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One of the Boys
A bead of sweat appeared on Brian Watson’s forehead as he stood outside his high school’s athletic center. His oversized black sweatshirt and skinny jeans insulated his slender figure beneath the hot afternoon sun while groups of other students in various high school sports teams walked past. Brian detested the athletic center and wished it wasn’t the closest building to the adjacent street. He checked his phone and huffed. His mom was supposed to pick him up a half-hour ago. What was taking so long?
Leaning against a wooden ledge, Brian stared off into the expansive and empty high school parking lot. None of his other friends were still at school. Like him, they also dyed their hair black and shared the same gothic fashion that he did, which amounted to them dressing only in all black clothing. Brian even had a black leather satchel in place of a backpack. It was their way of retaliating against their preppy high school. All the other students at Woodside High ignored them anyway. They were too busy talking about things Brian could care less about, like sports games and parties and grade point averages. They were all so fake.
Brian noticed a muscular young man carrying a gym bag walking across the empty parking lot towards him. It was Michael Palmer, a high school senior and one of the school’s linebackers whose tall height and broad stature was nothing less than intimidating. His khaki shorts and lavender polo shirt left little to the imagination. The two had the same science class, although they sat on opposite ends of the room, and Michael was surrounded by his own gaggle of bros that Brian resented. Michael looked up and the two accidentally made eye contact and Brian quickly went on his phone.
“Brian!” Michael said as he was now a few feet away, his low voice sent a chill down Brian’s spine. Maybe he was talking about another Brian. As the group of jocks walked past, he continued staring at his phone. That was until Michael suddenly placed his huge arm around Brian’s shoulder, effortlessly pulling him in closer. “What’s up dude?” he said.
Brian nervously returned eye contact to see the jock with a huge grin across his face. Michael had to be at least a foot taller than him and he was so close that Brian could smell his cheap cologne which smelled like a diluted ocean spray. His gelled black hair and faint stubble framed his face perfectly, giving him quite the masculine visage offset by the prettiness of his white teeth. Brian remained paralyzed with fear and confusion. Mostly confusion.
“Oh…um…hi,” Brian replied, unsure of what to say. His mind was racing. He had never even talked to Michael or the other sporty guys like him. “I’m...uh just waiting for my ride,” he said as more sweatdrops formed all around his body. He didn’t even know why he was getting so nervous around this guy. He loathed the football players with their macho personas and their vacuous and obnoxious laughter during class, but he had never actually talked to one of them before. And Michael Palmer did have such a genuine and friendly look in his eyes that was challenging Brian’s defenses.
“How do you think you did on the chemistry test today, big guy?” Michael asked.
“Oh...umm...I think I did well,” Brian replied as he studied the jock's broad smile and angular jawline.
“Don’t BS me,” Michael said, unconvinced. Even with more conviction, his calm, sultry voice was pleasant on the ears. “I know chem is not your favorite.”
That was true. Brian hated chemistry. It was his least favorite class by far. But why would Michael know that, let alone care? “I mean, I don’t think it was my worst test,” Brian said. “I...uh... I think I probably got like a C or something.”
“Hey, C’s get degrees man,” Michael replied while patting Brian on the back with tremendous force. As Brian readjusted his balance, he could see why Palmer was Michael’s last name. “You heading to practice?” he asked.
“Yeah practice, dummy,” Michael replied playfully.
Brian stood in place, confusion rising even higher. “I don’t...I mean I’m not-”
“Come on inside dude,” Michael interrupted as he headed towards the front door. “I can tell you’re frying like an egg out here.”
That was also true. Brian was getting increasingly sweaty and parched. His black hair and clothing only absorbed more of the sun’s rays. He hesitantly picked up his leather satchel from the ground and followed Michael inside. He began rationalizing why Michael was being nice to him. It felt so unnerving. Brian decided he would just get a drink and then head back outside. That thought certainly wasn’t enticing. But he’d rather be outside frying than to spend it inside to avoid other football jocks.
As the two stepped inside, Brian intentionally walked slowly to distance himself from Michael, hoping that he would just enter the locker room and forget about him. To his luck, Michael continued walking ahead and Brian headed up to the drinking fountain. He didn’t realize how thirsty he was. The water was so quenching and he couldn’t help but take multiple large gulps. Brian rolled his eyes as he could hear footsteps heading towards him before stopping behind him.
“Ready for the game tomorrow?” Michael asked as he lightly slapped Brian’s butt, nearly causing him to choke on his water.
Brian’s face was now as red as a tomato as he turned to face Michael. His confusion turned to frustration when he saw Michael staring at him with that smug expression he always had. He would’ve socked Michael right then and there if he wasn’t a foot shorter than him or a hundred pounds lighter. But as he begrudgingly turned to face the jock, he realized that wasn’t the case. Before, his height had been at Michael’s shoulders, but now it was at Michael’s mouth. Brian was rendered speechless as he wondered if Michael had always been this short.
Then it happened again.
Brian nearly fell over as his body suddenly grew even taller. He stuck out his arms to keep his balance as his body shot upward. In a few seconds, he was a few inches taller than Michael, who he remembered was 6’2. An audible ripping sound indicated that his clothes had not grown with him.
“You think we got a good shot against the Generals on Friday?” Michael asked as if nothing had happened.
Brian glanced down at his extremely tight clothes in disbelief. More of his spindly arms and legs were now revealed. It looked like his clothes had shrunk in the wash. To Brian’s horror, he watched as his strained jeans started to rip more and more, revealing more of his skin. Was this really happening?
To answer his question, the belt holding up his skinny jeans exploded, sending a piece of metal careening through the air. Brian instinctively grabbed his pants to prevent them from falling. His embarrassment intensified and without thinking, he bolted into the nearest bathroom. Michael said something as he left, but Brian didn’t care. He couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Shit, shit, shit,” he muttered despairingly as he scrambled around the corner. But as he looked up, his blood went cold. “Oh, fuck.”
Right in front of him was a group of Woodside High’s football players. They were not only enormous-looking but were all in the process of getting dressed. Interestingly enough, Brian realized he was taller than all of the guys who were standing. He didn’t think about that for long though as he saw one of them glance up and look at him.
“Hey, what’s up Watson?” one of the jocks called out.
Shit, Brian thought. Not only had one of them seen him, but he also knew his last name somehow. He was about to leave when he heard Michael’s familiar voice behind him.
“What’s up bros?” Michael called out to the other guys as he entered the locker room. When Brian glanced back, he noticed Michael was so broad that he nearly filled the entire doorway, rendering escape both impossible and extremely awkward.
Brian’s forehead was coated with sweat and his heart was thumping faster than ever. He felt like a mouse in a cage of snakes, trapped in a vortex of impending doom. He could feel some of the players looking in his direction. Desperate to flee, he scanned the premises for a few agonizing seconds before he found success. There was a red exit sign hanging in the distance above the other side of the locker room. It was far away, but he just had to make it there.
In an instant, Brian bolted past the guys and further into the locker room while holding up his ripping pants with one hand. As he sped past lockers through the open clearing, he ran past windows of players getting ready and prayed none of them would notice him. The exit sign grew closer and closer and it looked like he was going to make it. That was until a huge football player adorned in his uniform stepped out from one of the lockers right in Brian’s way. The collision was inevitable. He closed his eyes as the two collided with an abrasive smack.
Brian fell to the ground and had lost the grip on his pants, causing them to loosen around his waist and fall to the floor. His black satchel flew towards an adjacent row of lockers. “Unghhhh,” he groaned as he reopened his eyes and stared at the jock who had hardly even budged. Brian’s heart was pumping faster than ever as he realized his entire lower body was now exposed. He wanted to scream. One of the largest guys in school was looking at him clad in only his underwear and a sweatshirt on the locker room floor. The jock’s hulking figure was clothed in a football uniform, the delicate combination of pads and spandex only made his figure look more imperious. Fear bubbled up inside of Brian so he promptly mustered out a “Shit, I’m sorry bro” to him as he tried to catch his breath.
To Brian’s relief, the jock didn’t burst out laughing. “Whoa, watch it, Woodsen,” he said with a smug expression as he looked down at Brian on the floor. “We’re not even on the field yet,” he said sympathetically before extending his arm to pull him back up.
For a moment, Brian could only stare in bewilderment, too afraid to correct the jock for getting his last name wrong. The jock’s immense size was not only intimidating but somewhat breathtaking. As Brian grabbed his meaty hand, he pulled him upward like he was as light as a feather. When the two met eyes, Brian realized that he was exactly eye-level with this dude who had to be slightly taller than Michael. Somehow, Brian had gotten even taller without even knowing it.
“See you out there,” he said as he playfully swatted Brian on the butt before heading towards the door. As he left, Brian marveled at the width of his back, which was perfectly accentuated beneath his white jersey. The dark blue letters on the back read “WALLACE.” Then the name came to him. Trent Wallace was an amazing center who had the calmest head on his shoulders out of all of the team. He was an amazing team player whose patience was unparalleled. Brian found himself enjoying that trait a lot. It certainly was important to be a good leader.
Before Brian could wonder why he knew the jock’s name, he heard the low rumble of more guys heading towards him. He quickly snatched his satchel off the floor and ducked into the cavern of lockers where Trent had just been. Like a herd of buffalo, the group of guys passed by Brian without noticing him. The young man breathed a sigh of relief, finally happy to not have one of these meatheads in his face for a second.
A tickling feeling around his legs caught Brian’s attention. As he looked down, he wondered how on earth his black boxers had bleached themselves white. He squirmed as he could feel his underwear vibrating on its own. A strap formed underneath each of his buttcheeks while the fabric above disappeared. In the front, a swell of growth came from Brian’s thighs as they burst through the cotton, leaving behind only a pouch beneath his much stronger waistband. Feeling much more exposed, Brian’s face reddened as he looked at this new and very revealing article of clothing. As much as he detested what he was seeing, it felt oddly snug. Still, he couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Shit, please don’t let anybody see me like this,” Brian prayed to himself as he studied how revealing the jockstrap was.
Desperately, he tried to rip it off with no luck. Each time Brian tugged on the athletic supporter, navy blue lycra materialized over it. The new fabric started materializing around his waist before promptly extending down over his small butt and down to his lower thighs. The uncomfortable draft from the jockstrap was quickly eliminated. He couldn’t help but smirk with conflicted relief as he realized he was now wearing a new pair of compression shorts and his embarrassing jockstrap was hidden away. Brian pulled on the new lycra, enjoying how tight yet breathable it felt against his loins. With all the movement around his dick, Brian couldn’t help but feel it rise with arousal.
‘No…no,” he whimpered as he slowly sat down on the bench. Now breathing much heavier, he swore he could feel his thighs growing beneath his hands. And sure enough, they were. They gradually swelled to an immense size beneath his compression shorts. It looked like he could squeeze a watermelon between them. Prickles of blonde hair appeared on his thighs before spreading all the way to his ankles. That was odd, his hair was black.
He could feel a tremendously ticklish feeling on his feet as if a million tiny threads were forming around them. As he shook his legs, he watched as a beautiful shade of white spread upwards from his feet, rising past his ankles until they stopped just below his knees. Brian’s new pair of white athletic socks brought a new wave of growth with them. His feet grew to a hulking size 13 before a pair of blue and white cleats formed around them. Huge calves the size of footballs swelled into fruition beneath his new socks. Brian’s disgust was turning to wonder.
“Am I…is this…really...happening?” he gasped as he placed his hands on his meaty thighs, marveling at how gigantic they had become. His breaths sounded lower, deeper even.
A strong odor filled the air and Brian immediately recognized it as sweat, and it was emanating from him! Brian’s fear had amplified a tremendous amount of his body odor. It felt like he was forced to inhale a cloud of his own manly musk. He couldn’t believe he had even been sweating this much. Uncharacteristically, he began to laugh, although came out at a much lower frequency. His tenor register sounded not only lower but also slower-sounding.
Brian closed his eyes and clenched his upper thighs, feeling the sinews of muscle pulsate beneath his fingertips. “Mmmm,” he moaned as he glanced at how disproportionately huge his lower body now was compared to his slender torso. Muscles this size took thousands of hours of strenuous exercise to appear. His pride skyrocketed as he caressed his thighs, partially concealed beneath his compression shorts. He wasn’t feeling afraid of the jocks anymore. If anyone of those cocky football jerks gave him trouble, he’d give ‘em hell!
“Mmmm, yeah,” he grunted as he cautiously guided his hand to his cock. He touched it once and felt it harden. After a brief moment of abstinence, Brian began stroking his cock beneath his black compression shorts. “That’ll show...those…fake posers,” he said, oblivious to how he was becoming one of them. Brian’s cock was lengthening in his hand as he closed his eyes and pictured all of the football players’ stupid smug faces. He could just picture himself flexing in front of the guys and them all respecting him.
Brian’s stroking was interrupted when his pecs exploded through his black sweatshirt, tearing it apart into tatters, and exposing his chest. His initial confusion dissolved into satisfaction as he marveled at the size of these gigantic new muscular tits, each one had to be larger than his head. He delicately brought his hand up from his dick, tempted to feel the humongous muscle.
“Ffffuck!” he cried as he gave one a loving squeeze, feeling how thick the muscle really was. A million little tingles dispersed through his body as he lovingly cupped his pecs with both of his hands. A light dusting of blonde hair, just like the one on his legs, appeared above them. He was starting to obsess over the way he looked. This new size was so inspiring, but also a little nerve-wracking. Brian had memories of being a shorter young man who only wore black clothing and made it his personality to act apathetic to everyone. But that seemed out of character for him now. Brian enjoyed standing out in a crowd.
As if to counter those contradictory thoughts, Brian continued to inhale his manly musk and his heartbeat started to slow. With oversized muscle tits larger than the rack of any girl he’d ever seen and a thunderous set of legs, he looked like a circus freak. The barrel-chested young man squirmed on the bench as he felt follicles of blonde hair burst from beneath his armpits. A stream of hair flowed across his jugs to his abdomen before culminating in a visible treasure trail. Not only did the new path of hair indicate his increased testosterone levels, which had to be as large as half the team’s, but it also indicated virility. Brian was a man. Or at least he was growing into a huge one. And he was loving every second.
Throwing up both of his skinny arms into a flex sent more testosterone through his body. Brian watched his biceps explode with muscles, becoming larger. And larger. And larger, until eventually, they were larger than everyone else on the team. Years of training under the iron bar entered his mind and Brian remembered how long it had taken him to become this strong. An eight pack burst through his slender abdomen while also causing it to broaden in size. Brian looked at his tight muscly core. Like his arms, they felt eerily familiar, like they were created through strenuous physical activity. His arms felt like lightning bolts filled to the brim with testosterone that spread across his body like a static charge.
A football came flying through the air accompanied by a player saying “Wood, catch!”
Instinctively, Brian turned around and extended his tree trunk of an arm out to effortlessly catch the flying pigskin. He looked back up just in time to see Jake Thomas walking away. “Nice one, dude!” Jake said as he walked through the door, leaving as quickly as he had entered.
The tight end was one of many players who always tried to catch Brian off guard. They were hardly successful. Brian was a colossal athlete and zealously vigilant. Coach always told him his determination would get him very far in life, sometimes calling him the greatest on the team, which only inflated Brian’s ego.
Before Brian could question that thought, he felt a numbness in his hand where he was holding the football. His hand, once demure, was palming the football no problem. His hands grew meatier before his eyes, accentuated by new calluses and hair above the knuckles. They had to be the size of baseball mitts and were perfect for catching and throwing footballs with ease. That was an exciting thought.
“UNNNGHH, no!” he bellowed helplessly, resisting the side of him that was yearning for football practice.
As the immense young man stood up from the bench, his muscles shook like jello, before they solidified into hardened, insurmountable walls. Where there had once been a scared boy, there was now a hulking Adonis who was obsessed with his muscles. As Brian continued to flex his arms and twiddle his pecs, a rush of blood poured into his cock, causing his arousal to return stronger than ever.
“Oh…fuck,” he trembled with carnal anticipation. His much deeper voice echoed through the locker room. Its new baritone register was rendered completely unrecognizable from what it once was. That was hot. He sounded just like…just like…one of the boys. And he didn’t mind.
Brian’s husky bulge was on prime display for anyone who happened to walk by. His cautious expression shifted into a satisfied grin as he reached down to stroke it. Then all of a sudden, it disappeared beneath a layer of white. The new fabric extended from his waist to just below his knees, giving him a brand new pair of football pants. Brian chuckled to himself, unaware of how numb he was feeling to the changes.
The new player’s cock twitched as his ass inflated behind him. Two perfectly muscular globes stretched his compression shorts to the limit before they were swallowed by his new pants. Just like his pecs, his butt was a wall of muscle, on display in everything he wore. And Brian could remember every squat, leg lift, and all of the hard work he put in to become huge. His butt was the biggest in the team for a reason. His reputation of going hard on leg days warranted impeccable results.
He laughed again, although this one came out much...slower-sounding. Brian’s disdain for dorky meathead jocks was being replaced by an understanding of them. After all, these were his bros and their sense of camaraderie was unbreakable. As a senior, he was one of the strongest on the team and they all worshiped him.
But this...this wasn’t right. Brian was a scrawny goth sophomore who wanted to disappear in a crowd. But this new body and personality were the polar opposite. His sheer size and athletic prowess were impossible to ignore. He began to pace around subconsciously, transfixed on the way his body moved.
“Whuh!” Brian exclaimed as he tripped on something on the floor. He flung his arms out and caught his fall by palming the locker, which had somebody’s navy blue shirt sleeve sticking out of its closed door. When Brian stood back upright he noticed the black fabric was sticking around his wrist. When he tried to pull it off, it stuck to his arm like glue. The blue fabric then began crawling up Brian's forearm with impressive speed. A few moments later, it had reached his elbow, concealing his muscular arm in a brand new shirtsleeve. However, it didn't stop covering him up and continued to Brian's shoulders before cascading down over his bare chest. His new skin-tight workout shirt did nothing to hide Brian's beefy pecs.
“Oh shit,” Brian whispered to himself as he ran a hand over his pants. "I...I look just like a player."
Although the utterance had been subconscious, Brian found him remembering more instances where the football players turned to him for advice, like he was a mentor towards them. With each recollection, pieces of a black jersey appeared over his workout shirt. The number "5" appeared in a rich cerulean blue color in the middle of his chest. It was slightly curved over the giant breadth of Brian's pecs. The word "CHARGERS" appeared above it in the same blue color. Anyone who would've seen the impenetrable wall of uniformed muscle that was Brian would've assumed he was a football player.
“FFFFUCK!” the growing jock cussed as he placed his massive hands above his saucer-like pectorals, wasted in his masculinity. Too preoccupied with himself, he didn't notice his black satchel moving on its own. It started to contort on its own, its rectangular shape became more cylindrical and the leather material turned into nylon and polyester. Instead of schoolwork and books, the bag was now filled with Brian's change of clothes, which were nothing like his goth attire. His wardrobe was like Michael's, full of pastels and board shorts that showed off every curve of his.
The bag twitched and leaned against Brian's foot. When he looked down, he was met with a new light gray duffel bag that had the word “CHARGERS” on the side next to a cartoon lightning bolt. He smiled broadly. Even just seeing the team name excited him. He felt an odd sense of responsibility towards that name like he was a leader of it or something.
The letter "C" embroidered itself over the top left corner of his jersey, revealing the validity of that thought. When Brian looked down, his smile only broadened. He remembered that he was the team captain and the star quarterback. The Chargers were his team and he was going to lead them to glory this season. "Shiiiiit…" he muttered with disbelief as he ran his hands over his massive body, caressing every muscle of his body.
A piece of Brian hated the thought of being around football players, but another part loved it. His fear was reforming into adoration. As a captain, he was able to work with the coaches to guide his team to victory. And judging by how well the season was going so far, he was doing a great job. He inspired his teammates every day. Brian’s confidence was contagious and his devotion to the team was unyielding. He wasn't afraid of the jocks anymore. The thought of leading them was much more exhilarating.
“Looking good, Wood!” a familiar-sounding voice said. “You ready?”
“HELL YEAH!” Brian Wood replied with impressive volume. It was at that moment his black hair was saturated with gel and dyed itself blonde. Brian itched his nose, unaware that it grew slightly larger after his finger touched it. His face also resculpted itself, the boyish shape taking hold to the chiseled visage of a real meathead. At one point, Brian would’ve hated what he looked like, but that time was past. It only felt natural that his face should be much more square if he was to lead the players. His boxy face made his gaze more domineering than ever. Even Brian's forehead expanded a little wider. Everyone knew he was the team's alpha.
Unseen to him, the word “WOOD” formed in blue letters on the back of his jersey. Going to Woodside High School had been a perfect coincidence for Brian Wood. The guy was also a horny bastard who often lewdly joked about his own wood to the team. It was expected though. Men are ruled by their cocks and Brian was no different. After being around a team of equally horny guys with a similar sense of humor, they always made crude jokes about their dicks. The bulge in the team captain's pants swelled even larger, leaving no discretion that the blonde-haired dreamboat was well-endowed.
Michael Palmer walked up closer, like a prince eyeing a knight. Brian returned the wordless glance, unaware of the sensation of his chin jutting out. The star quarterback and linebacker had stellar chemistry together, they were able to be serious on the field and chummy when off of it.
"You look great," Brian blurted out. He hadn't meant to, but looking at Michael was getting him riled up. He liked the way he filled out the uniform.
"Right back at you, dude," Michael replied as he stepped right in front of Brian's face. Brian's cock twitched when he realized that he was slightly taller and now even wider than Michael. The two were so close now that they could feel each other's breath.
Instinctively, Brian touched Michael's bulge. Michael grunted a little bit and his erection twitched in Brian's hand.
Brian's cock stirred at that sound and the vulnerable look in Michael's eyes. It felt like time was frozen. Not only was he making the largest guy in school moan, but he was also getting his affection. Brian didn't even like guys, but looking at Michael's amatory expression was changing that. Michael was a macho beefcake like him who was just so sensational to look at.
Suddenly, Michael pulled him in close with impressive strength. The linebacker's lips met the star quarterback's as he tightly gripped his shoulders. Brian returned the kiss, loving the feeling of being the only guy in school larger than Michael. A fire inside the two was challenging their heterosexualities.
"Oh, Brian," Michael breathed as their kissing intensified.
Upon hearing his name, Brian felt something amiss. That name didn't sound right. It didn’t match the masculine prowess that was overtaking his brain. The newly minted football player had a rare moment of fear when he couldn’t recall what people called him.
Adrenaline coursed through the two mens' veins as they savored each other's taste and smell. Memories of a vehement relationship flooded their minds. Dating each other over the last year while playing on the team together had strengthened their bond to a level they had never imagined possible. The nameless jock's lips thickened as they pressed against Michael's. He loved Michael so much. Their love of football allowed them to properly separate their personal and professional obligations to each other. Even the team was cool with their relationship, which was so validating. The nameless jock loved his team, proud to be one of the boys when he was on the field. And at that moment, Zach Wood remembered his name. The two broke the kiss, both with a newfound and intense infatuation for one another.
“Holy shit, Michael!” Zach replied when the two pulled away. He caressed his semi-hard cock. "We need to stop doing this before practice."
"Uh-huh," Michael breathed in agreement. His heart was beating fast as he was going through his own internal turmoil. He could've sworn he had a girlfriend, but he had no idea what her name was. The harder he thought, the more memories with Zach resurfaced. They were a pair of sex-obsessed, macho jock boyfriends who couldn't get enough of each other's minds and bodies on and off the field. Their sex was tantric and their affection towards each other was unyielding.
Michael took a sip from his Gatorade bottle. The locker room was much quieter now and all of the other guys must be on the field.
"You ready, Mikey Palms?" Zach asked, nudging him with his shoulder.
"Of course babe," Michael replied as he shifted his brain to football mode. Usually, the two beefy guys were able to keep their love life away from practice time, but that was getting harder to do. They both loved seeing each other in their uniforms.
"Alright, let's head out," Zach said, excitedly heading towards the open door until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, you gotta put your gym bag in your locker, ya gym bag,” Michael quipped as he spun Zach around.
"Oh right," Zach replied as he turned around to grab it off the floor. Sometimes his excitement for the sport caused him to be forgetful. He opened up his locker and placed it inside. "Alright Mikey," he said as he slapped his boyfriend’s butt. "Let's head to practice already."
Michael couldn't agree more. Although later, the two would have to pick up where they left off.
A Night in Tokyo
Julian and Olivia had just gotten married to each other, and upon returning to their generous suburban home (thanks to their families’ combined wealth), Julian surprised her with plane tickets for their honeymoon in Japan. “Oh my god, babe, you shouldn’t have!” squealed Olivia as she dived in for a hug, her husband smirking as he knew he’d just guaranteed himself some pussy tonight.
A week or so later, they’d arrived in Tokyo, and after the 15 hour flight they were practically ready to collapse. Neverless, they stepped into their chauffeured luxury car they’d booked in advance, which swept them along the urban highways past the dazzling city night lights to their hotel. It turned out, in reality, to be closer to Yokohama, but it was 3am and one of the most luxurious spa hotels in the city - so it’s not like they were too bothered.
They quickly checked in, not having the energy to appreciate the surrounds as they fumbled their bags to their penthouse suite. As they were checking in, they noticed a large group of men in white sports uniforms checking in at the same time - Julian couldn’t tell what sport they played, he just knew they looked like beefier soccer players and were definitely not Japanese.
Arriving at their door, Olivia scanned the key card and pushed the door open, revealing the most extravagant hotel room imaginable, prompting her to gasp, “Oh my god, it’s beautiful,” as Julian smiled smugly behind her. “Sure is, sweetie.” Using the last of their energy, they dumped their cases on the floor and stripped down to their underwear before diving onto the king-size bed with its plump cushions and mattress and within a few minutes falling fast asleep.
A couple of hours later, Julian’s eyes snapped open. His skin felt, somehow, extremely uncomfortable and itchy, “This hotel got fuckin’ bedbugs or something?” he muttered to himself in frustration. He started to scratch himself furiously, and found that his skin had taken on a rough, almost leathery texture. “The fuck...?” he mumbled, noticeably pale. “Babe, wake up,” he said, giving the shape of his wife’s body a nudge through the blanket.
Olivia turned onto her side, and let out a deep groan, which startled him slightly. As she turned to him, mumbling, “What is it...” in a distinctly deeper tone than before, Julian could see her face. It seemed almost squarer, and somehow she had a very light coating of stubble on her chin. Her eyebrows were a little thicker, and her long brown hair was distinctly shorter. Julian could only assume that he was dreaming, after all, how the fuck does someone change like that in a couple of hours?
While Olivia seemed totally oblivious, Julian was able to see the rest of her changes when she pulled over the bedsheet to step out of bed and get herself a glass of water. Her arms and legs were thicker, looking borderline muscular, and her breasts were a bit smaller and flatter. She seemed slightly taller too, and her ass was actually more plump-looking - and was now somehow contained in a pair of boxer briefs rather than lingerie. On top of that, those briefs seemed to have a very slight protrusion in the front, like her clit had swollen up.
Julian stuttered, “You look... different...” as he stared at her in shock. Olivia checked the mirror before turning to face him, responding in her new voice, “What are you talking about? I suppose I might need to shave soon...” while rubbing her chin nonchalantly. Julian decided he was definitely dreaming at this point, and decided to just try and get back to sleep, pulling the covers over himself and trying to ignore his skin.
However, he quickly failed at this, yelling out in agony as his own body started to change - Olivia paying no attention. His body forced himself into a fetal position, while his skin raised into permanent goosebumps and turned porcelain white all over his body. His knees and thighs sunk into his stomach, with his calves and feet wrapping around and merging into his ass. He would have been sobbing if his mouth hadn’t sealed itself shut, at the same time as his hair fell out and his nose flattened into his face. He started losing his vision just as his arms were absorbed into his egg-shaped torso, which started smoothing out and losing any sort of hints of his former limbs. Internally screaming, what was left of his head retracted into his torso, as a blue and green pattern appeared around the pointed parts of Julian’s smooth leathery egg-body, which finally shrank down to about a foot long rugby ball.

