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The Bangtan Gal Chapter 83- I Need You On This

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 83- I Need You On This

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 83- I Need You On This

Chapter Summary:  BTS rent out a movie theater to watch Captain America Civil War. Jennie's dream which she had been talking about for years finally comes true. Jen has the honor to film with Yoon Mirae for the first episode of Celebrity Womance. Jennie and Jungkook spend time with his family. Jennie supports AGUST D's mixtape

Words: 9,000+

Author's Note: Bon Voyage Season 1 is next after this chapter! Also, don't panic, things will be fine :)


The following morning, Jen received a phone call from one of her sisters while she was gaming with Jungkook.

"Awesome! Thank you, we'll be there! I'll make sure of it! I have been waiting to see this movie!" Jennie happily got off the phone and turned to Jungkook excitedly as he chilled on the bed. "Oppa, let's watch Civil War, today! My sister's friend hooked us all up for a rented movie theater to watch the movie, today! We'll be alone with no one to bother us!"

Jungkook's ears perked up and he quickly turned to her, Jungshooked.

She finally said it...

Jennie realized what she had just said as her entire face flushed. It just slipped out, she meant to say his name but it just flowed naturally to call him that despite her not being a fan of saying the word often.

"Did you..." he trailed off as a huge smile came across his face. He stood up and walked over to her. "Did you say what I think you just said?"

Smiling softly, she nodded. "Yes, I did."

"Can you say it, again?"

"Oppa, let's watch civil war, today."

Jungkook immediately wrapped his arms around her and gently lifted her off her feet as she laughed. "Okay, Jagi. Let's watch Civil War, today!"

"I'll tell the others," she said after getting set down.

"Am I the first guy you said oppa to?"

She pondered for a moment. "As a matter of fact...yes, you are the first guy."

Jungkook smiled triumphantly, already planning to brag to his hyungs. "Good."

At the theatre, JenKook wore Marvel shirts for the special occasion and sat in the back while the rest of Bangtan sat further down, scattered around. Her sisters sat near the members.

"I hope y'all won't be doing anything dirty back there!" Vienna teased the couple.

"Hush and watch the movie!" Alani replied.

"Would y'all be quiet!?" Jen shouted as the previews finished.

As they watched Captain America Civil War, JenKook freaked out and spoke during the movie which amused the members.

"Look at this, look at this! Look at this perfection! Iron Man wishes he could do this!" Jen said as Captain America was shown fighting at the beginning of the movie.

During the scene where Tony gives the students a grant, Jungkook goes on to brag about Iron Man, "Captain America wishes he could give students a grant like Tony,"

"Oh shut up," she rolled her eyes.

"Be jealous~!" he teased.

The rest of the members laughed at the debate JenKook had rows behind them including her laughing at Tony getting beaten up and hit by cars.

"That wasn't funny!" Jungkook huffed.

"Yes, it was,"

The scene with Steve and Bucky talking about whether Bucky was worth it made Jennie tear up.

"You see the mess he made!? All of them are in cells! Captain America is better." Jen debated with him later on in the movie.

"They brought this on themselves,"


"Would you guys be quiet!?" Jin shouted.

"We knew this was going to happen," Namjoon laughed.

During the plot twist of Bucky being the one to kill Tony's parents, Jennie and Jungkook were shooked.

"No..." she covered her mouth.

"I hate him, I hope he dies," Jungkook furiously stared at the scene.

"No! I don't want Bucky to die-"

"He killed Iron Man's parents!"

"He was brainwashed! It wasn't him!"

"I don't care!"

"Well, I care!"

The final fight scene between Bucky and Captain America going after Tony got them hyped as they both cheered on their favorite superheroes.

A scream left Jen's lips when Bucky's arm was destroyed by Tony.

"NO! WHY!?" she yelled.

"NO!" Jungkook yelled in horror when Cap hit his shield in Tony's heart.

Jen covered her mouth again and started tearing up at the defeated Iron Man. He really got hit in the arc reactor.

"Jungkook..." she murmured, not knowing what to say.

"Do you see the destruction your Captain America has done!? He ruined everything!" he angrily said.

"Hey! Don't blame him! He was protecting his friend!" she snapped at him.

"People are hurt! He almost killed Tony! That's unforgivable!"

"Tony tried to kill Bucky! He blew out his arm!"

"He deserved it!"

"No, the hell he didn't! He's a changed man!"

"A-are they actually angry with each other? Are they really fighting?" Jin asked with concern.

"Nah, they do this all the time when they watch Marvel movies," Taehyung answered, calmly.

"Yeah, they're just bonding, no need to worry," Jimin reassured with a chuckle.

Near the end, Jennie laughed at Stan Lee's cameo, calling Tony, Tony Stank.

"Ha! I told you it was true! Tony Stank for the win!" she laughed.

"At least Tony is richer than everyone," Jungkook quipped.

"Oh ho the hell he ain't! Black Panther is richer! Um, hello he is a whole prince. He has almost 100 trillion! Don't get me started on my brothers,"

"Blah, blah, blah,"

After the movie finished, Jennie sighed in contentment. "Gosh, I hope they have a Black Panther movie soon! Like that'll be so lit. I can only imagine how awesome it'll be. What I wouldn't give to be a part of a Marvel movie. That would be a dream. Even if it's just a song or something or a small role, I don't even care,"


After the movie, Bangtan went shopping at the mall. When splitting up into groups at the mall, the members found their way back to each other after shopping at Forever 21. Everyone but Jennie had bought some things because all she was looking for was a certain brand of perfume that she could not find anywhere. That was until she finally spotted Victoria's Secret.

"Oh my gosh, finally! I gotta get something real quick!" she eagerly rushed in, surprising the guys with her enthusiasm. "Man, oh man, I hope they have it."

"Jennie...what are you planning on getting from here?" Jin's heart dropped as he walked into the store with fear, quickly following her.

"I think we all know exactly what she is going to buy from here." Hobi chuckled with Yoongi.

"Hey, hey, Jungkookie, do you think Jennie is going to buy something to wear for you?" Jimin teased, wrapping an arm around him as they walked deeper into the store.

'I-is she going to get some lingerie now? I-in front of the Hyungs? Is she ready for THAT??' Jungkook thought with wonder and astonishment as he began to blush.

Did she want to do THAT already?

His imagination was already beginning to wander...

Did she want him to go crazy?

Why couldn't she do this when they were alone? Not with the rest of the guys around them.

Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted by a large pat on the back by Namjoon. "I'm surprised she would be this bold. Don't you want to help her pick something out? We can wait out here."

Before Jungkook could answer, he peeped Jennie walking past all the underwear.

'Wait...why is she walking past the lingerie? Even the red underwear??, no, why?' Jungkook thought.

"Finally!" she happily announced and grabbed a few bottles of the perfume she wanted. "I have been trying to find these everywhere!"

Namjoon let out a laugh, looking stunned. "W-wow...perfume. Would you look at that? She came here for perfume."

Jin sighed out of relief. "I'm glad it was just that!"

"Yeah, of course. What did you think I was gonna get in here?" Jen stared at him like it was the most obvious thing she would get in the store.

Meanwhile, disappointment was clearly shown on Jungkook's face while the rest of the members felt salty that what she bought wasn't what they were expecting.

"Darn...I really thought she was going to get a set for Jungkook." Hobi whined.

"Bet the kid is upset, right about now," Yoongi added.

"Aw...tough luck, Jungkookie." Jimin giggled with Taehyung.

Back at the hotel, Jungkook decided to speak up about it and ask her about the stunt she pulled at Victoria's Secret.

"S-so you weren't planning on getting anything else?" he asked.

"Nope, just the perfume. Why?" she watched him as he averted his eyes.

She then realized what he had meant and felt her face heat up. "O-oh." she nervously laughed. "Well...the stuff in that store is not even what I would want to wear for you when I'm ready for that."

That sparked his interest as his ears perked up. "Well, what do you want to wear?"

"I guess you'll have to wait and find out one day." she teased, grabbing the controller to finish her game.

"When can I find out?" he eagerly asked.


"Can I at least know the color?"


"Can it be red?"



The next morning, all packed and ready to leave America, Jennie met with the rest of the members on the first floor.

"Jen," Diana, her manager called out.

"Yeah?" she turned to face her.

"You won't be going back to Korea just yet,"

That caused Jennie to furrow her brows. What did she mean? She was planning to go back with the members so what could possibly be left on her schedule? It made her nervous but decided to stay positive about it.

"Okaaaay. What else is on my schedule?"

"Last minute meeting Bang PD and I scheduled with some important people that want to meet you. Come on. They're waiting for us,"

Important people? Meeting? That she and Bang PD scheduled? What was going on?

After telling the members she'd be staying a while longer in America and saying her goodbyes, she went to follow Diana in a car that took them to the location of the meeting.

"You keep looking at me. What is going on?" Jen asked after she caught Diana staring at her longer than usual.

"It's nothing. Just relax. The meeting shouldn't take that long, anyway." she replied, trying to change the subject.

"Who am I meeting anyway?"

"You'll see when we get there,"

After arriving at the location, Diana escorted her to a meeting room to see two caucasian people. A man and woman in suits with welcoming smiles.

"Ah, Jennifer Walker. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person," the man spoke first shaking her hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you as well," she politely replied.

The two introduced themselves and informed her that they were looking for potential musical artists to endorse Macy's. The idea did interest Jen as she thought it would be a good opportunity since she already endorsed Puma with BTS. 

"Any brands you enjoy wearing?" she was asked.

"Nike!" she beamed. "That's my all-time favorite brand,"

"Nike? Why that brand?"

"Oh, a lot of things. I have a whole collection of Nike sneakers. I just love everything about it. Their style, their clothes. It makes me feel empowered as weird as it sounds. Let me show you the collection of sneakers I have," she took out her phone, showing them the large collection of shoes.

Diana refrained from laughing while the two others looked impressed and pleased to see her so passionate about a brand like this. The exact passion they want to endorse a brand. 

Jennie rambled on and on about Nike as she showed tons of photos and stories about wearing the brand.

"...and these are the sneakers I wore on the night I debuted with BTS," she rambled on.

"If you wanted to create something, what would you want?" she was also asked.

"I'd love to create a whole line of Nike shoes for dance and Nike dance clothes. Sneakers, ballet shoes, everything Nike dance shoe related. Comfortable and cute clothes to dance in for Nike. I strongly believe dancing is a sport and I feel like dancing should have some representation. It would be a dream to create something like that for Nike one day."

"Hm...I see," the lady nodded and looked over at her partner.

The man took out a folder and placed it on the table with a smile, "Well, Nike would love to see this vision come true,"

It took a few seconds for his words to register in her brain as Jen stared at them in astonishment. Her heart dropped and her mouth went dry as words couldn't form in her head. 

Did he just say Nike wanted to see her vision come true?

Diana couldn't help but laugh and had to be the one to open the folder to reveal the Nike Endorsement contract waiting to be signed.

"We've had our eye on you for quite a while Miss Walker. Your passion for our brand is infectious. We would love to have you on board and put your vision into action."

"I had to talk to them to try to make something up. I didn't want them to go straight in and say they were from Nike," Diana giggled and turned to Jennie. "Wow, the look on your face. Are you going to say anything? I'm sorry, she's still trying to process all of this,"

"We understand. We've watched all those videos of her talking about Nike. We heard her passion loud and clear," the woman replied with a giggle.

Nothing came out of Jennie but tears as her chest felt heavy. Looking down at her lap, her sight was blurred with tears.

Was this another dream about Nike? It wasn't like the others.

"Y-you want me? To endorse Nike? You really want me?" she managed to speak, looking back up at them after wiping her tears with her sleeved arm.

"We've wanted you for quite a while now. We're pleased we were able to get to you due to your busy schedule. When we heard about Adidas wanting you, we were a bit worried that you would join them." they told her.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Jen turned to Diana.

"I already looked over the contract. Bang PD discussed it with me as well. This is what you always wanted, although Puma will have to go away,"

Jen understood about Puma and was prepared for it as she tried to process that a contract from Nike was waiting for her.

"Will you do it?" Jen was asked.

Looking up at the Nike representatives, she smiled happily with tearful eyes, opening up a pen.

"Yes! Heck yeah, I will!" she answered proudly, signing her signature.

Diana could feel herself getting emotional as she watched Jennie sign the contract. She was so proud of her having this moment.

"Great! We will keep in touch, Ms. Walker. We are looking forward to working on this vision of yours,"

"Thank you so much! Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you for giving me a chance! Thank you for noticing me! Thank you for everything!" Jennie rambled on about her gratitude for this blessing.

After they left, Jen hugged Diana as more tears escaped.

"Thank you so much!"

"I got you. Always remember that. You deserve it," Diana beamed.

Pulling away, she took out her phone, still shaking from what just happened, "I-I gotta call my parents," she said, calling her mom up.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" her mom asked on the line.

"Are you all right?" her dad asked.

"I'm crying because I'm happy," Jen sniffed.

"What happened?"

"I got it..."

"Got what?" her dad asked.

"An endorsement deal with Nike."

"Aw, baby I'm so proud of you! I told you, prayer is a powerful thing!"


After returning to Seoul from her meeting with Nike, Jennie still felt her body shaking from the news that Nike wanted HER. She was about to endorse the company that she dreamed of endorsing for many years. She couldn't wait to tell the guys.

"I'm finally back!" she announced, shutting the front door.

When she turned around, the lights went on and she was welcomed with loud cheers. She looked around in wonder, genuinely surprised as she saw a large banner that said 'Congrats on the Nike Endorsement' with various balloons and confetti around the room.

There were the boys who were patiently waiting for her arrival as they had bright smiles on their faces.

"No, you didn't," she covered her mouth as a smile grew on her face.

"Congrats Ennie!" V ran up to her, scooping her up in a hug.

"She's finally endorsing Nike!" J-Hope yelled proudly, jumping up and down

"A dream come true~! Jennie and Nike 2K16!" Jungkook shouted happily.

"I knew you were going to get it one of these days! I'm glad you remained patient," Namjoon praised.

"Nike X Jennie! Finally~!" Jimin yelled

"Wow, I feel like a proud father," Jin rambled, "I can't wait to ask my friends, is your daughter cool enough to get an endorsement from Nike? No? Well, my precious Jennie scored one and is going to break barriers with it!"

"We're proud of you smartie," Yoongi praised. "You deserve this. We're glad you went with your heart,"

"I wish we could have seen the look on her face when she found out," Hobi laughed with Namjoon and Jimin at the thought.

After being set down, she walked further into the room to see pizza and plates waiting at the table, along with a large cake that said congrats on the Nike endorsement. 

It took her a moment to realize that they all knew that she was going to get it. 

" guys knew?!" she asked, taken aback. "That I was going to get it!? And you didn't drop any hints!?"

"Of course not! That eliminates the element of surprise," Jungkook giggled.

"Guys..." she said as she looked at them with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Aw, she's crying! I told you she was going to cry!" J-Hope laughed and pulled her in for a hug. 

The rest of the guys joined in, saying that it was all right. After pulling herself together, she smiled and thanked them for supporting her.

"Wow, Nike really has you now. How did the meeting go?" Jimin asked.

"I was nervous, I didn't know what I was getting myself into," she said and explained to them what happened.

In response, they teased her for her reaction.

"Finally that company opened their eyes to see a gem they have for an endorsement. They're going to be happy they chose you," Yoongi said confidently.

"If you need us to model for your brand or anything, let us know," V added.

"Free promo," Namjoon grinned

"Thanks, guys. Really. This is just so surreal. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. Frickin' Nike...and Jennie of BTS. Bangtan is moving forward. V and his drama, our comeback we're working on. K-Con headliners, Yoongi's mixtape. I feel like as we progress, we're only going to be chasing more bags and success. Let's keep working hard," she high fived all of them as they cheered.

