Record Of Ragnarok - Tumblr Posts
You probably can tbh. Just go and ask Persephone

Since we asked Qin Shi...
Can we stack donuts on it?
"... I beg your pardon?"

Aww, shucks. You’re gonna make me blush.
I would flirt with you, but I’d rather seduce you with my awkwardness~
Aw, well ain’t you just cute as a June-bug. Jessie leans down to be face to face with you. Lifting up the brim of her hat some.
Careful now, I may just wanna rope ya later. She winked before leaning back up.
gonna go flirt with Ror rp blogs by telling them pickup lines. Wish me luck

This is me now. I’ve become a fish just for you Pussidon 😔
Do you know what The Little Mermaid and I have in common? We both want to be a part of your world~
Is that so? Why don’t you proof it to me then?

Pose for the fans

W-Wait! I have a better one! Ahem
Are you religious? ‘Cuz you’re the answer to all of my prayers~

(P.S. I was Ghost Anon. It just didn’t feel right for me to stay an Anon.)
Are you a door?
Because you look a-DOOR-able~
-Ghost Anon 👻
"Bad attempt."

Simple 🤷♀️
Pickup lines. That’s how I’ll start the conversation 😋
Yo pops, got any advice on how the pick up boys? Since I’m totally not trying to pick up Hermes and Beelzebub
"Hermes and... Beelzebub..? I'm not sure how you can be able to date them much less talk to them."

Ohhhh, flirting back I see~
Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute.
Together we’d be pretty cute~
"We might as well rearrange the alphabet, I really want to so U and I together."

No thanks!

Yo pops, got any advice on how the pick up boys? Since I’m totally not trying to pick up Hermes and Beelzebub
"Hermes and... Beelzebub..? I'm not sure how you can be able to date them much less talk to them."

Is the great and almighty Buddha blushing just from a simple pickup line?
They say nothing lasts forever,
so will you be my nothing~?

"Hm..Quite the charmer, aren't you sweetie?"

Screw it, I’m shooting my shot
Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist. Right?

"If you just wanted a kiss you could've just asked, darling."
Hermes bowed slightly and placed a chaste kiss on Ghost's forehead and cheek before straightening back up and patting down his suit to release any wrinkles made.

Nothing that you should worry your pretty little head over, sweetie

I’m not an electrician, but I can sure light up your day.

"..what the dog doin?"
Why is nobody talking about, How wasted Ares was? By wasted i mean lost potential as character and strength. Ares is like the god of war ,Why is so weak than???😭😭😭😭 ,Along with many other character that could have been something....It sucks....
Be warned, I went off on one with this post
... I swear I cried in the shower once just complained why he was wasted.
My man deserves more than what he got 😭
Like, he fought Heracles but zeus stopped that a bit too early! Excuse me!? Old man, the exit is over there, let Ares shine.
Then he finally gets a chance and HADES the fine ass man makes a fine ass move to butt in!
... Ares is forever the gag character, muscular but often dumb as bricks... the fact they just make him get beaten by others... zeus has punched him, and Qin threw him... he was even scared out of his seat... my man acts tough only to know that at the end of the day, he aint-
Look at him being wastedddd look at him poor ares... he dying over here

Don't get me started on other characters- oh. My. Days.
WHERE ARE OUR BELOVED WOMEN?! I WANTED WIFE REACTIONS TO REALLY DRAW THE DEATHS OUT MORE!! even just cheering! Something! Unless suddenly the gods lost wives?
Where's my Athena? Persephone? Sif? Frig/Frigga? Where's my goddesses at??
Where even are the kids???
also... no offence to the Greek gods but move aside cause there's other powerful gods from other religions we could have had.
(Now we've got that little spinoff bit, I'm pleased to at least see different characters... some of them are god damn completely roastable... others not so much.)
Stop giving me greek characters! Give me VARIETY! GIVE ME A GODDESS FIGHTING!! SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING!!!!
Record of ragnarok... WHYYYYYYYY?!!
I love this chaos
Record Of Shenanigans: #6
Y/N: opportunities don’t happen, you create them.
Qin Shi Huang: is that why Hades was on fire then?
Hades, incoherently screaming in the background:
Y/N, a furious look on your face: Qin…
Qin Shi Huang, slowly backing away from Y/N: it wasn’t me-

What was bro smoking while doing this
You know you’re in a fandom when people start doing measurements to find out their favorite character’s dick size 😭 😂 (I don’t say this in a mean way! I find it hilarious actually!)
Anyways, here’s for all you Hades simps

Note; I didn’t make this, it was posted on the Shuumatsu discord server, so I’ve no link for it.

