snakegorl212006 - Random Things
Random Things

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180 posts

Chapter 8 Pt 2

chapter 8 pt 2

I was awakened by a loud crash to see the ninja trapped in their own cage too. "Ah yes the princess has awaken just in time" Pythor said as he heads to the cage "looks like we've caught the main event " pythor said as he collects the there golden weapons and wraps them in a cloth and brings it over to the stature as the some Serpentine guards brings the ninja over into the arena where they were forced to fight the samurai. During the battle the ninja made this tornado which made a sling shot which made a hit on the samuri. The samurai was stunted and so the ninja took the chance to run over to pythor but were blocked by spikes and then a lever was pulled making the arena tilt upwards. Then I saw the suit fly as the arena came back to its original form. I smiled at the sight then I was pulled by Pythor same with Lloyd as he orders to get the samurai aka nya. Nya used a magnetizer which helped her snagged the golden weapons. Then I was pushed onto the arena. Confused, I turned around to see Lloyd who waved and before I got a chance to say or do anything I was flying in the air which was Nya’s doing. Because of the weight she dropped me somewhere in the desert .alone. I felt so confused and ashamed. I should be the one who should have gotten him out. He has family who are looking for him. I don’t know if I could even go back to the bounty. Maybe I should have convinced him we should have stayed at the arcade and none of this would happen. Tears swelled up in my eyes then dropped to the ground like rain. I tried to whip the tears away but more came to its place. I placed my hood over my head to cover my face as soon as I heard the roar of the engines “Angela.” I heard jay shout. I turned to see all of them running over “are you hurt”Cole asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder “I’m sorry” I replied as more tears swell up “I should have gotten Lloyd out of there. This is my fault I’m so sorry” I cried. Cole gave me a comforting hug “No we should be sorry If it weren't for our carelessness and being so focused on the samurai. You and Lloyd would be at the bounty” Zane said as he placed a hand on my shoulder “Ya we'll get Lloyd back I promise” Kai adds. I dried my tears and nodded. I drove in Jay’s jet on the way to the bounty. Night falls so I just went to sleep.

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More Posts from Snakegorl212006

6 months ago

Chapter 7 pt 2

(warning:it's short)

I head out on the deck just in time the ninja sets off to the city below. I couldn't help but look in worry and hope the ninja succeed. "Hey Angela can you help me with this" Lloyd asked holding a laundry basket. I help him turn all the pink suits white again and luckily it took 10 loads "you look out of it" Lloyd said "really" I asked as i fold the clothes "was it about the tombs or the legend" he asked. I paused "… my mother might be the Devourer of the legends" I said and he dropped the basket "H how do you know for sure" Lloyd asked as he sat next to me "well think about it. I have no family within the other tribes and so i would have looked more like them but…. but maybe I'm Not sure anymore. Sorry I didn't mean to kill the mood" I explained "it's fine. It's my fault for dragging you in this mess" Lloyd replied and I smiled "come on the ninja should be here by now" i said as i helped him with the loads. We head to the dining room just in time where zane was talking about Lloyd's Landry skills "well it took us 10 loads but your suit's no longer pink and to show that I'm sorry cole, i got you a can of nuts" Lloyd said as he pulled out a legitimate can of nuts. Cole laughed "ha ha yeah. Don't think i don't see what this is. when i open this a bunch of snakes are gonna pop out, right. Yeah No thank you" cole said as he goes to open the fridge and then a bunch of snakes came out which gave us all a laugh

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6 months ago

Chapter 1 pt 1

Chapter 1 Pt 1

I stood upon a plane black as night. Within the blackened void stood a pair of evil's eyes full with malisse. The being roared as a golden light stood behind me. Before I could figure out who it was, I stood back in Ninjago city.

"This one bedroom one half bath is a cozy dream" the realtor said as she showed us around "who needs extras when everything is at arms reach" she continued "this looks uh.. Promising” Cole committed. I slightly sighed as I stood in the hallway "you look tired" Lloyd said "you guessed right. Defeating the Devourer who happens to be your mom leaves your brain in shambles" I replied "then you should rest! Every ninja should get proper sleep" Lloyd suggested "a ninja?" I questioned "ya, you're one of us now. A ninja and a hero" Lloyd answered I smiled. The realtor lured us to a much greater suit which had eight bedrooms. The only reason why we got it is because of the training facility. After that the ninja got day jobs and were out most of the day. The following week I was helping Lloyd by holding the punching bag. The ninja came in and all I heard was their complaints over their jobs. I sighed and headed over and looked at the jar. They're barely halfway there. "Um. Do you need anything like some extra cash"  I asked. "We'll be ok. I'll be working overtime and doing our parts. You should be training with Lloyd but can you fetch me some more ice" Cole asked and I nodded, slithering away to get more ice. The next day arrives and the ninja are off to work. I made us some.lunch for Lloyd and I. Then I heard the TV turn on so I peaked though to see Lloyd playing a video game. He groans in disappointment. I made him Ramen and I got myself a sandwich, then I made my way over to him and sat down to watch him play. I relaxed after giving him his food. As he played I saw something on the screen 'skales' I thought. Assuming Lloyd saw the same thing as he turned to the window and gasped. Without a second thought I pressed numbers on the pad as Lloyd is trying to open the door by force. I heard a breaking of glass and I turned around to see that scales had successfully infuriated the room. "What do you want with me?" Lloyd asked "You seem to be the only thing your father cares about. But with you as my hostage he'll have no choice but to let me lead the Serpentine" scales explained as he grew closer. I pulled out a knife I snagged from the kitchen but he still grows closer "let's train" scales said. "Hello what's going on in there" Wu called which gave me a perfect opportunity to attack Skales. He hissed at my advice and attacks back but I dodge and, using my tail,end up throwing him out the same window he came in. I sighed as Wu and Nya entered "Angela !" Lloyd called as he came to my aid "are you alright" he asked "ya.. just a bit winded. I'm never gonna attempt a flip again" I said as I flopped on my back "and my tail hurts" I mumbled ,resting my eyes then ending up taking a nap. I wake up in the back of a truck as the ninja was moving things inside a building. I'm guessing they moved out of the other place because of what happened "good evening Angeal, how was your rest" zane asked "better I'm just a little bit sore but I'm fine" i replied brushing my back. I sat up and stretch "i just need some food in my belly then I'm good" i said as i slithered off the truck to assist in transporting my things.

