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More Posts from Sorastar0
I’m still waiting for the Acrylic of the Susano’o Vs Okita on Ebay
Anyway Beach Susano’o he looks so fine af

Here is my first Metal Slug OC! To be honest, I don't really see any Metal Slug OCs being made, especially on this platform. So, I decided to indulge myself and make one! I hope you enjoy her!
Name: Ophelia “Ophie” Clementine Rourke
Gender: Female
Origin: Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Occupation: Lieutenant in the Peregrine Falcons Squad of the government forces
Birthday: October 29, 2004
Height: 5’ 7” (170 cm)
Weight: 159 lbs (72 kg)
Blood Type: AB-
Special Skills: Forensic science, survival skills, energy manipulation, piloting, knowledge of biological agents and toxins, and creating detailed, observational drawings of enemy positions and terrain
Hobbies: Reading books on biology and the occult, painting landscapes, messing around with flight simulation software, photography, and camping
Pet Phrase: “Oi! Get a load of this, drongo!”
Character Summary: This witty Australian attended a two-year art program in college, focusing on landscape drawing for animation studios, before studying forensic science at university and later pursuing her pilot's licence. Ophie expresses her creativity through landscape paintings and sketches, which also help her to strategically plan potential attacks on enemy territory. In addition, she utilises her piloting skills to conduct aerial bombing missions on enemy bases and ensure the swift safety of her comrades.
During her captivity by the Martians, she felt almost at home with them, admiring their superior intelligence and scheming nature. Due to her deep respect for nature, she even understood their desire to subjugate humanity in order to save Earth from severe depletion of resources. A small part of Ophie sympathised with the Martians' cause, but after meeting Marco and the P.F. Squad, she decided against joining them, realising that humanity is capable of growth and will go to great lengths to protect Earth.
She takes a disturbing pleasure in obliterating her enemies, often letting out a maniacal laugh as she does so. She possesses a great intellect and a broad range of knowledge, which sometimes leads her to perceive others as “intellectually inferior” than herself. Ophie conceals her bitterness and wariness of strangers behind a facade of playful teasing, sarcastic remarks, and a charming smile. She possesses phenomenal emotional intelligence and a compassionate, laid-back disposition, which she only reveals to those closest to her. She uses her rugged orange-and-white cat plush for emotional support, and she's a soda addict with a favourite food of macadamia nuts on a lamington. Her retirement plans include opening an art and photography shop and exploring opportunities to assist in the field of forensics.
Appearance: She has tanned skin, shoulder-length mahogany hair with slight curls, bluish-grey eyes, and reddish-brown freckles. She has gruesome scars that she keeps hidden beneath her clothing: one running along the length of her spine and surgical scars on her chest.
Ophie’s military attire consists of copper-hued pilot goggles, a cloudy blue sleeveless shirt, an ultramarine vest, cargo pants with army green, brown, and grey splotches, and a bronze-buckled black belt and paratrooper boots. She also wears bluish-black gloves to conceal the stab scars and needle holes on her hands and improve her grip for weapon handling. She likes to carry around a brown leather satchel bag with a few cans of soda, a black gas mask with blue-tinted glasses, and her beloved cat plush, which has an emerald green bowtie.
Story: After the death of her younger brother, she was abandoned by her parents at a young age, placing her into the foster care system. She would be raised by foster parents: her foster father, a well-respected and loving fighter pilot, and her foster mother, a biologist who was neglectful. The occupations of her foster parents sparked her curiosity in biology and aviation, so she began exploring these interests through self-study and projects during her elementary school years. Ophie also discovered and nurtured her passions for art, photography, and nature, all of which were enthusiastically supported by her foster father. She has a hazy recollection of her foster mother dying in a house fire, a traumatic event she's largely suppressed and forgotten as a coping mechanism. She also recalls being relentlessly bullied throughout elementary and secondary school for being “different” and “friendless”, a painful experience she prefers not to discuss.
After finishing all of her school and earning her pilot’s licence, she was captured by the Martians for experimentation. The experiments they subjected Ophie to were, in her words, “too frightening to recall”, which explains her scars, her interest in the occult, and her ability to manipulate energy. During the Martian invasion of Earth, Marco, Tarma, and a few members of the P.F. Squad rescued her. She hadn't expected to be rescued, believing she'd be left alone and used as a guinea pig for the rest of her life. Out of gratitude and with Marco's permission, she joined the P.F. Squad to protect humanity from alien threats and the Rebel Army, her skills proving to be highly valuable on the battlefield.
Jerma: She was originally unsure how to feel about a former soldier that served under General Morden joining the Regular Army. However, that mindset changed after she sat down and talked to Jerma, surprised to discover that his betrayal of the enemy was motivated by a desire to do good. After that revelation, Ophie viewed him as the perfect courageous role model for younger generations and other potential Rebel Army deserters. They're incredibly close friends, but she's completely unaware of Jerma's secret romantic feelings for her.
Marco: Although she's a year older than Marco, she regards him as the serious-minded older brother she always wished she had. Besides viewing him as the embodiment of heroism, she sees him as the personification of determination and a driving desire for growth. Despite their friendship, she avoids spending too much time with Marco, fearing she might inadvertently get on his nerves or annoy him.
Tarma: Despite the rough start to their friendship, which began with Ophie playfully teasing him a little too much for comfort, they eventually became fairly good friends after doing a mission together. Ophie often goes on cigarette breaks with him, talking about how their day went or their retirement plans once the higher ups let them go. She finds comfort in his carefree attitude and enjoys watching him customise motorcycles when she has nothing better to do.
Eri: She can emotionally relate to Eri as they both share a common experience of having led a difficult life, which stems from being abandoned at a young age. She regards Eri as a younger sister and is always willing to lend a listening ear, allowing Eri to openly share her problems and concerns.
Fio: Like Eri, she regards Fio as a younger sister and will stop at nothing to shield her from harm's way. Ophie finds her presence to be calming and full of childlike wonder, and often allows her to practice chiropractic techniques on herself.
imagine if poseidon panicked when kojiro cut his hair. he’s just like “you fucked up my hair bitch” idk anyway i fucking love ur art <3
Thaaaaaaaaank youuu :DDD appreciate it appreciate it Ay he did his best tho