"That's the energy to have! How soon can you start designing what you want to do?" Jin asked as they all sat at the table.

"For now, they'll be in touch with me," she answered.

"Wait until ARMY finds out. They'll be ecstatic," V said.

"Are you going to tell them soon or wait a bit?" Jungkook asked.

"I want to wait a bit. Let it be a huge surprise when I announce it," she replied.

"Cool. Now dig in!" Jimin laughed and pushed her face into the cake with Jin.


As a few weeks went by, Bangtan was back in America for LA's K-Con. The group went through a series of interviews to promote it. News about Suga's mixtape that he was working on had got out and he expressed his enthusiasm that Armies were excited about it.

"Jennifer has been the biggest supporter out of my journey working on the mixtape," Suga announced proudly as she looked at him in shock. "I would find her trying to peek in my studio to see if I'm working on it. I am happy to have a strong support system for my music. ARMY, I hope you like the finished product,"

She didn't expect him to acknowledge that and it made her feel good. The huge smile on her face did not go unnoticed by viewers and the members as Suga glanced over at her to give her a soft smile.

Fans commented on the YoonJen moment and expressed their excitement for his mixtape:

'Awww YoonJen!'

'Keep in mind Yoongi said, Jennifer. Not smartie. You know he serious af about her being supportive of him! I'm soft!'

'My heart! I can't wait for him to release it!'

After the interview, Jennie went out to roam around K-Con with Sejin and a bodyguard with her. She came across fans performing dance covers of BTS songs. It appeared to be a local dance group and she watched as they performed fire. What took her by surprise was the black male dancer performing her part.

'Wow!' she thought, mesmerized as he nailed her mannerisms. It was like she was looking at herself perform.

"Yasssss!" she shouted, which caught the attention of fans who began to scream. "Y'all killing it!"

A large portion of fans tried to get her attention for photos and autographs but she kindly told them that she wanted to watch the rest of the performance before any interaction. They respected it and watched as she happily danced to the beat of fire, enjoying the performance.

After the group finished, Jennie approached them and clapped.

"That was amazing! You guys killed it!"

"Oh my gosh, thank you! We can't believe you came out here!" one of the dancers said.

"I'm still a K-Pop fan at heart. I just wanted to drop in and say hey. How long have you been in a group? The synchronization was extremely good,"

"That means the world to us coming from you. We wanted to do it justice. We've been performing since 2014!"

"Wow, keep dancing, please! Don't ever stop. All of you are gifted,"

As more fans gathered around, she tried to take as many selfies as she could.

"Jennie! What do you think of NCT?" a fan asked.

"I tweeted about them! They are lit! Sooo many members. Firetruck is a bop," she beamed.

"Do you have a bias?"

"Not yet! Hard to choose,"

"I love you and Alex Reid. Have you met Alex yet?"

This had been a common question. Unfortunately, she still hasn't met the girl but eagerly wants to. Someone to relate to in this industry.

"Sadly no. But I really want to! I hope we can meet up one of these days,"

After going backstage, Jen felt like she could breathe easier since Bangtan wasn't until the end of the show. She spent time with Ailee and watched backstage as she performed. She had some mic trouble but she nailed the performance without music as the queen that she was. Her A cappella was on point and it blew her away.


Her name was called out and she turned around to see Zico waving and walking over to her with Dean.

"Zico! Long time no see! How are you?" she pulled him in for a hug.

"Doing good. How you been?"

"Everything has just been blessings upon blessings. I got my Nike endorsement!"

"No way, you finally got it?! About time! They have a gem on their hands! I can't wait to see what you create with them!"

"Aw thank you!" she turned to Dean. "Hi! I'm Jennie! It's so nice to finally meet you, Dean! Your music is so dope. I love your sound,"

Dean was pleased to hear how much she praised his music and thanked her.

"Your vocals are like so soothing and I admire your work. I hope you get a ton of awards for your EP," she added.

"Thank you, Jennie. How does it feel headlining K-Con with BTS?" Dean asked with a smile.

"Surreal. I am so grateful,"

After talking with them, she stayed in BTS' dressing room.

"Hello! Is Jennie Unnie here?" a female voice asked.

Jennie turned around, pausing her conversation with Jimin to see the IOI members walking in.

"Ah! There she is!" the voice belonged to Somi.

All the members of IOI had walked in with bright smiles, dressed in their outfits to perform.

"Oh my gosh, hi!" Jennie rushed up to them.

She hadn't seen them in a while but watched closely at the survival show's results and their journey as a group. 

Sohye with a cute smile presented the large basket to her. "This is on behalf of us,"

"F-for me? Oh my gosh, thank you," she graciously accepted it and placed it on the table.

"A thank you for supporting us," Pinky added.

When Jennie opened it, she squealed in glee when she saw it was filled with packs of smarties. Her happy sound effect made the girls giggle, proud that she liked the gift. Meanwhile, Bangtan watched with amusement.

'You're becoming a great role model, Jennie,' Namjoon thought as he watched IOI look up at her in admiration.

"My smarties! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she went on to hug all of them. "How does it feel to be a group? Hard work paid off, huh? I see bright futures for all of you,"

"Yeah, we love it. It's so exciting to be here, too," Chungha answered.

"I'm glad. Make the most of everything. And if you need anything, I'm here for you,"


Back in Korea, with the short amount of free time that they had, Jungkook wanted Jennie to join him to eat with his family. He thought it was the perfect time to tell them that they were dating, too. There was no doubt in his mind that they were going to be thrilled.

Once they made it to his parents' house, Jungkook turned to her with a smile.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Butterflies are increasing as we get closer to the door," she admitted and took a deep breath.

"You'll be fine. I have a strong feeling they're going to be pretty excited to hear the good news," he grinned at her, making her mellow out.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal his mom smiling brightly at them.

"Jungkook! You're here!" she pulled him in for a hug. "Look at you. Are you eating well?" she pulled away.

"Always, Mom,"

"Good," she turned to Jennie as her smile got wider. "Jennie! I'm so happy you can join us!"

"Hi, Mrs. Jeon. Thank you for having me. This is for you and your husband," she presented her with a gift basket she created for them.

"Oh, thank you very much. Come on. Both of you. Your father and brother are in the backyard, Jungkook,"

"Okay," he responded and let Jennie walk in first. He followed her inside and closed the door.

'You okay while I go to the backyard?' he gave her a look, initiating a brief nonverbal conversation.

'Yes, go on ahead.' she nodded and returned the smile that he gave her.

As she watched him leave, Jennie turned her attention to his mom placing the basket on a table.

"I've been so excited to see you again!" she heard his mom say.

She has?

"Really? That means a lot, thank you!"

"Jungkook can never stop talking about you. It made me miss you more than I already have,"

"He talks about me a lot to you?" she chuckled softly, feeling her heart soar as she heard about her missing her.

"Oh, all the time. It was the cutest thing. Since you came along, I have seen a positive difference in his character. I'm not sure what is going on but whatever it is, I hope it continues,"

'Wow, all from us dating?' Jen thought optimistically.

A lot of people have been saying this to her lately. That Jungkook had been more lively and open. Was it really because of her?

"I hope so too," she smiled. "May I assist you?"

His mother looked at her with appreciation as she was preparing to finish up dinner. "Yes, I would love that. Please set up the table,"

"You got it,"

After finishing it up, she helped his mom put the food on the table.

"Jennie is here," she heard Jungkook as he walked inside with his brother and father.

"I'm glad that I finally get to meet her. You talk about her so much, it made me anticipate her arrival even more," his brother, Jung-hyun said to him.

"Hi! It's nice to finally meet you, Jung-hyun," Jennie greeted kindly.

"Likewise. It's nice to meet the 'most precious person' to my brother,"

That made her face heat up while he giggled at her and his brother's flustered reaction. He could easily tell something was going on and was happy his little brother found a significant other. He approved of Jennie right away just from Jungkook chatting about her and showing their photos over their years in Bangtan.

"H-hey! Cut it out!" Jungkook smacked his brother's arm for putting him on blast like that. 

His face turned slightly pink as he planned his revenge.

"Jennie! It's good to see you again, how are you doing?" his father asked.

"Very well! I'm happy to be here, Mr. Jeon,"

As they sat down for dinner, Jen sat next to Jungkook while they were across from his parents and brother.

"Jung-hyun, Jungkook showed me some of your art. It's amazing. You know my sister Alani likes to create DIY items,"

"Oh really? Cool. Thank you. I'd like to see them sometime," he grinned.

"She has an Instagram about it. I'll show you later,"

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Just two! Both sisters. Alani and Vienna. Alani is into communications and Vienna is starting to lean more into acting. Lately, she's been wanting to get into Broadway and been auditioning quite a bit,"

After more small talk, Jennie felt comfortable and relaxed further. Jungkook noticed and was happy that his family warmed up to her so easily.

"Are your sisters gamers, too?" his brother asked.

"Not as much as me. I'm more of the gamer out of the three of us,"

"She sucks at Overwatch," Jungkook laughed. "She died as soon as the match began. I wish we recorded it for our channel. It was hilarious,"

'Wooooow. Roasting me in front of your family?' Jennie thought, amused as her nervousness melted away completely.

"Hey, I'm still learning. And you show no mercy in these games. Whenever we play against each other you don't give me a chance to try to hit you," she pointed out.

"Of course not, I want to win," he teased.

"I think you should at least go easy on me so I can learn and then go full out,"

His parents watched them cutely bicker about video games and gave each other knowing looks. She definitely fitted right in. Her genuine smile towards their son was another significant factor. And how she praised him throughout the entire dinner touched their hearts.

"You game as often as Jungkook?" his dad smiled.

"All the time. You should watch our channel sometime. It's really funny," she grinned.

"She gets competitive a lot, Dad," Jungkook laughed. "Just like me. There are games that she's better at and tries to teach me,"

"Well just know that I will be rooting for you, Jennie," his father promised her.

"Dad, you're not going to be cheering me on?" Jungkook looked offended, while his girlfriend and mother giggled.

"It's nice to see you get beat once in a while in games,"

"Jennie, how is your family doing?" his mom asked her.

"Really well. There hasn't been much going on at home. Just working and enjoying summer,"

"One day it would be nice to meet them and have dinner together," his dad suggested.

That made her get butterflies in her stomach as she appeared Jenshooked. Was it obvious that she and Jungkook were dating because throughout this entire meal, they'd been talking a lot about the future and how Jungkook had changed happily because of her.

"Dinner with you and her family?" Jungkook looked Jungshooked for a moment.

"Of course! We're eager to meet your girlfriend's family!" his dad blurted out with a large smile.

"Dad..." Jung-hyun groaned. "We were waiting for them to announce it themselves,"

"Surprise ruined," his mom sighed.

His dad laughed nervously. "Whoops. Sorry. I mean look at them. Adorable. They've been holding hands under the table the entire meal. I had to say something,"

Jungkook and Jennie looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Jennie had nothing to worry about. Things were just fine.

"Wow, was it that obvious?" Jungkook smiled bashfully.

"Your body language, little brother," Jung-hyun pointed out. "And your lingering gaze towards her. It's cute,"

"Ah..." Jungkook looked down, feeling his face heat up.

Meanwhile, Jennie felt happier than ever at how excited they were to see them dating.

"How long have you two been together?" his mom asked.

"Since January. He's so good to me," she answered sweetly.

"Ah, beautiful. I for one am very happy to see my son with someone that brings out the best in him. You are a wonderful, sweet girl. I fully support this,"

That made Jennie tear up and blink the happy tears away. Wow. They approved. All of them. 

After they finished eating, his mom came out with a small cake. It was mouthwatering as Jen devoured it. After eating a second slice, Jennie asked if she could learn how to make it. The surprised expression on Jungkook's mom's face made her smile as she agreed and asked if Jen could teach her the recipe for the baked goods she baked for them a while back.

"I just wanted to say thank you for welcoming me with open arms and for your hospitality," Jen smiled.

"Of course. I'm so happy it worked out between you two. We are looking forward to having you over again soon when your schedules allow it," his father grinned.


As summer went on for BTS, Jennie, and Jungkook were invited to film a variety show. With Jungkook, he was on Celebrity Bromance and paired up with Shinhwa's Minwoo. They spent the entire day together and even rock climbed as Jungkook began to feel more comfortable and open around him as the day went on.

After the cameras were off them for a brief period, Minwoo asked if there was any special young lady that caught his eye. His question earned an immediate smile from the Golden Maknae as he thought about Jennie.

"That's the smile of a man in love," Minwoo said with a light chuckle while noticing how his eyes shined brightly. "She must be exceptional,"

"She is. I kind of think of us as soulmates," Jungkook smiled shyly as a blush grew on his cheeks. Taking out his phone, he showed him a photo of them together, "This is my girlfriend. Her name is Jennie,"

"Wow, she's beautiful. You two are in the same group, too. Bangtan is very protective of her, I'm sure?"

"Absolutely. She is very precious to us,"

"Good. I bet she has quite the admirers. How did you two start dating?"

"She does. I wanted her so I was persistent for her to be my girlfriend. I made the first move to express my feelings and kissed her before her flight back home to America. Ah...I felt like my mom because she made the first move and went after my dad," he laughed with him. "She's the best...I'm very happy with her,"

"Treasure every day of your beautiful relationship. And don't let anyone, not even the media ruin what you have,"

"I will treasure it. Every day,"


Meanwhile, when it came to Jennie, she starred in a new show called Celebrity Womance. A spinoff of Celebrity Bromance. Jen was honored to be in the first episode of this new show. She decided to meet the woman she was paired up with at a bubble tea shop, ordering tea for both of them.

"I am excited that they asked me to be a part of the first episode of Celebrity Womance. There's already a bromance version of it so it'll be fun to see who I am going to be paired up with. I have no clue who it might be," Jennie said on camera for a brief interview with the staff of the show.

She then went to sit back at her seat in the café to wait for the woman.

"I'm a little nervous..." she murmured and contemplated chewing a piece of gum to relax. 

But then chose to sip on her milk bubble tea instead, chewing on the bubbles that came up through the straw.

'Someone Appeared!'

Jennie turned in the direction of the door opening to see Yoon Mirae walking in with a bright smile.

"Hello!" Yoon Mirae greeted with a wave.

"Holy crap," Jennie blurted out in English under her breath as she stared at her, bewildered. 

She covered her mouth and felt embarrassed at the sudden statement while Yoon Mirae giggled. 

She stood up and bowed at the highly respected artist, "H-hi! Oh my gosh, it's an honor to meet you! My name is Jennie!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yoon Mirae. You can call me Natasha Unnie,"

'Unnie already?! Whoa!' Jennie thought in amazement.

"Wow. I was not expecting this. You worked with my leader and now I'm sitting with you today,"

The show showed a montage about Yoon Mirae and said that she is one of the most highly respected artists. To Jennie, it was a dream come true.

"I've been watching you," Yoon Mirae smiled.

"You have?"

"You've caused quite a stir when BTS was announced. A black girl in the group. I bet you had to deal with a lot of negativity,"

"Yes. I don't even know where to start. It was ridiculous,"

"What has it been like for you as a black woman here?"

"When I first started, they tried to make me look paler. The makeup they would use would be lighter. It was embarrassing and so disrespectful because I was like hey, this is not my shade. Why do you have to try to make me look lighter? There is nothing wrong with my skin. I had to start talking with the stylists and educate them. I remember some started reading articles and watching YouTube videos on how to style my hair,"

"Have they stopped making you look pale?"

