The Drekol Language, Hedezhoop, Which Has A Word Order Of SVO, This Is The More Popular And Older Writing

the drekol language, hedezhoop, which has a word order of SVO, this is the more popular and older writing script, heteziform, a precontact script written on clay tablets with shards of potriphytes and pieces of molted exoskeleton, which alternates from left to right and right to left depending on the line in a sentence/paragraph, written in this example are "drekol" and "hedezhoop"
[zhutaform script]
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an ap named ma-ch, a struggling botonist who makes a living as a night guard in a store on the middle ring colony of which they make their residence, they spend most of their down time video calling their partner ◖kru

vulperhynchus, more commonly called a shrub hider, are small generalist seelenlos which eat pretty much anything they come across, though usually stick around the colonies of cube bushes and eat the moss and ostoexoapo they find upon them, they have been known to hunt, hiding on the edge of the bush colonies and jumping out at young or small ostomesa and running deeper into the bush colonies and actually taking down their prey fully and eating it, during famines in their cube bush colonies they have been known to graze and eat other sedereamischos, they find mates by travelling to various bush colonies and chirping in hopes for a recipient, they will then do dances and try to match each other, the first to falter will become the oviparent, which would then seek out a small bush colony and lay their eggs while systematically protecting and expanding the bush colony to provide themselves and their future young with more food, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask i am more than willing to answer

the drekol language, hedezhoop, which has a word order of SVO, this is the less popular and younger writing script, zhutaform, a postcontact script in progress of being standardized by the ◗ta empress, it is primarily written on paper and digitally, similarly to ewar it writes top-down but unlike ewar it writes left-right, written in this example are “drekol” and “hedezhoop”
[heteziform script]

a handful of the nocturnal skeletons of the ngiu◗ite steppes
![A [simplistic] Map Of The Planet That Ma-ch And Pedal Live On, It Orbits A G-type Star Similar To Earth](
a [simplistic] map of the planet that ma-ch and pedal live on, it orbits a g-type star similar to earth though it orbits at 0.99 au], it has a population of 7% ◗ta, 78% drekol, and 15% ap, it has one of the highest populations of offplanet ap, it was colonized by a team of primarily ap colonizers meaning a large portion of its ocean is colonized as well, though due to the inability of ap to form their own independent population on a planet other than their home planet the colonization was abandoned by the ap colonizers and taken over by a team of primarily drekol colonizers who filled the continents with buildings and farms for its inhabitants, unfortunately a vast majority of the planets native life was lost during the colonization, leaving small hardy generalists and small resilient flora which are still in the process of diversification