Here is my version of Demeter!
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: There are mentions of abuse, SA, and cannibalism. Viewer discretion is advised!

Demathonszur is an Äylcephomus with a capricious temperament who values her independence, free will, and maternal role within Eylvhraszokjumni. She refuses to let other people break her down easily, viewing their attempts as a detrimental threat to her resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. She shows a few signs and symptoms of atypical depression, such as excessive sadness and hopelessness, easily irritable, poor concentration, and increased sensitivity to rejection. She's a nurturing and empathetic woman with a raunchy sense of humour that helps her cope with depressive episodes and turbulent times. She's a nomadic lover of nature who shows compassion and kindness to others but becomes scary and vindictive when pushed too far. She’s hypervigilant and overprotective, especially when it comes to her daughter's well-being, as she fears she'll be hurt and abused like herself.

She has a pleasant-looking ectomorphic body type with an inverted triangle figure, a sturdy musculature, curvaceous hips, prominent thighs, and golden freckles. She's approximately 10’ 4” (314.96 cm) tall with twenty turtle dove wings and curly honey-blonde hair that cascades down to her ankles. She has snow-white skin, but her face takes on a worn, decaying appearance during autumn, and a fully rotten, weathered look when winter arrives. Demathonszur’s features are accentuated by frosty blue lips, shimmering plum eyeshadow, and gilded cat eyeliner. She has forest green eyes with specks of harvest gold around the centre and earthy brown pupils. Her eyes shimmer with vibrancy during the spring and summer months, but appear dull and lifeless during the autumn and winter seasons.
She wears a semi-circular headdress made from ears of corn and myrtle leaves, which is adorned with a sparkling green apple at its centre and a translucent powder blue veil that reaches to the base of her neck. She wears a dirt-stained chiton made of kelp-hued wool, and a slightly tattered chlamys made of terracotta-coloured linen, its threads streaked with golden honey and rusty orange. She wears an indigo girdle adorned with dried barley and red poppies, and dons sandals made of metallic purple leather. From her girdle hang a golden sickle and a ceramic wine jug that’s adorned with a painted design of a gold-winged serpent encircling a halved red apple. She often carries a basket that she wove from pine, filled with freshly sheared wool, harvested fruits, and wheat.

Demathonszur can manipulate the growth of plant life, the fertility of the earth, the bounty and richness of the soil, subterranean energy, grain, bread, and the cycles of winter, summer, and autumn. She also has control over the household, culture, the sacred laws of hospitality, the sanctity of marriage, women's passage from childhood to adulthood, the cycle of life and death, lower-ranking demons, and imps. She can summon snakes, geckos, pigs, cattle, horses, lions, cuckoos, peacocks, eagles, roosters, cranes, turtle doves, screech owls, red mullets, and all fantastical beasts such as dyomeda and scitalis. She's able to induce starvation and gluttony, make people immortal through the gentle bathing of holy fire, and take on the form of a young or aged mortal woman. She's a master of planting, harvesting, and respecting the earth, able to transform people into animals and monsters. She can purify the sins and ritualistic pollution of others through maternal nursing and a spiritual cleansing, which includes the heat of holy fire. Demathonszur can heal breast and womb disorders, and help individuals achieve a privileged afterlife by fostering goodness in their hearts.