"Yes, thankfully. It took a little while but now my makeup looks more like it should for my skin. And before that, I started bringing my makeup and gave it to them to use instead. When I first started in BTS they always seemed to prioritize the boys and their make up but when it came to me, not so much. I'm happy to see the growth in my hair and makeup being a priority in BTS. You've been bullied a lot too, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have. Growing up I experienced a lot of racism and bullying. When my dad was in the army, we moved a lot when I was young. People would tell my dad that he was a sell-out because he married a Korean woman, why marry a Korean,"

Jennie frowned at that and shook her head. "I get so frustrated with that. If you love someone, you love someone. Whatever race you are or what you're into. I don't like it when people judge who you're dating, especially if they're biased towards people dating within their race. There is nothing wrong with interracial dating and I'm a full supporter of that,"

The two shared a long conversation about their time living in America and then coming to Korea. Jennie was amazed by her story. The fact that she had to deal with so much as a mixed woman and how traumatizing it was for her devastated Jennie.

When asked about the pressure of being the black girl in BTS, Jen broke down.

"Sorry," she tried to laugh away her pain but the tears were too much to stop as they ran down her face. "I'll admit it's been extremely hard over the years. All those hate comments, it was so hurtful to see them coming from the fans that were supposed to be supporting the group. All members of the group. I thought I would be protected by them, y'know? From all the rest of those hating on me. They would defend the rest of the members from the hate but when it came to me, I was just an afterthought. I'm just as important as the rest of the guys. I work just as hard as them and I love our fans just as much as them,"

Yoon Mirae reached out to hold her hand, listening to her as she expressed herself.

"Sometimes it can be overwhelming. And I used to feel like a burden being the only girl in the group. So many high expectations, being an African American in this country, people wonder if you can keep up with the guys, making sure the company is impressed with your work and doesn't think you're slowing down. It's something that was always on my mind," she went on.

"And you're still here. Still strong and performing," Yoon Mirae smiled. "I was happy to see you in BTS. And I was worried about the negative feedback you would get. But you've overcome a lot and you are still standing. You should be proud of that. And what I've dealt with as a kid made me stronger too,"

"Thank you. It definitely has. Things have been much better now. A lot of positives outweighed the negatives. And your music helped me a lot. I love your song Black Happiness. You are such an inspiration and I do hope I can become a well respected and influential artist. To have people look up to me and be a positive role model as a member of BTS is a big dream of mine,"

"I would say that you already are. Keep doing what you are doing, Jennie. Keep singing and working hard. You're a bigger inspiration to others than you think,"

After drinking bubble tea, the two decided to spend the day roller skating. There were a lot of laughs between them as they got to know each other. Both fell quite a few times and helped each other up. After skating, they ate at a booth by the roller rink.

"Do you have a significant other?" Yoon Mirae asked after the crew took a break from filming.

A bright smile came across Jen's face as she thought about Jungkook. 

She nodded happily, "I do! I'm happily dating Jungkook. We've been dating since early January,"

"Ah, your group member? That's cute. Who liked who first?"

"Well, he," she chuckled, "He did. He liked me for a long time and we became best friends. One night he confessed and kissed me hours before my flight back to America,"

"Wow, how bold,"

"Very. But I'm glad he did because it made me realize how strong my feelings were for him. And even if we weren't dating, we would always be best friends. I'll always have love for him. I feel like we're soulmates because I feel such a strong and deep connection with him. He makes me so happy,"

The smile didn't leave Jennie's face as she went on, "I'm still learning about love. I'm still young and experiencing a lot of things. I'm happy it's with him and I wouldn't change anything about it,"

"There's nothing like being with the one you love. That's how I feel about my husband,"

"Right? And I recently met his parents and brother for dinner to announce that we were dating. They were so happy and welcoming. It made me cry that they accepted me so quickly,"

Yoon Mirae smiled at that. She was proud of Jennie. Things were looking up for her and she hoped it continued for this young artist.

"There are days when I watch you and your husband together, being a strong duo in music, it makes me think of Jungkook and I. I want that. To be able to perform with him on stage, and have songs together. I'm not sure when we'll tell our fanbase about our relationship but for now, we are just trying to keep things private and away from Dispatch as much as possible," Jen added.

As the evening progressed, the two sat at the park to enjoy the summer night while eating water ice together.

"Time flew so fast and now our time is about to end," Jen sighed.

She truly enjoyed her day with her. She learned so much and got a lot of advice on performing and life in the industry. The two planned to keep in touch and exchanged contact information.


"Jennifer," a deep voice called out.

Looking up from her phone, she turned her head to see him leaning up against the door of her studio. He appeared nervous as he wondered how he was going to ask her what was on his mind.

"Hey, what's up?" she kindly greeted.

"I want to talk to you...privately. Meet me in my studio when you're ready. I'll be here all night. Take your time," he said and walked away.

His studio...?

"I wonder what he wants to discuss," she murmured as she finished her break.

After she finished her work, she made her way down to his studio and shut the door. She watched gleefully as she noticed that he was working on his mixtape.

"Ah, you're working on it! I'm so happy!" she beamed.

He acknowledged her words with a soft smile and gestured for her to sit next to him.

"Yeah, about time, right? It's almost ready," he said proudly.

He had worked so hard. It was going to be worth the wait.

"I'm glad. I can't wait to hear it. So, what did you need from me?"

"I want you to listen to these two songs," he said and pressed play.

She checked out his computer screen to see that the first track was called The Last. He had played the song near the end as his raw lyrics and intense instrumental had her nodding her head to the beat. He then played So Far Away for her.

"Wow, these are..." she couldn't think of the right words to how powerful his music was.

"It's missing something," he stated.

She turned to him, confused. "Missing something? How? It sounds perfect,"

"Not without you,"

Her heart skipped a beat at his words. "What are you saying?"

"These songs are missing something. And it's you. No matter what I do, I don't feel like they are complete. I want something more on these tracks. And that's why I asked you here today. I want you to play the guitar for these two songs on my mixtape,"

'You want me...? On these?' she thought in astonishment.

"I want..." Yoongi stopped and shook his head, "I need you on this. The way you express your emotions through that instrument, I need that in these two songs. No one else can play the guitar like you. Your sound is what I need for this. Please,"

He gazed at her and held her hand, nervously waiting for her answer. 

Many thoughts went through his head. Was he being too forward? She could always decline the offer. But was he prepared for that?

"When do you want to get started?" she spoke, interrupting his thoughts.

His eyes widened slightly at how quick she was to accept his request. "You'll do it?"

"No one has ever asked me to play the guitar like this for their music. It's usually just my voice and a little feature. So, doing something like this for you will mean the world to me. And the fact that I'm the one you thought of for such an important project, how could I say no to you? I'd be honored to play."

"Jennifer...thank you,"

"Always, Yoongi,"

When they got situated, they spent a couple of hours on the songs. Jen was amazed at his story. He is a reserved person and the fact that he was letting all of this out in his mixtape got her emotional.

"H-hey, Jennifer, are you okay?" Yoongi stared at her with worry as he noticed tears running down her face.

"Sorry. The Last is just getting me worked up. What you've gone through I...I'm feeling it. All of it is from your lyrics. I'll play the guitar right and do it justice. Let's record,"

"Are you sure? You want to wait until you pull yourself together first?"

"No. My sound on the guitar is enhanced when I'm feeling the emotion. If I cry, I cry. Replay it from the beginning. And when it's my cue, press record. I don't need to wait,"

Her demeanor turned into work mode as she remained focused and listened to The Last with her guitar in her hands. She listened to every lyric he rapped in song as her fingers twitched in anticipation against her guitar.

Yoongi couldn't help but feel slightly concerned as she waited for her cue.

"Hey, if this is too sad for you or-"

She raised her hand, signaling him to be quiet as she continued to listen.

Deciding to do as she said, he watched her in her work mode. Lately, Jennie had been mirroring the emotion of whatever she played on her guitar on her face. This was a vulnerable song. And she couldn't help but shed tears as she listened, preparing to play.

Once she heard the drums, she began to aggressively strum through the strings as his rap played against her ears. He watched her astounded as it was everything he wanted in this song and more. The way she played sounded perfect against his voice. The powerful chords she played against his voice were going to leave a huge impact on the mixtape for sure. After she was done, she exhaled sharply and set down her guitar.

"Now I need a moment," she said, wiping her tears. "I felt that. All of that,"

"What you just did was amazing. I don't know what happened but it sounded perfect. Thank you," he praised.

"I try," she smiled and he went to check it out on the computer to fit it in the song.

Once he had done some finishing touches to the song, he replayed it for them to listen. Yep, he was right, it did sound perfect. Fully complete.

"Hey, before we work on So Far Away, can you play AGUST D? I've been staring at it and I'm curious about how it sounds," she requested.

"Sure," he clicked on it twice.

"Oh!" she shouted out after the first few beats. "Oh! Oh okay!"

He laughed at her reaction as she danced in her seat while they listened to the song.

They call me new thang

Shinbyeong watda jimeul badeo

"Whew! Okay!" she cheered, nodding her head to the beat.

Oh, this was lit! This song was going harder than she anticipated.

A to the G to the U to the STD

I'm d boy because I'm from D

Nan michinnom biteu wiye runachik

Raebeuro hongkongeul bonaeneun

My tongue technology

Jennie almost fell out of her seat from that lyric. "OH! Tongue technology!?"

Nan bekkineun geol bekkineun nomeul jabadaga

Hubaedeun seonbaedeun jekkineun nom

"Oh shi-okay!" she jumped up and down in her seat during his second verse. He was rapping so damn fast as she stared at him in disbelief. "Yoongi~!"

Hyeongdeure shigi jiltu deoge saenggineun soeum

"OOOOOOOOOOO~!" she shouted, covering her mouth against the side of her fist. "Yo replay that back! You going crazy right now! The delivery! The delivery of that! Replay it back please!"

Yoongi's stomach began to hurt from the amount of laughter he was doing from her reaction. She was adorable. Accepting her request, he scrolled back to the second verse after the chorus.

"Yoongi! Bro! Why are you going off like this? Like damn!"

He grinned bashfully at her praise. "Ah..."

"No, that second verse! How fast you were rapping!? Come on! That's amazing!"


Once his mixtape was finished, Yoongi prepared to film two music videos. Once Jennie found out about it, she made plans to visit him during his AGUST D music video shoot. As soon as he left the dorm, she went to work to bake Agust D themed cookies for him.

"Yo yo yo~!" Jennie walked on the set with a box of cookies in her hands.

'AGUST D gets a visitor!'

Yoongi turned around and saw her smiling at him. A wide grin appeared on his face as he couldn't resist expressing how extremely happy he was to see her. He wasn't expecting anyone to come by during his shoot but the fact that Jennie came made his heart jump for joy.

"Smartie! What are you doing here?"

She laughed, "You know your biggest fan had to be here! You support me, I support you! Here. Your batch of Agust D cookies. It took forever to try to get the boys to not eat them,"

"You made me cookies? Smartie..." his gummy smile appeared on his face as he accepted them. "She baked me cookies. Her cookies are the best. If you get a chance to eat them, you won't regret it,"

"Aw, you flatter me," she smiled bashfully. "How's filming?" she asked as he took a cookie out of the box and ate one.

He sighed in joy at the deliciousness before answering, "Exhausting. This is honestly more tiring than BTS' music videos. But it's going great. I'm almost done and then tomorrow I film the rest of my music video,"

After visiting Yoongi and staying to watch him record, Jen was called to Big Hit's building for an urgent meeting and came back to the dorms visibly upset. It was abrupt that this happened but she was told by the company that she had to go home due to some visa troubles. She honestly thought things were fine with her paperwork and she could continue to do what she does but now she needed to pack and go home until everything got situated.

When Sejin arrived at the dorm with Jennie, the boys sensed something was wrong and immediately asked questions. Once Sejin gave everyone the news, the mood in the room went down and everyone was stunned by the abruptness.

"What!?" Jungkook exclaimed in disbelief as he shook his head in denial.

"You can't go home!" Jimin exclaimed.

"I think they messed up on some documentation or whatever. I don't know but all I know is I need to go home for a little bit until they fix the issue. Maybe it won't be for that long," she tried to stay positive about it.

"No way," Jin shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe this,"

"We need you. We need all 8 of us here. We're working on our comeback. Everything," Rapmon began to ramble.

She frowned. "I know...I'm annoyed. This is so poorly timed. I thought everything was straight with my stuff,"

"When are you leaving?" Yoongi frowned.

"Tonight," she sighed, which did not sit well with any of them as they tried to ask Sejin if there was anything to prevent it.

Meanwhile, Jen went to go pack as she was told while Jungkook accompanied her to her room. He sat on her bed as he watched her take out a suitcase and go through her clothes.

"Stupid visa..." she grumbled.

She tried to keep her emotions in check. She had plans to chill tonight and now had to spend it on a plane. With Jungkook, he was still trying to wrap his head around her leaving soon.

"Jagi, do you really have to leave...?"

Hopelessness and sadness were evident in the Golden Maknae's voice as he helplessly watched her pack.

He knew the inevitable.

She had to go home. And that meant they'd be apart for an unknown amount of time as Big Hit handled her visa situation. Sure there were times when she would go to America and then come back to Korea but from everything he was hearing, it seemed like this was going to take longer than usual.

On top of that, it was comeback season. That meant more stress as she wouldn't be there to be in his arms to cuddle when both of them felt overwhelmed from working on their comeback. She wouldn't be there to massage him whenever he stayed later from dance practice. Or nap with him after a long day. They wouldn't be showered with kisses, tickles, and derp faces from one another if they needed a good laugh to escape the stress. Finding out that she had to leave so abruptly made his heart shatter and frustrated him. Sure it was temporary but it bummed him out that it had to be this circumstance.

Their dog Tony, whimpered sadly, observing his parents. It was hard to watch Jennie pack up as he was lying in the middle of her bed with a sad expression. No special smartie belly rubs for quite some time. No JenKook bathing him like the family they were. This was going to be new to JenKook but perhaps this would make their relationship grow as they adjust to this brief long-distance relationship.

When Jennie turned to face Jungkook, she smiled sadly at his pouting expression. It was going to be difficult to leave him.

"You know I have to," she answered softly.

"I don't...want you to go," he murmured, looking down at his feet.

"I don't want to go either but it's just for a little while. I'll be back before you know it, Kookie,"

"Can I just come with you?" he looked up and asked as the idea popped into his head.

"As much as I would love that, you know you have to stay here,"

He frowned. It was worth a shot at least.

"It's just...I..." he hesitated.

He just wanted her to stay. She always knew how to make him feel at ease during the comeback season for Bangtan. Now that she was about to leave, it just wouldn't be the same. 

Sensing him overwhelming himself with negative thoughts, she strolled over to him. Standing in front of him as he continued to sit on the edge of the bed, she cupped his face.

"Hey," she softly called out, looking down at him. "No matter the distance, we'll make it work. We're the Golden Duo after all. This long-distance thing won't make us tap out. We can do it,"

He smiled at her words. "You're right. We will,"

He reached out for her as he pulled her into his lap. Smiling, she leaned down to kiss him slowly, trying to enjoy his lips as much as she could before she had to leave. She'll miss this.

"Don't do that..." he murmured against her lips and pulled back, panting softly.


"Kiss me like that when you're about to leave. It'll drive me crazy," he admitted.


Tony's barking caused them to turn in his direction. The dog happily jumped around after watching them. He jumped on them, causing JenKook to laugh at the sudden movement and break apart. She took a seat next to Jungkook instead. 

"I think our son is happy to see us trying to think positively about the situation," Jungkook giggled loudly as a bunny smile appeared on his face.

"Very happy. Hey, how about a belly rub before I leave? Would you like that, Tony?" she cooed.

