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4 years ago

aries / venus / ceres / 9th house~ <3

Thank you so much Tofu~! 💕

aries: what are you passionate about?

Oh gosh, my mom calls me a “Renaissance girl” because I have a wide range of interests and passions. The most steady passion I have is wildlife and animals in general. I can ramble about animal facts and personal experiences for lengths at a time haha.

venus: what’s your aesthetic?

I have a lot of aesthetics :’D Anything ocean/beach related is huge for me. Equal to that is anything with animals. I adore fossils/science/paleontology. Pen and ink is my favorite medium to use. PokĂ©mon, particularly SoulSilver, is my favorite game (tied with Undertale). I’ve not outgrown PokĂ©mon and don’t foresee so anytime in the future. My wardrobe is a lot of anchors haha! And I really like coffee and hot coco.

I could totally find more but the template limits me to 9 haha!

Aries / Venus / Ceres / 9th House~

ceres: are you a momfriend?

I am 💯 a mom friend LOL! Though I prefer “aunt” over “mom” 😂 Always ready to lend an ear and (continuously) asking how others are.

9th house: what’s your favorite quote?

“Just remember, you are Braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than your think.” - Winnie the Pooh

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