Hello There!!!
Hello there!!!
Sorry to ask, but so you have any headcanons 'bout Daiyu & Qin Shi Huang?
«"You have given me the perfect opportunity to talk about them. I love you, anon ♡♡"» - Asheer/Huī

✧ Qin Shi Huang/Ying Zheng's main love language is Words of affirmation and physical touch. He often praises Dàiyù and reassures her when things go wrong, knowing she has issues expressing her emotions.
✧ Yao Dàiyù's love language are gifts and physical touch. Her gifts come in form of her making soft and loving melodies on her guzheng only for him, also learning to bake just for him.
Her love language when expressing physical touch are normally small and soft caresses to his cheek or arm, clinging onto his arm or leaning her head on his shoulder.
✧ The tropes that would probably describe accurately their relationship are "Arranged marriage" and "Friends to lovers" plus slow-burn
✧ Ying Zheng and Yao Dàiyù have an age difference of four years, and a birthday difference of one day (Feb. 18th/19th).
✧ While in ancient China there weren't so representative symbols of marriage (such as nowadays rings), Zheng and Dàiyù re-established their marriage by their matching earring, each one having the earring the other's missing.
✧ Their favorite place to go is the private's garden of the Empress, same place where Dàiyù keeps her greenhouse. In that place there are multiples venomous/poisonous plants, but there are also beautiful flowers and trees. They often sit down under a tree with Zheng caressing Dàiyù's hair, waist, or cuddling with her while she plays an instrument, commonly the guzheng or maybe the xíqin.
✧ Dàiyù has a strict schedule of when to finish her duties, so when she does and Zheng hasn't, she normally stays in the Imperial bedroom reading while using his Imperial robe.
✧ Ying Zheng himself handcrafted the intricate gold and silver work that complements and conforms Dàiyù's jewelry as an anniversary gift.
✧ They're often side-by-side; either Dàiyù is trying to keep Ying Zheng from causing ruckus, or Zheng is clinging onto Dàiyù while she studies the properties of flowers and herbs.
✧ There are times were Ying Zheng remembers traumas of the past as nightmares and wakes up distressed, Yao Dàiyù always holds him against her chest and soothes him.
✧ Dàiyù looks sort of alike to Chun Yan, specially when she ties up her hair. Zheng sometimes teases her about it but also remarks that It brings him peace.
✧ They trust each other deeply. No lie or circumstance could make them distrust the other.
✧ Ying Zheng when taking off his blindfold, enjoys watching Dàiyù's Qi points. He's genuinely and whole-heartedly convinced she has the most beautiful and fluid Qi in all existence.
✧ When stressed, Ying Zheng likes feeling Dàiyù's fingers tracing circles on his back, It relaxes him.
✧ Their ship's emoji: 🐉🐦🔥 (LóngFèng) / 👑🖤 (Zheiyù) - Can use any of those.

Tagging [tagging a few mutuals, in case you don't want me to please say so.]: @sorastar0 @atreyushortcake @amphitriteswife @hellany @ctrldoll
«"Won't lie, got super excited when asked for headcanons and over-exaggerated (╥﹏╥)"» - Asheer | Huī
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💜Introduction Post💚
Hi my name is Demi~
I recently got into Record of Ragnarok and love Loki 🤗💜💚
I love Loki so much, he’s just so mischievous and charming, you can call me Loki’s wife as a nickname 🤭💚~
Feel free to use these Loki icons I made~ 🤗🪻💜💚