Thor x Female Hiccup Reader
In all of Valhalla, the Norse Gods knew of Dragons. How there were different species, with different attributes and abilities. The Norse knew how dangerous Dragons were, they either avoided them or killed them so, they didn’t attack villages.
But that changed when they saw someone flying on a Dragon. Even more so, a Viking. Those of the Norse Pantheon knew how much Vikings hated Dragons and normally exterminated them on sight. So, to see a Viking riding on the back of a dragon was a shock.
When questioned about it, the Viking said that the heir to his tribe showed them that Dragons weren’t vicious beasts, that they could be trained. When asked about who the heir was, all they said was they rode on the back of a Night Fury.
As time went on more and more Vikings were started being seen on the backs of Dragons and not attacking each other.
It had been months later, when the Gods finally met the Dragon Rider who started it all.
Thor met you by accident, he was creating a lightning storm. And because it was so cloudy, Thor didn’t realize he hit something until a roar and shriek sounded off. Startling him that he saw something black crash into the forest.
Normally Thor wasn’t the type to indulge in his curiosities, but something inside of him made him check it out.
After a few minutes of searching, did he find what had fallen from the sky. It was a big mass of black scales, that he instantly knew that it was a Night Fury.
The God tried to be quiet to get a better look at the creature, but he wasn’t as quiet as he thought, because the Night Fury’s head suddenly snapped towards the God of Thunder. It’s cat-like green eyes staring into his own.
Thor looked at the Dragon and noticed the what looked like a saddle on it’s back and it looked like it was missing a tail fin. He tensed when he heard the beast growl.
He was getting ready to fight when a voice cried out “Toothless!” and out of nowhere, a young woman ran in front of the Night Fury – ‘Toothless’ Thor’s mind supplied – she took out a sword, the blade catching on fire. Ready to protect the Dragon behind her.
And that was how the God of Thunder, met the Dragon Master.
After that encounter, the two of you became good friends. After the mishap with Thor accidentally striking the both you and Toothless to the ground, you guys got along quite well. Even Toothless got along well with him (even if the larger male gave him extra fish when you weren’t looking).
You told him how you came across Toothless, how you lost your leg to the Red Death. How hard you worked for Vikings and Dragons to co-exist, and protecting Dragons from those who hunt dragons. Thor wouldn’t say it out loud but he admired, that about you, how you always strived to do the right thing and protecting others.
It was one of the reasons why he fell in love with you.
While you weren’t like the other Vikings, he wouldn’t have you any other way.
Acnologia’s Daughter Reader
You were the daughter of the King of Dragons – Acnologia. Being the blood of the Dragon of Apocalypse and a human made you more powerful than any Dragon Slayer known alive. You were the first Generation 0 Dragon Slayer ever.
But you didn’t act like one, you were a calm gentle soul who happened to be apart of Fairy Tail. The very Guild that revolves around family. Your father said that you took after your mother the most when it came to your personality.
You loved the Guild and all the friends that you made and you couldn’t be happier.
At least until you died.
When your father went crazy and attacked the Dragon Slayers (yourself included) and when everyone found a way to kill Acnologia, they did it. Not knowing that you would be affected as well. When, your family saw fade with your father they were horrified. They forgot that you were Acnologia’s daughter, and because you had his blood running through your veins you were being affected to.
It was a tearful affair to say goodbye to the people you cared greatly for, many crying out apologies and begs for forgiveness, even though you could never hate them and forgave them. Before you faded away completely, you said to them “until we see each other in the next life, I’ll always be with you.”
When you ended up in Valhalla, after earning your place from all the accomplishments you’ve done on Earthland you were a little off put by the fact that you were actually dead caught up to you. But you’ve decided to live a peaceful life.
Your father, decided to travel around Valhalla now that his head was cleared from whatever was plaguing it. While you chose to live in the woods close to some mountains, so that whenever you trained you wouldn’t bother anybody.
You never really interacted with the gods much, preferring to leave them alone since most weren’t that fond of humans (even though you were only half-human). The closest you ever got to befriending gods were the Valkyries, and they were Demigods.
So, when you heard of Ragnarok and the fact that Humanity was at risk of being wiped from existence. And when Brunhilde asked you to fight for Humanity you immediately agreed. Your family that was still alive were at risk, and you didn’t want them to lose their lives like you did. So, you were determined to make sure your living family would stay that way.
