Voretalk - Tumblr Posts
I warned there would be vore shitposting and here it is: I like when the preds motivation for vore is a twisted sense of affection. Especially in fatal vore. The idea that the prey literally can’t understand why the pred has eaten them because the preds not making any sense. They have nothing but good if deranged things to say about the prey in some weird hybrid of fearplay and praisekink. The prey can’t understand why the pred has turned on them the fact they’ve been eaten is at dissonant odds with the affectionate tone in the preds voice. Especially like this scenario with preds that are inhuman like gods,demons or fae. Something that might be able to do an alright job of pretending to be human but truly isn’t. The prey might have gotten too comfortable with the pred, forgetting old stories about how even those that like you are dangerous. The pred takes advantage of that to devour the prey. Not even in a malicious way the pred in this scenario is totally sincere about their affection but if anything doesn’t that just make it scarier?
Me: *looking at my steamy vore journal entries*
This Blog: *Specifically exists to vent those things to the world*
Me: Nah too steamy *doesn’t transcribe them*
When a pred whose been waiting to get a specific prey breathes out “Finally” in a voice that has so much tenderness it’s hard to reconcile the fact the pred intends to devour the being they have pinned beneath them.
Vore where it’s like a destined thing, like how in some fairy tale settings the tales themselves are cyclical and play out again and again. Especially if the pred and prey fight it but end up succumbing. But could also be a case of being drawn to the pull of the “story” despite the fact the modern fairy tale world tries to avoid it.
You know I just realized it’s pride month. Should I dust off some of my F/F vore drafts and expose to the world how utterly cringe I am at writing lesbians? You know what? This is a rhetorical question, you’re getting lesbians.
Okay you’ve heard of planet vore...but what about protective planet vore? Like the godlike being eating the planet is actually trying to shelter it from an unfeeling universe full of other planet eaters and similar threats?