Despite his new form, the absolutely distressed Julian found that he could still think and feel, as well see with a limited range. Thanks to this, he could see the happily unbothered Olivia going through her final changes. Her shoulder-length hair rapidly retreated into her scalp, leaving her with a short, practical haircut while her stubble slightly thickened. Her face finished its masculinisation and was now totally unrecognisable, and her neck thickened along with her new Adam’s apple. Her flattened boobs swelled back up, this time as luscious pecs, with an impressive thick set of abs to match them.
Julian found himself getting aroused at the sight of this hunky new man forming in front of him, and yelled in his mind, “What the fuck!? I’m not gay!” which did not make him any less turned-on. Olivia’s arms and already firm biceps bulked up considerably, enough to stretch any shirt she would ever wear, and her hands thickened to complete them. Her legs swelled up with pure muscle dramatically, into those which only a professional rugby player could have, with her new boxer briefs already on the brink of bursting. That was not at all helped with her already expanded ass growing just a little bit more, and her former swollen clit rapidly inflating into a full-blown 9-inch uncut cock, complete with a pair of churning balls.
Julian could think of nothing but Olivia. Despite his internal protests, his mind was now totally rewired so that when Olivia - Owen, rather - approached him and picked him up with his meaty hands, even his touch feeling like a full-body orgasm to Julian. Owen put him down for a moment to pull on his white perfectly tight-fitting rugby jersey and shorts, slid his boots onto his significantly larger feet, before picking Julian back up with a very firm grip - another debilitatingly pleasurable orgasm. “Fuckin’ hate getting up early for games,” the English rugby player groaned, heading out of the luxury of the bedroom for the stadium to meet the rest of the national team with his duffel bag over his wide shoulders and Julian in hand.


To me, there was nothing better than going to the gym. I got quite the kick out of flexing my muscles for all of the ladies and intimidating all of the other men who wanted to have bodies like mine. The lustful stares from all of the men who wanted nothing more to either be me or worship me were the fuel for all of my workouts. Nothing was better than pumping some iron, getting bigger, and knowing that I was the biggest man here.
Although, I must admit that I did have another pastime at the gym. Call me a stereotype, but I loved to make fun of the various chubs who couldn’t gain muscle or shed their pounds of lard. One particular guy that I loved to taunt was named Chris. The kid was in his mid-20s, which was apparent from the gut that he was sporting. It seemed like too many trips to college dining halls had started to affect the man’s body, so I couldn’t deny myself the luxury of rubbing that fact in. He definitely had potential to look as great as me one day, but his inability to lose any weight was incredibly hilarious as it meant no matter how hard he tried, he’d be stuck with such a chubby body. My daily ritual after a workout was to come up to him in the locker room, slap his gut, and call him “Porky” as I passed by.
However, I had no idea that this time was going to be different for me. It was a late evening in the gym, so we were completely alone in the locker room as everyone preferred to go out partying and going out. I mean sure, I loved to do that too but I wouldn’t let anything get in the way of my gains. Anyway, I came into the locker room after finishing my workout. It was a cardio day, so I was extremely sweaty from the hard work I put in. Deciding the best course of action would be to shower up afterwards, I quickly went over to my locker and stripped down to nothing. I grabbed a towel and slammed the locker door shut. I wasn’t sure if he was gay or something, but I used to catch the dweeb staring at me in the locker room so I decided to give him the full show. With a swagger in my step, I strutted past him as I marched towards the shower. However, when I did my usual routine of ridicule, Chris no longer just took it quietly. “You better watch what you say” he muttered under his breath, which only fueled me to continue my taunt. “And why’s that chubs? What are you going to do about it huh?” I asked, chuckling a hearty laugh as I saw the anger radiating off his wide frame.
Out of nowhere, Chris began to mutter several phrases under his breath. I attempted to listen closer, but it all sounded like some sort of foreign language that was a far cry from my few years of high school Spanish. “Hey asshole, what are you saying?” I angrily cried out, growing more and more uncomfortable as the words flowed faster out of his throat with an angry grit added to it.
Despite my attempts, he refused to break from his chant, which grew wilder and wilder as his voice grew louder along with it. At first I thought he was just fucking around, but when the lights in the locker room began to flicker, I began to grow fearful. Who was this kid and what kind of prank is he trying to play here? Before I could express my anger and demand once more to know what was going on, I felt my body grow rigid. I attempted to move and scream, but it was as if I was bound and gagged to prevent anyone from knowing what was going on. My eyes turned into saucers as I couldn’t comprehend what was going on. This dude had no muscle on his body, so how was he able to get control over me with no physical contact! While stuck stationary in the middle of the locker room, my eyes could only dart side to side as Chris began to move around me. He paced around me in a circle, his eyes squinting in concentration as his voice grew more and more into a joyful yet powerful shout.
As the repetition continued to grow faster and faster, I felt myself beginning to grow shorter. I couldn’t look down, so I could only stare in shock as the eye-level appropriate for my 6’4” frame was dropping by the second. Every attempt to scream and shout was completely muted as I felt a weird itch in the back of my throat. It honestly felt as if my throat was filled with cotton and every attempt to scream and shout only made it harder to breathe successfully. Not wanting to die by choking to death, I kept my silence as I watched myself grow shorter and shorter.
Along with this, I began to feel a light feeling spread across my body. The heft of my muscles and bulky build began to fade away until I felt as light as a feather. If I was free to move at my own volition, I was sure that I would be disoriented and swaying due to the weird sensations coursing through my body. By now, my height had shrunk to the point where I was right below Chris’ knees. Seeing him towering over me like this, I knew that I was quite fucked now. I groaned in pain as I began to feel my body contort in tandem with the weird hand movements that Chris was making while continuing to circle around me. Through some mysterious force, I could only watch as I dropped down to my knees and watched the tan color of my skin begin to fade away. The pigmentation began to change until I was left with an incredibly pale, almost white color solely placed around my thighs and legs. Before I could look any further, pain coursed through my body as my arms bent backwards around me. I wanted to scream and cry as the unbearable pain continued to tug upon my limbs. I couldn’t see it, but the pain in my arms began to fade as the two limbs fused together. The pain then moved over to the section of my legs touching the ground while in the kneeling position. Tears began to flow from my face as I felt the remaining section of my legs expand like chewing gum until they too also became attached to the continuous circle formed out of my two arms. Now off-kilter, I fell backwards and onto the cold floor, but every sensation felt weirdly muted. Out of nowhere, I began to feel an incredible pressure clamping down onto the top of my head. As my head collapsed into my torso, the last image I saw before everything went black was Chris’ gleeful smile. With these final moments, a dry wheeze escaped from my dry lips. As I fully crumpled onto the floor, I had little idea that that would be the last noise I ever uttered as a human.
When I regained my vision, I found myself looking directly up at the ceiling. The lights above me shined brightly, but any attempt to close my eyes or turn away was useless. In my new state, I soon discovered that I also no longer had any range of motion. By this point, I heard Chris’ disembodied chanting finally came to end. Out of nowhere, I saw as he leaned in and looked down at me with a wide smile forming onto his face. “Ah yes, thank you so much for all of those days of ridicule. Without it, I never would have attempted to learn about black magic.” He said, a villain-like laugh echoing through the empty locker room as he picked me up. My field of view looked up at him and grew shaky as I saw each foot lift up and run against what used to be my arms and legs. Despite my offkilterness, I couldn’t deny the waves of pleasure that reverberated through my body with just a single touch of my former victim. With his legs now running against me, I could only stare in complete shock as Chris used his arms and pulled me closer to him. By this point, the only thing I could see was the flab hanging off of his body and his head that showed up in between the valley of his flabby man-tits. Before I could comprehend what was going on, I felt motion as he began to walk over to the mirror. When he stopped his motion, I struggled but successfully began to move my vision elsewhere so I was looking straight ahead. However, as I looked forward and into the mirror, I finally saw what had become of me. I had become his new jockstrap!
I wanted to cry, to begin sobbing for the chubby man to turn me back to my real body. However, I knew it was impossible despite my attempts. Jock-straps can’t talk, so I knew that was impossible as I was no longer given the gift of vocal cords. “I’m sure you’re freaking out, but please don’t be scared. I’m planning on taking good care of you Brycen” he said. “See, with this spell, I gain all of your knowledge while wearing you. By wearing you at every workout, I’ll learn how to become a fitness master in no time. No longer will I be the “porker” you once described me as. I’ll become the new king of the gym and gain the body I always dreamed of having.”
As he mentioned those words, I began to feel a shift occur from within my brain. An intense sense of calmness began to overtake my mind as I began to comprehend what my new form was. With this new attitude adjustment, I found myself no longer worrying about gaining my body back or having muscles. As Chris’ favorite jockstrap, my only focus became about being worn and feeling the sweat soak through my fabric form. I was like an addict needing a hit, desperately craving for Chris to wear me and do an intense workout.
My wish was seemingly granted as I felt my vision hindered by the pair of athletic shorts that he put over me. As he walked, I felt his semi-hard manhood throbbing against my fabric, which only made me more and more eager at my new possibilities as a jock-strap. Hopefully, after a good workout, I could expect Chris to wear me more and more as he gained the hunky body he’s always dreamed. Given that he’s my master now, I couldn’t deny that it would be a pleasure to help him achieve his dream. I’d be more than willing to help him with anything he desires, although I could appreciate him a bit more if he could give me a taste of bodily juices beyond just simple sweat...

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Inside The Alpha
This story is a request from @malemuscularbodyswap. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here!
After days of scouring the internet, William was finally able to locate something of magical value one morning before work. He had been on the search for something to help him gain the body of his dream man, a buff man named Cody. Sure, it was the best friend of William’s husband Steve, but that did not deter William from his plans. In fact, it kind of turned on the older man to imagine himself in the body of a buff bodybuilder.
As he got ready in the bathroom, he smiled as he had finally discovered the location of an ancient bracelet that was rumored to have magical abilities. To his surprise, the item was conveniently located just a few towns over at a museum, which worked out quite well for William. Being one of the heads of the town’s art museum, William was able to convince the small town museum to trade the basic silver bracelet for a few months in exchange for a popular painting. Feeling that the deal was a no-brainer, the other museum quickly agreed to the trade and prayed that the loaned painting would hopefully help draw attendance.

