Pairing: Egon Spengler x Reader
Warnings: snooping, messy feelings? confusion.
Small A/n~ This is somewhat based off of one of my favorite songs, called devotion by Tirzah. I hope you enjoy reading, if there are any mistakes or if you have any tips on how to make things better pls let me know! This is also a bit (alot) OOC so there's that :/

Thursday afternoon, and the guys were out on a bust, and Y/n was stuck at headquarters, specifically the lab. The things she had been researching left her desk looking a little messy. Y/n often shared the lab with Egon since they were both quiet and kept to themselves. They had a bond that didn't need talking, or being all touchy with each other, just a few looks and that was all understood between the two. Y/n decided to take a break, grabbing her journal and a pen, deciding to write about how her day was going since she hadn't done that quite yet.
Y/n sat at her desk, writing her heart out and minding her business when Janine called her from downstairs. Unsure of what Janine said, she rushed down, accidentally leaving her journal on Egon's desk.
"Yes Janine? What can I help you with?" Y/n asked, stepping off of the steps before walking over to Janine's desk
"So, I would normally go on a bust with the guys if one of them gets hurt badly, but I have too much to organize at the moment and I really need you to go for me, would you please do this for me Y/n? I will pay you back, I promise." Janine pleaded, clasping her hands together as she gave Y/n her puppy eyes. And they always, always worked on Y/n.
"Of course, Janine. Where did the guys say this bust was?" Y/n asked Janine once again, grabbing a pen and paper to write down the address. After Janine had told her the address, Y/n hurried into her suit before rushing over to the location the boys were at.
When she arrived, verything looked a mess and she snuck to where she heard the most commotion. Three ghosts were cornering each one of the boys, Winston being the only one who was free, but even then he was outnumbered, and couldn't do much. None of them had seen Y/n yet, and she sort of took advantage of this. She thought up a small plan as she grabbed her walkie-talkie, hiding behind a wall as she kept an eye on everything.
“Hey guys? Can you hear me?” Y/n asked through through the walkie talkie, the boys looking around to see if they could spot her, and she took that as a yes. “Ok look, Don't reach for your walkie-talkies, otherwise you'll get slimed and we really don't need that. Try to get them to the middle since you guys are sort of in a circle already.I sort of have a trap ready I just need you guys to get them to the middl-”
Her voice was cut off as another ghost came around the corner tossing her to the middle instead, causing her to land on her arm,breaking it.
“Y/N!" The guys yelled out, going to crouch around her as the ghosts 'laughed' and technically floated away. Y/n didn't look at her arm, knowing it would freak her out even more than she is. “Could this job be finished later, I need to go to the hospital. Now.” She said, keeping her voice steady and her eyes closed as she didn't even want to see the panicked faces of the boys.
“Y/n darling, we can get you to the hospital, although two or three of us will need to stay behind, is that alright?” Venkman practically asked, and the girl simply nodded as she wanted to get out of there quickly before any of the ghosts came back.
“Goodluck guys” Y/n said, Egon helping her get into the Ecto 1. He'd have to bring it back once Y/n was safely in the hospital and was casted up.
As Egon rushed Y/n to the hospital, she couldn't help but stare at her very limp arm that seemed like it was going the wrong way, sort of like she lost a game of arm wrestling with a bodybuilder.
“Y/n, Do you have to stare at your arm like it's a foreign object?” Egon grimaced as he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. She simply nodded, still shocked about her broken arm.
{kinda gonna do a time skip cause I don't wanna write all about being in the hospital.}
Once Y/n was situated in the hospital and getting casted up, and Egon had left Ecto-1 back with the others, he sat up in his lab, studying some photos that Y/n was looking at hours before, trying to categorize them. He remembered he didn't have his journal, spotting his journal open but faced down on his desk. He picked it up, confused as to why his journal was open, but he didn't think all too much of it. Egon read over the page it was opened on, the familiar handwriting made him realize it wasn't his.
Part of Egon wanted to pull away, and put the journal away, back on Y/n's desk where it belonged. But he couldn't, his eyes skimming over the page as he reread his name in her journal over and over again.
