Ninjago Jay - Tumblr Posts
Are we not gonna talk about how the only people that stayed dead in Ninjago were Jay's biological parents and God?
OK cool.
OMG I was thinking the same thing XD. Also Jay's freckles are most definitely scales.
Brain expanding meme but it’s only the ascended brain and it says “jay’s freckles are scales” and nothing else
Ninjago Dragons Rising (Season 2 Part 2)
I Have a LOT of things to say.
This part 2 has EXCEEDED my expectations by bringing back the nostalgia of season 4 in its glory, and getting the Pale Man reveal.

In this scene, where Nya had gone against Jay, broke me 😭. Especially when she says:
Nya: I will always love you.
And Jay hit her with the: And I will ALWAYS. Hate you.
Hate is a powerful word man. 😭😭😭

Now here. We can really see the difference between Arin in the beginning, and Arin now. At the beginning, he was just this fan boy who loved the ninja, but now...He's going down the wrong path, and not he himself knows it. It could be argued that Ras WILL help him find his parents as he has already been betrayed now and they have a common enemy. BUT, Ras could be playing him. 🤷♀️ Itslike....History is repeating itself. First it was Master Wu with Morro, and now, Lloyd with Arin. Anyhow, I think I know what his path may lead to....and it's not gonna be good.

THE COMEBACK- Lloyd: How'd you learn spinjitzu?!
Arin: Not from YOU.
And to add on to Ras and Arin's relationship, (which is sure to be growing), when Arin's friend was helping him train, he learned FULL spinjitzu, which he really doubted himself on. This is then to be revealed that it was Ras's training. And, Ras was telling the truth about EVERYTHING, so Arin has believed him, whether it be a trap or not. And there was evidence on his truth as revealed later. Master Wu caused the Merge, for an unknown reason, so we can't really blame Arin for his trust to decrease with the ninja, and increase with Ras.
ESPECIALLY since things always keep getting in the way. Arin REALLY wants to find his parents, and Lloyd promised him that. But now, evrrytime he wants to go to find his parents, something pops up. In this case, the tournament of the sources. Lloyd then promised they would search for his parents afterwards, but now, they need to find Jay.
And Arin has noticed the pattern. 👀

The ending was really a cliffhanger as Arin went to save Ras from the clutches of the Forbidden Five. However, it seems he has saved him, and is now in a foreign land, around the campfire with an injured Ras. Arin then says: "I will help you get better. Then I'm gonna get you to find my parents."
So now, Ras will be indebted to him, so he will have to find his parents. However, in my opinion, Ras did say that Agent Waller, a.k.a, Jay, does know where Arin's parents are also, and whatever Jay knows, Ras knows. So I'm thinking, 🤔 that when the ninja find Jay, they might be able to find where Arin's parents are and meet in the same place. BUT, (I know...there's always a but) Jay did Shatterspin, which is known to shatter the goodness within you. SO, Jay has lost his memories and his goodness is gone. So, a huge obstacle will lie ahead.
Just like Ras said. "Knowledge is power. But Knowledge is poison."
I can't wait for Season 3, coming next year. And here is where you can find to watch it.
I hope you guys don't cheat and skip to this!! Be fair and watch the full series, including the Pilot, The day of the departed and the movie 😠😠.
And also! Feel free to discuss your own theories and tell me what you think! :)
Jay and Cole (Season 8)

I tried to draw the 2 besties from Ninjago digitally! :) And if they were human instead of LEGO-
I Hope you guys like it! :) It is my first time drawing digital and sending it out for all to see! :)

Am I the only one who remembers those visions they saw in the tomb back in season 5?

Aw yes~ cuddle puddle my beloved
Inspired by this post

The Ninjago obsession is back in full force

Here’s my contribution to the ‘where is Jay’ theories.
It was just corporate payback, guys
Morro: If you had 7 cookies and I asked for 3, how many would you have?
Y/N: None.
Morro: This is basic math Y/N-
Y/N: I'd have none because I would give them all to you because I like you.
Morro: [holding back tears] Gross. Fucking disgusting. Get the fuck away from me.
Lloyd (breaking down the door): Y/N!
Y/n: wow easy there,whats up-
Lloyd: did you sleeped with my dad AND MY MOM??!!
Everyone in the room silence.
Y/n: first of all show some respect for your stepmother and second of all,you grounded.
for the first month after nya's sacrifice, storms raged.
buildings were lightning rods. the sound of thunder was commonplace. dark clouds covered the sky as far as the eye could see. nobody died, thank god, but there were close calls.
tests were run. studies were conducted. professionals were called in. even then, nobody knew what was causing such freak weather.
all they knew was that the seas remained untouched.

so i drew jay
I cried.
Dragons rising season 2 spoilers
Man, can we talk about how Jay and Nya love each other so much that she was able to IMMEDIATELY tell that what she was seeing wasn't real