Heading into his job, William immediately grabbed the painting off of the walls and drove to the nearby town, his foot tapping anxiously as he awaited the arrival of the bracelet. Once the young and frail nerdy man brought the bracelet to William, the awkward man grew uncomfortable as he watched the older man practically salivating over the old and weathered piece of metal. Wanting to just move on with his day, the man dropped the bracelet in William’s hand and quickly took his painting and ran off to figure out an ideal display location.
Once William got to his car, he screamed and laughed in joy as he now had the prime magical relic to bring his dreams to life. He gingerly took the bracelet and placed it around his wrist, surprised at just how form-fitting it was as it somehow fastened into place. Not wanting to waste any time, William quickly phoned Cody and asked if he wanted to come over and use Steve’s home gym while he was working. Given the fact that Steve had state of the art equipment, the aspiring bodybuilder jumped at the opportunity and said he’d be over in an hour or so. With the plan now in motion, William drove home with a devilish grin pulled from cheek to cheek, excited about what was to come.
Pulling into his driveway, William caught sight of Cody and his black Mustang parked out on the curb. From the various stories that Steve had told William, it seemed like the car was the perfect chick magnet for the unfortunately straight Cody. “Not for long…” William whispered to himself, smiling as he imagined what would happen if this bracelet truly worked like that occult forum said it would.
Parking his compact smart car into his garage, William stepped out of the car and turned towards his husband’s best friend. “Hey man, are you ready to go workout?” he asked, which prompted the buff jock to excitedly agree, a dopey grin spreading onto his face. Opening the door to the house, William allowed Cody to walk in first, which allowed William to get a close inspection of his future body.
With his shaggy brown hair, William was envious of Cody given the fact that the older man’s hair had been quickly turning gray and balding. Despite the fact that William had a thick mustache and facial hair, he was still quite envious of the dark brown stubble that adorned Cody’s face. In a thin tank top, William licked his lips as he stared at the wide biceps and bulging pectorals that were clearly showcased. There was a severe jealousy towards Cody and his built physique that Steve had known about for a while now. William had desired to become a regular gym-goer like Steve and Cody, but after months of attempting with no ability to lose his flab, William gave up on the concept and just tried to embrace his chubbier physique. He knew that his husband wasn't upset with his build, but he had a goal of becoming the best he could be despite his age, so seeing Cody nonstop only fueled his self-hatred. Staring down at his right arm, William took note of the tattoos adorning Cody’s forearm, which only added to the intimidation factor of the hulking man.
Even though his physical appearance was intimidating, William knew from the stories that his husband told that Cody had quite the cockiness. When paired with his anger issues, Cody was quite the intimidator in the gym. He demanded control of the gym, which Steve never complained about since it allowed him and Cody to work out on any machine they wanted, any time they wanted. Whenever a steroid-infused asshole was intimidating to a female gym goer, Cody wasn’t afraid of going up to him and making sure that the men leave the women alone. Sometimes it might become physical, but Cody’s bulk allowed him to easily subdue any asshole and teach him a lesson while embarrassing him in front of the entire gym. Sure, it also helped land those ladies in his bed, but that was just an unintended side effect of his innate masculinity.
However, despite these impressive qualities, he had no real spatial awareness or was ill-prepared for surprise attacks. This was clearly evident as he walked into the living room, with William rushing behind him. Pushing his braceleted arm out, the chubby man watched as his hand slid right into the wide back of his husband’s best friend. “UNghhHhhh!” Cody groaned, unsure of what was going on. It was a weird sensation, but it wasn’t as if he was in any searing pain that alerted him to something nefarious. His bulging arms attempted to reach behind and scratch the source of sensation, but all he found was the upper stub of William’s arm pushing out from his back. “What the fuck?!” Cody cried out, attempting to flail around and pull William out and stop whatever he was trying to do.
Knowing his time was running out before the buff man would be able to stop him, your husband quickly began to push in. He slid further into the bulky body, causing Cody to stop what he was doing and groan once more at the sensations coursing through his body. “Sorry young man, but I need this body!” William stated, his last words causing Cody’s last remaining thoughts to be of intense confusion. Before Cody could do anything, William pushed completely into his new body, sealing himself inside of it. With two bodies now fighting for control, the muscular body slumped down onto the ground as a battle of two consciousnesses occurred.
For William, there was a moment of darkness before he suddenly began to regain his senses one-by-one. At first it was hearing, as William heard the automatic air freshener in the living room go off. Of course, the next sense he regained was scent as he smelled the odor of apples and cinnamon waft through the air. Opening his eyes, William’s vision regained as he found himself lying face down on the large shag rug that adored the living room. Wobbling, William reached out and grabbed onto the top of the couch as he pulled himself up back into an upright position. Looking around, he was surprised by just how tall he seemed. He licked his lips, tasting the flavor of beer. Given that William was exclusively a wine drinker, it was clear that something magical had definitely happened. Looking down at himself, he caught sight of the bulging pectorals that were now jutting out of his chest. “Holy shit, it worked!” William cried out, following that declaration up with a chuckle as he heard his new voice.
To finally verify that all of his senses had been regained, William wasted no time touching his new body, feeling the buff musculature that he now possessed. “Wow…” he said as his hands reached below his waist to check out his new equipment. Not only was it already rock hard, which William assumed was from the pleasure of him sliding into Cody’s body, but it was also incredibly impressive. It was no wonder to William now how the straight man was able to satisfy so many women.
However, before he could react any further and undress into the house, he was interrupted by a cough coming from his left side. He turned, his eyes meeting a classy looking woman holding a clipboard. “Excuse me, would you like to continue the tour or no?” She asked, her face contorting into a look of annoyance. Due to the sudden appearance of the woman, William began to look around in confusion. Staring at his previous living room, William’s mouth went wide as he realized that all evidence of his life here with Steve had been completely erased. Instead, it was now an open house for sale, which he was now seemingly taking a tour of. All of the photos that adorned the various tables and desks had been changed, replaced with simple stock images. “Uh… I think I’m good…” the new Cody said, scratching his head as he walked out of the now empty garage. He fished out his keys from his jeans, quickly unlocking the car and entering his new Mustang. As he sat into the driver's seat, William began to theorize about what was going on and how big of an impact the possession had on the world…
For the most part, it had been a normal day for Steve. With only thirty minutes to go at his job as a personal trainer, he was eager to get home and relax. Despite having spent the entire day in the gym, he was adamant about getting home, destressing with a home workout, and spending some personal time with his husband William. As he headed into the bathroom after finishing up with his final client, the man began to take a few selfies to send to his husband. Sure, his husband wasn’t as physically fit as he was, but Steve knew that William would love to see his buff body stretching out his workout shirts.

However, as he snapped some selfies, a huge migraine suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks. He groaned in discomfort as he tried to head into the locker room to grab some medicine from his gym bag, opening up his phone to try and call an ambulance if it got worse to the point of collapsing. But as he opened up his phone and stared at his home screen, he began to notice the photo somehow warping. It was a lovely photo of him and his husband William on vacation in Costa Rica a few years ago, but with each passing second, William was slowly fading out of the picture. To his surprise, Steve could only watch as a new person filled the void his husband left… his best friend Cody. “Whoa… what the fuck?” Steve muttered, unsure of what was going on. To try and remedy this, Steve quickly opened his photo app and scrolled through the various photos he had taken of him and his husband.
Despite knowing that his husband was with him during these events, the photos disagreed completely as no photo had any evidence of William’s existence. Instead, the photos either showed Steve alone in a tropical locale or with his best friend Cody, flexing and showcasing wide grins. “This can’t be happening…” Steve said as he quickly began to grab his gym bag and rush off to try and get home and verify that his husband wasn’t somehow removed from existence.
By the time the clock signaled the end of Steve’s shift, the man was already out the door and speeding off to his house. However, as Steve drove down the street and approached his house, it was clear that this house was no longer his. Looking towards the address that Steve had lived in for years, he could only watch in disbelief as he saw the empty house and a large “For Sale” sign posted in the yard.
With nowhere else to go, the only possible place Steve could think about going was the apartment building where his best friend Cody resided. As he ascended the staircase and knocked on the door, Steve breathed a sigh of relief as the buff physique of his best friend opened the door and greeted him. “Oh thank god!” Steve said, rushing into the apartment and pacing around the living room. Before Cody could even say a word, Steve began to recount his day and discuss all of the strange occurrences that he experienced. Cody stays calm throughout the entire thing, which only made the increasingly paranoid Steve worry that his best friend had also been affected by whatever is going on.
However, once Steve finished speaking, his intimidating best friend began to speak, saying a simple “Yeah, it’s been a crazy day right?”. Looking in disbelief, Steve asked him to explain what he meant by that statement. Was it possible that his best friend was somehow not affected by the changes as well? Cody obliges, where he then begins to calmly state the fact that he’s actually Steve’s husband. Steve of course refuses to believe it, but as he begins to talk about how he finally found a way to get Steve’s best friend’s body, the man begins to grow more and more convinced. William then talks about the power of the bracelet that he got from work, declaring that it somehow rewrote history to erase his real body and life from history. He assumed that he would be the only one unaffected, but he was relieved to find that Steve was also spared from the memory changes. As a result, he asks his former husband to describe how he felt the reality shift occur. Steve then begins to mention the entire situation, the various pains he felt all over his head and how he caught the photos changing while he tried to get some medicine. “Well, you must have been made immune to the changes when you caught sight of the photos shifting” Steve’s former husband / new best friend states, which makes sense to Steve as he begins to remember the headache going away once he saw the changing images.
With the situation now explained, Steve watches as Cody stands up and begins to stretch, showcasing his strong build. He catches the man staring, which causes him to chuckle and look down towards Steve. “You like what you see huh? Come here then…” he says, his deep voice going into a growl that causes Steve to shiver. It was incredible just how dominant Cody innately was with his various qualities. Sure, Steve was aware that he had a crush on his buff friend, but he knew that he could never be with Cody due to both his sexuality and his marriage to William. But now, seeing William now in control of Cody’s buff body, Steve grinned as he realized that it opens the door for plenty of possibilities for him to fulfill his fantasies with no guilt.
Not wanting to delay, Steve gets off the couch and peels off Cody’s tight tank top, which causes him to do the same to the flustered man. However, to showcase his strength, he grips onto Steve’s workout shirt and tugs, somehow ripping the fabric off of his own buff body. Coming up behind him, Steve wraps his hands around Cody, his hands moving towards Cody’s chest and gripping onto those glorious pectorals that Steve had always been jealous of. “You like that huh? Keep going then…” Cody says, which causes Steve’s dick to twitch as he continue to give in and admire his husband’s new buff body.

By this point, Steve is now completely transfixed by his now-dominant husband ordering him to admire his best friend’s body. Now completely malleable, Steve allows “Cody” to lead the way, commanding him to remove his pants and admire every inch of his body. Steve begins to leak as he pulls down his best friend’s pants and watches as Cody’s thick and long cock reveals itself to you. “Touch it...” William says, which Steve does immediately. He begins to run his hands along the shaft, which causes Steve to realize that his best friend truly was intimidating in many different ways. Not only did he have the body that everyone thirsted for, but he had the dick that would make every man envious. Wrapping his hands around Cody’s ass, Steve began to imagine fucking his husband in the pert and muscular ass he now possesses. However, based on the way that William is manhandling Steve and leading him to worship parts of his new body, it seems like that alpha personality is rubbing off on William. Unfortunately, that caused Steve to realize that this most likely meant that he would become the new bottom in the relationship.
“Admire these guns babe…” William says, flexing his biceps for his husband as a cocky grin manifests onto his face. By this point, it was clear that William knew that Steve was putty in his hands, so he was going to use it to his advantage. By this point, Steve’s hands are running rampant in exploring Cody’s buff body and feeling the thick musculature that William now possesses. “I think I could stay here permanently… what do you think bro?” William continues, winking towards Steve as he looks up at his husband in complete lust and nods his head.

Suddenly, William grabs onto Steve with ease, pulling him off the ground. As a result, Steve quickly wraps his legs around the hulking man, looking like a koala wrapped around a large tree. William easily walks with Steve clinging onto him, leading the smaller man into his new bedroom. Sure, it was quite a bummer for Steve to lose his dream house and downgrade to an apartment, but what can you expect between two bros who work low-level jobs that allow both of the men to focus more on their professional bodybuilding prospects?
As Steve’s husband throws him onto the bed and pulls his pants off, Steve begins to ponder about just how well William has adapted to the whole situation. It’s true that William told Steve previously that he admired and wished to have a body like Cody’s, but William is embracing this new sexual alpha personality with incredible ease. Looking around, Steve catches sight of William staring at the scantily clad woman plastered onto the posters adorning the wall. Based on Steve’s observations, it seemed to the man that some aspects of Cody’s personality and William’s were mixing, turning him into a bisexual man able to admire both of the sexes. This was totally fine with Steve, but the one concern he had was in regards to how much of William’s personality was being sacrificed to be in this body. Steve hated the idea of losing the best qualities of his husband and gaining the worst parts of Cody’s douchey personality, but as Steve began to feel the thick rod of Cody’s cock slide into his ass, all of those quandaries went out the window.
Who cares when he’s got a cock that great right?

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The Pressures of Fame (Yahya’s POV)
This story is a collaboration with writing extraordinaire (and one of my best friends) @mrcavanaughtf, so please head over to his blog and read his story that is focused on the alternate perspective of the body swap! This story has been planned for months, so I was quite happy to finally devote the time to write it with Henry (and finish it right in time for the release of Candyman). Here’s to more collaborations in the future!

Despite being an aspiring actor since 2012, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II’s career had only recently bloomed into a full-time career. While most careers have a slow rise to being a household name, Yahya’s career was more of a meteoric rise to the top. It first started in 2018 when he was cast as Black Manta in the live-action Aquaman film, but after that one major gig, more and more opportunities were popping up for the man.
Soon after this role, the 35-year-old rising star attempted to diversify his acting portfolio with some roles in horror films like Us, science fiction shows like Black Mirror, and then even going into more dramatic roles such as The Trial of the Chicago 7, which ultimately got him award recognition. With the range of his work reaching more and more individuals with each role, it shouldn’t have been a shock that Yahya suddenly became both a respected actor and a sudden heartthrob upon playing Dr. Manhattan in the limited series adaptation of Watchmen. From the moment he took the artistic leap and did full-frontal nudity for the character, everyone suddenly found the name Yahya popping up in their watercooler chats and trending on social media accounts. This conversation only continued longer as award season came and went, giving Yahya an Emmy for the role.
While Yahya was certainly excited to see his acting becoming a valid career shift from his former life as an architect, he couldn’t help but wish for a break from his high-profile status. Of course, he was eternally grateful to be living a lavish lifestyle in Hollywood, but he kind of missed the good old days of being able to walk down the street without being hounded by paparazzi and adoring fans desperate for autographs.
Even though he so desperately wanted those desires to be a reality, he knew it wasn’t going to be possible anytime soon since he was returning for the Aquaman sequel while also joining iconic franchises such as The Matrix and the new reboot of Candyman. While most of those projects weren’t coming for the next couple years, the release of the new Candyman film was nearing its red carpet premiere. Given the amount of press he was required to do as the film’s leading man along with the fear of the critics reviewing his performance, it was safe to say that Yahya had truly wished that he would be able to escape from the media circus that he found himself trapped in.
Seeking refuge in his impressive house in the hills of California, Yahya desperately tried to find things to keep his mind off of the nerve-wracking week coming up. Although his schedule seemed as though it was constantly booked, Yahya knew that there was something he could do to both destress and prepare for his next role. Checking his calendar, he realized that production on the newest Aquaman film was coming up, so he decided it would be a good idea to get back into intense workouts to help build some muscles before cameras started rolling.
After having the ability to have such high-profile gigs, Yahya had accumulated an impressive amount of wealth that had allowed him to get a house that not only had a home gym, but also a personal chef too. As his sweat-soaked body moved back into his kitchen, he was able to order an impressive dinner that was immediately ready upon finishing up a shower. Checking himself out in the mirror, he was very impressed with the physique he saw before him. Not one to have a big ego, Yahya had to give props to his personal chef and his part-time trainer that helped him maintain this physique, but he still felt mostly responsible for what he was looking at. His anxiety about being on the big screen had left him constantly focusing on improving his appearance by doing intense workouts to build up his physique. These workouts proved to be beneficial to the actor, as he was able to curb his anxiety and find contentment as he noticed himself filling out his clothing just a little bit better with each role.

By the time it hit 9 PM, Yahya was completely exhausted from his workouts. Add in the fullness he felt from his requested meal, it didn’t take much until the buff actor had quickly fallen into a deep slumber. In fact, it was such a deep slumber that the hunk was completely unaware as the fates worked to make his wish of a more lowkey life a reality. Luckily for Yahya, there was a man in Chicago that was aspiring to have a life similar to the one that he was so willingly offering up!
As the singsong of morning birds bring Yahya back into consciousness, the man begins to do his usual morning routine of rubbing his eyes and stretching his limbs. However, instead of feeling clean and ready for the day, Yahya quickly discovered that his body was feeling quite sluggish and his temple throbbed from an intense migraine. “Ughhhh…” the man moaned, grasping onto his head and closing his eyes while trying to figure out what had happened to him the night prior. Was his workout the night prior so intense and overexerting that his entire body was left sore and heavy with a terrible migraine? But after rubbing his eyes and sitting up in his bed, the man is shocked by what he sees. Somehow, his bedroom looked entirely different than how it usually did, still quite spacious but now entirely decorated differently. “Wha-?” the man groans, attempting to clear his throat as he hears a lighter and higher pitched vocal coming from his mouth.
With his eyes darting downward towards his hands as they pull away the sheets and find an explanation for this mixup, the man cries out in shock as his darker skin has been completely desaturated until it’s now a lighter white shade. “The FUCK?!?!” Yahya cried out, his new body quickly jumping to its feet and out of the bed. Staring at his new complexion, he sees that his body still retains his impressive musculature. Somehow, it seems that he had changed races overnight and been put into someone else’s apartment!
Desperate for answers, the man quickly rushes through the foreign apartment in search of a bathroom. Upon finding one, he slammed the door shut and flicked on the light to see what was going on. However, as the light showcased the new reflection he possessed, it was clear to Yahya that this wasn’t just some sort of race change. His entire body had been changed, with his facial features shifted and his black hair being switched into a simple dark brown hairstyle. “How is this possible?” Yahya said with a shocked exhale, his hands naturally moving around to explore his new body.

