Ta - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

I’m sure you’ve answered this one before, but what do you personally consider to be the single most convincing piece of mclennon evidence and why?

goddddd this is tough bc for me it's all of them mixed together that makes me dead certain

but I'll narrow it to three bc ik lyrics as evidence piss people off so my first two answers are going to be Brushed Off

but genuinely the most convincing to me is "this one" by paul. like the fact that he literally says it's about john and regrets re john and then the lyrics are

Im Sure Youve Answered This One Before, But What Do You Personally Consider To Be The Single Most Convincing
Im Sure Youve Answered This One Before, But What Do You Personally Consider To Be The Single Most Convincing
Im Sure Youve Answered This One Before, But What Do You Personally Consider To Be The Single Most Convincing

like I genuinely cannot think of an explanation for this song being about john than him having been in love with him. like literally can't think of a single thing that could make these lyrics platonic it's literally the most blatant thing he's EVER done

but people haaaaaate lyrics proof bc they'll say paul is a narrative writer and it's not literal (even though he Literally said it's about john lmfao)

so I'll move to John Lyric Proof that is so blatantly referencing paul and them having had a romantic thing going on but. the real life demo. the linked post goes into it, but it's so fucking obvious it hurts my heart for him. in it, he says: "was I just dreaming or was it only yesterday? I used to hold you in my arms. and now a baby, and another on the way. la la la la la farm." which can be about literally no one but paul unless john was having some never heard of before affair with linda. paul was expecting another child & lived on a farm, and right before that john had made a reference to him and linda taking a cruise. and he's crying in this demo. but "I used to hold you in my arms" is the like #1 thing that convinced me that they Had some kind of physical relationship bc the rest of the song is very literal so there's no reason he'd be making only one lyric up

BUT LYRICS ASIDE BC THEY MAKE PEOPLE MAD. my #1 non-lyric evidence has gotta be handed to paul's "if I were a girl, maybe I could go out and..." quote lmao like to me there's just 0 non-romantic interpretation of that one. he's just blatantly saying if he were a woman, he'd let himself feel obviously romantically spurned by john leaving for yoko and he could get him to come back. but he can't, because he's a man. it really doesn't get more obvious than that to me

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6 months ago
Cada Coisa Que Tem Nisso

Cada coisa que tem nisso

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6 months ago

Obrigada mãe por ter me feito começar t.a com 7 anos 😛

(Não odeio minha mãe, na verdade, se não fosse ela, eu estaria mais gorda do que agora)

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6 months ago

Quando eu chegar em casa eu quero me entupir de comida, vomitar tudo depois e chorar muito

(Estou na escola) e em crise

Não aguento mais


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6 months ago

Boa noite manas com t.a

A melhor hora do dia é a de dormir

Sem fome


Acordar desinchada




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5 months ago
Ainda Quer Quebrar O Nf? Haha

Ainda quer quebrar o nf? Haha

Coma que nem uma balofa, aja que nem uma balofa e seja uma


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5 months ago

Odeio quando as pessoas criticam minhas inspos

"Você quer ser sem bunda, sem peito e sem coxas? Os homens não gostam!"

Homem? Eu quero que homem se foda, se homem gosta de balofa o problema não é meu.

Quero ser magra, fininha, delicada e feminina

E o mais importante


Quero ser inspo de alguma ana e não "bonita na visão masculina"

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5 months ago
Quer Me Assustar No Halloween?

Quer me assustar no halloween?


Se fantasie de calorias

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5 months ago

Gente, minha família comprou lanches aqui em casa (big mac) E ELES ME OBRIGARAM A COMER SO PQ “foi caro”

Eu comi 1 big mac e dps um pouco de coca zero

Depois de tudo eu tomei MUITA água e fui pro banheiro, liguei a torneira e brinquei com os dedos na minha garganta, eu achei que seria atoa, que eu n ia conseguir miar.. MAS EU CONSEGUI PORRA! fiquei MUITO tempo sem tentar ou conseguir miar, mas hoje eu consegui e eu miei uns 4 minutos dps de comer o lanche

Enfim, viva a mia!

