excitement.

He was so going to enjoy these on the road.

"Yeah! I remember you loving Harry Potter. I gotta take the test to see which house I'm in. You're Gryffindor, right?"

"Correct! I bet you'd be Gryffindor with me since you're so extraordinary,"

Feeling her face flush at the compliment, she giggled. "Thank you. I'll keep you posted on my results when I take the test. I hope the cupcakes taste good. I know your schedule is busy, I won’t keep you long but I hope we can see each other again, real soon,”

“Yeah! We’ll definitely keep in touch. Let’s take another photo before you go.” He suggested

“Yeah! Sure!”

Their interactions with each other were talked about immediately and even made K-Pop articles. 

‘Sparkling Friendship between BTS’ Jennie and Shawn Mendes’

It talked about the two meeting at the award show and his recent Instagram post of his photo with her and the cupcakes as the caption said, 'I am so happy I finally got to meet you. Your warm, positive energy is infectious. One of the sweetest, and kindest interactions I had. Thank you, Jennie. Can't wait to sing with you. See u soon.'

Fans commented:



‘Jennie has won at life’

‘She must be on cloud nine! Not only did she meet him but the girl was bold enough to bake for the man. Girlfriend material!’

‘Get you a girl that bakes for you!’

'I love how she bakes for everybody she meets. Bangtan is so lucky to eat her baking 24/7'

‘Now date!’


‘Thank you for being so kind to our Miss Bangtan. This means so much to her. I’m glad you two met!’

After hanging with Shawn, Jen and Angelina went to get a quick workout at the hotel gym. 

"I'm telling you! Jungkook is going to freak when he finds out about you baking for the man," Angelina laughed

"I bake for everyone!" Jennie countered. "We've been over this,"

"I wonder how jealous he's gonna be,"

"Shut it! He'll be man, he's probably losing it, right now," she groaned. 

"Oh yeah," Angelina giggled.

After their workout, they hear a voice say "Excuse me,"

Turning around, Jennie looked surprised. “Oh my gosh, hi!”

“Hi! It’s nice that I finally found you!” Halsey grinned, with a box in her hands. 

“Me!? Hi! Oh my gosh, you’re Halsey! Hi! I-I love Badlands!”

“You said hi like three times,” Angelina laughed, making Halsey laugh too before she greeted Angelina whom she already knew.

“It’s okay, I’m nervous too. Thanks for listening to my music. I’ve been wanting to say hello to you since the show but I had to leave before I could find you. How are you?”

“I’m great! The show was so much fun. I hope that I can attend next year too and with BTS,"

"Yeah! I'd love to meet the boys!"

"I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you. I would hug you but I’m sweaty,”

“Oh, it’s fine. I’m about to leave and I know you’re about to go back to Korea but I wanted to give you this. It’s a big case of smarties. I did my research and saw that this is your favorite snack so I wanted to give you this,” she presented the box to her.

“Oh no, more smarties. You’ve done it now, Halsey,” Angelina teased.

“What!? Oh my gosh, thank you! Wow! I am so eating these on the plane,” Jen said excitedly.

“You're welcome! I hope you enjoy them! I’m doing the rest of my Badlands tour in America and if you’re free, stop by!”

“If I can make it, I will! And I’ll bake something for you. I baked something for Shawn earlier,”

“I saw! It looks great, I would love to try your baking. You want to take a picture?"

“Yeah! Let’s!”

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