As he continued to feel around in utter disbelief, his facial expressions soon shifted into a look of anger. He was proud of the fact that he was a successful voice for the African American community as a prominent rising black actor in Hollywood, so to see it just randomly washed away and turned him into the walking stereotype of most models-turned-actors was completely infuriating. Standing in the bathroom while intensely staring into the mirror, he tried to figure out how this happened. He thought back to his inner thoughts from the previous day and the way that he had wished to take a break from the life of a successful actor. But there’s no way that could be true, body swaps weren’t a real thing, it was just some sort of plot device to create hilarious screwball comedy films!
But as he continued to stare at the new reflection he saw in the mirror, it seemed like it was the only logical explanation (as much as he couldn’t believe it). Now curious about who exactly he had become, the newly race-swapped man rushed out of the bathroom and began to search around the apartment. To his surprise, the guy who he had swapped with had fairly similar taste to him. With the modern approach to decorating and style of art pieces that extended all the way from the bedroom to the living room and kitchen, it was clear that this was a guy who also had a fairly lucrative career and a well-maintained bank account.
Upon returning to the bedroom and rummaging through the drawers of the man’s bedside tables, Yahya was finally able to grab onto a wallet and desperately flip through all of the cards until he stumbled upon the man’s ID. It seemed upon inspecting the card that Yahya had now found himself in the body of Sam Cushing, a 29 year old man with blue eyes that stands around 5’8”. Given that the ID also stated that the man lives in Chicago, Yahya couldn’t help but loudly curse as he read the information and realized that he couldn’t just go and find his real body with ease. “Are you shitting me!” he loudly exclaimed, throwing the wallet across the room as the anger continued to swell up within him.
Desperate for more information about who he was now, Yahya grabbed the laptop that was charging on the man’s dresser and sat himself down on the edge of the bed. Luckily for Yahya, the laptop didn’t require any password, so he was able to enter the laptop with ease and immediately notice that the Instagram homepage was the tab left open on the man’s browser. Scrolling through the feed, all that Yahya could see was a sea of buff men showcasing their muscles and either promoting their OnlyFans or some sort of personal training program.
Curious to learn more about the man itself rather than who he follows, Yahya clicked on Sam’s profile and watched as a sea of photos appeared. Clicking through them, he noticed that much like those other guys that Sam followed, he himself followed the same formula. There were shirtless photos that were a clear promotional tactic for some sort of endorsement he received along with gym selfies and videos that showcased several workouts that he suggested to his followers. Speaking of followers, as he checked the man’s statistics, he couldn’t help but be impressed. Somehow, the man had more followers than the actor himself, as he was around 640k while Yahyah’s IG account was nearly at 250k. Of course, as he continued to scroll through Sam’s content, Yahya recognized that a lot of the follower account surely must have been from the horny men and women that were drawn to the man’s near-constant thirst traps.
Remembering the fact that he had an Instagram account open for DMs, Yahya wasted no time going to his old account and typing out a message saying that he’s the real Yahya trapped in Sam’s body and that they needed to find a way to fix this as soon as possible. Clicking send, he breathed a sigh of relief as he prayed that the influencer-turned-actor would be as equally shocked and desperate to return to their old bodies.
Returning back to Sam’s account and beginning a deeper dive into the man’s older posts, Yahya’s look of intrigue turns into a look of disgust as he comes across one post. Looking at it, he couldn’t believe it: he was in the body of a gay man! Back in his old body, he had no problem being around members of the LGBT+ community, but the thought of now being part of it himself was not of interest for him. Due to his upbringing, Yahya’s mind was influenced to the point where he didn’t agree with the “lifestyle”. However, for the sake of not rocking the boat or somehow getting cancelled, he vowed to keep his comments to himself as his career continued to skyrocket. But now that he was facing the reality that he would be in the body of a gay man for the foreseeable future, all of those repressed statements of hate and vitrol were bubbling up to the surface to essentially turn the new Sam into a stereotypical self-loathing gay.
“There’s no fucking way that I’m going to fuck around with a man!” Yahya angrily growled, which lacked any sort of intensity or grit due to the lighter and higher voice he now possessed. With his mind determined to keep him on the straight and narrow path of heterosexuality, he brushed past the post and attempted to learn more about the other aspects of Sam’s life.
Ironically, just as Yahya finished his rant about the sexuality of his new body, a direct message dinged on the app from someone that Sam was seemingly following. With a dangerous curiosity, the man clicked on the push notification and was brought to the message. In a scream of absolute terror, Yahya immediately loosened the grip and allowed the phone to tumble onto the floor as he caught sight of a nude from the mystery message man. His eyes were wide and his face soured into a look of disappointment as he couldn’t help erase the image of the man’s curvy and perky ass and that thick long co-. Stopping himself before he could even finish that thought, it didn’t matter in the slightest as the image remained seared into his brain. In response, there was an immediate tightening in the crotch of his shorts that truly solidified the fact that he was now gay while in this body.
“Fuck… no, this can’t be happening…” Yahya cried out as his dick reached total hardness and slightly curved upward against the baggy pair of shorts. Peering below the waistband of the shorts, Yahya stared at the white cock he now possessed and compared it to his former genitalia. Staring back at him was a below-average dick, especially in comparison to the long and girthy one that Yahya had spent most of his adult life with. Finding some slight hilarity in the situation, he attempted to gawk at his new equipment in hopes that it would allow himself to forget about the nude he received. Wanting a closer look, Yahya undid the knot and watched as the shorts dropped onto the ground and revealed Sam’s body in its full-frontal glory.
Moving his right hand to his genitalia, Yahya wrapped his hand around the shaft and began to slowly move his hand up and down. To his surprise, his dick is incredibly sensitive, beginning to severely throb with each passing movement of his hand. Tilting his head back, the amount of pleasure he felt was immeasurable and demanded release as soon as possible. Closing his eyes, he used his mind to help visualize a scene that he had always imagined during his steamy sex dreams. In a candle-lit bedroom, he pulled a beautiful curvy woman onto the bed and began to run his hands along every feminine section of her body. While visualizing the woman, he licked his lips and allowed the dream to progress further. Returning his mind to the scene, the woman was now undressed and completely nude on the designer sheets of his real bedroom. With incredibly eagerness as the woman calls the name Yahya, he sees himself pushing into the woman’s vagina and moaning as it perfectly fits his girthy cock.
“Oh fuck…” Yahya said out loud as the dream progressed further into passionate love-making as his thrusts grew deeper and his mouth only uttered guttural grunts. But as he continued to stroke himself off, the once-throbbing member was just perpetually stuck at a complete firmness due to the repetitive nature of his strokes. While his dick was clearly eager to ejaculate, it was unwilling to finish the task due to this body’s disinterest in women. Back in his mind, he tilts his head back and hears as the woman’s groans begin to grow huskier and huskier with each forceful thrust. In confusion, he opens his eyes and looks down, gasping as the gorgeous woman had been replaced with a buff muscular man. “What the fuck…” both dream and reality Yahya stated, absolutely in shock at how his dreams had so extremely shifted.
Despite the confusion, his grip on his dick remained iron-clad as he visualized the man getting up off the bed and commanding him to sit on the bed. While the buff muscular black man that he once was would never allow this to happen, the dream-version of himself relented and assumed the position as the man appeared behind him. As the man began to push into dream-Yahya’s muscular ass, his attention returned to reality as his dick immediately began to reach climax and shoot out a thick stream of cum out and onto the wooden floors in the living room. “Holy shit!” he moaned, his firm stance against homosexuality not mattering anymore as he felt such intense waves of pleasure coursing through his body.
Just as sudden as it occurred for the man, he quickly finished his strokes and attempted to catch his breath while staring at the mess he made. Immediately seeing the aftermath of his actions, Yahya grew disgusted and eager to clean away the evidence of his disgusting new temptation. After grabbing some paper towels and cleaning himself off and wiping the floor, Yahya quickly rushed into the shower and began to clean himself up from the odorous mix of sweat and cum that coated his now-paler skin.
Upon drying himself off and throwing on a simple black t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts, Yahya tried his best to ignore his jerk-off session by exploring the new apartment he found himself in. Given that the initial shock of the body swap had worn off, Yahya was eager to explore while not being in an extreme rush this time. To his surprise, he was incredibly impressed by what he saw. However, after staring at one too many interpretive art pieces, the after-effects of this body’s hangover grew worse as they absolutely ravaged Yahya and had him eager for some relief.
Following a successful brew of coffee and the downing of some Tylenol, Yahya took the moment to enjoy the gorgeous view that overlooked the kitchen. He had never been to Chicago before, so to see the gorgeous skyline with the early morning sun cresting over the tallest buildings was truly special for the man. Watching as birds soared by and the busy life of the city’s inhabitants occurred several stories below him, he felt strangely relaxed and at peace.

Quickly chugging a few cups of coffee while continuing to admire the view, the newly calmed man made his way into the living room after heading into the bedroom and bringing out Sam’s laptop. Falling into the deep-cushioned couch, Yahya began to spend the time scrolling through more of Sam’s social media accounts to learn more about the body he now found himself in. Before exiting Instagram though, he snuck a glance at his DMs and frowned upon not seeing a response yet to his message towards his former Instagram account.
Returning to the homepage, he was instantly greeted to more images and videos of accounts Sam followed. While it was clear that Sam had a type for either twinky men or extremely buff and intimidating guys, there was surprisingly a large amount of diversity into the guys that he followed. Much to Yahya’s dismay, there was no diversity in terms of the hardness of Sam’s cock though, as it remained completely rock hard and throbbing once again at just the sight of a few men. “Jesus, this dude’s a horny motherfucker…” Yahya groaned, quickly exiting the site and moving towards YouTube.
When the webpage shifted into the homepage of YouTube, it wasn’t surprising anymore to Yahya as he caught sight of all the recommended videos on his account: all of them involving either men working out or LGBT-related content. Ignoring that to prevent further shame for these new desires he’s gaining, he pulled up Sam’s profile and saw that he was a fairly popular guy. The fitness influencer had over 180,000 followers and his videos all got a good amount of views. As Yahya began to watch them all, he spent the next several hours eager to learn more about the new body and life he now had. The man clearly had a nice, charming, and approachable quality based on his high follower count, but Yahya himself was impressed to see that these personality traits also were clearly showcased as Sam discussed things about himself like his dreams, fears, and goals in life.
By the time Yahya had finished scrolling through all of that content, the morning sun had been shifted into a fading sunset. As he shut the laptop screen and got up from the couch, Yahya felt surprisingly calm still. With the hangover and migraines fading away and him finally being able to learn more about who he is now, Yahya felt rather content as he focused hard on remaining calm until he got a response from his old body.
Unfortunately though, as more and more time passed by without an answer, the man soon became irritable and anxious as that cheerful façade was quickly crumbling. Plus, with the slight cabin fever of being trapped in an apartment he’s not used to yet, it’s no surprise Yahya grew eager to escape. Scrolling through Sam’s Instagram posts, he found a photo of him hanging out with some friends at a bar, which was geo-tagged to give him a location. Thinking that some alcohol was necessary for this shocking swap while also hoping it could calm him down, Yahya quickly called a taxi. Waiting for it to arrive, Yahya put on a dark blue t-shirt and attempted to style his hair. Getting an alert from his phone that the car had arrived, Yahya locked up the apartment and departed.

Walking into the bar, Yahya looked around and rolled his eyes at the place he had traveled to. Apparently he didn’t look too deeply into the photo, as he was annoyed (yet not surprised) to find that the bar that Sam apparently frequented was a popular gay bar. With the blaring soundtrack of pop music ringing through his ears, Yahya made his way towards the bar and ordered a drink. It wasn’t a surprise when the bartender’s face contorted into a look of shock as Yahya gave his usual order of a name-brand beer. This place clearly didn’t seem to be a prime spot for beer-drinkers, but to his surprise and relief, the bartender quickly returned with a cold brew in hand. Taking a sip of it, he couldn’t help but feel that it tasted slightly off than how he originally remembered. With each additional sip, Yahya grimaced as he found himself hating the drink even more. Realizing that this body clearly didn’t enjoy beer like Yahya’s body did, the man shockingly gave up on that dream and allowed Sam’s body to help him pick a better drink. He didn’t enjoy the concept of drinking cocktails or wine, but he needed to be drunk immediately, so there were few alternatives available for the man. Looking back at the drink menu, he waved the bartender over and ordered a fruity cocktail that had piqued his new body’s interest.
While waiting for it to arrive, Yahya’s attention moved beyond the bar and towards the building’s adjoined dancefloor that was packed to the brim. While staring at the men who were laughing and singing along to the music playing, Yahya felt a strange excitement building within him. These guys were seeming to have a lot of fun, so if they were living such a terrible lifestyle, it just didn’t make sense for them to seem so joyful. Continuing to watch the men dance around and press their asses into crotches, Yahya immediately began to find himself growing hard as he instinctively tapped his foot against the barstool in time with the music.
Just as the bartender returned with his cocktail order, Yahya watched as a man approached him. While not as buff as his old body or even his new one, the actor-turned-influencer stared and noted the attractive man walking up to the empty barstool next to him. With each step closer, Yahya couldn’t help but admire the man’s impressive face that seemed befitting of a model. His facial hair was impressively trimmed, fully displayed by the shifting colors extending beyond the dancefloor. Taking a sip of the drink as the man was within arm’s reach, Yahya smiled as he tasted the rich fruity flavor that was much easier on his new palate.
As he moved his body away from the dancefloor and continued to stare at the man, their eyes met and the other man smiled at him. This action lingered for a few seconds before the man got the attention of the bartender and gave an order identical to the one Yahya was currently drinking. Nervous about his newfound attraction and still slightly uncomfortable, Yahya initiated a conversation by awkwardly saying “I got the same thing, it’s a great drink!”, which caused himself to internally cringe at his lack of game. In his old body, Yahya was able to charm the panties off of any woman he wanted, but now that the attraction was devoted to men, he was just completely flustered.
Luckily, the man didn’t reject Yahya’s advances, instead responding to him and asking his own questions. As the conversation continued further, the chat only grew more intimate with each passing sentence. Given the booming music drowning out their voices, the two men had to get closer to each other to the point where they were essentially talking directly into each other’s ears. With the man, who introduced himself as Trevor, so close to him, Yahya smelled the alluring scent of Trevor’s cologne and the modest boner in his pants was at full mast and helping push him further into his lust for the man.
After sharing a few drinks and continuing to learn about Trevor and his career as an aspiring businessman, the two began to get looser with each other to the point where Yahya actually asked the man if he wanted to go out and dance. To his surprise, Trevor agreed and grabbed onto Yahya’s hand as he pulled them from the bar and into the sweaty sea of men. While initially slightly awkward with his movements, Trevor’s encouragement pushed Yahya to the point of fully letting loose and dancing as best he could given the limited space. With his inhibitions falling away due to being comfortably drunk, it only took a few more songs until Yahya was rubbing his ass against Trevor’s tight and throbbing crotch and feeling incredibly turned on.
While Yahya continued to drink and let loose, his intentions were growing increasingly obvious with each drink order. Out of nowhere, the new Sam suddenly asked Trevor if he wanted to come home with him. When the man agreed and smiled, they grabbed hands and made their way out of the bar after ordering another taxi back to his place. Before they could even cross the threshold of his front door though, the two men were passionately making out and pulling at each other’s clothes. Sam’s fitness strength allowed Yahya to easily get Trevor loose from his business attire while Trevor was somehow able to peel Yahya out of the sweat-soaked clothes that were practically glued to his muscular physique.
Their makeout session soon pushed further into the apartment until ultimately leading into Sam’s bedroom. With both of them falling into the bed and continuing to invade the other’s mouth with their tongues, Yahya was fully embracing his new sexuality and wanting to push it to the absolute max. So, by the time they were both nude and trying to decide the roles for sex, Yahya was surprisingly intrigued and turned on by the concept of bottoming for the hunky man. So, as Trevor went into Sam’s bathroom to go grab a condom, Yahya’s body was buzzing with intrigue and incredible lust. Upon returtning and beginning to push into Yahya’s perky new ass, the once-exclusive dominant heterosexual man allowed his identity to become overwritten with his new hungry bottom nature. Hearing both of the men grunting as Trevor continued to thrust into him, Yahya’s dick was rock hard and eager for Trevor to get him off once he finished shooting his load into him. “Maybe this won’t be so bad...” Yahya thought to himself as he laid in bed with the equally worn-out Trevor before quickly falling asleep.
* * * * *
In the week since the swap, Yahya’s attempts to reach out to his former body and figure out the solutions to their crazy swap were proven to be futile. To Yahya’s annoyance, the real Sam stated that he had no idea how the swap occurred either. That was almost the entirety of the new Yahya’s messages about the body swap. From that point on, Sam was almost exclusively complaining about the looming fear of paparazzi following him everywhere. While he hadn’t expected the two of them to become best friends or anything, Yahya did wish to form some sort of connection with his body swap partner. Growing increasingly worried about losing his body and getting blocked, Yahya kept quiet though and forced himself to hear long detailed stories from Sam about how he was doing in the body of the actor. Upon hearing the risky and crazy behaviors that Sam was displaying, Yahya was absolutely stunned that none of it had gone rival.
As a result of these worrisome stories, Yahya tried to give advice on how to handle paparazzi, such as suggesting side entrances along with other celebrity tricks to avoid being caught in camera flashes. Sam stated that he would try to implement those tricks, but his attempts seemed to be constantly foiled. Yahya soon found himself constantly furious over the next couple days as he watched his former body beginning to constantly trend on Twitter or be talked about in those gossip magazines that Yahya would see on the corner shops near his apartment building. Based on the continued daily rants Sam had in relation to the amount of press he had to do for the new Candyman film, it was clear that Sam was hating the new life he had been given randomly and the trials and tribulations that were associated with the film industry. He hated to say it, but Yahya was honestly getting annoyed with the man’s constant ranting about his life. To be brutally honest, it made Yahya actually somewhat relieved to have been able to escape that lifestyle.
Because of this, Yahya felt kind of guilty for just how much he had enjoyed these past couple days. He still wasn’t sure how exactly the swap happened, but after a week of being Sam, the man had to admit that he was relieved that it did happen. Sure, it took Yahya a day or two to adjust to his new life, but by the time the third day as Sam rolled around, Yahya was adapting with ease. In fact, the man was embracing the profession of an influencer to the point where he had been able to sign multiple endorsement deals that Sam had just tossed aside for some reason. With a significant paycheck being given to him for each endorsement, Yahya was relieved to find himself raking in cash in a career that he was quite literally thrown into.
Along with these sponsorship deals, the past week of Instagram posts from Sam’s account showcased a newfound focus on Sam’s close-knit friend group. Given he was looking for some sort of connection to help ground him into this new life, it made sense for Yahya to reach out to Sam’s friends and attempt to learn more about them and also his new self as well. In the past couple days, they had had a ball going out to that local bar and taking photos with their fruity cocktails while promoting the gay lifestyle that Yahya had so easily adapted to since that first night at the bar.
Speaking of that first night at the bar, Yahya’s drunken romance with Trevor did not end upon sobering up the next morning. In fact, it was growing more and more into a full-blown relationship as they’ve gone out on several dates and had a lot of fun in the bedroom afterwards. There was a healthy trust between them as they tried to push the other to try new things, as Trevor tried to get Yahya into intriguing abstract documentaries while Yahya was able to get Trevor to become his workout buddy. Even though Trevor wasn’t the biggest jock of all, Yahya was happy to see that Trevor was actually beginning to enjoy those sweaty exercises he did with his possible boyfriend. Plus, the concept of hot steamy shower sex in the empty locker room was enough to get Trevor to persevere through the intense routines that Yahya had been creating and sharing with his followers.

As the eighth day of being Sam began, Yahya was shocked to realize that he was fully willing to let go of his past life and embrace the new identity he had been given. This life was a joy to wake up to every morning, so why would he want to give it up and go back to something worse? Things were finally looking up for the new Sam Cushing after years of trying to make his career happen. Life was good, but he knew it was going to become better in time!
While staying up all day perfecting his new fitness routine and preparing to record a new YouTube video, Sam’s phone went off as he got a Google alert about his old name. Pulling it up, he was in awe as he read the article about the Candyman premiere being a complete disaster as the leading man fled the city and was unable to be found. Biting his lip, Sam began to ponder the concept of reaching out to Yahya to see how he was dealing. Thinking it over though, he realized that there was no way that he could help him. Now, he was just a fitness influencer in Chicago, so it wasn’t like he could rush over and help out his former body. His previous advice only fell on deaf ears, so what’s the point of wasting the time and energy on somebody that doesn’t listen? They were both grown-ups, so if Yahya could deal with and accept his new life as Sam, then the new Yahya could do the same thing!
Closing his phone, Sam grabbed onto his camera and began to make his way into the office that had been converted into a home gym. Connecting the camera onto the tripod, he began to check all of the camera settings to verify that it was ready to film his fast-paced routine. Upon verifying, Sam began a timer and quickly moved into position. After verifying that he was in frame, he flashed a wide smile as the camera counted down. 3… 2… 1…
“Hey guys, it’s Sam here with a new video! Today, we’re going to work solely on some intense exercises to build up some arm muscle...”