Forced Relaxation
Word Count: 1458
POV: Third Person
Commission for: myself
Note: This is oc x cc keep that in mind! I am Kamski in this story, so this is not DBH Kamski! This is also unedited. this is oc x blade btw!
Coming home was a once in a while opportunity. Blade didn’t know what Elio had in store for him, but for right now he was told to rest. It had him on edge, if he was being honest, being told to “take a break” from being a Stellaron Hunter. Told to just relax and take it easy, by Kafka. He remembered that she put an arm around his shoulder and said, “Go. Take a vacation! It’s not often us Stellaron Hunters get this chance, Bladie.”
Where would he go? What would he do? He’s not the vacation type of person, and it’s not like he can go anywhere long. He hates going anywhere and most of all hates people. How was he supposed to enjoy a nice vacation when those two things are what makes up a vacation? Blade shakes his head, ignoring the absurdity of it all and got his key out to open the door to his apartment.
His apartment was dark, but plain. Something he chose so that the morning sun wouldn’t wake him up. Not like he slept much anyways, but when he did he hated the sunlight. He knew that when the sun woke him up it was going to be a bad day. So he chose an apartment where the sun barely rose, and always kept the curtains closed. He also didn’t bother to decorate the place because why would he? It’s just an apartment, a place that he can come home to, and then leave for weeks at a time when duty calls. There was no need in maintaining so many things in a home when he didn’t even have the time for it.
When he stepped inside he heard shuffling coming from one of the other rooms. Oh, he nearly forgot they were still here. Kamski had been staying with Blade for the time being on the Luofu since his mara was acting up. Something about them staying in close proximity caused it to go down, and Blade didn’t question it. He knew better than to question things like that, because it was a damn miracle they could do that in the first place.
Wait…they’re still here?
The last time Blade left Kamski was about a week ago, who was sitting in the office space of the apartment doing work for the Astral Express. Quite frankly, he didn’t care much for the Astral Express, but his lover works with them, so in a way he had to care some about the train. Not only that but they were busy for the Luofu with their databases and helping them get online after the whole thing was broken into. So not only were they already overloaded, but they probably hadn’t taken any time away from that computer either.
Blade sighed, opening the door to the room seeing exactly what he thought he would see. A half-asleep Kamski, with their eyes dazedly looking at the computer and their shoulders slumped over. He knew he should have told Jing Yuan to keep an eye on them, because he knew they would work and work and work until they passed out. They didn’t even bother looking up from their computer, and instead sat there silently typing away.
He walked over behind them, placing his hands on their shoulders. “Kam.”
“Blade?” they finally looked up at him with those same glazed over eyes. “I didn’t notice you.”
“I know you didn’t.” he bluntly said. “When was the last time you slept?”
“I…uh…” they quickly checked the time on the computer. “20-something hours.”
He stayed silent, breathing in through his nose, and sighing while pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’ve been working like this all week, haven’t you?”
“Yeah…” they answered, looking downward and hiding their face from embarrassment. “I just need to finish up this one thing and then I’ll go to sleep. I swear.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I swear I will Blade!” they exclaimed. “Just let me finish up this one last thing okay?”
“Hmph.” he answered, finding a seat in the room and crossing his arms. “Then you won’t mind if I stay?”
“What?” Kamski said, a bit exasperated. They looked at the computer and then back to Blade. “Fine.”
So he sat there, in one of the black leather seats in the plain white room, watching Kamski work diligently away at their work. He had to give it to them, that when they put their mind to something there was no stopping them. Sometimes they would get tunnel vision and only see what was right in front of them, but it was always Blade that brought them out to see the bigger picture. It was interesting to him that he was able to fall in love with such a person, but here he was making sure they got the sleep they deserved (and desperately needed.)
At first when he sat there he watched them, typing away on the computer, trying to hold their head up. He just crossed his arms, waiting to see how long they could last until they either passed out or got done. Their stubbornness is what kept them going, which is what Blade liked. He never liked compliant people who did as they were told, but liked those who pushed against the status quo and achieved what they thought was right.
He sat there tapping his foot and his arms still crossed, wondering if they would get done. He knew that if he left them they would eventually come out, but only when it was too late. They could saunter out, dead like a zombie, and eventually crash on the couch. By then Blade would have to pick them up and carry them to the bedroom so that they could at least sleep somewhere comfortable. He didn’t want to do that this time. He wanted them awake, conscious, aware.
He looked down at his phone, and got up. “Kam.”
“Blade, please.”
“No.” he said, as he got up to walk over to them, watching them scramble to save everything and turn off the computer.
He grabbed them by their waist, picked them up and carried them to the bedroom. He dropped them on the bed with an “oof” coming from Kamski as they landed on the bed. They were still in their regular clothes they slept in (some shorts and a regular shirt), and Blade started taking off his armor as well. When he was finally comfortable, he got into bed with Kamski, pulling them closer to his chest. They didn’t question it, they knew better than to ask, when Blade pulls you close you don’t question it.
“Now, will you sleep?”
A sly smile came across Kamski’s face when he asked that, for some reason he didn’t like that smile.
“Sing me to sleep.”
They started to pout, jutting out their lips and looking at him like he just kicked a puppy. “Please, Bladie?”
Bladie. Something that only Kafka and Kamski call him. When Kafka usually called him that he knew she was playing, teasing, or poking fun at him. He usually let her because in terms of rank, she was first, so he would bite his tongue and let her say as she pleased to him. Plus, in a weird sense, she was his friend. He actually liked having her around, especially since she was useful when it came to his mara. Without her he’d probably have turned by now. Man, he really did owe her didn’t he?
But when Kamski would call him that it was like a pang in his heart. His chest would suddenly feel all warm and his stomach would drop (perhaps one could say he felt butterflies in his stomach.) The way they would look up at him so sweetly with their doe-like eyes as they hugged him. They waited for an answer, because he knew that they saw him hesitate. The way his breath would hitch and his heart would beat faster. It’s not like he could go anywhere now. He brought himself into this situation, and now he has to deal with it.
He grumbled something inaudible, before pulling them closer so that their head was tucked under his chin. He slowly started to sing, something that he remembered from a past life. His voice was soft and low as he sang, holding Kamski closer to him as he sung them to sleep. He could feel their body start to relax in his arms, and soon enough he started to hear the familiar rhythm of their breathing. He looked down, seeing their closed eyes, and held them close to his chest hoping they wouldn’t hear how his heart raced.
Maybe this vacation could be useful after all.
I NEED to see a Sora mood board soon, bbg! 🥺💖

(I’m totally not trying to bribe you with these. (゜o゜; )
Wei under the plum blossom tree

Here is my version of Koschei the Deathless!

