Ninjago Lloyd - Tumblr Posts
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It’s Love That I Fear.
Lloyd couldn’t stop himself from sobbing in his pillow at… He looked up at the clock, tears falling down his face, at 2:37 am.
God, Lloyd was really pathetic.
He whimpers and shoved his head back into his pillow. Trying to silence his sobs in the middle of the night, thinking back to earlier…
Lloyd had decided to take a break from training with the others, still a bit exhausted from the trip to the never realm. So he thought it would be nice to just take the rest of the day off and hang out with his childhood friend.
Him and Brad were on the balcony together, talking about there life’s recently and just having a good time.
But suddenly when Brad laughed at a stupid joke Lloyd had made… a feeling exploded in his chest… It was warm, soft and…. terrifying.
The last time The Green Ninja had felt that feeling was with the Jade Princess, Harumi, the girl who stole his head and shattered it. She betrayed him in that oni cave and brought his fa- Garmadon, back and nearly had his friends killed… His true Family, even not by blood… but Lloyd getting off track, Harumi ruined his life… that’s it. But… It hurt Lloyd. He couldn’t trust people the same.
There was another fear pooling in his gut too… This thought seems so stupid and pathetic but he can’t help be feel fear that he realized he feel for his childhood best friend, who’s also a boy…. Lloyd couldn’t help but feel a sharp stinging realization that he was gay… well, Bisexual. He feels scared. People speak so lowly and disgusted of queer people… He’s one. *He’s one.* He feels stupid for feeling scared of that. All his siblings are queer, people understand him out there. But he can’t help but feel alone, isolated.
Lloyd hadn’t realized he was panicking till he heard Brad worriedly say his name “Lloyd…?” Lloyd snaps out of it and looks at Brad. He could feel his face heating up looking at the elder of the pair.
He had his hand on Lloyds shoulder and his eye brows were pinched together. “Are ok Lloyd? You were starting to hyperventilate there…”
Lloyd just laughed it off and shook his head “I’m completely fine” His hands were shaking and he was sweating. He knew that this was the sighs of a soon to be panic attack.
The scary warm feeling in his chest was still there and he felt like throwing up. He couldn’t stop thinking of Harumi… He was afraid that this feeling for Brad was going to lead him to pain, like how Harumi did.
Lloyd looked at his phone and tried to put on a sorry expression, but really he was nervous and scared. He quickly started to walk into Brads apartment, collecting his things and quickly saying before he bolts out of Brads door “I should really get going! Bye!” And with that Lloyd slammed Brads door, quickly running down the stairs and to his bike that he used to get here.
Brad just stood in his apartment, his eyes wide and mouth hung open. He was shock by Lloyds sudden need to get out and leave… “O-oh… Bye…?” He said quietly to himself after Lloyd had left. He started to feel worried for Lloyd.
Lloyd could feel tears pricking his eyes and his breathing quickening. He was trying to be as fast as possible and get to the monastery before he broke down over something so… stupid ——————————————————
When Lloyd had gotten home, to the monastery, he opened the gates and then quickly closed them with shaking hands.
He could feel his breathing hitching and picking up in pace and the tears trying to fall from his eyes. He was panicking over a stupid crush! How stupid is he?! He doesn’t deserve to be the green ninja if this is how panicked he is after realizing he has feelings he didn’t even want!
Most people don’t panic like this. Most people aren’t like a time bomb waiting to explode either though.
Lloyds thoughts were running wild as he quickly ran through the monastery halls and to his bed room. Right as he was about to close his bed room door he heard a worried sounding
Lloyd sighed and grimaced at hearing Kai’s voice, not wanting to put up with Kai teasing him about Brad or being overbearing with who Lloyd hangs out with.
The Blondie didn’t turn around when he, without mean to, harshly snapped “Leave me alone” And then slammed the door behind him. Leaving a worried Kai on the other side.
Kai could tell that his little brother was upset about something, so he gently knocked on Lloyds door. “Is everything ok, kid?” The worry was present in his tone, Kai can always tell when something is up with Lloyd. So right now, all the alarm in his brain were going off telling him that Lloyd was on the brim on a panic attack or breakdown… But why? Wasn’t he with Brad? Kai gets mad himself now, he swears if Brad did something to hurt Lloyd…
“I’m fine, Kai. Just leave me alone.”
Lloyd had tried to make his voice not sound wet or like he was a second away from crying his head out.
Kai sigh from the other side, he knew his little brother. He knew when something was up, but he also knew when the kid needed some alone time.