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A Change Of Possession
When Lindsay Thomas first thought that attending a Cincinnati Bengals football game with her boyfriend Aaron would be the death of her, she didn’t think that it would literally happen. But alas, Aaron’s eagerness to get to the stadium and witness his favorite team play led to his foot pressing down a little bit too hard and causing the car to reach dangerous levels of speed. All it took was one unaware driver to attempt a lane change and Aaron’s reflexes to avoid a collision failed miserably as the car spun out and ended up flipping and barrel rolling countless times. Throughout this endeavor, Lindsay had no chance to really comprehend what was going on. One second she was scrolling through social media and liking posts about her friend’s newest engagement, then suddenly there was a moment of intense pain before everything faded away into complete darkness…
Although the darkness was quite inviting to Lindsay, it seemed as though it wasn’t quite her time to move on as a stark white light was filling the dark tunnel that her soul was traveling through. As she finally was encompassed by the light, the woman slowly parted her eyelids and gasped at what she saw. Instead of seeing the pearly gates of heaven, she found herself standing in front of Paycor Stadium, the home of the Cincinnati Bengals.
Looking around in shock, the woman watched as fans stood outside the security turnstiles excitedly chatting with others in line. Despite her loudest attempts to get someone’s attention and ask what’s happening to her, it seemed as though no one else could hear her. On the verge of a breakdown due to the overstimulation of both going through a car crash and seeing this vast sea of fans ignore her, the woman lifted her hands up towards her face so she could cry into them. But upon doing so, the woman stopped as she saw that instead of the lightly tanned complexion that she often sported, Lindsay was now stuck with a ghastly blue complexion. Unfortunately though, the realization of what happened to her quickly became apparent as she watched a small slip of paper suddenly blow through the wind and pass directly through her hand as it tumbled down to the ground. Holy shit, I’m a ghost!
Although the woman was quite literally on the verge of a breakdown, this was ultimately hindered for the time being as a familiar voice loudly called her name. Lifting her eyes up and looking around, the woman gasped in relief as she saw a specter version of Aaron levitating above the crowd searching for her. As she began to run towards her high-flying boyfriend, she soon found that each stride was taking longer and longer for her feet to touch the ground as she remained in the air for a few milliseconds. Luckily though, this revelation was finally the knowledge she needed to propel herself up towards her boyfriend. Now at a rapid pace, the girl pushed off from the ground and slowly levitated up towards Aaron, who had finally found her and smiled widely.
Upon grabbing onto each other, the duo were relieved to find that they could physically hold each other given the fact that they were unable to feel anything else as they walked on the ground and over scattered trash. As they embraced and held each other into a tight hug, the duo were relieved to be reunited once more despite the tragic consequences.
Looking for a place more quiet than the rowdy lines outside the stadium, Aaron led the way for the couple to phase through the iron gates surrounding the venue and into the stadium itself. As they finally found themselves inside the inner halls of the stadium where the staff worked, the duo talked and tried their best to figure out what was going on. So while the circumstances surrounding it were fuzzy for some reason, the duo were confident in the fact that they had both somehow perished on the way to the football game. Yet as they were beginning to pass towards a bright light, the couple both found themselves outside the venue for some reason. Although they were unsure why this was occurring and whether it was due to unfinished business, the couple were sure of the fact that they didn’t want to ascend to the afterlife. They were young and still had lives to lead, so they didn’t want to give it up no matter how appealing the concept of the afterlife sounded. As such, it was Aaron who quickly proposed the idea of using their ghostly forms to possess someone at the stadium. Unsure of what was going on but with no other options, Lindsay listened intently as her boyfriend proposed the concept of possessing a Bengals football player and cheerleader so they could continue to be together in perfectly hunky bodies.
Although Lindsay countered his idea with her own of just settling for another young couple attending the game, Aaron was able to quickly convince her that since they’re ghosts now they might as well go for something different than what they used to be. So despite the crazy plan that Aaron had proposed of taking over two unsuspecting peoples’ lives and the moral dilemma that continued to run through her mind, Lindsay was willing to try anything to get a second chance at life and thus eagerly agreed with Aaron’s idea.
As the couple slowly levitated through the inner halls of the stadium, Lindsay couldn’t help but jump as Aaron suddenly broke their silence with a loud gasp. “Oh shit, it’s Logan Wilson. He’s a great player” he exclaimed, extending a hand out and pointing towards a man quickly pacing down the hall. Although that name certainly meant nothing to Lindsay, a quick glance at his body made her instantly swoon. With his gorgeous visage (she was a sucker for a strong and prominent nose and nice plump lips) and slightly muscular physique that easily filled out his clothing, she immediately found herself encouraging her boyfriend to take him over. Envisioning having her boyfriend inside that body pleasuring her was quite an erotic sight, so she was quite relieved watching as Aaron built up the momentum and rushed towards the hunk.

Given the fact that no human could see their presence, Logan was completely unaware of the spirit that was rushing towards him before it was too late. Upon watching as Aaron made an impact head-first into Logan’s firm chest, Lindsay watched in worry as the spectral version of her boyfriend fully disappeared within the player’s torso. For several seconds, she watched in worry for any sign that Aaron’s plan had been a success.
Soon, an answer came as Logan’s emotionless face suddenly shifted into a wide smirk. “It worked,” he quietly said, trying his best to keep his voice low to inform his girlfriend of what’s going on.
Although Lindsay herself couldn’t feel any real sensations due to her ghostly form, she knew that that voice would give her butterflies in her stomach if she still had one! Even though Logan’s voice was fairly normal for an adult male, there was this underlying sense of deep dopeyness within it that left Lindsay swooning even more. She loved that Aaron was an accomplished journalist and all, but the concept of having her frail and weak boyfriend in the body of a hunky himbo was a dream come true.
“Linds, I can’t see you anymore, but it worked. I’m Logan Wilson now! Go find a body as fast as you can,” he said with a smile, taking a moment to drop his bag and take a look at his two hands. After observing the wider and slightly callused hands that were fitting for a linebacker, Aaron couldn’t resist taking a moment to subtly run these hands along his body and feel the ripples of Logan’s abs and slight hills of his pecs. Upon cheekily taking a moment to lift the waistband of the player’s pants and underwear to take a quick glance at his new and improved manhood, the man smirked as he lifted his arms and flexed. Upon glancing at his modest biceps for a moment, the man’s attention was quickly caught by the brand new ink that he would be rocking while inside Logan’s body. Despite not being overly religious, Aaron was more than willing to go along with the cross tattoo due to just how badass he thought it looked on him.
While Aaron continued to flex and check out his new body, Lindsay was very much enjoying the view as she further fantasized about how much she was going to love kissing her boyfriend’s gorgeous new face and worshiping his muscles. Just as the two of them continued to check out more of Logan’s body, a loud voice down the hallway suddenly interrupted both of them.
“Wilson, where the fuck have you been!?”
As Lindsay and Aaron both looked up, they watched as a buff older man was angrily marching towards the two of them. Of course, as soon as he stopped in front of Aaron and began speaking to him, Lindsay reminded herself that there was no way that the man was speaking to her. Due to this, she observed as the older man, whose badge indicated him to be part of the coaching staff, grilled the possessed football player about not being in the locker room to get ready since the game was about to start.
Trying his best to defuse the situation, Aaron apologized and said that he was running a bit late but he was ready to go. Given the fact that he couldn’t see where his girlfriend was anymore, the man’s eyes rapidly darted around as the coach grabbed onto Logan’s shirt sleeve and began to tug him towards the locker room. As he slowly mouthed for Lindsay to go find a body as soon as possible, the brand new hunk was ultimately pulled away into the thick crowd of staff heading towards the locker room.
Now with Aaron inside Logan’s body and being dragged away by someone on the coaching staff, Lindsay found herself feeling increased pressure to figure out a new host body fast. Understandably, there was a lingering sense of fear that waiting too long would cause her soul to get pulled back into the vast darkness as she traversed to the other side (whatever that may be). As such, Lindsay used her newfound gift of levitation to quickly bob and weave her way through the busy inner halls of the stadium in search of a new body.
Luckily, it didn’t take long before Lindsay’s eyes focused on a woman decked out in a cheerleading uniform. Although her back was turned while talking with someone and Lindsay could only see the woman’s slim and curvy figure along with her voluminous blonde hair that fell down past her shoulder blades, the recently deceased ghost was more than willing to accept it as her new body. As such, the female spirit propelled herself faster and faster in hopes of claiming her new life.
Unfortunately for Lindsay, it seemed as though the cheerleader had finished up her conversation as she suddenly turned and began to walk away. Given the rapid speeds she was traveling at, the woman was unable to slow herself down as she found herself slingshotting directly into the cheerleader’s chatting partner - a bulky football player. “Oh fuck no,” she exclaimed, trying her best to change her trajectory and curve past the football player to continue her plan of possessing the cheerleader. Although she was certainly willing to accept mostly any bodies so she could get a second chance to live again, trading her gender and becoming a man was a nightmare scenario for her. Despite loathing the concept, it soon became clear that her fate had been sealed as Lindsay closed her eyes while her spirit rushed directly towards the hunk and shot itself directly into his open mouth.
Upon making contact with the back of the man’s throat, the impact of Lindsay’s soul provided an unintended side effect as the player suddenly tumbled back before falling back and landing on the hard concrete floor. Although Lindsay was still seeing darkness due to closing her eyes in fear of the impact, the addition of a nice warmth calmed the woman as she realized that she was feeling firm and corporeal once more. On top of this, the random sound of some low volume rap music filled Lindsay’s head and proved that she certainly wasn’t a ghost anymore. Despite only listening to upbeat pop music in her old life, she was more than willing to accept the mumble rap as a sign of success. Along with this realization , the sudden reappearance of physical sensations like pain against her head, shoulders, and ass further proved that her possession attempt was a success.
As such, Lindsay slowly peeled her eyes open and gasped as she found countless people hovering over her. Gasping in shock, the woman was caught off-guard as several members of staff (as evident by the badges hung around their necks) extended a hand out towards her and asked about if the man was ok. Through this sudden onslaught of questions, Lindsay was able to quickly pick up on the name of the man she was currently inside - Sam. Upon extending a hand out and allowing the staff to help her back up to the ground, the woman shook her head and rapidly blinked her eyes due to the intense migraine against the back of her head.
Upon lifting an arm up to check on the pain at the back of hunk’s wide head, Lindsay’s eyes widened as she caught sight of the thick bulging bicep that limited how far she could extend her arm back. Just from the quick glance she made at it, Lindsay knew for a fact that the man’s bicep was bigger than one of her old thighs! Still quite dazed from the possession, Lindsay allowed herself to be led away by staff as they told her that they were going to have the team doctor make sure that the fall hadn’t given the football player a concussion.
Throughout this entire walk, Lindsay then got her first opportunity to realize just how broad, bulky, and manly she was now. Instead of being a dainty woman with a modelesque figure, she felt gigantic as this imposing football player that was fully stacked with firm muscle. On top of that, each step that loudly pounded across the floor gave way to several new sensations. Firstly, the man’s sizable thighs caused Lindsay to adjust her gait to compensate in order to avoid any unnecessary chafing. Moving to her rear end, Sam’s sizable but firm ass couldn’t help but wobble slightly with each powerful step she took.

Although these were certainly significant changes for her to adapt to, the sensation of a slight bounce in the crotch area revealed a semi-firm boner in Sam’s pants (which was clearly due to his attraction to the cheerleader he had been talking to previously) and caused the woman to comprehend that she was now in possession of a cock instead of a pussy. Continuing to think about the difference between her female form and Sam’s masculine one, a quick glance down at the tight compression shirt that Sam was wearing revealed two thick slabs of pectorals that were somehow bigger than her small A-cup breasts! This man was absolutely built to be a dominant force in athletics, which left Lindsay rightfully worried about her new life given the fact that she had no knowledge about football.
After arriving into the small room and sitting down on an examination table, the woman anxiously fiddled her wider and meatier thumbs upon waiting for the doctor’s arrival. Once the small middle-aged doctor arrived, he wasted no time going through a quick concussion test to check on the status of the Bengals player. After having the possessed player go through balance and visual tests that the new Sam passed with flying colors, the cognitive evaluation was where things got a bit more dicey. Although Lindsay was able to successfully confirm that the player’s name was Sam and that he was a player on the Cincinnati Bengals, other questions such as his birthday and last name left the woman understandably stumped. Luckily though, the doctor was more than willing to provide those details to the new man and then ask him to repeat them back to him.
“My name is Sam Hubbard and I’m a player on the Cincinnati Bengals. I was born June 29th, 1995,” the brand new player puppeted back to the man, which was seemingly enough for the doctor to clear the hunk for play and send him off to the locker room. Despite her best objections due to the fear of not knowing how to play, the doctor remained committed to his decision and had the staff ultimately escort Lindsay back to the locker room.
Upon arriving into the locker room, Lindsay awkwardly returned pleasantries to other players who seemingly had a close relationship to the real Sam as she searched for the body that she had seen her boyfriend possess earlier. Despite the hecticness of the crowded room of countless hunks in various stages of undress, Sam was finally able to find Aaron in his hunky new body and pull him back to a more secluded area of the locker room.

Of course, Aaron tried his best to pretend as if he was the real Logan Wilson, but this facade quickly fell as Sam revealed the truth behind who was in control of this body. Understandably, Aaron was quite concerned about the status of his girlfriend given the fact that the cheerleader plan had clearly gone awry. Although it was certainly not something the former Lindsay was finally coming around to, she quickly pushed that aside as a more pressing matter emerged - her lack of football knowledge and skill.
So after the new Logan Wilson gave a quick crash course on Sam’s position and what he was expected to do on the field, Lindsay was quite concerned about the prospects of having to stand her ground and be a strong defensive force. Luckily though, Aaron revealed that he would be on the field with her and could help her as best as he could in between plays to give her tips. Before the two could continue coming up with a plan, the Bengals coach finally arrived and gave a rousing pep talk as Lindsay stripped out of Sam’s tight clothing and slipped into his football gear and uniform. The woman finished just in time as the coach finished speaking and began to lead the team out to the now-full stadium of players eagerly awaiting for an incredible football game.
Despite a few hiccups throughout, Lindsay was able to slowly understand Sam’s position and do her best to prevent the Bengals’ opponent from progressing further down the field with Aaron’s encouraging words. Luckily, his impressive and well-built physique was a saving grace in helping stop the opponents dead in their tracks as they were unable to move Lindsay’s new bulky body an inch. By the end of the game, the Bengals defense was able to completely decimate the offense and thus allow their offense to beat the other team by over 30 points. Amusingly, the commentators after the game singled out two key performers in the game - Bengals linebacker Logan Wilson and defensive end Sam Hubbard.

Although in time Aaron would discover that he was now married with a wife and had no attraction at all towards Sam Hubbard’s body, this turned out to be perfectly fine as Lindsay had some changes of her own. While Lindsay hadn’t become married by possessing Sam, she did in fact gain Sam’s heterosexuality. In fact, she was able to find a new girlfriend that left her quite amused. Throughout happenstance, Lindsay found herself dating the Bengals cheerleader that she had originally planned on possessing. Although she hadn’t found any attraction originally to the woman’s curvy figure and perky ass, it was now one of Lindsay’s favorite things about her new girlfriend whenever the couple undressed and began to fool around in bed. Given the fact that she used to be a woman herself, Lindsay was quite amused by just how wonderfully she was able to take care of her new girlfriend by making sure she was constantly sexually fulfilled via vaginal or oral sex.
So while the couple ultimately did end up going their own separate ways by gaining these new bodies, Lindsay and Aaron still remained the closest of friends both on and off the field. While playing football the duo were able to be an unstoppable force for the Bengals defense, while off the field they loved to spend their free time working out or hanging out at each other’s places to play video games and watch football together. Although it was safe to say that this wasn’t the life either individual had planned for themselves, Lindsay and Aaron were determined to take advantage of their second chance of life as best they could!
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This story is my creation for @tf-lover due to being paired up for @thegreatstoryteller‘s Christmas Story Exchange. Please check out TF-Lover’s account as his story (which includes my holiday transformation) is available now!

