Fan Fic Ideas - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

just misheard "there's a bit of romance between them" as "there's a bit of land rats between them" so now I'm just imagining rats appearing to interrupt every romantic scene in a fic.

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3 years ago

So, here’s a random thought...

For my English class we’re reading Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet”. While reading the writers work I had an epiphany or a strike of inspiration (or something like that) and I thought what if there was another way to tell the story.

So, here’s my idea I think there should be a retelling of the story through Mercutio’s stand point or point of view, but here’s the plot twist..... Mercutio is in love with Romeo! It would be a story of friendship, forbidden and unrequited love, pinning, tragedy, and so much more. Romeo being in love with Juliet and Mercutio standing by cheering on his friend while also pinning for Romeo to look at him with those eyes he sees Juliet with. The ones full of love and determination to be with one another. It would be a heartbreaking and unexpected retelling of the Shakespearean romance.

Anyway that just an idea I have. I hope you like it and maybe even be inspired by it. I also would like to recommend you read “Romeo & Juliet” it’s a really good play or book.

But’s that’s just my opinion. (・ε・) (or idea idk)

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11 months ago

Alrighty so this AU is based off of this song which I’m calling

Tippy’s Show of Wonders! Au

Basically after the events of S1 and Jailbreak, Tippy has gone back to his normal life as a Doorman, and with the Mars stone door moved out of the street. Everything was basically as normal as Lego City can get. Except when Tippy feels like he’s being watched lately, the feeling keeps getting more and more frequent each day at the point where it feels like all eyes are on him 24/7. He keeps ignoring it for now, but things start to take a turn for the strange when he starts hearing whispers, and Frendrick suddenly what’s him to be in his plans more and more. One day Frendrick, on his usual scheme to be better than Sinclaire, scouted and found out about an abandoned circus tent theatre. Frendrick being Frendrick decided it needed to be demolished for him to build a factory for very toxic things that will profit him very much, but before he could even do so, his machines started to break and rust one by one. Everyone was slightly confused, the equipment had been fine before but, them knowing Frendrick, was probably in secret poor condition anyway so they ignored it. Frendrick got angry, threw a tantrum, and decided to deal with it manually by letting his workers do it for him of course, they begrudgingly agreed and entered the building with tools.


A few hours later, Frendrick was tapping his watch and foot very angrily, just then a few workers came out. A sliver of the dozen that went in, some were injured badly, and the ones that weren’t were carrying the limp. Frendrick was startled and confused, what in the hell happened in there..didn’t matter more workers to not get paid and hopefully no lawsuits that Sinclaire can use against him. He moved out with the remaining workers, and yelled at them for being baby’s.


To be continued in a reblog.

(P.S. I hope I didn’t mess of the names up, plus if you have any suggestions then comment em, thanks!)

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1 year ago

Now I want a fan fiction where:

When someone infected bites you, instead of turning into a zombie, you turn into a squid.

The only person immune to this is YJH 🤡

I Put My Entire Being Into That Background

I put my entire being into that background

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11 months ago


18+ Minors dni

For my favorite persons writing challenge, you’re amazing @chrisdrysdale  Please reblog, like, comment and let me know what you think   💕  

Switch Bucky x jealous f reader

Prompt 42. “I need words baby boy”

Warnings: Smuttt, bit of switch Bucky/ slight dom reader, angsst, swearing, choking, some slapping, brief mention of daddy kink, fluff!!

A/N: I’m a sucker for hidden relationships sorry also I actually don’t hate Sharon, I just needed to think of a name

Word count: 3.4 k 

Bucky tiptoed down the hall cautiously, wondering if he should even bother knocking on the door. He knew damn well he didn’t even deserve the couch today, let alone sharing the bed with you. Maybe he should just set up camp on the compound lawn. He fucked up. He knew he fucked up the second it happened. He played his part well. Too well. His attempts to weasel out a conversation ended up with a foot in his mouth. Both feet. Might as well add a hand in there too, Bucky knew he should have stopped talking ages ago. He cringed and mentally slapped himself thinking about Tony’s party moments ago.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

I'm definitely doing this ✨

Funeral Au!

So I’ve seen a lot of Justice League and BatFam meet Danny Phantom and it’s usually due to a fight/summoning/investigation/relation.

