soul-controller - Soul Controller
Soul Controller

An Ever-Changing Writer Creating Transformation Fiction. All Stories Are 18+

223 posts

The Baseball Teams Newest Switch-Hitter

The Baseball Team’s Newest Switch-Hitter

Throughout his many years of working in residence life at the University of Kentucky, Craig never hated anything more than being sent to handle rowdy students by his superiors. As a fairly non-confrontational and chill guy who stood at a modest 5’7”, it was safe to say that the 34-year-old black man couldn’t seem intimidating no matter how hard he tried. No matter how hard he tried to drill this fact into his superior though, it seemed to not matter in the slightest as Craig found himself traveling throughout the dorm to handle the issue of Seth Lewis. 

As one of the most valuable players at the university’s baseball team, Seth had been able to get away with nearly every possible violation in the dorms. Given the fact that the university didn’t want to jeopardize losing a star player and tanking their currently undefeated season, the university just continued to issue countless threat-less warnings to the pitcher without so much as a slight slap on the wrist. But after getting wasted the previous night to the point of drunkenly causing a ruckus and barging into another student’s room and destroying their property, the university found themselves forced to finally dish out some rightly deserved punishment. 

Upon talking to countless university higher-ups, the hall director of the dorm decided that the best fit would be to kick the student out of his housing and shift him into some temporary apartments that the university owned for the time being. As such, Craig was directed to go confront the jock and help him pack a bag before leading him towards the new lodging he had been given. So as the man made his way up the stairs and stood outside Seth’s door, Craig attempted to calm his anxious heart as he finally knocked a few times. 

Hearing some shuffling on the other side of the door, Craig waited patiently as the door finally was opened and his nose and eyes were immediately bombarded with the sight and smells of a messy college student. Not only was Seth standing there shirtless in the doorway, but he also had a joint between his lips that he took a deep inhale of. Doing his best to ignore the man’s indecency, Craig found himself just taking note of how the room smelled of sweat and weed. Looking past the jock and into his room, this wasn’t surprising as he noticed just how cluttered the dorm room was. Clothes were strewn about on the floor along with takeout bags and half-eaten pizza boxes, causing the man to physically cringe at just how old and disgusting the slices looked. Before his eyes could wander further though, Craig’s attention was regained by the jock as he was hit with a one-two punch of weed smoke to the face and dialogue directed towards him. 

“What the hell do you want?” Seth dryly said, looking the man up and down another time before taking another hit of his joint and leaning against the open door frame. 

“Uh, I-, I work for the dorm here. I regret to inform you that after what you did last night, the university has been forced to finally take action,” Craig said, trying his best to keep his composure and seem somewhat stern despite noticing Seth’s narrowed eyes. “Due to your actions, the university has opted to remove you from your dorm room and move you into a nearby university property until we can find a new permanent living situation for you. So I’m here to help you pack a bag and take you to this new location,” he continued, deciding to take a break and allow the baseball player to comprehend everything he was saying. 

Somewhat shockingly, Seth didn’t put up much of a fight. Instead, he turned to his side and motioned for the man to come into his room. As Craig made his way into the room, he found himself once again bombarded with another puff of smoke that covered his entire head for a moment. Due to his annoyance about enduring this for multiple instances, the modest man attempted to stand his ground and enforce his superiority. “You know that’s not allowed on campus or in the dorm rooms, correct? Put that out immediately, we need to focus on moving you out of here,” he said, which elicited a slight chuckle from Seth. 

“Alright sir,” he said, his tone clearly exhibiting some light snark as he closed the front door. 

Although Craig immediately made his way over towards the closet to help the jock begin packing his belongings, his eyes remained narrowed and transfixed on the still-lit joint in Seth’s hand. To his relief, Craig wasn’t forced to repeat his demand for him to put it out as Seth moved over towards a ceramic bowl on his bedside table and quickly pressed the joint down on it to stifle the flame. 

With that issue now handled, Craig directed his attention back towards the man’s closet as he began to speak once more. “Alright Seth, c’mon over here and let’s get some clothes picked out for you to take to your new place. We’ll get some workers here at the dorm to help pack up your remaining items and bring them to that new location.” 

Despite his attempt at being nice to the jock, Craig found that Seth was unresponsive towards his plea of getting assistance picking out some clothes. Instead, he just stood there with his arms crossed and a dopey grin on his face. “Seth, what are you doing? Are you going to help me start packing your stuff or not? I’m not the most stylish person, so you better help me out here or I don’t think you’ll enjoy the selections I make,” he continued, adding a slight chuckle to try and prevent the student from interpreting that last sentence as some sort of threat. Given the fact that he was standing there in a patterned dress shirt and a pair of older khaki pants, he assumed that Seth had already picked up on the fact that he wasn’t stylish in the least. 

