spookyscarycreepydollgirl - A Lurker Account
A Lurker Account

Do not touch the lurker, do not look at the lurker, it does not like knowing it has been seen. It would remain anonymous if it could.

241 posts

When A Pred Whose Been Waiting To Get A Specific Prey Breathes Out Finally In A Voice That Has So Much

When a pred whose been waiting to get a specific prey breathes out “Finally” in a voice that has so much tenderness it’s hard to reconcile the fact the pred intends to devour the being they have pinned beneath them.

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More Posts from Spookyscarycreepydollgirl

You know like the princess is as drawn to the dragon as the dragon is the princess. Or a girl in a red hood steps off the forest path hand in hand with the wolf hoping for the version of the story where the woodsman does not feature. Could be seen as a big shocking tragedy when people give in, or just another day at the office if the society of the fairy tale world actively worships or agrees with the cycle, but it could also be seen as something no one wants to acknowledge like in a supposedly “post-destiny” world: yes fairy tale characters occasionally succumb to their original nature but if they acknowledge that they’d acknowledge that they never defied destiny just slowed it down and that’s a terrifying thought for people with particularly bloody destinies.

Vore where it’s like a destined thing, like how in some fairy tale settings the tales themselves are cyclical and play out again and again. Especially if the pred and prey fight it but end up succumbing. But could also be a case of being drawn to the pull of the “story” despite the fact the modern fairy tale world tries to avoid it.

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I have come to the conclusion that a demon apocalypse is kinda the same as a zombie apocalypse in that populated areas are a bad place to be. Thinking about Drevan and Ava from the no context dialogue entry and how they are going to deal with the fact Ava needs to not be permanently entrapped in Drevan’s stomach in order to not go crazy from/die of that thing that gets you on airplanes if you don’t walk down the aisle a little on long flights.

They also probably wanna try and contact Ava’s friends and family. I imagine Drevan probably stealthily warded and marked everyone he could get his hands on. But against some of the things that are closer to his level or too stupid to care they could be already dead/in major trouble.

Given this is fetish art I do kinda wonder if maybe I should just avoid writing or kill offscreen families with kids, to avoid vore happening around them. The storyteller in me says children are a good source of conflict in apocalypse based fiction. But the fetishist in me worries about the proximity. I wouldn’t have this problem if it were just erotica though. So I guess that might be an indication I’m just biased against my sexual fetish in a way I’m not biased against actual sex. Which is paradoxical when you realize how biased I actually am against actual sex in other contexts.

Note I mean adults having sex in a story in which children occasionally exist or are mentioned rather than the other way my vague way of speaking might be interpreted. 

Long story short if I do end up including child characters I’d prefer if I can keep them away from the vore but not the danger or drama. Which is difficult given it’s already been established that demons like to eat people. Though to be honest it helps that not every instance of consumption or death is sexual to me. So I can and probably will default to horror played completely straight in such instances. Although that could be an audience alienating premise in and of itself. People don’t always want reality (is horror really reality? or is it the worst outcome given life?) to interfere with romanticism.

Blah, This is why I tend to stick to oneshots and short stories. That way I don’t have to do any extra world building or try to ground the story in reality. But safe vore naturally lends itself to the idea of a continuing story so I’m tempted to actually bring in other characters and see where the story goes. Given the premise of Ava and Drevan is that they are engaged I imagine they are probably going to try and meet up with Ava’s friends and family and then the finale is probably going to be a wedding in a new very warded demon protected, safe area.

These are just ideas though, I might just end up finishing my draft that’s linked to their dialogue exchange and call it a day. But yeah I’d want Ava’s friends and family to have some kids among them for realism and also I kinda want a flower girl for that hypothetical wedding finale. You know this would be so much more clear cut if it wasn’t safe vore but reformation. Ain’t nobody gonna allow their child to so much as witness that shit. Like actual sex it’s very clear cut where the line is.

But since it’s safe vore which means at least ostensibly it’s “clean” it becomes more difficult because (and I might get into trouble for saying this): safe vore is still dirty and raunchy. It’s just dirty and raunchy in a plausibly deniable way.

Which for me is annoying for world building because from an in universe perspective it’s clean but from the outside it’s most certainly NOT. Which makes my inner storyteller want to cry in a corner because how the fuck do I address the existence of child characters in a universe where safe vore can be used to protect people but then make it look natural that children something people naturally seek to protect are not involved? The obvious solution is to Thanos snap all children, but in a story where the main characters are trying to recover their loved ones during an apocalypse that comes with it’s own dark and inevitable implications. Plus weddings need flower girls. Maybe I can hang a lampshade on it? Like yes kids never get eaten even though there’s an apocalypse going on wow that’s so weird hey look over there is that a butterfly?

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Okay so new day new topic right? No, you know what? I’m not done being unreasonably nervous about Tumblr yet! Because you know what I just noticed? The Tumblr feed is an offcentre void deliberately designed to make you feel simultaneously completely alone and yet also as though unseen eyes are watching you.

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You know another thing that doesn’t go well with fetish art? Serious themes. Now mind you, I’ve seen fetish art with serious themes. Heck I’ve seen fetish art where the serious themes are essentially the fetish and still manage to be done well. But just cause it can be done doesn’t mean it’s not fucking hard to pull off.

You know I just realized it’s pride month. Should I dust off some of my F/F vore drafts and expose to the world how utterly cringe I am at writing lesbians? You know what? This is a rhetorical question, you’re getting lesbians. 

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