snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
What a tasty morsel you'll make!

647 posts

Lunarre: Hey Gramps, Saydamn!

Lunarre: Hey Gramps, say ‘damn’!

Kimuri: Poppycock.

Lunarre: FUCKING -

I Recalled Muri Is The Type Of Guy To Still Use Old Terms With Speaking At Times-

I recalled Muri is the type of guy to still use old terms with speaking at times-

But mostly he’s the guy that would say “good golly” and not think it’s past it’s use.

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More Posts from Snickering-kitsune

6 years ago
So There Is A Huge Possibility Ive Been Drawing My Husband A LOT Recently
So There Is A Huge Possibility Ive Been Drawing My Husband A LOT Recently
So There Is A Huge Possibility Ive Been Drawing My Husband A LOT Recently

So there is a huge possibility I’ve been drawing my husband A LOT recently…

Still figuring our his colors but hey, my line art has gotten better :D

The Middle pic was a request from a friend ( @snickering-kitsune ) for a werefox (Halloween themed) Lunarre. The other two were purely self-indulgent ~

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6 years ago
 When The FOX Preaches,

                 When the FOX preaches,

                                                take care of your GEESE.  

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6 years ago
Dont Forget To Feed Your Hellion Lots Of Malevolence This Hellion-ween

don’t forget to feed your hellion lots of malevolence this hellion-ween

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6 years ago

I will never not hate the human form they gave Lunarre in the TOZ anime. Really becoming a hellion was the best thing that could have happened to him. Even in the end he looked goddamn beautiful. The writers were stupid clearly loved Lunarre’s hellion form so much they couldn’t bear for him to be seen dead as an ugly frizzle-haired human nobody.

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6 years ago



“Not so much anymore. But I’d like to keep looking even if it is pointless.” There was once little reason for him to take his own well being into consideration. But since having a hellion of all beings seeming to be bothered on the fact… Well he thought it best to keep that in mind.

“Really now?” Well that was a surprise. That’s for sure. “My fault huh?” He tried not to laugh on the comment really… Yet even then the next words the hellion mentioned had him almost shocked. How was he to really reply to that?

“Can’t say that’s what I expected to hear from you Kid. I was expecting a few more jabs or something.” He let out a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Quitting the whole hellion thing? It’d be that easy for you?” Looking over his shoulder as if hearing something from behind him, the seraph thought for another moment.

“I suppose a change isn’t a bad thing.”



Lunarre could hardly believe his ears. The crazy old seraph had accepted! The shock made the insanity of his own words hit home. Could Lunarre ever be human again? He had killed the foolish boy he once was - at least, he thought he had.

If Gramps can do it, he thought, then I...


Suddenly the sensation of a foot over the edge, feeling air, struck terror into the heart of the hellion. The terror of casting oneself into the abyss, the helplessness of seeking care, the agony of falling when none was found.

Balgair’s mocking laugh, his boss’s cold eyes; both as clear as the day they had broke his heart.

No. Gramps had no reason to keep me around, Lunarre told himself, he’s not like them!

If anything, Lunarre had been a constant obstacle to the seraph, thwarting his self-destructive efforts. It made more sense for the seraph to have gotten rid of him long ago. The purity that emitted from the seraph was genuine. He felt that, was drawn to it, and yet...

In the grip of terror and pain, Lunarre said: “No, it won’t be that easy. I don’t even know if it’s possible anymore.”

He bit his lip.

“I killed the stupid kid I was - yet here I am, askin’ you to be with me like a lost kid! Some hellion I am. Even like this, I can’t be alone. I need somebody. When I’m with you, Gramps, I remember people I hate. People who took me in and threw me away. I remember them because I’m afraid you’ll be like them. After all this time, I feel like it’s a good thing to wake up in the morning. I feel it. You give a damn. You really give a damn. I can’t believe it - it’s too good to be true! I won’t be fooled again!”

His voice, rising to a shout, subsided, along with the fire that had flared out. Breathing out, Lunarre spoke again, his voice catching.

“But that said... I can’t leave you alone and go on like nothing happened. You’ve got under my skin. It pisses me off. I can’t ignore it. I can’t stop it. I don’t know what to do.”

Throwing himself down on the ground, Lunarre slammed a fist into the dirt.


“Damnit! I don’t know what to do!”

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