When you were called out, everyone was shocked, the Gods more so. They’ve heard of your father, The Black Dragon of Apocalypse, the Dragon King and many other Titles, they knew him as. To know that he had a daughter (with a human no less!) was a surprise.
Thor had heard of your father; how dangerous and powerful he was. That not even the Gods wanted anything to do with him. So, even he was surprised that he was going against the daughter of the Dragon King himself. Even if the God of Thunder was a little disappointed, he didn’t get to fight Acnologia himself, but he was curious on how you would fair in a fight.
And the God wasn’t disappointed, you were a fierce fighter with powerful use of magic and intense strength that even rivalled him. You could take hits from him using Mjolnir at full strength, eating the lightning he had to make yourself stronger. There were next to no one who was on par with Thor, because of the strength he possessed. He grew bored because nobody could match him.
But you, you were different. You got stronger with every lightning attack he gave you and shrugged off the physical blows he gave.
Thor loved it.
When you decided to finish the fight, you decided to do a secret art. Putting all your magic into that single spell. Which was enough to bring the Thunder God down. Bringing Humanity, a step closer to salvation.
When Thor woke up in the infirmary some time later, he saw you sitting on another bed, with bandages wrapped around certain places, like your arms and legs.
You saw him awake and immediately asked if he was alright.
Despite fighting against each other no more than a few hours ago, you wanted to make sure if he was okay. The thought warmed his heart.
Since the two of you were stuck in the infirmary for a while, the two of you got to know each other better. It even went as far to Thor to ask you out to get a drink together.
Seeing the cute blush on your face was worth it.
He didn’t think much of you at first when you came out. Even if you were the daughter of the Dragon King, you being half-human made him think that it’d be an easy win.
You weren’t making it easy at all! You were immune to the water attacks he sent you and you were too fast for him to strike with his trident. Even going as far to grab his weapon and snap the end of it and delivering a devastating punch to his stomach that his body created a massive crater into the ground. Knocking the air out of him and effectively knocking him out.
When he woke up in the infirmary, he was pissed as all hell. Hell bent on finding you and killing you. The Sea God couldn’t believe that you beat him! While he would admit you were powerful despite being half-human, it still grated him that a being with human blood beat him in a fight. It was a blow to his pride.
That was why he was going to find you to change all of that.
But when he did find you, it was a few days later in the evening. The moon up high into the sky, he saw you in a garden dancing on the water of a lily pond, not once sinking in. Your movements were graceful and fluid, like a calm ocean on a moonlit night.
Any thought on killing you went away as he watched you dance on the water. Your movements somewhat reminded him of a water nymph that he’s seen sometimes.
You were perfect.
Daughter of Godzilla Reader
The Gods of Valhalla know about Titans, the Oldest Greeks knew of them personally. But there was a breed of Titans that have been around before the Gods and Titans that many knew.
They were the Alpha Predators.
Creatures that held great power and cause great destruction. Beings that protect the world, they mainly left the humans alone if they didn’t do anything to provoke them. And the gods don’t try anything, because the last time they tried, an entire pantheon was wiped out.
By a single Titan.
And that Titan’s name was Godzilla, the King of Monsters. One of the most powerful Titan of them all. There weren’t many Alpha Titans around, the only one currently around was Kong. The Titan that ruled Hollow Earth after gaining a truce with Godzilla after defeating a machine, made to replace him. And the False King Ghidorah, but he didn’t count most of the time because he wasn’t from Earth in the first place.
After that event, the Gods of Valhalla decided to leave the Titans alone, even giving them the ability to turn themselves into humans to blend in a bit more. But they still held some traits from their monster form.
Years after that event, things were calm between the Titans and Gods, that they’ve gotten comfortable with each other.
The Gods then decided to invite the King of Monsters to a party to mingle and that he was allowed to bring whoever he wanted with him if he wanted to. And surprisingly, he agreed!
So, when the day came for the party, everyone saw the Legendary King of Monsters in human form…WITH TWO WOMEN!!?
One of them was an obvious human and the other was an Alpha Titan that looked like Godzilla.
Upon explanation, it turned out that the human woman was his wife and the other was his daughter – you. Which surprised many.
It was a surprise that the King had a wife and daughter, but were quick not to say anything against the two. Unless they wanted to die a painful death via Atomic Breath.
With the party in motion, some of the Gods got to know you after you left your parents to go to the buffet table.
