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“Oh I’m sure there’s books on it as well. But not very well written ones. Humans don’t really have a grasp on dragons and with the seraphs I asked they call it pointless and whatnot. So I find it better to just learn on my own…” He paused. Closing his eyes as he tilted his head up in thought.
“….it’s probably because…my teacher became one before me one day.” He trailed off thinking on the memory. “While I did manage to get away safely I later learned they were killed...and the only thing I heard on seraphim that turn into dragons, the only way to save them is to just kill them…” Opening his eyes he stared to the sky.
“But…is that really the only way to save them? That’s all I really want to know….but in the end I guess it became obsession on learning more on them.”

Lunarre paused, raising his eyes to the sky as he pondered his answer. The seraph’s words had touched a sensitive spot, one linked to the time where these feelings lived and breathed freely of whose existence precious few living people were aware.
It forced Lunarre to think, to consider, and feel, in a way that was fast becoming alien.
For a brief moment, the ‘Lunarre that was’ revealed himself.
“Ahh. I get it. If the person was close to ya, I get it.” He sighed. “Still, you won’t be doin’ yourself or him any favours goin’ blind trying to find your answers. Sounds like somethin’ the Shepherd could help you with. I get you feel like this is somethin’ you have to do on your own, but that’s not exactly workin’ out is it? This is the sort of thing you need other people for. The Great Purifier himself is hardly gonna refuse you. He’s the biggest bleedin’ heart I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of bleedin’ hearts.”
He grinned, and the Lunarre that was retreated back into the dark corners of his mind. The hellion replaced him, an impish glint in his vulpine eyes.
“Figuratively and literally.”

“Aren’t we grumpy today? What’s got your beef, gramps? Damn kids messin’ up your lovely petunias? Damn government messin’ with your retirement plans? Too many lumps in your old man soup?”
With every suggestion the hellion’s smile gets wider and wider.

“I literally got nothing. Don’t feel like anything, don’t feel like doing anything, heck. I wonder why I bothered to even get out of bed today.”

“More like; all my spoons are gone and I don’t wanna deal with the world. Just one of those days where you don’t give a crap on anything.”

“Your... spoons? You’re upset ‘cuz you’re out of spoons? Spoons with which to eat your old man soup? You’re not losing it are you?”

“...Gramps, I’m not a kid anymore. You can swear as much as you fuckin’ want. Trust me, I have no innocence left for you to take.”

“Your… spoons? You’re upset ‘cuz you’re out of spoons? Spoons with which to eat your old man soup? You’re not losing it are you?”

“Well that was an amusing response. But wrong spoon. Guess I could have worded it differently but I’m not big on saying curse words. But in another way I got no more F’s right now. I am also as sane as I can be.”
Lunarre: Hey Kimuri - say 'arse'!
Kimuri: Bum.
Lunarre: Fuck you old man.

“Would if I could but I won’t cause it doesn’t settle right with me… english.”

“What’s ‘English’? Fuck me, old man, you are going senile.”
[Lol England and by extension English doesn’t exist in Tales shoot me]

“I’m not even sure anymore.” Time to stop smoking herbs.