Upon hearing the sound of knocking on his front door, 23-year-old teacher James smiled widely as he rushed towards the entrance of his flat. He had received communication from his friend Nate an hour or so earlier stating that his present to him was out for delivery, so the 5’11” Brit had been anxiously awaiting for that knock to notify him of the next stage of their apparent game.
Given the fact that the duo had become relatively close ever since they both started doing transformation writing on Tumblr, it was a fun evolution to their friendship when they both realized that their friend had also possessed magical powers that could transform others. James, who went by the name TF-Lover on Tumblr, was quite excited when Nate, who went by the name Soul-Controller, revealed that they had been paired for this year’s Christmas transformation writing contest run by TheGreatStoryTeller. While the challenge itself was meant to be a writing exchange where they wrote stories for each other, Nate proposed upping the stakes by doing real transformations to each other in the form of Christmas presents - which James instantly agreed to.
Due to the fact that his friend was infamous for being a bit extra with his stories by going over any word count limit he set upon himself, James thought it would be cheeky to gift the man a pen that would transform the user. So upon coming up with his plan and enchanting a high-quality he purchased from a store in his town, the man quickly boxed it up and dropped it off to be shipped to his American friend. Given the distance between the two of them, it wasn’t shocking that James’ present hadn’t arrived to him in over a week - yet it still was annoying for both parties.
Upon opening his front door and finding a box addressed from the United States, James was relieved to know that they had each received their presents. As he returned into his flat and shut the door behind him, the man pulled out his cell phone to notify Nate that it was time to finally put their plan into motion. Luckily, the power of timezones meant that Nate was online and thus was quick to respond. After they made a bit of small talk and hyped each other up over what was about to occur to them, the duo finally began to say their goodbyes as they made plans to go through their own transformations privately for a few hours before reaching out and seeing how they liked their new forms once the hype and excitement had worn off.
Making his way into the living room, James took a seat on his couch and placed the box onto the coffee table in front of him. Buzzing with excitement, the man had a childlike smirk on his face as he eagerly peeled off the wrapping paper around the box and reached into the medium-sized rectangular box to see what was inside. To his confusion though, the box was completely empty besides two slips of paper that he felt while rummaging through the box. As he pulled it out, his eyebrows raised as he saw that the first slip of paper simply had a QR code on it. What the hell kind of present is that, he asked himself as he directed his attention to the other slip of paper in search of some answers.
Luckily, the other paper was a letter that went into detail explaining the context behind his present and the QR code slip.
Dear TF-Lover,
I’m sure you’re thinking that there must surely be a mistake behind your present this year, but alas there is not. That QR code that I’ve included leads to something that I’ve been secretly creating for the past few months. I know that you’re a big fan of Instagram and TikTok hunks, so I thought it would be fun to give you the opportunity to become one.
Upon scanning that code, you’ll be given access to download a private early access version of my app to test it out. After downloading it, it will go through your Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok and scan all of your posts, likes, and bookmarks to help create a new persona for you to embody.
I’d say good luck and I hope that the app creates a perfect new body and life for you, but I’m confident in the app and believe that you’ll love this experience no matter how shocking it may be throughout. It may not be the body you expected but I can promise that it’s the body that you were always meant to have…
I look forward to hearing how your experience goes!
Have fun,
Upon finishing reading the letter, James’ excitement returned as he realized what Nate was trying to do. It was true that he had a big attraction towards hunky social media influencers, so the concept of becoming one was quite erotic. As such, the man smiled as he eagerly pulled out his phone and scanned the QR code. Upon doing so, it led to a bizarrely dark and grayed-out version of the App Store that listed an app with the simple name S-C.exe. He originally rolled his eyes about the unoriginal title, but the man reminded himself of the fact that it was still in early development and thus pushed aside his issues with the name. Given the possibilities that Nate said the app had to transform him, James realized it was probably not to look a gift horse in the mouth! Knowing his bad luck, he’d be super judgy and the app would get revenge by glitching and turning him into the polar opposite of his dream body.
Despite the intense power that the app contained, James was shocked to see that the app was relatively small in terms of file size and finished downloading within 30 seconds. Eager to get the show on the road and undergo his very own transformation, the man returned to the home screen and clicked on the freshly downloaded app. As it loaded, it became clear that it was fairly bare bones due to the fact that it simply had 4 buttons with the logos for the Photos, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok apps in the middle. Upon clicking each one, James was asked to give permission to the third-party app so it could analyze his camera roll and social media to turn him into a social media star.
After clicking accept on all, he couldn’t help but tense his body and await for his transformation to immediately start. But as he sat there waiting for several minutes, it quickly became clear that nothing had happened yet. While he thought the app was just defective or painfully slow, he was completely unaware of the fact that the app was already hard at work analyzing and revamping the first social media account he linked - Twitter.
At first, the changes started out small as the app changed his profile photo to something more photogenic along with deleting some posts that had little to no engagement like stuff involving his favorite book series Tales From Verania. But then the app’s power really began to showcase itself as new tweets began to emerge in lieu of those deleted posts, discussing different topics like trending television shows and comic book movies that instead garnered more attention and thus began to increase his following rather significantly.
Once this was done, the app seemingly was finished with Twitter for the time being as it moved onto Instagram and began to create a windowed version of that app. James watched the windowed version of Instagram as an invisible finger began to scroll through his posts and archive them or delete them entirely if it deemed it to be unsavable. Throughout the entire experience, James watched with an open mouth as the app moved to its own accord. It was crazy that Nate had been able to create something this intelligent and transformative!
The man was further impressed as he began to watch as Nate’s app began to go through and create new posts on its own accord as it pulled open his camera roll and began to pick its own photos. Although the photos that the app seemingly chose to add into each post was out of his hands, James was relieved to find that he hadn’t lost all control of his phone as the posts were unable to be posted until the man added a caption or hashtag to each post. Given the shock of what was going on while also hoping to not accidentally create some sort of extreme transformation by a random caption, the man opted to just go through and do simple hashtags that he thought would ideally help him build a better following than the measly amount of followers he currently had.
As such, posts composed of photos of the man outside of a movie theater or taking a photo of his ticket stub were tagged as #movies, while photos of himself at gay pride parades or clubs were tagged #gayman and images of himself dressed snazzily in dress clothes received what he assumed to be the most fitting hashtag in regards to his profession of #teacher.
Upon finishing all of the proposed posts, the screen suddenly went black and James was unaware of what was occurring while the phone worked in secret. Although he presumed that the phone had simply crashed from just how overworked it had become in the past 30 minutes he had spent adding captions and hashtags to posts, the reality was that it had gone black while it secretly reformed the hashtags and photos entirely to match what the app deemed to be James’ ideal new body.
So while James at first didn’t know what was happening behind the scenes, the changes that the phone was making soon began to make themselves known as a wave of pleasurable tingles coursed down the entirety of James’ body. In a bizarre full-body numbness that felt as though every inch of his skin was on pins and needles, he was unable to realize the fact that his body was slowly inflating with muscle. Instead of having each area of muscle grow one at a time though, every muscle group of James’ grew in tandem as his flat chest began to grow miniscule pecs just as biceps and thick calves manifested throughout his body.
In less than a minute, the lanky and average man had grown rather buff, now looking like a man who frequented the gym often and dieted well. But the changes weren’t done as the app decided that James needed even more muscle added onto his frame. So while James’ numb body left him unable to realize what was happening at first, the sudden strain of his work clothes against his increased bulk soon led him to understand what was occurring to him. As the loud pop of the seams in his shirt sleeves filled the room, the man’s attention was finally pulled away from the still-dark phone to the source of the sound.
Upon doing so, the man’s eyes bulged out in shock as he noticed the impressively sized biceps straining against the stark white sleeves of his dress shirt. Watching as the muscles pulsated like a beating heart and continued to further inflate, James’ jaw dropped as he realized that his transformation was finally underway. In his excitement, the man immediately jumped to his feet and grabbed the phone resting on the coffee table in front of him. Worried that he needed to be in close proximity to the device to have his changes continue, the man held on tightly to the phone as he began to frantically rush over towards his bathroom. Undergoing a transformation was a once in a lifetime experience and James wanted to witness all of it occurring to him!
As he continued to head towards his destination, the man was suddenly overcome with a tightness in two areas. While the first area came from his formerly flat ass as it began to rapidly inflate and meet resistance from the seat of his pants, the biggest area of issue came from his chest that was due in part by both his still-growing pecs straining against the fabric of his shirt while also something deeper under the surface seemed to be at work.
With this pressure continuing to ramp up until it became increasingly uncomfortable with each step that he took, James took a deep exhale and began to deeply cough. Unknown to James was the fact that this was exactly what his changing body needed as his skeleton began to alter and become the perfect physiology to carry such muscle. His chest cracked and widened with each cough that he did, ultimately creating a perfect display for the two rather prominent slabs of meat that were his pecs. Although it created such a glorious sight for the man to behold, the widening and thickening of James’ chest finally caused the buttons of his dress shirt to lose the battle and pop. After the top 3 buttons of his shirt rapidly flew down his hallway and clattered onto the floor, the man couldn’t help but look down and gasp at the bare skin now revealed. His pecs were incredible!
Just as he took sight of his glorious chest, the man arrived into the bathroom and flicked on the light while perfectly positioning himself in the center of the mirror. As the light sprang to life and illuminated the transforming man, an exhale of shock escaped from his lips as he looked at himself. While most of his attention had been devoted to his growing pecs and widening chest, the rest of his body was growing increasingly buffer. While the buttons of his shirt had popped off, James had missed that his sleeves had also reached a breaking point and torn due to the sheer size of his firm biceps. Although he had seen countless videos of men flexing their biceps, James still struggled to navigate with his 14” biceps as he awkwardly lifted up his arms and tried his best to replicate the motion while looking into the mirror. It felt weird watching his normal and average face on top of such a muscular body, but the combination seemed to have an unintended result in the form of a prominent boner forming in his pants.
While the man hadn’t exactly been lacking in that area prior, a simple glance down to the crotch area of his reflection revealed an even longer and thicker tube of meat that was straining against the man’s black dress pants. Moving his hands gingerly down to the area to fondle it, James gave a strained exhale as he was overcome with pure lust. Upon doing so, the teacher instinctively tensed his legs and gasped as the sudden bulging of his meaty thighs sent his dress pants down a similar journey as his shirt as it tore along the outer seams.
Although he usually preferred keeping himself looking professional and appropriate even in his own privacy, seeing his clothes now completely torn and struggling to contain his new musculature left him to push aside those feelings for the moment. As such, James undid his belt and allowed his pants to fall to the floor (which was a bit of a struggle as they momentarily got caught on his wider thighs and firm ass). With one out of two pieces out of the way, he looked up at his own reflection and looked at the wide expanse of chest revealed from his torn shirt. Feeling slightly devious while hoping to test out his new strength, the man smirked to himself as he latched one hand onto each side of the fabric and tugged. Like a knife cutting through butter, James watched in awe as his strength easily tore off his shirt and sent the remaining buttons off of the shirt and scattering onto the floor with the tattered remnants of his now too small dress pants.
Upon pulling off the shirt from his bigger arms and tossing it down to the floor, the man took a look down at himself and noticed that his underwear was now quite tight to the point where it was showing off his prominent cock. It was quite painful, so James worked quickly to come up with a plan that would allow him to escape that discomfort while still making him look somewhat decent. While this was mainly just his prudish ways coming through, he also didn’t want to constantly see his manhood in all of its glory due to the risk of getting distracted and starting to play with it. He wanted to keep himself 100% focused on the transformation that was occurring, so he needed to come up with something that could provide comfort while also allowing him to not get distracted. Needing to act quickly, the man grabbed onto a towel hanging up in the bathroom and opted to just pull down his underwear and wrap the towel around his waist.
As he was too busy going through this decision, the man’s shoulders and neck were undergoing their own specific transformation as rather impressive trap muscles emerged and led to the widening of his neck as well. To further add to the extreme changes he was undergoing, the man’s barely visible Adam’s apple became a thing of the past as it grew more and more prominent until it was unable to avoid noticing from that point forward.
His attention was pulled back to his reflection upon tying off the towel around his waist due to the returning sensation of pins and needles. While it was a sensation that he had quickly grown used to throughout the transformation, the fact that it was now occurring to his face meant that he was nearing the final and most intriguing stage of his transformation. While growing muscles and turning into a hunky version of himself was hot, James couldn’t help but wonder just how much of his regular and average visage would remain intact if Soul-Controller / the app was wanting to turn him into this hunky jock.
To James’ amusement, he soon realized that his face would be going through a dramatic change as he could feel the changes finally begin. All at once, the man’s soft jawline suddenly widened as if each side of his jaw was being tugged out by an invisible string. Watching as the widening finally stopped, James tilted his head and admired the suddenly angular jawline he now possessed.
While this occurred, the rest of the man’s face was altering as his nose grew more prominent along with wider nostrils as his mouth also altered. In an instant, his lips inflated slightly and his teeth were becoming as straight and white as a picket fence. It was bizarre smiling and looking at his reflection to see a toothy grin that was so brightly white it was practically blinding. Add in the fact that he now had prominent dimples that made him look both intimidating and adorable, James knew that he could certainly get used to this new face of his!
With this now complete, one major physical change was left for James to undergo and that came in the form of his hair. The light brunette hair that he had was a clear mismatch with his new intimidating form, so the man watched in bewilderment as it darkened several shades until it was jet black. As his hairstyle began to alter by creating a closely shaved style along the back and sides while the top portion grew longer and became magically styled, the rest of his body followed suit in the hair change. While the modest body hair across his entire body altered to match this much darker shade, it was the hair on his face that was the most noticeable change. With his eyebrows gaining this jet black shade, it led to an unintended change in the form of the hair there thickening until he was left with a thick and bushy pair of eyebrows. Along with this, the man watched in shock as a faint and tiny mustache emerged across his upper lip to complete his transformation into a hunky stud. Despite how thin and faint the wispy hairs were, the dark shade of the hair made it so it was unmissable for anyone who dared to look the brand new hunk directly in the eyes.

Given the fact that the transformation into a hunk was now complete, James finally allowed himself to move around and let his hands traverse across the muscular physique he now possessed. Just as he turned around and tensed his legs to flex his perky ass though, the sudden emergence of a stinging pain in the man’s neck caused him to stop what he was doing.
“Wha- what the fuck was that?” James growled under his breath, the pain so overbearing that he didn’t even notice the deeper and non-British tone that he was now speaking with. Turning back to face the mirror, he watched in confusion as an inky blob was suddenly manifesting beneath the skin of his neck. The jet black blob was alarming, especially as James began to jump to the conclusion that the app was going haywire and doing an unintended change. But as he watched as the pain finally reached a breaking point, it quickly became clear that the release of this intense pain was leading to a brand new cosmetic change. Like paint running down a wall, the inky blob on his neck suddenly popped and began to spill down and change shape until a sea of patterns were forming. As they started to grow more defined and lock into place as the ink traveled further down his body, it quickly dawned on him that the app was giving him tattoos!
Although he couldn’t deny that he had an occasional attraction to a completely tattooed hunk, James was adamant about the fact that he couldn’t be one himself. Although he already had three tattoos, he knew that he couldn’t take the leap similar to those hunks he thirsted over solely because a fully tattooed body was meant for more aggressive and dominant men, which James most certainly wasn’t. As such, the fact that over 50% of his body was quickly becoming covered in this intimidating looking ink left him with a pit in his stomach as he already feared for the imposter syndrome he would soon feel. This feeling was only intensified as a painful sting also began to emerge in several places such as his nose and ears. Looking in the mirror, he watched as several piercings suddenly manifested and only further pushed him towards the stereotype of an intimidating and cocky jock. Given the fact that it seemed his mind was completely unchanged at this point, he couldn’t help but wonder if Nate would be mad if James asked for a round two along with some slight mental changes to help him acclimate better.
Just as the final piece of his transformation occurred in the form of a ring that manifested onto James’ nose, the man looked up and saw his fully finished body for the first time. At first he started out grimacing as he looked at himself, but the continued staring seemed to unlock something as he found his feelings starting to change while taking in his new body in its complete glory.
Although James had assumed that he was unaffected by any mental changes, Nate had thought ahead knowing his friend and decided to have some slight mental changes to go into effect once the tattoos and piercings finished up. So while Nate made sure that James would always remember who he was, he set it up so that the longer he was Jake he would become much more confident, cocky, and eager to show off.
As such, the changes going into effect caused his frown to start twitching and altering until it became a cockier grin. While he continued to look at himself, James realized that it was such a turn on to become such a hunk. His tattoos looked perfect with his muscles, so he was quickly coming around to what had happened to him. He was such a far cry from his average and lanky former self that the man’s boner refused to waver throughout the entire endeavor! Looking into the mirror, the man lifted his arms up and gave a quick little flex before playfully replicating a TikTok dance that he had recently seen some thirst trap hunk do.

Upon doing this, James turned to the side so he could get a better look at his back in the mirror. Seeing the glorious ink that was covering all of his broad back was quite erotic, which was made especially obvious as he could feel his cock throb while testing out another bicep flex. He looked goddamn incredible! Smirking as he finished flexing, the man’s amusement caused him to thrust his crotch towards the mirror a few times and look at how his boner struggled to remain contained beneath the towel.

Although he could have stood there and admired his brand new face and body for hours on end, the man’s attention was diverted as he watched his formerly dead phone suddenly light back up. As he looked down to see what was going on, James tilted his head into confusion as he saw that his lock screen was suddenly different. Rather than one of the normal standard wallpapers that he used, the man was greeted to the sight of his brand new face and body in what appeared to be a thirst trap type of photo. Although James liked what he saw given the fact that it was him now, the man didn’t have a narcissistic bone in his body so he mentally made a plan to change that as soon as the app finished doing all of its changes. Upon watching the app suddenly open up once more, he saw that Twitter and Instagram had been grayed out until only TikTok remained.
Luckily, the app hadn’t decided to jump into the alterations of his TikTok account just yet, so James opted to exit the app to check out his revamped Instagram account. As the social media app opened up, the man didn’t even allow his homepage to finish loading before he clicked on the profile button on the bottom right section of the app. As he looked and stared at the information listed on his profile, James’ eyes widened as he took note of the immediate changes his account had undergone. His username and name were completely different now… but most importantly his account now had over 1.4 million followers! Instead of the name James, the name Jake Andrich was proudly displayed in terms of both his name and username. Holy shit, this app is thorough, he thought, shocked about how it had been able to not only change his body but also give him a brand new identity! Although he had a close attachment to his name given the fact that he had used it for the past 23 years of his life, he couldn’t deny that the name Jake worked much better for his new body in comparison to James.
After his quick acceptance of his revamped username and apparent name, James became curious for more answers about his brand new life and thus began to scroll through his new profile to see what had happened to his original content. As he did this, he was shocked to see just how thorough Soul-Controller’s app was in revamping every photo he’d ever taken and posted. Instead of the rather vanilla and boring posts about enjoying movies, being a proud gay man, or showing off his style for his teaching job, James found that almost all of his content had evolved into an endless series of thirst traps.
In regards to the hashtags that he originally used, the app seemingly changed not only the photos attracted but also the hashtags as well. Instead of photos of his movie ticket stubs or selfies outside of the theater with the tag #movies, the tag had shifted to #muscles and thus changed the photos of “Jake” flexing in tight clothing to show off a specific element of his physique such as his biceps or perky ass. It was bizarre for James to see, especially upon realizing that the one post the app made that composed all of his ticket stub photos for the Spider-Man films had changed to a single photo showcasing his new self dressed in a skin-tight Venom suit that flaunted everything from his thick biceps to impressive bulge.

Given the fact that there were two other prominent hashtags that he used for his countless posts, James was intrigued to see what had befallen his tagged posts about his identity as a gay man and teacher. Luckily, it didn’t take much scrolling for James to figure out what had occurred, which led to quite a surprising reveal for the man as he came across a #gayman post. Instead of that tag, it now read #biman and included photos of James’ new form shirtless and posed in an intimidating fashion. This aggressive style of photo continued all of the way down to the caption, which included some gruff and intimidating caption that seemed to imply that the new James was a power top rather than a more laidback vers man. Although the poses and aggressive captions (such as the one involving a photo of him laid out in his bed which said “Get in here and take care of this…”) were certainly alarming due to how far removed it was from his normal personality, his mind could only focus on the reveal that he was seemingly a bisexual man in this new reality.

Continuing to think about women proved that this new sexuality of his was in fact truthful as he found his cock beginning to throb while envisioning himself flirting with women at a bar. In these quick little fantasies, he found himself being much more forward and confident, which left his cock beginning to leak pre-cum as it was such a dramatic change in persona for him (but one that James willingly accepted). It was such a confusing yet exciting reveal to go through, but James was more than willing to try anything out and thus didn’t feel so bad dipping his toes into the lady pond. This was especially true due to the fact that he still clearly had a strong link to his former life given his continued attraction to men.
Further down on his scroll through his posts revealed the change to his tag of #teacher. Instead of well-dressed photos of the lanky teacher, these pictures were tagged as #tattoos and instead showcased up-close shots of the man’s intimidating ink. Although this was intriguing by itself, James was also quite interested to look at the captions and find that the app had come up with captions that seemingly explained the backstory behind each tattoo that he got.

With his curiosity piqued about the magic that had changed him, the man headed back into his living room to grab his wallet. As he held it up and opened it, James looked through the various cards and realized that Soul-Controller’s magic was no joke. Everything inside from his ID to his credit cards now belonged to Jake Andrich rather than James. Upon making this realization, the man was oblivious to the fact that his mind had now shifted to only refer to himself from that point forward as Jake. Although he could recall that his name used to be James, the man standing there looking at his wallet would now only ever respond to the name Jake.
Upon taking a second look at his ID though, Jake’s eyes widened as he discovered several shocking facts from the piece of plastic. While the height and eye color stayed the same as they used to be, Jake was intrigued to find that he was now 26 rather than 23. Not only that, but a quick look at the card itself revealed that he was now a Canadian citizen rather than British. Curious to see what was going on since his apartment was still the same, the man headed towards his window and pulled back the blinds. This ultimately led to a shocking surprise for the man as the sights he now saw were entirely different from what he used to see. The app had somehow transferred him and his apartment to Canada to match his brand new identity!
Even though he wanted to spend more time trying to figure out how the magic was able to fully transfer him to another country, the man was curious to see what was going to happen with his TikTok account and thus made his way back into the bathroom. As he made his way closer towards the room, he suddenly picked up on the sound of loud dings ringing out from his phone. Upon making his way back into the room and looking at his phone, he saw that his TikTok account was now pulled up and changing before his very eyes. The former lurker account was suddenly quite active as videos showing off Jake and his body began to emerge dating back all the way to 2019.
Watching as the notification bar of his phone refused to waver due to the random influx of likes and followers emerging from this new reality, Jake was curious and thus decided to take the risk of somehow upsetting or crashing Nate’s app by clicking on the most recent notification. Upon doing so, the man watched with curiosity as he was brought to a video that had a time stamp of having seemingly been posted 10 minutes ago. In the five second video, Jake watched as he jumped up and down and moved around in a way that fully showcased just how much his juicy pecs and thick cock bounced and jiggled for the camera. It was so fucking hot watching himself smirking while easily doing this kind of thirst trap material!