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6 months ago

Chapter 11 pt1

Chapter 11 Pt1


Lloyd fell and the snakes had the attention on him while i grabbed the chain and grabbed the first weapon there which was the scythe and then I landed down and pointed the blade "Oh look who just dropped in" Pythor chuckled "give me the fangblade pythor you're never going to release the Devourer" i said "what's wrong don't want to see your mother so soon. Or haven't you forgotten your heritage" he replied. As stunned as I was, I kept my focus. Then I swinging the scythe to the ground causing a earthquake rumbling the floor around but there were more snakes crowd around me and Lloyd then we could handle "seem you need a little help there" a voice spoke and Garmadon arrived with a skeleton army who joined the battle. While Lloyd released the cage the ninja was in,and i gave cole back his scythe, I went to battle pythor "give me that fangblade" i called "fine it's all yours" he said as he dropped it. Then disappeared. We took that change to get out of there. Night arrive and Garmadon left and the ninja celebrates the victory of having all the four fangblades but something doesn't feel right. I head to bed that night. I awake the next morning and head back on deck. I assume Lloyd was training so I didn't think anything about it. Then I fainted. I was awaken by movement. I was tied "your finally awake. Your destiny has arrived at last" pythor said as i struggled. Wu came in and challenge pythor but as the fight went along the ship derailed and I flew out. As i regained my consciousness. There i was laying on the floor with the clouds covered by ash as the fangblades glowed within the statue and venom came out. The ground below me. Lightning stuck and roared and raged as the earth crumbles below me then a beast in abnormal size emerged from the ground triumphant of his freedom while I could only look in horror. There stood my mother. In the flesh. Her piercing blood shot eyes glared daggers at me.

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6 months ago

New planned Content coming soon

Final fantasy 7

-Yuffie headcanon pt 1

-Jessie headcanon pt 1

Final Fantasy 9

-catch ups for:

Steiner, Beatrix, and Freya

-yandere headcanons for:

Kuja,zidane,Garnet, Steiner,Beatrix and Freya

Final Fantasy 14 Zenos

-How he would react if you got sick

Final fantasy 16

-Request: S/O with Cancer (or any uncurable illness they had from there world)

-request: how did you guys meet

-Request:Fight and make up


Twisted wonderland Au's

A date with vampire Lilia and Silver(there polls where so close I decide to add both even tho Lilia won)

Diasomnia past pt 2


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6 months ago

Chapter 11 pt1

Chapter 11 Pt1


Lloyd fell and the snakes had the attention on him while i grabbed the chain and grabbed the first weapon there which was the scythe and then I landed down and pointed the blade "Oh look who just dropped in" Pythor chuckled "give me the fangblade pythor you're never going to release the Devourer" i said "what's wrong don't want to see your mother so soon. Or haven't you forgotten your heritage" he replied. As stunned as I was, I kept my focus. Then I swinging the scythe to the ground causing a earthquake rumbling the floor around but there were more snakes crowd around me and Lloyd then we could handle "seem you need a little help there" a voice spoke and Garmadon arrived with a skeleton army who joined the battle. While Lloyd released the cage the ninja was in,and i gave cole back his scythe, I went to battle pythor "give me that fangblade" i called "fine it's all yours" he said as he dropped it. Then disappeared. We took that change to get out of there. Night arrive and Garmadon left and the ninja celebrates the victory of having all the four fangblades but something doesn't feel right. I head to bed that night. I awake the next morning and head back on deck. I assume Lloyd was training so I didn't think anything about it. Then I fainted. I was awaken by movement. I was tied "your finally awake. Your destiny has arrived at last" pythor said as i struggled. Wu came in and challenge pythor but as the fight went along the ship derailed and I flew out. As i regained my consciousness. There i was laying on the floor with the clouds covered by ash as the fangblades glowed within the statue and venom came out. The ground below me. Lightning stuck and roared and raged as the earth crumbles below me then a beast in abnormal size emerged from the ground triumphant of his freedom while I could only look in horror. There stood my mother. In the flesh. Her piercing blood shot eyes glared daggers at me.

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