soundwavesweep - decepticons my beloved
decepticons my beloved

uhhhhh I'll fill this in later

45 posts

Soundwavesweep - Decepticons My Beloved - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago

I don't have polls so I'm not participating in the tumblr tf husband poll but idk why everyone thinks the outcome will be different than twitter like Soundwave is just That Bitch you really think he won't win again? Soundwave Sweep 2 Electric Boogaloo???

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2 years ago

Transformers Robot Husband Poll (Round 4)

Make sure to vote on ALL of the matches here.

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2 years ago

This is really cool 👀

I Thought I Posted This But I Guess I Didnt! Few More People Have Been Asking About The TFP Wii Game

I thought I posted this but I guess I didn’t! Few more people have been asking about the TFP wii game models, so here’s the drive link to the blender files. They’re not rigged, but anyone else can go do that for us lol.

If anyone does have rigs to share, feel free to add on to the post! If I ever go back and rip any more models from the game, I’ll update this post too.

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2 years ago

How are we felling soundawave nation??

How Are We Felling Soundawave Nation??

I think I’m in shock, honestly.

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2 years ago
Decided To Make Some Memes On The Soundwave Sweeps (i Ended Up Choosing Starscream In Round 4 But Sadly
Decided To Make Some Memes On The Soundwave Sweeps (i Ended Up Choosing Starscream In Round 4 But Sadly
Decided To Make Some Memes On The Soundwave Sweeps (i Ended Up Choosing Starscream In Round 4 But Sadly
Decided To Make Some Memes On The Soundwave Sweeps (i Ended Up Choosing Starscream In Round 4 But Sadly

Decided to make some memes on the soundwave sweeps (i ended up choosing starscream in round 4 but sadly my boy starscream didnt make it) 

Decided To Make Some Memes On The Soundwave Sweeps (i Ended Up Choosing Starscream In Round 4 But Sadly
Decided To Make Some Memes On The Soundwave Sweeps (i Ended Up Choosing Starscream In Round 4 But Sadly
Decided To Make Some Memes On The Soundwave Sweeps (i Ended Up Choosing Starscream In Round 4 But Sadly

(the first pic was drawn by me)

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2 years ago
soundwavesweep - decepticons my beloved

Transformers Robot Husband Poll (SEMIFINALS)

Make sure to vote on BOTH of the matches here.

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2 years ago

Thinking about the pain and betrayal Soundwave must feel in Earthspark rn. He invested his entire life and loyalty in Megatron and his cause of equality, only for him to take the easy way out and now aid in the subjugation of the peoples he once represented and lead.

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2 years ago

Soundwave showing up to battle like "my hips don't lie but Megatron sure fucking does"

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2 years ago

I keep thinking about disabilities in the Transformers universe. Cuz yeah, as giant battle robots they're a lot tougher than humans, and their doctors can do a whole lot more to patch them up (your arm got cut off? no problem, we'll just stick it back on.) but they definitely still have disabled people. Here's a handful of ideas I had for various robot disabilities.

a bot who cant keep their hydraulic pressure up, and has issues with balance and walking. They sometimes just need to sit down for a while, because their hydraulics arent working well enough to stand right now.

a bot with faulty self repair systems who cant heal themselves and needs every minor wound welded shut or treated by a medic, lest they slowly bleed out from a "minor" scrape.

T-cog related issues, that can keep a bot stuck in one form even though they do technically have an alt, or make transforming painful, or gets them stuck partway through a transformation.

A broken or non existent EM field reader, leaving the bot in question completely unable to read other peoples emotions.

Neurological issues would transfer pretty easily. Wiring that's too thin and frays easily, leading to pressure palsies. Repairs that reconnected the wires wrong and lead to mixed or confusing signals being sent up to the processor.

Processor Injuries would also probably be similar to Traumatic Brain Injuries, too much important stuff packed too densely to risk surgery on it. And there's all sorts of disabling symptoms one could get from a TBI.

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2 years ago

Transformers Robot Husband Poll (Round 4)

Make sure to vote on ALL of the matches here.

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2 years ago
Do You Fight Or Do You Dance?
Do You Fight Or Do You Dance?
Do You Fight Or Do You Dance?
Do You Fight Or Do You Dance?
Do You Fight Or Do You Dance?
Do You Fight Or Do You Dance?
Do You Fight Or Do You Dance?
Do You Fight Or Do You Dance?

“Do you fight or do you dance?”


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2 years ago

Transformers Robot Husband Poll (Round 2)

Make sure to vote on ALL of the matches here.

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2 years ago


Transformers Robot Husband Poll (Round 2)

Make sure to vote on ALL of the matches here.

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2 years ago
Soundwave Gonna 1v1 Against Megatron And I Am So Here For It
Soundwave Gonna 1v1 Against Megatron And I Am So Here For It
Soundwave Gonna 1v1 Against Megatron And I Am So Here For It
Soundwave Gonna 1v1 Against Megatron And I Am So Here For It

Soundwave gonna 1v1 against megatron and I am so here for it

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2 years ago
*dies Renaissance Paintingly*
*dies Renaissance Paintingly*

*dies renaissance paintingly*

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2 years ago

POV: Starscream joins Transformers: ‘Battle of the ex husbands’ Earthspark

POV: Starscream Joins Transformers: Battle Of The Ex Husbands Earthspark
POV: Starscream Joins Transformers: Battle Of The Ex Husbands Earthspark

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2 years ago
2 years ago


Look It My Boy Go, Catching Megatrons Punch And Pushing It Back
Look It My Boy Go, Catching Megatrons Punch And Pushing It Back
Look It My Boy Go, Catching Megatrons Punch And Pushing It Back

Look it my boy go, catching megatrons punch and pushing it back

I’m so proud

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2 years ago
2 years ago

Wanted to make a Transformers blog for a while so I figured the day of the Transformers husband poll announcement would be good

Let's go Soundwave!

Wanted To Make A Transformers Blog For A While So I Figured The Day Of The Transformers Husband Poll

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