Kashctevoi Otrekavich is a Pnemazokhus who once served as the fearsome and warmongering hierophant of the Prijakhozlumne tribe before being assassinated by the only living tribal princess and buried in the Martian sands of Ezramylobius. He's a highly intelligent and wise man with a power-hungry streak and the ability to easily outwit enemies. As a Machiavellian individual, he's merciless, brutal, and sadistic, having no qualms about using violence and dishonesty to get what he desires. He's quite haughty and self-assured, possessing an odd sense of humour and an irrational fear of true death. Despite his natural charisma and using deceptive tactics to persuade others, he's extremely cautious and secretive about his motivations and how to destroy his soul.

He’s a 17' 3" (525.78 cm) skeleton, bound by tattered remnants of decaying flesh and creeping veins that all stem from his pulsating heart emitting an eerie blue glow. He possesses carnivorous teeth and a serpentine tongue, and his neck is adorned with twenty purplish-black tentacles that have a metallic green sheen. Two branches of hornbeam tree sprout from Kashctevoi’s forehead, and his sunken eyes, with vertical emerald green pupils, glow with an unnatural, fiery red-orange light. He has a wispy beard of silver-streaked auburn clinging to his bony chin as though it has been awkwardly glued into place. His hunchback is pierced by ten dull, battle-worn golden swords, five rusty bronze spears, and three grotesque, writhing fleshy arms.
He wears the black cord necklace featuring ten gilded human bones, intertwined to form a nearly perfect U-shaped curve. The once-vibrant orange linen robe, now faded and stained, drags limply across the floor, its hem worn thin in places. Above it, a knee-length saffron-lacquered silk robe, its sheen dulled and cracked, hangs unevenly. The leopard-spotted blue-green kesa, its spots faded to mere whispers of their former colour, is carefully arranged to reveal his heart. Kashctevoi's cloak, made from a Siberian tiger pelt, its fur matted and worn, still boasts the tiger's head as a hood, though the ears are now torn and the blue-grey eyes dulled. The ushanka hat, crafted from a chinchilla rabbit coat with dull bronze-hued trim, is worn and faded with fluffed-up fur in places.
He wears a gilt-brass ring adorned with spikes shaped like a raven's beak on his right middle finger, granting him protection from physical attacks and rendering his bones nearly indestructible. He carries a staff covered in shimmering green scales, except for the handle, which remains bare. Iron claws encircle the staff's two openings, exposing the dark, polished wood beneath, and the handle has a hidden compartment that stores vials of rare poisons. The staff is topped with a glowing crystal orb filled with a bloody mist, in which twisted faces of agony are visible.

He's a master of druidry, white and black magic, and religious rites with extensive knowledge of death, forbidden secrets, and the dangers of unchecked ambition. He can create frightening, vivid illusions that can only be dispelled when a person drinks twelve buckets of water. He's virtually immortal, rapidly recovering from both minor and major injuries, and returning his body to its undead form. Kashctevoi is able to metamorphose into any bird of prey, any male human, a swarm of rats and horseflies, tornadoes, thunderstorms, blood rain, unmelting icicles, and harsh winds. He can fly by conjuring wings of quintessence and is also capable of instantly teleporting himself from one location to another. He possesses incredible physical strength, capable of uprooting trees with a single hand, shattering steel chains and iron shackles with ease, and delivering devastating blows that can crush stone.

Many sisters
The Deathless
The Ruling Evil
The Unholy Fiend
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of his name have special meanings: Kashctevoi means “slave or bone” and Otrekavich means “son of separated speech”.
Whenever he moves, he can faintly hear an almost imperceptible bell that rings softly, which grows louder when approaching someone that might cause his impending doom.
He has a habit of crafting cryptic poetry and intricate celestial maps that contain ancient prophecies.
He’s a good friend of Leshazurnovik
He can’t be killed by conventional means as he’s already a spirit of the dead. He hid the true essence of his soul inside a crystalline needle, which is in a golden egg, which is in a male Eurasian teal, which is in a mountain hare, which is in an iron chest, which is buried under a moss-covered oak tree, which is on the island of Buyan in the ocean.
It’s believed that anyone who has the golden egg from Kashctevoi’s iron chest has him under their control, weakening his powers and making him deadly ill.
The crystalline needle can only be destroyed by breaking it against his forehead, which will permanently kill him as he turns to dust.
Kashctevoi owns a knightly horse with rotting flesh and shaggy grey-and-white fur that he can communicate with. His horse serves as his pyewacket, enabling him to cover vast distances in a remarkably short amount of time.
He likes to kidnap women he deems beautiful
He has a secret fear of fire