All of which are absolutely amazing! But I haven’t seen a SINGLE fic of them meeting Danny because they straight up crashed his funeral.

I’m also not talking about full-ghost Danny, our boy is still VERY much a Halfa.

Seriously consider the comedy that can be achieved with this.

I’m picturing it’s like at least a year after Danny beat Pariah Dark and all the citizens have pretty much accepted the fact that Phantom is their undead hero whom they’ve come to love.

Danny has pretty much fallen into a routine with his rouge gallery and although Amity is still 100% ghost infested it’s doing a lot better then it was with dealing with ghost attacks and ignoring the weirdness that pops up.

Then enter a well meaning child who has been taught that if you want to show appreciation to someone who is dead you put their favourite flowers on their grave. This kid who was just saved/ has been saved before by Phantom basically catches Danny with his metaphorical pants down when they innocently ask “where’s your grave? I want to give you flowers.”

Danny “no-brain-to-mouth-filter-when-panicked-and-has-been-surrounded-in-ghost-culture” Fenton’s first and only response is “I don’t have one cause no one mourns for me. Graves are only made for those who had people who cared that they died.” realizing what he just stated and then fleeing as fast as he can.

Amity Park gets a wake up call that THIS IS A DEAD CHILD, who, as Phantom was so kind to point out, DOES NOT HAVE A GRAVE AND OMG THERE ISN’T EVEN A MISSING CHILD REPORT AND HAVE WE BEEN RELYING ON A MURDERED KID TO SAVE US???????!!!!!!

Cue panic and Amity Park just going we need to show this Kid we care about him so lets give him a funeral. Danny is oddly touched and put off by the entire situation but honestly it’s also one more thing that protects his identity so overall it ain’t a bad thing.

Now look at it from the side of The Justice League/BatFam/other hero.

Amity Park’s news paper is probably going ballistic with trying to show their precious ghost kid that they care and love him and thus have a entire section dedicated to the major fights and situations he’s saved them from over the course of his hero career. They are trying to show him that his efforts are recognized and that he is appreciated and at the very end there is the mention of a funeral to be held for “Amity’s Greatest Hero”. Just to really hit home the point that they care for him.

Whatever hero/hero group that comes across a copy of the paper has no context for anything in said paper.

Amity Parkers are the only ones who read it anyways so why would they need to specify that their hero is a ghost? That the villains who attack the city are ghosts? Besides, the paper is meant for Phantom, scattered as much as possible so he can read when he gets a chance.

The hero/heroes are just left heartbroken and speechless because:

The situation in Amity Park is on the level of World ending threats and very much not the local vigilante with local villains standard that normal “small cities” deal with.

Apparently inter-dimensional beings have been invading Earth only to be stopped by a *wheezes* 14 to 16???!!! Year old (possibly inter-dimensional as well or local meta) child.

That child is the only one competent enough to hold the beings back.

That child is dead

This would be a we must go pay our respects to this child hero and we should investigate and set up protection so that all that this kid worked for isn’t for nothing.

Cue Amity’s public funeral for Phantom being crashed by the Justice League with everyone and their grandparents being the definition of confused. Better yet have it so there is a truce for Danny’s funeral so his rouges (who were 100% in the newspaper that the hero(es) read) are sitting/floating in the audience. Boxy is in the middle of a very tearful speech and Phantom is blushing so hard he is actively a glow-stick.

How it goes from there is up to the fic writer but honestly it would be so funny to have the Justice League meet Danny at his own funeral and him actively having to explain that yes ghosts exist and yes his rouges are in attendance cause they may be villains but they are “respectful and understanding villains fuck-you-very-much. Ancients can you believe that they think we’d attack the kid during his funeral! The audacity of some people.”

I just find that there is so many possibilities that can be tied in with the funeral and it can change to be as light hearted or as angsty as one wants it to be.

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3 years ago

So, here’s a random thought...

For my English class we’re reading Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet”. While reading the writers work I had an epiphany or a strike of inspiration (or something like that) and I thought what if there was another way to tell the story.

So, here’s my idea I think there should be a retelling of the story through Mercutio’s stand point or point of view, but here’s the plot twist..... Mercutio is in love with Romeo! It would be a story of friendship, forbidden and unrequited love, pinning, tragedy, and so much more. Romeo being in love with Juliet and Mercutio standing by cheering on his friend while also pinning for Romeo to look at him with those eyes he sees Juliet with. The ones full of love and determination to be with one another. It would be a heartbreaking and unexpected retelling of the Shakespearean romance.