He then began to read everything else in that page, somewhat against his own will, the other part wanting to know what the girl had been writing about him.
“I just want your attention; I just want you to listen. I just want to explain things. I'm not looking for reactions, or acceptance. You can come to me with honesty, and tenderness. I want candlelight and romantic notion. I want your hands around me and understanding.
I wish you would come to me with those charms, those eyes, I'll even come to you with all my heart. I won't make it hard for you to see...”
Egon saw the words 'how much I love you' were erased, causing him to bite his lip in nervousness, something he quite rarely did.
“I just want you to be true to me, I need all your attention. Sometimes I think that's all I need... But most of all I want your comfort for me.
Yeah, I want your arms, your kisses, your devotion...”
As Egon finished reading through the page, he sighed softly, having to take it all in. Egon sat by his desk, journal still in hand as he thought, still not believing that someone like Y/n would be interested in someone like him. Quiet, introverted, A geek?.. He thought to himself, remembering all the times that Y/n has brought him his coffee and sweets in the morning, always helping him with experiments or just watching when he didn't need help (which was rare). She was the one who always woke him to get into bed, even convincing him to get more sleep when he'd fall asleep in the lab.
Now what surprised him was how none of the other's noticed, cause He or Y/n were never getting teased. He was happy for that, but he wondered how Y/n was able to make not so obvious. He was thinking too much, placing the girls journal back on her desk before he went to lay in the bed that was in the lab, sleeping throughout the night for once.
The next day, Y/n was back at the firehouse, walking in with Janine, whom Y/n had called once she was okay to go home. She didn't want to worry the boys beforehand. Once Janine and Y/n were on their way from the hospital, Janine asked Y/n all sorts of questions, like what's it like having a broken arm, if they had to do surgery for it, if it was as bad as it looked, things like that. Y/n simply rolled her eyes and laughed. “Nin, all that matters is that I'm alright. Though, no more busts until I'm fully healed.” Those words made Janine shake her head.
“I'm really sorry about that Y/n, I should've gone, I could've finished-”
“Janine, don't worry about it hun, as I said, all that matters is that me and everyone else is alright, including you. Okay?" Y/n said, placing her hand on Janine's thigh, giving her some form of reassurance.
Once they got to headquarters, Y/n rushed inside, quietly though. She snuck up the stairs to the dining area, seeing if anyone was awake and of course, Egon was wide awake, making himself a cup of coffee. That had been something he hadn't done in a while, since Y/n was doing it for him always. He had his back turned to the girl, allowing her to come up and carefully pat his shoulder, trying not to scare him, failing miserably as he jumped slightly, a yelp escaping his lips as he turned to see Y/n who he somehow frightened from his own reaction.
Once he recognized her, he hugged her tightly, slightly lifting her off her feet, happy that she was finally home. “You're home, You're finally home” He mumbled into her shoulder. “Egie. Can't. Breathe.” The girl struggled, finally feeling her feet back on the floor. “Sorry..” Egon murmured, making the girl smile to herself.
“Could we go to the lab? I dont want the others to know you're here yet” Egon said, slightly pulling the girl by her unbroken arm, taking her by surprise. Once they were both in the lab, Egon locked the door, in case anyone tried to come in.
“Egie, Is everything okay?” Y/n asked, sort of sitting on her desk. She had become sort of worried since Egon was now quiet.
“Y-Yeah, I'm Alright. I just wanted to talk to you about something, and I really hope you dont become upset with me or anything... Especially because it was an accident...” The scientist rambled on, stopping as Y/n had stepped up to hold his hand, often doing it when he would ramble on about nonsense. “What is it?” Y/n asked, tilting her head a bit. This little action made Egon clear his throat a bit before he spoke, slightly pushing Y/n against his desk, mainly for her to sit or rest against it. He didn't know how she would react to him reading her journal, her written confessions about him.
“This is a little out of the blue, but... Do you by any chance like me?...” Egon asked, closing his eyes in fear of rejection. “Egie, where is this coming from?”