“You should probably see a doctor. I’d help out, but I’m broke.”
[Lol it’s autumn and the weather’s shit not much else to do XD]
Trick or Treat! 🎃
Send ‘Trick or Treat! 🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat!
This could be: a promo graphic, icons, an aesthetic graphicof your muse, a drabble, a photoset of our muses together,a moodboard based on one of our threads, or some othergoodie! Happy Halloween! Let’s celebrate!
[Note: this drabble is set in the aftermath of my RELUCTANT HERO. verse, in which Lunarre sacrificed himself, was purified, and reborn as a seraph.]
Lunarre was grateful for the seraphim’s lack of need for sleep. It meant he could travel far longer distances until weariness forced him to stop and rest his feet. Getting up from his latest break, the fire seraph continued onward down the dirt path, an expansive forest to his right and fields to his left.
It was autumn, and the afternoon sun made the golden leaves sparkle, and their shadows quivered in the breeze.
Lunarre smiled. Being a wanderer wasn’t so bad, though somewhere to put down roots appealed to him. He wanted to find that place, the place that felt like home. This was difficult for a seraph who remembered nothing of the human life he had once lived. Out of the seraphim Lunarre had lived among since awakening, he was the one of only a handful of former humans.
None of the others had a clue as to his former identity, and none his kindred spirits were especially bothered by the fact that their past lives were a mystery. They couldn’t understand why Lunarre was so bothered by it, and tried to discourage any attempt to reclaim those lost memories.
It was that which made Lunarre realise his time with them was over. Ignoring their warnings - tempting malevolence among them - Lunarre set off on a journey to discover the man he had once been, and the life he had left behind.
Lunarre huffed as he recalled their annoying whines, telling him he was better off how he was now. Bullshit. They were just content leading endlessly peaceful unutterably boring lives. Their bliss came from ignorance, and Lunarre was a man who hated to wilfully live in the dark.
Suddenly he spotted a figure sitting against the trunk of a tree a little further along the path, deeply engrossed in writing. He grasped a large quill in his hand, scribbling intently.
Immediately Lunnare could sense that this was yet another seraph like himself. He - or she, Lunarre was too far away to tell - had long black hair and the seraph’s getup (the red and white aesthetic specifically) led him to believe he (or she) was a fire seraph like himself.
Lunarre walked closer, but the seraph was so engrossed in his writing (yup, definitely male) that he didn’t notice.
Lunarre spoke up, raising his voice.
“Yo, kid.”
He shot the seraph a wave as the scribe jumped and looked up in surprise. Understandable, but then the seraph kept on staring, mystified, as if he had never seen another living person in his life.
Confused, Lunarre opened his mouth to ask what the matter was, when the seraph suddenly said, in a quavering voice: “Lunarre?”
Lunarre was so dumbstruck he simply gaped at the sitting figure. This seraph knew him.
“Y-yes. Who–?”
Before Lunarre could get three words out, arms flung around his neck as the fire seraph threw himself bawling into his shoulder. The seraph blubbered words through his sobs but he was so overcome Lunarre could only make out snatches of information.
“… your voice… I knew… stupid, stupid idiot…! They… they told me you… to save… oh why didn’t you call me? I could … helped you… I could’ve… saved you! … idiot! I thought… I thought I’d never - oh you’re BACK…!”
Unable to bear it any longer, Lunarre grabbed the whimpering seraph by the arms and held him at arm’s length.
“Hey! Get ahold of yourself!”
The fire seraph sniffed, taking breaths to recover. Finally, he calmed down enough to look at Lunarre. Lunarre’s eyes widened.
The seraph was blind.
Sighing, the seraph took Lunarre’s hands in his.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s just… been a long time.”
Lunarre didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, all the burning questions in his mind vanished and were replaced by feelings so confused he could scarce give them a name.
The seraph smiled a small, sad smile.
“You don’t remember me, do you?”
Lunarre started, but after a moment he shook his head. As painful as it was, there was no point in hiding the truth.
“I’m sorry.”
“No need,” said the seraph. “It’s the way of things.”
“I want to remember!”
Lunarre’s outburst made the seraph start and stare.
“I want to remember… that time. Please,” he implored, “please help me remember. I want to remember what you were to me. Everything!”
The seraph bit his lip, tears welling up again.
“We were friends. Weird friends, but friends.”
“Help me!” Lunarre couldn’t stand the defeated look in the seraph’s eyes. “Help me…”
The seraph paused.
“Alright. I’ve never in all my years seen a former-human seraph regain memories of their past life, but…” He smiled again, and it was brighter this time. “You’ve done the impossible before. Kicked its butt, actually.”
Lunarre hadn’t the faintest idea what Kimuri was referring to, but there was time, plenty of time, to hear all about it. His heart danced in his chest, and he couldn’t stop smiling.
“This is so awesome! Gramps, you’ve gotta tell me everything!”
Kimuri smiled and finally let go of Lunarre’s hands.
“I will. Wait - ‘gramps’?”
“Er - yeah.” Lunarre grinned somewhat sheepishly. “You’re way older than me, right? But… sorry, I won’t - ”
“No.” Kimuri’s smile was strange. Wistful. “I don’t mind.”
Lunarre grinned.
“OK, Gramps.”
Kimuri packed his writing things away and the two seraphim set off down the path together. The old fire seraph talked, cried, and talked, while Lunarre listened in awe. He learned of places and people he had known, people who would surely be waiting for him. His first port of call was Ladylake, and Kimuri knew the way.
Sometimes the seraph would touch Lunarre’s arm to make sure he was really there. Lunarre didn’t mind. He was happier than could remember being before.
Autumn-esque Sentence Starters

“…Why? Isn’t it more fun to … carve ’em? Set ‘em on fire? That’s what I’d do. Though, thinking about it, using them as target practice doesn’t sound so bad.”

The hellion’s lips stretch into smile.
“...I love you, Gramps. You and yer mad brain!”
He claps his hands together with one loud slapping sound and bears his teeth in a grin.
“Now bring out those goddamned pumpkins and let’s do it!”
@snickering-kitsune -> X

“You gotta punch a pumpkin to really know why I want to-!” The seraph showed just as much excitement on this as he did with dragons. “It’s just- so satisfying to break it with a punch! Not only that you can still carve them…kinda. It just adds effect to them if you ask me.”


When you listen to this one song on repeat and it just makes you wanna rp Kimuri on the violent side more and more-
“i’d love to relax but that’s just not realistic.” let him be wired

“…You’re alright this time, aren’t you, Gramps? You’re not all loony and evil?”
[Continued from here - x]

The hellion was paralysed, unable to make sense of the dark apparition before him. It looked like Kimuri, but there was evil in that smile. Lunarre never thought he’d ever describe such a thing like that, and certainly not of the one he called ‘gramps’.
Has he been corrupted by the dragons’ malevolence?!
“Hey - snap out of it! Have you lost your mind?!”
He actually felt a mix between feeling like things were tearing apart as well as an almost….wild adrenaline rush. No…something was definitely not right. There was a bloodlust in him. Something he shouldn’t ever feel but, it felt oh so familiar at the same time. An old corruption starting to burn further and further.
But a concerned voice did catch the his ears. A smile forming on his face.