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5 months ago

Gente, então eu tenho um perfil privado so para amigos no meu instagram, e nesse perfil esta o menino que eu gosto

Eu comprei um vestido hoje no shopping e postei nos stories dessa conta

Eu e esse menino estávamos conversando MUITO, mas dps que ele viu a foto que eu postei (o vestido no meu corpo) slaa, parece que o assunto acabou na hora🤡 enfim, estou tão toiça que nem ele me quer

Pior que eu não sei se isso é coisa da minha cabeça, mas se for, que continue assim, é mais uma motivação para emagrecer.

Gente, Ento Eu Tenho Um Perfil Privado So Para Amigos No Meu Instagram, E Nesse Perfil Esta O Menino

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4 months ago

Medo, mass esse é meu rosto galera

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4 months ago

Gente, eu não se se acontece só comigo, mas tem vezes que eu fico sem ideias de comida (pouca caloria), aconselho a vcs a terem uma pasta no pinterest so com ideias de comidas assim, ajuda muito! E o mais importante, romantize o t.a, romantiza a ana, romantize a mia.

Romantize comer pouco

Romantize comer limpo

Romantize ser magra.

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4 months ago
Beba Mais Gua

Beba mais água

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4 months ago
Dont Eat

Don’t eat

Você sabe que garotas bonitas não comem.. e se comem, é bem pouquinho e limpo


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4 months ago
Eu Preciso Perder Peso

Eu preciso perder peso

Eu preciso perder peso

Eu preciso perder peso.

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4 months ago
Pense Bem.. Vai Mesmo Comer Aquilo?

Pense bem.. vai mesmo comer aquilo?

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9 years ago


I posted this on dA but I thought hey why not tumblr too? XD Can’t tell you who this person is, but she’s a character of mine who... exists... yeah XD; She’s a character from a costory I write with a friend but I cannot say who she isss because she’s technically spoiler. But I wanted to post this anywayy so I just won’t say who she is yeah. XD; Anyways. So yeah. have an art. The full story of how this art came to be can be found here: http://kazeharuhime.deviantart.com/art/Princess-534894885

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8 years ago
*breathes In* Boi. How Do I Explain This One. Okay So, I Was Doing Rozzers Color Scheme Challengefrom
*breathes In* Boi. How Do I Explain This One. Okay So, I Was Doing Rozzers Color Scheme Challengefrom

*breathes in* Boi. How do I explain this one. Okay so, I was doing Rozzer’s Color Scheme challenge from dA and I made two versions of the top right color scheme. I really didn’t like the colors on this one though, so I decided to mess with it more on my own. The first picture is I saved all my screenshots from working on it into a sort of... collage thing XD; And the last one is the standalone final project, featured in the middle. Now, what is this? Well, it’s my OTP sharing a pocky because I could NOT get the idea out of my head after discovering the song Lost by Donkeyboy (so addicted to this song) that the picture was TOTALLY them sharing a pocky together. Even though it’s 100% out of character I think my girl there would only do this if she was heavily under the influence or something but that DOESN’T MEAN I CAN’T DREAM ABOUT THIS KIND OF SITUATION. It just. Hngh something about the idea of sharing a pocky together really appeals to me. Maybe ever since I was introduced to the idea in the Daa! Daa! Daa! manga, it never really left my head. I DON’T KNOW IT’S CUTE! ...Now who are these characters? Well, they’re from a book called Torn Apart. That’s about the only thing I can tell you, because they’re super spoiler! XD Collab book with my friend, CC. The guy is her character who I violently commandeered to draw this fluff for. I basically adopted him tho he’s like my son. *frequently commandeers him for art fuff it’s a thing* But uh anyways... so that’s that! XD enjoy this rando OOC fluff~ (that you won’t understand because you haven’t read the book because it’s not out yet but I digress. if you’re a few people though you might know who these chars are, just maybe... also if you know them don’t name in them in the comments, thanks)

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