So, Kai decided not to push it with Lloyd.
He walked away from Lloyd’s door, but before he did he soft said “Just know i’m here if you need anything, green bean.” As Kai walked away he tried to hear if Lloyd responded but he didn’t. With one last sigh Kai walked away.
Lloyd waited for a bit before he figured the coast was clear and just broke down sobbing. He shoved his head in his pillow, trying to muffle his sobbing.
And that’s how Lloyd got to where he is now. Sobbing in his room in the middle of the night. He hadn’t gone out for dinner or anything, he was just being a big baby.
After a bit Lloyds sobbing finally died down, so he was left feeling drained and exhausted. From just everything, the crying, the whole day.
The fact that he might have feelings for Brad is terrifying. Because what if Brad turns out like Harumi and becomes a insane revenge thirsty maniac? No. Brad would never, not even Darkly's could make Brad evil, he’s too kind. But still, even with that thought Lloyd still has the fear that. rad is not going to be who he says he is and everyone Lloyd cares about and Lloyd is going to end up hurt.
Also though what if Brads not gay? What if Lloyd comes out to Brad and then Brad thinks he disgusting and they stop being friends? What if everyone thinks Lloyd is gross…? It’s not normal to be bisexual, or whatever Lloyd is. He’s never thought about being gay before. There’s nothing wrong with it, and all his siblings are queer. But he suddenly just feels so alone. Like no one could understand him.
He sighs, the breath shaky and uneven. Lloyd doesn’t want to have to deal with this right now.
He just tries his best to sleep at this point, there’s nothing else he can really do.
are are are you, are you, are you THE Lloyd montgomery garmadon?? :OO
*sweats* haha- no no, where-where did you get that from?
Nya's voice at the start sounded like twilight sparkleajndncn such magic of friendship of it
-Ar(yes I'm still using Ar idc >:( )
uhhhhhh honestly like I have a bit to rant abtttt
YAY COLE IS BACKKKK...but where's jay-???
I honestly was hoping to see like garm or harumi bc idk like I wanna know what happened to themmmmm
also tho why is there another elemental master? also tho his thing kinda seems dumb- like idk what it is even but it ust doesnt make sense, I feel like they're adding more things to just add more things. Bc elemental powers are passed on(I don't understand was the new elemental master of wind energy got the power-) like idk also tho idk where I got this from but I thought ppl from ninjago could only geet lemental powers? Why are Just so many other randos getting powers? Maybe the merge messed it up so know people all over call get powers and don't need it from like a parent/passed down??? Idk- it justtttsvdhdhdh idk
also I feel like there wasn't enough lloyd >:(
Akjdjffnjg Lloyd headcanons dump
!! lloyd head canons !!
-He has bad vision from Misako, but he tended to wear contacts more
-His natural eye color is red but between season 7 and 8 he became more connected with his powers so that's why he has green ninjas from there on out
-He has cat like eyes
-speaking of cats he loves cats! Theyre his second favorite animal, dragons soming in at first.
-hes very short, like 5'1-5'4... Yeah very smol
-He's cold blooded because of his oni/dragons genes
-Has autism and dyslexia
-Can use both hands(I forgot what it's called- but like idk 😭)
-Is scared of lightning
-When him and Brad were kids at darklys, they didn't know what being gag was, but they had kissed a few times. But they didn't think anything of it
-He likes to cuddle
Here's some angsty ones too <3
so tw for people who are sensitive to dark topics
~Use to do self harm
~Was abused at darklys
~He often has nightmares about past trauma and has to sleep with someone.
~He's scared of the wind because of Morro
~also because of trauma purposes he carries a after bottle with him everywhere bc water is the only thing that kills a ghost
~feels sick whenever he smells roses because that's the fregrenese(?) that harumi used
Lloyd Garmadon head canons!!
i was thinking of more head canons all day at school bc of asher- lol
-His favorite color is red(bc of Kai lol)
-when he was younger he liked punk/metal music but as he grew older he grew out of it and now likes more indie/soft type of songs
-Darklys never taught him how to read, write, do math, or just basic knowledge
-But what he did learn at darklys was how to pick a lock, pitpoket, and a few other villianish things
-Nya was the first one in the team that lloyd became friends with
-Kai was the last one he became freinds with, and that wasn't until the volcano
-He has a green thumb and can revive any plant from the dead, ANY.