After a moment of prolonged eye contact, the jock finally began to break his silence and respond to the worker’s words. “You know, you really need to chill out bro,” he said, not even attempting to hide the judgy tone in his voice. “I’ll help you do all of that shit, but just like, take a second and relax for a bit.” 

Although Craig was eager to get out of this gross dorm room, Seth’s words had seemingly made an impact on the man as he realized that he was right. Countless students and even co-workers had called him rather stuffy and focused more on beating deadlines rather than just taking his time, so the man couldn’t deny that there was some validity in terms of what Seth had said. As such, the man couldn’t help but nod his head at the jock, turning away from the closet and moving back towards the middle of the room. 

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. It would be nice to take a break for once,” Craig said, his voice trailing off as he mentally envisioned taking a nice nap or just reading a nice book next to the fireplace in his apartment. 

“Now that’s the spirit bro,” Seth exclaimed, chuckling as he made his way towards Craig and quickly patted him on the shoulder. “Go on and take a seat on that other bed,” he said, extending his hand outwards towards the bed in question. “Even though I’m paying for a single dorm room, I’ve been stuck with this stupid spare bed all semester since no one from the dorm will come move it out for me.” 

Upon moving aside some of the discarded clothes that were piling up on the bed, Craig finally took a seat and found himself staring directly across from Seth. For several minutes, the two of them just found themselves staring at each other, with Craig mainly just focusing on slowing his breathing and just taking a moment to relax while Seth observed the older man with an inquisitive look on his face. 

As Craig finally calmed himself down to the point where there was a wide smile emerging on his face, Seth finally decided to break his silence. “You know, I never noticed this before, but you’re like… totally buff and tall dude. You must have been one hell of an athlete when you were in college!” 

Due to hearing such a crazy thing, Craig couldn’t help but chuckle at the concept of him being an athlete. Growing up, he was too shy and small to do any sports, instead opting to do after-school clubs for his extracurriculars. While remaining lost in thought regarding his past, Craig was seemingly oblivious to the fact that Seth’s words had initiated a transformation for himself. As he sat on the edge of the bed across from Seth, the man paid no attention to the fact that he was growing eye-level to the baseball jock due to his height increasing several inches until he was an exact 6’0” tall. 

Upon finishing up this shift in height, the dorm worker’s body continued to change as he suddenly found himself losing over 40 lbs of flab to make the man become rail-thin. However, due to what Seth had said, this wasn’t the final stop on the man’s bodily transformation as his form began to suddenly bulk up with muscle. His twig arms began to quickly thicken, shifting into an intimidating pair of biceps and thicker forearms that had him beginning to tear the sleeves of his dress shirt. After this, his flat chest began to plump up by the second, with more and more muscle being pumped into the sad-looking chest until he had a nice pair of pecs. Although they certainly weren’t at the size to rival those of the biggest bodybuilders, their manifestation was quite apparent as the size caused his shirt to tighten to the point where his nipples were protruding out of the fabric. Continuing down his body, Craig’s flat stomach quickly gained a light six-pack to complete his upper torso’s transformation into that of an athletic individual. 

As he sat there, the sudden inflation of Craig’s ass cheeks caused his vision to once again shift a few inches higher as a perky bubble butt was the first indication of his lower body’s transformation. With haste, his legs were the next things to transform, with his thighs bulking up with muscle while the man’s calves grew much firmer and more prominent to finish up his transformation into a jock. 


“So, tell me more about the sports you played?” Seth asked, leaning back in his bed with a smirk as he watched the dorm worker break out of his trance. 

Although Craig was feeling more relief now that his memories had been changed to match his new buff physique, the man was still adamant about getting this whole endeavor over with so he can return to his office and just relax. As such, he wasn’t interested in entertaining Seth’s inquiries. “Eh, that’s not important right now. I’m here to do my job, and that is to help you move out of this dorm room. So let’s get back on our feet and get to work,” he said, his voice no longer wavering. 

“Bro, what the hell are you going on about? You don’t have a job, you’re a student here just like me…” 

As Craig tried to comprehend what the jock had just said, he was oblivious to the fact that his 34-year-old body was quickly de-aging. Wrinkles faded away, the beginning stages of a receding hairline were quickly repaired, and the man suddenly began to feel a lot more energetic as a result. Despite this, he was still unwilling to believe such a thing. “Uh, that’s not true… I should be 34,” he stammered, which elicited a chuckle from Seth. 

“No dude, you’re a college sophomore. You don’t remember us being paired together so I could help you adapt to college living back in freshman year? Sure I’m only a year older, but I think I did a pretty good job helping you adapt,” he said with a smirk, knowing that his phrasing would only help the man further embrace his identity as a 19-year-old jock. But as he sat there looking at what he had created so far, Seth knew that he was just getting started…

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More Posts from Soul-controller

2 years ago

Would you rather be Johnny Stanton's DnD dice or CreeOhDee's home dumbbells?

