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fortipelta, more commonly called a flightless uking, are moderately sized hardy ostoexoapo, these generalists riddle the maschoran desert and are found even in adjacent areas, due to their hardiness they have become quite the pest in ◗ta settlements, they use their vestigial wings as a form of threat and sexual display, they are the only known ostoexoapo on maschora to perform ovoviviparity holding their eggs in till they hatch and then birthing a large clutch of hatched fortipelta, they usually “lay” their young inside a plant or corpse so they have a large supply of food and resistance to the oppressive heat and dryness of their environment until they mature, they have become a common food item on many colonies in the ◗ta empire due to their ability to thrive in almost any environment, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask i am more than happy to answer

radiciverm, more commonly called a desert worm, are small ostoexoapo which riddle the roots of the sedereamischos in the maschoran deserts, they usually target pachyrodiciphytes due to the nutrient rich tubers which they usually cut off and lay their eggs within so their young can be sheltered from the elements before they mature as well as have a good meal, their forelimbs are shaped like shovels and they use them to help dig between and within root systems, their eyes are small and generally undeveloped being only really capable of seeing distinction in light levels and movement and not much else, which can be a death sentence if they ever end up on the surface, ◗ta farmers in the maschoran deserts have widely considered radiciverm as pests due to them wrecking the tubers and roots of the sedereamischos they farm, though some farmers specifically try to farm said ostoexoapo as a form of food on their own, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

a group of the diurnal skeletons of the maschoran forests

cheirodromeous, more commonly called a thickcoated sprinter, are large centauroid with a thick coat of archeina, similar to their relatives on the fungal steppe, the frilled rakers, they can produce a green translucent milk like substance from specialized glands on their palms, called galakeir, which they feed to their young, they tend to wander in small packs comprising 3-8 adults and about 18-21 chicks, however they can usually get along by themselves, do to their thick coat and galakeir, ◗ta farmers have domesticated them many times, in a similar way that human farmers have domesticated wild mustard into many different crops, there are domesticated cheirodromeous with thicker more evenly distributed coats as opposed to their wild counterparts, as well as ones which produce more galakeir than their wild counterparts, as well as ones specifically bred for hunting and the rare one bred for meat, they were presumably quite the hassle to domesticate due to their speed, stealth, and agility, if you have any questions about this ostomesa please dont be worried to answer im more than happy to answer

microsomaderes, more commonly called a small fleshhoof, are some of the largest seelenlos in the maschoran forests but also the smallest fleshhooves on ngiu◗, theyre generally solitary but arent particularly territorial, when they mate they usually only lay one or two eggs, and are fiercely protective oviparents, willing to get into fights with packs of lycoperiergo and cheirodromeous, and will even attack much smaller organisms that wouldnt attack them, microsomaderes are obligate folivores and prefer pseudokladi though they will eat most leaves without much issue, however usually microsomaderes kits are usually the ones eating the smaller plants, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

sagittaetos, more commonly called a roseheaded stork, these ostomesa spend most of their time in and around bodies of ammonia waiting for an ichthyongui to swim past them, their beaks are serrated to help them get a better grip on their prey, their bodies are countershaded to look like the foliage in the forest canopy, their heads and undersides of their necks are used for display, the light rose colour giving then their name, they usually lay a clutch of 4 eggs, which once hatched, the oviparent will be fiercely protective of, usually carrying their pups on their back while they go from bodies of ammonia, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

lycoperiergo, more commonly called a longfaced snapper, are forest dwelling relatives of pouched snappers of the steppes, they are commonly found in groups of 3-5 called kettles, they are some of the few ovoviviparious ostomesa on maschora, internalizing their eggs until they hatch and giving birth to chicks directly, they are primarily carnivorous but will opportunistically eat plants, similar to their steppebound relatives they use a tuft of colourful archeina as a display feature, for both disputes between kettles as well as internal mating disputes, they usually have a clutch of 6-8 chicks, which once reaching maturity leave the kettle, their bottom jaws have specialized teeth which keep their prey in their mouths, these fangs are also constantly growing similar to the teeth of telluric rodents, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask i am more than happy to answer

alcesiceratus, more commonly called a giant stabber, are large solitary seelenlos, which feed on the plants that litter the forest floor, they are the second largest seelenlos in the maschoran forest, and use their horns primarily during intraspecies conflict and mating displays, though if threatened by a large enough flock of predatory seelenlos they will use them as weaponry for self defense, they are also highly territorial and will usually fight other alcesiceratus in their territory unless they wish to mate, but if the other alcesiceratus doesn’t wish to mate it will usually end in a fight, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

a handful of the nocturnal skeletons of the maschoran forests
what do ◗ta look like with their wings stretched out? (I really like these guys)