Unnamed Angel of the Hearth and Home or “Hestia” (twin sister)
Purszathome (daughter)
Haiwodes (son-in-law)
Unnamed Angel of Nightmares, Ghosts, and Funerary Rites or “Melinoë” (granddaughter)
Posedawuni (ex-lover)
A Cretan hero or “Iasion” (ex-lover)
Angel of the Earth, Agricultural Fertility, and Sacred Law
The Warmth
The Purifying
First Shoots
Bringer of Law
Bearer of Fruit
The Well-Crowned
Mistress of the Household
She of the Beautiful Hair
Fury of the Stone Enclosure
She Who Bestows the Splendid Crops
As an Æylphitus, her name means “earth mother”.
She’s the avatar of J’Tervazoschin
She’s a skilled woodcarver
She considers herself to be a wildlife whisperer
She would pet any dangerous creature, including dragons, if she saw one.
She's fascinated by the forgotten myths, legends, and fairy tales of the Awukhoziels, Ufrajozlens, and humans.
Her favourite plants are the wheat, poppy, barley, myrtle, and apples.
Her favourite animals are the snake, gecko, piglet, bullock, crane, turtle dove, and red mullet.
She’s the only childhood friend of Herivota
She’s a close friend of Hecanotikus
Her chariot is drawn by four amphipteres
She taught humanity the art of harvesting and sustainable agricultural practices
Posedawuni gifted her a winged horse with a dark mane and flame-coloured fur, possessing extraordinary speed and the ability to prophesy in times of turmoil or at the onset of dire events.
She convinced Purszathome without a male partner and was lucky enough to produce a child that wasn’t fully malformed, but she was born with the hindquarters of a red deer.
When Purszathome was stolen, she was full of anguish and relentlessly searched for her beloved daughter, very worried about her safety. During the journey, a beautiful queen and her royal servants warmly greeted and provided her shelter, cheering her up with dirty jokes. In gratitude for their kindness, Demathonszur nursed the queen's young son back to health and attempted to purify him of his sins and make him immortal in the family fireplace. However, this plan backfired when the queen burst in, horrified by the sight of her son being subjected to holy flames and the revelation that Demathonszur was an angel. Demathonszur felt remorseful and spared the queen's son, allowing him to live a life free from divine intervention. She then departed the queen's castle, continuing her search for Purszathome. Eventually, with the help of Hecanotikus and Himanotrude, who had witnessed the abduction, Demathonszur discovered the truth about her daughter's fate.
When Demathonszur learned that Haiwodes had abducted her daughter, she became consumed by bitterness and social withdrawal, refusing to eat, drink, or sleep until she had exacted her revenge. Her overwhelming despair and rage caused the rains to cease and the crops to wither and die, bringing in the harshness of winter. The divine council, unimpressed by her actions, threatened the residents of Olympus to resolve the situation or face severe consequences, including dermal confiscation and eternal shame. Ziesowa intervened, sending Hermazotius to retrieve Purszathome and Haiwodes from Limbo and bring them to Demathonszur. Initially, Demathonszur intended to kill Haiwodes for abducting her daughter, but Purszathome intervened, persuading her to listen to Haiwodes' explanation and work through their issues.
She once had a lover who was a Cretan hero and slept with him in a thrice-ploughed field in his homeland. However a jealous Ziesowa struck him down with a deadly strike of lightning, believing that she shouldn’t be loved by a mere mortal.
She has a trusted servant, Tripozlemus, who shares the knowledge of agriculture with those she and he deem worthy. This servant is an Eleusinian prince and she gifted him a magnificent flying chariot pulled by domesticated dragons. Demathonszur rescued him from being murdered by a jealous king who desired to be her bestower of grain, transforming him into a lynx to save his life.
She purified Heraklotius after learning about him being ritually polluted from the slaughter of many drunken centaurs and centauresses.
She once punished a wealthy king in Thessaly who had recklessly cut down the trees of a sacred grove dedicated to Hecanotikus to build a grand banquet hall. As a consequence, she cursed him with an unrelenting hunger, ultimately leading to his downfall, poverty, and even self-inflicted cannibalism.

I wish I could live in Japan so I can get all the ROR Merch.