it/they | likes robots | AuDHD | currently listening to Murderbot Diaries audiobooks on repeat
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Sporadicartcomputer - Riko - Tumblr Blog
Messaging people for the first time is so hard. What am I supposed to say? Like, "You seem really odd and your blog intrigues me. Do you want to have philosophical conversations or perhaps talk about fictional characters?" What! Whatever. I will just follow you back and stare at your blog with my big beautiful brown eyes.

trans rights?

trans rights are human rights and I'll keep fighting for that truth

Me when the self-insert oc gets complemented. The oc based on me. The-
Anyway, Sydney doesn't actually blush, so it's not hiding that, it just doesn't want to be seen™ at the moment.

I'll be honest, I'm shy about posting OC stuff on here. Like, is this okay? I can just do this?

I'll be honest, I'm shy about posting OC stuff on here. I just like this bot too much too keep it hidden

SecUnit and Mensah's reunion, the whole scene was utterly delightful. Just look at this. “That she understood this much made me melt. I hate that this happens, it makes me feel vulnerable… I hadn't been afraid that she wasn't my friend, I had been afraid that she was, and what it did to me.” Exit Strategy, p 115.
(Some semi-relevant rambling under the cut)
I'm sure there's a lot of commentary to be made about this part of the book and Murderbot's emotional development there, but let's just say I'm not the person to do that. It's a bit too personal for me because of how much I relate to Murderbot. Still, I felt the need to acknowledge how good and well-written this specific thing is. Sometimes I see, on my feed, people making analysis and notes of this emotional side of the books and the relationships in it etc. and I eat it up every time. It's great that there are people who can talk in detail about these things that are only just passing thoughts for me, if that makes any sense
My only addition here would be that I think Mensah's character is great. If I'd been in SecUnit's position, she'd be my favourite human as well, and I'd totally get blood on my hands for her ha… I feel similarly about a few other characters in the series, but I'm sure I'll devote posts more particularly for and about them some other time

uh hi. i wanted to illustrate one of the introductary scenes for SecUnit's character, since that would go along well with this being kind of my first post here. i... think that makes some sense. i promise more Murderbot diaries fanart after this (calling it content feels icky)). (did I start overusing brackets becouse of these books? possibly).
and i hope i captured SecUnit freaking out while trying to keep its composure at the same time well. as weird as it sounds, i like seeing depictions of it being nervous, becouse this side of it is what got me to relate to it so much in the first place (besides the heavily implied neurodivergence. though i guess the two go hand in hand). examples: in the second panel of the second page i tried showing how Gurathin's words affected it by making the speech bubbles visually "choke" (?) it, though it kept its face straight. oh, and i made it look much shorter than it actually is to mirror the way it is feeling!! figuring out details like that was pretty fun
(i'm sorry for any inconsistencies and the messy colouring and linework, i have ADHD and i get incredibly bored when i spend time trying to make everything "perfect" and looking the same in each panel... )
hi im relistening to artificial condition and just realized that at no point do murderbot or ART make proper introductions and it's making me giggle. ART pretends to be a normal bot pilot to lull mb into a false sense of security, waits until murderbot is effectively trapped and unable to escape, and then proceeds to threaten it and scare the shit out of it by way of greeting. and murderbot, understandably, does not then proceed to ask what to call it or anything, it's just like. this guy fucking sucks. i'm gonna call it "fucking sucks".
like okay we don't know exactly how much access ART has to murderbot's... data? thought data? we know it derives something from how murderbot interacts with the feed (access to interpretable emotion), we know it just sort of barges in wherever it wants, we know from system collapse that "no, ART can't read my mind, it just knows me really well", so like. it probably doesn't have context for the origin of this new nickname, which murderbot presumably begins calling it with no explanation.
but ART's smart so like it definitely knows what ART stands for, given (gestures at murderbot's entire disposition), and this is just so funny to me. ART refers to murderbot by some complicated string of letters and numbers that any other bot would use, and murderbot refers to ART as "you jackass" and ART's probably just soooo pleased that its newest bestie4lyfe gave it a nickname it's all so unbelievably funny
murderbot is peak queer rep because it’s about living as an inherently transgressive form of being, it’s about the complexity of passing, or the complexity of hiding, or the nuance of never fitting binaries and not wanting to even when fitting those binaries is seen as “better”, and it’s about making people uncomfortable just by existing, it’s about measuring forms of freedom and having to decide which you’ll save and which you’ll sacrifice. but most importantly it’s peak queer rep because murderbot is free for like five minutes and it immediately attracts the nearest supposedly-rare transgressive-illegal-superbot (ART) in a hundred light year radius to be its best friend, and what’s that if not your classic Queer On Queer Magnetism
utilising the gift of imagination to hallucinate moments of tenderness between fictional people
ART and Murderbot have the most insane interpersonal progression. From "Don't you dare lay a hand on my systems" to "Can I perform surgery on you" to "Let's be work buddies" to "Hey sorry I kidnapped you I kinda needed you lol" to "Let's make a bot child that's a self-detonating code bomb" to "Ah shit, our child died. Do you wanna move in together?"
The Murderbot Diaries are so good because they ask big questions like "what if a machine wanted autonomy but didn't want to be treated like a human" and "what if your co-workers kept trying to talk to you about your feelings".
Thinking about how in Artificial Condition, ART keeps reassuring Murderbot that all traces of it have been erased. Being so careful to doctor its logs and erase any trace of Murserbot’s presence. ART even uses its need to hide their activities to bond with Murderbot: “I have a secret too.”
And then later we find out that ART excitedly told its crew all about Murderbot and even showed them its picture. “Look at this Secunit it’s my best friend 🥰🥰🥰”
So basically ART is such a huge liar and so desperately wants to be Murderbot’s best friend.
Murderbot in All Systems Red voice: yeah being wounded in front of humans is just awkward, obviously they don't want to see that

Five books later:

bless your heart, you little idiot, half your humans are biologists, OF COURSE they want to see that. biologists love organic things that go plop.

made using the inspect element.
we need less reassuring people by saying "dont worry, thats not weird!" and more "who cares if its weird or not? its not hurting anyone"
do it weird style. freak it up

you can shake him. he enjoys it
its- its the daisies thing. daisies *sobs*
[in the ship's core, pulling out HAL 9000's component elements one at a time]
dave: he loves me
hal: dave i need those
dave: he loves me not
hal: dave
dave: he loves me
hal: dave you are literally killing me this is my brain
dave: he loves me not
hal: dave

Am I right or no

First time posting here, hi!! i offer you an OC i made for myself in the Murder Drones universe. *gasp* it's K :]
Funfact: it's wings have a metal frame just like the other md's but i added feathers becouse of my special intrest - birds.