Given my lack of knowledge of DnD and the fact that I don’t find Johnny Stanton the hottest football player around, I’m going to have to go with the latter option of becoming CreeOhDee’s home dumbbells. While it would be quite bizarre to feel so hefty and lethargic given my firm weight and inability to move, I’d be willing to go along with those sensations given the fact that Chris would be spending constant time in his home gym and thus putting in a solid amount of time using me. I’m sure it would be quite erotic to be so firmly gripped by the man and his callused fingers as he films himself and uses me to build even more muscle onto his impressive physique…

Would You Rather Be Johnny Stanton's DnD Dice Or CreeOhDee's Home Dumbbells?

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1 year ago

The Baseball Team’s Newest Switch-Hitter II

“Hey Craig, did you not hear me?” Seth inquired, trying to get his transformation subject to respond to his previous statement. “You don’t remember being a college sophomore or the fact that we’ve been friends for years? Do you have a concussion or something?” 

Sitting there for a moment, Craig tried his best to think about what the other man was saying. Ever since he first stepped foot in Seth’s dorm room, his mind has been struggling to wrap his head around the simple statements that Seth made about him. Although he thought this was just due to his dim-witted nature, the reality of the situation was that Seth was a jock who seemingly had an ability to alter people’s bodies and reality to reflect those changes. Originally stepping foot in this dorm room, Craig had been a 34-year-old average African American man. But due to Seth’s magical words, he had regressed back to 19 and gained significant muscles to turn him into a college jock. 


“Oh uh, that… sort of sounds familiar,” Craig said under his breath, unaware of the fact that his memories of his old life were being replaced with the memories of a 19-year-old jock who was best friends with Seth. 

“Yeah, that’s right bro, these college exams must be fucking with your head or something, I can’t believe you’d forget something like that!” 

Eliciting a deep chuckle, Craig responded to his best friend’s statement. “I guess so, classes are so fucking stupid though dude,” he exclaimed, gritting his teeth as he recalled the fact that he had an 8-page English essay that he still had to do for this pompous asshole named Mr. Reynolds. Although he knew that he wasn’t the smartest student around (he recalled how ever since middle school he was always a student who averaged a C / C- final grade), Craig knew that Reynolds was just being a stubborn old asshole since he was probably just jealous of how popular and hunky he was. Clearly, the man didn’t have the best time in school, so he had to take it out on normal people like Craig just because being sociable and studly came innately for him. 

“True, but not all of college is bad right?” Seth continued, breaking the man out of his thoughts while moving over to his mini-fridge and slowly opening it. Upon watching Seth reach into the fridge, Craig observed as the jock pulled out two cans of Guinness beer. “We can party, play sports, get wasted, and fuck absolutely anyone we want. You know what, take a beer and destress dude. You definitely look like you need it,” he said, extending an arm out and offering the drink to the transforming dorm worker. 

Although he reached out and took the drink from the jock, Craig couldn’t fight the feeling that drinking in a dorm room was wrong. “Uh, I don’t know dude, I don’t want to get caught by some nosy-ass RA,” he said, looking down at the can and trying to fight his intense urges to crack it open and immediately guzzle it down. 

“Now c’mon man, when has the threat of getting caught ever stopped you from drinking some beer? It’s in your Irish veins bro, you can’t resist getting drunk!” 

In response, Craig’s mind began to undergo a severe transformation to replace his memories of being brought up in an African American household. With reality twisting and bending to match what Seth said about him, it didn’t take long before Craig’s recollection of his new life emerged. Instead of growing up in rural Alabama, the transforming man was reminded of his status as a Midwesterner that was born and raised in Michigan. Not only that, but this new life had also changed his family until he was now the descendant of some Irish immigrants that moved to the United States in hopes of a better life. 

As such, the man’s body began to undergo some severe revamps to match this new identity. Firstly, the man’s skin color began to immediately lighten, starting from the man’s feet and moving up. So as Seth patiently waited for the man’s changes to become visible to him, it wasn’t until the change reached his arms that he was able to witness Craig’s racial change. Within a few minutes, his complexion underwent a severe transformation, growing from a rich brown shade to a nearly pale tone. 

Upon finishing up this transformation, two more changes began in tandem: the shift of his facial features and the alterations for every inch of hair that covered his body. As his lips and nose grew narrower and he gained prominent dimples, there was a sudden change in the man’s skull as he gained a more angular jawline that left him looking incredibly masculine. While the changing of his facial features neared its conclusion, every follicle of hair from the man’s head to toes began to shift in shade. Although Craig still maintained a curly hairstyle, the consistency and color shifted until it became a lightly curled ginger-colored head of hair. This lightening in shade continued down through the man’s body as all of his body hair and facial hair lightened to turn him into a red-blooded Irish man. 