Like, Arin believed his parents hated him, Lloyd thought Wu was disappointed and chose wrong making him leader and Sora was dragged back to Imperium, and they all thought it was real, but Nya took one look at Jay not remembering her and was like "nah, my man loves me this shit ain't real"
in honor of pride month im going to say my ninjago pride hc’s :D
also please stay safe y’all <3
Ima go oldest ninja to youngest ninja :P (hc age, also speaking of hc, please remember that these are all headcanons. i’m only saying i think that these fit the characters. i’m not saying you have to agree, this is just what i think.)
Zane - Agender, Polyamorous, pan, + i think he’d maybe use neos (he/they/ze)
Cole - Gay, polyamorous, cis (he/him)
Kai - Demi boy, omniromantic, asexual, polyamorous (he/they)
Jay - Bigender, bisexual, asexual (he/she)
Nya - Lesbian, demi girl (they/she)
Lloyd - Genderfluid, aroace, biromantic (She/They/He)
ps pixal bc i love/p her sm <33
Pixal - Agender, lesbian (she/her)
I can’t draw….
but you know what I can do?
i procrastinate so badly omg- i have like 13 fanfic ideas(all lloyd centric lol) but i haven’t started like any of them- :’)
should I do a poll to see which one I should start on 🤔

HIIIII IM BACKKKKKKKK!!! so I'm probably gonna do these shoulder arts for the main ninjas but I don't really know, maybe when Im bored I'll probably do these but not the mains but who knows, but anyways JAY WALKERRR my baby boy that I wanna kil- I mean love, my favorite boy
Lloyd's next >:D
So so, headcanons;
-Heterochromia, blue eyes are eyes when he posses his elemental, and the other one is blurry for him because of what happened, which makes him half-blind
-the earring; at first it was supposed to be Nya's gift before her death, because of the grief, not only he got closer to water, he wears it so if nya somewhere can see it; nya and jay wear the same earrings, Jay's on his right and Nya's on her left ear
-the gold clip is a gift from cole for his birthday present that jay till this day cherish
-snake scales from his transformation didn't completely remove all snake features
-Lichtenberg scars from using his elemental power
-clips on his shirt so it doesn't slip during battles because he doesn't want the others to see his scars from Nadakhan's torture
-eyes glows because of his element
Nya's voice at the start sounded like twilight sparkleajndncn such magic of friendship of it
-Ar(yes I'm still using Ar idc >:( )
uhhhhhh honestly like I have a bit to rant abtttt
YAY COLE IS BACKKKK...but where's jay-???
I honestly was hoping to see like garm or harumi bc idk like I wanna know what happened to themmmmm
also tho why is there another elemental master? also tho his thing kinda seems dumb- like idk what it is even but it ust doesnt make sense, I feel like they're adding more things to just add more things. Bc elemental powers are passed on(I don't understand was the new elemental master of wind energy got the power-) like idk also tho idk where I got this from but I thought ppl from ninjago could only geet lemental powers? Why are Just so many other randos getting powers? Maybe the merge messed it up so know people all over call get powers and don't need it from like a parent/passed down??? Idk- it justtttsvdhdhdh idk
also I feel like there wasn't enough lloyd >:(
but I mean if your really not happy with it and would be more comfortable with doing anything else thats fine, it's your decision and no one if forcing you to do anything <3
Help, I haven't upload anything for the last 3 days and I have no idea what to do- but Im just gonna give you my wip of my fanfic I 'was' working on, critism is always open
The mission was going well so far, but it went downhill from there on.
Jay yawned and stretched his arms out to the air, groggily rubbed his hands on to his eyes. Jay slowly sat up at the edge of his bed, eyes closed.
Jay opened his eyes and started to walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day as a ninja. Entering the bathroom he grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste from the sink countertop and brushed his teeth. He then spat out the paste into the sink and turned the tap on and washed his face to get energized.
As he was tidy up, strong hands slither around his waist and held him closer. Jay looks up as see Cole, staring at each other's eyes. He loves him so much, aswell his other boyfriends that he'd sacrifice himself for them. Cole lowered himself and gave a quick peck on Jay's freckled nose. Jay giggled and held his hands up and touched his nose that Cole kissed on.
"You should hurry up, Lloyd has something that he wants to tell us about." Cole said and walked out the door. Jay blinked and blinked and then reality hit him as he hurriedly got into his Gi and rushed to the room everyone had arrived at.
Arriving, everyone was already at their places and he rushed into his seat between Nya and Cole. He then grabbed a spoon and fork that was prepared beside his plate that Pixal prepared for everyone. But since he was the last one, he's the only one eating. He'll need to eat fast then.
"Alright, since everyone is here, I want to tell you guys something that is happening in Ninjago city." Lloyd spoke up and put both of his hands at the side of his hips.
"The police called me about what we are going to. We are going to a ruined underground mineshaft." When no one replied he continued "they said that the most recent wanted criminals went there and we are told to check what that shaft in store that the criminals wanted." Lloyd stated.
"So we just need to get in there and find something odd and skedaddle out? seems easy enough." Kai spoke from the back.
"Don't jinx it, Kai!!" Jay yelled at him. Kai was just holding his arms up in reply to that.
"Yeah, they were probably up to no good if most wanted criminals went there. We should get prepared." Cole said.
"Correct, Pixal has prepared us a van that we all can use to get there. Is quite far from Ninjago city so it might take a while." Zane told the group.
"Wait! A van? What happened to the bounty?" Jay questioned
"The bounty unfortunately has parts that got broken down from the last mission, therefore we aren't able to use it for this mission." Zane answered.
"Well it's settled then, let's get going." Nya waved her hands up and down as Lloyd was walking in front of her going out of the monastery.
Jay pushed his plate off his side and hurriedly-almost tripped followed behind them.
Words: 521
There's way more than this but don't wanna give you ALL of it, where's the fun in that? But yeah, should I like- continue or should I make an animation? Ibis paint updated with the animation update and I haven't use it properly yet