647 posts
One Of The Many Great Much Needed Little Things In The Manga That Help Clear Up A Lot Of Undeveloped/unexplained

One of the many great much needed little things in the manga that help clear up a lot of undeveloped/unexplained or outright confusing/contradictory elements in the original game.
Here, in volume 2 (which I’m cheekily getting for Christmas along with volume 1 and 3) Sorey and co. have just purified the drake in Marlind and gotten the blessing of the Lord of the Land, Rohan.
In the game we don’t really see the effects of the blessing outside of the boons Sorey and the team gets. Yes, the area itself is cleared up of the dark malevolence, even though sources of malevolence within the area can still exist (e.g.: Bartlow and cronies).
The blessing means that hellions can no longer enter the area, but we never see this happen before in the games. There is more emphasis on the malevolence already existing in the area, generated by the people within its confines. The most we see its effecting outside that perimeter is in the boons Sorey and co. get.
Here, we see Lunarre actively trying to enter Marlind, but he can no longer do this thanks to Rohan’s blessing. The blessing is shown in action as a barrier, in a way that actively expands on things established previously, e.g.: Lunarre’s pursuit of Sorey and the others, AND sets the groundwork for others, e.g.: Lunarre’s alliance with Symonne.
From this we can connect Lunarre’s inability to enter areas guarded by a seraph’s blessing (e.g.: Pendrago later in the game, under the protection of Morgrim) to his partnership with Symonne - right from this early stage. With no malevolence, Symonne can enter areas he cannot, and (presumably, somehow) help him do the same despite the barrier.
Also Lunarre doesn’t just fuck off and reappear again suddenly ages later, hurray!
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More Posts from Snickering-kitsune
Accent Challenge
If I get 10 “accents” I’ll answer these
1/10Frick it’s begun.

Hey there! This is an indie Fate RP SIDE BLOG for OC MEISTER FRANZ SCHMIDT, former CHIEF EXECUTIONER OF NUREMBERG (1578 - 1617).
Cursed to make his living in the theatre of horror, Franz dutifully acted as the blade of the state for forty-five years, earning him respect as well as fear from the public.
Franz kept a DIARY, painstakingly recording his every punishment, every one of the 394 executions carried out by himself, and used this and his reputation to remove the dishonour attached to himself and his family in retirement. He enjoyed this victory for the last years of his life, yet…
Franz always WONDERED - what would a life free of the dishonour cruelly inflicted upon him be like? What would a life free to choose one’s own path be like?
If the GRAIL could give him a second chance…
My main blog (which I will follow people with) is snickering-kitsune.

Hey there! This is an indie Fate RP SIDE BLOG for OC MEISTER FRANZ SCHMIDT, former CHIEF EXECUTIONER OF NUREMBERG (1578 - 1617).
Cursed to make his living in the theatre of horror, Franz dutifully acted as the blade of the state for forty-five years, earning him respect as well as fear from the public.
Franz kept a DIARY, painstakingly recording his every punishment, every one of the 394 executions carried out by himself, and used this and his reputation to remove the dishonour attached to himself and his family in retirement. He enjoyed this victory for the last years of his life, yet…
Franz always WONDERED - what would a life free of the dishonour cruelly inflicted upon him be like? What would a life free to choose one’s own path be like?
If the GRAIL could give him a second chance…
My main blog (which I will follow people with) is snickering-kitsune.

Recite a poem.
Read the first page to one of your favorite books.
Read the little blurb on the back of your shampoo bottle.
Do a tongue-twister.
Say something in a different language.
Share an anecdote.
Do the rains in Spain stay mainly on the plains?
Summarize the last film/TV episode you watched.
Let us hear your ringtone and text message sound.
Tell a joke.
What did you have to eat today?
Talk about something that really scares you.
Talk about something that makes you happy.
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on?
What turns you off?
What sound or noise do you love?
What sound or noise do you hate?
What is your favorite curse word?
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to do?
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
If you’re brave enough, singing us a little song.
Thoughts on what could have been: TOZ edition.
Wouldn't it have been interesting if we had seen Lunarre become more physically monstrous as time went on and he slowly lost his grip on sanity?
When Sorey and Mikleo first meet him he is still pretty human-like with the exception of a few foxlike features. But we see later how his malevolence has grown and how unhinged he has become.
He could still feel vindicated and therefore be unable to purify, but his inner conflict and inability to deal with the emotions driving him could cause him to lose himself both physically and mentally.
This could be the key difference between him and Maltran. They both felt vindicated but whereas Maltran was self assured and accepting of her own feelings and past trauma, and thus kept her humanity, Lunarre was not.
Alternatively, in the anime, Lunarre could experience the same erosion of his humanity but this time events and his own self could battle against his inner demons and, eventually, with the help of Sorey and co., enable Lunarre to at least keep in the form they see when they first encounter him. Lunarre insists he keeps at least that form because he wants to be able to fight alongside the others with the power of a hellion.
However, because he has hung on and is very nearly purified, Lunarre is not nearly as powerful as he would be if he had become a monster. As such, his act to save the team on the battlefield against the Lord of Calamity kills him.
In this case Dezel would have to have been killed off way before this point. Having two dramatic sacrifices would kind of take away from each other I think.