Anyway that just an idea I have. I hope you like it and maybe even be inspired by it. I also would like to recommend you read “Romeo & Juliet” it’s a really good play or book.

But’s that’s just my opinion. (・ε・) (or idea idk)

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4 years ago

Hey! Would y'all possibly be interested in requests? Not art requests (I suck, I know, boo me, booooo)

But! Spotify playlist requests for characters OR ships! (I already have one for Bunny I've started, and Admin Violet has a Style one 👀)

Aaand maybe possibly drabble requests? It would depend honestly, my writing is rusty, but it would help me get back into the swing of things!

While I'm at it, I might as well ask if y'all's be interested in seeing what I already have written? I post some things on insta, but I'm currently working on posting all my fics on ao3. I could leave links here, cross post, or not put them here at all-

What ever y'all prefer?

(I know this seems like an art blog right now, but I do alot more than draw, so it's probably gonna be a mix of writing, art, and music things!)

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4 years ago

Tamakyo au where they meet younger and grew up as childhood friends!

Tamakyo Au Where They Meet Younger And Grew Up As Childhood Friends!
Tamakyo Au Where They Meet Younger And Grew Up As Childhood Friends!
Tamakyo Au Where They Meet Younger And Grew Up As Childhood Friends!

Kyoya met Tamaki before he met Tamaki. He hadn't thought much of the other boy, his hair wild and face dirty. He looked like every other commoner as he held his hand out to him, the universal sign for a hand shake.

He wrinkled his nose at the gesture, "I'm sorry, I don't shake hands with commoners."

It didn't matter that Kyoya was told to always be polite. Well, it did, but who would this boy tell? He was no one of importance. Kyoya didn't have to be kind to him. He wasn't bound by rules or frivolous niceties of the upper class. He could be himself. Which mainly meant he could be a brat.

"Oh," the other supplied, a little dumbfounded.

Oh was right. This kid had to be plain stupid to think he could so easily befriend someone so obviously higher in status. Maybe he was stupid. Kyoya knew that the lower class wasn't capable of affording education as nice as his own, it would make sense for their kids to be idiots.

He almost felt bad for the boy, born into the wrong household and now too dumb to comprehend who was socially acceptable to ask for friend ship. A true shame. Perhaps they could have been friends if the other were better educated (and tied to a business that could aid his father's).

Not that Kyoya wanted anymore "friends", they were quite exhausting to handle.

"Why not?"


"Why not shake hands with a commoner?"

Kyoya definitely didn't feel bad now, just annoyed. Why couldn't he just be left alone? "Why should I? I have nothing to gain from being pleasant with you,"

"Friendship!" He announced, looking extremely proud of himself.

Was this guy serious? Friendship? This wasn't some anime. "Friends should be made out of convenience. I have nothing to gain from a friendship with you,"

Kyoya didn't sit around to see his hurt expression, he could wait for his chauffer somewhere quieter.


Kyoya had many regrets, most of which weren't in his control. (Being the youngest, for example.) But never had something gone so obnoxiously wrong as this.

"Kyoya, this is Tamaki Suoh. I would like for you two to get along." He gave him a pointed look, and Kyoya knew what he had to do. But how could he do that? There was no way this kid- Tamaki, would ever be friends with him after Kyoya not only snubbed him, but mistook him for a commoner.

Other kids didn't "work" like Kyoya did. They didn't all bend over backwards for business deals and connections. They were influenced by emotions. They liked people that were nice. People who were kind, who did what they wanted.

Kyoya had fucked up.

He didn't know it was possible to fuck up this badly, intentionally or otherwise.

"Hi," the other offers lamely, as their parents walk away. Likely to discuss some important trade deal or God knows what. Kyoya just hopes he hasn't screwed it up before it's even begun.

"... hello,"

He needed to recover, make an excuse, apologize, something. "Making friends" wasn't usually so hard, but then again, normally wealthy kids didn't dress like scrubs and roll around in the dirt.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier today, I was in a terrible mood because my chauffer was running late, I didn't mean to let it out on you. I understand if you don't want to be friends-"

"I-" Kyoya hadn't been expecting an interruption, though he didn't mind it. Maybe this kid hadn't been trained in proper etiquette, his manners seemed to be horribly lacking.