Despite how his entire mind and body was altering under Seth’s phrasing, Craig believed that nothing was amiss with himself. Instead, he recalled his friend’s last sentence and tried his best to formulate a response. “Oh uh, you’re totally right bro. I could drink you under a table with ease,” he jeered, allowing one of his wide hands to slap the brunette on his thinner shoulders while the other hand used its fingers to finally crack open the beer can. Continuing to smirk at Seth, Craig gripped onto the beer can and took a long swig of beer, smiling as he savored the alcoholic flavor as it flowed down his throat. 


“Yeah, it’s no wonder why you’re the biggest party animal on the entire baseball team dude,” Seth responded, returning Craig’s physical contact with his own slapping of the ginger’s broad shoulders. But as Seth continued to chuckle and wait for the man to embrace his new identity of a baseball jock, his smile began to falter as the ginger suddenly began to hyperventilate. 

Upon hearing the concept of becoming a star player on the baseball team, Craig’s personality rushed back to prominence in his mind given just how far of a leap Seth had attempted to change him. Craig didn’t have an athletic bone in his body, so the concept of playing professional sports in college rather than some intramural activity for fun was a literal shock to his system. But while this was shocking in and of itself, Craig was understandably in awe as he looked down at his right hand and noted the beer can that was squeezed around his now pale and ginger-haired arms. “Uh what the fuck is happening to me, Mr. Lewis?” he cried out, immediately setting down the beer can on top of the mini-fridge and observing his now-Caucasian limbs. 

Needing to act fast, Seth tried his best at attempting to get the man back under his magical suggestion. Obviously he couldn’t let the dorm worker escape the room and reveal his abilities, so Seth needed to finish the transformation as quickly as possible. “Uh Nolan, why are you calling me by my last name? We’re literally best friends, that’s why we’re rooming together. Don’t you remember meeting on the baseball team back when you were a freshman and me complimenting you on your batting average? You’re literally one of the best players on the team!” 

Although in his mind Craig tried his best to remain in control and flee from this trashy dorm room, Seth’s power was too overbearing for him to prevent. No matter how many mental barriers he tried to put up to prevent the jock from completely erasing his identity, Seth was able to easily destroy them and alter the man’s mind as he saw fit. So as he felt his identity begin to lose dominance in his mind, Craig forced his eyes shut and tried to envision his family one last time before everything faded to black. 

With the ginger-haired jock’s mind now completely empty, the lack of control caused his body to immediately tumble back and fall into the clothing-covered bed that he had once been sitting on. But this didn’t last for long though, as the identity of Nolan O’Connor began to quickly fill up the empty noggin. Just like Seth, Nolan was another cocky jock who loved nothing more than flaunting his muscles, flirting with any woman he met, taunting any dweeb or fag that dared to look at him longer than he liked, and being a lazy slob of a human being. 


Speaking of flaunting his muscles, this became especially clear to Seth as the unconscious man’s clothing began to shift before his eyes. The tattered dress shirt that he wore faded away in seconds, leaving nothing but the man’s shirtless torso for the magically-gifted jock to ogle at. The most severe change came to his pants though as the khaki fabric shortened and changed consistency and color until they became a mesh pair of blacked athletic shorts. Continuing to look at the man’s shifting shorts though, Seth was suddenly finding himself realizing that the man was wearing no underwear as he could make out the outline of Nolan’s cock through the mesh holes. 

As the new jock’s mind began to finalize its transformation, the dorm room underwent a few slight moderations to better fit in with this new reality. Posters of nearly nude Playboy models quickly appeared on his wall, while the closet was filled with a slew of tank tops and other athletic wear. However, Nolan’s bed also found a few more sweaty clothes manifest on top of the comforter, with the odor of one of those rancid articles of clothing causing the brand-new jock to finally re-awaken and sit up. 

“Fuck dude, how long was I out for? I don’t even remember falling asleep,” Nolan grumbled as he stretched out his arms. As he went through a deep yawn, his closed eyes made him oblivious to his new roommate’s poor attempt at keeping a straight face. 

“Oh uh, not long at all man. We were just having some drinks until you passed out during our chat about school,” Seth responded, licking his lips in delight as he watched the ginger-haired jock finally sit up and naturally grab his half-drunk beer can off the top of the mini-fridge. Before Seth could say a single thing towards the jock, he instinctively chugged the remainder of the drink before crushing the metal can with his thick and meaty hand and tossing it across the room into a trashcan. 

“Goddamn bro, that shit was good,” Nolan purred, patting his stomach for a moment before abruptly stopping. Out of nowhere, the room was suddenly rocked with a loud belch as Nolan smirked to himself. Although most of his friends struggled to carry their liquor, the ginger-haired jock was infamous for being able to drink countless beers and still not feel even the slightest hint of a buzz. While he was sure that his descendants weren’t happy to see that his Irish genes were so beneficial in this regard, Nolan felt no desire to really be an outstanding individual. 