Turned on by this newfound confidence that the video showed him displaying, Jake couldn’t help but exit the video and return to his main account page. Upon doing so, he was able to realize that the app had finished revamping his TikTok while he had been watching that video given the fact that he now had tons of content to scroll through. Intrigued to witness the reason why he now had over 15 million followers on TikTok, Jake slowly began to scroll through each video and watch his new self showing off for the camera.
As he continued to watch for the next 30 minutes, the man’s cock remained rock hard watching himself act so confidently and seductively. Underneath the surface though, the continued devotion towards watching his own content further infiltrated Jake’s mind and helped turn him more and more cocky.
“Fuck, I look incredible,” he muttered under his breath, causing him to leak more pre-cum as he continued scrolling through the TikTok videos that the app had created for him. While he continued to thirst for his new self, this led to a newfound narcissistic streak to manifest into his persona. As he continued to gingerly play with his cock while scrolling though his thirst traps with seamless transitions, he found himself growing more and more relieved over what had occurred to him. While he didn’t entirely loathe his old body at the time, Jake couldn’t help but look back at it in disgust now. He was so goddamn weak, little, and unintimidating! Now that he was a tatted up hunk that was raking in thousands per month via brand deals and OnlyFans, he was relieved to know that he could just rely on his beauty to live an easy life.
As he continued to think about his new career as a permanent thirst trap, Jake couldn’t help but chuckle as he thought back to how he used to be gay. Thank god I’m not a fairy anymore, he thought to himself in amusement as he found himself getting hard at the mental image of a big-titted bimbo pleasuring him. While his Instagram captions and TikToks loved to bring up the fact that he was a proud bisexual man, Jake knew deep down that this wasn’t the truth. He was a 100% straight man, but he knew that proudly announcing that would severely hinder his potential clientele. It was for that reason that he claimed to be bisexual so he could rake in countless thousands of dollars each month from horny women and men.
Despite the slight disgust he felt about dudes jerking off to his body now, Jake got over this moral dilemma by reframing it as them jerking off in respect to his glorious body. He had a body and life that they could never achieve and that was more than enough to cause him to mentally push aside his own issues with homos and continue to take in their cash.
The only type of homos that Jake had any respect for were those huge muscular guys that lived a similar gym rat life like him. It was for that reason that the former teacher gave a coy smile as he came up with a future video idea for a private thirst trap. Given how similar he and Nate were prior to James’ transformation into Jake, the hunky and confident TikToker knew that whoever Nate became was going to be a muscular hunk similar to himself however long it took to actually have him complete the transformation.
As such, the man had no problem when the idea of creating a thirst trap specifically for his friend to thank him for the brand new body and life came up. With his mind made up, the TikToker wasted no time heading into the living room to grab something before beginning the filming of his video. Upon coming back with an elf hat on his head, the brand new Jake Andrich set his phone down, pressed record, and quickly went to work slapping his meaty pec and shaking his goods for the camera to thank his friend for such a life-changing Christmas…

Influencing The Influencer II
In the two months since first possessing his friend Chris Nelson, Tom had been absolutely thriving in his new life as a hunky influencer. While the man’s gift of possession afforded him the ability to tap into the real Chris’ memories and persona from time to time, he had still expected to encounter some roadblocks along the way. But alas, the possession was an absolute success and Chris’ life was one that Tom was seamlessly able to take over.
In fact, Chris’ normal routines had become so easy to adapt to that they were second nature to Tom. Every morning, he would wake up and do Chris’ usual breakfast routine and workout before taking advantage of his apartment complex’s swimming pool. Of course it was a blessing to cool off into the calming and chilled water, but it was even more fun for Tom to watch his fellow neighbors stare at him and his gorgeously buff and tatted-up body. Eager to put on a show to give them more reason to stare, Tom wasn’t afraid of lifting up his arm to “accidentally” flex his biceps or allowing himself to get rock hard from the attention to cause his prominent manhood to strain against his swimsuit.

Although Tom himself hadn’t really been a super cocky individual, the time spent in Chris’ body had quickly corrupted him. While this was surely not only due to him tapping into Chris’ own confidence and inflated ego when it came time to go into “Chris Mode” and record content for his followers, a lot of this ego was gained from Tom’s own experiences in such a buff body. Everywhere he went, he was treated like a king amongst peasants, so it was no surprise that the man began to feel even more cocky and proud of the body he had hijacked. Every time he saw a mirror, this newfound narcissism was on full display as he admired his gorgeous tanned and tattooed skin, buff physique, and bright and perfectly aligned smile.
Upon finishing up and gathering all of his desired attention, the new Chris made his way back to his apartment to shower and get ready for the real work of the day. Of course, he often found himself distracted by his nude body, which caused him to jerk off multiple times to his own reflection, but he moved as fast as he could despite the vanity-centric hindrances. Upon drying off and getting dressed, Tom finally sat himself down at his sound-proofed office and began to record a slew of content that consisted of TikToks and podcasts with Chris’ friend Jay.
But unlike the real Chris Nelson, the new one was eager to build upon Chris’ follower count and came up with the perfect plan to do it. Throughout the past two months, the man had reached out to several other popular influencers or social media personalities in hopes of doing a collaboration. While most of these influences and his fans had assumed that this was just due to Chris’ desire to grow more popular by interacting with just as popular individuals, Tom had an ulterior motive behind these collaborations. In reality, Tom was working ahead by establishing connections with potential possession victims to hopefully make it easier for him to possess them himself. Given the fact that Chris would likely remain his host body to live as and possess others with, Tom had to regain connections with the people he used to know back when he was a 34-year-old Alabama native. Luckily, his plan had worked out well as he was able to get the large majority of his ideal possession choices to hang out and create content with him.
Although this posed several options for him to become someone new, Tom still found himself struggling to leave Chris’ life to take over someone else’s. But as he finished up his work for the day and sat back in his office chair, he finally told himself that the time had come to move on and become someone else for a little while. So, as he scrolled through his contacts list, the man ultimately decided on the perfect choice for his next body and fired off a message asking if they’d be up to collaborating the next day. After receiving a response that approved the idea, Tom smiled to himself as he tucked his phone back into a pocket of his shorts.
Now with the rest of the day free, Tom decided to go out with one last hurrah as Chris Nelson (at least for the time being). As such, he decided that the best course of action would be to head out to his favorite bar and get absolutely wasted. Of course, there was also the additional goal of finding a woman hot enough to go back home with him. Although Tom himself hadn’t been interested in women prior to possessing Chris, he had allowed himself to tap into the man’s psyche and become an almost exclusively heterosexual man. While Tom would have loved nothing more than to be his homosexual self and thus use such a gorgeous body to attract the attention of equally attractive men, he didn’t want to completely shake up the man’s life just in case he decided that he wouldn’t want to become Chris permanently one day.
So given his own kindness, Tom was forced to not only adopt the man’s own heterosexuality but also his specific taste in brunette women as well. As he arrived at the building and walked up to the bar to place his drink order, the man wasted no time then scanning for suitable partners for the night. By the time he had finally received his drink, his mind was already made up and thus wasted no time downing the shot and making his way over to a girl sitting by herself. Throughout the journey, he took the opportunity to alter his stance to try and look as impressive as possible to the girl (mainly through puffing out his chest so his skin-tight clothes looked even tighter on his body).
Upon arriving at the girl’s table, Tom used his countless knowledge about Chris and his content that discussed talking with and seducing women. As such, the man was practically on autopilot as he said all of the right things until he was given access to sit at the booth with her. Upon sliding into the seat, the man took the opportunity to display his gorgeous physique by spreading his legs out into the aisle and tensing up his arms. To his amusement, the woman was easily transfixed by his thick and defined quads and thus couldn’t help but stare at the small and tight black shorts he was wearing. While he was amused by the woman’s clear desire to know what was contained beneath the piece of fabric, Tom was a glutton for admiration and thus caused the woman to spend equal time admiring his tattooed arms by tensing his arms and even flexing for the woman in between the several rounds of shots that he had ordered for the both of them.

After these additional rounds of drinks, it was safe to say that both members of the incredibly photogenic duo were quite inebriated and extremely horny. Before they even made it to the Uber awaiting them outside that Tom had ordered a few rounds prior (he already could tell that she was more than willing to go home with him), the woman had fully jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around Chris’ impressive physique. Knowing that the woman was essentially putty in his hands, he wasted no time moving his hands to her backside to cup her perky ass while continuing to passionately make out with her tongue and all.
Upon being accosted by a few bartenders to get out before they started fucking on the tables of the bar, the couple hurled some slurred insults back at the workers before finally exiting the bar and entering their Uber. Throughout the entire journey back towards his apartment, Tom kept a cocky smirk on his face while maintaining contact with the mousey twig of a driver as he continued to peer into the rear view mirror to look at the backseat. While most times Tom would have been quick to tell the man to keep his eyes on the road, he couldn’t blame the man for wanting to glimpse it all. After all, he was an absolute stud with an equally gorgeous woman still wrapped around him. In his drunken state, it would have pissed him off more if the man hadn’t been watching him.
Before either Chris or the woman were aware of what was going on, the driver was already parked outside of the apartment complex and telling them to get out. While both of them could have been pissed by the man’s bluntness, they weren’t going to complain about it too much since it just allowed them to get to the main event sooner. By the time Chris had unlocked the door and entered his residence, the two of them were back at it making out and peeling off each other’s clothes. While she was quick in removing the man’s shirt, Tom was feeling especially cocky and thus eager to put on a show for his female companion. So, with his thicker hands, the man purposely fumbled with the woman’s button-up top for a few minutes before deciding on a much hotter alternative. Licking his lips while staring down at the shorter woman, the man suddenly grit his teeth as both hands wrapped around the top of the shirt and tugged. Immediately, the fabric split down the middle, creating casualties in the form of small buttons that popped off of the garment and tumbled down onto the man’s tiled floor.
To the man’s amusement, the woman attempted to stifle a moan at the erotic display of strength. These moans only began to grow more intense as Tom took the opportunity to unclasp the woman’s bra and free her sizable breasts. Smirking at her exposed and perky melon-sized breasts, Tom took a moment to give her a reward by getting onto his knees and running his luscious lips down her chest and across her nipples. As the woman groaned and moaned above him from such undeniable pleasure, Tom showed no plans of stopping as he progressed down the woman’s taut torso and found himself staring face first at her lace-covered crotch. Despite not actually being into women prior to becoming Chris, Tom’s tapping into Chris’ personality had caused him to start second-guessing his identity as a gay man. So with an animalistic desire filling his mind, the man couldn’t resist moving his lips up to the waistband of the panties and lightly biting down on them before pulling them down. Keeping his eyes staring upwards at the gorgeous brunette, he couldn’t help but chuckle through the fabric in-between his teeth due to just how horny she looked. It was erotic as hell to visually see how much pleasure he had given her before he had even fucked her senseless!
But upon letting go of the panties and allowing them to tumble onto the floor, the woman was quick to step out of them and prepare for the next round of foreplay. With such an inflated cockiness within him now, Tom was eager to have his ego stroked by the woman. So as he got back up onto his feet, the woman was totally content with having him take control and force her down onto her knees. “That was fun, but now it’s your turn to put in some work. How about you start admiring these muscles to show just how much you want me…” he slyly teased, relieved as the woman was quick to jump into action.
Tilting his head back, deep moans began to escape from Chris’ mouth as the woman eagerly did as she was told. This hadn’t been the first time that Tom had his female companions worship his gorgeously buff body, but this woman was by far and away the best at it. Her lips and tongue were a killer combination as they ran along the curved musculature of his biceps and even ventured deep into his sweaty armpits. Continuing downwards, the woman peppered kisses from her bright red lips as she went from the man’s pumped up pecs to his cobblestone abs. At her lower elevation, it wasn’t much of a shock that her mouth took advantage of the opportunity and began toying with Chris’ thick manhood. “Aw fuck,” Tom groaned, turned on by just how well the woman was pleasuring him while using her well-manicured nails to grasp onto his firm yet perky ass cheeks for support.
Given the fact that he felt himself rushing towards orgasm, he was quick to pull the woman away from his cock and instead lead her directly onto the bed. As such, the two individuals didn’t even bother to grab a condom before he plunged his thick rod into the woman’s tight pussy. As the two of them grunted and groaned in near-unison, it only took a few minutes before the main event had finally ended and Tom had shot a thick load deep within the woman.
After such a physically intensive day even before their rendezvous, it wasn’t much of a surprise then that the two of them were quickly growing tired from the exhaustion. Still eager to be a gentleman, he allowed the woman to stay the night as they both fell back into the bed and almost instantly fell asleep. While the woman’s final thoughts before passing out considered the potential of a future relationship with Chris, the man next to her wasn’t thinking the same things. Instead, he was thinking about an even better relationship on the horizon, the one that would begin tomorrow when he possessed a brand new man and took over his life…
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The Baseball Team’s Newest Switch-Hitter II
“Hey Craig, did you not hear me?” Seth inquired, trying to get his transformation subject to respond to his previous statement. “You don’t remember being a college sophomore or the fact that we’ve been friends for years? Do you have a concussion or something?”
Sitting there for a moment, Craig tried his best to think about what the other man was saying. Ever since he first stepped foot in Seth’s dorm room, his mind has been struggling to wrap his head around the simple statements that Seth made about him. Although he thought this was just due to his dim-witted nature, the reality of the situation was that Seth was a jock who seemingly had an ability to alter people’s bodies and reality to reflect those changes. Originally stepping foot in this dorm room, Craig had been a 34-year-old average African American man. But due to Seth’s magical words, he had regressed back to 19 and gained significant muscles to turn him into a college jock.

“Oh uh, that… sort of sounds familiar,” Craig said under his breath, unaware of the fact that his memories of his old life were being replaced with the memories of a 19-year-old jock who was best friends with Seth.
“Yeah, that’s right bro, these college exams must be fucking with your head or something, I can’t believe you’d forget something like that!”
Eliciting a deep chuckle, Craig responded to his best friend’s statement. “I guess so, classes are so fucking stupid though dude,” he exclaimed, gritting his teeth as he recalled the fact that he had an 8-page English essay that he still had to do for this pompous asshole named Mr. Reynolds. Although he knew that he wasn’t the smartest student around (he recalled how ever since middle school he was always a student who averaged a C / C- final grade), Craig knew that Reynolds was just being a stubborn old asshole since he was probably just jealous of how popular and hunky he was. Clearly, the man didn’t have the best time in school, so he had to take it out on normal people like Craig just because being sociable and studly came innately for him.
“True, but not all of college is bad right?” Seth continued, breaking the man out of his thoughts while moving over to his mini-fridge and slowly opening it. Upon watching Seth reach into the fridge, Craig observed as the jock pulled out two cans of Guinness beer. “We can party, play sports, get wasted, and fuck absolutely anyone we want. You know what, take a beer and destress dude. You definitely look like you need it,” he said, extending an arm out and offering the drink to the transforming dorm worker.
Although he reached out and took the drink from the jock, Craig couldn’t fight the feeling that drinking in a dorm room was wrong. “Uh, I don’t know dude, I don’t want to get caught by some nosy-ass RA,” he said, looking down at the can and trying to fight his intense urges to crack it open and immediately guzzle it down.
“Now c’mon man, when has the threat of getting caught ever stopped you from drinking some beer? It’s in your Irish veins bro, you can’t resist getting drunk!”
In response, Craig’s mind began to undergo a severe transformation to replace his memories of being brought up in an African American household. With reality twisting and bending to match what Seth said about him, it didn’t take long before Craig’s recollection of his new life emerged. Instead of growing up in rural Alabama, the transforming man was reminded of his status as a Midwesterner that was born and raised in Michigan. Not only that, but this new life had also changed his family until he was now the descendant of some Irish immigrants that moved to the United States in hopes of a better life.
As such, the man’s body began to undergo some severe revamps to match this new identity. Firstly, the man’s skin color began to immediately lighten, starting from the man’s feet and moving up. So as Seth patiently waited for the man’s changes to become visible to him, it wasn’t until the change reached his arms that he was able to witness Craig’s racial change. Within a few minutes, his complexion underwent a severe transformation, growing from a rich brown shade to a nearly pale tone.
Upon finishing up this transformation, two more changes began in tandem: the shift of his facial features and the alterations for every inch of hair that covered his body. As his lips and nose grew narrower and he gained prominent dimples, there was a sudden change in the man’s skull as he gained a more angular jawline that left him looking incredibly masculine. While the changing of his facial features neared its conclusion, every follicle of hair from the man’s head to toes began to shift in shade. Although Craig still maintained a curly hairstyle, the consistency and color shifted until it became a lightly curled ginger-colored head of hair. This lightening in shade continued down through the man’s body as all of his body hair and facial hair lightened to turn him into a red-blooded Irish man.
Despite how his entire mind and body was altering under Seth’s phrasing, Craig believed that nothing was amiss with himself. Instead, he recalled his friend’s last sentence and tried his best to formulate a response. “Oh uh, you’re totally right bro. I could drink you under a table with ease,” he jeered, allowing one of his wide hands to slap the brunette on his thinner shoulders while the other hand used its fingers to finally crack open the beer can. Continuing to smirk at Seth, Craig gripped onto the beer can and took a long swig of beer, smiling as he savored the alcoholic flavor as it flowed down his throat.

“Yeah, it’s no wonder why you’re the biggest party animal on the entire baseball team dude,” Seth responded, returning Craig’s physical contact with his own slapping of the ginger’s broad shoulders. But as Seth continued to chuckle and wait for the man to embrace his new identity of a baseball jock, his smile began to falter as the ginger suddenly began to hyperventilate.
Upon hearing the concept of becoming a star player on the baseball team, Craig’s personality rushed back to prominence in his mind given just how far of a leap Seth had attempted to change him. Craig didn’t have an athletic bone in his body, so the concept of playing professional sports in college rather than some intramural activity for fun was a literal shock to his system. But while this was shocking in and of itself, Craig was understandably in awe as he looked down at his right hand and noted the beer can that was squeezed around his now pale and ginger-haired arms. “Uh what the fuck is happening to me, Mr. Lewis?” he cried out, immediately setting down the beer can on top of the mini-fridge and observing his now-Caucasian limbs.
Needing to act fast, Seth tried his best at attempting to get the man back under his magical suggestion. Obviously he couldn’t let the dorm worker escape the room and reveal his abilities, so Seth needed to finish the transformation as quickly as possible. “Uh Nolan, why are you calling me by my last name? We’re literally best friends, that’s why we’re rooming together. Don’t you remember meeting on the baseball team back when you were a freshman and me complimenting you on your batting average? You’re literally one of the best players on the team!”
Although in his mind Craig tried his best to remain in control and flee from this trashy dorm room, Seth’s power was too overbearing for him to prevent. No matter how many mental barriers he tried to put up to prevent the jock from completely erasing his identity, Seth was able to easily destroy them and alter the man’s mind as he saw fit. So as he felt his identity begin to lose dominance in his mind, Craig forced his eyes shut and tried to envision his family one last time before everything faded to black.
With the ginger-haired jock’s mind now completely empty, the lack of control caused his body to immediately tumble back and fall into the clothing-covered bed that he had once been sitting on. But this didn’t last for long though, as the identity of Nolan O’Connor began to quickly fill up the empty noggin. Just like Seth, Nolan was another cocky jock who loved nothing more than flaunting his muscles, flirting with any woman he met, taunting any dweeb or fag that dared to look at him longer than he liked, and being a lazy slob of a human being.