-During the merge he learned how to cook and bake
-Knows how to play the drums and guitar, but he doesn't do it often because it's so loud
-Him and Brad secretly dated for a few months before telling the others
-Ik the FSM said he wouldn't remember, but he does sometimes wonder what would of happened if he went with the FSM at the end of season 10
-He has a love hate relationship with physical touch, he only wants it from people who he trusts or knows personally
-Loves taking walks out in nature, always goes with Zane though
-He doesn't like to be alone, unless he's in a mood. But even then he doesn't entirely wanna be alone but he doesn't wanna be with others either and have to socialize
-He likes it when Brad gives him pet names(or just other ppl- but like Brad gives him more sweet ones)
-He dies over praises, they give him too much life
-Kai teases him about Brad and he gets insanely red(even more so before they got together)
idk if I should make a post for angsty ones... you what? i should :3
also lol I finally figured out how to color texts-
hmmmmmmm, what's something random you want to tell to everyone
all i think about is lloyd garmadon and asher
mainly lloyd tho- i love ya tho asher <3
i listen to music and just imagine lloyd animatics i could make with them…but it’ll never become true bc i can’t draw :’(
babe, give your power of motivation please I haven't started ANY of the fanficsajjdnd, well I learned to play the intro of prom dress but like- or I can paint?
I haven't painted for a while yet ohhh! wait if I do paint, give me a reference of your choice, character, landscape any of that, but I normally paint landscapes but I don't mind painting outside out of my comfort zone. or write fanfic and you choose which one Im gonna write cause yeah-
OH WAIT I FORGOT or ninjago animatic, 'im going to kill Santa clouse' for a Christmas special??? I've only done 3 frames of that- when's Christmas-? In 2 months hmmmmm busy yet not augh
Dear, Nero
i mean i honestly don’t have the power either 😭 but I'll try to give it to you!!!! >:D
isk like....Just- idk how to motivate, YOU CAN DO ITTT!!! YOUR AMAZING AT FANFICS!!! I BELIEVE IN YOUUUU :D
like that? Idk sorry
But a request?
man….. i rlly just…. i have no idea what i could request for you to draw… just like…. totally no ideas *looks at my lloyd minifig that i bring with me eveywhere* yeah just....Totally no idea
dude I think you should draw lloyd :0 uhm honesty if you like the to landscape then you should do that :D uhm hmmmmm idk tho uhm maybe him and like Kai are like idk- likeeee idk just smth wholesome and brotherly :>
also tho I believe in you! Two months is plenty of time! you got it, I believe in you <3 wait isn't it in 3 months? Bc it's the 9th month and Christmas is the 12 month. Soooo yeah- idk I think you change do it tho! :) I believe in you fully <3 but don't force yourself if you don't want to, its up to you and you can do it on your own time
asher is super silly yall
and they make super duper silly art <3

Lloyd with his adopted children
Again me, greenflower guy¿
Omg, poor Lloyd 😭
It was really good, but can I request a second part? Yeah, I wanna know what happen then ‼️
FUCK IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG- BUT HERE IT ISSS!!!! i’m sorry to do this but there’s gonna be a part three- ….. IM SO SORRYYYYYYDGDHDHDHDHD
also thanks you asher bc they helped me and were my beta reader <3
but here’s the second part to “You and I Drink Poison From The Same Vile”!!!!! :D
Lloyd sighed but took Brad's Hand.
At that Brad smiles, glad to have gotten his boyfriend to agree to him cleaning lloyd up, and pulls the blond up and off the couch. It causes Lloyd to slightly stumble forward. Brad catches him though, chuckling a bit as he mutters "Sorry“
Lloyd kept his gaze down, shaking his head “ ‘S fine…” He had quietly mumbled to Brad, a small sneeze leaving him.
The elder one of the two sighed but decided against saying anything, so he just took his blond boyfriend by the hand and led him to the kitchen counter, making him sit at the high chair as he had gone to a cabinet to look to some medicine to make sure Lloyd wouldn’t get sick too badly, or better yet not get sick. But knowing the green eyed boys luck, he’d get a cold and would be way too stubborn to say anything until he was severely sick and passes out.
While Brad was on the other side of the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets for medicine, Lloyd stayed sitting. He was picking at his nails till they started to bleed. His hair falling down and into his face, but he didn’t mind at all.
Finally when Brad had found some ibuprofen(they were in pill form though, Lloyd always throws it when when it’s a liquid, so Brad had to find them in pill form.) he made a “Aha” sound in success. And so with finding it he turns around to Lloyd with the box of medicine in his hand and a soft smile on his face.