He was a self-proclaimed idiot, so the only reason why he was even at college at all was due to his immense talent with baseball. He was a great batter and even more impressive when it came to working the outfield, so it wasn’t a shock that he was able to get a full-ride scholarship to this college despite his barely passing grades. 

Upon moving back towards the bed, Nolan felt no inner desire to not be himself around his best friend and teammate Seth. As such, it was no surprise for either of them as Nolan instinctively reached his hand behind him and then underneath the waistband of his shorts as he squinted his face and began to scratch his ass. 

Throughout the entire experience, Seth couldn’t resist chuckling as he watched his creation behave just like he envisioned him to. Despite being a fairly athletic guy due to being on the baseball team, the brunette jock wasn’t the most popular individual around. So, when that worker came in to remove him from the dorm, Seth wasn’t afraid of leaning into his family's gift of altering bodies and reality to get rid of the man while also giving himself a hunky best friend. In fact, with this new friend and roommate, new memories informed Seth about just how great Nolan was at being a wingman. With that hunky ginger jock there to help him sweet talk the various women he met at college parties, there was barely a night that went by without both of them returning to the dorm with a woman that they each eagerly fucked for several hours. 

But despite their obvious attraction towards the opposite sex, Seth’s status as a closeted bisexual had also altered reality to make Nolan a dumb himbo who was willing to fuck or be fucked by anyone he deemed attractive enough. In this new reality, Nolan viewed Seth as the most attractive man he had ever seen. Numerous memories of Nolan eagerly pleasuring or being pleasured by Seth filled both of their minds, so much so that it didn’t take long before both men were instantly sporting throbbing boners as they continued to make small talk and look at each other. 

“Hey bro,” Seth said with a mischievous grin, “how about you come over here and take care of your roomie?” 

Upon hearing such an appealing concept, Nolan couldn’t resist flashing a dopey grin before eagerly standing up and making his way over to his roommate. As Seth reached out his hands and began to rub along the ginger’s ripped abs and pecs, Nolan looked down and bit his lip as he reveled in the man’s touch. Although he was most certainly no fag, Nolan couldn’t deny that he enjoyed spending such intimate time with Seth. Luckily, Seth said “no homo” before every time they interacted, so Nolan’s conscience was cleared from any inner torment as he remained blissfully content with his status as a womanizing heterosexual. 

In fact as Seth stood up and unzipped his pants, that sacred mantra was once again repeated as he allowed his underwear and pants to fall to his ankles and reveal his average-sized cock to Nolan. Before Nolan even had time to respond, Seth reached up towards the man’s head and firmly gripped into the man’s curly ginger locks. “Be a good boy and take care of me first,” Seth sensually demanded, giving Nolan a slight wink as he pushed him down to his knees to let him immediately get to work. Although it would only take a few minutes before Seth came and shot his load down Nolan’s overeager throat, the moment would feel like an eternity for Seth as he tried to savor every second. To his relief though, this wasn’t all of the fun that the two of them would have though, because as soon as they cleaned up they’d be dressing up and heading out to another college party before finding some gorgeous cheerleaders for each of them to bring back to the dorm and fuck. Then from every day after this until their graduation in the next few years, this process would continue for Seth and his brand new switch-hitter…


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1 year ago

To Protect and Swap (Teaser)

After learning that his boss is retiring, hunky middle-aged officer James Peterson is willing to do whatever is necessary to be promoted to police chief. Unfortunately for him, a private meeting with the retiring chief doesn’t turn out as expected...

To Protect And Swap (Teaser)

To his amusement, James hadn’t even made it to his desk on Monday morning before his assumptions about the promotion were proven to be true. Upon being stopped by his superior, the hunky officer was informed that Chief Price was expecting him up at his office for an important meeting to “discuss their futures”. Upon making his way across the busy office floor and greeting a few of his work friends, the man finally made his way to the chief’s office and knocked on the door. After hearing the gruff older voice telling him to come in, James obeyed the order and entered the room. 

Upon doing so and taking a seat on one side of a desk, James’ eyes found themselves observing his 78 year old police chief as he sat on the other side. Although the man clearly had respect for Chief Price, James was always relatively uncomfortable around his boss based on just how obese he was. With James being a solid 130 pounds with a relatively muscular physique, the fact that his boss was at least triple that was a lot for his fitness-centric mind to reconcile with. It was also clear that chief’s deskwork certainly didn’t help matters as he noticed a take-out container sitting on the edge of his desk and a fresh stain in the middle of his stretched out dress shirt.

Directing his head away from the man’s obese physique, James instead looked up to stare into the older man’s face. Although the chief’s visage looked completely normal, a closer look revealed that it was a bizarre mix of deep wrinkles and soft flab that caused his cheeks to be pudgy and a definition-less mass to be between his head and shoulders. Before he could focus more on his boss’ face though, James watched the man’s mouth begin to move and thus discontinued any thinking as he opted to instead listen. 