She giggled softly as Tony eagerly barked and she moved to sit in the middle of the bed. The dog rolled around and exposed his tummy for her while she went to work on her affectionate belly rub. He soon began to relax and eventually dozed off. 

"It's going to suck when he wakes up and I'm gone," she frowned as she watched Tony sleep with Jungkook.

"We'll Facetime you," Jungkook promised.

"Please do. And make sure to send me memes and funny filter pictures of the guys,"

"I will. And I'll make sure to send you my progress on my song,"

"Good," she gave Tony one final look as she gently petted him and got off the bed to finish packing, "Make sure you don't feed him too many snacks while I'm gone. You know how you like to spoil him,"

"I won't. Our son is in good hands. I got it," he stood up and helped her.

Once she finished packing, she zipped up the suitcase. She was then gently grabbed by Jungkook and pulled in for a tight hug. Jennie sighed in contentment as she held onto him, enjoying his warmth. Their final hug for who knows how long.

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More Posts from Smolwritingchick

1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 86- WINGS 8

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 86- WINGS 8

Chapter Summary: After 3 years, Jennie finally dyes her hair for a BTS comeback and films her WINGS 8 Concept video.

Words: 9,000+

Author's Note: Some smol angst regarding Jimin's diet during the BST era. And mentions of anxiety. I apologize in advance :(

I'm going to create a smol chapter when it's around that time for the love yourself videos. I'd like to put my spin on it, not going too much into the crazy theories. I'm hoping to write more of Jen's story for it. And I wonder if I made it obvious who found Jennie for her WINGS video at the end of the chapter. I'll write about all that when it's around 2017 in the story. Some ideas sparked in my head when those videos were released years ago and I kept them in my old documents. I gotta revisit them and check out everything. 

 I had thought of this idea for her concept video and decided to just stick with it and have fun with it instead of stressing about making her fit "perfectly" in this comeback. Supernatural type of shiz. And I did some research on using a Damien quote from the book to add to it. I think it fits quite well imo.

I lost count of how many times I changed Jennie's WINGS song. It's getting ridiculous at this point. But for this, I decided to go a different route. Jennie has said that she wants to be a versatile artist, especially as she looked up to Rihanna as an inspiration for that, singing in different genres. 

I LOVE PVRIS! One of my favorite groups. I'm not too big on their new music and the direction they're going musically these days but am always vibing to their old stuff. I truly miss their old sound tbh.

I decided to choose a song called I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore from PVRIS' latest album, for Jen's song. I really like the vibe as it would showcase her skills on the launchpad and I love the lyrics. I'll probably switch it up a little bit. I wanted her song for WINGS to be blunt and a bit sad. Like literally she is telling people she does not want to do this anymore. She does not want to perform, she does not want to be famous, she wants out, which was how she felt during the situation of her sister's play and getting mobbed by all those people. So, she'll express those negative feelings in the song. And I thought of her changing the lyrics to be more optimistic as the song goes on. Maybe for the chorus. I even thought of the fan chant ARMY would do. She would sing negatively, and they'd respond positively. For instance, when RM sang "I wish I could love myself." for Reflection and ARMY shouted, "WE LOVE YOU!"

So yeah, I think that's it. I'm rambling but I'm not going to overthink it too much when it comes to her song for this album. I had a vision for her WINGS video and I kind of hope it makes sense. So I'm just going to go with the flow :) Happy reading!!


Jennie made it back to America safely and Facetimed the boys to let them know. She was lying on her bed, feeling the jetlag as the boys expressed how much they were already missing her. After speaking to them, she finally had one on one time with Yoongi.

"And thanks again for the cookies. I tried to make them stretch but it was too good," he said. "Now I have to impatiently wait for you to return to make me some more,"

She giggled at that. "Sounds like a plan. I'm happy the mixtape is being well received,"

"Me too. So many streams on SoundCloud. Thank you again for your help,"

"Always. I knew it would do well,"

Once July 31/August 1 hit, How's This was finally released and Jennie got to watch the two Music Videos as well as the jacket shooting. She and Hyuna looked fun and the visuals were astounding. Now, of course, there were those kinds of fans that would complain that Jennie was acting 'too grown'. She already saw tweets about it with fans babying her and saying that she shouldn't act too sexy. But she chose to ignore it and just enjoy what she and Hyuna created.

She thought about the filming as she watched the jacket shooting video.


Dressed in one of many outfits for the video, Jennie and Hyuna awaited instructions while they stood on the set that resembled a club different from the first music video.

"I'm getting more comfortable with this sexy vibe because of you. Doing this with you, I feel at ease. So, I am so stoked to be here with you today," Jennie told her with a smile.

Hyuna looked relieved. "I'm happy. I was a little nervous asking you if you wanted to do this. I sighed out of relief when I got confirmation that this collab was a go,"

When they saw that Cube wanted to film a documentary on this music video, they waved at the camera.

"Today Jennie is with me to film! I am so happy that she is a part of this fun song," Hyuna said, clapping her hands.

"Hi~!" Jennie hugged her from behind, waving to the camera. "We are ready to shoot~!"

"This is going to be fun! Stay tuned!"

Jennie let go of her and cheered, "Fighting!"

"Fighting!" she high fived her.

Jennie was filmed first and they started with shots of her being sexy and having fun inside the club while lip-syncing the song. Walking through the club, she met up with Hyuna who danced along with her. For How's This with the version with Jennie in it, the choreography was different and looked more fluid instead of all the body shaking. In Jen's opinion, this choreography fit better for the song after working on new moves with Hyuna. They performed the choreography in the crowd and then did some twerking shots.

As the crew prepared for the next take, the camera showed Jen and Hyuna talking again.

"How was the first music video shoot?" Jennie asked.

"It was fun! It went well. I kissed one of the guys on camera," Hyuna felt flustered about the mature kiss.

"OOP!" Jen covered her mouth, making her giggle and hold onto her. She turned to the camera and repeated herself, "OOP!"

For another shot, after an outfit change, Hyuna and Jennie danced together behind a background. It reminded them of a honeycomb as they lip-synced.

Before Jen knew it, she was in the area she wanted to film at the most. The DJ booth.

"My happy place. Look at it. I am in love," she pointed over to the DJ booth. "Errbody throw yo hands up, we getting' hot, hot, hot, hotter!" she sang her verse from fire cutely before giggling.

When filming commenced, she approached the DJ and asked if she could take over. Winking at him, she placed the headset on and began mixing for the party while dancing around. The party got more lively once she began to DJ while Hyuna joined her as they lip-synced the chorus.

eottae igeon eottae

eottae chumchuja

Up dwae igeon Up dwae

Up dwae chumchuja

Jen was filmed all over the place for her shots. Hyuna had a lot of shots already from the previous music video and Cube just needed more Jen and then her together with Hyuna. Shots consisted of her lying across a table while lip-syncing, dancing on the table, then filmed against the wall as she flipped her hair and swayed her hips around.

"Is this too much?" Jen giggled as she watched her shots with Hyuna.

'As if looks could kill. Her piercing gaze against the screen flusters Jennie'

"Oh no, I bit my lip," she laughed. "I didn't even notice. Pure instinct. We look good, though,"

The last shot consisted of a dance battle. Jennie had a group of black dancers with her against Hyuna and her dancers.


Jennie smiled at the memory and was excited to perform it live near award season. After watching the videos, she scrolled through Twitter and saw what was going on. BlackPink had recently debuted and she loved their debut music videos. Although she was still hurt about 2NE1, she loved seeing new groups debut.

But because one of the BlackPink members was also named Jennie, it started some fan wars, which made no sense at all.

'Netizens compare BTS' Jennie to BlackPink's Jennie. Who is better?' read the latest controversial ALLKPOP article.

It didn't sit right with BlackPink and BTS fans as the comment section was filled with mixed reactions. It was drama waiting to explode.

'So we have a Black Jennie and a Korean Jennie'

'There can only be ONE Jennie and I choose BTS' Jennie'

'BP's Jennie is what BTS' Jennie wishes she was'

'Ugh STOP already'

'I think BTS' Jennie is better.'

'BP's Jennie has more charisma. BTS' Jennie still hasn't shown what she is all about. Her part in fire was cute but I wish she did more. I kinda gave up on her as my bias and moved on to Jimin'

'LOL I bet BTS' Jennie is threatened by BP's Jennie'

'BlackPink's Jennie showed more effort and energy in her debut than BTS' Jennie. Just stating facts. I'd take BlackPink's debut over BTS' any day'

'Jennie and Jennie. I love it. I hope they meet'

'Are you serious?!'

'Ew wtf is this article?'

'BlackPink's Jennie is still a rookie. She has a long way to go before getting up to BTS' Jennie's level'

'Can you not? This is disrespectful to both girls. They both are doing great'

'I'm tired of people comparing groups. Just love and support both'

'I hope they become friends'

'Eh...BP's Jennie is better and prettier. She wears better outfits too. BTS' Jennie has been looking rough for a while. She gained a few pounds too. I miss her debut look'

'Who cares? They both flop'

'BlackPink's Jennie ain't even all that.'

'The difference is BlackPink's Jennie knows how to rap. BTS' Jennie's little Full Moon cover wasn't that great. She annoying af'

'BTS' Jennie just doesn't have that IT factor like BP's Jennie does.'

'I like Blackpink's Jennie more'

''Stop pitting women against women. It's disgusting'

'Delete this article. They're both great'

Jennie frowned and rolled her eyes at the name of the article and scrolled past to look at something more positive. It seemed like they were trying to get her to reply and react but she refused. First, they did this with Alex Reid, and now BlackPink's Jennie. It needed to stop. She was not going to be the "mean girl" that the media wanted her to be and make people think that she hated or was jealous of other female idols like Alex and Jennie Kim.

The last thing she was going to do was let the media try to make her think negatively about someone whom she hadn't met. She refused to be sucked into this jealous and petty scenario with BlackPink's Jennie. She was excited about what BlackPink would be doing and wished the best for them.

Suddenly she received a notification from V-Live about Hobi going live and began to watch it.

"Oh, that's right. Bangtan is in Japan for their concerts," she murmured.

"We had our concert, tonight. It didn't feel the same without Munchkin with us. Jennie, if you are watching, I hope you are doing well," Hobi said on camera in his hotel room.

"Doing good, missing you guys," she sighed.

But then something weird happened on the live. The comments started bringing up other members. Fans then began to ask for Jungkook, V, Jimin, and Yoongi.

"No, they didn't..." Jennie looked on in disbelief at the comments.

All Hobi wanted was to spend time with Armies and now this happened. It made her upset and then she watched as he went to Jimin's room and then left abruptly after a few minutes. Jimin was also stunned because it was Hobi's phone on the live so what in the world?

Unable to keep her thoughts to herself, she went to Twitter to tweet about it.

'Are you KIDDING me? Did you REALLY just ask for other members while J-Hope was trying to talk to you? #Jen'

'No, like really the amount of disrespect is completely unacceptable. The hell is wrong with some of y'all? #Jen'

'You got me ALL the way f'ed up! Don't ever do that to Hobi #Jen'

'We take time out of our day to talk to you one on one but you ask for the others? You need to consider our feelings and how bad it makes us feel. #Jen'

Her tweets blew up and spread like wildfire as fans were commenting sorry and tweeted sad emojis. A lot agreed with her tweets while some others began to complain that she was overreacting.

'I know right!? Like how dare them?!'

'Ennie, we're sorry'

'These fans are so disrespectful. Please don't think all ARMY are like this.'

'I am so bothered by them doing that crap.'

'omg shut up,'

'You must be one of them asking for other members if you're telling her to shut up. YOU shut up! Jennie is speaking facts!'

'What are you so extra for? Calm down,'

'Here she goes always sticking her nose in everyone's business. All the way in America. Just stay in America and go away,'

'I cannot believe they did that. Ugh'

'GO OFF SIS! This infuriates me! Hobi don't deserve this'

'I'm so sad...'

'We don't deserve him'

'I cannot believe this. And they call themselves an Army?'

' heart is broken'


'The sweetest sunshine ever and gets treated like this. I want to cry'

Jen then tweeted one final tweet before going on a social media break.

'ARMY, don't apologize to me. Apologize to Hobi...#Jen'

Later that evening after Jimin ended the live that was supposed to be him and Hobi, she facetimed him after he got his phone back.

"Hey, Jennie," J-Hope greeted with a fake smile but she saw right through it.

"Nah uh. Don't do that. Screw them for making you feel like that,"

"It's okay. Don't worry about it," he shook his head. "They just want to see the other members,"

"No. I will worry about it. You're upset and bummed out. I understand. I wish I was there to take you out and treat you to food or something. That was so rude of them and they are so ungrateful. Those aren't real fans. Don't let them get to you, okay? You have real fans who love and appreciate you. Love and respect you. Love and support you," she went on as he listened.

"Hobi, they can call me annoying or whatever for my tweets, I don't care. What just happened was wrong and unfair," she declared. "And if you don't want to be vocal about it, then I will because I refuse to sit here and let people do this to you. You don't deserve that. You should get just as much love and affection as the rest of us. I love and cherish you. Always. Don't ever forget that. I'm going to always have your back,"

Hobi broke out into a huge smile at her words and began to feel better. "Thank you, Jennie. I appreciate you cheering me up,"


While being home, Jen spent the majority of her time in her room which was also her mini studio. Although she wasn't physically there with the group to work on their upcoming album, she still did her part and sent in her vocals and instrumentals.

For the WINGS album, she was going to be more involved in the music. For now, everyone is focused on their solo songs. She was first involved in working on Jungkook's song, Begin. Since she had been home, Jungkook had sent her his vocals and asked if he sounded OK. Every time was better than the last which boosted his confidence as he recorded. Jennie's role in his song was to play the guitar.

With her headphones on her ears, she played the guitar smoothly under his angelic vocals. Begin was about his journey to Seoul and meeting Bangtan. It was beautiful. The lyrics did not mention her but talked more about the rest of the boys. His brothers. Jungkook kept apologizing to her about it and said he had something planned for her in the future. She was not bothered by it at all and understood. If anything, her curiosity towards what he had planned for her rose as she thought about what he was going to do.

After sending the music back to Big Hit, she got confirmation that it was great and continued working on the rest of her assigned songs. Next up was Jimin's song called Lie. She worked on the background vocals and guitar for his song. Out of every solo song by the guys, this one was her favorite and she was so proud of him for his efforts. She couldn't help but smile as she listened to the demo track after putting her recorded guitar chords in it.

Closing her eyes, she began to focus on the emotion of the song and pondered on her background vocals. This song was about lying and the conflict due to lies and temptation. So, she wanted to try to have some emotion and desperation in her vocals to fit the tone. She recorded her light breathy 'yeahs' in the beginning and sang 'Naega malhae' under his voice.

Be smooth like a like a snake

beoseonago sipeunde

Hearing an opening instrumental part after his voice, she hummed but shook her head, stopping the song.

"Nah...maybe it should be better. Humming is too common. I should do something different," she pondered, taking off her headphones.

She spent the next hour working on what would fit during that part. Her notebook with crossed out words and random lyrics was all over her papers as she worked on thinking what would work for his song. She wanted something to pop and to be memorable.

"Ah...woo...woo." she wrote down. 

She began to sing it out several times in diverse ways until she found a tone that fit with the song. 

"I should make it a little haunting when I edit it. A tad bit of autotune or something..."

Putting her headphones back on, she stood by her microphone and pressed record as it played Jimin's song. The first opening notes were clear enough to give listeners one hell of an eargasm. The producers that put the violin and other string instruments were geniuses.

"Yeah," she said in a high, breathy tone while looking at her notebook in her hands.

As soon as Jimin's voice filled her ears, she sang softly under his vocals, "Naege malhae..."

