All Systems Red - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I love this so much. It gets across so much of the vibe so perfectly.

I’d love to see other covers reimagined by @milkymolle

Yes Btw I Am Catching Up On Murderbot. Drew A Poster For Da First Book For Fun :^)

yes btw i am catching up on murderbot. drew a poster for da first book for fun :^)

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10 months ago


All Systems Red intro - comic adaptation

ENG/CZ (CZ under cut)

A comic adaptation I did for a school assignment.

Originally made for the Czech translation of the book, so I had to change the original English text a little to fit the finished comic.




Original book All Systems Red by the author Martha Wells, I claim no right to the original work. This is only a fan adaptation.

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2 years ago
ID: a fancomic of the scene in All Systems Red where Mensah comes to see Murderbot in its cubicle. The whole comic is coloured in blue-green tones. Murderbot has very short black hair, olive skin, and a grey blanket wrapped around its shoulders. Mensah has very short light brown hair, dark brown skin, and is wearing a grey PresAux tracksuit and a silver feed interface. Panel 1: a close up of Murderbot’s eyes, looking at its media collection and running background analysis on glowing blue feed screens. Panel 2: sound effect text in the top left corner says, ‘KNOCK.’ Murderbot looks up, startled, as the feed screens fizzle away. Panel 3: a side view of Murderbot looking warily at the cubicle door; the speech bubble says, ‘…’ Panel 4: the same view; Murderbot says, ‘Uh, yes?’ Panel 5: Mensah peers in through the open cubicle door and asks, ‘Are you all right? I saw your status report.’ End ID.
ID: Panel 6: Murderbot, its head angled back slightly, an awkward expression on its face, says, ‘Uh. Fine.’ The background is dark. Panel 7: a low angle, back view of Mensah standing in front of the cubicle, saying, ‘Fine? The report said you lost 20 percent of your body mass.’ In the foreground are shelves and a pile of bloody armour. Panel 8: Murderbot, looking to the side with its brow furrowed, replies, ‘It’ll grow back.’ Panel 9: a side view of Mensah; her expression is concerned as says, ‘I know, but still.’ End ID.
ID: Panel 10: a high angle view of Mensah looking at Murderbot in its cubicle, which is drawn as white wireframe. Murderbot looks uncomfortable; the speech bubble says, ‘…’ Panel 11: the top half of Murderbot’s face, looking anxious as it pulls up a feed screen showing a view of Gurathin, Arada, Pin-Lee and Ratthi sitting at a table in the mess, looking at feed screens. The speech bubble, its tail looking frayed, says, ‘…’ Panel 12: Mensah, drawn as if from Murderbot’s point of view in the gap of the open cubicle door, smiles and says, ‘You were very good with Dr. Volescu. I don’t think the others realized… They were very impressed.’ To her right is the feed screen showing the mess, now showing Ratthi and Pin-Lee facing a single feed screen as Gurathin says something in the background. End ID.
ID: Panel 13: Pin-Lee turns to Ratthi; the speech bubble says, ‘That really is the SecUnit…’ Panel 14: Murderbot clutches the blanket closer around itself; the view cuts off the top half of its face. It says, ‘It’s part of the emergency med instructions, calming victims.’ Panel 15: a close-up side view of Mensah, her eyebrows raised, as she says, ‘Yes, but the MedSystem was prioritizing Bharadwaj and didn't check Volescu's vital signs. It didn't take into account the shock of the event, and it expected him to be able to leave the scene on his own.’ Panel 16: a close-up back view of Ratthi; the speech bubble says, ‘I didn’t even know it had a face.’ Panel 17: Murderbot, in the dark cubicle with the blanket clenched in its hands, expression even more anxious, says, ‘It’s part of my job, not to listen to the System feeds when they… make mistakes.’ End ID.
ID: Panel 18: Mensah looking in at Murderbot from outside the cubicle. Her expression is pensive; the speech bubble says, ‘…’ Panel 19: A high angle top view of the security ready room. Mensah turns away, closing the cubicle door, and says, ‘All right. I’ll see you in eight hours. If you need anything before then, please send me an alert on the feed.’ In front of her is the pile of bloodstained armour and a trail of fluid leading to the cubicle. Panel 20: a high angle view of the bottom half of Murderbot’s face, a sliver of light across it as the cubicle door closes. End ID.

So, I’m awkward with actual humans. It’s not paranoia about my hacked governor module, and it’s not them; it’s me. I know I’m a horrifying murderbot, and they know it, and it makes both of us nervous, which makes me even more nervous. Also, if I’m not in the armor then it’s because I’m wounded and one of my organic parts may fall off and plop on the floor at any moment and no one wants to see that.

one last fancomic to finish off the year, from asr this time!!

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2 years ago

Book one of The Murderbot Diaries, All Systems Red, is a survival mystery as a small team of scientists are faced with an unknown threat while trapped on an isolated, hostile planet, with no hope but to trust their second hand, possibly murderous, robot security.

Artificial Condition, book two of The Murderbot Diaries, is about two robots in a trench coat pretending to be human for a job interview.

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1 year ago
a digital painting of Secunit from The Murderbot Diaries, specifically All Systems Red. It stands in a field of tall grass in full armor with the logo of The Company on its chest and shoulders. Its mask is opaqued as it looks toward the viewer, with trees and a starry sky behind it.

i spent today drawing the cover of All Systems Red in my own style!

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6 months ago
Uh Hi. I Wanted To Illustrate One Of The Introductary Scenes For SecUnit's Character, Since That Would
Uh Hi. I Wanted To Illustrate One Of The Introductary Scenes For SecUnit's Character, Since That Would
Uh Hi. I Wanted To Illustrate One Of The Introductary Scenes For SecUnit's Character, Since That Would

uh hi. i wanted to illustrate one of the introductary scenes for SecUnit's character, since that would go along well with this being kind of my first post here. i... think that makes some sense. i promise more Murderbot diaries fanart after this (calling it content feels icky)). (did I start overusing brackets becouse of these books? possibly).

and i hope i captured SecUnit freaking out while trying to keep its composure at the same time well. as weird as it sounds, i like seeing depictions of it being nervous, becouse this side of it is what got me to relate to it so much in the first place (besides the heavily implied neurodivergence. though i guess the two go hand in hand). examples: in the second panel of the second page i tried showing how Gurathin's words affected it by making the speech bubbles visually "choke" (?) it, though it kept its face straight. oh, and i made it look much shorter than it actually is to mirror the way it is feeling!! figuring out details like that was pretty fun

(i'm sorry for any inconsistencies and the messy colouring and linework, i have ADHD and i get incredibly bored when i spend time trying to make everything "perfect" and looking the same in each panel... )

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