“So, let’s just cut to the chase alright. I’m retiring soon and I need to find a replacement before I leave. You’re not stupid, I’m sure that you know that everyone around here adores you and wants you to be my successor,” Chief Price began, his eyes narrowing underneath his gray and bushy eyebrows for a moment as he intensely studied James’ face. “Although I know that you and my staff all think that I’m this rude hardass, I’m not going to just simply ignore all of the high praise I hear about you. In fact, based on how well you’re received by both the department and the general public due to those little interviews you do, I actually share the same opinion about you.” 

Upon hearing this, James momentarily lost his breath as he awaited the final shoe to drop. Based on how Chief Price sat there for a moment with a devilish grin on his face, it was clear that he was purposely delaying the news. Luckily though, it didn’t take too much longer until he finally spoke and dropped his bombshell. “As such, I’d like to offer you the position of chief effective immediately. Are you willing to take on the sacrifices necessary for this position?”

Instantly, James’ heart began to race as the reality of the offer finally settled. Given how frantic his breathing was, it wasn’t surprising that his first few words came out as a stutter. “I- I’m h-honored chief. Of course I’d love to accept, this is the job of my dreams! I’m willing to do whatever is necessary for the betterment of our department.” 

As James finished speaking, Chief Price’s usual stoic expression shifted into a slight grin as he extended out a hand across the desk. “Now that’s what I love to hear, officer. Put it ‘ere and we’ll begin the transition process immediately!” 

With the role secured beyond a simple handshake, a wide smile emerged onto James’ face as he leaned forward in his seat and extended his arm out across the table. As soon as their hands met and were wrapped into a tight grip though, the officer’s smile began to suddenly falter as an intense tingle began to permeate through his palms. 

Looking up in confusion only caused further alarm as Chief Price’s expression had shifted from a friendly smile to a mischievous grin. Thrown off by this, James tried to pry his hand out of the handshake, but quickly found that the chief’s hand was essentially a death grip. Just as he began to flail about and muster up the courage to scream for help, the officer’s attempt was foiled as an intense shock suddenly permeated through his body. In an instant the pain caused his entire body to seize up, the officer suddenly grunting in response and closing his eyes as he wished for immediate relief...

To read more about what happens to James during his meeting with his boss, click here to sign up for my Patreon!

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1 year ago

Let's Try A Poll!

Hey there everyone, I just wanted to do a quick poll to see what people are wanting to see moving forward in terms of my Patreon-related posts. I know I’ve been just doing those summary posts each month to show what I’ve been doing on Patreon, but I was curious if you’d want to see something different. 

For example, would you be interested in having me post about each individual story as they come out on Patreon? If I did this, it would be a rather simple plot synopsis of the story and be accompanied with a gif or photo that is relevant to the story (and possibly a slight snippet of text from the story). I was mainly just curious if you’d like this alternative option proposed because this would allow each story to have a moment to shine. However, I certainly don’t want to make such a huge change without gauging the opinions of my followers first. 

So as a result, please vote below so I can hear what you’d prefer to see moving forward. On top of that, if you have any questions or comments you’d like to share (or suggestions for future polls), feel free to either comment on this post or send me a DM. Thanks!

Let's Try A Poll!

(Here's a gif to thank anyone who made it through the whole post!)

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1 year ago

Influencing The Influencer III


As Tom made his way out of the bedroom and towards the front door of his hotel room, the magically-gifted man couldn’t help but take a moment to check himself out of the mirror one last time. It had been over a month since his bar hookup, which had originally been meant to be his last hurrah as Chris Nelson before Tom moved onto a new body the next day. Unfortunately for Tom though, the man he had planned to possess had to cancel at the last minute, so he was left for the next few weeks trying his best to find a replacement body to take over. 

While there were certainly countless men in North America that Tom could have taken over, the time he had spent trying to find a replacement body had caused him to begin expanding his scope until it became an international endeavor. Although this only added more potential men for him to become to his list, Tom soon found himself quickly narrowing down his selection until there was only one man left: Max Biechl. 


Given the fact that there would be no reason behind their meeting since Max had a career as a German real estate agent, Tom found himself trying his best to formulate a plan that would allow them to meet. Despite Chris’ popularity as a content creator, the man wasn’t obscenely rich since Tom was still forced to continue Chris’ night job as a security guard at a bar. But after pulling a few strings and dipping into the man’s savings, Tom purchased a one-way flight to Germany and secured a meeting with Max under the guise of wanting a European home for him to visit whenever he was free. Obviously Tom had no intention of purchasing a house from the man, but Max was completely clueless as to the real reason behind their meeting. 