Neoui dalkomhan misoro naege

"Naege malhae..."

soksagideut nae gwitgae malhae

"Yeah. Don't be like a prey, be smooth like a like a snake,"

beoseonago sipeunde

Finding that inner strength in her voice, she belted out, "Ah woo woo~"

naegeseo tteona tteona tteonajwo

naegeseo tteona tteonajwo

"Ah woo woo~"

mworado nareul nareul guhaejwo

nareul guhaejwo

This song was such a bop as she swayed around to the song, focused.

gyesokdwae domangchyeobwado

geojit soge ppajyeoisseo

Caught in a lie!

"I'm drowning, I'm losing myself. I can't disobey, I can't break away..." she sang emotionally under his vocals.

nae useumeul dollyeonwajwo

Caught in a lie!

"This torment gets worse every day."

i gotongeseo heeonal su eobseo

beolbanneun nareul guhaejwo

After recording everything multiple times, she went on to edit and made sure her vocals fit nicely under his. Things were coming together as that bright smile appeared on her face. She was so satisfied with this. She hoped he and the producers like it when they did their final touches.

Her phone buzzed and she sat back in her seat to read a text from Jimin.

Jimin: Ennie, I know you're awake! Don't stress over it too much. Get some sleep, okay? We can work on the song tomorrow.

Jen: Facetime me. I just sent you what I created :D

It didn't take long for them to be on Facetime together as Jimin was thrilled to see her face.

"Ennie! What time is it over there?"

"Late but it's okay," she said and yawned.

"You should really go to bed. You look so sleepy," he looked concerned for her when he noticed her tired eyes.

"I know, I know. I will."

"I miss you," he pouted.

"And I miss you, too. Don't worry, I'll be back in Korea before you know it,"

"Well, I hope it's soon! It's not the same without you here," the 95 Liner shook his head. "The guys...I...we're kind of all over the place without our Bangtan Girl to keep us in order. We're a bit of a mess. It's weird without you. We just want you to come home,"

His words made her heart leap as she felt emotional, yet again. But then the word 'home' struck her. She was already 'home' in America. But the fact that he said 'home' as in living with them in Korea made tears appear in her eyes.

"Jimin..." she smiled sadly. "It won't be much longer, I hope. Being away from you and everyone else in Korea is a struggle. As soon as I come back, I will nap this jetlag off and we can all go out to eat,"

"I would like that very much, Ennie. So, you wanted me to call you?"

"Yes. Check the email. I sent my work for your song. I hope it sounds okay."

"Wait, you finished it?! All of it? Your background vocals and all?"

"Yeah! I just gotta finish up Stigma and the others,"

"You worked on it so quickly."

"Well, you are a priority," she smiled softly, earning an adorable eye smile from him.

Him a priority? That made his heart leap.

"I played around with it and I like how it sounds. Play it. If you like it, I will send it to the producers to see if they give it the OK. And if you want me to change something, let me know."

Opening up the file, Jimin played it for both of them. The look in his eyes when he heard her guitar was priceless.

"Oh-my-God," he blurted out in English, causing her to laugh. "They have to accept this! This is-this is so good! Thank you for doing this for me. I hope this version makes it on the album after they do their final touches. And if they reject it, let us release it on SoundCloud. Army should hear this,"

"Sounds like a plan,"

After shutting down her computer and ending her call, Jen sat on her bed and tuned in to Jin's Eat Jin V-Live on her laptop. There he was with Jungkook and Jimin rambling about various things. And they had her cracking up with their bickering when they playfully fought over snacks.

But once fans brought up Jennie in the comments, her heart ached as she realized how much she missed the guys. Especially Jungkook. She missed his hugs. How he would hold her firmly and gaze down at her with that adorable smile of his. This visa needed to hurry up and go through. She wanted to wrap her arms around her man again.

"How is Jennie?" Jin read the comment. "My sweetie is doing fine. She has been working very hard. Please look forward to her return. Jennie, you are missed dearly,"

She let out a chuckle, "I miss you, too..."

"I miss your baking, too," he added, making her laugh at the screen. "Bake for me when you come back. Just don't tell the others,"

"We're sitting right here, Hyung!" Jimin called out. "Bake for me, not him!"

"Hush!" Jin playfully smacked him while Jungkook laughed. Turning back to the camera like he knew she was watching, he continued. "The dorm doesn't smell that great without your bath and body works items. You know, the ones you always buy for us. Please return soon and get the visa straightened out. I look at your picture in my wallet every day," he showed Armies the photo of him and her back in 2015.

"He still has that picture?" Jen murmured as she smiled.

"Jungkookie misses her the most," Jimin teased, making the Golden Maknae blush and look down shyly.

"Of course, she's my best friend. I bet she misses me more than you two," Jungkook added.

"Lies! I am Jennie's favorite," Jin stated.

Laughing, Jennie went on to text Jungkook.

Jen: Awwww this live is too cute. I miss you guys, more. I'll be back soon. P.S: I miss you the most, Kookie. I love you. Can't wait to hug and kiss you again


The sound of bells was heard as Jungkook looked down at his phone. He read her text with a big smile and looked up at the camera like he felt her looking back at him. It made her heart flip and her face warm up with the way he stared at the camera. Meanwhile, Armies were gushing over the loving gaze Jungkook was showing out of nowhere.

'Why tf is he staring so hard like that?! He looks so hot!'

'Omg Jungkook is showing so much boyfriend material right now.'

'That stare! He's making me blush!'

'Jungkook a warning would have been nice!'

"Who was that?" Jin asked.

"Jennie. She's watching the live," Jungkook smiled brightly.

"She texted YOU and not me!?" he complained.

"Hey, that ringtone sounded familiar. Like a bell. Why a bell?" Jimin teased.

"No reason, Hyung. I thought it sounded nice," Jungkook shrugged.


The next day, Jennie started to work on her solo song. Bangtan's solos were supposed to go by age. The plan was for her song to be the first but Big Hit switched it and made her song last. The boys had begun filming for their WINGS films while she hadn't yet. A lot of big things will be happening for this comeback. One of them was her hair was finally going to get dyed. She was nervous because everyone had anticipated her having a new hair color since debut and she wanted it to be worth the wait.

With her solo song, she thought the lyrics and instrumentals were fine. But every time she sent it to the producers, they told her something was missing and it frustrated her. How come everyone else's song was fine but her song was getting the most criticism? Her song was different. Experimental even. This wasn't a sound that is usually in BTS. She'd showcase her DJ skills on the launch pad and guitar.

"Do you feel like singing today?" Pdogg asked as she sat on a video call with him and Slow Rabbit.

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because to me, it seems like you don't feel like singing,"

She sighed sharply, trying to not let her annoyance get to her. "I'm doing the best I can,"

"It's missing something, Jennie. It's almost there but something is missing," Slow Rabbit added.

"Look, this is the best I can do," she exclaimed.

"No, it isn't," he shook his head. "I know you can do better to make this song even more enhanced. Shout it out. Scream it,"

"I'm trying to shout it,"

"Well, you aren't shouting it," Pdogg said. "You need to dig down deep and sing out what you're feeling for this song,"

"Here, take a break from working on your song, today. Work on the guitar for 2! 3! and Lost. Send it when you're finished," Slow Rabbit said.

"Fine," she nodded and ended the call. 

She sighed loudly out of annoyance and ran her hair back with her hands.

"Fuck my life..." she complained.

She didn't want to work on anything at this point, she was so bothered by what they told her. After a moment of getting herself together, she did what she was told, playing the guitar for Lost and 2! 3! 

After she sent it in, she was praised for her efforts and had the rest of the day off from working on music. But her song continued to be on her mind. How much better can she do for this song? What else did they want? What was missing? She did want to sing. She sang as passionately as she could.

"What do you want me to do...?" she complained softly.

She went back to the document for her song and stripped all her vocals to start over. She listened to the instrumental of her song and sighed, understanding what she had to do.

'You want me to go back to that dark place...' she thought.

She didn't want to. She didn't want to think about it. She even had second thoughts about picking this song for this album but it was way too late to change now. This song was to express how she felt the day she got mobbed during her sister's play. Sure, it happened last year but that anxiety she felt and the whole experience still traumatized her. All those hate comments, the pressure, the high expectations, and the growing fame, began to overwhelm her as she realized that she was not a normal teenager anymore.

She'd always appear to have a smile on her face but deep down she was scared and in the back of her mind would always wonder when this would all come crashing down. 

That dreaded day of Vienna's play made Jen want to stop performing entirely and just go back home and deal with school, no longer being in the spotlight. To try to grasp what normality she had left. But after the support from everyone after that incident, she wanted to try to face all that negativity and destroy it with positive thoughts once and for all. This would be a start to that. To sing about it and twist it to optimism.

As she sat by her desk, she put her headphones on.

"Okay...let's go back to that nightmare..."


After crying, belting out high notes, and singing out her pain, she made the producers happy with her new and improved vocals and took a break from singing to dance.

Jen continued practicing the choreography for Blood, Sweat, and Tears, which will be BTS' comeback song in October. She was in the living room, performing a demo version of the song while Vienna and Alani were on their phones chilling nearby. Mr. Son and J-Hope sent her videos of where she will be and her choreography for the comeback.

It was...very sexy. This seemed like it was going to be a sexy comeback.

As she worked on perfecting her movements, she sent them recordings of her craft to get feedback.

After dancing for a few hours, she took a break and watched Family Guy with her sisters on the couch.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

A video from Jimin? What was he up to now? Since she left, the boys had sent her funny videos and photos. This was probably one of them.

"Ooo another video? Let's watch it! They crack me up!" Alani said.

"Yeah, why not?" Jennie pressed play while her sisters joined her in to watch.

The video showed Jimin, V, and Jungkook goofing around and practicing BST in the practice room.

"Jungkook! Imagine the floor is Jennie!" Jimin called out.

Out of nowhere, Jungkook did his signature handstand for the song, slowly lowering himself on the floor to grind against it.

"Jennie..." he said in a low voice, smirking at the camera.

"AHHHHHHH~!" her sisters screamed around her while Jen dropped her phone and shrieked.

"He did NOT just do that!" Alani shouted.

"And said your name like that! Are you two-"

"No!" Jen exclaimed, cutting Vienna off with her face flushed.

"You sure!?"


"I dunno man, that sounded like that's not the first time he said your name like that~!" Alani added.

"Oh my God! Stop!" Jennie covered her face.

Vienna grabbed the phone and replayed it so they could watch the entire video. Her sisters continued to freak out around her from his floor grind.

Jennie was NOT expecting a video like this. She thought it would be meme faces. Not him grinding against the floor.

'Wow, I wish I was under him...' she thought before shaking the dirty thoughts away.

My gosh, what was he doing to her? Everything he was doing made her squirm.

After he finished grinding on the floor, Jin was heard yelling to stay professional while Jimin and V laughed.

Her sisters kept replaying the video, expressing how surprised they were.

"Is this really your boyfriend? Because whew, the duality...girl..." Vienna fanned herself.

"I'm a little nervous about how he can turn into such a cute boy to something like this," Alani added.

"Right? He is so adorable and then he ends up popping out like this. No wonder so many girls swoon over him. Jen, watch out for all them female idols after your man," she teased.

"You know, you were staring kind of hard at the screen," Alani called Jennie out.

"I was not!" Jennie exclaimed as she grabbed her phone.

"She's so flustered," Vienna laughed with Alani.

Alani snatched the phone from her hands and ran to their mom who walked out of the kitchen to see what the ruckus was about.

"Mom! Get a load of this!" Alani laughed.

"Stop it! Give it! Mom, it's not what it looks like! Get off me, V!" Jen shouted as Vienna held her down while Alani showed the video.

"Um...what is he doing to my youngest?" their mom asked, wondering what the heck was happening.

"Nothing! Nothing at all! He was just messing around!" Jen said and got let go.

"You think he was? He looked pretty serious," Vienna teased.

He was just joking...right?

Or perhaps he wasn't. Because her head began to go crazy with the way he said her name so low like that. It'll be something that wouldn't be out of her mind for a while as she plotted a way to get him back for making her so flustered in front of her family.


With Jimin and V, they waited for her to reply. Curious as to why she had not responded yet, they looked back at the message and saw that she had read it. The two burst out into laughter.

"Jungkook, I think you killed your girlfriend," Jimin giggled.

"I did?" he asked, surprised. "What happened?"

"She hasn't responded to the video and left us on read this entire time," V laughed.

"I-I didn't make her uncomfortable, did I?" Jungkook asked with worry.

"Nah, don't worry, it's the other way around, Jungkookie! Hehe, you'll see. Just give her a moment to pull herself together. I'm sure she's quite flustered as we speak because of you," Jimin smiled confidently.


Back with Jennie, she continued to pull herself together. This man may just be the death of her. She then thought about the time she and Jungkook performed the coming of age ceremony in the practice room and recorded themselves. Man, those lyrics...

Jen: Jimin wtf!?

Jen: Wtf is he grinding on the floor so hard for!?

Jimin: kekekeke it took you a while to reply. You liked it, didn't you!?

Yes. Yes, she did.

Very much actually. To the point, she wanted to be the floor.

Jen: Okay yes but he needs to calm tf down! He can't be doing stuff like that when I'm not there! I'm suffering here!

Jen: omfg wait don't tell him I said that!

Jimin: Tell Jungkook. Okay. Got it

Jen: Jimin! NO!

"She liked it," Jimin laughed and showed Jungkook the messages.

Jungkook laughed, feeling his cheeks warm up. A large part of him felt relieved that she liked it. 

Maybe they could make it a reality soon.


As the days went by she continued to finish up working on the choreography, and went to Facetime with Jimin. Things were beginning to about him. And the sad part about it was that she knew.

She knew all too well what was going on.

She didn't want to believe it. She thought that her mind was playing tricks on her but his face was slimming down at a rapid rate and it began to worry her.

"Jimin?" she called out his name softly after he stopped laughing at his story about pranking Hobi.

"Yes, Ennie?"

"Did you eat today?"

Jimin's stomach dropped at her question. Of all days she had to be so observant. He would only eat once a day and tried not to eat a lot to lose as much weight as possible for their next comeback. It was an intense choice and he had already been feeling the side effects such as dizziness and fainting as he tried to work hard on his dancing.

"Yeah, why?" he lied, feeling his heart ache.

He hated lying to her. He knew she would do anything to get him to stop if she had known what he was doing in Korea.

Jennie narrowed her eyes slightly, watching his body language.

'You're lying to me...' she thought sadly.

"I dunno, to me you just look a little smaller in the face," she admitted.

"I'm eating, don't you worry, Ennie," he flashed her an eye smile

"I really hope you are..." she murmured. "Just take care of yourself, please. Promise me that?"

"...I promise."

"Okay...I have to go. I'll talk to you later,"

"A-all right. Bye Ennie,"

"Bye, Chim Chim," she ended the call and exhaled.

"I truly hope you're okay..." she murmured, fearing for the worst.

After her conversation with him, she scrolled on Twitter to check out what Armies had been saying about her while she was away. She was pleased to see how much she was missed.

'I'm so upset Jennie isn't in the ISAC this time because of her visa.'

That made her realize that today was the day everyone would be filming for ISAC. She was bummed she couldn't play volleyball this year. Instead, she would be cheering Bangtan on miles away whenever they sent her videos and photos.

'Whatever team she was supposed to be in volleyball would have won'

'ISAC probably made sure to schedule it when she couldn't attend since they know the other girl idols can't beat her in volleyball. Their loss'

'ISAC knows damn well Jennie will beat every single female idol in volleyball. They just don't want her to shine. They did that for The Boss Is Watching. We didn't forget!'

