soupwithsprinkles - omg GAY
omg GAY

19 posts

Soupwithsprinkles - Omg GAY - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

I present you the clothes I'd always wear:

I Present You The Clothes I'd Always Wear:
I Present You The Clothes I'd Always Wear:
I Present You The Clothes I'd Always Wear:
I Present You The Clothes I'd Always Wear:
10 months ago

If we are right about Chester being the archivist i want the reveal of it to be Jon pulling himself out of the computer like a seen from The Ring.

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10 months ago

im a firm believer that the song "good vibrations by The Beach boys" is a natural Lukas repellant

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10 months ago

dude why am i constantly in pain. god buddy what did i do to you?

10 months ago

my biggest talent is i manage to get 4 hours of sleep on a weekend

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10 months ago

do yalls brains get prickly or is that just a me thing

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10 months ago

im actually an anatomy students defender until i DIE they didnt do anything wrong!!! they just wanted to learn about the body they even WAITED FOR THE TEACHER TO LOOK AWAY before they adjusted anything!!! they didnt want to scare him!! they showed up every class and waited for him and paid FULL attention you KNOW if that man just stopped fucking judging them for not being able to get their hearts right the first time they would be the best class he ever had. they even left him an apple!! they didnt know apples dont have teeth its not their fault!! anatomy student haters dni actually

10 months ago

the fact that im more sad over the fact that Spotify isnt working rn than i was when my ex broke up with me says shit about my mental state

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10 months ago

man im out of my good ice cream :/

10 months ago

sometimes i get so exited i get the urge to gorge my eyes out with the dirty fork on my desk and then chew on said eyes

10 months ago

masterpost of horror lists

here are all my horror lists in one place to make it easier to find! enjoy!


action horror

analog horror

animated horror

anthology horror

aquatic horror

apocalyptic horror

backwoods horror

campy horror

cannibal horror

children’s horror

comedy horror

coming-of-age horror

corporate/work place horror

cult horror

dance horror

dark comedy horror

daylight horror

death games

domestic horror

ecological horror

erotic horror

experimental horror

fairytale horror

folk horror

found footage horror

giallo horror

gothic horror

grief horror

historical horror

holiday horror

home invasion horror

house horror

indie horror

isolation horror

lgbtqia+ horror

lovecraftian/cosmic horror

medical horror

meta horror

monster horror

musical horror

mythological horror

neo-monster horror

new french extremity horror

paranormal horror

political horror

psychedelic horror

psychological horror

religious horror

revenge horror

romantic horror

sad/dramatic horror (i think??)

science fiction horror


southern gothic horror

splatter/body horror

survival horror


vampire horror

virus horror

werewolf horror

western horror

witch horror

zombie horror

horror plots/settings

road trip horror

summer camp horror

cave horror

doll horror

cinema horror

cabin horror

plot devices

storm horror

from a child’s perspective

final girl/guy (this is slasher horror trope)

last guy/girl (this is different than final girl/guy)

reality-bending horror

slow burn horror

foreign horror or non-american horror

african horror

spanish horror

middle eastern horror

korean horror

japanese horror

british horror

german horror

indian horror

thai horror

irish horror

scottish horror

slavic horror (kinda combined a bunch of countries for this)

chinese horror

french horror

australian horror


silent era

30s horror

40s horror

50s horror

60s horror

70s horror

80s horror

90s horror

2000s horror

2010s horror

2020s horror


blumhouse horror

a24 horror

ghosthouse horror

shudder horror

other lists

horror literature to movies

techno-color horror movies

video game to horror movie adaption

video nasties

female directed horror

my 130 favorite horror movies

horror movies critics hated because they’re stupid

horror remakes/sequels that weren’t bad

female villains in horror

horror movies so bad they’re good

non-horror movies that feel like horror movies

directors + their favorite horror movies + directors in the notes

tumblr’s favorite horror movie (based off my poll)

horror movie plot twists

cult classic horror movies

essential underrated horror films

worst horror movie husbands

religious horror that isn’t christianity 

black horror movies

extreme horror (maybe use this as an avoid list)

10 months ago
Screenshot of a poem.   Text reads: You told your disciples, yes— but did you tell your parents?   Did you sit them down at a table, try not to let it get awkward, try to get it over with.   "Mom, Dad, I'm — going to die."   How long was the silence?   Did Mary wrap her arms around you like you were a child, like she hadn't much since you'd gone away, with all the force of the tears she'd save for after you left again?   Or did they cry then and ask what they'd done wrong, and did you reassure them, "it's just a few days, and then I'll be better than before," "I'm not the first to do this—you've met Lazarus, right?"  Did you wonder if they already knew, if they'd seen the signs in the myrrh, in every screaming crowd, in the way you watched Joseph drive nails into wood?  Did they ask you how long you'd known, and did you know how to say forever?

[writes about Jesus but it’s actually about being trans] [writes about being trans but it’s actually about Jesus]

11 months ago


11 months ago

i think we shouod terraform earth to make it completely flat because itd be fun

11 months ago

yeah. mhm

inspired by this post

Everything you've heard is true!
11 months ago
soupwithsprinkles - omg GAY
1 year ago

you know sometimes i want my gender to be as annoying to others as it is to me

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1 year ago

splat :P

1 year ago

We all know about the DDOS attacks on AO3 as it is still down. So it is very important we talk about the KOSA(Kids Online Safety Act) that is going to hit the floor soon. Because if that act goes through this could very much be the new reality of not only AO3 but online fandom spaces within the next year. The point of this act is to limit queer media and to eliminate online queer spaces.

Let me stress, the politicians are lying to you. Democrats and Republicans are lobbying for this. It is not pro trans rights and it is not pro lgbtq rights. This is very reminiscent of the Restrict Act! Politicians can SUE websites for having QEEER CONTENT. This act will not protect kids, it will further separate and marginalize the queer community!

If this bill goes through AO3, Wattpad, TikTok, Tumblr, and Twitter will be limited and fanfiction websites could be wiped out all together. If you are apart of fandom spaces pay attention and ACT! Call and email your senators! AND SIGN THE BELOW PETITIONS!

Linktree. Make your link do more.

Reblog this! Send the links to people who aren’t on Tumblr! If you care about fandom, fandom spaces, your ships, your blorbos, fanfiction writers’ works, freedom to create, etc. Spread this!

If you aren’t American you can still sign/send some of these!