They look like this! Though I am planning on redesigning them so their wings are noticeably this large while at rest, but before that i still need to learn how to do art better, thank you for the ask!! ^^

nemaursus, more commonly called a redtailed mouse, are arboreal seelenlos which lack the tapetum lucidum typical of most nihlimus, most likely due to its close relation to diamus, they climb around on the pseudokladi which create a canopy alongside smaller trees, nemaurus primarily eat eggs and ostoexoapo, though they will oppertunistically scavenge, their feet have small claws which help them keep a grip on the branches they walk on, due to their lack of tapetum lucidum they generally tend to be crepuscular and have highly reactive klariech compared to other nihlimus, they use their tails to keep themselves steady while sleeping in the canopy, as well as for display during mating rituals, though the red colouration makes them an easier target for predators, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

smilodactyl, more commonly called a scittering snouter, are small fox like seelenlos which are the closest living relative of the grabbing snouters on the fungal steppes, these grothiabates cling to the trunks of trees or burrow into the ground during the day to rest, sleeping on the trunk of a tree leaves them pretty out in the open for any carnivore which wants to eat them, theyve evolved to be almost the exact colour of the trunks they cling too, their hands are covered in small thin hooks of brachodas which they use for gripping and also defense under specific circumstances, if you have any questions about this organism please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

psittacocheri, more commonly called a fern grazer, are dexterous seelenlos, they commonly eat seed ferns and unintentionally spread their bur like seeds, they are capable of arboreality and use that skill to avoid predation, they will stay with their mate until their kits are grown and then will move on, however unlike most terrestrial ostomesa with a similar lifestyle psittacocheri parents will fertilize their mates eggs as well as lay their own, psittacocheri kits will hold onto their parents backs when theyre young and when they get older its only to traverse rough terrain or to avoid predation, they usually build nests at the bases of trees and if they cant defend that nest they will hold their eggs and climb up said trees and hope the predator leaves, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

cynomimus, more commonly called a skittish stalker, are small nocturnal ostomesa, they wander the maschoran forests at nighttime, and will scavenge on corpses they find, and will even attack sleeping prey if they are confident enough or desperate enough, they are highly territorial towards other cynomimids, however are very jumpy in regards to other ostomesa, they have been noted to follow ostomesa to their nests and then eat their eggs and young, theyve also been known to prey on small seelenlos, theyve widely been considered pests by the ◗ta due to their opportunistic nature, as well as them being quite intuitive, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

monocanthakrossos, more commonly called a stripetailed frill, are small seelenlos which riddle the maschoran forest, they have a unique trait in their distal digits on their forelimbs have an odd amount of flexibility being near opposable, their frill, like other members of their clade, is covered in tuberculate scales derived from suppressed archeina, they are very social organisms and use their tails to help communicate with each other, their diet is primarily composed of seeds and ostoexoapo, though they will opportunistically scavenge on corpses and fruits if they find them, they use their frill as a threat display alongside their oddly long fangs, unlike most members of their clade they dont use their frill for sexual display, instead using the stripes on their tail, monocanthakrossos chicks wont have these distinctive stripes instead having solid coloured tails or speckled tails, if you have any questions about this frilled seelenlos

pterolestes, more commonly called a wreath grazer, are flying seelenlos which are considered quite a pest among ◗ta settlements near and inside maschoran forests, due to their cocky nature and frequent theft, though they are less of a problem than telluric seagulls or pigeons due to them ranging from nocturnal to crepuscular, though a more modern trend for pterolestes is being cathemeral, pterolestes will usually build their nests near large patches of prygoanthids due to them being their primary food source, during hard times they will resort to eating its tubers and flowers, however they usually just settle for the nectar and fruit of the sedereamischos, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

pseudokladi, more commonly called a bifurcated branches, are parasitic sedereamischos which build themselves around the trunks of the trees of maschoras forests, they also put their hardy seeds into the fruits and nuts of the trees they attach themselves too, due to the nature of most trees in the maschoran forest, pseudokladi act as the branches that make up the canopy in these forests, when they first grow they are a small hardy piece of moss with roots that will search for the nearest tree, usually when they find the tree they will make a small spur of moss near the base of the tree and then absorb the roots they produce from their starting point and move towards the tree and start building up the tree and branching out with leaves and such, if you have any questions please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

chartipteris, more commonly called a seed fern, are sedereamischos which superficially resemble telluric ferns, they grow seeds off the base of their stem and slowly push them up as they develop, eventually growing into small burr like structures which latch onto the seelenlos which eat them and allows them to spread fast, their closest living relatives the mountain dwelling herbanumquam, though relying primarily on the burrs for reproduction their seeds if undisturbed enough will form into a durable shell surrounding the seed creating a nut like structure which will be eaten by herbivorous seelenlos and passed through their digestive system to a newer location, if you have any questions please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

pyrgoanthus, more commonly called a village flower, are odd sedereamischos which fill the clearings of the maschoran forests, they photosynthetic tower converged on the wreath on a drekols tail, the flowers surrounding the tower cannot survive without being connected to the root system of a pyrgoanthus due to the lack of photosynthetic cells, the “petals” of pyrgoanthid flowers are a tough stiff material, presumably derived from the wood that makes them up, the leaf on the top of the tower is surrounded with small pores releasing a constant flurry of spores which are designed to glide for kilometres until they interact with another pyrgoanthid which they will then absorb the genetic material and impliment it into their fruit that they reproduce once they have enough resources and gamates, the leaf on the top of their tower will slowly grow into a bright red fruit, if you have any questions about this sedereamischos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer

xyloendodendron, more commonly called tree fuzz, are small minimalistic parasitic sedereamischos, they will cover the trunks of the trees and can reproduce in two ways, either through budding, or through latching their moss filaments onto arboreal seelenlos which will eventually fall off onto a new spot in the maschoran forest and grow into a new xyloendodendron, they can get out of hand rather fast when a tree is young or dying, being able to cover an entire tree over the span of a year if uninterrupted, their roots absorb nutrients from the trees trunk and let them last without photosynthetic material for several days even when fully mature, if you have any questions about this seelenlos please dont be afraid to ask im more than happy to answer