"I... I want to be your friend,"

It took Kyoya a moment to process, because what the hell? He didn't think before blurting,"You want to be friends with... me?"

Kyoya was so obviously playing him! Anyone could tell he didn't actually want to be friends, that he had given an empty excuse to fix what he'd done earlier- how stupid was this kid?

Tamaki looked panicked, like maybe asking to be friends had offended Kyoya. He itched the back of his head, glancing away, wreaking of nervousness, "Only if you want to, too?"

"Why?" And Kyoya needed to stop looking a gift horse in the mouth and just be happy. He could so easily just accept the offer and that would be that. He shouldn't question the other.

But he had to know.

Tamaki stared at him, trying to figure out what he meant by why. "You don't have any friends," he offered quietly, "and I know what that's like. To not have anyone who you can be you around. It's lonely."

He took a breath,, hesitantly meeting Kyoya's eyes, "I need a friend, too, and I think I'd really like if it was you."

Now it was Kyoya's turn to say, "Oh,"

Because he was right. There wasn't anyone Kyoya was "himself" around. Somehow this stranger, who was a complete idiot, had read him like a book.

And for some reason he decided to open up his own pages to Kyoya, too.

"Even though I'm an asshole?"

Tamaki perked up like a puppy after hearing walk, "Even if your an asshole!"

"Then I think I would like to be friends. Real friends,"

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4 years ago

By God, please commission them (or ask me to commission him again. Because I will. I'm just looking for an excuse.)

Writing Commissions

Rewriting this a little to fix it. I have things I need to save up for, lots of free time and no job just yet, which leaves doing writing commissions properly!

You can find examples of my writing here on my ‘My Stories’ tag or my Finished Commissions tag!

I will write about;

OCs so long as I receive adequate information about the OCs in question

Any fandom so long as I can find adequate information on this as well

NSFW, though it’ll cost 10$ more

I will absolutely not write about anything that involves pedophilia, bestiality or incest. You can IM me about these commissions to talk further about this, and I accept payment via my Paypal.

It’ll be penny commissions, IE a penny a word like so;

100 words - 1$

500 words - 5$

1k words - 10$

and so on. In some cases I may not reach the full word length of the story, example it’s 99 words instead of 100, you’ll only owe 99 cents and sometimes, I may go over the word limit, but you won’t owe me anything more than the set price you’ve paid for the commission.

All you have to do is send me an IM about the commission so we can talk further before we work out the details and pricing of the commission.

Thanks for reading this!

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3 years ago

Fic idea!

Aizawa grew up with Shigaraki, they were 10 and 4 when they first met. 2 years after they met Shigaraki disappeared, and Aizawa thought he died to a villain that attacked Shigarak’s family.

Other things

-Aizawa still thinks about Shigaraki sometimes

-Midoriya Inko is a Shimura

-Midoriya Izuku sometimes reminds Aizawa of


-Shigaraki used to mumble

-Aizawa finds out Shigaraki is Shimura the same time all might does

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1 year ago

resurrected arthur but it’s a sitcom. merlin sees a blond guy in armor being fished out of a lake on the news and the first words out of his mouth are “what the fuck”. he keeps telling people arthur is foreign and that’s why he has a strange accent and keeps being rude. he has to stop arthur from stabbing a wet floor sign with a letter opener. merlin repeatedly threatens to dump arthur back in the lake if he keeps misbehaving. arthur brings home a dog on his first ever outing by himself and from then on arthur and merlin have a dog. everyone keeps mistaking them for a gay married couple. see my vision.

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1 year ago

Love all of these ideas, but am especially interested in 1, 2, 7, 8 and 10!

Fic bunnies for WoT...

*results not binding

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6 months ago

I like to imagine that in some AU out there, Nico beat Minecraft and got to read THE Minecraft poem. He probably got emotional while reading it, shed a few tears here and there, but ultimately felt happy. Comforted.

I was going to originally write a small fic-like story to go with this but I suck at that tremendously LMFAO.. so instead I’m gonna drop some parts of the poem that I think he would have felt really connected to/liked. :,)

- - - -

[ …Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind? ]


[ Sometimes when they are deep in dreams, I want to tell them, they are building true worlds in reality. Sometimes I want to tell them of their importance to the universe. Sometimes, when they have not made a true connection in a while, I want to help them to speak the word they fear. ]

It’s canon that he has always struggled to fit in with those around him, as well as with making friends so I think this part would have hit specially close to home.