Snickering at the comment and agreeing, Jennie went on and liked it on BTS' Twitter which quickly got a reaction from fans.


'She liked!!'

'Who else would like it from their page? Jennie knows what's up!'

'Ooooo she's watching us'

'Lmaooooo she knows!'

'She soooo petty. The shade!'

'This confirms it!'


With Jungkook, after filming for the show, he went to visit Namjoon in his studio. He had a lot on his mind regarding his relationship with Jennie. And he felt like Namjoon was the best person to talk to.

"Hyung," Jungkook spoke up.

"Jungkook," he greeted with a smile and gestured for him to come in. "What brings you here?"

"I uh...can I talk to you? I figured you were the best one to talk to about something like this,"

"Yeah, of course. Shut the door and take a seat,"

As soon as Jungkook plopped down on the seat next to him, he sighed. "It's about Jennie,"

"Is everything all right between you two? I know you've been feeling down because of the distance,"

"I'm fine. And yeah, things are great. It's just that...well she...she's just...on my mind a lot lately and I can't stop thinking about her in that way."

Namjoon immediately knew what he meant and nodded. 

So, it was about that time, huh? 

He had a feeling this was going to be happening sooner or later with how touchy he's been with her, lately. And with that floor grinding video, it didn't just look like a simple video to mess with her.

"I had a feeling this was going to happen sooner or later. Have you told her any of this?"

"No, I...I want to but part of me chickens out,"

"You two talk about everything. Why do you think this conversation will be different?"

"I just don't want to turn her off or scare her away, I guess. Or make things awkward if she's not ready like I am,"

"Communication is key and Nini is extremely understanding. You're overthinking it. She loves you and is not going to be scared away that easily. When you feel ready, speak to her about this. And make sure you two are alone for this conversation. Not when the boys are around and acting loud,"


After spinning around in her seat, Jennie played what she had worked on for Taehyung's solo song, Stigma. She helped with the background vocals with jazzy oohs and ahs. She smiled at how his voice sounded. His high note was astonishing to hear and she couldn't wait to hear it live when they go on tour.

For Suga's solo, First Love, she played the guitar for it and noticed the hidden melody of So Far Away which had gotten her emotional.

"Take a break!" a loud voice startled her. Jennie turned her head to see Alani by her door, arms crossed. "You've been on that thing all day. A break won't hurt. The album ain't going nowhere. And you finished everything so just chill for once,"

"Nooooo, I feel like there is still work to be done," Jen complained.

Alani simply rolled her eyes and left.

"Well, that was easy to get her to leave me alone," she murmured.

While she continued working, she suddenly heard music blasting which happened to be Rihanna's Pon De Replay. Before she knew it, Vienna and Alani came in with a large speaker, dancing.

Come, Mr. DJ, song pon de replay

Come, Mr. DJ, won't you turn the music up?

"Oh my God..." Jennie covered her face with her hands, laughing softly. "Really?"

"Come on~! Living room, let's go!" Alani said over the music, holding the speaker.

"Rihanna dance party! Take a break! No more album work, today!" Vienna grabbed Jennie and dragged her downstairs with them.

After Alani set the speaker on the floor, she continued to dance around Jennie with Vienna.

"No more thinking about work today. Loosen up and dance with us. It's Rihanna! Come on~!" Alani exclaimed, earning a sigh from her youngest sister. "If you ready to move say,'"

"Yeah, yeah!" Jen sang with a smile.

"One time for your mind say it,"

"Yeah, yeah!" her smile got wider and she joined in to dance with them. "Well, I'm ready for ya, come let me show ya. You want to groove, I'ma show you how to move. Come, come,"

"There you go~!" Vienna cheered.

It was good to take a break and Jen was thankful for her sisters. She did feel overwhelmed with this album dropping in October. There were high expectations and she wanted to make sure she did everything she could to make the songs great with the small role she was given.

Where Have You Been came on as Vienna tried to remember the choreography.

Where have you been?

'Cause I never see you out

Are you hiding from me, yeah?

Somewhere in the crowd

"I learned it in a dance class a while back. Hold on," Vienna began to think as she stood in the middle of her sisters.

Once the beat dropped, she executed the dance break with no errors while her sisters followed her.

"Oh~! I remember! From the music video!" Alani added.

"When Rihanna and the dancers did that pose that looked like an eye? Top tier!" Jen praised.

"Yeah, that was the coolest thing," Vienna beamed.

As songs like What's My Name, Hard, and Umbrella came on, the trio sang their hearts out while bouncing around the living room and on the couch. Once Breakin' Dishes blasted on the speaker, they became excited since it was one of their favorite Rihanna songs.

"I was waiting for this one!" Vienna yelled happily.

"Are we singing it like we usually do?" Jennie asked with anticipation.

"Let's switch it up!" Alani suggested.

"All right, I'll go," Vienna offered.

He been gone since 3:30

"3:30!" Jen shouted.

Been coming home lately at 3:30


As the chorus came on, the trio danced around, pretending to be angry while shouting out the lyrics.

I'm breakin' dishes up in here, all night

I ain't gon' stop until I see police lights

"I'm still waiting, come through the door. I'm killing time, you know, bleaching your clothes!" Jennie sang the second verse like she was tired of a man's BS. "I'm roasting marshmallows on the fire. And what I'm burning is your attire. I'm getting restless,"

"Uh!" Alani shouted.

"I'm getting tested!"

"Let him know!"

"And I can't believe he's always out every night and never checks in!"

"He cheating?"

"Is he cheating? Man, I don't know. I'm looking 'round for something else to throw!" Jennie grabbed a pillow and threw it.

After spending the next hour partying to Rihanna's songs, Jennie went to plug in her music and pressed shuffle. Fall Out Boy's Irresistible came on which made her smile.

"Hey, didn't you make a cover of this song recently?" Vienna asked.

"Uh huh!" she beamed, thinking about the series of covers she had done and posted on BTS' SoundCloud for ARMY.

"Did Fall Out Boy notice you, yet?"

"Yeah! I met them! They're so cool! I hope we can collaborate, soon!"


With Matt Rife, he continued to search on social media about Jennie, getting to understand who she was and what she did. He even checked out some fan accounts about her and thought she was even cuter than he anticipated. What surprised him the most was that she was taking self-defense classes. Her teacher had posted a recent video of her throwing him over her hip for a quick takedown after grappling him. Matt was astonished by how strong she was.

What a beauty.

He scrolled through the comments as fans geeked out that she was doing fine in America and raved about how strong she was.

'Omg she really did that!'

'I feel bad for the members if they try to mess with her now, lol'

'RIP Jin! She's preparing for their wrestling match!'

'Can she throw me like that on the ground?'

'If she throws me like that, I would say thank you'

'She can punch me in the face anytime!'


'Wow, she's so strong'

'I love that she's taking self-defense classes. I want to take them now.'

Soon after, he couldn't help himself and wrote a comment too.

'@JJennie_JW you can throw me like that anytime ;)'

And of course, he was told by Armies to back off.


For a while, ARMY began to notice a shift in Jungkook's demeanor. He did not seem as happy as he usually was and his jokes weren't common like they used to be. Sure he'd smile and laugh whenever he was with the members but the truth was that this distance between him and Jennie was difficult to adjust to. It did make him ponder about this being a preview for when he goes off to the military.

Twitter noticed his attitude change and made threads about him being unhappy. Along with that, people were asking about Jennie and her future with BTS because it seemed like she wasn't doing anything or being involved anymore.

'Okay WHERE is Jennie? Thread'

'Guys Jennie has not been active with BTS in a while. She has not been with them for their recent concerts or V-Lives and I am worried something bad happened'

The thread went on to come up with various theories on the matter while armies were quick to put in their two cents.

'I hope she isn't leaving BTS.'

'Yeah, where tf is she? And she hasn't posted anything in a while! That's unusual! BTS stay posting but there is nothing about her these days'

'They talk about her on vlive so that's a good sign things are fine, right?'

'You think she fought with a member or something?'

'Come to think of it, maybe that's why Jungkook has been looking off these days. They may have fought and aren't on speaking terms'

'Like you see the body language of Jungkook lately? They had a bad argument and aren't friends anymore'

'What? What kind of mess is that? That's a dumb theory'

'You guys are dumb. It's her VISA'

'A visa doesn't take that long to go through. She should be back by now'

'Come to think of it, yeah, you may be right. I'm sure things are finished by now and she could come back to Korea'

'I think her visa is taking longer than usual and that's why. Relax,'

'Maybe Big Hit is just letting her spend more time with her family like the perfect company they are!'

'Nah, Big Hit is sabotaging her. She should be back with Bangtan'

'No, they're probably letting her spend more time in America before coming back. They're a great company and allowing her to spend time with her family. Calm down'

'No, they're not a great company! They are ruining her! She needs to get out of there. I hate seeing her inactive'

'All y'all need to just trust that things with Jennie are going to be fine. Stop making everyone anxious about this. Jennie is still with BTS'

Since Jennie still couldn't go back to Korea yet, the staff decided to fly to America to film her Wings 8 video. They rented a big space to make sure they had all they needed for the short film. The company decided to have her video and song be the last ones out of the group. The solo videos were going to begin getting released around September 4th and her video was scheduled for September 19th before they changed plans and made her show up last.

Despite working on the album, Big Hit still wanted her to remain off social media. It had been hard since she wanted to engage with fans and shout out other idol groups for their comebacks like Monsta X and Got7 but she did what she was told.

'Short Film Making Story'


With the camera filming her getting ready, she happily waved to it and began to speak.

"Hey, it's your girl Jennie and today I am here to film my Wings short film! And look! My hair is finally dyed! Frickin red! Ahhh~!" she cutely jumped up and down and showed it off before letting the stylist continue their work. "Now y'all can stop asking me every single comeback! I mean look at this! Look! This hair is amazing! I look so good! I'm glad I went through with it. Red looks great on me! Rihanna vibes!"

"She cried," the stylist put her on blast.

'Miss Bangtan Is Put On Blast'

Jennie stared at the stylist, astounded. "I-I didn't cry!"

"Yes, you did. You were like, 'Oh God please let my hair be okay. Please don't let it fall out or get damaged,'" the stylist teased.

"Shut it!"

Jen went over to the set that looked similar to an airport as she wore jeans and a black and white hoodie with a messy bun.

"I have no idea what the guys are doing for their short films," she added. "But since I'm here in America, the staff came here so we can film. Even though I'm having some visa issues, that doesn't mean I'm stopping my bag. We're making this work. I want you to see a different side of me for this comeback. I hope you look forward to it and keep cheering me on,"

She was given a bag to carry as the stylists did the finishing touches to her hair and makeup. 

"I'm supposed to be playing three people today," she announced to the camera with a nervous expression. "My regular self as you see now and then my dark and good personas. Kind of like an angel and a devil on your shoulders. It's going to be cool how the video is going to be created."

"Action!" the director announced.

Jen went on with the role, walking through the airport, clutching her bag. She looked around frantically before rushing into the women's bathroom. 

After recording her walking a couple of times to get all the right angles, she was then filmed in front of a bathroom sink. She placed her palms on it with a troubled facial expression as she stared at herself in the mirror. Before she knew it, she backed away, startled, and began to look confused.

For the scene with her back in the home she was in for the I Need U MV, she did a costume change, wearing a black suit with a black lace bodysuit under it. This time she was playing her evil persona with her hair down.

"I lowkey always wanted to play an evil person. I wonder how long it'll take for me to get into character. My sister helped me practice for the role. I hope she likes my acting and doesn't roast me for it. My acting lessons will pay off too!" she laughed. "I'm supposed to be speaking to myself. It'll be weird speaking to air but in the video, it'll have all three of me in the shot. So, you'll see how it all develops,"

Once she heard action, Jennie leaned her back against the counter and glanced over nonchalantly at her dead ex who was on the floor.

"Welp..." she murmured coldly and turned to where her other self would be leaning over the counter. "Hey. Pull yourself together."

'Jennie channels her inner evil self with charisma'

"Come on, let me take over. I'm tired of this 50/50 fight," she said smugly like she was looking at the good persona of herself.

For the last shot, Jennie sat in the waiting room of the airport, playing some notes from her solo song on the guitar. While she played, someone walked over to her which caused her to stop and acknowledge the person. The camera remained on her, only showing the person's footsteps to keep viewers guessing who had found her.

Once the director announced that the shot was finished, everyone cheered while Jennie happily jumped out of her seat and bowed politely.

"Thank you! Woo! I'm done~! Yay! I can't wait for the video to drop! Look forward to it ARMY!" she waved goodbye to the camera.


Wings 8: Evermore

"I wanted only to live in accord with the promptings which came from my true self. Why was that so very difficult?" Jennie narrated from Demain before the screen faded in to reveal her feet running through the airport.

It panned up to her back as footsteps and her heavy breathing were heard. She had been running and slowed down the pace to speed walk. There was hardly anyone in the airport as she looked around, clutching her bag tightly with her guitar on her back. She appeared troubled as several thoughts went through her mind like she did something regretful and thought someone was going to find her.

All that was on her mind was that she had to leave. Asap. She could not stay here. Not after what happened.

Finding the women's bathroom, she rushed into it and set her bag and guitar down against the wall. Jen exhaled sharply, and approached a sink, placing her palms on it. Slowly, she looked up to meet her reflection in the mirror.

"You're okay..." she whispered to herself.

She looked fine but on the inside, she felt like hell. Upon looking at herself, she was startled when a woman that looked exactly like her, stared at her from behind. Only not in a bun but with her hair down and black clothing.

This dark figure she stared at smirked softly, which caused Jennie to look confused.

What was going on? Why was she staring at herself wearing different clothes and hair? The dark figure even had the same white butterfly necklace in contrast with the dark clothes.

Jen tilted her head to the side and watched as the figure copied her movements. She then tilted her head to the other side and watched as the figure did the same. Swiftly turning around, she was met with nothing. The woman was gone.

She took a few steps forward. Okay, maybe she was imagining things.

But little did she know, the dark figure was behind her. When Jennie turned around, her face was cupped into the dark figure's hands, and her forehead pressed against hers, ending the shot as the screen went black.

For the next shot, Jennie was back at home where she was in for the I Need U MV. She had on the same white dress from the MV with the messy bun still intact.

She stood against the kitchen counter with her forearms on it. Her face remained emotionless as she thought about what had just happened.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 86- WINGS 8

The camera panned over to the feet on the floor that belonged to her ex. To ease her nerves, she tapped her shaky fingers against the glass of water she had in her hands. Her mind began to fog up with negative thoughts about her fate.

Abruptly, the dark persona of hers leaned her back against the counter, crossing her arms. She glanced at the body nonchalantly.

"Welp..." her dark persona spoke coldly. She had no remorse for the man. She turned to Jennie and watched as she was still in a state of shock. "Hey. Pull yourself together..."

A loud sigh was heard as Jennie's good persona stood on the other side, facing the counter. She wore a white suit and her red hair was straightened. A black butterfly necklace was placed around her neck as she stared at the body sympathetically. She placed a hand on Jennie's shoulder.

"Are you all right?" her good persona asked.

"Of course, she is. He got what he deserved," her dark persona answered, earning a frown in return.

"It was an accident,"

"An accident? Please...if he's dead, he deserved it," her dark persona bluntly replied.

"She is not a bad person," her good persona denied and removed her hand from Jennie.

"That's where you're wrong. There's a bit of evil in all of us and you know it," her dark persona turned to Jennie who continued to look forward. A wicked smile crept on her lips. "I bet that felt good...tempting..."

