soupmasternick - Squire

He/him 🏳️‍⚧️ 20Chaotic mess but chill about it Open for commissions ig

8 posts

Soupmasternick - Squire - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

posting here because this just doesn’t feel right to talk about in the horseimagebarn voice but this is extremely important to talk about.

an LED road sign that says "DO NOT TRAVEL IN WESTERN NC"

my partner and i have returned to our hometown to stay with her family and my own has gotten a hotel here too (they moved to the town we currently live in after we did) so we are all safe and out of the thick of it

however there are tens of thousands of people who are not both in my own town and in the many surrounding it. appalachia will take an extremely long time to recover from this and there are more storms on the way. all i see on social media right now is people asking for shelter because their homes have been destroyed, or people asking for help searching for family members who are missing. hundreds of trees have fallen. hundreds of homes have flooded. roads are literally falling apart. preexisting sinkholes due to shitty pipes are opening up and consuming land. dams are on the verge of bursting and the only way to stop it is to release water so quickly it floods whole towns. all but one of our cell towers are down, so only people with at&t have service and the rest can’t contact anyone. over half the town still doesn’t have power. a major water supply issue occurred and the entire town is on a water boil order with no electricity to boil with. people are trapped in their homes and workplaces or out on the street because they have nowhere to go. law enforcement is blocking off roads but trapping people in the process. people have to be rescued by helicopter. our animal shelter has no water or power and boarding facilities have been flooded. entire villages like chimney rock nc are gone, and entire cities like asheville are cut off from the rest of the state and are completely inaccessible. ALL OF THE ROADS IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ARE CLOSED. 400+ roads are closed because they are unsafe . that is INSANE!!!

a facebook post of two images side by side of the same view of chimney rock, nc. the first image is a normal road with pretty trees and grass on the right and a small shopping center and parking lot on the left. the second image shows the road break off into pure mud and rubble where the subjects of the last image once were. the caption above reads "chimney rock before and after. damn."

when people say that climate change isn’t real, they don’t know what they’re talking about. climate change and its father capitalism are only going to continue to worsen lives in every way possible. i live in the mountains and our infrastructure is completely unprepared to handle hurricanes and it’s only going to get worse. it’s such a strange and eye-opening experience to live something like this when you think that it could never happen to you because that type of weather shouldn’t reach you in your environment. climate change doesn’t care where you live. it’s real.

an areal image of a road going through forested hills. half of the road is completely decimated, having collapsed.
an image of a white house that has been flooded by yellow-brown water. the water has reached halfway up its windows, meaning it's about halfway up the house as a whole. a large tree is in front of the house and is equally submerged.

western north carolina and the rest of the southeast that has been hit by helene need help. more people need to be talking about this so that the government DOES SOMETHING because the government historically fucking hates appalachia and it still does!!! the major state institution near me took DAYS to respond despite being the only place in town with power and wifi connection because they had to wait for the state to approve their response—they could have allowed thousands of people to evacuate days prior to the hurricane hitting us but they didn’t do anything before or after until it was too late!!! it’s bullshit!!! PLEASE get talking about this because something has to be done. climate change is going to continue happening and our mountains and the people in them are going to suffer immensely. hundreds if not thousands are now homeless. please talk about this look at the footage online of the wreckage and look how quickly our infrastructure crumbled. we need better. the people of appalachia deserve better.

a hospital absolutely consumed by water. only the roof is visible above the dirty brown water. a couple of trees poke out of the water around it
an image of the river arts district of asheville. it is covered in water; no ground is visible. a single smokestack rises out of the water. the very tops of roofs are all that is visible besides that and trees.
a screencap of a newscast showing a walmart supercenter that is completely flooded. items are being washed out of the doors by murky brown water that has taken over the entire parking lot. an overlay reads "IMPACT OF HELENE - LIFE-THREATENING FLOODING - BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY"

i’ll get back to posting horses soon. but for now this is a lot. my friends are homeless and my family had to get off the mountain or be trapped there without power and water for days. we’re all safe but exhausted. i hope everyone who has been affected by this is staying safe. if you are in western nc, dm me. when i come back, if you’re in my area, im happy to bring supplies. stay safe everyone

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7 months ago
Pongorma Because His Absent Moon Design Is Sick And I Miss Him.
Pongorma Because His Absent Moon Design Is Sick And I Miss Him.

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11 months ago
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This horrid creation based off of a stupid conversation I had with my best friend and needed to draw.

Based off the Zoolander face đź‘Ť

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1 year ago

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