[ The atoms of the player were scattered in the grass, in the rivers, in the air, in the ground. A woman gathered the atoms; she drank and ate and inhaled; and the woman assembled the player, in her body.

And the player awoke, from the warm, dark world of its mother's body, into the long dream.

And the player was a new story, never told before, written in letters of DNA. And the player was a new program, never run before, generated by a sourcecode a billion years old. And the player was a new human, never alive before, made from nothing but milk and love. ]

He thought of his mom while reading this, he misses her a lot.


[ You. You. You are alive. ]


and of course, the most famous part of the entire:

[ and the universe said I love you

and the universe said you have played the game well

and the universe said everything you need is within you

and the universe said you are stronger than you know

and the universe said you are the daylight

and the universe said you are the night

and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you

and the universe said the light you seek is within you

and the universe said you are not alone

and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing

and the universe said I love you because you are love. ]

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6 years ago

*gears turn and spin*

I agree that Obi-Wan just didn’t sit there and twiddle his thumbs for nineteen years and Luke did refer to him as ‘a strange old hermit’ which says Obi-Wan did interact with the local moisture farmers and maybe even the local, larger, settlement.

Now my Muse is all excited because of the suggestion that Obi-Wan was spending some of his time taking out bounties and stealing from the Hutts to make some money to survive and terrifying the Tusken Raiders out of their minds.

I think it was implied that Obi-Wan found a way to tell Bail where he was living because R2 was heading in the right direction for his hut.

*new headcanon not quite inserted but is found acceptable*

“And then Obi-wan went off to live as a reclusive hermit in the Jundland Wastes until Luke showed up with R2 and C-3PO.”

…even beyond that deleted scene where Luke goes into town and encounters Ben Kenobi hanging out with the locals and acting kooky, I don’t buy this interpretation. I mean, this is Obi-wan. Not only does he attract friends, allies, and animals of various sizes and levels of terrifying to his side like a Disney princess, he’s also the universe’s favorite punching bag. No way those years were full of uninterrupted contemplation, solitude, and remorse.

For starters, that hut he’s living in when Luke first meets him? Yeah, that’s probably residence number 23. Better-built than residences 1-3 and 5 (we don’t talk about number 4), simpler than 8-14, and made with less emotional attachment than 15-20. They’ve been destroyed by everything from roving bantha herds to crashing space ships to that one flash flood, and Obi-wan has finally made peace with the fact that this is his life. If he hadn’t gone with Luke, his current house was due to be struck by a meteor within the month.

Next, he is almost certainly friends with all the local animals. All of them. He’s been on this planet for almost two decades, they’ve all met him, he’s been Adopted by pretty much everything that lives in communal groups, and he goes and hangs out with them when he’s feeling lonely, because he can’t keep a good eye on Luke’s safety if he’s too depressed to move.

Not to mention the fact that, in canon, not only does Leia know who he is, she knows which planet to send R2D2 to in order to contact him. Obi-wan might not be part of the Rebellion, but they know about him - at the very least he kept in contact with Bail Organa.

And like… it’s Obi-wan. On a planet riddled with, in his own words, “scum and villainy.” Like hell he’s managed to spend over two decades keeping his nose out of other peoples’ business or just allowing shit to go on because he’s in hiding. Just saying, that man’s taken down a sizeable number of bandits, thieves, smugglers, and ne’er-do-wells, he’s probably living off either bounty rewards or credits he’s somehow skimmed from the Hutts or something he shouldn’t be doing, because age may bring wisdom, but this is Obi-wan and there’s a reason he and Anakin were friends.

The Tusken raiders are a superstitious lot, but I am willing to put down solid money that they ran off not because of the howling noise but because they recognized that pointy-hooded robe, and, boy howdy, they have learned. Even if that human ain’t fighting back, you don’t mess with him, he’s cursed, do not engage, repeat, do not engage.

And just basically, there’s no way Obi-wan was off living by himself and miserable and atoning and all that. I’m sure he had every intention of doing so when he started, but I am equally sure that plan lasted exactly as long as it took for his first self-made house to collapse while he was fighting off a local gang and screaming about being retired.

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