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Aries / Venus / Ceres / 9th House~

aries / venus / ceres / 9th house~ <3

Thank you so much Tofu~! 💕

aries: what are you passionate about?

Oh gosh, my mom calls me a “Renaissance girl” because I have a wide range of interests and passions. The most steady passion I have is wildlife and animals in general. I can ramble about animal facts and personal experiences for lengths at a time haha.

venus: what’s your aesthetic?

I have a lot of aesthetics :’D Anything ocean/beach related is huge for me. Equal to that is anything with animals. I adore fossils/science/paleontology. Pen and ink is my favorite medium to use. Pokémon, particularly SoulSilver, is my favorite game (tied with Undertale). I’ve not outgrown Pokémon and don’t foresee so anytime in the future. My wardrobe is a lot of anchors haha! And I really like coffee and hot coco.

I could totally find more but the template limits me to 9 haha!

Aries / Venus / Ceres / 9th House~

ceres: are you a momfriend?

I am 💯 a mom friend LOL! Though I prefer “aunt” over “mom” 😂 Always ready to lend an ear and (continuously) asking how others are.

9th house: what’s your favorite quote?

“Just remember, you are Braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than your think.” - Winnie the Pooh

More Posts from Soulsmuses

4 years ago

@lucidvoiddreams || @crimsonbell

[“Did you break but never mend? Did it hurt so much you thought it was the end? Lose your heart but don’t know when; And no one cares, there’s no one there -”

“Well did you see the flares in the sky? Were you blinded by the light?

Did you see the sparks filled with hope? You are not alone. ‘Cause someone’s out there, sending out flares.”]  – Flares, The Script

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4 years ago
When Lucid Dreaming Takes Too Far.
When Lucid Dreaming Takes Too Far.
When Lucid Dreaming Takes Too Far.
When Lucid Dreaming Takes Too Far.

When lucid dreaming takes too far.

and your heart became attached to that person.

… it hurts to never see them again.

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4 years ago

I have not played the Bonely Hearts Club demo yet. No, I don’t care about spoilers, share all the support and content to your hearts delight~

I will not be playing it yet. The main reason being that it’s still in the demo stage and I want to get into the full game when it comes out. Also, it is the hot topic of tumblr atm and very in my face. I’m not fond of diving into the latest fads and prefer to wait for the hype to die down. Maybe I’ll do fan art in the future but for now I will not being BHC content.

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4 years ago

ღ Do you own an item that comforts you when you’re sad?

Munday Questions (still accepting!)

I have a couple items that I find comforting.

- a plush soft blanket to bundle in

- Fangamer San’s plush is great for cuddling

- a couple of music boxes. One plays “Hey Jude” by the Beetles (about the only Beetles song I’ll listen too without getting annoyed haha)

- sometimes I’ll squeeze/toss a stress ball around, or shake some meditation vibration balls. They’re good distractions from feeling sad

- if I can remember and have the energy, I’ll distract myself with a game, such as Pokémon on my 3DS. My Pokémon and giving them attention makes me feel a little better

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4 years ago

May I have a lamia bitty match up please? I love the outdoors, biking, museums and aquariums. Photography, art, writing, sea shell and rock/fossil collecting are big hobbies. I also volunteer at an animal rescue rehab center. Despite all this I’m not exercise savvy but wouldn’t mind a gentle push to become more active. Cuddling, Xbox and music is what I do to relax. I do have anxiety and a chronic illness but take meds. The house isn’t messy, but a reminder to tidy up would be nice haha.

My recommendations for you are:

Krait (Gaster): A Krait is not super exercise savvy or super fussy about tidiness, but he will gladly remind and assist you in exercising and cleaning up. Kraits love seashells, aquariums, museums, and fossils because biology and natural history are interesting to them. Kraits love cuddles and generally being close to their adopters.

King (UF!Papyrus): A King cares about your physical health, so if you need a nudge to exercise, a King might work for you! Kings like a tidy environment. He will remind you to clean up, but he will also help you. Kings aren’t as cuddly as some other lamia types, but they care very deeply for their adopters.

Chain (SF!Papyrus): Chains are cuddly and laidback lamias who form a very close SOUL bond with their adopters. Chains are capable of being active and enjoy activities like hiking and collecting interesting rocks. Chains love flopping down on the couch with their SOULbond for some relaxing cuddles, but they aren’t exactly the tidiest of lamias.

Let me know if you’d like an adoption scenario.

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