So as he exited his hotel room and made his way out to the busy streets of Cologne, Tom quickly hailed a taxi and gave the address to the location where he was going to meet Max. Given the fact that he wanted to keep his attempt at purchasing a house realistic, he opted to pick the cheapest residence that Max had for sale. Upon arriving at the residence and exiting the cab though, Tom could understand why the house was the cheapest place as the house was fairly rundown in terms of the exterior and looked incredibly small in comparison to the other houses that lined the block. 

But once Tom took note of the front door opening, the man continued his performance as an interested buyer while watching Max and a well-dressed female step out. Eager to meet such a hunky and well-dressed man, Tom quickly extended a hand towards Max and smiled as the man nodded and shook it back. “It’s a lovely house huh?” Tom said with a slight chuckle, awaiting for Max’s response but coming up empty-handed. 

Turning his attention towards the woman, she kindly informed Tom that Max isn’t well-versed in English and she was asked to tag along to be the translator between them. As such, she quickly dominated the conversation with Tom as she allowed Max to lead the way and translate what he said to Tom. Throughout the entire tour, Tom found himself less interested in the house and more focused on the deep Germanic tone coming out of his mouth. To the American, nothing seemed hotter than a hot stud speaking a foreign language, so he was understandably annoyed as the woman’s voice continued to overpower it while explaining what he was saying. Given his annoyance, he wanted nothing more for her to disappear so he could finally possess the hunky and oblivious realtor. 

Luckily, Tom found his wish coming to fruition sooner than he expected as the tour finished and the woman asked the man about whether she needed to get the purchasing paperwork from her car to finalize the deal. Realizing that this was the opening he was looking for, Tom enthusiastically replied  “I’ll take it!” before smiled at both individuals. 

“Excuse me for a moment then, I’ll be right back,” the woman said with her accented voice, turning on her heels and quickly pacing out of the residence. With a prime opportunity for possessing the man emerging with the woman now out of the way, Tom couldn’t resist smiling slyly as he slowly shifted orientation towards Max. Watching as the German man had his back turned towards him while doing something on his cell phone, Tom quietly slinked up closer like a predator preparing to pounce on their prey. With his grin widening to extreme levels, the man closed his eyes and dived straight into the man’s back. 

“Scheiße!” the man cried out, frantically tensing up and arching his back while trying to resist the intense pressure that was permeating through his back. But despite how frantically he flailed his arms behind him to try and stop whatever was happening, Tom’s skill at possession meant he was unstoppable against the German man’s feeble attempts. Given the fact that the woman would surely be coming back soon along with Max’s continued grunts and loud cursing, Tom found himself no longer delaying the inevitable and finally pushing the entirety of his bulkier body into the smaller German man before being consumed by total darkness. 

While inside Max’s body, there was an intense feeling of discomfort and extreme tightness that Tom picked up. Given their clear size difference and Chris’ own bulkier build, the possession of such a lankier man was the source of clear discomfort for Tom. But as time went on, this feeling slowly melted away as if his bulky frame was being stripped of its innate musculature for the time being to be a better fit for his new host. As that tightness finally faded from existence, a sudden sensation of tranquility and comfort pulsated through Tom as the process completed and he found himself in complete control of a brand new body. 

Opening up his eyes, Tom instinctively looked down and chuckled as he saw the man’s snazzy suit covering up his taut and buff body along with the pair of outstretched light white hands. Tom’s enjoyment of the racial change element was on full display, his eyes fully focused in on those hands as they traveled up his clothed torso to feel the muscle underneath. Not surprisingly, the factors of his possession and racial change were quick to elicit a physical response through the man’s new cock, which became rock hard in a blink of an eye and strained against the form-fitting dress pants that made no attempt to cover that bulge. 

Both overly joyous and turned on by his new form, Tom couldn’t keep his mouth shut any longer and thus decided to verbalize his own enjoyment. But as he tried his best to talk about how hot this experience was and how eager he was to become Max Biechl, his eyes widened as foreign words escaped his lips. “Verdammt, das ist so heiß! Daran könnte ich mich sicherlich gewöhnen,” the man said instead, causing his eyes to widen and mouth to go agape at the revelation of his new primary language. While it was certainly understandable looking back why he would have gained the man’s natural desire to speak in German, there was a slight moment of panic at the man due to the disconnect between his mind and mouth. His mind allowed him to properly think in English, but no matter how hard he tried to verbalize it, German was the only thing that could come out. Hell, Tom even struggled to say his real name, hearing his now-accented voice falter over the simple first and last name! 

As the sudden noise of heels clacking against the wooden floors of the residence, the new Max Biechl shifted his attention towards the source. With the assistant returning with a bunch of papers and manila folders in hand, she wasted no time cutting right to the point. “Where did the American go?” she asked, Tom smirking to himself as he grew relieved by the fact that he could comprehend the woman’s German speaking with his mind immediately translating them to English for him. 