“No...I’m not there yet, don’t worry about it,” he added, trying to add innocence into his lying tone.

Lunarre knew a liar when he saw one. There was a serpent under the rose, and he was baring his fangs. Malevolence was thick in the air, and Lunarre knew it was only a matter of time until...
Lunarre knew he could leave the seraph behind, let the darkness consume him. At one time that would have been a spectacle he would have been happily privy to, but not now. The hellion clenched his fists.
With Kimuri like this it was unlikely he would let himself be led anywhere.
“Sorry, Gramps. Wherever ‘there’ is, I’m not lettin’ you go!”
Before Kimuri could answer, Lunarre delivered a swift uppercut to the seraph’s jaw. The seraph was out before he even hit the ground.
Gazing down at Kimuri’s unconscious body, Lunarre sighed before picking the seraph up and slinging him over his shoulder. Without further delay, Lunarre raced into the woods.
He wouldn’t stop until the air had cleared of malevolence.

“...That was some fucking evil ‘energy’, Gramps. Cut the crap - what happened back there?”
@snickering-kitsune -> X

“Probably…? I mean sometimes you just gotta let some energy go, you know what I’m saying?”
Seemed like his reassurance wasn’t enough for Lunarre. With the other’s comment a frown did appear on his face before he was given a good hit to the jaw, causing everything to go dark for him before hitting the ground.

Everything was a haze after that. But one thing was certain, he was being moved to a different location. Over the course of time Kimuri struggled to regain consciousness, letting a low groan leave him as he tried to make out just what was going on now.

Lunarre heard the seraph’s groggy mutter and cursed. They weren’t out of the woods yet - figuratively and literally. Malevolence still clogged the air, though the heaviness had lessened considerably. Lunarre couldn’t take a chance. Further. Just a bit further.
He had a hill beyond the woods in his sights. Perhaps there they could breathe easier.
“We’re almost there, gramps,” he said. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

Trying to grasp the situation Kimuri moved a hand to his jaw wincing on the pain as he tried to grasp just what was going on. Lunarre’s words barely registering for him. The air was getting less heavy meaning…they were moving away from the malevolence. But…
That wasn’t the right way. He needed to go further, a place with that much malevolence must have something related to what he’s looking for! was a risk he was willing to take.
Breathing deeper he looked to the ground as it moved.
“…You’re going….the wrong way,” he muttered as he tried to steady is groggy mind. Internally wishing he had an arte to help himself right now. But healing wasn’t fully on his side.

It took Lunarre a moment to realise what the seraph’s words meant, and when he did, he exploded.
“You want to go back to the dragon?!” he shouted. “Are you fucking insane? No way in hell!”
Righteous anger. Lunarre knew the feeling well, but it was tinged with unease. He didn’t know if he could restrain Kimuri if the seraph got his strength back and decided to fight back. Right now his control over the situation was balanced on Kimuri remaining out of commission until they were far, far away.
Fuck. He hated this. Why was he going so far for one crazy old half-blind seraph? Since when had he lost sight of his vengeance? He hadn’t felt like this since...
“Just... shut up and let me concentrate!”
Send me ⊗ for 3+ headcanons about your muse and mine.

Kimuri fills the void of a father figure Lunarre has been missing in his life - well, more grandfather, but it’s practically the same thing to him. Of course, this only applies to the verses in which Lunarre walks the path of redemption. If he loses his humanity and is consumed with darkness, he turns on Kimuri and eats him - as in the drabble I wrote - the BAD END.
Lunarre is secretly impressed by Kimuri and admires the seraph’s latent strength, especially as he covets such power for himself. Depending on the verse, this can go very well or very badly. In my SERAPH. verse, Kimuri would become a very valued teacher for the inexperienced Lunarre.
Thanks to Kimuri, Lunarre now has a plethora of old fart jokes stored in his memory bank. He is desperate to use them.
Kimuri’s stubbornness pisses him off, but Lunarre also realises (in good verses anyway) that this is the pot calling the kettle black. They’re both bull-minded - though Lunarre will draw the line at blatant acts of self-harm (like going near dragons). He is not afraid of breaking the old man’s legs to stop him doing it.
Lunarre is hesitant to challenge Kimuri to an eating contest, as he’s proud of his record and doesn’t want to be beaten by an old fart.
☘ :3c
Send ☘ to receive an advice from my muse. Feel free to ask for something in particular, if you want.

“Stay the fuck away from dragons and big bad malevolent shit. If you try that again I’ll break your goddamn legs. This isn’t advice anymore, this is me tellin’ you. Got it?”