44 posts
Fleeing Zoroark In A Snowstorm
Fleeing zoroark in a snowstorm

My first time drawing this violent ghost fox. I tried to draw hisuian zoroark’s cool ghost powers but I’m having trouble with the colours. I got a bit lazy at the end…
Please tell me what you think of it.
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More Posts from Smudgygiant

I wanted to draw something a little angsty, and what better way to express my love for zoruas and zoroarks than to draw a hisuian zoroark protecting a zorua in a snowstorm.
Hensel holding a little grumpling

I feel like Hensel would be a good parent, although he would be best co parenting with the other survivors.
Hensel met this little girl as an egg after snaktooth, which was found in a box near his apartment, and he quickly got attached.
The first grumps he told were Snorpy and Chandlo, both who he was closest to.
He goes to the couple for advice frequently, much to bafflement of Snorpy, and the joy of Chandlo.
Beach chats

Hensel and Gramble sometimes just sit down for long periods of time and just chat. The subjects are random and sporadic, just things that come to mind; they are chill buds who destress in the sand.
Hensel has a strict “no eating or talking about the consumption of bugsnax” with these talks
Gramble is touch starved and Hensel is trying to get him more used to positive touch again, he usually leans slightly on him as opposed to hugs to try and make him feel less caged
Hugs are not off the table, though Gramble has to give permission before it’s ok.
Click to help see textures better.
It’s spooky season!

My inspiration is pretty obviously Frankenstein’s monster.
I think it personally fits Floofty’s and Hensel’s dynamic.
Anyways, have a fun and safe Halloween everyone!

Hensel be stimming.
This includes repeated words, hand flapping, pacing and something I like to call ‘surface smacking’
Where he rapidly smacks his paws on a surface repeatedly.
If he does not have a surface he will do it on his thighs.