"It was a scary situation she was put in. It didn't feel good at all. She's full of remorse,"

"To you. She's more like me now and soon she will become all of me,"

"She will never become what you are. Not while I'm here,"

"Look around you," the dark persona gestured, briefly looking around. "Look at what happened. This is her true self,"

"This is not her,"

"Yes, it is. She won't be needing you, anymore. Come on, let me take over, I'm tired of this 50/50 fight,"

"She'll atone. I'm not giving up on her," 

"Well, it certainly wasn't you that she channeled to do what she did. You're too soft. Enough was enough."

The good persona ignored her and leaned toward Jennie's ear. "You are still a good person. You defended yourself. It was self defense."

Having enough, the dark persona grabbed Jen by the chin and turned her head slightly, speaking in her ear as she glared at his body. "Look at what you've done. Look at him suffer! He deserved every bit of it! This was what you wanted to do for a very long time. This was building for weeks!" she began to shout angrily. "These men think they can do whatever they want to us, say whatever they want, disrespect us, and hurt us?! No. They did it to the wrong one this time,"

Jennie seemed to have slowly gotten out of her shocked state when she heard a loud groan from the floor.

So he was still alive...

That calmed her nerves a bit as Jennie managed to walk across the counter to stand and look at his weakened state. He faintly called out her name in anger, uttering out curses.

"Huh. So, the piece of shit is still alive," her dark persona said with a scowl as she stood next to Jennie with her arms crossed.

"Good. There's still time," her good persona said, standing on her other side.

"No..." her dark persona turned to Jennie. "You know exactly what to do...end it,"

"No. Don't throw it all away. You're better than this. You are not alone and you know which route to take," her good persona said as the trio looked at the man on the floor.

Back to reality, Jennie had awakened in the waiting area of her flight thanks to her phone notifications going off. She also noticed that it was getting close to her flight arrival and more people were showing up at the airport.

Curious about the messages, she went through them and noticed it was all about whether she was all right which made her tear up. Everyone was asking for her whereabouts. But she had to ignore it and keep moving forward. She needed to leave.

Before she could turn her phone off, the person she wanted to avoid the most began to call. She hesitated to answer as she stared at the caller ID while the camera didn't show who was calling. 

Placing her phone back into her bag, she grabbed her guitar out of the case and began to play the opening notes of her song to distract herself.

The camera panned to the floor to show footsteps approaching her and they stopped near the row she sat at. As Jen stopped playing, the instrumental of her song continued to play in the background.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she let out a breath and acknowledged the hand. She then slowly turned her head to look up in the direction of the individual she predicted to find her as the screen faded to black.

"Looks like you found me..."

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 81- BTS Festa 2016

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 81- BTS Festa 2016

Chapter Summary: BTS celebrate their Festa for 2016

Words: 4,000+


BTS Festa 2016 profile

Name- Jennie Walker

Hashtag- #JamminWithSmartie

Position- The thriving black girl in BTS

Body Size- Big butt and I cannot lie!

My smartie love is peerless in BTS

Talent- DJing

Hobby- Playing guitar, traveling

A line that gives me strength- I’m proud of you 

Something I did recently that makes me very proud- Working on a song with Angelina

I’m the No. 1 in BTS for- Volleyball

I’m the No. 7 in BTS for- doing pelvic thrusts :(

When I’m drowsy- I like to sleep

Happiest moment is- Celebrating three years with BTS

My recent concern is- obsessive “fans”

Something that has changed from last year- I’m rapping much better. Can’t wait to showcase it 

A line of BTS song which I’d like to give to you is- Just one day, if I can be with you

A new modifier I created for myself is- Ruler of all Smarties

I will compliment myself- Giiiiirl! You’re THRIVING! Keep up the great work beautiful

My goal in 2016- Endorse Nike

2016 bucket list- to collab with more artists, showcase more of my talents as an artist and endorse Nike

To have people who support me is like- the best feeling ever. I love being unlifted and uplifting others. Positive energy only


As a tradition, she wrote about all the members.

I’m thankful when Jin looks out for me

I dislike when Jin watches me like a hawk lol

The moment I was the happiest with Jin was when we wrestled together

When I see Jin cooking, my mouth waters and I can’t wait to eat

Something I wish for him is more lines for songs because I love hearing his voice and feel like it’s not shown off enough in our music.

The thing that connects me and Jin is our enjoyment of trying new food

I want to be Jin’s daughter for a long time


I’m thankful when Rapmon helps me with my Korean.

I dislike when Rapmon snores :(

The moment I was the happiest with Rapmon was when we took walks together

When I see Rapmon working hard on music it motivates me to work harder.

Something I wish for Rapmon is to continue being who you are and don’t ever change.

The thing that connects me and Rapmon is our eagerness to learn

I want to be there for him always


I’m thankful when Suga teaches me about rap

I dislike when Suga doesn’t want me to take a nap with him

The moment I was the happiest with Suga was napping with him.

When I see Suga napping, I like to join him

Something I wish for Suga is good health

The thing that connects me and Suga is our unique friendship

I want to be Suga’s rapping partner if we can one day be in units


I’m thankful when J-Hope saves my life

I dislike when he gets sad

The moment I was the happiest with J-Hope was when we danced together

When I see J-Hope my frown turns upside down

Something I wish for him is even more positive vibes

The thing that connects me and J-Hope is dancing

I want to be his friend forever


I’m thankful when Jimin gives me advice

I dislike when Jimin doubts himself

The moment I was the happiest with Jimin was when we were pranking the guys

When I see Jimin dance, I look at him in admiration

Something I wish for him is happiness

The thing that connects me and Jimin is how much fun we like to have no matter how busy our schedules are

I want to be Jimin’s dance partner for dance covers one day


I’m thankful when V spoke to me when I first came to Korea

I dislike when V is sad

The moment I was the happiest with V was when we goof around in the dorm

When I see V rap, I cheer him on proudly

Something I wish for him is many more years of friendship

The thing that connects me and him is our trainee days

I want to be your travel buddy


I’m thankful when Jungkook makes me happy

I dislike when Jungkook overworks himself.

The moment I was the happiest with Jungkook was 1-16-16. Haha what a great day.

When I see Jungkook happy, it makes me happy

Something I wish for Jungkook is more cherishing moments

The thing that connects me and Jungkook is how much we relate to each other

I want to be Jungkook’s Marvel Bestie forever


The next day for the Festa, a surprise video for BTS’ YouTube channel was released. Armies were surprised to see it was Jin in the kitchen, with an apron on while cooking. Then he turned around.

“There is a certain someone that I have unfinished business with Army,” he spoke. “Someone by the name of Miss Bangtan. I want my championship. The K-Pop title is supposed to be mine and I demand a rematch! You see, I was going easy on you and I’ll admit I underestimated you. But this time, I won’t be holding back! Jin will show no mercy this time! I mean it! I will win! I am worldwide handsome, do you understand!?“

The caption, ‘StopJennie2K16’ came up on the screen

“This time, it will be the match of my choosing. After doing my research on types of wrestling matches, I challenge you to a Falls Count Anywhere match! We wrestle everywhere! At any time! I am taller than you! I am stronger than you, and I will beat you! Jin versus Jennie part 2, coming very soon on your local Bangtan Bomb! Now...accept my challenge, missy! That title needs a more worthy champion to hold it,” he pointed his spatula at the camera and signed out after blowing a kiss.

Jen tweets, ‘Lmfaooooo what!? Is that how you coming? #Jen’

‘Yes, I am. Everyone knows worldwide handsome should have won #Jin’

‘You want a match? Okay. You got it. Challenge accepted. #Jen’

'We bout to go to war, we bout to swing today! Start training. You’re going to need it, gramps #Jen’

‘I am not a grandpa! Watch your back little girl! #Jin’


For the day of their birthday festa event for V-Live, the members were currently at their dress rehearsal. Everyone seemed to be anticipating Jin and Rapmon’s dance battles the most as they sat in their seats.

“You’re freaking cool!” V encouraged as the lights went out, with Rapmon waiting for the music to come on. “Woo!”

“Okay!” Jen cheered as he began to dance.

Yoongi and Hobi started laughing as they watched him.

“His expression is daebak!” Suga said

“Oooooohhhhhh!” V cheered.

After he finished his last move, Jen started screaming with the rest of the members as they all cheered and freaked out.

“That’s my leader! He killed that 'ish! He killed it!” she shouted.

“Wow, you’re cool!” Jin added.

“He’s good. Really good,” Jimin praised.

“Hyung’s coming now,” Jungkook announced on the mic. 

“Wooooooooo! Let’s go Jin!” Jennie cheered as the lights popped on and he began to dance. 

Yoongi and Hobi were cracking up while she and V were bouncing in their seats, vibing to his performance.

“He’s so, so awesome!” Jimin spoke.

“Okay! Okay! I see you, Jin! That’s what I’m talking about!” Jennie shouted.

She was proud of them both. They worked so hard and it paid off. She knew viewers were going to enjoy it.

Next up was Jen, Jungkook, and Jimin’s coming of age ceremony.

“Ah, I think it’s going to be so embarrassing,” Jimin called out.

“We’ll look forward to it!” Jin announced.

“We're going to kill it! We'll be fine,” Jen cheered.

“Fighting!” V quickly said.

As the song came on, the members watched them dance. Jen was in the middle for the performance, giving it 110% as the members cheered.

"Look at Jennie!" Rapmon cheered. "Go, Jennie!"

Hobi pointed out that Jimin had gotten some of the dance moves wrong in the beginning.

“Their moves are different from each other!” Jin called out.

nan ije deo isang sonyeoga aniyeyo

geudae deo isang mangseoriji marayo

geudae gidaryeodeon mankeum

nado oneureul gidaryeosseoyo

jangmi seumusongil naege jwoyo

As the lights went out, they reappeared for their dance break which made the members laugh and watch in awe. 

Next up was Sope’s vocal duet. Jennie sat with Jungkook for this performance. Suga started singing first, walking on stage with Hobi.

“Okay! Vocals!” she praised, waving her arm around

“Everybody! Stand up! Clap! Clap!” J-Hope announced as he jumped around.

Jimin covered his face, laughing while Jennie stood up with her phone. Putting the flashlight on, she started waving it around. When Hobi started screaming into the mic, she sat back down and laughed, covering her mouth while Jungkook stomped his feet and slapped his thigh while laughing.

“Oh my gosh...” she said as they continued to sing all extra.

“My throat freaking hurts,” J-Hope said in the mic after they finished.

“That was cool,” Rapmon stated. “You guys are cool. Really cool.”

“You guys are good.” Jin praised.

“Jennie, you’re up,” the staff announced.

“Oh boy,” she got out of her seat and made her way to the stage.

“ENNIE!” V and Jimin cheered.

“Go, Jennie! Go, Jennie! Go! Go! Go, Jennie!” Hobi rapped.

“This is going to be funny,” Rapmon chuckled.

A couch was already placed on the stage and she kneeled behind it as the lights went out. As soon as the music came on, the lights popped back on and she rose up to sit on the couch and began to sing. The guys watched her admiringly and even laughed since they knew how much she preferred more badass concepts.

Hobi studied the intensity of her movements, making sure she was doing the moves right since she had asked him about a few dance moves while practicing. Rapmon nodded his head to the beat while the Maknae Line started dancing, swaying in their seats. Periodically they would shout silly things to cheer her on.

“Perfect weather can’t get no better,” she rapped.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the guys shouted as she started rapping on the couch.

Tonight, It’s the night

boreumdareul jomyeong sama

sarangeul soksagigi ttak joheun bam

gibun joheun nalssi yeolhansi wanbyeokhan seting

haneulmajeodo uril chukbokhana bwa

Suga nodded in approval and stood up to applaud. “This is my smartie!" 

After she finished her performance, Suga jumped up and down, "WOOOOOOO! My smartie!”

After getting off stage, she was met by high fives from the guys, who congratulated her on a job well done.

“I’m proud of smartie! She has done well with the rap!” Suga smiled at the camera.

“He’s so happy,” Hobi giggled.

Next up was V’s Cypher pt 3 solo stage which was what Jennie had been anticipating the most. She stood on the side of the stage with the members.

As the song began, V began bouncing. “Ohhhhh. Oh, oh, oh. Do you know this song?” he asked as Jennie danced with Hobi.

V even was wearing Suga’s outfit for the occasion as he began rapping his heart out.

niga mueoseul hadeun I will kill for

naega mueoseul hadeun I’ll be real for

ttokbaro bwa

ige baro niga ba baran beast mode

namjaneun dambae,

yeojaneun baram pil ttae

I smoke beat this a beat smoke

“Who the man told you crazy? Who the fella told you crazy, I’m better than ya lazy,” Jen mouthed, pointing to the camera.

kibodeuro hiphap haneun nomdeulboda

baek baeneun yeolsimhi salji

Rapmon squinted his eyes shut, trying to keep his laughs in as he covered his mouth. “I can’t,”

Suga had his arms crossed as he chuckled while watching V rap. Jennie looked like a proud best friend watching him rap while the rest of the guys stood there, staring at him.

“Hi, I’m Kim Taehyung, I’m so happy I get to rap like this. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho- oh shit!” he rapped passionately.

The guys continued to laugh as Jimin threw his body forward, holding his stomach while Jennie continued bopping around with a proud smile on her face. Everyone made their way on stage as V started bouncing around for the chorus.

Haterdeureun manchi

“Okay!” Jen shouted on the mic, hyping him up while bending her knees slightly, rocking to the beat.

But no problem, I kill

“All right!”

nal mutgi wihae nae keorieoeda padaeneun sapjil

“Say what!? Frankly, you don’t what!? You can’t control my shit!”

bulsineul chamanaen ninjaga dwae dasi dorawatji

As he continued to rap J-Hope’s part, V started dabbing, which made them all laugh and copy his movements behind him. As the chorus came on again, V started dabbing around and Jen joined him as they jumped all over the stage dancing with each other. Suga took over his own verse before V could as they all laughed. And then V joined in.

nuga nae dwieseo nareul yeotmaegideun

nideuri chyeonol ttae urin segyeilju

“Uh! Uh! Okay? Okay? Fuck it up!” she rocked back and forth.

After the song ended, even the staff was laughing.

“You’re good,” Rapmon said.

“So we will watch him quietly like this during the middle and then when it’s Suga hyung’s verse, Suga hyung will rap,” Hobi said.

“I’ll create a surprise twist,” Suga replied.

“Yeah, do the twist, then V goes and then we can-“

“Together. Everyone do it together,” Rapmon suggested.

“And then at the last chorus, we’ll all play together,” Hobi added.

“This wasn’t planned, right?” Jimin asked.


For the opening of the show, Jin and Jen waited for their cue as the camera was now on Jimin and J-Hope. The camera panned to them and they both picked up the piece of paper and held it together as it said, ‘BTS Happy Birthday’

They turned to each other, smiled, and started walking towards the stage. Then they turned around and blocked the camera with their hands.

“Hey, is this your first three year anniversary party?” Rapmon announced, opening up for Dope over the screaming fans who waved their Army Bombs.

After performing Dope, they stood on stage together and did their signature greeting. Rapmon started off by greeting the fans and saying that they were streaming on V-Live+. For the event, J-Hope and Jimin were today’s MCs.

“This segment is to recognize BTS’s three hard years and Army fans,” J-Hope announced. “It’s called BTS Awards.”

“Last week, we asked fans to pick our best photo, the best Bangtan Bomb, and the best moment for BTS,” Jimin said. “Let’s see the candidates and see who got first,”

There were chairs placed for each member as they took a seat. Jennie sat in between Suga and V. They checked out the candidates for best photo as they looked at the screen.

“Oh wow~!” Jen said. 

One was from the fire MV, the other was from their three year anniversary and the other seemed like it was from the Begins concert. The members watched as Jimin unveiled each photo which had a variety of dots on them to determine which one had the most votes.