The next thing Brad had to do was grab a cup, which he did. Then he filled it up water and handed it to Lloyd, hoping that he would take it without complaining.
Lloyd did just as Brad had hoped, he took the pill and took the water right after to sollow the pill down without saying anything. Yeah, Lloyd did gag a bit at the taste... But he didn't whine about it or anything, but it wasn't like Lloyd had the energy to anyways. He also wasn't in the mood for arguing with Brad over something so simple. He also just didn’t want to argue with Brad in general, he didn’t want to say something stupid then Brad realize what a dick Lloyd is… because Lloyd doesn’t know what to do without Brad, he relays on him too much… he knows it’s pathetic. He’s truly a pathetic creature.
Brad just silently stood there, watching his partner down the pill and water quietly. Recently Lloyd was always so silent, his face always to empty and unreadable. But luckily for Brad him and Lloyd grew up together at Darklys, so he can easily read Lloyd. No matter how difficult Lloyd tried to make it for him.
Brad sighs as Lloyd stared at the floor. Lloyd couldn't help to feel ashamed to be like this infront of brad, he's the green ninja for FSM sake! Lloyd's thoughts were stopped as warm hands cup his cheeks and holding his head up to see Brad staring down at him. Lloyd tried to break eye contact but he was too weak, so he slumped into Brads hands with a defeated look on his tired face.
"Dear, I need you to work with me here." Brad worried voice went inside his ears. "I need you to talk to me, I will hear you out. What happened to you?" Brads sweet voice echoed through out the room.
A warm bubbling feeling started to flourish in Lloyds chest from Brad's care, and his soft, love filled touches. But nothing good lasts. Just as soon as Lloyd started to feel love and happiness to have Brad there, it quickly vanished. Replaced with a cold, fragile feeling.
Lloyd tried to ignore Brad's worried gaze, not answering his question either.
Brad softly let out a sigh of air, he wasn’t exactly frustrated, just a bit upset that Lloyd wasn’t opening up to him. But he knew how hard it was for Lloyd to open up, even to the people he loves and have known for years.
The boy with black hair leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Lloyds forehead, quietly saying “Please, Love.”
But yet again Lloyd didn’t respond. Brad softly rubbed his thumb on Lloyds cheek, patiently waiting for a answer from the blond. But when he didn’t get one and just shook his head, gently taking his hands off of Lloyds cheeks and placing it on the younger’s hand instead.
“Come on, dear.”
Brad softly spoke to Lloyd. “We should get you to bed, you should sleep so you don’t make the cold get worse.” And as if on cue Lloyd sneezed again.
Brad chuckled and dragged Lloyd to the bedroom.
When they had gotten there Brad gently pushed Lloyd to the bed. Lloyd wanted the argue, saying that Brad shouldn’t be doing this for him, that he deserved any little inconvenient thing that happened to him, but he couldn’t open his mouth, he couldn’t speak. He felt so overwhelmed, and just… like he couldn’t say a single word, he felt trapped in his own mind, he couldn’t even get a single croak out. Lloyd was too exhausted to even panic… FSM what is wrong with him?!
So Lloyd just laid there as his boyfriend placed a blanket over his aching body. The blanket made felt
like a warm, fluffy cloud was placed on him, making all of his other feelings disappear. What made it feel even better was when Lloyd watched Brad climb in bed with him, wrapping his arms around Lloyds waist.
Lloyd turned around so he was facing Brad, who leaned down and made there lips meet. They stayed like that for a few seconds, but then backed away. Lloyd felt a lot more relaxed now, cuddling in bed with the love of his life. And so he let out a breath of air, placing his head on Brads shoulder and closing his eyes.
Brad smiled to himself, glad to have made Lloyd a bit better and more content in the time of hurt. Brad kissed Lloyds forehead again, deciding now was a good time to ask Lloyd the question again. Because yes he was in a good mood and this could ruin his mood… but he was also in a good mood and that meant he would hopefully be more honest and tell Brad what’s up.
But Brad pondered on it, maybe he should wait till morning. Yeah, that seemed like a good idea.