You were sweet thing who was nice and polite to others who would talk to you. But many could tell that you were your father’s daughter, having a reptilian tail, claws, and fangs. You were also lean with some slight muscle and had some scars on any skin that was visible (which wasn’t a lot).
But what surprised many was that you were already in a relationship and with a God the many knew!
He met you during one of his training sessions, he knew that you were a Titan, the God of Thunder could feel the power and strength you had. You weren’t going to attack him, but you were curious.
After that the two of you became good friends and sparring partners for each other. You give him a thrilling fight and he helps you improve on your fighting. It was only a matter of time before the two of you started courting each other.
Of course, when your father found out he, dragged the Thunder God outside to fight him. Much to you and your mother’s exasperation. The fight your father and Thor had was put to an end by your mother who was quick to snag her husband by the ear and scolding him for fighting their hatchlings’ lover.
Thor was torn between chuckling at the King being scolded by his small wife or be embarrassed at how blunt your mother said about the two of you.
Although he was a little amused at your mother for calling you a hatchling.
The Lord of the Flies was curious about you when he found out you were the daughter of Godzilla himself. Wondering if you or your father could finally kill him.
But when he met you, you weren’t anything like what he was expecting at all. You were a calm and gentle person, who didn’t care about who he was or the curse he had. You just saw him as Beelzebub.
He didn’t know when the two of you started dating, it just came naturally to the both of you. Of course, he worried, about Satan hurting you if he ever took over his body, but you always reassured him that you’ll be fine.
The one-time Satan did take over, you whacked the back of his head with your tail and scolded him. Then he did something weird.
He was on his knees and had his arms wrapped around your waist, acting like a cuddly puppy. You knew for certain, that if he had a tail, it’d be wagging.
When Beelzebub turned back and you explained what happened, he was mortified! His head turned into a strawberry, with how red it was. You were certain, you saw stream coming out of the top of his head.
It didn’t help that you started calling him your ‘Little Puppy’ or your ‘Baby Bee’.
His Girl (Poseidon x F Reader)
Poseidon didn’t think much of you when he first saw you near his domain one day, because you were human, the God of the Sea wasn’t that fond with a creature like you was near the ocean. But, seeing you come to the beach every day with your sketchbook and beach bag, he grew curious of you. The God saw that you weren’t doing anything harmful to his domain, you just came to draw in your book and take walks on the sandy shores of the beach.
Deciding to indulge in his curiosities, he disguised himself to be a human (to his disgust and a blow to his pride) he introduced himself to you. Coming off as a man who explored the ocean.
The Sea God found out that you cared greatly about nature – the ocean specifically. It was the same with your sisters, but one cared more for the forests and the other loved storms. And took great offence whenever someone did something to damage nature.
Poseidon had the pleasure to witness one of those instances first-hand.
A few men were by the beach making a mess with their trash. You got pissed as all hell and somehow pulled out a metal pipe from your beach bag before shoving into the disguised God’s hands. Before rushing at the opposing men with a war cry.
You ended up chasing them for a good half hour, before you caught them. Making them pick up their trash after giving them a few good lumps to their heads.
Poseidon had to stop himself from chuckling, who knew that his nice and gentle human friend could put fear into men with just a metal pipe.
After that day, he came to appreciate you more and started seeing you as someone to care for, than a mere curiosity.
Some time later that week Poseidon visited your home near a cliffside close to the beach (he was not surprised), and he kind of liked the cozy, homey feel it gave off.
That night, under the full moon. The both of you learned more about each other. You learned that Poseidon had three brothers (him being the third brother) and three sisters. And Poseidon learned that you had ten brothers with you being one of three girls of your parent’s children.
That both your parents came from families that liked having a lot of children. Poseidon was a little shocked that you had a lot of brothers, he respects Hades, but being around Adamas and Zues constantly gave him a migraine. But you made it seem like the best thing in the world (despite having a few hiccups).
You even told him a story of how your eldest brother and third brother got into a prank war and somehow flooded the house with soap bubbles. Your mother got so mad she slapped them with her slippers, grounded them for three months and made them clean the house.
The sight of you laughing at the memory, along with moonlight shining down on you made it seem like you were a goddess. Poseidon didn’t know what came over him in that moment. But the Sea God brought you into a kiss that was shared under the moonlight.