“You need help?” Jennie laughed when Jimin pulled off the cover for the first picture but it almost fell over and J-Hope had to fix it.

“He always needs help,” Jungkook replied, making them laugh.

“Jimin, this almost fell over,” J-Hope said. “Don’t do that,”

In the end, the Begins concert photo got the most votes.

“Let’s pick our best BTS Bomb,” Jimin said as they looked at the screen.

The one where they were having fun in the hotel, got the most votes.

For BTS’ best moment, everyone voted for when they debuted. 

“That day was the start of our journey. So many memorable moments. We’re extremely grateful for you all being there for us for three years. Let’s hope for many more.” Jen beamed.

“We’re more than happy about this. I heard our Army fans have awards for us too,” Suga added.

“In our special BTS Awards, Army fans prepared awards for BTS,” J-Hope announced. “Rap Monster. The first of many. 772 Award.” he said as 772 meant clumsy.

“I present this award for his excellence. From BTS army fans June 13, 2016. There are other awards. Destroyed the world award.” Jimin announced.

That made Jen laugh with Rapmon and the audience. Rapmon also won the buy two shoes with 10,000 won award.

Jin won the looks good every day, Old Man’s Jokes, Everything tastes good/tasty meals, and Korean meals awards.

“He got five awards. I’m envious.” Suga said.

“Thank you. I’ll make an old man’s joke to honor this moment.” Jin said. “What’s the biggest nose in the world?”

Suga won ‘Otousan’, ‘Suga genius best man’ and ‘I can die for Naver’ awards. With the Otousan award, Hobi explained that Suga seems chic but cares for other members and fans. So like a father figure.

“I’ll do my best to be worthy of these awards. Thank you,” Suga replied.

J-Hope won dances like a God, shares hope with the world and You can depend on Hobi awards. Jimin won Jungkook’s mom award, fan café fairy and Fatal award. The fatal award was about his charm. V won A walking case study, Meant to be, and the T-Zone great looks award.

Jungkook won suspiciously quiet, Jungkook’s face but Jungkook’s body, and everyone’s guy award.

“Ennie~!” Jimin sang as cheers got louder once she stood up with a smile and made her way over to him. “Awards. Name. Jennie. I present to you the Smartie Gobbler award, Nike’s force of greatness and cutest DJ,“

“Why thank you very much,” she bowed, taking the paper. “One day I’ll be able to endorse Nike and become a true force of greatness for their product. Nike if you’re watching this, I am still available!”

“It’s been years. Someone from the company call her up,” Suga laughed.

She went to shake Jimin’s hand and then V eagerly shook her hand too before she went back to her seat.

“I want to give BTS an award. It goes like this, BTS always thinks of Army award,” Suga said and pointed to the crowd, making them cheer while Hobi laughed.

For the next segment, the members decide to make their own cake. A table was brought up on stage and there were two cakes on the table. Their table consisted of ingredients for them to decorate.

“Shouldn’t we just let Jennie do this? She bakes.” Jimin suggested.

“Yeah, a lot. And her baking is delicious.” Rapmon added.

“I actually baked these cakes,” Jen replied.

“Oh! Perfect!” Jin cheered.

“Thank goodness. It’s been a while since we had your delicious baking,“ V said.

“I also baked for Army. You’ll be receiving cupcakes that I made for you all,” she announced to loud cheers. “A token of my appreciation for embracing me here in Korea. Thank you again.”

“Awwwwww,” they responded and chanted her name, which caused her to smile and bow.

Bangtan was set to team up in two teams to decorate. For the teams, it was Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin going up against Rapmon, V and Jen.

“We have Jennie, it’s OK,” Rapmon said confidently.

As they decorated it, Jen used the icing to spell out BTS in a decorative way while V and Jimin began dancing around, entertaining the crowd.

“I need you to destroy these cookies. Destroy them and then sprinkle them all over. I don't care about it looking neat. It’ll look fine with the crumbs,” Jen said as Rapmon did what he was told.

After the time was up, their cakes were judged.

“If she wasn’t on our team, we would’ve screwed up the cake with the cream.” Rapmon laughed.

After the segment, they went to go change, meanwhile, a video was played of Bang PD. Backstage in a separate dressing room, Jen changed into her outfit for the Coming of Age Ceremony, wearing a suit. While she got ready, SOPE performed.

When she made her way to the stage, waiting to go on, she met up with Jungkook and Jimin. She high fived Jimin and turned to Jungkook.

"We got this!" she gave Jungkook a quick peck on the lips.

As the three of them got on stage, ARMY screamed and cheered as they performed effortlessly with Jennie singing the song and dancing in the middle sensually. 

After the performance, she quickly rushed backstage to change for the Full Moon performance. She wore an outfit similar to Sunmi's in the music video in black while going barefoot.

Sitting in a chair, the make up artist began to put red lipstick on her lips and finished up her look to make her look like a vampire just like Sunmi in her music video. 

After getting situated, she stood backstage, pacing around, as her nerves began to get to her.

“Perfect weather can get no better!” Hobi rapped as he made his way over to her with a bright smile. That helped calm her nerves and she let out a laugh. “You’re going to do great out there. Especially the rap,” he kissed her forehead.

Once it was her time to shine, she made her way to the stage. The stage was dark as the couch was placed in the middle, waiting for her. She kneeled behind it as she heard the crowd anticipating what was next. As the music started, she slowly rose up from the couch with the lights appearing on the stage. That piercing gaze in her eyes made fans scream as she made her way to the couch.

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(OK JW Leggo)

She began to sing in a low, mature voice as she sat on the couch and danced.

jigeum dangjang amu maldo pillyo eobseo

geudaewa naui nunbichi malhaejuneungeol

Bouncing in her seat, she shimmied her shoulders. Her goal was to see dance gracefully yet add the sensuality and keep it balanced. It also helped with the way she would be staring into the soul of the camera, which made viewers freak out.

malhaji ma amu maldo pillyo eobseo

chokchogi jeojeun nae ipsure salmyeosi dagawa ip matchwojwo

saranghandan ppeonhan geu han madiga

teukbyeolhage neukkyeojineun oneul bam

wae iri simjangeun ppalli ttwineunji

ja ije sigani dwaesseo

Standing up from the couch, she danced the chorus, as she made a moon with her fingers and extended her left foot to the side.

geudaeyeo boreumdari tteuneun nal, nal boreowayo

i bami gagi jeone hae tteugi jeone seodulleojwoyo

geudaeyeo boreumdari tteuneun nal, geudae sarangeul jwoyo (Jen Walker!)

Armies seemed to have screamed out the fan chants because she started to notice it was almost as loud as the music. She fought the urge to smile and stayed in her Full Moon persona.

i bami gagi jeone hae tteugi jeone nal boreo wayo (Saranghae!)

Slowly kneeling, she gazed at the crowd as she sensually rubbed her hands together.

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

Going back to the couch, she rapped, ‘Perfect weather, can get no better’

Which had surprised everyone. As she took her seat on the couch, she crossed her legs, moving sensually, rubbing her legs together.

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

Laying her body across the couch, she rapped smoothly as the cheers got louder,

Everything around us so so real yo

Tonight, It’s the night

boreumdareul jomyeong sama

sarangeul soksagigi ttak joheun bam

gibun joheun nalssi yeolhansi wanbyeokhan seting

haneulmajeodo uril chukbokhana bwa

Standing up, she continued to move her hips.

seodureuji malgo hanado ppaenochi malgo

uriman saenggakhago i bameun gildago

geudae soneul japgo Walking on the moon

gutge dachin mun ppajimeobsi yeoreo

oraetdongan gidaryeo watdeon kkum

Sitting back on the couch with her knees against her chest, she went back to singing.

saranghandan ppeonhan geu han madiga

teukbyeolhage neukkyeojineun oneul bam

wae iri simjangeun ppalli ttwineunji

ja ije sigani dwaesseo

geudaeyeo boreumdari tteuneun nal, nal boreowayo

i bami gagi jeone hae tteugi jeone seodulleojwoyo

She sat on top of the couch to perform the choreography again.

geudaeyeo boreumdari tteuneun nal, geudae sarangeul jwoyo (Jen Walker)

i bami gagi jeone hae tteugi jeone nal boreo wayo (Saranghae!)

Standing on top of the couch, she slowly walked across.

bissoge i osi heumppeok jeotgo

neowa na danduri i gireul geotgo

dalkomhan sarangeul soksagyeoyo

Slowly kneeling, she rubbed her hands sensually again,

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

Perfect weather can get no better

Laying her body on the couch with her head on the floor and legs over the top of the couch, she ran her hands down her body sensually.

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

(Eh eh eh eh eh)

Everything around us so so real yo

Getting back off the couch, she danced while the crowd fan chanted her name eight times for the final beats of the song. Taking a seat on the couch, she crossed her legs and turned her head to the crowd for the ending pose. After the song ended, she was met by loud cheers as she laughed and bowed.

“Thank you! I love you!” she giggled and walked off the stage once the lights turned off.

After her performance, it was now time for V’s as he rapped cypher pt 3, dancing around the stage.

The members walked on the stage as they crossed their arms, staring at him while V rapped J-Hope’s verse. Jennie danced around, bopping to the beat, watching him proudly. She started laughing while V started poking J-Hope and then Rapmon. As planned, V and Suga rapped his verse.

For the last verse, Jen decided to rap with Rapmon, jumping around with him

Haterdeureun manchi

“What!?” She shouted in the mic.

But no problem, I kill


nal mutgi wihae nae keorieoeda padaeneun sapjil

“WHOOOP! Frankly, you don’t what? You can’t control my shit!”

bulsineul chamanaen ninjaga dwae dasi dorawatji

After the performance, the members stood on stage together, while V dabbed excessively. They recapped their performances, praising one another.

“What about Jennie’s full moon?” Hobi asked.

Loud screams occurred as she covered her face and laughed.

“I’m glad you liked it! Thank you!” she said.

“That was a very sexy stage, munchkin. You looked fierce.”

“Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh,” Jimin sang while Jungkook and Hobi copied her dance moves by exaggeratingly rubbing their hands together, staring at the camera, making everyone laugh.

“I want to praise V. He did such an amazing job. You worked hard and your dream to rap came true. I’m proud of you,” she grinned.

“Thank you Ennie,” he smiled happily and they high fived each other.

“It’s our third anniversary right?” Yoongi asked. “What if we start rising again?

Suddenly Rise of Bangtan came on, hyping the crowd up while the members jumped around.

turn up!

la lala lalala lalalalala

turn up!

ni maeumeul jibeosamkyeo

naega watda jigeum allyeo

la lala lalala lalalalala

While the rest of the guys danced around on stage, Jennie made her way to the stage, standing in the background with a mic in hand.

“Uriga nugu! nugu! jingyeogui bangtan! JENNIE!” Rapmon shouted.

The guys surrounded her, hyping her up as she performed her verse.

“WHOO! My boys and I started at the bottom, now we rising up! And Watch out cause this bullet-proof girl is knockin’ down all the walls! Ain’t nothing stoppin’ us now, they got my back, I got theirs! We steppin’ over all the roadblocks. Our music is on and you can’t help but move to the rhythm. Don’t even try to hide it, this beat is sick, so rock with me now.”

She danced around all extra with the members.

“Ladies! Rise like a Bulletproof Girl Scout! Rise, be brave! Let's go, Jungkook!” She high fived him as he started rapping.

As the chorus came back on again, she threw her head around, dancing with J-Hope.

uriga nugu

“WHOOP!” she shouted.

jingyeogui bangtansonyeondan

uriga nugu

geobeobsi jibeosamkinda

“Cuz we got fire! Fire, fire, get higher! Higher, higher!” she sang.

uril moreundamyeon jedaero aradwo

As Jungkook sang, while getting on his knees, Jen got on her knees too.

Mudae wie oreuneun sungan

geudaeui hamseongdeureul nan neukkyeo

Putting the mic to her lips, she sang, “Geudaero yeongwonhi geogi isseojwo. Idaero jugeodo.”

Harmonizing with him, they sang, “Huhoeneun eobseul tenikka~”

After they finished the song, Satoori Rap came on, as the rap line performed with the vocal line jumping and dancing around on stage. Jennie milly rocked on stage with Jin and V joining. 

Fire came on, which excited the crowd even more as they performed and they wore special jerseys for the occasion. After the song, Namjoon began the closing remarks as the event was about to end. A chorus of awwws was heard. He then asked the members how they felt about fire being suited for them. After their closing remarks, they ended the festa with fun boys.


After the show, Jennie, V, and Hobi went out to have a night picnic while walking Tony.

Tony energetically ran around, playing with V as they were all seated on the grass, enjoying their food and light music in the background. The three reminisced on their festa event and Tony was lying down, enjoying belly rubs from V.

Looking up at Jennie who finished listening to Hobi about his performance with Yoongi, V said, “Ennie, I want to say thank you for hyping me up when I was performing and practicing for Cypher. It made me very happy. I appreciate that.”

Jen smiled softly as Tony nuzzled against her. “Of course! You deserve it. Now hopefully one day the rap line can put you on a cypher-”

“Noooooooo,” Hobi interrupted as they laughed. “Yoongi would have a fit.”

“Well, we’re still going to try and make it happen,” she replied.

The night consisted of laughter as the two boys made fun of her dancing to Full Moon. She retaliated by kicking Hobi in the butt, making him fall.

After they finished eating, they lay on their backs, in a circle and watched the stars.

She took a selfie of them and posted it on Instagram. 'Thank you for 3 wonderful years of BTS! I love y'all!'

Her comment section was flooded with positive responses and unfortunately Matt Rife even commented again.

MattRife: You are so gorgeous...

Which caused fans to comment to him to back off once again.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Jen checked her phone to see a surprise text from Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: Hey Jennie! Congrats on three years with BTS! I wanted to discuss something with you. We have music on our repackaged album that will be released in a few months. We were thinking of having a second version of a song or two with a feature in it. We thought it would be great to have you featured in one of them if you’re interested.

That surprised her. A song with EXO? That would be so fun!

Jen: omg yes! ABSOLUTELY! Send it, please! I want to hear it!

Chanyeol: Yay! I’m sending them now.

She then received two audio recordings.

Chanyeol: What do you think? Do you think we can create something? Lay and Sehun can teach you the choreography. We can work on the lyrics. We’re making music videos for them too. It would be a pleasure for you to be in it too.

Putting her earbuds in, she pressed play while looking up at the stars. The beats for them were sick as she fell in love with the sound. She felt a sense of empowerment with it too, thinking of various ideas.

Jen: Omg.

Jen: Are you kidding?

Chanyeol: Don’t like the songs? :(

Jen: No goofball! This is lit! Both of them!

Chanyeol: So you’ll do it?!

Jen: Yes!! I’m in!

She was suddenly messaged with tons of happy emojis, making her laugh softly.

Chanyeol: Let’s discuss our schedules and when we can work on this

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1 year ago

Just want to give out some love the JenLay ship. Very underrated, but that was the next best ship after JenKook, and I stand 10 toes down. Plus we love a jealous Jungkook sometimes.

💜 I love that y’all ship her with others! 😁

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1 year ago

JUNGKOOK in CALVIN KLEIN for @heybaetae ♡

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1 year ago

Do you think you'll write a chapter about Jennie on Suchwita? I think that would be a good time to reflect on the past and look toward the future and of course cute YoonJen moments :))

Absolutely!! I want to! It’s in the plans Anon!! 💜💜 not sure what I will do just yet but when I get there I will definitely brainstorm ideas. I will do my best to make it fun and wholesome!! I love me some YoonJen! He’ll always have a soft spot for his Smartie 😁

Do You Think You'll Write A Chapter About Jennie On Suchwita? I Think That Would Be A Good Time To Reflect

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