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2 years ago
karashti - Karashti

Record of Ragnarok “Click and Drag” game, Part 2!





Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!
Record Of Ragnarok Click And Drag Game, Part 2!

*by jealous I mean that he/she cares about you ! <3

let me know what you got, or if I should add other characters!!

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2 years ago
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares
Dibujos De La Espada En El Fondo De Los Mares

Dibujos de La Espada en el Fondo de los Mares

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6 months ago

My Record of Ragnarok hot takes:

Lu Bu and Thor would definitely be friends if they met under different circumstances.

Poseidon looks like a generic AI-generated pretty boy.

Jack the Ripper not being the actual Jack the Ripper is kind of a stupid plot twist.

Zero didn't deserve to die, the author should have found a way to save him.

Qin's backstory was too long. Other than that, I don't have any strong opinions on Qin.

Beelzebub is an irredeemable shithead and trying to make him look good is a pointless waste.

Tesla losing to Beelzebub was complete ass. There was no good plot reason for Tesla to lose.

Round 9 was way too short.

Susanoo being set up to die for plot reasons and having most of his screentime be focused on fanboying over Okita is also a complete waste, he has a lot more potential and he got nerfed to make Okita look cooler.

Most of the valkyries don't get enough screentime and don't have enough personality.

Susanoo's older siblings and his father looking younger than him is an incredibly stupid artistic/design choice.

Round 6 was the last good fight, the other fights since then have had some decent moments but overall the quality of the fights has gone downhill since then.

Susanoo should have been an audience member during Round 3 or he should have at least been shown watching part of the fight at some point.

Anubis' design is fine.

I don't have any strong opinions about Hades.

Most of the designs in the Gods Apocalypse spinoff are trash. Sun Wukong in particular has the worst design of them all.

There needs to be more worldbuilding in Record of Ragnarok in general.

Susanoo should have had some sort of storm/lightning related powers.

Kojiro and Susanoo have some of the most entertaining backstories of any characters in this manga, though I wish Susanoo got more characterization outside of his admiration for Okita.

Given Susanoo's backstory, I get why the author had him fight Okita but it would have been interesting to see Susanoo fight Kintoki instead.

Not showing Rasputin's design yet or even mentioning him at all in-universe feels weird as fuck and I can't even be bothered to care about him because still not seeing him at all this late in the game (as of fall 2024,) makes it seem like the author just straight up forgot about him.

Buddha forgiving Beelzebub for implanting Hajun inside Zero when Buddha hated Hajun for killing/eating Zero was a stupid writing choice.

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5 months ago

Some deranged Record of Ragnarok headcanons:

-Raiden knows what DeviantArt is, he doesn't post anything there, he just looks at stuff.

-Poseidon complains about all his problems to the fish in the ocean. They're not bad listeners for animals that don't technically have ears.

-If Leonidas lived in the modern world, he would film Youtube videos while sitting in a golf cart, complain about the government, and refuse to pay taxes.

-Anubis has eaten at least one pair of Susanoo's shoes before.

-Susanoo has a nice garden in his backyard but Anubis keeps on digging up the plants and Susanoo has sprayed Anubis with a hose in retaliation at least once.

-Qin listens to music at volumes that would make a normal person go deaf instantly.

-Ares is afraid of goldfish.

-If Goll and Zero lived in the modern world, they would play Club Penguin together.

-If Jack is baking a pie, he'll offer anyone a slice of it as long as they don't ask what's in the pie.

-Tesla could make a microwave fly if he was given enough time, space, and caffeine.

-Anubis knows what furries are.

-Thrud would absolutely love Animal Crossing.

-Adamas would wind up being tossed into the Dashcon ballpit if he wound up at Dashcon for whatever reason.

-Leonidas argues with people like an Italian grandfather (source: am Italian.)