Speaking of flaunting his muscles, this became especially clear to Seth as the unconscious man’s clothing began to shift before his eyes. The tattered dress shirt that he wore faded away in seconds, leaving nothing but the man’s shirtless torso for the magically-gifted jock to ogle at. The most severe change came to his pants though as the khaki fabric shortened and changed consistency and color until they became a mesh pair of blacked athletic shorts. Continuing to look at the man’s shifting shorts though, Seth was suddenly finding himself realizing that the man was wearing no underwear as he could make out the outline of Nolan’s cock through the mesh holes.
As the new jock’s mind began to finalize its transformation, the dorm room underwent a few slight moderations to better fit in with this new reality. Posters of nearly nude Playboy models quickly appeared on his wall, while the closet was filled with a slew of tank tops and other athletic wear. However, Nolan’s bed also found a few more sweaty clothes manifest on top of the comforter, with the odor of one of those rancid articles of clothing causing the brand-new jock to finally re-awaken and sit up.
“Fuck dude, how long was I out for? I don’t even remember falling asleep,” Nolan grumbled as he stretched out his arms. As he went through a deep yawn, his closed eyes made him oblivious to his new roommate’s poor attempt at keeping a straight face.
“Oh uh, not long at all man. We were just having some drinks until you passed out during our chat about school,” Seth responded, licking his lips in delight as he watched the ginger-haired jock finally sit up and naturally grab his half-drunk beer can off the top of the mini-fridge. Before Seth could say a single thing towards the jock, he instinctively chugged the remainder of the drink before crushing the metal can with his thick and meaty hand and tossing it across the room into a trashcan.
“Goddamn bro, that shit was good,” Nolan purred, patting his stomach for a moment before abruptly stopping. Out of nowhere, the room was suddenly rocked with a loud belch as Nolan smirked to himself. Although most of his friends struggled to carry their liquor, the ginger-haired jock was infamous for being able to drink countless beers and still not feel even the slightest hint of a buzz. While he was sure that his descendants weren’t happy to see that his Irish genes were so beneficial in this regard, Nolan felt no desire to really be an outstanding individual.
He was a self-proclaimed idiot, so the only reason why he was even at college at all was due to his immense talent with baseball. He was a great batter and even more impressive when it came to working the outfield, so it wasn’t a shock that he was able to get a full-ride scholarship to this college despite his barely passing grades.
Upon moving back towards the bed, Nolan felt no inner desire to not be himself around his best friend and teammate Seth. As such, it was no surprise for either of them as Nolan instinctively reached his hand behind him and then underneath the waistband of his shorts as he squinted his face and began to scratch his ass.
Throughout the entire experience, Seth couldn’t resist chuckling as he watched his creation behave just like he envisioned him to. Despite being a fairly athletic guy due to being on the baseball team, the brunette jock wasn’t the most popular individual around. So, when that worker came in to remove him from the dorm, Seth wasn’t afraid of leaning into his family's gift of altering bodies and reality to get rid of the man while also giving himself a hunky best friend. In fact, with this new friend and roommate, new memories informed Seth about just how great Nolan was at being a wingman. With that hunky ginger jock there to help him sweet talk the various women he met at college parties, there was barely a night that went by without both of them returning to the dorm with a woman that they each eagerly fucked for several hours.
But despite their obvious attraction towards the opposite sex, Seth’s status as a closeted bisexual had also altered reality to make Nolan a dumb himbo who was willing to fuck or be fucked by anyone he deemed attractive enough. In this new reality, Nolan viewed Seth as the most attractive man he had ever seen. Numerous memories of Nolan eagerly pleasuring or being pleasured by Seth filled both of their minds, so much so that it didn’t take long before both men were instantly sporting throbbing boners as they continued to make small talk and look at each other.
“Hey bro,” Seth said with a mischievous grin, “how about you come over here and take care of your roomie?”
Upon hearing such an appealing concept, Nolan couldn’t resist flashing a dopey grin before eagerly standing up and making his way over to his roommate. As Seth reached out his hands and began to rub along the ginger’s ripped abs and pecs, Nolan looked down and bit his lip as he reveled in the man’s touch. Although he was most certainly no fag, Nolan couldn’t deny that he enjoyed spending such intimate time with Seth. Luckily, Seth said “no homo” before every time they interacted, so Nolan’s conscience was cleared from any inner torment as he remained blissfully content with his status as a womanizing heterosexual.
In fact as Seth stood up and unzipped his pants, that sacred mantra was once again repeated as he allowed his underwear and pants to fall to his ankles and reveal his average-sized cock to Nolan. Before Nolan even had time to respond, Seth reached up towards the man’s head and firmly gripped into the man’s curly ginger locks. “Be a good boy and take care of me first,” Seth sensually demanded, giving Nolan a slight wink as he pushed him down to his knees to let him immediately get to work. Although it would only take a few minutes before Seth came and shot his load down Nolan’s overeager throat, the moment would feel like an eternity for Seth as he tried to savor every second. To his relief though, this wasn’t all of the fun that the two of them would have though, because as soon as they cleaned up they’d be dressing up and heading out to another college party before finding some gorgeous cheerleaders for each of them to bring back to the dorm and fuck. Then from every day after this until their graduation in the next few years, this process would continue for Seth and his brand new switch-hitter…

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Together Forever
As Ryan Sullivan entered his bathroom to have one last look at himself before heading out to a local beach, the 18-year-old and recent high school graduate couldn’t resist smirking upon seeing his own reflection. Standing there in just a pair of swim shorts, the man’s well-defined physique was on full display. Surely with a bod like this, every chick is gonna want their hands all over me, he thought to himself.

Upon pulling his phone from his shorts to take some photos of his progress, the man found a brand new text message from his ex-girlfriend Becca waiting for him. “Hey, I’m outside your house. Please talk to me, I’ll be quick I promise,” the message said, which immediately caused Ryan to chuckle and roll his eyes at the girl’s desperation.
Just over a week ago, Ryan spent an entire night smoking weed with his best friends and thinking about his future. Given the fact that he was just a few months away from moving to the opposite side of the country to go play soccer at a major university, it seemed as though Ryan was being offered the opportunity to get a completely fresh start to his life. No longer would he be an athlete living in a small-town with nothing exciting occurring and practically no attractive women around him. Once he made the move to California, he would be a total hunk living in a big city that would surely keep life interesting (especially with a sudden influx of aspiring models eager to get with him). As such, he quickly realized that being tied down to some high school relationship was a waste of time and a piss-poor decision for his sex life given the long distance that they would have to adapt to. So in his impaired state, Ryan stumbled through his words before eventually sending off a to-the-point and brutal text that broke up his 5-year-long relationship with Becca without a hint of remorse.
For several days since sending that text, Ryan found his phone constantly blowing up with texts and DMs from the shunned woman who begged to have a civil conversation so she could gain closure and they could terminate the relationship like the adults they were on their way to becoming. Although she continually stated that she thought that they would “be together forever”, she wasn’t furious and remained quite level-headed throughout the various messages she sent. But the hunk refused to ever respond to the girl’s messages, instead taking screenshots of the messages and sending them off to his friends while framing the messages as a display of how desperate and pathetic she was. Of course, Ryan’s friends weren’t respectful of the couple’s privacy in the slightest, so they continued to pass along the messages to others until practically everyone in their graduating class knew about the breakup and Becca’s pleas.
In the fallout of the breakup, it wasn’t shocking to discover that drastically different mindsets were formed for each individual involved. While Becca continued to be ridiculed by the jocks and other popular kids that they knew, Ryan was being put on a pedestal as if he had done something noble by breaking them up. The jocks were obviously quite supportive of the breakup, informing Ryan of how “lame” and “awkward” they always thought Becca was while also offering to help be his wingmen to get him laid as soon as possible. In the most puzzling tidbit of all though, it seemed as though many women were on Ryan’s side as well as they reached out to send their regards towards the breakup while also throwing their hat in the ring to be a potential rebound for the man. Throughout the entire experience though, Ryan felt no shame for his actions and didn’t even have a single lingering thought about how Becca was handling everything.
As Ryan rolled his eyes once again upon re-reading the latest message from Becca, the man quickly typed out “fine, make it quick bc i’m heading to the beach” and headed down to the front door. Upon opening it, Ryan took a moment to stare at the girl. Although Becca was quite attractive in her form-fitting crop top that showed off her taut stomach and sizable breasts, the clear sight of runny mascara due to the girl’s crying immediately killed any remaining attraction he felt for the girl. In Ryan’s eyes, signs of weakness in women was the ultimate boner killer for him, so as he moved to the side and allowed the brunette to make her way into the house, he couldn’t help but physically cringe at her as he heard a slight sniffle emerge from her mouth.
Upon shutting the door and turning to face the girl, Ryan immediately crossed his arms as he observed his ex. “So, what do you want to talk about,” he said, his voice completely lacking in any emotion.
As Becca stood there with her head narrowed downwards, the girl’s shaky voice finally began to speak. “I- I’m sorry for this Ryan, I just want to be with you for the rest of my life,” she began, immediately rushing up to the man and trying to grip him.
Despite how off-put he was by Becca’s statement, the man’s stone-faced expression finally began to soften as he felt the woman’s dainty arms reaching around his back. The physical sensation instantly reminded the man of the good times that they had throughout their many years together, especially when it came to the incredible sex that the two of them had. Immediately, the wheels in his head began turning as the concept of passionate makeup sex popped into his head. Thinking that he might be able to continue having some kinky sex with the girl under the guise of getting back together (he was still planning on going to California completely single), the man finally unfolded his arms.
As he moved the meaty limbs around the woman’s dainty frame and tightly squeezed her though, there was the sudden feeling of heat that spread through both of their bodies. Not only that, but as Ryan continued to hold her with his eyes closed, the sensation of pressure against his torso was quite apparent. So to find some answers about what was going on, the man opened his eyes and looked down at his torso. To his complete horror though, a large section of Becca’s body had somehow sunken into his body! Screaming in horror, he tried his best to try and flee, but found that his movements only brought along the female who was still tightly clinging around his muscular frame.
“Becca, get the fuck off of me,” Ryan cried aloud, trying his best to pull the woman’s arms away from around him but finding that the arms were unable to be pulled apart. As he attempted to thrash and escape the horrific entanglement he was a part of, the man soon found himself unable to move as a tightness was suddenly forming in the circle of limbs and body that wrapped around him. In one sudden tug, every inch of the woman’s body was quickly enveloped into Ryan’s body.
For a moment, everything suddenly went black for Ryan. But after a few seconds, Ryan’s vision was quickly regained and the man began to ponder whether he was having some gnarly after-effects from the weed that he had smoked the night prior. Eager to head to the beach and escape the twisted experience he had just fantasized about, the man quickly tried to fish his car keys out of his pocket and begin his journey. But although he could see the living room foyer he was in, it seemed as though the man had somehow lost the ability to move given the fact that his arms refused to reach towards his pockets. What the fuck is going on? Am I tripping somehow, he asked himself, trying to find some semblance of rationale behind what was occurring to him. But quickly, it became clear that something impossible was happening as his mouth and body began to move on its own accord…
* * * * *
“Hehe yes! It really worked!” his body exclaimed, taking a moment to tilt his head downwards and see the gorgeous shirtless torso staring back at him. To Ryan’s shock and disgust, he could watch and feel as his masculine and callused hands began to graze along every inch of his muscular build. As his body was continuously felt up and his muscles were flexed, the body invader couldn’t resist girlishly giggling as both them and Ryan picked up on the sudden rise of the man’s prominent manhood. “Oh shit, I’m sorry Ryan! This is my first time becoming a guy so bear with me,” the voice said with a chuckle, immediately causing the man to realize that Becca was now the one in complete control of his body!

No matter how hard he screamed and begged, Ryan was unable to get his ex’s attention as she eagerly flexed his muscles and tested out her brand new voice.
“Lemme guess Ryan, you’re currently freaking out and begging what’s happening to you right?” she inquired, taking not even a second-long pause before continuing to speak. “Well to put it simply Ryan, you were a goddamn prick that needed to be taught a lesson. Not only did you reject me for no reason, but you spread my messages around and now everyone in town thinks I’m some desperate and pathetic loser! Like, that’s so fucked up of you babe!” she exclaimed, a clear hint of anger in her gruff voice that immediately made Ryan realize the error of his ways. “Luckily for me, I have a friend who’s a witch that offered to help me get some revenge on my heartless dick of a boyfriend. After she cast the spell on me, I was given the ability of possession upon making physical contact with you. All I had to do was squeeze my way in and now I’m suddenly Ryan Sullivan!”
“Don’t worry though babe, we’re gonna be a great team together. With my brains as the class valedictorian and your brawn, we’ll be unstoppable in college,” she continued, beginning to walk down the hallway of the Sullivan residence. Before long, she finally entered Ryan’s bathroom and Ryan was thus treated to the terrifying sight of his reflection moving and speaking without his control. “While we’re going to be a great team, I can’t deny that we’re going to need to make some changes to your life Ryan. You see, while my friend was able to give me your body and other things such as important memories and your innate athletic skill, she was unable to pass along your sexuality and personality to help make me perfectly inhabit your life. So, I hate to say it babe, but I think you’re going to be coming out as a gay man soon. It works out great though that we’ll be heading out to college in a few months though, especially since that means I can be myself and not have to be this angsty and toxic version of Ryan all of the time.”
Upon understanding that Becca was going to completely demolish his life and the image that he had created for himself as this dominant and extremely cocky hunk, the man couldn’t help but scream into the darkest depths of his mind. To him, this was a nightmare come to life! To make matters even worse, it seemed as though there was no way of ever regaining control of his body as Becca made a passing remark while flexing about how the possession was permanent.
For Becca though, the concept of becoming Ryan Sullivan was a dream come true. Although there would surely be a hard learning curve in terms of adapting to having a cock and the near-constant boners she would surely be sporting for the foreseeable future, it was an upgrade in every other way. The Sullivan family was incredibly wealthy, so she would never have to worry about having to work hard in college. Instead, she’ll have all of the free time in college to explore her new body and build more muscle as she turns herself into the hottest gay man on campus. Although it would surely be nice to find a nice and respectful man to spend the rest of her life with, Becca couldn’t deny how happy she was to still have Ryan in her life. In more ways than one, they would now truly be together forever!

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Patreon Summary (August - October '23)
Hey there everyone, here's a summary of the stuff I've released on Patreon over the last few months. Apologies for the delay in posting them, my life has been super hectic because of mental health reasons on top of looking for a new job and doing grad school applications!
If any of the following stories intrigue you, please feel free to click on the title so you can sign up for the appropriate tier to read it! I’d love to have you join my Patreon and my Discord community, where you can view exclusive photo captions every month.

To Protect and Swap
Upon learning that his boss is retiring, hunky officer James Peterson is willing to do whatever is necessary to be promoted to police chief. Unfortunately for him, a private meeting with the retiring chief backfires as the chief realizes this desperation and makes an example out of his overzealous employee... Tags: Body Swap, Age Progression, Humiliation, Revenge, Weight Gain
Resident Evil: Persona
After getting his hands on an early version of the newest Resident Evil game, Henry is eager to play the game immediately. He soon regrets this plan though as he finds himself sucked into the game and forced to portray one of the hunky main characters. Tags: Fan Fiction, Muscle Growth, Possession
Working His Body(Suit) [Complete Five-Part Series]
In this over 11,000 word series, Martin is shocked when he gets a job at his local S-C Fitness and finds that his costume is a fully functional bodysuit of a professional bodysuit. As he starts his first day on the job, the man learns about his new physique while also getting the hang of his new job as a front desk clerk and trainer. When the mental changes of the bodysuit start to turn him into a cocky himbo though, the man's greatest fantasies come to life as he seduces his hunky co-worker. Tags: Bodysuit, Mental Changes, Muscle Growth, Smut
Vault Story: A Change of Pace
Evan, a transformation writer, begins to develop a sudden thirst for a twinky TikTok track star. Unable to resist his own desires, he finds himself willing to try anything so he could experience the twink's body for himself... Tags: Possession, Twinkification
Vault Story: Intercepted!
This 6.8k word story is a revamp / alternate take of a Tumblr story that I wrote back in 2021 involving hunky football players Mitch Trubisky and Josh Allen. To read the original story, click here for part one and here for part two. Unlike that story, this variation has a twisted final ending that punishes Mitch for his devious attempt at stealing Josh's body and career. Tags: Body Swap, Unintended Consequences, Age Progression, Athlete
Vault Story: Jurassic World: Owen's Solo Mission
Set in between the events of Fallen Kingdom and Dominion, Owen Grady is trying to find a way to keep himself and his new family of Claire and Maisie safe. When a mysterious note appears on his doorstep offering assistance in helping protect them, Owen secretly heads out to meet with the sender. Upon arriving to the address though, Owen is shocked when he finds himself face-to-face with a thought-to-be dead Benjamin Lockwood. Even worse, the elderly Benjamin is eager to dish out some revenge on Owen for taking his granddaughter away from him! Tags: Fan Fiction, Body Swap, Age Progression

The Do-Over
Upon waking up on his birthday, 29-year-old Arthur Saunders discovers a bizarre gift on his doorstep promising to give him a do-over in his life. Assuming that this was a gag gift left by one of his friends, the man opts to press the button and have his life is randomized. As a result, the nerdy and average teacher suddenly finds himself with the hunkiest body and simplest life imaginable... Tags: Muscle Growth, Reality Change, Shapeshift
Mac Jones' Revenge
To commemorate the start of this year's NFL season, here's a sequel story that follows the events of Under Mac Jones' Control. After momentarily falling victim to quarterback Mac Jones' hypnosis powers, defensive lineman Nick Bosa has found himself stuck as the man's newest best friend. Upon being tasked with picking up hunky football star TJ Watt and bringing him to Mac's mansion, Nick learns that the quarterback has another evil plan brewing to get revenge on all of the football players who had ever ridiculed him... Tags: Hypnosis, Twinkificiation, Muscle Theft, Straight To Gay
Putting The Fear In McPherson
After a terrible new season, Cincinnati Bengals kicker Evan McPherson finds himself on the verge of being fired. But with a pregnant wife waiting for him at home, the man is willing to do anything he can to stay on the team. Luckily, there's someone on the coaching staff who has the perfect way to make sure he stays useful to the team... Note: Midjourney has been used to make photos that will hopefully help visualize Evan's transformation. Tags: Muscle Growth, Weight Gain, Reality Shift