Upon fixing one of his lower buttons and adjusting the suit jacket he was now wearing, Tom took a moment to formulate a quick plan to explain the sudden disappearance of Chris Nelson. “Oh, he had to go back to his hotel. Some sort of emergency, I guess,” Tom offered up, trying his best to still hide his awkwardness about being a native German speaker for the time being. It was still quite an erotic aspect of the possession, but Tom couldn’t help but wish that he’d adapt to the language shift as soon as possible! 

After her trip to go get all of the paperwork, the assistant was understandably furious about the man leaving before she could have returned to secure the deal. In fact, as the two of them made their way out of the property, locked it up, and returned to Max’s car, the woman was still going on her rant about “ignorant Americans” and talking about how she warned him about taking the meeting with “Chris”. But as he entered the car and prepared to drive off, Tom found himself instantly transfixed by his own reflection in the rear view mirror to the point where her words faded away into nothingness. As such, the man was quick to pull out the cell phone tucked into the pocket of his dress pants and take a few celebratory selfies to upload to his social media later before driving off and returning to the real estate office. 


Upon making his way back to his new workplace, Tom’s hopes of getting an easy day were quickly dashed as Max’s secretary gave him a slew of notes from people that needed to be handled as soon as possible. So as he made his way to Max’s desk, Tom found himself tapping into the man’s memories and personality sooner than expected as he began to handle the overeager or frustrated clients. Throughout the next few hours, Tom easily slipped into the role of Max Biechl and began to understand why he was one of the top realtors in the country; he had a natural confidence that meshed well with a cool and collected personality to make him instantly desirable by anyone. 

Seamlessly juggling phone calls between clients and inspection agencies or renovators, Tom was growing quite turned on despite the rather mundane work. So when the time for his lunch break arrived, Tom found himself eager to handle his sexual appetite rather than the hunger in his stomach. Using his desk chair to roll away from his desk, Tom made his way out of the room and towards his restroom with an obvious swagger in his step. Given how many people said hello to him and complimented his designer suit, Tom found himself having more and more reason behind this natural cockiness. 

Once he reached the men’s restroom, Tom quickly pulled open the door and closed it before twisting the lock to provide no interruptions. Making his way towards the long mirror that ran along the wall of sinks, the man licked his lips and smirked to himself as he began to give himself his own private show. Slowly undoing each button of his suit jacket, the man’s cock began to throb as he pulled off his suit jacket to reveal the physique that filled out his dress shirt quite nicely. Using his hands to traverse across the luxury fabric, pre-cum began to leak into the man’s underwear as he gripped and squeezed the man’s firm biceps and cupped his modest pecs. 

With his hands continuing to move down his torso, the man shivered in pure pleasure as he felt the ridges of his washboard abs until he reached the waistband of his pants. Unable to resist, he untucked his dress shirt and quickly undid his belt before tossing it aside. Gripping onto the top button of the pants, he once again put on a show by teasing himself and slowly undoing it before pulling down the zipper. As he tugged the pants down after getting stuck around his rather perky ass, Tom audibly gasped as he took in the rock-hard bulge jutting out against his tight athletic underwear. In all honesty, he had expected Max to be on the smaller side given his smaller size, but based on what he was seeing, he was even bigger than Chris in the manhood department! 

Now with a clear sight of his throbbing manhood, Tom’s striptease began to hasten as he grew eager to get to the main event. So upon quickly unbuttoning and pulling off the black dress shirt, Tom only momentarily took in the sight of his tattooed physique before pulling down his underwear and getting to work. Taking a moment to quickly spit into his hand, Tom lubed up his cock and began to passionately stroke it while staring into the mirror. Turning to his side while continued to jerk himself off, Tom reveled in the sight of his new buff white body. 

With one hand still furiously stroking himself, the man made his non-dominant hand move towards his rear end and grip onto those perky ass cheeks reflected back at him. Curious about why the man had such a perky ass, a quick search through Max’s own memories provided the information that the man had experimented between men off and on for a few years. With this revelation, it left Tom eager to revive that aspect of Max’s personality while he was in control. Clearly based on how well-built he was in both the cock and ass department, he had amazing potential as a versatile gay man. With these thoughts continuing to run through his head, this was the final trigger that caused Tom to reach climax and coat both the sink and mirror with several thick streams of cum. 

After quickly cleaning up his mess and beginning to put his clothes back on, Tom took a moment to pull his underwear and pants back on. Staring down at his torso, he couldn’t resist pulling out his phone and once again documenting the moment with a sea of selfies. While he was certainly unsure of how long he’d want to remain a hardworking (yet hunky) realtor, Tom was relieved to know that the plane ticket and other various expenses had been worth it. Although there were certainly potential issues he would experience in terms of adapting to living in Germany, Tom was relieved that he at least had Max’s memories and personality that he could pull from. So after pulling his clothes back on and adjusting his suit jacket once more, Tom gave a wink to the mirror before heading back out to his office to finish his shift.


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