No Really - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I’ve said this before but I really think we need a Falcon movie.

I feel like we could really benefit from a backstory movie for him. Obviously we know some of the basics cause of CA:TWS but we could see the details of him getting wings. We could see the friendships he develops besides the ones with the other main characters. We could see more of him and his family. Maybe snippets of his childhood like they did in Black Widow.

Plus, Sam’s just a generally fun character to watch. I feel like Anthony Mackie has a lot of stage presence if that makes sense, whether it’s in movies and shows or interviews. He really just catches your attention which makes him such a great main character to follow.

Is this me just wanting more Sam Wilson content? Perhaps…

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12 years ago

Introducing a new series: Visual puns!

Respond if you're stumped (or if you get it - either way, really)!

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3 years ago

Reblog if you: have no intention of using Post+ to put your content behind a paywall,  and  have no intention to pay to unlock any content hidden by Post+ either

I wanna see something.

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6 months ago

Is it still manslaughter if you only manage to giggle during it?

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1 year ago

behold: the largest land predator native to the entire continent of Australia. (second-largest prior to the extinction of the thylacine.)

tremble in fear.


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7 months ago


Reblog if you say "Y'all"

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2 years ago

Every midwit literary fiction novel from the past 5 years has been called something like The Little Things We Do To Ourselves or Back Then I Didn’t Think So Clearly or I Have Been Trying To Venmo You.

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3 years ago

Do you guys know any unique names? Genderfluid/gender neutral specifically? If not, just unique names.

I’m trying to make a character for a fanfiction and they’ll probably be genderfluid.

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7 months ago

cleaning up your own living space: sucks ass

cleaning up a friend or romantic partner's living space: deeply satisfying and even a little entertaining

scientists can't explain this

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9 years ago
Is Cricket The One Where You Hit The Balls Through The Little Hoops?

“Is cricket the one where you hit the balls through the little hoops?”

“That’s croquet, Mrs Hudson.”

“Is it the one where you have to throw the ball backwards?”

“No, that’s rugby, Holmes. You solved a whole mystery about rugby, remember?”

“What, that business with the horse?”

“No, that was Silver Blaze--”

“Oh, I know - is it the one where they hit eachother with the sticks?”

“That’s ... actually, I have no idea what that is, Mrs Hudson. Jousting? Morris dancing?”

Summer is here, and that can only mean one thing - shutting myself indoors to listen to the cricket on the radio and hoping England don’t embarrass themselves too badly!

ETA: wait a minute, the score is what?!

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3 years ago

Chasing and stabbing dream with a fork should be an Olympic sport

Manhunt irl


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1 year ago

I am very normal about Blacksommar (I am not) and I think I’ve decided that aesthetically it should be a gradient between hard sci-fi and medieval fantasy (with renaissance in between like an unholy concoction)

I’ve been reading medieval bestiaries and a part of it depresses me because they had such whimsy. That the sweet breath of panthers kept away dragons (nature’s biggest gay asshole that would swing on everyone) and I just don’t see that anymore

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1 year ago

Thorin: I can't believe it, I've been a pedophile for all this time and I didn't even know it...

Balin: What do you mean? What happened?

Bilbo: *sigh* He found out I'm 50

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1 year ago

X: Oh no, there is this enormous problem in Middle Earth, how will we ever be able to solve it?

Gandalf: I know how we can solve it

Everyone: No

Gandalf: Yes

Everyone: No

Gandalf: Yes

Everyone: No please GanDALF NO-

Gandalf: HOBBITS

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