The “Why Is Lloyd Blonde” Theories
so yk it’s a big thing in the ninjago fandom of to “How is lloyd blond when misako and garmadon both have brown hair?” Well- yall the answer is quiet simple-
i see so many people saying it’s because he died his hair, but see that wouldn’t make sense. Since day one Lloyd was blond, and he was a kid when he was first introduced in the show. A kid who wanted to be exactly like his father, his father who had brown hair. Why would lloyd dye his hair? that would make him less like his father. Like that just doesn’t make sense for younger lloyd
Then there’s the headcannons that Misako cheated on garmadon with wu-… Like y’all, do you really think that they would do that for a kids show? I mean i know i hc some pretty unkid friendly things self but still idk-
Here’s how it works, so you know how Wu has blonde hair? We’re also going to assume FSM had blonde hair, or maybe he always had white. But still see there, then here’s a thing called genes. Learned about them last year but they don’t make sense tbh, but still. I know for a fact, that if both wu and FSM had blonde hair there is a small, small chance that lloyd can have it. It’s the whole BB Bb bB bb thingy, lloyd got the bb genes.
So yeah, the whole thingy is easy and simple, Lloyd is a blondie because genes, it was a small chance that he could get blonde hair. but it wasn’t impossible, so he got the small chance and is a blondie
fun little fact like a month or 2 ago me and asher had a talk abt this- i wanted to make a post abt it and finally have! yay
You and I Drink The Poison From The Same Vile || Part 3!! Last part.
When Lloyd woke up, he yawned and stretched out.
It appeared to be a bit dark outside, so he looked at the clock. It read 6:32, ‘Oh, Shoot! I’m going to be late for work!’ He shot up in his bed, Brad stirred awake by Lloyd's rush.
“Lloyd…?” Brad has sleepily mumbled. “Sorry, Brad! But I’m going to be late for work!” Lloyd yelled as he was looking around his and Brad's bedroom for his work uniform in a panic. “But… It’s Sunday, Babe…?” . . . “Oh-….” Lloyd checked his phone, and it did indeed say Sunday, damn. The panic rushed out of Lloyd's body as he sighed. His shoulders relaxed a bit, as he pinched his nose and sighed. “Of course, stupid me.” He shook his head from side to side, showing that he was disappointed in himself.
Brad softly smiled, groggily getting out of bed and hugging Lloyd. “Now don’t say that.” He mumbled, wrapping his arms around Lloyd’s waist and kissing him.
Lloyd didn’t refuse the affection, but he couldn’t help feeling unworthy of it. Unworthy of Brad. Sometimes he wished he could sob his eyes out whenever Brad showed his love for the blondie. Lloyd ruins everything, and Brad should fucking hate him… But no. Here he is loving Lloyd. It’s so sick and twisted - because this got to be a joke. I just has to be. Brad is so amazing… and Lloyd is not. He's a total failure, why would he deserve someone as amazing as Brad? No way Brad actually loves him…
Lloyd sighed, ignoring the thoughts as he placed his head on Brad's chest after their kiss.
A sneeze left Lloyd in their moment of relaxation, reminding the green ninja that he was still sick.
A groan left Lloyd's lips, Brad smiled and chuckled at Lloyd. He shook his head from side to side. “C'mon, let's go some more pills.” He tugged on Lloyd's hand, who reluctantly followed his boyfriend.
So with that, they were in the kitchen again, just like last night. Lloyd was at the kitchen table this time, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and his legs pulled up to his chest. His forehead rested on his legs as he waited for Brad to get him pills.
A few seconds later, Lloyd could hear Brad walking towards him. So he turned his head to the side, tiredly looking at Brad. Who smiled softly as they met eyes, his hands holding some water and pills for Lloyd to take so he would get better quicker. “Here.” Brad sat down on the seat next to Lloyd, handing him the drink and pill. Lloyd took them both, placing the drink on the table, and taking the pill. he quickly picked the water back up to swallow.
He gagged a bit at the taste. Causing his lover to chuckle and pat his shoulder. "You okay, Lloyd?" Lloyd signed and shrugged his shoulders. "Sure." Taking another drink of water as he mumbled under his breath.
For a few seconds, things were quiet. Lloyd moved to rest his head on Brad's shoulder. The blue-eyed boy sighed, taking Lloyd's hand in his. "Can we talk now, Love?" Lloyd wanted to groan, but he knew that would only upset Brad. So he stayed quiet, nodding his head. At that, Brad smiled. "Thank you!"
"Mm..." Lloyd didn't feel like talking, but if it made Brad happy... Then fine. He'll do it.
"So," Brad started "I wanted to talk about last night. You talked about how you wanted to be back at Darklys... and you talked about Nya." Lloyd sighed but nodded his head "Yeah. Just I... I miss her Brad... And just I was thinking about everything, like... Would Nya still be here? Be safe? If I never was kicked out? How different would life be?" Then he paused for a second, letting out a thought that had been bugging him for years now. "Would Harumi's parents still be alive...?" His voice was small and hesitant, his own words caused a shiver to run down his spine.
