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Soulsmuses - MCYODELS - Tumblr Blog
I’m way more active on my Twitter. But I should prolly share the fan art doodles I’ve posted of TADC so far-

The virus/sick Caine doodles are art responses to Caine’s VA request for artists to draw Caine sick.

Not sold on the colors yet, but Lune's design is at least starting to solidify.
New vs Older Vers.

Ondes has a series of webcomic short-stories currently in the works. It’s moving slow because of the following reasons:
1) there is no reader-base to motivate me, 2) We’re still kinda prioritizing that rpgmaker demo 3) I’m juggling all this with another webcomic and I only have two hands 4) Silver (my co-author) is prioritizing creature & NPC designs and also only has two hands 5) I’m injured.

Ever wondered what kind of immortal you'd be?
heres a quiz for you ;)

Sol and Lia :3

Wanted to doodle @vurelly 's fnaf oc Cosmo meeting Small Sun and Mini Moon. They're so little compared to Cosmo asdfkjaksld;gh

Taking a break from coloring and did some funny doodles featuring @vurelly 's fnaf oc Cosmo
ZOMG THIS IS SO ADORABLE!! I feel honored to be included ;w;
who wanna go to the library & read in dead silence w me for like 4+ hours
The bat boys deserve the sweet nectar flowers as a treat 💛 I’m weeping over how adorable the face full of pollen on Sun is! Lost in the sauce~

@soulsmuses gave me the idea go grab and hug em


Wader and hk&$2/ <3

Your celestial twins au has me wholly, emotionally invested. And it’s delightful to see so many different au endings discussed and woven with you!
Hey, was thinking about astronomy, and I was looking up space stuff and thinking about the celestial twins au
I was thinking about binary stars and when one explodes the other one is either obliterated, or surives and continues to orbits what's left
Idk just, its poetic, fitting for these two.
I was also thinking about black holes
And I know sun doesn't have enough mass to become one, im just thinking about like, the emotional fallout from moon's death, a metaphor for grief, sun is alone and he is consumed by his emotions, his pain, and becomes a massive, powerful beast tearing apart the galaxy in his pain...
Grief is like that, it eats you up from the inside and you don't even feel like you anymore, I could see sun becoming so angry at like, how cruel it is, how unfair, and absolutely destroying everything in his reach.
Aaaand rogue planets, planets having been rejected by their star for one reason or another and launched into the cold void... idk alternate (but equally as depressing) end for moon?
Idk just pondering things
Oh god this is beautiful but sad but absolutely beautiful
we have 4 endings now: white dwarf ending, black dwarf ending, black hole magic spirit world ending and this black hole ending
2 bitter sweet 2 complete angst choose your fighter(?)

This Librarian AU is gonna be fuckin gorgeous~
me, the motherfucker with over 50 abandoned works in progress: i have another idea
Weirdly enough I want to make a DA Library Au. It’s a job I have irl and writing about relatable personal experiences tend to be fun. Guess I gotta dust off my AO3 account.

if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
It’s hitting again
The grief of realizing I will likely never hear from my beloved again…
It’s been 18 months since she was last online. None of our friend group have heard from from, confirmed by several asking me if I’d heard from her.
I don’t know what happened. I don’t understand. I’m left with only my thoughts of the worst.
Try as I might to hold out hope, I’m slipping into the stage of acceptance that what was has slipped away so abruptly. It doesn’t make the mourning any easier…