“Please, just answer me Y/n, I just want to hear the answer” He urged, feeling anxious all of a sudden.
“Yes E, of course I do. But, why this question out of nowhere?” Y/n questioned, her face contorting with confusion. A face that Egon saw everytime an experiment didn't her way, or when she didn't get the results expected. “Please don't be mad, I accidentally read your journal. I confused it for mine, I should have stopped reading it when I realized it was yours. I now know how you feel, and I feel horrible because I invaded your priva-” He was cut off by Y/n placing a small kiss on his cheek.
"E, I'm not upset, I understand. Shit happens. I just wish, this kinda happened under different circumstances y'know?” Y/n said, laughing a bit to herself. She sighed softly as she stood, now almost at eye-level with Spengler.
Egon on the other hand, felt relieved that Y/n wasn't mad at him for reading her journal, still feeling somewhat horrible.
“I might just have to hide that bad boy somewhere” Y/n chuckled to herself, looking down at the closed journal on her desk before back at Egon.
“Now, I know it's always the guy asking this, but dinner? Maybe tomorrow night? If you aren't out busting ghosts?” Y/n asked, being somewhat shy about it. This caught Egon by surprise. Sure he hadn't been on any dates because he was either stood up or the other flat out didn't like him back. Realizing he was taking a bit long to respond, he simply nodded.
“Of course, I'd love that.” Egon said, his voice still somehow stern, like it always was. On the inside, his stomach was doing flips because of how happy he was.
“Y/n, can we stay here, and not do anything today? Maybe even cuddle? if that's what you call it?...” Egon asked after a bit, making Y/n smile and nod. “Sure, I just hope this isn't interrupted at all.” She chuckled softly, pulling Egon to the small bed.
As they both laid in the bed, Egon seemed nervous to touch Y/n, almost as if she was made of glass. “You can hold me y'know... I'm not gonna break... anymore” Y/n whispered into the silence.
“it's just, you really had me scared out there Y/n, I didn't know if anything bad had happened to you in the hospital.. I was so scared”
“I'm sorry Egie, I didn't mean to scare you” Y/n murmured, holding Egon's hand with her free one.
“The good thing is, is that you're okay now, and if you don't mind, after all of this, I can run some experiments on you?” Egon quirked, causing Y/n to laugh quietly as he pulled her in closer.
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
(A/N)I'm finished writing this!!! I really didn't know how to end this but I did it. After so long, I finally wrote something, I feel proud of. And first writings aren't always the best but that means that there's room to improve on it all!
I hope you all enjoyed this, I know I did. And yes this is very very long, with my imagination, it would've been much longer but I managed to keep it as long as it is. Thanks for reading my darlings!
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More Posts from Spenglerssweetheart

EDDIE MUNSON. Stranger Things 4, Vol. I.

(via hk1x2huf1k191.jpg (JPEG Image, 828 × 972 pixels))
no cause same

Stripes, 1981 dir. Ivan Reitman
Trans lives matter
Trans voices matter
Fuck anyone that says different
the way I'm so down terrible for this man omg
Welcome to Hawkins (2/?)
Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Rating: SFW (no lemon)
Includes: Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe where Eddie & reader are around 24 (it’s still 1986 though) and Eddie isn’t from Hawkins, Fake/pretend relationship, begging to go along with a crazy plan, best friends, the proposal AU (loosely based!), best friends kissing
Word Count: 914
MasterList Link I AO3 Link I Wattpad Link
Summary: When you slip up and tell your mom you’d be bringing your “serious boyfriend” home for your week-long family reunion, who else would you turn to but your best friend, Eddie?
AU that’s loosely based on “the proposal” (aka I rewatched and am obsessed w Eddie Munson rn) Eddie is NOT from Hawkins in this fic!
Disclaimer: I do not own Eddie Munson or the Stranger Things universe. This work has not been created for profit or financial compensation, and is a transformative fair use work in accordance with Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act.
Notes: Thank you so much for the comments, likes, and reblogs! I know I’m not as exciting as the lovely people who write smut (I love them toooo) but I hope you like this story <3 (BC I really like it :))
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