"Well... We won't ever know Lloyd if I'm being honest. No 'What If' will ever change anything. This life was the one you were given, and I think things were supposed to go the way they did. None of this is your fault though, Lloyd. Just because you're the green ninja does mean anything. You are not in charge of others' thoughts and actions. And like I said last night, getting kicked out of Darklys was such a better option for you than staying. Believe me, Lloyd. Please."
Lloyd didn't speak as Brad had his monologue. Processing every word and thinking it through and over a million times. He just sighed. "But Harumi's parents are my fault. I released the great d-" He was cut off by Brad. "Lloyd." He said to stop Lloyd's rambling. "It is not your fault. You did not release the great devourer. Phythor did. Not you."
"But I released Phythor!" Lloyd tried to argue back. "Well..." Brad started. "Yes, but you didn't plan on releasing the devourer. That was all Phythor." Lloyd sighed. He knew that he couldn't get through to Brad. No matter what Brad would just say it wasn't his fault. Even though it was. It was his fucking fault. But he didn't feel like arguing over something so pointless.
Brad looked at Lloyd expectingly, but after a few minutes when the younger didn't speak Brad decided to just drop the subject yet again.
Staying quiet and waiting for some other day when Lloyd will finally be able to speak of it. To understand that he is not at fault. That none of this was his fault.
im getting ready to write a fanfic abt kai and lloyd :0
uhhhh i havnt decided yet….
idk if i want it to be around that little scene after the merge we’re kai and lloyd found each other or so,e thing in sooner seasons :/
i also don’t know what to know it :P
if you have any ideas or requests or just anything left a ask in my drop box or comment on this!! :D

….am i like the only ninjago fan who genuinely likes crystallized and thought it was great for lloyd’s character arc…?
Hello is me again :)
I’m back with the Mercenary Lloyd au! But a drawing this time!
This isn’t the canon look of him, but the closest I could get to my head

The hair is meant to be a lot fluffier, ignore the eyeliner too. And the front part of the hair-
Basically ignore the whole thing and just take it as a loose interpretation of what he’s meant to look like. I like him having piercings tho
Also yes he has dragon ears, you can’t stop me!(this is in pencil so I didn’t add this detail, but his roots are brown :>)
I’m back with another Lloyd au yall :)
So Oracle!Lloyd au!
I was watching a vid and the audio inspired me lol
So basically after the whole Lloyd absorbing the dragon magic thingy, he just becomes Oracle Lloyd.
He sees the past, present, and future. And like also other possibilities that could happen. And just Oracle stuff, like having visions(that makes sense). And this other stuff, but like obviously Lloyd’s personality changes heavily because of this.
And now he has no idea how to act, because he isn’t really this all knowing wise man who’s serious and confident. He’s this anxious kid who’s a very overprotective dad and brother. He’s not always serious, he’s definitely not all knowing and wise. He’s sweet and caring, and has unresolved anger issues. He’s holding a grudge against so many people he’s fought because he’s been seriously hurt by them. He’s scared, and he has abandonment issues.
He’s not anything an Oracle would act like, he’s emotional and wants the best for everyone. He’s not an Oracle, so he gets an identity crisis. He questions everything about him, and what makes it worse is he can see what happens in the future. He knows what happens when he makes certain decisions, like this one. He doesn’t want this power. Because he can also see how much he’s hurting everyone else.
And over time he has to learn to live with it, he has to learn how to be an Oracle and not lose himself. Because he has loved ones, he has kids. He has a family, and he doesn’t want to lose them to him being an Oracle.
And that’s my wrap of this Au, my hc for it is he ends up being this really cool sensei type figure, and he’s really cool looking. But is super sweet and has your best interest at heart, and he’s a super cool dad. But he isn’t afraid to break hard truths to people. Keep in mind this is just how I see him ending up, I would love for yall to tell me how you see him ending up!
Enjoy this beautiful au, stay safe! And write some good angst!
So hi yall :) I’ve returned with an up to date Mercenary Lloyd design! I haven’t done the outfit yet but I got the head down :)
(Look with hair up)

(Look with hair down)

(And an outfit idea, it ain’t canon. And probably casual clothes, not work clothes)

(This is a picrew btw, so credits to: S0DAPVNK on picrew :>)
Just to be safe yall, trigger warning for: implied cannibalism, mentions of death, implied mentions of extreme violence
But I was thinking of this au for ninjago, and I think some of yall might like it.