-If Buddha lived in the real world, he'd live in a dumpy apartment with Kintoki, Siegfried, and Sun Wukong, smoke weed, sell random shit he finds in dumpsters and/or thrift stores on Ebay, and occasionally bum rides to EDM festivals.

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5 months ago

I could definitely see him doing that too, he'd probably get busted on security camera one day and then you'd just see him, Kintoki, Siegfried, and Wukong high-tailing it out of a parking lot on a bunch of old bicycles while mall security cops chase after them.

Some deranged Record of Ragnarok headcanons:

-Raiden knows what DeviantArt is, he doesn't post anything there, he just looks at stuff.

-Poseidon complains about all his problems to the fish in the ocean. They're not bad listeners for animals that don't technically have ears.

-If Leonidas lived in the modern world, he would film Youtube videos while sitting in a golf cart, complain about the government, and refuse to pay taxes.

-Anubis has eaten at least one pair of Susanoo's shoes before.

-Susanoo has a nice garden in his backyard but Anubis keeps on digging up the plants and Susanoo has sprayed Anubis with a hose in retaliation at least once.

-Qin listens to music at volumes that would make a normal person go deaf instantly.

-Ares is afraid of goldfish.

-If Goll and Zero lived in the modern world, they would play Club Penguin together.

-If Jack is baking a pie, he'll offer anyone a slice of it as long as they don't ask what's in the pie.

-Tesla could make a microwave fly if he was given enough time, space, and caffeine.

-Anubis knows what furries are.

-Thrud would absolutely love Animal Crossing.

-Adamas would wind up being tossed into the Dashcon ballpit if he wound up at Dashcon for whatever reason.

-Leonidas argues with people like an Italian grandfather (source: am Italian.)

-If Buddha lived in the real world, he'd live in a dumpy apartment with Kintoki, Siegfried, and Sun Wukong, smoke weed, sell random shit he finds in dumpsters and/or thrift stores on Ebay, and occasionally bum rides to EDM festivals.

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5 months ago

I feel like Anubis would be good at playing a saxophone.

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10 months ago


from my RoR fic.

Reblogging is fine, but no reposts! And no stealing/plagiarism!

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10 months ago
CIHUACTL, Serpent Woman!

CIHUACŌĀTL, serpent woman!

from my RoR fic.

Reblogging is fine, but do not repost! Do not steal/plagiarize!

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2 years ago
Ballpoint Pen Shenanigans, Part 2

Ballpoint pen shenanigans, part 2

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2 years ago

Too little, too late.

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10 months ago
This Is Me Now. Ive Become A Fish Just For You Pussidon

This is me now. I’ve become a fish just for you Pussidon 😔

Do you know what The Little Mermaid and I have in common? We both want to be a part of your world~


Is that so? Why don’t you proof it to me then?


Do You Know WhatTheLittle Mermaidand I Have In Common? We Both Want To Be A Part Of Your World~

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10 months ago

Simple 🤷‍♀️

Pickup lines. That’s how I’ll start the conversation 😋

Yo pops, got any advice on how the pick up boys? Since I’m totally not trying to pick up Hermes and Beelzebub


"Hermes and... Beelzebub..? I'm not sure how you can be able to date them much less talk to them."

Yo Pops, Got Any Advice On How The Pick Up Boys? Since Im Totally Not Trying To Pick Up Hermes And Beelzebub

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10 months ago
Ohhhh, Flirting Back I See~

Ohhhh, flirting back I see~

Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute.

Together we’d be pretty cute~


"We might as well rearrange the alphabet, I really want to so U and I together."

Hey, Youre Pretty And Im Cute.

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10 months ago

No thanks!

No Thanks!

Yo pops, got any advice on how the pick up boys? Since I’m totally not trying to pick up Hermes and Beelzebub


"Hermes and... Beelzebub..? I'm not sure how you can be able to date them much less talk to them."

Yo Pops, Got Any Advice On How The Pick Up Boys? Since Im Totally Not Trying To Pick Up Hermes And Beelzebub

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