spenceraliah - Stargirl

Random things I do

20 posts

Spenceraliah - Stargirl - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

I thought the song “favorite crime” by olivia rodrigo best described the relationship between rin and altan until i actually finished the book and realized it fitted the relationship between altan and the phoenix the best 😭

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2 years ago
One Of The Best Songs I Know!

One of the best songs I know!

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2 years ago
The Rock?

The Rock?

why are *black turtlenecks so-

2 years ago
spenceraliah - Stargirl
spenceraliah - Stargirl
2 years ago

The obvious future

Name Donna Tartt's next novel. Wrong answer only

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2 years ago

I totally see your point now. Now that you mention it, the amoeba scene did come off as more bully-like than actually a helpful comment.

I Totally See Your Point Now. Now That You Mention It, The Amoeba Scene Did Come Off As More Bully-like

me explaining to my mom how despite having only best intentions keating totally was not good for todd


my mom who just asked how my day has been

2 years ago

Explain, please!! <3

me explaining to my mom how despite having only best intentions keating totally was not good for todd


my mom who just asked how my day has been

3 years ago

oh, i thought you were saying the murder is the big thing or literally todd trying to go home as fast as he can (jaywalking). probably after an awkward interaction at a cafe.

dps as illegal things they’d do

neil: forgery (but thats canon)

charlie: graffiti (he’s cool like that)

pitts: stealing (but probably on accident)

meeks: trespassing (but like on purpose)

cameron: trespassing (but like on accident)

knox: stalking (but thats canon)

todd: murder or jaywalking

3 years ago

@aedan-mills pepper is now making me wonder would anderperry have a dog or a cat? A picture of my dog for reference, maybe?

Edit: now I'm thinking a bigger dog would be more their style??

@aedan-mills Pepper Is Now Making Me Wonder Would Anderperry Have A Dog Or A Cat? A Picture Of My Dog

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3 years ago

#Flashback to the very first night in question and it’s just me crying

wow a wild (happy) dps edit appeared!

3 years ago
I Will Never Get Over The Scene In Dead Poets Society Where Charlie Brings The Girls In, And All The

I will never get over the scene in dead poets society where Charlie brings the girls in, and all the boys are so confused because they all know that they are gay and only Charlie is bi.

#dps #deadpoetssociety

3 years ago

#keeping me sad #Kendrick Lamar more like Phoebe Bridgers

hey besties don’t you think that there’s so much irony in todd and neil’s love for each other being the thing that frees todd and opens him up

and then later its that same love that suffocates him and drags him down with the what ifs

and todd would lay in his now empty dorm cursing neil’s name for loving todd so furiously, so gently and then ripping it all away and leaving todd behind with tatters of what he was with neil and nothing of what he had been before

because how dare neil come in and take everything todd had to offer to become everything todd had and then just leave and todd hates him so much

hates him with every tear and hopeless sob

hates him for every pitiful look aimed at his direction

hates him for every hug his friends give as they desperately try and put him together

but fuck he doesnt

he can never hate neil

even if neil took everything that todd had when he took his life

even if all that theres left of todd is just a shell waiting around to join neil

oh the irony of neil’s love bringing him to life and then killing him


@tuskofthyme @flustered-flux @fumbleface @plagg-wants-cheese @thereallordalfreddouglas @nocturnalnewsiestrash @finding-an-angle @justarandompjofan @theluminoussunflower @sweatytootheddeadpoet @impressedcauliflower @maisietheweltoncow @chaotic-coexistence @marsbernn @quartz-forest @poetofthedyingstars @aaronhoetchner @emilythefern @aedan-mills @flyingdesksets @crumbly-apple-pie @sapphicnoel @meekish-behavior @boy-wonder-oncologist-fan @ilovehimbos @regina-della-poesia @queen-of-bohemia @moose-blogs @whisper-my-serenade @berrythenewsie

3 years ago

@inahallucination I immediately thought about your bubble icon for Todd

spenceraliah - Stargirl
3 years ago

Maybe he should impress him with his painting skills. The lightning bolt was pretty good.

Himbo Charlie x Indifferent Todd

Charlie always trying to impress Todd ala Johnny Bravo Style; flexing how much he knew about poetry and always smirking/smoldering at Todd (like how he did with Gloria and Tina) except Todd isn't into the direct approach and doesn't understand why Charlie is telling him a bunch of poems when he could be saving it for some girls the knew.

Charlie, looking deep into Todd's eyes: "She walks in beauty, like the night/ Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright /Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light/ Which heaven to gaudy day denies."

Todd: "Isn't this a Byron poem Mr. Keating taught us?"

Charlie, verge of tears: "Uhhh yeah--"

4 years ago
Cheese Decisions Are The Hardest Decisions!

Cheese decisions are the hardest decisions!😝🧀

4 years ago
This Was When It Snowed A Couple Weeks Ago.

This was when it snowed a couple weeks ago.🌨

4 years ago
I Didnt Even Know These Existed
I Didnt Even Know These Existed

I didn’t even know these existed 😳

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4 years ago
I Did A Cute Puzzle

I did a cute puzzle 🧩

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4 years ago
I Made A Cake For Easter With My Family

I made a cake for Easter with my family

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5 years ago

Hi, guess what it is