So it’s an au based of Lloyd’s oni and dragon side being like separate consciences inside his brain. But very very different.
So it takes place after season 3 but before season 4. And in which in some weird form of magic, Lloyd gets separated into basically a pair of twins. No one is quite how it happened as Lloyd was obviously on a solo mission. But safe to say, that villain probably didn’t make it out unscathed. Anyways, now there’s well Oni Lloyd and Dragon Lloyd. Who surprisingly get along quite well. But the names are gonna be a problem soon….
Anyways, that’s my idea for the background for this. (The dude that managed to dude this is also definitely dead 😔🙏 ) But now onto some cool facts about this au!
The two of them wear matching necklaces, dragon boi is the white side of the Yang and Oni boi is the black side :3
Oni gets hit a lot by dragon for his quite violent nature, but it’s all in good love. Dragon would totally kill someone if they tried to hurt his twin :3
The ninja were honestly so confused when they met up with Lloyd expecting just him, and instead got two of them…. They also tried to kill them XD it took a lot of explaining and attempted murder to get them to calm down.
Morro was also hella confused. Thought when he kidnapped Dragon he was just kidnapping Lloyd. Dude’s life almost died cause Oni tried to murder him again. The ninja had to stop him multiple times in fear of hurting dragon.
Oni and Dragon have Oni and dragon features, but can hide them if need be. Which has let to lots of confusion on everyone else’s side. And by that I mean no one can tell which one is which if they truly want that. The two are some little ass gremlins.
Jokes on yall, Dragon is Aro and Oni’s Cupio AroAce. Dragon just doesn’t date because he of said Aromanticness (which is he is choice) , and Oni just doesn’t think anyone is good enough for him. [This is more of a hc, please don’t get mad at me 😭]
Kai is both Dragon and Oni’s favorite sibling/teammate other than themselves. Naya is a close second. And everyone is extremely jealous of him.
Lloyd is trans in this au, which does sadly mean some unpleasant times for the twins dude to their unhuman sides. Basically mating season for both of them is quite unpleasant. Kai and Naya are the only ones who can touch the two during said time other than themselves.
Dragon honestly likes Wu a lot (though it slowly fades as the show goes on). While Oni basically silently dislikes him. Oni loves their father a lot more than normal Lloyd openly shows in the show. While Dragon loves him just as much as Lloyd actually shows in the show.
Dragon Lloyd actually quite enjoys the goth aesthetic, while Oni boi likes a more traditional style. Which leads to some interesting conversations with people XD
I think that’s about it for now, I do hopes you enjoyed this new au :3
Also feel free to call them Odi, said O-de, and De-de. Odi is Oni Lloyd and De-de is Dragon Lloyd. The reason? Odi comes from the end of Lloyd, o-y-d, I just placed the Y behind the D and got Odi. Also cause I was like, what’s the first letter of Oni? O, what’s the letters after O in Lloyd? Y and D. And I got De-de from just taking the D from Lloyd and Dragon, then simply saying them and putting an E at the end of each D gives you De-de :3
So I hope you like Odi and De-de! Also another quick note on their powers! The twins both have energy and their respective species element.
Okay for real, I’m done. Do hope you enjoyed this au I made! And have fun with it :3 (with credit of course)
I wanna talk about a Movie au I came up with.
So Koko and Garmadon basically divorced couple who argue a lot. Whether it’s on the phone or in person, they don’t get along. Koko obviously doesn’t want to argue in front of Lloyd, so he goes off to stay with this Uncle most of the time.
And Morro is Wu’s son in this au(they don’t get along too well), and he loves and cares about Lloyd. The man basically raised Lloyd since the kid was at his place most of the time and Wu was barely home.
So when Morro moves out, Lloyd ends up semi-moving in with him. Technically he lives with his mom, but he spends all his time at Morro’s apartment.
Basically Lloyd is the kid of a divorced couple and lives with Morro.
And Morro being himself, ends up becoming friends with Harumi and her gang. In which he introduces Lloyd to said gang because Lloyd is basically his kid.
Obviously Harumi doesn’t have anything against Lloyd here cause there was no “Great Devourer”. Harumi is still hella goth and rude, but they all get along pretty well.
Lloyd still is friends with the Ninja, and hangs with them in and out of school, but Morro, Harumi, and her gang are his family.
Also like Harumi’s gang works differently here. It’s just a group of troubled kids who help each other out and are family, no taking over thing. Just a gang of family and friends.
I came up with this on the spot btw, but I love this idea. And honestly I hope yall do too!
One more thing. This is not a Llorumi post. Their siblings. I don’t ship it, and it’s not a thing in this au. They’re basically siblings. NO SHIP
I have more aus, I’m talk about two today.
(I’m feeding yall and myself)
So the first au I wanna talk about is this villain au I have. I like calling him Child in this au.
So basically Lloyd life was pretty much the same up until he got kicked out of Darkleys. He took living on the streets a lot more serious than what’s shown in the show. He didn’t taunt his title like cannon Lloyd. He stole what he needed when he needed, and was trying to lay low as to avoid being caught and put into any kind of foster care or orphanage. So he never pulled his stunt in the village that led to basically very villain. He never met the ninja until way later.
He gained the name Child because he was still really childish, and he was good at what he did. He stole and never got caught. He had a really childish but also dark laugh. He was fast and swift, and became a bit of a legend amongst normal very day criminals. He wasn’t a big bad, and he had no intention of stealing really guarded stuff like money from a bank. He wasn’t a low level thief, but he wasn’t going to risk shit.
And basically Wu asks the ninja to bring Lloyd home, as he thinks that he’s the green ninja.
So the Ninja have to try and track down this random kid who’s apparently their Master’s nephew. Big problem, no one knows where he is. He travels constantly. Using his criminal history is useless as half his crimes go unreported, so they have no idea if he’s at the city his last crime was reported or not. The ninja end up spending weeks trying to find this kid, and when they finally do. They realize. He’s fucking 12.
He did all of that at 12.
What happens when they find him? He refuses to go, and ends with them basically begging Lloyd to go. Lloyd who obviously doesn’t give two fucks about the Ninja or his “Uncle”. Lloyd also hates the ninja guts for taking away his only family member. Lloyd ends up becoming one of the Ninja’s main villains as they try to get him to reform, and he keeps refusing. He goes from a legend amongst small time criminals to one of the Ninja’s villains. At this point, the only one apart from his father. Which just gives him a worse reputation amongst civilians. And the “Child” becomes a super villain. Despite him being 12, and also having no powers (that he’s unlocked yet).
Au two: Feral!Lloyd
So basically after unlocking his Oni form and defeating the Overlord. Something is seriously off about Lloyd. He’s never zoned in, he’s a lot more clingy, he’s more cat like?, and he’s just more weird. At some point, he just stops acting human altogether. He’s basically gone feral. Both dragon and oni instincts are just his behavior. Which leads him to be really overprotective and aggressive. He’s super clingy with Nya and Kai. He hates both Garmadon and Wu for some reason. He’s constantly on all fours.
At some point he grew dragon and oni features. He’s just not human anymore. Whatever happened when he discovered his oni form just broke his mind behind repair. He basically became like a large house cat, that would eat people that tried to hurt the Ninja. And he Would growl at Wu and Garm.
Now the ninjago have to struggle with a feral Lloyd. Oh and then the merge happens. Leaving feral Lloyd. Alone. At the monetary.
Eventually Arin, Sora, and Riyu show up. They expect well normal human Lloyd. They get feral, clearly not fully human Lloyd. Which just leads to more chaos and angst. As the trio tries to gain Lloyd’s trust and eventually try and find the other Ninja. Cause they definitely can not handle feral Lloyd themselves.
A list of traits feral!lloyd has:
• He crawls on all fours all of the time. He never walks on two legs.
• He hates Wu and Garmadons guts, for reasons no one can figure out.
• He can’t speak English/Ninjagin. He only speaks in Oni and Dragon
• He loves Nya and Kai and clings to them the most (basically all of the time)
• Once Sora and Arin got his trust (he didn’t mind riyu since he’s part dragon) they became his kids. Whether they liked it or not. They’re his kids, and he’s extremely overprotective of him
• Once he completely went feral. His Oni and Dragon traits started coming in. He spent weeks coped up in his room in a blanket mountain as they grew in. It hurt like a bitch, but he refused to let anyone even close to him as it happened
• His Oni and dragon traits are: A black an green tail with lots of really fluffy brown fur on it (from the base to end on the top side), he has black and green dragon ears, golden horns, purple eyes, lots of patches of black and green scales, goat like legs that are golden (Oni trait), black clawed hands, a golden scar that stretches across his face, and really sharp teeth.
• He dyes his hair blonde in this au, but he stopped once he became feral
• He doesn’t have wings cause I say so, also I like to think at least in this au he’s an eastern dragon.
I hope you like my aus :3